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Acta Geotechnica - The paper presents an experimental study on the effect of plastic fines content on the undrained behavior and liquefaction susceptibility of sand–fines mixtures under...  相似文献   

A new constitutive formulation for simulating the behaviour of nearly saturated sands under seismic loads is presented. The formulation is based on combining the Henry's law for dissolution of gas in water, the ideal or perfect gas law and the law of conservation of mass. The effects of transient air dissolution in water on the compressibility of partially saturated soils are also taken into account. The model was calibrated based on numerical simulations of isotropically consolidated cyclic triaxial tests conducted on partially saturated samples of Toyoura sand. A multi‐yield plasticity soil constitutive model implemented in the finite element code DYNAFLOW was used for these numerical simulations. It is shown that the formulation proposed here is able to reasonably predict the soil cyclic undrained behaviour at various degrees of saturation (95% and higher). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

细粒含量对尾矿材料液化特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张超  杨春和 《岩土力学》2006,27(7):1133-1137
为了模拟沉积分选后颗粒组成的变化对尾矿材料的动力特性的影响,尾矿筛分后按不同的细粒(颗粒直径小于 0.074 mm)含量制备尾矿试样,并进行了大量的土动力学试验。分析了细颗粒含量对尾矿材料的动力液化特性的影响规律。研究表明,对于铜矿类尾矿坝的尾矿材料,当细颗粒含量占到总量的35 %时其抗液化性能最佳。根据尾矿材料动力特性试验的研究结果,并结合现场的标准贯入试验成果,提出了适用于尾矿材料的细粒含量对标准贯入击数的修正式。该式可以分析不同细粒含量的尾矿材料的抗液化强度,提高尾矿坝液化判别方法的判别准确程度。  相似文献   

The potential damage to man-made structures associated with earthquake-induced liquefaction has been demonstrated in catastrophic fashion over the past 40–50 years. The phenomenon of liquefaction of relatively clean, poorly graded, sands is well understood. However, the same cannot be said for cases when fine-grained materials are present within the sand matrix. A resolution of what appears in some reported studies as conflicting observations related to the effect of fines on cyclic resistance is of concern, particularly for land reclamation projects and sea fills where the material source is variable and may contain significant levels of fines. The nature of the fines themselves may have a measurable effect on the matrix behavior. The work presented herein explores the effect of silt and clay-size carbonaceous fines on the liquefaction susceptibility of sand. The choice of fines was guided by the conditions associated with the Lebanon coastal reclamation projects, where limestone/marlstone quarry source materials are dominant. The results obtained confirm the significant effect of fines on the cyclic resistance. They also confirm the existence of a limit fines content and a plasticity index threshold and establish their effect on observed behavior.  相似文献   

王海波  吴琪  杨平 《岩土力学》2018,39(8):2771-2779
为研究细粒含量FC对不同密实状态饱和砂类土液化强度CRR的影响,将不同FC的砂类土试样分为3组:(1)相同的相对密实度 50%;(2)相同的孔隙比 0.90;(3)相同的骨架孔隙比 1.20,对不同FC和密实状态( 、e和 )的砂类土进行了一系列不排水循环三轴试验。试验结果显示:e或 相同的砂类土CRR随着FC的增加逐渐降低;具有相同 砂类土的CRR随FC的增加迅速增大,砂类土的CRR与 、e或 都没有较好的相关性。分析表明:不同FC和密实状态砂类土的CRR随等效骨架孔隙比 的增大而降低,两者呈现较好的负幂函数关系,这表明考虑细粒影响程度的 是合理表征不同种类砂类土CRR的一个物理状态指标。通过对比已有的砂类土的试验结果发现:砂类土中的砂粒是影响CRR的重要因素,且随着砂粒的形状从圆状向角状变化,砂类土的总体CRR逐渐增大。  相似文献   

