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Growth of black porgy,Sparus macrocephalus, was studied experimentally at four ration levels from starvation to satiation and four temperatures ranging from 14.8 to 26.8°C. At maximum rations, the specific growth rate (SGR) increased with temperature and was a negative linear function of body weight. The relationship between SGR and ration levels was a decelerating curve. Stepwise regression was used to develop the predictive models for the specific growth rates. Maintenance rations and optimum rations both increased with increased temperature. The relationship between maintenance, optimum rations and body weight was influenced by temperature. Conversion efficiencies increased with ration from zero at maintenance ration to a peak at the optimum ration, then declined with further increased ration. Contribution No. 3127 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 39370542 supported by NSFC and study also supported by National Key Laboratory in the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Polychaete Neanthesjaponica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Threedifferent groups in body weight (large: 2.34±0.36 g, middle: 1.50±0.21 g and small: 0.62±0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24℃ decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18℃ to 30℃, the oxygen consumption increased before 27℃ and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes.  相似文献   

In this study, two common pollutants (benzo[a]pyrene and methamidophos) in marine environment were tested by comet assay for their inducement of in vivo genotoxic effect to the blood cells of black porgy ( Acanthopagrus schlegeli). The fish was exposed to 2 μg/L of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and methamidophos, and their mixture. The assay was performed on whole blood at 2 h, 5 h, 24 h and 96 h exposure intervals. A significant increase in DNA damage was observed in each treatment with the pollutants. Additive effect of BaP and methamidophos was also found in the experiment. However, the decrease ratios of DNA damage for 5 h and 96 h exposure interals compared with 2 h and 24 h exposure ones, respectively, were noticed. This phenomenon may be explained by the function of repairing process via enzyme cytochrome P450 in the animal. Evidence of the genotoxicity of organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on marine fish are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Chironomid larvae are main groups in most aquatic ecosystems, playing a crucial ecological role in decomposition of detritus and material ex- changes between water column and the sediment (Liang et al., 1995a, b; Chen, et al., 1982). They a…  相似文献   

The effects of body weight and temperature on the carbon budget of the juvenile bastard halibut ,Paralichthys olivaceus ,were studied at temperature 13.5,18,21.5 and 24℃,respectively.The carbon intake,faecal and growth carbon were measured ,and the carbon respiration was calculated using the carbon budget equation (Cc=Gc Fc Rc),The combined relationship between different components of the carbon budgent,body weight and temperature could be described by regression equations:Cc=1.0206 W^0.8126E^0.1483T;Gc=0.0042w^1.4096(-5.11 T^3 285.90T^2-5173.72T 30314.03);Fc=0.0485W^0.7711e^0.1624T;Uc=1.4333W^0.6715e^0.1487t,Body weight had no significant effect on the carbon absorption efficiency and the conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

Polychaete Neanthes japonica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Three different groups in body weight (large: 2.34±0.36 g, middle: 1.50±0.21 g and small: 0.62±0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24°C decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18°C to 30°C, the oxygen consumption increased before 27°C and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30490233) and the Three-Gorge Project and the Estuarine Environment (No. SX2004-018) from the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee  相似文献   

ChntnbutionNo.3127fromtheInstituteofOceanology,ChinereAcademyofSciences.Project39370542supportedbyNSFCandstudyalsosupportedbyNationalKeyLaboratoryintheInstituteofHydrobiology.ChineseAcademyofSciences.lNTRODUCTIONltisknownthatgroWthrateoffishcanvary'inresponsetotemperatureandfoodavailability-andperhapslessobviously,tolight,oxygenandothervariables.ThispropertyofvariablegroWthinfishcanbereferredtoasplasticity(Weatheriey,l990).TheeffeCtSofenvironmenta1thCtorsongroWthcanbepredictalfor…  相似文献   

Maximum rate of food consumption ( Cmax ) was determined for juvenile Sebastodes fuscescens (Houttuyn) at water temperature of 10, 15, 20 and 25℃. The relationships of Cmax to the body weight (W) at each temperature were described by a power equation: lnCmax = a b lnW. Covariance analysis revealed significant interaction of the temperature and body weight. The relationship of adjusted Cmax to water temperature (T) was described by a quadratic equation: Cmax = -0.369 0.456T - 0.0117T^2. The optimal feeding temperature calculated from this equation was 19.5 ℃. The coefficients of the multiple regression estimation relating Cmax to body weight (W) and water temperature (T) were given in the Table 2.  相似文献   

