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An idea is developed that the vacuum in the gravitational field acquires properties of an elastic medium described by a definite tension ik . The vacuum is stated to also participate in the formation of the space-time metric, together with the usual matter. So, the matter, vacuum and metric form a complex unity determined by the solution of the field equations. The vacuum may prove to play an essential role in the extremely strong fields existing in superdense celestial bodies. The tensor ik is not to be identified with the pseudo-tensor of the energy-momentum of the gravitational field the idea of which is preserved.The problem of vacuum is investigated in the case of the central symmetry static field. A number of properties of the tensor ik is found using the symmetry of the field and comparison with the post-Newton limit. The external and internal problems, as well as the procedure of joining the solutions on the surface of a celestial body, have been formulated. The stellar surface is determined in the usual way:P(r) = 0 whereP is the matter pressure. The theory includes three dimensionless parametersa=p/,b=p / (,p, p are the density of the vacuum energy and of its pressures in the radial and transverse directions) and determining the vacuum elastic properties. Generally speaking, they depend on the valueP/c2 in the stellar centre where is the mass density. From general physical considerations it is shown that 0 1 + lim P (l/q). The field equations are solved for the simple version of the theoryb=–a. There are solutions corresponding to superdense celestial bodies with masses considerably exceeding that of the Sun.  相似文献   

Exact corotations are equilibrium points in the phase space of the asteroidal elliptic restricted problem of three bodies averaged over the synodic period, at a mean-motions resonance. If the resonant critical angle is =(p+q) jup pq, exact corotations are double resonant motions defined by the conditionsd/dt=0 andd(– jup )/dt=0. The first condition is characteristic of the periods resonance(p + q) : p and the second one is a secular resonance equivalent to that usually known as thev 5-resonance. This paper presents the symmetric solutions =0 (mod ), = jup (mod ). Corotations have a coherence property which is unique in non-collisional Celestial Mechanics: An elementary calculation shows that, in the neighbourhood of these solutions, the motions cluster aroundp independent longitude values and are, in each cluster, as close together as and are close to the equilibrium values.  相似文献   

In our preceding paper {see [L. Sh. Grigorian and S. Gottlöber, Astrofizika (in press)]} we investigated a self-gravitating system consisting of a scalar field and a linear tensor field ik= ki with minimal coupling and with allowance for the action of vacuum polarization effects. In the present paper we investigate the case of a nonlinear tensor field ik. The action S () of the field ik is determined by the difference Rikik, where Rik is the space-time Ricci tensor and Rik is the analogous quantity constructed using the metric ik=gik+ik induced by ik ( is a free parameter). Here S () coincides with the previously known expression for the action of a linear field ik. Equations of motion are derived for ik in curved space-time. The energy-momentum metric tensor, determining the contribution of ik to the gravitational field equations, is calculated.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 135–144, January-March, 1996.  相似文献   

The study of uniformly polytropes with axial symmetry is extended to include all rotational terms of order 4, where is the angular velocity, consistently within the first post-Newtonian approximation to general relativity. The equilibrium structure is determined by treating the effects of rotation and post-Newtonian gravitation as independent perturbations on the classical polytropic structure. The perturbation effects are characterized by a rotation parameter = 2/2G c and a relativity parameter, =p c / c C 2 , wherep c and c are the central pressure and density respectively. The solution to the structural problem is obtained by following Chandrasekhar's series expansion technique and is complete to the post-Newtonian rotation terms of order 2. The critical rotation parameterv c , which characterizes the configuration with maximum uniform rotation, is accurately evaluated as a function of . Numerical values for all the structural parameters needed to determine the equilibrium configurations are presented for polytropes with indicesn=1, 1.5, 2, 2 5, 3, and 3.5.  相似文献   

The 5-dimensional Jordan-Brans-Dicke cosmologies in vacuum are found for the Bianchi type I metric, their relation with general relativity cosmologies is studied. Two solutions are possible, both produce effective pressure and energy density in the 4-dimensional G.R.-universes. One is a power-law relation, with two cases, the first one is forp eff=eff and the other forp eff=eff(– 1 < < 1) has a behaviour as the open flat universe. The second solution is an exponential only valid forp eff=–eff. In all cases the three-space expansion reaches infinity ast and the fifth dimension can be made to decrease approaching zero. The scalar field can increase or decrease with time.  相似文献   

We show that the overall densityg() of asymptotic acoustic frequencies of a star obeys a Weyl lawg() D–1, whereD is the dimensionality of the oscillating stellar configuration. For realistic stars with a finite non-zero surface sound speed,D is equal to the actual dimensionality of the star,D=3. For formal models with a vanishing sound velocity at the surface, heuristic arguments lead to a dimensionality parameterD=4.5. The empirical frequencies of Eddington's standard model are found to be consistent with the latter distribution, with reasonable agreement already occurring in the low-frequency range > i 2× fundamental radial mode. We argue that real stars obey this 3.5-power law in some finite frequency interval i << f , f being a very high frequency critically depending on the surface sound velocity, while the full asymptotic law, withD=3, holds for > f .  相似文献   

On the basis of observational data for the absolute R and relative R/R amplitudes of variations in radius of galactic classical cepheids (55 stars from Balona and Stobie (1979) and 30 stars from Sollazzoet al. (1981)), four kinds of empirical linear relations are obtained: log(P V)–logR, logP–logR, log(P V)–log(R/R), and logP–log(R/R);P, R, and V are the pulsation periods, the mean stellar radii, and the amplitudes of light variations, respectively. Three groups of stars are considered: short-period cepheids (SPC)-with logP1.1; long-period cepheids (LPC)-with logP>1.1; and s-cepheids (sC). Both the R values and the R/R values increase withP andP V, for a given group of variables. A comparison is performed with our results obtained from data in other sources (Kurochkin, 1966; Gieren, 1982; etc.). The investigated relations can be applied for determining R and R/R of galactic classical cepheids, by using their observedP and V. All studied galactic classical cepheids have R/R<0.35, R<10R for SPC and 10R <R60R for LPC. The sC have smaller R and R/R values than other classical cepheids, at the same periods (the difference is about 2 times for R and 1.4–2.8 times for R/R); the studied sC have R/R in the range 0.025–0.075 and R in the range 1–3R (only Y Oph has R8R ).  相似文献   

