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Models of atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic sector during glacial inception can be expanded to a hemispheric scale with the aid of diagnostic studies of the present climate. The present “Greenland Above” (GA) atmospheric circulation type may be a candidate for the atmospheric circulation type required during glacial inception. The pattern is an amplification, with only minor phase shifts, of the present average winter circulation pattern in the extratropical Northern Hemisphere. Southerly flow in the northwest Atlantic is associated with warm ocean temperatures, low sea ice in the Davis Strait, and increased precipitation over northeast Canada. Evidence from modeling of the present climate indicates that the GA pattern could be maintained by increased snow cover over eastern North America. Enhanced snow cover, due to decreased Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, could cause a similar response on an ice-age time scale.  相似文献   

Tsunamis have occurred in Canada due to earthquakes, landslides, and a large chemical explosion. The Pacific coast is at greatest risk from tsunamis because of the high incidence of earthquakes and landslides in that region. The most destructive historical tsunamis, however, have been in Atlantic Canada – one in 1917 in Halifax Harbour, which was triggered by a catastrophic explosion on a munitions ship, and another in 1929 in Newfoundland, caused by an earthquake-triggered landslide at the edge of the Grand Banks. The tsunami risk along Canada's Arctic coast and along the shores of the Great Lakes is low in comparison to that of the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Public awareness of tsunami hazard and risk in Canada is low because destructive tsunamis are rare events.  相似文献   

This study entails the implementation of an experimental real time forecast capability for tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal basin of North Indian Ocean. This work is being built on the experience gained from a number of recent studies using the concept of superensemble developed at the Florida State University (FSU). Real time hurricane forecasts are one of the major components of superensemble modeling at FSU. The superensemble approach of training followed by real time forecasts produces the best forecasts for tracks and intensity (up to 5 days) of Atlantic hurricanes and Pacific typhoons. Improvements in track forecasts of about 25–35% compared to current operational forecast models has been noted over the Atlantic Ocean basin. The intensity forecasts for hurricanes are only marginally better than the best models. In this paper, we address tropical cyclone forecasts over the Bay of Bengal for the years 1996–2000. The main result from this study is that the position and intensity errors for tropical cyclone forecasts over the Bay of Bengal from the multimodel superensemble are generally less than those of all of the participating models during 1- to 3-day forecasts. Some of the major tropical cyclones, such as the November 1996 Andhra Pradesh cyclone and October 1999 Orissa super cyclone were well handled by this superensemble approach. A conclusion from this study is that the proposed approach may be a viable way to construct improved forecasts of Bay of Bengal tropical cyclone positions and intensity.  相似文献   

This research appraises how residential built environment growth influences coastal exposure and how this component of societal vulnerability contributes to tropical cyclone impact and disaster potential. Historical housing unit data and future demographic projections from a high-resolution, spatial allocation model illustrate that the area within 50 km of the US Atlantic and Gulf Coastlines has the greatest housing unit density of any physiographic region in the USA, with residential development in this region outpacing non-coastal areas. Tropical cyclone exposure for six at-risk metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) along the US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts are assessed. All six MSAs evaluated are distinct in their development character, yet all experienced significant growth from 1940 through the contemporary period; projections from the model under various socioeconomic pathways reveal that this growth is anticipated to continue during the twenty-first century. Using a worst-case scenario framework, the historical and future residential data for the six MSAs are intersected with synthetic hurricane wind swaths generated from contemporary landfalling events. The New York City MSA contains the greatest residential built environment exposure, but Miami is the most rapidly changing MSA and has the greatest potential for hurricane disaster occurrence based on the juxtaposition of climatological risk and exposure. A disaster potential metric illustrates that all six MSAs will experience significant increases in disaster probability during the twenty-first century. This analysis facilitates a detailed spatiotemporal assessment of US coastal region vulnerability, providing decision makers with information that may be used to evaluate the potential for tropical cyclone disasters, mitigate tropical cyclone hazard impacts, and build community resilience for these and other hazards in the face of environmental and societal change.  相似文献   

The interaction between extratropical transition process and the mid-latitude jet system stimulates the downstream development. In this paper, three typhoon cases were selected to study their downstream development mechanism through the analysis of the eddy kinetic energy budget and the idealized simulations. The results of Chen’s work to the Pacific region were examined. The results were consistent with the results of Chen’s Atlantic hurricane Case. ET downstream at the upper levels generated first eddies, and the disturbances triggered the low level eddy development. Then the upper and the lower coupled and formed a deep cyclone system throughout the whole troposphere. The ageostrophic geopotential flux promoted the formation and development of the downstream ridge from the typhoon. Vertical ageostrophic geopotential flux transferred energy from upper downward that convergence happened in lower, which stimulated the lower-level cyclone development. Simulation results showed that, in the process of ET, TC outflow transported low potential vorticity to mid-latitude jet, which enhanced the PV gradient and the baroclinic. Then, it is inspired the Rossby wave in the jet and propagated downstream. The formation of downstream ridge-trough couple and development of the further wave was the spread to the downstream through the Rossby wave.  相似文献   

