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This paper presents a method for the computation of the Stokes for-mula using the Fast Hartley Transform(FHT)techniques.The algorithm is mostsuitable for the computation of real sequence transform,while the Fast FourierTransform(FFT)techniques are more suitable for the computaton of complex se-quence transform.A method of spherical coordinate transformation is presented inthis paper.By this method the errors,which are due to the approximate term inthe convolution of Stokes formula,can be effectively eliminated.Some numericaltests are given.By a comparison with both FFT techniques and numerical integra-tion method,the results show that the resulting values of geoidal undulations byFHT techniques are almost the same as by FFT techniques,and the computation-al speed of FHT techniques is about two times faster than that of FFT techniques.  相似文献   

A Russian geographer describes a methodology whereby data on slopes contained within a geographic information system are employed in the compilation of geomorphological maps. More specifically, the author proposes and tests a technology for the automated compilation of electronic maps of mean slope for the territory of Altay Kray, West Siberia, Russia. Translated by Edward Torrey, Alexandria, Virginia from: Geografiya i prirodnyye resursy, 2002, No. 2, pp. 142-146.  相似文献   


The title of this article is wide and generous, covering the art of road-surveying under every condition of climate from snow to tropical heat and in all types of country from moist forest to arid desert, from wooded mountains to barren rocks. But there is one feature that is common to all these conditions. Skilled supervision is at a minimum, and semi-skilled subordinates do the work. This has naturally had an influence on the quality and extent of the surveying carried out as a preliminary to the making of new roads. Some junior official, frequently from a subordinate service, is detailed for a survey, and he is expected to locate the final centre-line of the road on the ground and to produce plans, sections and a complete construction estimate. How then does he set about it? He probably has a small-scale map—in India, if he is lucky, a good, contoured, one-inch-to-the-mile map; and there are almost certain to be village tracks, either cart-tracks or man-tracks. Further, there will be certain obligatory points on the route, a pass to be crossed, a river to be bridged in a particular neighbourhood where it has well-defined banks, a town or village to be served, and so on.  相似文献   

The author, a research and development manager at Ordnance Survey, reviews current developments in photogrammetry including the automatic correlation of image points for aerial triangulation, digital photogrammetric map revision, mapping from SPOT imagery and progress in aerial photography.  相似文献   

本文通过对4400多张不同时期航片和5幅卫片(部分用计算机和光学图像处理等技术进行了 信息增强提取)的解译, 结合前人资料和地面调查验证, 对宝成铁路(宝鸡-绵阳段)沿线约 5000km2范围的灾害地质现象和环境地质因素进行了分析, 论述了地质灾害的分布发育规律及与地 质环境的相互关系, 提出了铁路沿线地质灾害的防治对策和建议。  相似文献   

文章概略地介绍了世界主要发达国家和发展中国家计划发射的一系列新的高性能环境监测卫 星和自然资源勘查卫星和新一代遥感传感器情况以及遥感技术的发展趋势。详述了新的遥感技术 在地质、海洋、资源、环境、农林等领域将开拓的新的应用前景。  相似文献   


The outstanding feature of 1931 was undoubtedly the rapid fall in the revenue of the Colony and Protectorate, which half-way through the year necessitated drastic reductions in Government expenditure, and in the case of the Survey Department led to the termination of the appointments of 15 European surveyors, I lithographer, and 20 members of the African staff. This cut, equivalent to a reduction of 28 per cent. of European and of 13 per cent. of African personnel, had unfortunately to be carried out at the height of the topographical and trigonometrical season and naturally entailed the closing down of some survey operations and the re-posting of officers to other duties to readjust the reduced personnel to more urgent requirements.  相似文献   


Artillery Survey.—Included in the term “Artillery Survey are two distinct problems, the first that of determining the “line” and “range” at which fire should be opened, and the second that of laying the gun in the required line. To appreciate these problems it. is necessary to know a little about the technique of gunnery, and for the benefit of those who have no acquaintance with the subject the following brief résumé may be given.  相似文献   

阐述了HD-STGPS的特点,通过在北京市地籍测绘中使用该仪器,得出了有益的结论和建议,可供其它单位参考。  相似文献   


The continued fall during the year of the price of local raw products on the world's markets led to a deficit in the estimated revenue, necessitating further retrenchments throughout the Nigerian Civil Service. The Survey Department's personnel was reduced by 8 Europeans and 24 Africans, thus decreasing since 1930, the first year of retrenchments, the Department's permanent staff by 46 per cent. of its European and 17 per cent. of its African Officers. The establishment at the end of the year comprised 31 European Officers, 49 African Surveyors, 5 African Computers, 35 African Draughtsmen, and 8 Lithographers and Sunprinters.  相似文献   


IN the absence on leave of the Surveyor General, a full Report for the Colonial Survey Committee was prepared by Mr. R. W. E. Ruddock, the Deputy Surveyor General. The Department in Ceylon covers so many activities that it would be impossible to mention here more than a few.  相似文献   


Hostile Battery Location.—Among the tactical ideas current in 1914 before the outbreak of war was the conception of an artillery duel as the opening phase of a great battle. This was pictured as a “hammer and tongs” sort of business in which the opposing artilleries were drawn up in full view of one another, and the winning assets were speed in coming into action, quicker rate of fire, and superior endurance. Good drill, in short, was thought to be worth much more than preliminary calculation. Actually, in the event, it was soon discovered that no battery could come into action in the open without being immediately destroyed. Far from there being any artillery duel, the opposing artilleries soon found themselves unable to attack one another at all. For a time, in the stress of greater happenings, this unforeseen development passed unnoticed, the reason being that the British artillery, having no shells to speak of, were compelled to keep the few they possessed for helping to repel the German infantry, while the German gunners, though they had plenty of ammunition, saw no reason to expend any of it in subduing an artillery which fired so seldom. Throughout 1915, until the shell shortage had been overcome, the recognized procedure for putting a stop to hostile shelling was to retaliate by a few rounds on some reputedly sensitive spot in the infantry trenches. History does not record the precise nature of the reactions in the hostile organism set up by this procedure nor whether it was invariably effective for the purpose in view. In any case no other procedure was possible because no one knew exactly where the hostile batteries were.  相似文献   


The year has been made noteworthy by the decision of Government to amalgamate the Land and Survey Departments under the direction of the Surveyor-General with the title of Commissioner of Lands and Surveyor-General. As the fusion of the two Departments took place only towards the end of the year, this report covers only survey activities for the year 1934.  相似文献   


The general organization remained the same as during the last few years, but owing to the reduction last year by 32 per cent. of the European and by 8 per cent. of the African-personnel the output of cadastral and topographical work was considerably lower. Against this, however, there have been increased activity and larger output from the drawing and lithographic sections.  相似文献   


The greatly improved economic situation was reflected in the increased activities of the Land and Survey Department in all its branches. The Registration of Titles Ordinance which came into force on the 1st July and the extension to Nigeria of the Empire Air Mail Service were the two most important events of the year.  相似文献   


This report covers the period of the first full year since the amalgamation of the Land and Survey Departments under one administration. The general scheme of amalgamation to which reference was made in the report of the Survey Department for 1934 has functioned satisfactorily and calls for no particular comment.  相似文献   

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