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ABSTRACT Sandstones occur in back-arc basins of the western Pacific at DSDP sites 299 (Sea of Japan), 297 (northern Shikoku Basin), 445 and 446 (Daito-Ridge-and-Basin Province), 453 (Mariana Trough), 286 (New Hebrides Basin) and 285 (South Fiji Basin). These sandstones are dominantly volcaniclastic arenites derived from andesitic island arcs. The degree of sandstone diagenesis is dependent on original composition, burial rate, heat flow history of the basin, and timing of sandstone deposition with respect to rifting processes and associated high heat flow.
Sandstones containing a larger proportion of volcaniclastic components showed more diagenetic effects than sandstones containing a significant volume of other rock fragments and mineral components. Sandstones deposited during early stages of rifting (sites 445, 446) with a slow burial rate and high crustal heat flow showed the greatest degree of downhole diagenetic change. These diagenetic changes include early pore-space reduction and rim cementation by clay minerals followed later by calcite, and subsequent pore-fill cementation by clinoptilolite, heulandite, analcite and later calcite. Replacement of recognizable volcanic rock fragments by chert, calcite and zeolites was observed in the deepest part of the hole. Sandstones deposited after rifting under conditions of associated lower heat flow showed considerably less diagenetic changes, particularly if burial was rapid.
The high heat flow associated with earliest rifting, associated fluid circulation driven by thermal convection, and slow burial rate controlled the diagenetic history of these sandstones. Thus, timing of sandstone deposition with rifting stage and associated burial rates were key factors in controlling sandstone diagenesis in back-arc basins.  相似文献   

The first geochemical and Sm-Nd isotopic characteristics of Neoproterozoic-Cambrian manganese ores from the south folded framing of the Siberian Craton have been obtained. For manganese ores from the Podikat deposit, Tsagan-Zaba and, in part, for Slyudyanka ore manifestations, an explicit positive Eu anomaly and variable Ce behavior are typical no depending on degree of metamorphism. In the rocks of Itantsa ore manifestation and, in part, in those of Slyudyanka, REEs have distribution patterns similar to the normal sedimentary pattern and are characterized by a gentle slope with a negative Eu anomaly and by the absence of a Ce anomaly. With the geochemical peculiarities, including REE distribution in them, on aggregate, reconstruction of vast hydrothermal fields within the south framing of the Siberian Craton and spatial position of the studied manganese basins relative to the craton has become possible.  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS “Volcanic belts”) was used for analyzing the spatial and temporal relationship between tectono-magmatic cycles in the Cenozoic that took place at the convergent plate boundaries, mostly in volcanic arc-back-arc systems. The onset of back-arc basins and subaerial arc volcanism and their main evolutionary stages are shown to have occurred about the same time. These processes are still ongoing, which is indicated by today’s active volcanoes, high heat flows, and high deep-focus seismicity. The crust underlying both tectonic structures undergoes transformation, which results in a significant thinning of the “granite” layer within the volcanic belts, whereas crust within the back-arc basins changes its properties to the transitional (suboceanic) and oceanic type crusts. All processes that occur at the convergent plate boundaries can be described within the arc-back-arc system, the principal dynamic components of which are the asthenospheric plume upwelling above the continent edge and the oceanward-spreading plume head. This was accompanied by a gradual crustal thinning in the back-arc region and the formation of areas with oceanic crust, as well as by involvement of crustal material, together with rocks of the subducting slab, into subduction processes. As a result, the continental crust is removed from the tectonosphere and stored in the “slab cemetery.” Only a minor portion of the crustal materials is returned to the surface as subduction-related magmatism.  相似文献   

The geochemical zoning of the Rogovik epithermal deposit in northeast Russia has been established on the basis of endogenic anomalous geochemical fields (AGCF) of Au–Ag zones, their qualitative and quantitative compositions, and spatial distribution of chemical element indicators of Au–Ag mineralization. The obtained geochemical data (monoelemental AGCF, associations of elements, their composition, contrast, and correlation) allowed us to estimate the erosion level of Au–Ag ore zones. It has been shown that AGCF related to Au–Ag mineralization are distinguished by simple component composition (Au, Ag, Hg, Sb, As, Cu, Pb, Zn) and regular spatial distribution of the elements. It has been established that the least eroded central part of the object is characterized by widespread and the most contrasting Au, Ag, Hg, Sb, and As AGCF closely related to the ore-bearing units of the deposit. The contrast of these fields gradually decreases with depth. Low-contrast Cu, Pb, and Zn AGCF typical of the footwall depth intervals and flanks of Au–Ag zones intervals appear at depth. The northern part of the area is eroded to the deepest level. The contrast of Ag, Hg, Sb, and As geochemical fields abruptly decreases here, and Cu, Pb, and Zn AGCF become widespread with depth. The relatively contrasting fields of anomalous Au concentrations develop here extremely locally and near the surface. It has been concluded that the as yet poorly explored southern part of the Rogovik deposit most likely is promising for further geological exploration and the discovery of new mineralized areas.  相似文献   