The relationship between microsatellite polymorphism and body weight of captive bred Chinese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus was investigated in two local populations in Dalian.Among ten loci discovered, nine show changes except for A J07 loci. Seven loci were found highly polymorphic in both populations. For each locus in two populations, the average number of alleles is 6.428 6 and 6.285 7, the average observed heterozygosity at 0.225 7 and 0.245 9, the expected heterozygosity at 0.776 8 and 0.748 8, the polymorphism information content (PIC) at 0.709 2 and 0.674 6, respectively. Further analysis show significant correlation between A. japonicus body weight and occurrence markers AJ02 and AJ04. The findings of the relation may be helpful for molecular breeding,as well as the marker-assisted selection of sea cucumbers.  相似文献   

The protease activity in digestive tract of young turbot Scophthalmus maximum was studied, and the optimal pH, temperature and NaCl concentration were determined for different portions of the fish's internal organs. The optimal activity in the fish's stomach was at pH of 2.2, while that in the intestinal extracts was within the alkaline range from 9.5 to 10.0. In hepatopancreas, the optimal pH was in low alkalinity at 8.5. The optimal reaction temperature was above 40℃ in stomach, intestine and hepatopancreas. With increasing temperature, the pH value increased in stomach, while in the intestine, an opposite tendency was observed due to combined effect of pH and temperature. NaCl concentration showed inhibitory impact on protein digestion in hepatopancreas. The main protease for protein digestion in turbot seemed to be pepsin. Moreover, the maximum protease activity in different segments of intestine existed in the hindgut.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Digestive enzyme activity is one of important issues for learning digestive physiology of fish, and widely applied in commercial fish culture. So far, the data obtained in fish showed that the diges- tive enzymes were qualitatively similar …  相似文献   

利用实验生态学的方法研究不同温度(15、20、25、30和35℃)、盐度(0、5、10、15和20)、pH(5、6、7、8和9)和体质量(1.93±0.08、3.43±0.12、7.95±0.34、11.74±0.41和15.84±0.61 g)对尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼窒息点的影响,并建立温度、盐度、pH、体质量与罗非鱼窒息点间的回归方程。结果表明:温度t、盐度S、pH和体质量m对尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼窒息点有显著影响(P<0.05)。当温度、盐度、pH和体质量分别为25.28℃、3.6、8.06、6.3 g时,窒息点(DAP)最低,回归方程为DAP=0.000 9 t 2-0.045 5 t+0.726 6(R2=0.952 1),DAP=-0.000 1 S 3+0.004 2 S 2-0.023 9 S+0.111 9(R2=0.922 8),DAP=0.009 3 pH2-0.149 9 pH+0.7174(R2=0.976 8);DAP=-0.000 3 m3+0.011 1 m2-0.104 3 m+0.362 8(R2=0.948 4)。在溶氧不足情况下,温度25.28℃、盐度3.6、pH 8.06的环境条件有助于提高幼鱼耐低氧能力。  相似文献   

The impacts of no-tillage (NT) and moldboard plough (MP) managements on infiltration rate and preferential flow were characterized using a combined technique of double-ring device and dye tracer on a black soil (Mollisols) in Northeast China. The objective of this study is to evaluate how tillage practices enhance soil water infiltration and preferential flow in favor of soil erosion control in the study area. The steady infiltration rates under NT management are 1.6 and 2.1 times as high as those under MP management in the 6th and 8th years of the tillage management in place, while the infiltrated water amounts under NT management are 1.4 and 2.0 times as high as those under MP management, respectively. The depth of methylene blue penetrated into NT soil increases from 43 cm in the 6th year to 57 cm in the 8th year, which are 16 cm and 19 cm deeper than those in MP soil, respectively. The results of morphologic image show that more biological macro-pores occur in NT soil than in MP soil. These macro-pores play a key role in enhancing preferential flow in NT soil, which in turn promotes water infiltration through preferential pathways in NT soil. The results are helpful to policy-making in popularizing NT and have the implications for tillage management in regard to soil erosion control in black soil region of China.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheJapaneseseabass (LateolabraxjaponicusC&V)distributeswidelyinthecoastalwatersalongtheBohaiSea ,YellowSea ,EastChinaSea,andSouthChinaSea .Asacarnivorousfish ,itoccupiesthehightrophiclevelinthemarineecosystemandhasadaptedtovariousenvironmentalr…  相似文献   

