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The spawning habitat of Emmelichthys nitidus (Emmelichthyidae) in south-eastern Australia is described from vertical ichthyoplankton samples collected along the shelf region off eastern through to south-western Tasmania during peak spawning in October 2005–06. Surveys covered eastern waters in 2005 (38.8–43.5°S), and both eastern and southern waters in 2006 (40.5°S around to 43.5°S off the south-west). Eggs (n = 10,393) and larvae (n = 378) occurred along eastern Tasmania in both years but were rare along southern waters south and westwards of 43.5°S in 2006. Peak egg abundances (1950–2640 per m−2) were obtained off north-eastern Tasmania (40.5–41.5°S) between the shelf break and 2.5 nm inshore from the break. Eggs were up to 5-days old, while nearly 95% of larvae were at the early preflexion stage, i.e. close to newly emerged. Average abundances of aged eggs pooled across each survey declined steadily from day-1 to day-5 eggs both in 2005 (97-18) and 2006 (175-34). Moreover, day-1 egg abundances were significantly greater 2.5 nm at either side of the break, including at the break, than in waters ≥5 nm both inshore and offshore from the break. These results, complemented with egg and larval data obtained in shelf waters off New South Wales (NSW; 35.0–37.7°S) in October 2002–03, indicate that the main spawning area of E. nitidus in south-eastern Australia lies between 35.5°S off southern NSW and 43.5°S off south-eastern Tasmania, and that spawning activity declines abruptly south and westwards of 43.5°S around to the south-west coast. In addition, quotient analyses of day-1 egg abundances point to a preferred spawning habitat contained predominantly within a 5 nm corridor along the shelf break, where waters are 125–325 m deep and median temperatures 13.5–14.0 °C. Spawning off eastern Tasmania is timed with the productivity outburst typical of the region during the austral spring, and the temperature increase from the mixing between the southwards advancing, warm East Australian Current and cooler subantarctic water over the shelf. Overall, ichthyoplankton data, coupled with reproductive information from adults trawled off Tasmania, indicate that E. nitidus constitutes a suitable species for the application of the daily egg production method (DEPM) to estimate spawning biomass. This finding, together with evidence in support of a discrete eastern spawning stock extending from southern NSW to southern Tasmania, strengthens the need for DEPM-based biomass estimates of E. nitidus prior to further fishery expansion.  相似文献   

采用物理环境因子,确定鲐鱼仔幼鱼运动和物理环境之间的响应关系,建立起了基于个体具有游泳行为的鲐鱼早期生长史模型。结果表明,具有游泳行为仔幼鱼前期对输运分布的影响不大,后期随着游泳能力的增强,逐渐在温盐梯度较大锋面,靠近暖水的一侧进行集群和滞留,并使向东北输运速度降低,输运到太平洋和日本海的幼鱼数量下降,所处水深降低,适应生长发育,死亡率降低。产卵场位置的变动使偏西产卵的集群受台湾暖流影响较大,导致集群偏西,主要聚集在偏北的台湾暖流水和长江冲淡水交汇区高温、高盐一侧。偏东产卵受黑潮影响较大,集群偏东,不形成大量聚集和滞留;在生存率方面正常产卵位置是最佳产卵位置。研究认为,物理环境和生物因素同样会对具有游泳行为仔幼鱼的输运和补充产生影响。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe results of a study designed to test the hypothesis that coastal regions with weak subtidal flow (i.e., coastal null zones) may serve as retention areas for estuarine larval forms. Our investigation assessed the distribution of 3 taxa of crab larvae (Callinectes sapidus, Uca spp., and Hexapanopeus angustifrons) within a 200-km2 region encompassing the mouth of Delaware Bay (ca. 39° N, 75° W). Previous studies had shown that larvae of C. sapidus and Uca spp. are exported to the coastal ocean, while larvae of H. angustifrons are retained within the estuary. In the present investigation, we conducted simultaneous plankton tows at 3 stations during peak spawning season. Samples were collected from a depth of 1 m every 30 min throughout a complete tidal cycle. One station was located 15 km within the bay and was subjected to strong flow at tidal frequency. A second station was located within a southward-flowing coastal current near the southern terminus of the bay at Cape Henlopen. A final station was located in a coastal area of weak subtidal flow near Cape May at the northern terminus of the bay. Results provide a unique synoptic view of larval distributions in 3 distinct hydrographic regimes in the mouth of a major estuary. The coastal-current station was characterized by low concentrations of newly hatched C. sapidus and Uca zoeae, while the null-zone station had high densities of both early and advanced larval stages of these two taxa. In contrast, the station located within the bay had few C. sapidus or Uca zoeae and was dominated by both early and advanced stages of the mud crab H. angustifrons. These data provide clear evidence for the retention of exported larval forms in a coastal null zone associated with the circulation of a large estuary and thus are consistent with our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Spawning location and timing are critical for understanding fish larval survival. The impact of a changing environment on spawning patterns is, however, poorly understood. A novel approach is to consider the impact of the environment on individual life histories and subsequent spawnings. In the present work, we extend the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory to investigate how environment variability impacts the spawning timing and duration of a multiple-batch spawning species. The model is successfully applied to reproduce the growth and reproduction of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Bay of Biscay. The model captures realistically the start and ending of the spawning season, including the timing of the spawning events, and the change in egg number per batch. Using a realistic seasonal forcing of temperature and food availability derived from a bio-physical model, our simulation results show that two thirds of the total spawned mass already accumulates before the start of the spawning season and that the condition factor increases with body length. These simulation results are in accordance with previous estimations and observations on growth and reproduction of anchovy. Furthermore, we show how individuals of equal length can differ in reproductive performance according to the environmental conditions they encounter prior to the spawning season. Hatch date turns out to be key for fecundity at age-1 as it partly controls the ability to build up reserves allocated to reproduction. We suggest the model can be used to realistically predict spawning in spatially and temporally varying environments and provide initial conditions for bio-physical models used to predict larval survival.  相似文献   