The gravity potential of an arbitrary bodyT is expanded in a series of spherical harmonics and rigorous evaluations of the general termV n of the expansion are obtained. It is proved thatV n decreases on the sphere envelopingT according to the power law if the body structure is smooth. For a body with analytic structure,V n decreases in geometric progression. The exactness of these evaluations is proved for bodies having irregular and analytic structures. For the terrestrial planetsV n =O (n –5/2).
I I V n IV n I . . IV n I . I. IV n =O(n –5/2 )

On the basis of more abundant data a relation logPV/logR for cepheid variables (Fernie, 1965) is constructed. A linear relation between logP V and logR for classical cepheids is found, which perhaps has a break at R=10R . On the logR/logP diagram thes-cepheids (Efremov, 1968) show a distinct sequence. Alls-cepheids present a relative variation of the radii R/R0.075. The existence of non-s-cepheids with R/R0.075 raises a point about the evolutionary place of these stars (see Efremov, 1968). One could suppose that cepheids with logP>1.1 pulsate in the first overtone.  相似文献   

The paper suggests an explanation of the deviations from the power law which are observed in frequency spectra of discrete radio sources at decametric wavelengths. It has been shown that a possible mechanism of the deviations is a combined effect of the stimulated and spontaneous scattering of relativistic electrons in the turbulent plasma of a source, as well as ionization energy losses thereof. The distribution function of the relativistic electrons, empirically established in an earlier paper (Braudeet al., 1971) has been derived from the kinetic equation. For a number of discrete sources the turbulence energy density and the plasma concentration are deduced with the aid of experimental data on low-frequency radio spectra.
. , , . , (Braude et al, 1971), . .

, , . . ( I), ( II). I , () . -, . , , (R/R i)2/3, R/R i- . ( II) . , . , , , . , . , , . , , - , , . , , , , . , . . . 1969 .  相似文献   

For a special choice of parameters the plane problem of the motion of a passively gravitating material point in the gravitation field ofn fixed centres is reduced to quadratures.

The complete analysis of possible types of non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic motions in the field of the naked singularity of the STGT is given. The problem of the infall of a monochromatic radiation emitter on the naked singularity is studied. In spite of the absence of a freezing effect in the STGT, the naked singularity is not observable, for the brightness of the falling emitter decreases much faster than in the GTR. Atrr g , the trajectory of particles and light are quite similar to that of the GTR, and due to this fact the naked singularity is observationally indistinguishable from a black hole.  相似文献   

Evolutionary tracks of 0.9M , 0.7M and 0.6M models for Population II stars have been computed in the post-red giant phase. The stars are initially composed of a helium core containing a mass fraction equal to 0.9 and of a hydrogen-rich envelope. They represent hypothetical remnants of stars after substantial mass loss in previous evolutionary phases or/and at the helium flash.u 0,9M , 0,7M 0,6M . , 90% , . , .Riassunto È stata calcolata per modelli di stelle di 0,9M , 0,7M e 0,6M di Popolazione II l'evoluzione successiva allo stadio di gigante rossa. Inizialmente i modelli constano di un nucleo di elio contenente il 90% della massa totale e di un inviluppo idrogenico. Essi possono interpretarsi come i resti di stelle che abbiano perso una frazione di massa considerevole in fasi evolutive precedenti, o all'innesco violento dell'elio al centro.  相似文献   

Computations of polarization and intensity of radiation from a unit stellar surface area are presented, as well as a study of the numerical characteristics of atmospheres — single-scattering albedo and the initial source function(), which define the polarization behaviour of atmospheres. The radiatively stable models of stellar atmospheres presented by Kuruczet al. (1974) and Kurucz (1979) have been used for calculations. Since the versus optical depth dependence is rather weak, it has been assumed that (=cost. With a fixed effective temperatureT eff maximum values of are characteristic of stars featuring the lowest surface gravity accelerationg. Among stars with radiatively stable atmospheres, maximum values of (=5000 Å) 0.4–0.6 are exhibited by supergiants withT eff=8000–20 000 K. The plot of () is characterized by discontinuities at the boundaries of spectral series for hydrogen and, sometimes, for helium. Maximum are attained in the Lyman region of =912–1200 Å, where can reach the value 0.7–0.9 for supergiants, this value being 0.3 for Main-Sequence stars. For stars withT eff 35 000 K, high values of also are attained for <912 Å. Within the infrared region, is always small because of bremsstrahlung absorption.A rapid growth of the source functionB with < typical for ultraviolet range (within the Wien part of spectrum), together with high values of results in the strong polarization of emission from a unit stellar surface element, sometimes exceeding the values for the case of a pure electron scattering. For longer wavelengths, where the limb-darkening coefficient is smaller, the plane of polarization abruptly turns 90° in the central parts of the visible stellar disk.  相似文献   

, . , , . , , -, This article investigates the dynamics of a system for damping the nutating motion of a spin-stabilized satellite. The equations of motion of the satellite-damper system are derived omitting consideration of the influence of external torques. The conditions of stability of the stationary spinning are obtained and the optimal parameters of the satellite and the damper ensuring a maximal rate of damping of the nutation motion are determined.  相似文献   

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