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廖瑞君  衷存堤  肖晓林 《中国地质》2001,28(10):16-21,26
根据江西境内陆相红色盆地1:5万区调填图实践,拟定了陆相岩石地层序列界面2类8种的划分方案;总结了各类界面的鉴别特征及其对于划分岩石地层单位的作用;提出了构造界面具等时性和相转变面具穿时性的新认识。  相似文献   

The interpretation of fluvial styles from the rock record is based for a significant part on the identification of different types of fluvial bars, characterized by the geometric relationship between structures indicative of palaeocurrent and surfaces interpreted as indicative of bar form and bar accretion direction. These surfaces of bar accretion are the boundaries of flood‐related bar increment elements, which are typically less abundant in outcrops than what would be desirable, particularly in large river deposits in which each flood mobilizes large volumes of sediment, causing flood‐increment boundary surfaces to be widely spaced. Cross‐strata set boundaries, on the other hand, are abundant and indirectly reflect the process of unit bar accretion, inclined due to the combined effect of the unit bar surface inclination and the individual bedform climbing angle, in turn controlled by changes in flow structure caused by local bar‐scale morphology. This work presents a new method to deduce the geometry of unit bar surfaces from measured pairs of cross‐strata and cross‐strata set boundaries. The method can be used in the absence of abundant flood‐increment bounding surfaces; the study of real cases shows that, for both downstream and laterally accreting bars, the reconstructed planes are very similar to measured bar increment surfaces.  相似文献   

侯乾  牟传龙  郑斌嵩  葛祥英 《地质论评》2021,67(2):67030016-67030016
北祁连地区位于中国中央造山带中段,具有典型造山带的特征。区内志留系肮脏沟组沉积环境存在较大争议,以致对其沉积期古地理格局的认识就存在很大差异。本研究选取志留系肮脏沟组发育齐全的肃南地区老虎沟剖面为研究对象,通过野外剖面实测、室内薄片鉴定和碎屑岩粒度分析等方法对老虎沟剖面肮脏沟组沉积充填序列、沉积构造和沉积相类型进行了细致分析。北祁连肃南地区老虎沟剖面志留系肮脏沟组发育大套的砾岩、砂砾岩和含砾砂岩,沉积构造以大型槽状交错层理、板状交错层理、平行层理和底冲刷构造为主,其中砂岩碎屑的成分和结构成熟度都较低;砂岩段的滚动组分含量较高,纵向剖面上显示为向上远离物源区,粒度变细的演化序列。沉积特征指示北祁连肃南地区老虎沟剖面志留系肮脏沟组的沉积相为辫状河流相,并非前人认为的造山俯冲阶段或者弧陆碰撞阶段的深水海相沉积,而是已经发生陆—陆碰撞形成的陆相沉积。此时北祁连东部地区还未发生陆—陆碰撞,由此可知北祁连在早志留世碰撞为“西早东晚”的不规则点式碰撞。本研究有助于深化对北祁连造山带志留纪的古地理格局和其大地构造背景的认识。  相似文献   

Precambrian fluvial systems, lacking the influence of rooted vegetation, probably were characterised by flashy surface runoff, low bank stability, broad channels with abundant bedload, and faster rates of channel migration; consequently, a braided fluvial style is generally accepted. Pre-vegetational braided river systems, active under highly variable palaeoclimatic conditions, may have been more widespread than are modern, ephemeral dry-land braided systems. Aeolian deflation of fine fluvial detritus does not appear to have been prevalent. With the onset of large cratons by the Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic, very large, perennial braided river systems became typical. The c. 2.06–1.88 Ga Waterberg Group, preserved within a Main and a smaller Middelburg basin on the Kaapvaal craton, was deposited largely by alluvial/braided-fluvial and subordinate palaeo-desert environments, within fault-bounded, possibly pull-apart type depositories.

Palaeohydrological data obtained from earlier work in the Middelburg basin (Wilgerivier Formation) are compared to such data derived from the correlated Blouberg Formation, situated along the NE margin of the Main basin. Within the preserved Blouberg depository, palaeohydrological parameters estimated from clast size and cross-bed set thickness data, exhibit rational changes in their values, either in a down-palaeocurrent direction, or from inferred basin margin to palaeo-basin centre. In both the Wilgerivier and Blouberg Formations, calculated palaeoslope values (derived from two separate formulae) plot within the gap separating typical alluvial fan gradients from those which characterise rivers (cf. [Blair, T.C., McPherson, J.G., 1994. Alluvial fans and their natural distinction from rivers based on morphology, hydraulic processes, sedimentary processes, and facies assemblages. J. Sediment. Res. A64, 450–489.]). Although it may be argued that such data support possibly unique fluvial styles within the Precambrian, perhaps related to a combination of major global-scale tectono-thermal and atmospheric–palaeoclimatic events, a simpler explanation of these apparently enigmatic palaeoslope values may be pertinent. Of the two possible palaeohydrological formulae for calculating palaeoslope, one provides results close to typical fluvial gradients; the other formula relies on preserved channel-width data. We suggest that the latter will not be reliable due to problematic preservation of original channel-widths within an active braided fluvial system. We thus find no unequivocal support for a unique fluvial style for the Precambrian, beyond that generally accepted for that period and discussed briefly in the first paragraph.  相似文献   