In coastal marine ecosystems, spatial patterns of larval fish assemblages (LFAs) tend to exhibit geographic stability because of relatively stable spawning site selection and predictable oceanographic phenomena such as eddies. To evaluate the relationship between spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability of LFAs, we conducted a high spatiotemporal resolution ichthyoplankton survey from April to July in 2013 in the shallow waters (<20 m) of Haizhou Bay, China. Our analysis indicated three distinct assemblages, which were stable geographically but exhibited a gradual and directional change of species composition and abundance over our study period. Sea surface temperature was the most important environmental co‐variate for determining temporal variability of LFAs, likely owing to temperature effects of species composition and spawning period selection of adult fish, along with known temperature‐dependent survival rates of larval fish. Study of LFA spatiotemporal dynamics is essential for improved understanding of adult fish spawning behavior, and has potential to inform design and implementation of conservation and management measures (e.g. marine protected areas) in coastal systems.  相似文献   

Alongshelf transport in the southern Middle Atlantic Bight is forced by buoyancy-driven currents originating in three large estuaries along the bight. These currents are strongest in the coastal ocean near the southern terminus of each estuary, while the analogous region on the northern side is characterized by weak subtidal flow. We used a combination of field observations and numerical modeling to test the hypothesis that these regions of weak subtidal flow are coastal null zones that serve as retention areas for larvae. The field study consisted of a four-day, shipboard investigation of the distribution of blue crab larvae (Callinectes sapidus) near the mouth of Delaware Bay (39°N, 75°W) in late summer, 2004. Hydrographic surveys of the study site were conducted with a hull-mounted, surface-measuring system. Results showed a sharp boundary between the null zone and the buoyancy-driven current to the south. Blue crab larvae were collected in surface plankton tows along a 30-km transect that encompassed these two areas. Stations with higher densities of larvae were clustered in the null zone during both ebb and flood tides. A numerical model was used to examine the physical mechanisms responsible for the observed distribution. Model results agreed with the field survey and showed that simulated larvae are aggregated in the null zone. The simulations also demonstrated that larvae spawned within the null zone have a much greater probability of settling in juvenile nursery habitat within the bay. The close agreement between field and model results provides consistent support for the hypothesis that coastal null zones associated with the buoyancy-driven circulation of large estuaries may allow retention of larvae in the vicinity of the natal spawning population.  相似文献   