Research efforts focused on assessing the potential for changes in tropical cyclone activity in the greenhouse-warmed climate have progressed since the IPCC assessment in 1996. Vulnerability to tropical cyclones becoming more pronounced due to the fastest population growth in tropical coastal regions makes it practically important to explore possible changes in tropical cyclone activity due to global warming. This paper investigates the tropical cyclone activity over whole globe and also individually over six different ocean basins. The parameters like storm frequency, storm duration, maximum intensity attained and location of formation of storm have been examined over the past 30-year period from 1977 to 2006. Of all, the north Atlantic Ocean shows a significant increasing trend in storm frequency and storm days, especially for intense cyclones. Lifetime of intense tropical cyclones over south Indian Ocean has been increased. The intense cyclonic activity over north Atlantic, south-west Pacific, north and south Indian Ocean has been increased in recent 15 years as compared to previous 15 years, whereas in the east and west-north Pacific it is decreased, instead weak cyclone activity has been increased there. Examination of maximum intensity shows that cyclones are becoming more and more intense over the south Indian Ocean with the highest rate. The study of the change in the cyclogenesis events in the recent 15 years shows more increase in the north Atlantic. The Arabian Sea experiences increase in the cyclogenesis in general, whereas Bay of Bengal witnesses decrease in these events. Shrinking of cyclogenesis region occurs in the east-north Pacific and south-west Pacific, whereas expansion occurs in west-north Pacific. The change in cyclogenesis events and their spatial distribution in association with the meteorological parameters like sea surface temperature (SST), vertical wind shear has been studied for Indian Ocean. The increase in SST and decrease in wind shear correspond to increase in the cyclogenesis events and vice versa for north Indian Ocean; however, for south Indian Ocean, it is not one to one.  相似文献   