北祁连山奥陶纪弧后盆地火山岩浆成因   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
本文对北祁连山早古生代弧后盆地熔岩的岩石地球化学研究结果加以报道。样品的分布将南部弧后盆地拉伸最早阶段发育的岛弧裂谷化区和北部的弧后海底扩张区联系起来。熔岩的岩相学和地球化学特点反映了拉伸方式的改变,北部是典型的弧后盆地基性熔岩,向南则逐渐向岛弧熔岩过渡。海底扩张区以玻质(现已脱玻化)、少斑基性熔岩为特征,长英质熔岩和斑状基性熔岩产于南部岛弧裂谷化区。成熟岛弧部分(Y<20×10-6,TiO2<0.60%,Th/Yb>0.60)和弧后扩张区(Y>20×10-6,TiO2>1.0%,Th/Yb<0.60)在地球化学上相互有别。从由海底扩张形成的弧后盆地基性熔岩,向南经过逐渐与岛弧岩石相似的熔岩,直至裂谷区最南部的岛弧熔岩,它们的地球化学成分显示逐渐的变化。这种变化反映了弧后盆地形成过程中弧后盆地之下地幔对流方式和熔体产生作用的改变:从初始岛弧裂谷之下由消减板片俯冲引起的地幔下沉,转变为弧后海底扩张带之下的地幔上隆。早期岛弧裂谷阶段,裂谷轴捕获了岛弧岩浆流,从而使得喷出的熔岩在成分上与岛弧熔岩无法区分;随着弧后拉张继续,弧后盆地变宽,岛弧岩浆流逐渐离开裂谷轴,最终产生一个似洋中脊的减压熔融系统———弧后盆地岩浆系统。  相似文献   


Based on analysis of new data on the geodynamical nature, ages of formation, and magmatic sources of contrasting rocks from the tectonic mélange of the Yenisei shear zone, the chronological sequence related to early stages in the evolution of the Paleoasian Ocean was established. The data obtained specify the legend and stratigraphic scheme of the Yenisei Group and peculiarities in the evolution of the Sayany–Yenisei accretionary belt at the final stage of its Neoproterozoic history.


Petrological and geochemical studies performed with invoking data on the compositions of clinopyroxenes have clarified the conditions of formation of Vendian-Cambrian basaltic complexes in the Dzhida zone of the Paleoasian Ocean (northern Mongolia and southwestern Transbaikalia). The research was based on a comparative analysis with reference igneous basaltic associations. Of special importance are our microprobe data on trace and rare-earth elements in clinopyroxenes from igneous rocks of different present-day geodynamic settings, namely, N-MORB (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Central Atlantic), OIB (Bouvet Island, South Atlantic), WPB (within-plate tholeiitic plateau basalts of the Siberian Platform), and boninites of ensimatic arcs (Izu-Bonin island arc, Pacific). The studies have shown that the paleo-oceanic structures in the district of the Urgol guyot formed during geodynamic processes under the impact of mantle plumes on oceanic spreading crust, which resulted in oceanic basaltic plateaus and within-plate oceanic islands. All these structures were later superposed by typical island-arc structure-lithologic associations. Formation of basalt complexes in the Dzhidot guyot district proceeded with a stronger effect of enriched plume melts of within-plate oceanic islands as compared with the Urgol guyot. This is evidenced from petrochemical and geochemical data showing the development of OIB-type magmatic systems on the oceanic basement. Data on clinopyroxenes confirm the participation of mantle plume in this process, which led to the evolution of magmas from typical oceanic basalts (MORB) to plateau basalts and OIB.  相似文献   

We review the geological and geophysical structural framework of the deep Black Sea and Caspian Sea basins. Based on seismic evidence and subsidence history, we conclude that the deep basins have an oceanic crust formed in a marginal sea environment. We propose that the present deep basins are remnants of a much greater marginal sea formed during three separate episodes during the Mesozoic: in the Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic and Late Cretaceous. A tentative sketch of the geologic evolution of the area is presented. The marginal sea reached its greatest extent in the Early Tertiary when it was about 900 km wide and 3000 km long. The central part of the marginal sea has since disappeared during the collision between the Arabian promontory and the Eurasian margin.  相似文献   