Regime shifts in the Humboldt Current ecosystem   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Of the four major eastern boundary currents, the Humboldt Current (HC) stands out because it is extremely productive, dominated by anchovy dynamics and subject to frequent direct environmental perturbations of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The long-term dynamics of the HC ecosystem are controlled by shifts between alternating anchovy and sardine regimes that restructure the entire ecosystem from phytoplankton to the top predators. These regime shifts are caused by lasting periods of warm or cold temperature anomalies related to the approach or retreat of warm subtropical oceanic waters to the coast of Peru and Chile. Phases with mainly negative temperature anomalies parallel anchovy regimes (1950–1970; 1985 to the present) and the rather warm period from 1970 to 1985 was characterized by sardine dominance. The transition periods (turning points) from one regime to the other were 1968–1970 and 1984–1986. Like an El Nino, the warm periods drastically change trophic relationships in the entire HC ecosystem, exposing the Peruvian anchovy to a multitude of adverse conditions. Positive temperature anomalies off Peru drive the anchovy population close to the coast as the coastal upwelling cells usually offer the coolest environment, thereby substantially decreasing the extent of the areas of anchovy distribution and spawning. This enhances the effects of negative density-dependent processes such as egg and larval cannibalism and dramatically increases its catchability. Increased spatial overlap between anchovies and the warmer water preferring sardines intensifies anchovy egg mortality further as sardines feed heavily on anchovy eggs.Food sources for juvenile and adult anchovies which prey on a mixed diet of phyto- and zooplankton are drastically reduced because of decreased plankton production due to restricted upwelling in warm years, as demonstrated by lower zooplankton and phytoplankton volumes and the diminution of the fraction of large copepods, their main food source.Horse mackerel and mackerel, the main predators of anchovy, increase predation pressure on juvenile and adult anchovies due to extended invasion into the anchovy habitat in warmer years. In contrast to these periods of warm and cold temperature anomalies on the decadal scale, ENSO events do not play an important role for long-term anchovy dynamics, as the anchovy can recover even from strong ENSO events within 1–2 years. Consequently, the strong 1972–1973 ENSO event (in combination with overfishing) was not the cause of the famous crash of the Peruvian anchovy fishery in the 1970s.  相似文献   

Cape hake in Namibian waters are demersal and mesopelagic spawners, spawning peaking offshore between 100 and 400 m deep, depending on local environmental conditions. The cross-shelf circulation, low-oxygen layers and mesoscale gyres are three important environmental factors influencing hake spawning behaviour and subsequent transport of the spawning products. Normally, hake spawn offshore near the bottom at depths of 150–400 m. However, during one cruise, spawning was concentrated below several subsurface mesoscale gyres, resulting in reduced dispersion of the eggs and larvae. When the low-oxygen layer above the bottom is pronounced, hake spawning has been observed close to the top of the layer at oxygen concentrations as low as 0.2–0.3 m? ??1. The relatively small size of the eggs and their high specific gravity make them ascend quite slowly from the spawning depths, 10–40 m per day. Consequently, hake eggs spawned deeper than 200 m hatch before they reach the upper mixed layer. The newly hatched larvae are relatively undeveloped, without functional eyes or mouth, and display little swimming activity during their first hours, but laboratory observations have revealed subsequent periods of downward swimming activity. Based on current field observations, on buoyancy measurements of eggs and larvae and on observed larval behaviour, it is concluded that hake eggs and larvae are transported onshore by features of the upwelling subsurface circulation that compensate for offshore movement of surface water. This may be the basic mechanism concentrating early juvenile hake nearshore. Spawning activity near the low-oxygen layer might be a behavioural adaptation to minimize egg predation, because few other species are expected to survive such low concentrations of oxygen.  相似文献   

The estuarine brachyuran crab Neohelice granulata export their larvae from the parental intertidal population of the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, and probably other populations, to marine waters. The degree of larval dispersion or self-recruitment of populations is unknown. We evaluated the presence of all larval stages of N. granulata in coastal waters of Argentina between 37.9° and 35.8° S, at two different spatial scales: a broad scale of tens to hundreds of kilometers from the Río de la Plata estuary in the north, to Mar Chiquita lagoon in the south, and a small scale of hundreds of meters to some kilometers around the mouth of Mar Chiquita, during spring and summer. Additionally, we registered the larval composition and density at San Clemente creek population, in Samborombon Bay (Río de la Plata estuary), every 3 h along a 30-hour period. Evidence indicates that larval release of N. granulata is temporally synchronized with nocturnal ebb tides and all development from Zoea I to Zoea IV occur in areas close to the parental population, even with very different oceanographic characteristics. A possible mechanism based on salinity selection and wind-driven transport is proposed for such behavior, and some considerations related to the connectivity of present populations are made.  相似文献   