Much progress has been made in the area of tropical cyclone prediction using high-resolution mesoscale models based on community models developed at National Centers for Environmental Predication (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). While most of these model research and development activities are focused on predicting hurricanes in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific domains, there has been much interest in using these models for tropical cyclone prediction in the North Indian Ocean region, particularly for Bay of Bengal storms that are known historically causing severe damage to life and property. In this study, the advanced operational hurricane modeling system developed at NCEP, known as the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast (HWRF) model, is used to simulate two recent Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones??Nargis of November 2007 and Sidr of April 2008. The advanced NCEP operational vortex initialization procedure is adapted for simulating these Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones. Two additional regional models, the NCAR Advanced Research WRF and NCAR/Penn State University Mesoscale Model version 5 (MM5) are also used in simulating these storms. Results from these experiments highlight the superior performance of HWRF model over other models in predicting the Bay of Bengal cyclones. These results also suggest the need for a sophisticated vortex initialization procedure in conjunction with a model designed exclusively for tropical cyclone prediction for operational considerations.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone hazard assessment using model-based track simulation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A method is introduced for assessing the probabilities and intensities of tropical cyclones at landfall and applied to data from the North Atlantic. First, a recently developed model for the basin-wide Monte-Carlo simulation of tropical cyclone tracks is enhanced and transferred to the North Atlantic basin. Subsequently, a large number of synthetic tracks is generated by means of an implementation of this model. This synthetic data is far more comprehensive than the available historical data, while exhibiting the same basic characteristics. It, thus, creates a more sound basis for assessing landfall probabilities than previously available, especially in areas with a low historical landfall frequency.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from two coastal lakes located on the island of Kamikoshiki in southwestern Japan (Lake Namakoike and Lake Kaiike) provide evidence for the response of a backbarrier beach system to episodic coastal inundation over the last 6400 years. Sub-bottom seismic surveys exhibit acoustically laminated, parallel to subparallel seismic reflectors, intermittently truncated by erosional unconformities. Sediment cores collected from targeted depocenters in both lakes contain finely laminated organic mud interbedded with coarse-grained units, with depths of coarse deposits concurrent with prominent seismic reflectors. The timing of the youngest deposit at Kamikoshiki correlates to the most recently documented breach in the barrier during a typhoon in 1951 AD. Assuming that this modern deposit provides an analog for identifying past events, paleo-typhoons may be reconstructed from layers exhibiting an increase in grain-size, a break in fine-scale stratigraphy, and elevated Sr concentrations.Periods of barrier breaching are concurrent with an increase in El Niño frequency, indicating that the El Niño/Southern Oscillation has potentially played a key role in governing typhoon variability during the mid-to-late Holocene. An inverse correlation is observed between tropical cyclone reconstructions from the western North Atlantic and the Kamikoshiki site, which may indicate an oscillating pattern in tropical cyclone activity between the western Northern Atlantic and the western North Pacific, or at least between the western Northern Atlantic and regions encompassing southern Japan. The two kamikaze typhoons which contributed to the failed Mongol invasions of Japan in 1274 AD and 1281 AD occur during a period with more frequent marine-sourced deposition at the site, suggesting that the events took place during a period of greater regional typhoon activity.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of near-coastal eastern North Pacific tropical cyclones is described using a data set of cyclone tracks constructed from U.S. and Mexican oceanic and atmospheric reports for the period 1951-2006. Near-coastal cyclone counts are enumerated monthly, allowing us to distinguish interannual variability during different phases of the May-November tropical cyclone season. In these data more tropical cyclones affect the Pacific coast in May-July, the early months of the tropical cyclone season, during La Niña years, when equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures are anomalously cool, than during El Niño years. The difference in early season cyclone counts between La Niña and El Niño years was particularly pronounced during the mid-twentieth century epoch when cool equatorial temperatures were enhanced as described by an index of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Composite maps from years with high and low near-coastal cyclone counts show that the atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with cool sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific are consistent with preferential steering of tropical cyclones northeastward toward the west coast of Mexico.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotopic stage 5/4 boundary in deep-sea sediments marks a prominent interval of northern hemisphere ice-sheet growth that lasted about 10,000 yr. During much of this rapid ice growth, the North Atlantic Ocean from at least 40°N to 60°N maintained warm sea-surface temperatures, within 1° to 2°C of today's subpolar ocean. This oceanic warmth provided a local source of moisture for ice-sheet accretion on the adjacent continents. The unusually strong thermal gradient off the east coast of North America (an “interglacial” ocean alongside a “glacial” land mass) also should have directed low-pressure storms from warm southern latitudes north-ward toward the Laurentide Ice Sheet. In addition, minimal calving of ice into the North Atlantic occurred during most of the stage 5/4 transition, indicative of ice retention within the continents. Diminished summer and autumn insolation, a warm subpolar ocean, and minimal calving of ice are conducive to rapid and extensive episodes of northern hemisphere ice-sheet growth.  相似文献   

A principal method for studying past hydroclimatic change is the reconstruction of paleo-lake levels. Here, we provide high-resolution lake-level records from New Long Pond and Rocky Pond in southeastern Massachusetts, which each contain evidence for multiple, sub-centennial-to-millennial scale low stands during the transition between the Late Pleistocene (15.0 ka) and Middle Holocene (ca 7.0 ka). Data from New Long Pond also demonstrate sedimentary evidence for a drop in water levels in the early to mid AD 20th century, when long-term trends in instrumental data show lower-than-average precipitation in the northeastern United States. Local data show the most precipitous declines in precipitation and groundwater levels are concurrent with the most severe drought in the AD 1960s, which occurred during a period of low sea-surface temperatures in the western North Atlantic. Ground penetrating radar and sediment core data indicate five intervals with numerous paleo-shoreline deposits between ca 15.0 and 7.0 ka, similar to the layer deposited in the AD 1960s. Many of the intervals of low lake levels coincide with proposed meltwater release events or abrupt climate oscillations in the circum North Atlantic. For example, we document at least three low stands during the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.6 ka) and in association with the “9.2” and “8.2” ka events. The combined evidence of (1) concurrent paleo-droughts in southeastern New England with documented North Atlantic abrupt cooling events and (2) recent drought with the modern association of low sea-surface temperatures indicates that freshening and cooling of the western North Atlantic is a viable mechanism for decreasing moisture within the region. Large-scale changes in seasonality and ice sheet extent also may have increased the susceptibility of the northeast to dry conditions triggered by changes in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Robust estimates of tropical cyclone risk can be made using large sets of storm events synthesized from historical data or from physics-based algorithms. While storm tracks can be synthesized very rapidly from statistical algorithms or simple dynamical models (such as the beta-and-advection model), estimation of storm intensity by using full-physics models is generally too expensive to be practical. Although purely statistical intensity algorithms are fast, they may not be general enough to encompass the effects of natural or anthropogenic climate change. Here we present a fast, physically motivated intensity algorithm consisting of two coupled ordinary differential equations predicting the evolution of a wind speed and an inner core moisture variable. The algorithm includes the effects of ocean coupling and environmental wind shear but does not explicitly simulate spatial structure, which must be handled parametrically. We evaluate this algorithm by using it to simulate several historical events and by comparing a risk analysis based on it to an existing method for assessing long-term tropical cyclone risk. For simulations based on the recent climate, the two techniques perform comparably well, though the new technique does better with interannual variability in the Atlantic. Compared to the existing method, the new method produces a smaller increase in global tropical cyclone frequency in response to global warming, but a comparable increase in power dissipation.  相似文献   