We suggest new age constraints for regional stratigraphic units and a model of the Neoproterozoic geodynamic evolution of the southern Siberian craton proceeding from our data on genesis and lithology of sedimentary and volcanosedimentary complexes and their correlation combined with published geochronological and chemostratigraphic evidence. Large-scale rifting events in the region may have occurred between 1000 and 850 Ma in the east and between 780 and 730 Ma in the west. The latter time span correlates with the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. The interval of 780–680 Ma corresponding to the deposition of the Dalnyaya Taiga regional stratigraphic unit was marked by the onset of collision and the development of an island arc and a back-arc basin in the eastern part of the territory. The basal strata of the Baikal and Oselok Groups and their equivalents presumably deposited at about 730 Ma, and their signature of glacial events correlates with the global Sturtian Glacial. The deposition of the Zhuya unit between 680 and 630 Ma was associated with development of a foreland basin which gave way to a system of orogenic foredeeps in the Early Vendian (since 630 Ma). Our studies furnish new data on the stratigraphy of the Baikal Group and shed more light on its complex structure and ambiguously interpreted deposition sequence.  相似文献   

Geochronological, geochemical, and structural studies of magmatic and metamorphic complexes within the Kyrgyz North Tianshan (NTS) revealed an extensive area of early Palaeozoic magmatism with an age range of 540–475 Ma. During the first episode at 540–510 Ma, magmatism likely occurred in an intraplate setting within the NTS microcontinent and in an oceanic arc setting within the Kyrgyz-Terskey zone in the south. During the second episode at 500–475 Ma, the entire NTS represented an arc system. These two phases of magmatism were separated by an episode of accretionary tectonics of uncertain nature, which led to obduction of ophiolites from the Kyrgyz-Terskey zone onto the microcontinent. The occurrence of zircon xenocrysts and predominantly negative whole-rock ɛNd(t) values and ɛHf(t) values of magmatic zircons suggest a continental setting and melting of Precambrian continental sources with minor contributions of Palaeozoic juvenile melts in the generation of the magmatic rocks. The late Cambrian to Early Ordovician 500–475 Ma arc evolved mainly on Mesoproterozoic continental crust in the north and partly on oceanic crust in the south. Arc magmatism was accompanied by spreading in a back-arc basin in the south, where supra-subduction ophiolitic gabbros yielded ages of 496 to 479 Ma. The relative position of the arc and active back-arc basin implies that the subduction zone was located north of the arc, dipping to the south. Variably intense metamorphism and deformation in the NTS reflect an Early Ordovician orogenic event at 480–475 Ma, resulting from closure of the Djalair-Naiman ophiolite trough and collision of the Djel'tau microcontinent with the northern margin of NTS. Comparison of geological patterns and episodes of arc magmatism in the NTS and Chinese Central Tianshan indicate that these crustal units constituted a single early Palaeozoic arc and were separated from the Tarim Craton by an oceanic basin since the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Based on sedimentological, geochronological and geochemical investigations, a Paleozoic orogenic belt, called the Heihe-Dashizhai orogenic belt (HDOB), has been recognized, which consists of three tectonic units: Duobaoshan-Dashizhai arc belt, Wolihe back-arc basin and Sankuanggou-Jinshuishan molasse basin, representing a northwesternward subduction system of the Heihe-Nenjiang Ocean (HNO) between the Xing'an-Airgin Sum Block (XAB) and the Songliao-Hunshandake Block (SHB) in Great Xing'an area of the northeast China. The Duobaoshan-Dashizhai arc belt includes arc volcanic-sedimentary sequence and pluton belt composed by granodiorites, diorites and quartz diorites, which can be divided into the early (506–469 Ma) and late periods (463–426 Ma). Geochemical research indicates that the primary magma of the early and late period arc rocks was derived from the partial melting of depleted mantle to a relatively enriched lithospheric mantle related with thickened continental crust, and a depleted mantle wedge, respectively. The Wolihe back-arc basin is composed of basalt with pillow structure, gabbro, serpentinized ultramafic rocks and thin-bedded chert in lower part and turbidity with double direction provenance from both arc belt and older continent in upper part. The Sankuanggou-Jinshuishan molasse basin contains several cycles, revealing a transformation from flysch in lower part to marine molasse with rapid proximal accumulation in upper part, indicating a change from neritic to littoral sedimentary environments. The Early-Middle Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the HDOB can be divided into three stages: the early arc stage (506–469 Ma), the late arc stage (463–426 Ma) and molasse basin development (426 Ma to Early Devonian), representing the early and late subduction of the HNO and formation of the HDOB, respectively.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the hydrological and geochemical characteristics of the Jamari (30430 km2) and Jiparana (60350 km2) river basins (Amazonia), during the period 1978–1984. A spectral analysis of Fourier is applied to time series of mean monthly river discharges, in order to assess the contribution (7 to 8%) of the surface runoff to the total river flow. The mean annual runoff coefficient calculated for the Jiparana river basin (36%), is higher than for the Jamari (32%), and this coefficient increases during the study period, only for the Jiparana. The total specific suspended sediment discharge calculated for both rivers shows the same value 13 t/km2/y, and the estimated suspended sediment concentration in the surface runoff is slightly superior for the Jiparana river (0.3 g/l) than for the Jamari one (0.2 g/l). The river suspended sediments are mainly composed of kaolinite, quartz and feldspar, but the Jiparana is more enriched in quartz. For both rivers, the dominant clay mineral is the kaolinite which is in agreement with the rock weathering type determined for both basins using the Tardy's weathering index: the monosiallitisation. The total chemical erosion rate calculated after correction for the atmospheric inputs (ions and CO2), is higher for the Jiparana (10.11 t/km2/y) than for the Jamari river basin (7.75 t/km2/y). These values are lower than the mechanical denudation rate calculated previously for both river basins.  相似文献   

