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The dependence of coda attenuationQ c on frequency and lapse time was studied. Data from small local earthquakes, recorded at three stations (VMR, VSI and VFI) of the VOLNET network operating in central Greece, were used.Q c was estimated by applying the single scattering model to bandpass-filtered seismograms, over a frequency range of 1 to 12 Hz. Analysis was performed every 10 s until the end on overlapping time windows.Q c is found to depend on frequencyf in Hz according to a power law,Q c =Q 0 f n . ObservedQ 0 ranges from 30 to 100 and the powern ranges from 0.90 to 0.70.Q 0 increases andn decreases with lapse time increasing. A strong dependence ofQ c on lapse time was also found. In the frequency range of 1 to 8 Hz and at a short lapse time,Q c values were found to be similar for all three stations. On the other hand, at the longest analyzed time window (50 s), the estimatedQ c values show a discrepancy which is more obvious at a higher frequency band. The scattering coefficient around the central station VSI is found to range from 0.029 to 0.0041 km–1.Q c from the single scattering model andQ s from the amplitude ratio of directS to coda waves for the VSI station are similar. We believe dependence of coda attenuationQ c on frequency and lapse time is caused by a combination of geotectonic features and depth variation asQ s .  相似文献   

P波随时间衰减:以两条加利福尼亚地震破裂带为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地震预测是地震学研究一个基本目标,而理解地震周期是地震预测的重要环节.遗憾的是,由于地震断层带不但结构复杂,大地震前后短时间内的震源过程更是随时间迅速变化,这些复杂因素使得常规研究方法不再适用.一类特殊的微震成群地发生在主震断层几乎同一地点上,震源系数几乎相同,近年来地震学界通称其为震群(earthquakemultiplet).本文论证如何将这类特殊的微震作为一组人工震源来阐述美国西部两次大地震(LomaPrieta和MorganHill)的震后弛豫过程.在加利福尼亚LomaPrieta(1989年9月18日,M7.0)及MorganHill(1984年4月24日,M6.2)附近的主震破裂带中就发生了此类震群.其中有两组各包含11个重复地震的震群,分别位于这两个破裂带中,其波形资料质量高,波形及震级变化极小,因而可与实验室条件下的人工震源相比.这些震群地震资料可直接用于计算P波沿波程衰减(即t)的时间性变化,其方法的简单性及结果的精确性都与实验室水平相当.我们的结果显示,每个震群周围分别存在一个异常体,在其各自主震之后的10个月中,该异常体中的P波衰减迅速上升并降落.衰减峰值发生在LomaPrieta地震后2~3周,其震群深度为10.2km.此峰值在MorganHill地震后5~6个月发生,其震群中心深度为2.6km.这两个事例中,t波动峰值都超过此前获得的加利福尼亚大致同一地区t绝对值的100%[1].此结果显示了因同震裂隙张开和震后弛豫过程(如流体移动、裂隙复原及岩石压缩),以及孔隙度和流体饱和度在主震源体部分区域发生的变化.衰减达峰值的时间之显著差异则提示我们,裂隙闭合及伴随的流体移动是负载敏感的,深度越大达峰值越快,反之亦然.如将此方法应用于主震前多重地震的资料,将有望更好地理解最终导致主震断层带大破裂的震前微破裂的物理过程.  相似文献   

The characteristic of seismic coda wave attenuation in Yunnan area in 7 frequency-bands range from 1 Hz to 20 Hz was estimated by using the local earthquake's waveform data recorded from 22 Yunnan digital seismic stations.Coda attenuation Q-c1 of each station was firstly calculated by single scattering method. Then, mean free path Le and seismic albedo Bo of each station were calculated, and scattering attenuation Q-1s and intrinsic attenuation Q-1i were separated from total attenuation Q-1t by multiple lapse time window analysis based on the multiple scattering model in uniform random isotropic scattering medium. The attenuating characteristics in Yunnan show that most value of Le are in 10~30 km, with maximal within 2~6 Hz;Bo are about 0.5 at 1~2 Hz, but less than 0.5at other frequency-bands, which means Q-1i is comparable with Q-1s at 1~2 Hz, and after 1~2 Hz, Q-1i is greater than Q-1s and dominates the attenuation process. Q-1c is close to Q-1i at other frequency bands except 1~2 Hz.Results show that Q-1 especially Qs-1 varies spatially, Q-1 in eastern Yunnan zone is a bit higher than in northwestern Yunnan zone;northwestern Yunnan zone higher than southwestern Yunnan zone. Comparing with other results in global, Qs-1 in Yunnan is lower than the global average value among these results, Q-1i is higher than the global average value, and Q-1t lies the middle among these results.  相似文献   