The liquefaction of clayey soils under cyclic loading   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper seeks to investigate the liquefaction of clayey soils, a phenomenon that has been the trigger for many natural disasters in the last few decades, including landslides. Research was conducted on artificial clay-sand mixtures and natural clayey soils collected from the sliding surfaces of earthquake-induced landslides. The undrained response of normally consolidated clayey soils to cyclic loading was studied by means of a ring-shear apparatus. For the artificial clay-sand mixtures, it was found that the presence of a small amount of bentonite (≤ 7%) would cause rapid liquefaction, while a further increase in bentonite content (≥ 11%) produced the opposite effect of raising soil resistance to liquefaction by a significant degree. It was demonstrated that the bentonite-sand mixture was considerably more resistant to liquefaction than the kaolin-, and illite-mixtures, given the same clay content. The test results of plastic soils revealed the significant influence of plasticity on the liquefaction resistance of soil. The microfabric of clayey soil was investigated by means of a scanning electron microscope. The analysis showed that the liquefaction potential of soil was strongly related to certain particle arrangements. For example, soil vulnerable to liquefaction had an open microfabric in which clay aggregations generally gathered at the sand particle contact points, forming low-strength “clay bridges” that were destroyed easily during cyclic loading. On the other hand, the microfabric of soil that was resistant to liquefaction appeared to be more compact, with the clay producing a matrix that prevented sand grains from liquefying. In the case of the natural soils, the obtained results indicated that their cyclic behavior was similarly influenced by factors such as clay content, clay mineralogy and plasticity. The relation between the liquefaction potential of natural soil and its microfabric was thus also established. On the basis of the obtained results, the authors posited an explanation on the mechanism of liquefaction for clayey soil.  相似文献   

饱和粉土振动液化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李立云  崔杰  景立平  杜修力 《岩土力学》2005,26(10):1663-1636
液化是造成场地地震破坏的首要原因之一。自Casagrande的经典工作以来,对地震液化的研究已经取得了很大的进展。然而这些研究大多是针对于砂土而进行的,对于粉土液化研究的相对较少,且粉土的液化特性也有别于砂土。因此,在已有研究的基础之上利用粉土液化试验得出的结果,分析了粉土液化的机理、影响因素以及在振动过程中粉土中孔隙水压力的增长规律,认为粉土中的粘粒含量、密实度以及土的结构性对其抗液化能力有较大的影响。考虑到试验中振动次数的离散性,引入了时间参数的概念,根据动三轴试验结果提出了孔隙水压力增长的经验公式,可以比较方便地应用于计算液化的有限元程序中去。  相似文献   

Experimental studies on a sand with a well-graded low plasticity fines were conducted to study a number of issues related to limited flow. Cyclic behaviour in relation to instability and limited flow are compared with corresponding monotonic behaviour. A single set of rules for a range of fines contents was proposed to correlate cyclic and monotonic behaviour.  相似文献   

In this paper, there is presented an elastoplastic constitutive model to predict sandy soils behavior under monotonic and cyclic loadings. This model is based on an existing model (Cambou‐Jafari‐Sidoroff) that takes into account deviatoric and isotropic mechanisms of plasticity. The flow rule used in the deviatoric mechanism is non‐associated and a mixed hardening law controls the evolution of the yield surface. In this research the critical state surface and history surface, which separates the virgin and cyclic states in stress space, are defined. Kinematic hardening modulus and stress–dilatancy law for monotonic and cyclic loadings are effectively modified. With taking hardening modulus as a function of deviatoric and volumetric plastic strain and with defining the history surface and stress reversal, the model has the ability to predict the sandy soils' behavior. All of the model parameters have clear physical meanings and can be determined from usual laboratory tests. In order to validate the model, the results of homogeneous tests on Hostun and Toyoura sands are used. The results of validation show a good capability of the proposed model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

循环荷载下砂土液化特性颗粒流数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
周健  杨永香  刘洋  贾敏才 《岩土力学》2009,30(4):1083-1088
利用PFC2D常体积循环双轴试验条件,对砂土在不排水循环荷载作用下的液化特性进行了颗粒流数值模拟,数值模拟按等应力幅加荷方式进行。颗粒流数值模拟的优点在于得到试样液化宏观力学表现的同时,通过不同循环加荷时刻试样内细观组构参量(包括配位数、接触法向分布、粒间法向接触力、粒间切向接触力)的演化规律,分析砂土液化过程中细观组构变化与宏观力学响应之间的内在联系,从而可进一步探讨砂土液化的细观力学机制。数值模拟研究结果表明,砂土液化现象在宏观力学表现上反映为超静孔隙水压力的累积上升和平均有效主应力的不断减小,在细观组构上对应于配位数的累积损失和粒间接触力的不断减小。砂土液化细观机制分析表明,试样配位数的减少与循环加荷过程中组构各向异性滞后于应力各向异性有关。  相似文献   

