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西部遥感发展现状与前景展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西部遥感经过20多年的发展,已经形成了航天、航空、地面探测以及与GIS相结合的较完善的遥感技术应用研究体系,是西部地区资源、环境、灾害调查与监测的重要技术支撑。本文首先回顾了西部遥感技术应用试验研究,总结了西部遥感在各领域的应用现状并择要列举了部分成果,最后结合西部大开发的需求,阐述了西部遥感今后发展前景与对策。  相似文献   

A review of basic theoretical principles of “ecological” mapping and types of maps of the environment sets the stage for a more detailed treatment of ecological-geographic maps—maps portraying a wide range of nature-society and nature-nature relationships—as they are used in support of economic development and environmental monitoring in Siberia. Particular attention is devoted to the compilation of map series, which include ecological-geographical maps, for the Lake Baykal area, BAM service zone, West Siberia, and specific territorial production complexes (e.g., Kansk-Achinsk TPC). Translated from: Geografiya i prirodnyye resursy, 1987, No. 3, pp. 10-18.  相似文献   

The process of the automated compilation and plotting of thematic maps based on selected methods of cartographic representation is examined. The authors argue that the essence of logical and mathematical processing of digitized space imagery is formalized, objective cartographic representation of the results of image interpretation. General procedures of map compilation are operationalized based on a geomorphological mapping project using Landsat MSS data for the Moscow Region.  相似文献   

The authors describe a series of programs designed for the automated production of thematic relief maps. More specifically, a digital terrain model of a test site in northeastern Hungary provided raw data used in interactive processing and plotting of maps on relief (energy), slope angle, slope exposure or orientation, and tectonic structure lines. Applications in soil conservation, agroclimatology, and forestry are described briefly. Paper presented at the Euro-Carto III Seminar sponsored by the International Cartographic Association at Graz, Austria, October 23-25, 1984 and submitted to the Editor-in-Chief for publication.  相似文献   

地学分析在遥感专题制图中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了提高数字图像制图的质量和精度, 许多研究人员部在从不同途径探索各种有效方法。本文从地学角度出发, 以地学知识和理论为基础, 结合遥感专题制图, 对成图信息源和数字图像识别的区域参数, 作了综合分析研究。本文重点讨论数字图像冬小麦的识别制图, 用地学、生物学知识和理论, 分析冬小麦等农作物的物候规律, 研究其分类识别的最佳时相图像; 另外, 结合盐碱土等地物的模式识别制图进行了区域参数的分析、确定和量化研究。  相似文献   

A review article on world bathymetric mapping activity over the last quarter century from a Soviet perspective provides information about Soviet mapping programs of the deep sea and continental shelf. In addition, it addresses a number of methodological issues in bathymetric mapping which are attributed to the lag between advances in practical mapping activity and the development of cartographic theory—the selection of isobath intervals and appropriate scales for different sea floor features and intended map uses, and the proper use of layer tinting and other graphic techniques to depict variations in water depth without obscuring details of submarine topography. Translated from: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, seriya 7 [geologiya, geografiya], 1987, No. 2, pp. 62-71.  相似文献   

The structure and operation of an automated hardware-software complex, in use in the Far East Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok) to generate multicolor thematic maps for planning purposes, is described. Particularly noteworthy are adjustments, in the form of special interfaces, necessitated by the incompatibility of standard Soviet mainframe computers with the kinds of input-output devices commonly used in the West—notably the color display and graphics systems used to produce the final maps. Both preexisting maps and remote sensing imagery served, after digitization, as source materials. Translated from: Geografiya i prirodnyye resursy, 1986, No. 3, pp. 122-125.  相似文献   