The Bayesian extreme-value distribution of earthquake occurrences has been adopted to estimate the seismic hazard in some seismogenic zones in Greece and surrounding regions. Seismic moment, slip rate, earthquake recurrence rate and magnitude were considered as basic parameters for computing the prior estimates of the seismicity. These estimates are then updated in terms of Bayes' theorem and historical estimates of seismicity associated with each zone.High probabilities for earthquakes withM6.0 have been obtained for the northwestern part of Greece as well as for the southwestern part of the Hellenic arc.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of scattering (Q s –1 ) and intrinsic (Q i –1 ) attenuation to the totalS-wave attenuation for the frequencies of 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 12.0 Hz has been studied by applying the radiative energy transfer theory, Data of local earthquakes which occurred in northern Greece and were recorded by the permanent telementered network of the Geophysical Laboratory of the University of Thessaloniki have been used. The results show that in this area the scattering attenuation is dominant over all frequencies while intrinsic attenuation is significantly lower. The estimatedQ s –1 andQ i –1 values have frequency dependences off –0.72 andf –0.45, respectively. The frequency dependence ofQ s –1 is the same as that of the codaQ c –1 , obtained by applying the single scattering model, which probably implies that the frequency dependence of the coda wave attenuation is attributed to the frequency dependence of the scattering attenuation.Q c –1 values are very close to scattering attenuation for short lapse times, (10–20 sec), and intermediate between scattering and intrinsic attenuation for the longer lapse times, (50–100 sec). This difference is explained as the result of the depth-dependent attenuation properties and the multiple scattering effects.  相似文献   

Contrary to the traditional view, seismic attenuation in Biot's theory of fluid-saturated porous media is due to viscous damping of local (not global) pore-fluid motion. Since substantial inhomogeneities in fluid permeability of porous geological materials are to be expected, the regions of highest local permeability contribute most to the wave energy dissipation while those of lowest permeability dominate the fluid flow rate if they are uniformly distributed. This dichotomy can explain some of the observed discrepancies between computed and measured attenuation of compressional and shear waves in porous earth. One unfortunate consequence of this result is the fact that measured seismic wave attenuation in fluid-filled geological materials cannot be used directly as a diagnostic of the global fluid-flow permeability.  相似文献   


本文利用2009—2019年间中国大陆固定台站记录的宽频带地震波形数据, 采用反双台法, 获得了约36万个台站对的Lg波Q值, 并反演得到了中国大陆Lg波的衰减模型.结果显示, 中国大陆Lg波衰减的Q值结构存在显著的横向非均一性.青藏高原、渤海湾盆地以及祁连山造山带等构造活动块体展现出明显的地壳低Q值强衰减特征, 而华南块体、鄂尔多斯盆地以及塔里木盆地等相对稳定的地区则呈现地壳高Q值弱衰减特征.Lg波衰减与构造活动强度、松散沉积物、地下流体或部分熔融以及地质块体结构等因素密切相关.渤海湾盆地的强衰减主要由上地壳巨厚的松散沉积物和较高的地壳温度导致.青藏高原和祁连山造山带的地壳强衰减主要归因于现今活跃的构造活动、复杂的断裂系统和地质结构以及富含地下流体甚至是部分熔融等因素.华南造山带和大兴安岭地区的地壳弱衰减特征可能与侵入岩冷却形成高强度的结晶基底以及古老造山带地壳构造趋于稳定相关.


根据地质构造及地震台网分布特征,将青海地区分为柴达木盆地、青海东北部、青海东南部3个区域,运用青海地震台网记录的112条数字地震波形资料,利用Atkinson方法得到3个区域的非弹性衰减Q值随频率的关系,结果表明,柴达木盆地Q值最大,青海东南部Q值最小。采用Moya方法反演得到3个区域24个地震台的场地响应,其中15个台站的场地响应在频率域不平坦,9个台站稳定性相对较好,GOM(格尔木)作为国家基准地震台,具有良好的观测环境,场地响应曲线稳定。  相似文献   

通过对汶川地震中170个调查点的震害指数进行统计分析,得到了从Ⅵ度到Ⅺ度中各个烈度区内的平均震害指数值和方差,结果表明在Ⅶ到X度区平均震害指数与烈度表基本相符,分析了Ⅵ度区和Ⅺ区内平均震害指数偏高和偏低的原因,指出前者主要因为调查点分布的原因,而后者则可能还受到该烈度区大小划分的影响.在断层距50 km内震害指数高、离...  相似文献   