Recent developments in studies of soil response to earthquake loadings have made it possible to incorporate the rates of pore water pressure build-up in soils in to nonlinear response analyses of the grounds. Such pore pressure changes help in computing the changes in stress-strain behaviour of soils in the deposit progressively as the earthquake progresses. The rate and magnitude of pore pressure generation in soils during seismic loading will have important effects on the shear strength, stability, and settlement characteristics of a soil mass, even if the soil does not liquefy. The results in terms of pore pressure response in soils from a series of experimental investigations using strain-controlled cyclic triaxial tests on soils samples collected from liquefied sites are presented in this paper. The effect of relative density, amplitude of cyclic shear strain, number of loading cycles, confining pressure and frequency of cyclic loading on the pore pressure build-up are studied. Analytical expressions are proposed using regression analysis to define mean relationships between normalized pore water pressure and normalized cycles for the prediction of pore water pressure build-up in silty sands. Also, the pore water pressure build-up in soils is independent of frequency of loading.  相似文献   

邵生俊  谢定义 《岩土力学》2002,23(6):667-972
基于砂土的压缩回胀性、剪切非线性及剪缩剪胀性的系统分析和包括循环荷载、主应力轴旋转及应力路径偏转等复杂应力条件下的复杂变形反应,得到了三类应力-应变基本关系。在剪缩剪胀应力-应变关系中,引入了由偏应变分量确定的应变路径长度变量,揭示了应力主轴旋转、应力路径偏转引起的剪缩剪胀性。将这些基本关系与循环荷载下砂土的物态变化相联系,建立了砂土的物态动本构关系。  相似文献   

杨永香  周健  贾敏才  胡金虎 《岩土力学》2011,32(6):1643-1648
针对目前散粒体液化细观机制研究的局限性,对C.K.C型动态三轴仪进行改进,研制了可用于研究散粒体细观组构特征的动三轴可视化试验系统。利用该系统对循环荷载作用下标准砂的颗粒运动规律及细观组构特征进行初步探讨,从颗粒的运动规律、定向性、配位数和孔隙率等细观角度分析了循环荷载作用下饱和砂土发生液化的细观机制,认为液化的发生是土体在循环荷载作用下颗粒不断运动、重新排列的结果,指出颗粒长轴方向、配位数和孔隙率等细观组构参量是反映循环荷载作用下饱和砂土液化宏观响应的重要参量  相似文献   

Liquefaction resistance of granular soils is commonly characterized by the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) in the simplified shear stress procedure of liquefaction potential assessment. This parameter is commonly estimated by cyclic tests on reconstituted samples or empirical correlations between liquefied/non-liquefied case histories. The current study employs results of cyclic triaxial tests on reconstituted soil specimens and presents a predictive equation for cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) of clean and silty sands. The CRR equation is a function of relative density, effective mean confining pressure, non-plastic fines content, number of harmonic cycles for liquefaction onset, and some other basic soil properties. It is demonstrated that the developed relationship obtains reasonable accuracy in the prediction of laboratory-based CRR. Based on the developed CRR model, new relationships are then presented for the coefficient of effective overburden pressure (Kσ) and magnitude scaling factor (MSF), two important modification factors in the simplified shear stress procedure. These new modification factors are then compared with those recommended by previous researchers. Finally, the possible application of the proposed CRR model in field condition is shown for a specific case. This study provides a preliminary insight into the liquefaction resistance of silty sands prior to the complementary laboratory studies.  相似文献   

细粒含量对粗粒土冻胀特性影响的试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王天亮  岳祖润 《岩土力学》2013,34(2):359-364
为了得到同时满足冻胀率和击实效果的最大细粒土含量,通过葡氏击实和冻胀试验,研究了不同细粒土含量、不同干密度条件下细圆砾土填料的冻胀特性。研究结果表明,9%细粒土含量下细圆砾土试样的压实效果最好;细圆砾土试样的冻结过程可以划分为快速冻结区、过渡区、似稳定区和稳定区;细粒土含量低于10%时,细圆砾土属于弱冻胀填料;同时满足冻胀率和压实效果的最大细粒土含量为9%;细粒土含量相同时,细圆砾土试样的冻胀率随干密度的增加,先增大而后减小,即存在一个最不利干密度;冻结48 h后,细圆砾土试样冻土段的含水率均大于初始含水率,其不同位置含水率分布曲线呈S型,且随着细粒土含量的增加逐渐呈现倒三角形分布;细圆砾土试样干密度的增大有效地阻断了水分迁移路径。  相似文献   