专题制图中,所收集到的数据经常是单因素的,而在专题地图上却往往需要把多个单因素专题数据进行综合分类来表示。本文中,采用Fuzzy-Grey局势决策(下简称F-G决策)来研究多因素专题数据的综合分类问题,把“数据的模糊性”引入到灰色局势决策之中,根据不同情况,讨论各局势上效果测度中模糊隶属度确定的建模方法,在合适的隶属函数的基础上,在计算机上对实例分类进行程序运行,获得满意的结果。研究表明应用该方法在专题制图中对多因素数据进行综合分类是一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

苏州运河水质的TM分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用苏州地区陆地卫星TM数据和同期的地面水质监测资料建立了TM图像遥感水质模型,并将该模型应用于TM可见光彩色合成图像的分割处理,得到苏州地区水质空间分布图像。结合苏州运河水网的水文及水污染特征对遥感水质空间分布图像作了分析。结果表明TM数据真实地反映了苏州地区水质的空间分布规律,并得到当地环境监测部门的验证。  相似文献   

遥感和生长模型相结合的小麦长势监测研究现状与展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 遥感影像的信息波段及其组合可以反映农作物生长的空间信息,可对小麦进行长势监测和产量估算,具有及时性和广域性。生长模型是集气候、土壤、品种和栽培措施等因素为一体的,对作物的物候发育、光合生产、器官建成、同化物积累与分配以及产量与品质形成等生理过程及其与环境和技术因子关系综合量化的动态数学模型,具有机理性和预测性。将二者结合用于长势监测不但具有理论研究价值,还具有广泛的应用前景。本文在简要概述小麦生长模型和长势遥感监测研究进展的基础上,总结了生长模型和遥感相结合的小麦长势监测应用的研究进展,并提出一些今后研究设想。  相似文献   

This paper was the first to be presented at the Thompson Symposium 1984 which had as its theme “The future of photogrammetry”. The paper considers only the acquisition of imagery for large scale mapping and similar purposes. It discusses the role of the standard metric aerial survey camera and makes some proposals for the wider use of smaller format cameras. It also reviews the position with regard to other possible sources of imagery such as vidicon and solid state cameras.  相似文献   

The author, in a review of papers presented at the First All-Union Conference on the Geography and Mapping of the Oceans, outlines the present status and current trends of marine cartography in the USSR. Issues warranting increased attention include development of a systems approach for the mapping of marine ecosystems; improvement of methods and principles for the mapping of coastal zones, bottom relief, and shelf topography; and accelerated production of economic/resource maps of the oceans. Work now underway on a comprehensive, multi-volume A tlas of the Oceans reflects a Soviet concern with these issues. Translated from: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1984, No. 12, pp. 38-42.  相似文献   

本文在阐述我国考古测绘现状的同时,列举实例说明了近景摄影测量是考古测绘最理想的方法,并展望了其发展方向。  相似文献   

张亚利 《四川测绘》2001,24(1):43-44
本文主要论述了测绘仪器在促进测绘事业发展中的地位与作用,说明加快发展我国测绘仪器的必要性,同时提出了发展我国测绘仪器的建议。  相似文献   

谭明建 《四川测绘》2007,30(1):44-46
本文分析了测绘监理产生的原因及其社会需求、目前的现状和存在的问题,阐述了开展测绘监理的必要性和可行性,并提出了规范测绘监理行为的基本思路。  相似文献   

本文介绍利用TM数据进行动态聚类并作最小距离分类的非监督和监督相结合的分类方法, 对桔乡黄岩市郊的土地利用进行自动分类, 获得了能充分揭示桔园分布的高质量土地利用分类图像;继而采用阈值法和均值─均方差窗口法成功地实现了桔林资源信息的自动提取, 面积精度达95.3%.为在我国南方亚热带地区快速监测经济林资源及其动态变化提供了有效的新手段。  相似文献   

基于ArcIMS的矢量地图与专题统计图联合发布技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了ArcIMS体系结构及发布空间数据的原理,提出了在定制ArcIMS Java Viewer时,通过JavaServ-let来扩展ArcIMS服务器端的功能,利用隐藏帧技术实现了空间矢量地图与专题统计图联合动态发布。  相似文献   

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