Habitat use of the tapertail anchovy(Coilia mystus Linnaeus, 1758) from the Oujiang River Estuary and the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary was studied by examining the environmental signatures of Sr and Ca in otoliths using electron probe microanalysis. Individuals from the Oujiang River had higher and varied Sr:Ca ratios(expressed as(Sr:Ca)×1 000, 3.83–13.0 average) in the otolith core regions, suggesting that they were born in brackish or sea waters, and that a freshwater habitat might not be necessary for egg hatching and larval growth.While, individuals from the Zhujiang River had lower Sr:Ca ratios(0.39–2.51 average) in the core regions,suggesting a freshwater origin. After hatching, anchovies from the Zhujiang River migrate downstream to the river estuary close to brackish water. Our results demonstrated varied habitat use for spawning during stages of early life history between the two populations, and suggested that such variations are promoting diversity of life history strategies of this species.  相似文献   

The spawning habitats of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax in the southern Benguela upwelling ecosystem were characterised by comparing their egg abundances with environmental variables measured concomitantly during two different survey programmes: the South African Sardine and Anchovy Recruitment Programme (SARP), which comprised monthly surveys conducted during the austral summers of 1993/94 and 1994/95; and annual pelagic spawner biomass surveys conducted in early summer (November/December) from 1984 to 1999. Eggs were collected using a CalVET net. Physical variables measured included sea surface temperature (SST), surface salinity, water depth, mixed-layer depth, and current and wind speeds; biological variables measured included phytoplankton biomass, and zooplankton biomass and production. Spawning habitat was identified by construction of quotient curves derived from egg abundance data and individual environmental variables, and relationships between these variables were determined using multivariate co-inertia analysis. SARP data showed that anchovy spawning was associated with cool water and moderate wind and current speeds, whereas sardine spawning was related to warmer water and more turbulent and unstable conditions (i.e. high wind speeds and strong currents) than for anchovy. SARP data also showed significant differences in selection of spawning habitat of the two species for all environmental variables. The relationship between anchovy egg abundance and salinity was strongly positive, but strongly negative with water depth, phytoplankton biomass and zooplankton production. Sardine egg abundance was strongly positively related to current speed. The spawner biomass survey data demonstrated that the spawning habitat of anchovy was characterised by warm water and high salinity, whereas sardine spawning was associated with cool water and low salinity. The survey data showed significant differences in spawning habitat selection by anchovy and sardine for SST, salinity and zooplankton biomass, but not for the other environmental variables. There was a positive relationship between anchovy egg abundance and SST, salinity and mixed-layer depth, and a negative relationship with water depth, phytoplankton biomass and zooplankton production. For sardine there was a strong positive relationship between egg abundance and current speed and wind speed. Differences in the results between the two survey programmes could be attributable to differences in their spatio-temporal coverage. Spawning habitats of anchovy and sardine appear to be substantially different, with anchovy being more specific than sardine in their preference of various environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Correction factors based on the catch ratios of egg and larval densities in the southern waters of Korea were estimated for anchovyEngraulis japonica. This was undertaken in order to adjust ichthyoplankton data from different sampling methods, gear types and time. Samples were collected during ichthyoplankton surveys in Korean waters from 1983 to 1994. The ratios for egg densities obtained in vertical tows with a NORPAC net (ring Φ, 45 cm) compared to those obtained in oblique tows with a KOB net (ring Φ, 80 cm) were 0.86 (CV = 0.65), 1.22 (CV = 0.36), and 0.93 (CV = 0.42) for early, middle, and later developmental stages, respectively. The ratios for larval densities for vertical and oblique tows varied depending on size. For yolk-sac and small larvae (< 4 mm), the ratios were 3.08 (CV = 0.45) and 1.98 (CV = 1.34), while those of 4-6 mm, 6-8 mm, and 8-10 mm larvae were 0.44 (CV = 1.31), 0.45 (CV = 1.70), and 0.56 (CV = 2.50), respectively. Ratios of day/night densities for larvae of 4-10 mm lengths were lower (0.01-0.06) in offshore catches than values obtained in coastal areas (0.44-0.46) and similar values (0.16-0.04) for vertical and oblique tows. Our results indicated that vertical towing is more efficient for sampling early life stages (from eggs to larvae less than 4 mm long), while oblique towing is more efficient for larvae longer than 4 mm due to depth preferences for each developmental stage (e.g., changes in egg buoyancy and vertical migration of larvae).  相似文献   