Duque  J.  Yang  M.  Fuentes  W.  Mašín  D.  Taiebat  M. 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(6):2235-2257
Acta Geotechnica - Numerous studies in the literature are concerned with proposing new constitutive models for sands to simulate cyclic loading. Despite considerable progress in this area, there...  相似文献   

循环荷载下饱和软黏土的累积塑性应变试验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
张勇  孔令伟  郭爱国  李雄威 《岩土力学》2009,30(6):1542-1548
通过以交通荷载为背景的饱和重塑软黏土室内不排水动三轴试验,研究了循环荷载作用下饱和重塑软黏土的累积塑性应变发展形态,可分为3种类型:稳定型、破坏型和临界型。根据稳定型累积塑性应变发展曲线特点,提出了饱和软黏土的稳定累积塑性应变方程,并通过试验结果分析了该方程中各拟合参数与动应力幅值、固结围压和静偏应力的变化规律,同时提出了求解无静偏应力条件下软黏土临界动应力的解析方法。通过动三轴试验结果,提出了含动应力幅值、固结围压、静偏应力和循环周次等影响因素的累积塑性应变拟合模型。  相似文献   

砂土液化判别方法可靠性评价   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
余跃心 《岩土力学》2004,25(5):803-807
在进行液化评价简化法与规范液化判别方法对比基础上,利用液化概率的对数回归方程,讨论了规范液化判别方法的可靠性。研究结果表明,我国规范液化判别方法其液化概率变动较大,对于烈度 Ⅶ 度,规范法的液化概率在0.17~0.42间,小于简化法概率0.36~0.43,偏保守。对于烈度 Ⅷ 度和 Ⅸ 度近地表场地,规范法的液化概率高达0.65~0.70,远远高于简化法的液化概率,安全裕度不够。对于含粘粒土质液化评价,规范方法的液化概率总体上都较简化法高,特别是烈度Ⅷ度高粘粒含量其液化概率为0.9。  相似文献   

Liquefaction of loose and saturated soils during earthquakes and strong ground motions has been a major cause of damage to buildings and earth embankments as well as other civil engineering structures. In order to evaluate the liquefaction potential and steady state characteristics of gravely sand of south west Tehran,a subsoil exploration program conducted dividing the region into 10 zones. In each zone of 500 m × 500 m a borehole of 20 m deep was drilled. SPT was performed at one meter intervals in each borehole and a total of 200 samples were recovered. Soils of similar grain size distribution have been considered to have similar steady state characteristics,therefore consolidated undrained triaxial tests were performed on these soils of similar grain size distribution to evaluate the steady state strength. The steady state line for each soil type was derived. Comparing the steady state strengths with the shear stress due to an earthquake with a PGA of 0.35 g,the potential of sand liquefaction and .ow failure in soil layers has been evaluated and the settlement of soil due to the liquefaction phenomena is calculated. Finally some recommendations for estimating the steady state strength from simple SPT test in gravely sands are presented.  相似文献   

There have been significant advances in the application of critical state,CS,in liquefaction potential assessment.This was done by comparing state parameter,j with estimated characteristic cyclic stress ratio,CSR due to an earthquake.A cyclic resistance ratio,CRR curve,which can be determined from cyclic liquefaction tests,separates historical liquefied and non-liquefied data points(j,CSR).On the other hand,the concepts of equivalent granular state parameter,j*,which was developed for sands with fines,can be used in lieu j to provide a unifying framework for characterizing the undrained response of sands with non/low plasticity fines,irrespective of fines content(fc).The present work combines these two propositions,and by merely substituting j*for j into the aforementioned CS approach to capture the influence of fc.A series of static and cyclic triaxial tests were conducted,separately and independently of the concept of j*,for sand with up to fc of 30%.The clean sand was collected from Sabarmati river belt at Ahmedabad city in India which was severely affected during the Bhuj earthquake,2001.The experimental data gave a single relation for CRR and j*which was then used to assess liquefaction potential for a SPT based case study,where fc varies along the depth.The prediction matched with the field observation.  相似文献   

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