For the first time in the Western Alps, radiolarite pebbles collected from Tertiary foreland molasse conglomerates are treated for microfossil extraction and dated. Among forty pebbles collected in the field, seven of them released diagnostic radiolarian assemblages ranging in age from Late Bajocian?CEarly Callovian to Middle Oxfordian?CEarly Tithonian. These ages overlap previous biochronological data obtained from in situ localities of the Schistes Lustrés Piemont zone of the French-Italian Alps and triple the number of diagnostic radiolarite samples known so far in this segment of the chain. The diagnostic pebbles are characterized by low grade metamorphism, showing that some eroded thrust-sheets from the oldest parts of the ocean escaped any tectonic burial during the Alpine convergence. Mixing of low and high-grade radiolarites, mafics and ultramafics pebbles implies that various ocean-derived units were exposed. This tectonic scenario involves tight refolding and severe uplift of the Eocene subduction wedge in the Early Oligocene.  相似文献   

湘东北蕉溪岭富钠煌斑岩地球化学特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
贾大成  卢焱等 《岩石学报》2002,18(4):459-467
湘东北蕉溪岭富钠煌斑岩是产于陆内拉张环境的一组特殊的岩石类型,包括闪斜煌斑岩、棕闪煌斑岩、闪辉正煌岩等。在岩石化学组成上,SiO2为45.78%-48.42%,K2O+Na2O为5.05%-6.56%,属于碱性玄武岩系列,岩石以富集Na2O、TiO2、<FeO>、MgO,尤其以富钠为特征,K2O/Na2O平均值为0.41,在煌斑岩分类中属于钠质碱性煌斑岩。岩石∑REE较高,富LREE,不出现铕负异常,δEu平均值为1.04。岩石Rb-Sr等时线年龄为136.61Ma。岩石微量元素组成具有洋岛玄武岩(OIB)型特征,HREE明显亏损,不出现Ta、Nb、Ti的亏损以及LILE富集不明显,表明岩浆源区与岛弧环境无关,并且地壳物质混染程度很低。^87Sr/^86Sr初始比值0.705308-0.705366,εNd(t)为+3.5-+3.8,^143Nd/^144Nd初始比值0.512639-0.512654,具有较为均一的洋岛玄武岩(OIB)地幔源区性质,并且位于地幔排列线附近。推测区内存在地幔柱构造环境,岩石的形成是在软流圈地幔上涌条件下导致深剖地幔部分熔融产物,富钠碱性煌斑岩应具有其自身岩浆源。  相似文献   

We propose a model of the geodynamic evolution of the Dzhida island-arc system of the Paleoasian Ocean margin which records transformation of an oceanic basin into an accretion-collision orogenic belt. The system includes several Vendian-Paleozoic complexes that represent a mature oceanic island arc with an accretionary prism, oceanic islands, marginal and remnant seas, and Early Ordovician collisional granitoids. We have revealed a number of subunits (sedimentary sequences and igneous complexes) in the complexes and reconstructed their geodynamic settings. The tectonic evolution of the Dzhida island-arc system comprises five stages: (1) ocean opening (Late Riphean); (2) subduction and initiation of an island arc (Vendian-Early Cambrian); (3) subduction and development of a mature island arc (Middle-Late Cambrian); (4) accretion and formation of local collision zones and remnant basins (Early Ordovician-Devonian); and (5) postcollisional strike-slip faulting (Carboniferous-Permian).  相似文献   

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