本文回顾了近年来有关热带内外地区相互作用的研究进展。它主要包括三个方面:(1)热带外扰动对热地区的影响;(2)热带地区大气了研究;(3)热带对热带外地区的影响。本文内容涉及了有关观测资料分析、理论研究以及数值试验三个方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

Tropical cyclones are the most devastating natural calamity forming in the ocean bed and die out in land. The life cycle of a tropical cyclone is mainly classified into four stages: (a) formation or genesis stage, (b) intensification stage, (c) mature stage and (d) decay stage. The intensification and mature stages are also known as tropical storm and cyclone (hurricane) stage, respectively. To develop the model of tropical cyclone we have taken the momentum conservation equation, equation of continuity and equation of hydrostatic balance in cylindrical coordinate system. Also the equation of state and the equation relating the velocity component and stream function are taken into account. We have assumed a suitable analytic form of the radial component of velocity as a function of radial distance (r) from the axis of the cyclone and vertical distance (z) from the sea bed. So in our model we have taken a cyclone as a rotating cylinder. With the use of the expression of the radial component velocity we have solved the governing nonlinear equation in the cylindrical coordinate system of a cyclone using ‘Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation’ and estimated the transverse velocity on the sea bed and in the vicinity of the eye wall of the cyclone. From the results we also get a path to generalize the tropical cyclone model as a vortex which is a generating curve of a cyclone. We also determine the vertical component of velocity of the cyclone. In this work we define a new parameter called the cyclone stability parameter (CSP). The CSP helps to determine the stability of a tropical cyclone from its genesis.  相似文献   

This article considers the Navajo Green Jobs effort of 2009, an attempt to “transition” energy production from coal to wind and solar for the largest tribe in the United States, the Navajo Nation. Through ethnographic “revisits,” in 2008 and 2013, I argue that Navajo Green Jobs contained two problematic hybrid neoliberal assumptions about governance and development: (1) it decentered governing authority from the tribe to “the community” while undermining the legitimacy of the tribal government, and (2) it promoted private entrepreneurship over public investment as the vehicle for energy transition. Ultimately, the Navajo Nation rejected Navajo Green Jobs and re-appropriated its temporal language in order to justify a reinvestment in coal in the form of a new energy company, NTEC. This article concludes that consideration of the spatial and social embedded nature of energy production is vital for understanding energy transitions today.  相似文献   

The catastrophic storm surge of tropical cyclone Nargis in May 2008 demonstrated Myanmar's exposure to coastal flooding. The investigation of sediments left by tropical cyclone Nargis and its predecessors is an important contribution to prepare for the impact of future tropical cyclones and tsunamis in the region, because they may extend the database for long-term hazard assessment beyond the relatively short instrumental and historical record. This study, for the first time, presents deposits of modern and historical tropical cyclones and tsunamis from the coast of Myanmar. The aim is to establish regional sedimentary characteristics that may help to identify and discriminate cyclones and tsunamis in the geological record, and to document post-depositional changes due to tropical weathering in the first years after deposition. These findings if used to interpret older deposits will extend the existing instrumental record of flooding events in Myanmar. Evaluating deposits that can be related to specific events, such as the 2006 tropical cyclone Mala and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, indicates similar sedimentary characteristics for both types of sediments. Landward thinning and fining trends, littoral sediment sources and sharp lower contacts allow for the differentiation from underlying deposits, while discrimination between tropical cyclone and tsunami origin is challenging based on the applied methods. The modern analogues also demonstrate a rather low preservation potential of the sand sheets due to carbonate dissolution, formation of organic top soils, and coastal erosion. However, in coastal depressions sand sheets of sufficient thickness (>10 cm) may be preserved where the shoreline is prograding or stable. In the most seaward swale of a beach-ridge plain at the Rakhine coast, two sand sheets have been identified in addition to the deposits of 2006 tropical cyclone Mala. Based on a combination of optically stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon and 137Cs dating, the younger sand layer is related to 1982 tropical cyclone Gwa, while the older sand layer is most probably the result of an event that took place prior to 1950. Comparison with historical records indicates that the archive is only sensitive to tropical cyclones of category 4 (or higher) with landfall directly in or a few tens of kilometres north of the study area. While the presented tropical cyclone records are restricted to the last 100 years, optically stimulated luminescence ages of the beach ridges indicate that the swales landward of the one investigated in this study might provide tropical cyclone information for at least the past 700 years.  相似文献   