采用实验生态学方法,比较了温度和体质量对光裸星虫排氨率和耗氧率的影响,按光裸星虫湿体质量设立了大规格(L组)、中规格(M组)和小规格(S组)3组,设立10℃、15℃、20℃、25℃和30℃共5个温度梯度。结果表明:(1)在15℃~25℃,3种规格的星虫的耗氧率都随温度的升高而增加,当温度升至30℃时,S组的耗氧率继续随温度的升高而增加,而L组和M组的耗氧率则出现下降的趋势。在相同温度条件下(10℃除外),3种规格的星虫耗氧率比较为:S组>L组>M组,在10℃条件下各组间的耗氧率无显著性差异(p>0.05),在温度15℃~30℃各组间的耗氧率存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。(2)在温度10℃~30℃,三种规格的星虫的排氨率都随着温度的升高而增加。在相同的温度条件下,3种规格的星虫排氨率比较为:S组>L组>M组,在10℃条件下,各组间的排氨率无显著性差异(p>0.05),在15℃~30℃时,各组间的排氨率存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。(3)方差分析结果表明,温度,体质量以及相互作用均对耗氧率和排氨率存在显著性影响(p<0.05)。  相似文献   

采用室内实验生态学方法对马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率进行了研究。结果表明:在温度13~33℃范围内,马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率均与体重呈负相关,可用Y=aW表示;在13~28℃温度范围内,马氏珠母贝-b的耗氧率随温度的升高而增加,28℃时,耗氧率达最大值,温度升高至33℃时,耗氧率反而下降,而排氨率在此温度范围内则呈持续升高趋势;在13~28℃温度范围内,马氏珠母贝呼吸和排泄Q10值分别为1.51~2.71和1.03~2.73,且在该温度范围内,马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率的比值范围为7.29~13.14。方差分析表明,体重、温度及二者的交互作用对马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率均有极显著影响(P<0.01)。马氏珠母贝的日常代谢高于标准代谢,耗氧率和排氨率平均值分别提高40.8%和59.1%。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTherateoffoodconsumptionoffishfedadlibitumisregardedasthemaximumrateoffoodconsumption(Cmax) (Woottonetal.,1 980 ) .SeveralfactorsthatinfluenceCmaxincludingbodyweight (Liuetal.,1 998) ,watertemperature (Liuetal.,1 998) ,dis solvedoxygen (Vivekanandan ,1 977) ,salinity (ZanuyandCarrillo ,1 985 ) ,andphotoperiod (Grossetal.,1 965 ) ,werereported .Bodysizeandwatertemperaturewereregardedastwoofthemostimportantfactors,andhadreceivedmostattention (Elliott,1 979;Woottonetal.,1 …  相似文献   

We report the genetic linkage map of Jian carp(C yprinus carpio var. Jian). An F1 population comprising 94 Jian carp individuals was mapped using 254 microsatellite markers. The genetic map spanned 1 381.592 c M and comprised 44 linkage groups,with an average marker distance of 6.58 c M. We identified eight quantitative trait loci(QTLs) for body weight(BW) in seven linkage groups,explaining 12.6% to 17.3% of the phenotypic variance. Comparative mapping was performed between Jian carp and mirror carp( Cyprinus carpio L.),which both have 50 chromosomes. One hundred and ninety-eight Jian carp marker loci were found in common with the mirror carp map,with 186(93.94%) showing synteny. All 44 Jian carp linkage groups could be one-to-one aligned to the 44 mirror carp linkage groups,mostly sharing two or more common loci. Three QTLs for BW in Jian carp were conserved in mirror carp. QTL comparison suggested that the QTL confidence interval in mirror carp was more precise than the homologous interval in Jian carp,which was contained within the QTL interval in Jian carp. The syntenic relationship and consensus QTLs between the two varieties provide a foundation for genomic research and genetic breeding in common carp.  相似文献   

The effects of body weight and temperature on the carbon budget of the juvenile bastard halibut, Paralichthys olivaceus , were studied at temperature 13.5, 18, 21.5 and 24 ℃, respectively. The carbon intake, faecal and growth carbon were measured, and the carbon respiration was calculated using the carbon budget equation(CC=GC+FC+RC). The combined relationship between different components of the carbon budget, body weight and temperature could be described by regression equations: CC =1.0206 W 0.8126 e 0.1483 T; G=0.0042 W 1.4096 (-5.11 T 3+285.90 T2-5173.72 T +30314.03); FC =0.0485 W0.7711e 0.1624 T ; UC = 1.4333 W 0.6715e 0.1487 T. Body weight had no significant ffect on the carbon absorption efficiency and the conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAtpresentgiantfreshwaterprawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii) ,Chineseshrimp (Penaeuschinensis)andgianttigerprawn (P .monodon)arethemainshrimpsforcultureinChina.Asweknow ,feedstuffcostisamajorexpenseiteminculturepractice.Overfeedingwillnotonlywastefee…  相似文献   

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