收集整理全国22个省、5个自治区、4个直辖市的烈度衰减关系资料,得到182个烈度衰减关系公式,与现用地震快速评估系统、“十五”评估系统中烈度衰减关系参数进行对比,可知:(1)北京、上海、河北、吉林、甘肃、福建、江苏、海南、贵州、安徽、湖南、浙江、黑龙江、宁夏、天津、广西、辽宁、山东、江西、广东、陕西等地区的烈度衰减关系具有优化性;(2)四川、云南、内蒙古等省区地域性广,地震频发,沿用已有烈度分区结果;(3)新疆、青海、西藏、内蒙古中部、重庆、湖北、河南、山西等地有多个衰减公式,依次甄别,优选适用对应区域的衰减关系公式,以达到优化参数的目的,为震后影响场快速预估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

中强地震活动区地震动衰减关系的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震动衰减关系是影响地震安全性评价特别是地震区划结果的重要因素.我国现行的地震动衰减关系主要是依据6级以上地震的地面运动资料得到的,并没有考虑中强地震的衰减特性.为此,文中利用现有的烈度资料和其他可供参考的研究成果来建立我国中强地震活动区的地震动衰减关系.收集了我国华中、华南、东北等地区的51次地震的烈度等震线资料,运用单随机变量加权最小二乘回归法得到中强地震活动区烈度衰减关系.然后以美国西部地区为参考地区,运用缺乏地震动参数的地震动估计方法-地震对映射法得到中强地震活动区峰值加速度和有效峰值加速度衰减关系.最后,通过与我国强地震区和中强地震区已有的烈度衰减关系和地震动衰减关系的对比,验证了得出的我国中强地震活动区烈度衰减关系和地震动衰减关系的合理性.  相似文献   

The 3 strongest earthquakes,M7.0, which have occurred since 1973 in the area of Greece were preceded by a specific increase of the earthquake activity in the lower magnitude range. This activation is depicted by algorithm M8. This algorithm of intermediate term earthquake prediction was originally designed for diagnosis by Times of Increased Probability (TIPs) of the strongest earthquake,M8.0 worldwide (Keilis-Borok andKossobokov, 1984). At present the algorithm is retrospectively tested for smaller magnitudes in different seismic regions (Keilis-Borok andKossobokov, 1986, 1988). A TIP refers to a time period of 5 years and an area whose linear size is proportional and several times larger than that of the incipient earthquake source. Altogether the TIPs diagnosed by the algorithm M8 in the area of Greece occupy less than 20% and the Times of Expectation (TEs) about 10% of the total space-time domain considered. Also there is a current TIP for the southeastern Aegean sea and 1988–1992. It may specify the long-term prediction given inWyss andBaer (1981a,b).The results of this study are further evidence favoring applicability of algorithm M8 in diverse seismotectonic environment and magnitude ranges and support indirectly the hypothesis of self-similarity of the earthquake activity. It also implies the possibility of intermediate term prediction of the strongest earthquakes in the area of Greece.  相似文献   

由于介观尺度的孔隙流体流动,弹性波传播过孔隙岩层时在地震频段表现出较强的频散和衰减。Johnson理论给出了在任意孔隙形状的条件下,部分气水饱和孔隙介质的理论相速度和品质因子的解析解。本文在Johnson模型的基础上,通过对Q值曲线的低频和高频近似,推导了Q值曲线的近似公式,以及基于孔隙介质基本地球物理参数和孔隙斑块几何形态参数T和比表面积S/V的最大衰减Qmin近似公式。通过与理论值的对比,对Qmin近似公式存在的线性误差进行改正,进一步提高了精度。复杂的斑块形态对最大衰减Qmin和过渡频率ftr的都产生一定影响,且对ftr影响更大。因为数值模拟直接求解介观尺度的Biot孔隙介质方程需要极大的计算量,我们使用Zener模型建立了等效粘弹模型,有效地模拟了地震频带内的衰减和频散现象。  相似文献   

朱新运  于俊谊  张帆 《地震学报》2013,35(2):199-208
2002—2007年发生的珊溪水库地震事件是少震、 弱震的浙江省区域显著的地震事件. 搜集182次ML>2.0地震的近场台站数字地震波形, 使用这些波形高信噪比的尾波时间域信号, 根据计算尾波Qc(f)值的Sato模型, 通过滤波及去除环境噪声, 计算了地震波传播路径上的尾波Qc(f)值; 拟合Qc(f)值与频率f之间的关系, 分析了水库区域地震波衰减的时空特征. 根据信噪比及计算要求, 从近场9个台站的记录中挑选出641条三分向记录, 计算尾波衰减参数, 得到尾波Qc(f)与频率f的关系为: Qc(f)=52.19±7.11f0.922 1±0.05. 结果表明, 本区域为低衰减区域. 震群活动使区域介质对高频率波衰减趋势性增大. 进一步对尾波衰减参数及尾波采样体之间的关系分析发现, 该区域存在深部高衰减层.  相似文献   