A total of 269 tropical storms and hurricanes originated in the North Atlantic basin from 1960–1989. Of these, 76 made landfall on the continental United states. This study divides the 76 tropical storms into their month of formation. Seasonal shifts in the principal areas of tropical cyclone formation over the Atlantic basin have been recognized for many decades. The results of the study suggest that the early and late season tropical cyclones develop in areas which are first affected by the position of the sun, resulting in an increase in water temperatures. These cyclones normally make landfall along the Gulf Coast and usually are of low intensity. Formation areas shift eastward in mid-summer with a slight increase in intensity. By late August and early September, the formation areas have extended to the Cape Verde Islands. These storms tend to strike the east coast of the US and are normally more intense. By the end of the hurricane season, the primary formation area has shifted back to the Gulf of Mexico, with low intensity storms affecting the Gulf Coast.  相似文献   

The continental margins of Atlantic Canada described in this paper show the effects of plate tectonic motions since Precambrian time and thus represent an ideal natural laboratory for geophysical studies and comparisons of ancient and modern margins. The Grenville Province shows vestiges of Helikian sedimentation on a pre-existing continental block beneath which there may have been southeastward late-Helikian subduction resulting in collision between the Grenville block and the continental block comprised of the older shield provinces to the north. The Grenville block was subsequently split in Hadrynian time along an irregular line so that the southeastern edge of the Grenville exhibited a series of promontories and re-entrants similar to those seen at the present Atlantic continental margin of North America. That margin, which had a passive margin history perhaps comparable with that of the present Atlantic margin, was separated by the lapetus ocean from the Avalon zone whose Precambrian volcanism has been attributed both to that associated with an island arc and with intra-cratonic rifting. However, the lapetus ocean appears to have been subducted in early Paleozoic time with a southeastward dip beneath the Avalon zone, leaving exposures of oceanic rocks in place as in Notre Dame Bay, or transported onto Grenville basement as at Bay of Islands.Plate motions proposed for Devonian and Carboniferous time are numerous, but resulted in the welding of the Meguma block to the Avalon zone of New Brunswick and northern Nova Scotia, extensive faulting within Atlantic Canada which can be correlated with contemporaneous European faulting and extensive terrestrial sedimentation within the fault zones. Graben formation, continental sedimentation and basaltic intrusion in the Triassic represent the tensional prelude to the Jurassic opening of the present Atlantic Ocean.This Jurassic opening produced a rifted margin adjacent to Nova Scotia and a transform margin along the southern Grand Banks. The width of the ocean-continent transition across the transform margin (approx. 50 km) is narrower than for the rifted margin (approx. 100 km). The eastern part of the transform margin is associated with a complex Cretaceous (?) volcanic province of seamounts and basement ridges showing evidence of subsidence. The western portion of the transform margin is non-volcanic, adjacent to which lies the 350 km wide Quiet Magnetic Zone floored by oceanic crust.Development of the margin east of Newfoundland was more complicated with continental fragments separated from the shelf by deep water basins underlain by foundered and atypically thin continental crust. Although thin, the crust appears unmodified, the similarities between the crustal sections of the narrow Flemish Pass and the wide Orphan Basin suggesting that the thinning is not simply due to stretching. The Newfoundland Basin shows evidence for two-stage rifting between the Grand Banks and Iberia with both lateral separation and rotation of Spain, leaving a wide zone of transitional crust in the south. The overall pattern of variations in crustal section for the margin east of Newfoundland is comparable with that of the British margin against which it is located on paleogeographical reconstructions.The major sedimentary unconformities on the shelves (such as the Early Cretaceous unconformity on the Grand Banks) reflect uplift accompanying rifting. Tracing of the sedimentary horizons across the shelf edge is complicated by paleocontinental slopes, which separate miogeocline and eugeocline depositional environments. The subsidence of the rifted margins is primarily due to cooling of the lithosphere and to sediment loading. The subsidence due to cooling has been shown to vary linearly with (time) , similar to the depth—age behaviour of oceanic crust. The consequent thermal history of the sediments is favourable for hydrocarbon generation where other factors do not preclude it.  相似文献   

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