The diverse pelagic fish assemblage of sub-tropical southern Queensland includes fishes with predominantly temperate distributions, such as tailor Pomatomus saltatrix, sardine Sardinops sagax, round herring Etrumeus teres, and Australian anchovy Engraulis australis. The peak spawning seasons of P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres occur during late winter and early spring (June–October). Eggs and larvae of these three species are widely distributed in shelf waters and comprise >50% of the ichthyoplankton assemblage during this period. Mean monthly sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during late winter and early spring range from 21 to 23 °C, and are thus similar to those recorded in southern Australia during summer and autumn, which is the spawning season of these three species in those temperate waters. E. australis eggs occur mainly in inshore waters, and comprise >50% of fish eggs collected during summer and autumn when mean monthly SSTs in southern Queensland exceed 27 °C. E. australis also spawns mainly during summer and autumn in temperate Australia. Hence, water temperature may be less important as a determinant of the spawning season of E. australis than it is for the other three species. The suitability of southern Queensland for spawning by predominantly temperate species during late winter and early spring may contribute to the high diversity of the region's pelagic fish assemblage. Adult P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres appear to migrate northwards into southern Queensland during early winter to spawn, and larvae may be transported southwards into temperate waters by the East Australian Current. This dispersal-migration pattern is similar to those observed for several species, including P. saltatrix, in the western boundary current systems off the east coasts of North America and Africa. Hence, pelagic fishes in ecosystems off the east coast of three continents migrate into sub-tropical waters to spawn, and larvae are transported back into temperate nursery areas by the prevailing current.  相似文献   

There have been no previous studies of the composition of nearshore larval fish assemblages along the coast of Portugal. We aimed to describe the composition and horizontal distribution patterns of larval fish assemblages and their temporal dynamics near a rocky reef at depths shallower than 13 m (inshore) and at two miles (3.70 km) from shore (offshore), as well as along transects perpendicular to the shoreline, from the reef to 10 miles offshore (18.52 km). Samples were taken using 5 min sub-surface trawls at the rocky shore of the Arrábida Marine Park (W Portugal). A total of 1021 larvae were collected, belonging to 61 taxa inshore and to 29 taxa offshore. Along transects, 626 larvae of 52 taxa were collected. Most larvae belonged to coastal species associated with rocky reefs. Total larval abundance and diversity were higher from May to July, which is consistent with the spawning activity of adults. Diversity and total larval abundance decreased significantly with increasing distance from shore, both in the inshore/offshore comparison and in the transects, where this decrease was evident at a very small spatial scale (within the first mile from the reef). Species assemblages differed in the pattern of distribution, with most species clearly associated to the extreme nearshore. The distribution patterns obtained were independent of the spawning mode of species. Results are discussed in the light of the possible physical mechanisms that can potentially act at the Arrábida Marine Park to facilitate larvae retention and the role of larval behaviour.  相似文献   

We tracked the duration and intensity of the euphausiid spawning season through biweekly sampling along a transect off Newport, OR (latitude 44°40′N) over a six year period from 1996 to 2001. Our sampling consisted of vertical plankton tows, CTD casts, and collection of water for determination of chlorophyll a. Here, we report on data collected from two stations, 5 and 15 nautical miles (9.3 and 27.8 km) offshore. The density of euphausiid eggs in our samples was highly variable spatially and temporally; we saw the most striking differences in egg densities and length of the spawning season, when we compared spawning before and after 1999. This year corresponded to the time when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation switched from warm phase (pre-1999) to cool phase (1999–present). The years 1996 and 1997 were characterized by one large, late summer peak in egg density at our inshore station. 1998, an El Niño year, followed this pattern for our offshore station, but eggs were nearly absent at our inshore station. Starting in 1999, we saw multiple peaks in egg density and found that the spawning season extended from spring through early fall. For example, in spring (March–May) at the inshore station, the abundance of eggs increased from an average of 0.4 m−3 (1996–1998) to 51.3 m−3 (1999–2001), and for summer (July–September), 27.8 m−3 to 132.6 m−3 for the same time period. At the offshore station, egg abundances doubled over the same two time periods: 7 m−3 versus 11 m−3 (spring) and 55 m−3 versus 186 m−3 (summer). Peaks in egg densities were often associated with phytoplankton blooms, but not in a predictable way. Peaks in egg densities often followed cold-water upwelling events, especially at the inshore station. It is not yet clear whether this connection is due to changes in advection or changes in upwelling-induced productivity.  相似文献   