从声波在岩体中传播产生衰减的基本原理出发,建立了声波衰减振子的线列阵模型。该模型是将传播声波路径的岩体分为若干个振子,从波动概念出发,以振动原理作依据建立波动方程.为探讨岩体声波衰减机制提供了一种新的研究方法,把振动和波动直观地联系起来.单一方向上有限点的声波测试技术有可能被多方向的声测技术所代替.该模型的建立,使模态分析和参数识别方法应用到岩体声波测试技术中成为可能。  相似文献   

地震波衰减的物理机制研究   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11  
对近年来有关地震波衰减的物理机制进行评述和初步研究认为,对于地壳介质,造成地震波衰减的主要原因是地壳内存在大量裂隙,裂纹中饱含水或部分含水,地震波传播时引起裂隙中的流体运动,从而造成地震波的衰减,对于上地幔,扩散控制的位错阻尼机制可能是造成地幔地震波衰减的一个重要原因,而上地幔软流层部分熔融的存在也是造成地震波衰减不可忽视的原因.  相似文献   

川滇及周边地区地壳横波衰减的成像研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用由149个台站记录的中国地震年报、四川和云南区域地震台网观测报告的5897个近震的27530条横波振幅与周期资料,反演得到川滇地区及周边的地壳衰减Q0值(频率为1 Hz时的Q值)空间分布图像、台站的场地响应以及由于介质衰减不同造成的震级偏差.结果表明,川滇及周边地区的地壳横波衰减Q0值在200~600范围内变化,平均值为400,横向变化显著.在川西-滇西北-保山地区、云贵交界-昆明-思茅地区以及海原-祁连、汾渭和东昆仑等活动块体边界带的Q0值明显较低,这些地区地震和构造活动相对活跃;而构造相对稳定的四川盆地、马尔康块体、桂西滇东断块以及鄂尔多斯、秦岭-大别等地区的Q0值则明显较高.此外,川滇地区大多数台站的场地响应都在1附近,仅有少数增益或衰减较大,达到2倍左右,且其分布无明显规律性.该区观测报告给出的大多数地震震级偏差不大于0.3,但也有少数震级偏差达0.4,其分布与介质品质因子Q0值分布相关,说明震级测定可能受地壳介质衰减横向变化的影响.  相似文献   

The seismic energy attenuation in the frequency range of 1–18 Hz was studied in the two tectonically active zones of Irno Valley (Southern Italy) and Granada Basin (South-East Spain). Data were recorded by short period vertical components seismographs for low-magnitude local earthquakes. The method of coda waves, assuming singleS toS scattering approximation, was used to calculate the quality factorQ from the two data set. Results show a quality factor increasing with frequency, following the empirical lawQ=Q o f n .Q o andn are lower for the Irno Valley than for Granada. This result is interpreted in terms of different scattering environments present in the two investigated areas.  相似文献   

川滇及周边地区地壳横波衰减的成像研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用由149个台站记录的中国地震年报、四川和云南区域地震台网观测报告的5897个近震的27530条横波振幅与周期资料,反演得到川滇地区及周边的地壳衰减Q0值(频率为1 Hz时的Q值)空间分布图像、台站的场地响应以及由于介质衰减不同造成的震级偏差.结果表明,川滇及周边地区的地壳横波衰减Q0值在200~600范围内变化,平均值为400,横向变化显著.在川西-滇西北-保山地区、云贵交界-昆明-思茅地区以及海原-祁连、汾渭和东昆仑等活动块体边界带的Q0值明显较低,这些地区地震和构造活动相对活跃;而构造相对稳定的四川盆地、马尔康块体、桂西滇东断块以及鄂尔多斯、秦岭-大别等地区的Q0值则明显较高.此外,川滇地区大多数台站的场地响应都在1附近,仅有少数增益或衰减较大,达到2倍左右,且其分布无明显规律性.该区观测报告给出的大多数地震震级偏差不大于03,但也有少数震级偏差达04,其分布与介质品质因子Q0值分布相关,说明震级测定可能受地壳介质衰减横向变化的影响.  相似文献   

中国东北及周边地区地壳横波衰减的成像研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用146个台站记录的中国地震年报及黑龙江、吉林、辽宁和内蒙古四省地震台网观测报告的6371个近震46652条横波振幅与周期资料,采用二维层析成像方法反演东北地区地壳介质品质因子Q0空间分布图像.在绝大部分研究区都可达到2°×2°的分辨率.结果表明,东北及周边地区地壳介质品质因子Q0平均值为323,其Q0值分布及其所揭示的衰减变化特征与研究区的地表构造具有明显的相关性,如华北平原、松辽盆地和海拉尔平原等沉积层较厚的区域通常呈现为低Q0值;而燕山、太行、兴蒙褶皱带等沉积层薄或基岩出露的区域则呈现为相对高的Q0值.整个东北地区呈现高低衰减带相间分布.  相似文献   

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