Cape anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus adapted its reproductive strategies to the southern Benguela system by spawning over the Agulhas Bank, an area of low productivity that is located upstream of the predominant upwelling system. Frontal jet currents transport eggs and larvae toward the west coast of South Africa, where recruitment takes place. To characterise the recruitment dynamics of Cape anchovy ichthyoplankton, we used an individual-based model forced by a coupled hydrodynamic–biogeochemical model. The results show the importance of food (especially diatoms and copepods) dynamics on the spatial and temporal patterns of recruitment success, and also confirm the importance of the spawning area, timing and water depth on the recruitment success of Cape anchovy larvae.  相似文献   

Climate variability and pelagic fisheries in northern Chile   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A time series analysis of long-term climate variability in northern Chile (18°21′–24°00′S) shows anomalies associated with the El Niño events and the longer warm period observed since 1976, followed by a cooling trend since mid 1980s. The succession of pelagic fisheries, anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and sardine (Sardinops sagax), occurring in this fishing zone was analyzed taking into account the landings, the CPUE abundance index, the fishing effort, and the environmental variables. The anchovy production model is a negative linear function of fishing effort and turbulence. For sardine, the production model is a negative linear function of fishing effort and a quadratic function of the sea surface temperature.An analysis of the relationship between recruitment, adult biomass and the environment shows that the annual recruitment of anchovy increases with turbulence intensity until wind speed reaches a value of 5.46 m s−1, decreasing for higher values. For sardine, the recruitment increases with turbulence intensity until 5.63 m s−1, stabilizing thereafter.It is deduced that the climatic variations associated to the El Niño events affect the abundance of coastal pelagic fishes, without forgetting the most likely effects upon its distribution and the fishing effort. However, it is the long-term variability that mainly affects the fishing activity.  相似文献   

Around Iceland, the west- and north-flowing coastal current, induced by freshwater runoff, provides a transport mechanism for pelagic eggs and larvae derived from the main spawning grounds off the southwest coast to the main nursery grounds off the north coast. In the present study, abundance and growth of larval and juvenile cod were recorded during a series of cruises conducted in June/July of 1998–2001 along the drift route southwest and west of Iceland. The cruises provided information on approximately 2–8-week-old individuals. Hatch dates and abundance varied greatly between years. Hatch dates ranged from Julian Day 92 to 167. Growth rate differed also between the years studied. Relative abundance was generally greatest in temperatures above 7.5 °C and in low-salinity waters, characteristic for the coastal current. The study demonstrates the link between the coastal current and larval/juvenile distribution, thus providing evidence for its importance in promoting successful recruitment of the Icelandic cod stock.  相似文献   

English sole recruitment has been linked to environmental conditions occurring during their 6–10 week pelagic egg and larval stages, prior to their appearance in nursery estuaries during their first summer. The purpose of this study was to predict the spawning locations of juvenile English sole observed in estuaries to assess the feasibility of passive transport of egg and larval stages. Current meter data were used to back-calculate the transport trajectories of 19 cohorts of English sole observed as juveniles during estuarine trawl surveys. Only six of these cohorts were predicted to be spawned outside the Oregon–Washington shelf system, assuming passive transport of eggs and larvae. Predicted egg and larval trajectories indicate that most of the English sole found in Oregon and Washington estuaries were spawned off the coast of Washington, with some spawning off northern California and central Oregon. Although these results are not consistent with the presumed spawning locations for the Oregon and Washington shelf, they indicate that passive transport assumptions may be adequate to preserve the larvae in the coastal system until settlement.  相似文献   

Birthdate distributions of anchovy recruits caught during research surveys in June 1985 and June 1989 were compiled from weighted length frequency distributions, aged samples and length frequencies from commercial catches. Birthdates ranged from July to March with a peak in October for both year-classes. However, birthdate distribution for the 1989 year-class showed comparatively few fish spawning after October 1988. Also, the growth rate of recruits was slower in 1989 than in 1985. It is proposed that the very weak 1989 year-class of anchovy and the low spawning biomass subsequently observed were a result of poorer-than-average egg production and survival of prerecruits spawned after October 1988, and the slow rate of growth of juvenile anchovy recruited till June 1989.  相似文献   

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