渤海海域W油田新近系明化镇组河流相砂体结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用野外露头、现代沉积和大量岩心以及钻测井资料,以高分辨率层序地层学原理为指导,结合地震和探地雷达,分析了W油田新近系明化镇组明下段河流相层序格架和砂体结构的沉积特征,总结了砂体的发育规模特征,建立了河流相砂体的沉积模式,为海上油田开发及后期调整提供依据和指导。研究表明,渤海海域明化镇组河流相砂体结构划分为堆叠型、侧叠型和孤立型3种类型共7种样式,其中侧叠型又分为紧密型、疏散型和离散型;孤立型又分为下切侵蚀型、孤立河道和决口扇;河道砂体厚度为2.1~15m,平均6.75m;宽度为200~1 225m,平均宽度519m。决口扇砂体厚约2~3m,宽度为150~450m,平均宽度300m。河流相砂体结构受控于湖平面的变化。不同的湖平面变化下发生堆叠型、侧叠型和孤立型规律性的砂体结构变化。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘汭水河露头剖面延长组长9-长7辫状河三角洲沉积为例,重点讨论三级层序界面上下的砂岩储层成岩特征.通过大量的铸体薄片鉴定,扫描电镜、X衍射等实验分析,发现汭水河延长组露头剖面层序界面对砂岩储层成岩具有控制作用,基准面下降半旋回内填隙物以浊沸石为主,基准面上升半旋回内以方沸石为主,孔隙主要为溶蚀填隙物形成的次生孔隙,界面之上面孔率好于界面之下的面孔率,有利于储层发育.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地区南部和东秦岭北部是华北稳定陆块与秦岭海槽之间的过渡带.早古生代可划分为5个中层序(mesosequence).MS-1.包括下寒武统及中寒武统徐庄组,为混水台地沉积体系,时间跨度在35Ma;MS-2.包括下寒武统张夏组、上寒武统和下奥陶统冶里—亮甲山组,为清水台地沉积体系,时间跨度近37.9Ma;MS-3.包括下奥陶统马家沟组和峰峰组,为蒸发型台地沉积体系,时间跨度近31Ma.三者组成显生宙第一大层序(megasequence),形成一巨大沉积旋回,为地壳动力伸张所成;MS-4.包括赵老峪组,为弧后盆地形成的斜坡沉积体系和盆地沉积体系,时间跨度17Ma;MS-5.系上奥陶统,包括背锅山组、上店组、两岔口组等,为残留海台地型沉积体系.这两个中层序形成显生宙第二大层序的主体,形成一巨大沉积旋回,为地壳动力挤压所成.  相似文献   

以高分辨率层序地层学理论为指导,通过对鄂尔多斯盆地陕北地区上三叠统延长组典型露头剖面及岩心观察、描述的基础上,结合大量测井曲线,详细地分析了延长组不同级次层序界面的识别标志。结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地陕北地区上三叠统延长组由1个超长期旋回,4个长期旋回,9个中期旋回及若干个短期旋回组成。由于印支运动的影响,在研究区形成了两个区域性的构造运动升降面(SLSB2和SLSB1),该界面为超长期旋回的顶、底界面。长期旋回层序为一套区域性湖进-湖退沉积序列,界面是低角度的侵蚀不整合面和与其相应的整合面。研究区3个长期旋回层序界面自下而上依次为:区域性基准面抬升所形成的水进界面,相当于"李家畔页岩";区域性的泥岩、凝灰岩标志层,相当于长6油层组底部的k2标志层;区域性的相转换界面,相当于长4 5和长3的分界面。中期旋回和短期旋回层序界面主要为不同级次的湖泛面、冲刷侵蚀面、岩石类型或相组合的转换面、岩石相内部的层理变化界面、砂泥岩厚度旋回性变化界面等。在界面识别的基础上,对研究区沉积旋回及界面的空间配置进行了分析,认为不同级次界面的识别是高精度层序地层研究的核心,对于油田勘探和开发具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

The concept of stratigraphic base level, or the ratio between accommodation and sediment supply (A/S ratio), has been used to analyse the Rusty and Canyon Creek Members of the Campanian Ericson Sandstone in the Rock Springs Uplift, SW Wyoming, USA. The Ericson Sandstone was deposited under fluvial to estuarine conditions in a foreland basin setting influenced both by Sevier-style (thrust belt) tectonism and by more local, Laramide-style, foreland uplifts. The depositional setting was situated several tens to a few hundred kilometres from the nearest shoreline. Therefore, sea level change at the contemporaneous shoreline probably had little, if any, influence on the development of the sedimentary architecture. The Rusty Member shows an alternation between incised valleys filled by multi-storey estuarine channel sandstones showing palaeoflow to the south and delta plain sediments with single-storey channels with no evidence of tidal influence, which show palaeoflow to the east. This cyclicity is interpreted as recording repeated uplift of the Wind River Range to the north, causing valley incision and reduction of the A/S ratio. During quiescent periods, the A/S ratio increased allowing the valleys to fill and delta plain conditions to be subsequently re-established because of increased sediment supply from the thrust belt in the west. A regional unconformity at the base of the Canyon Creek Member truncates the Rusty Member, and represents a significant reduction of the A/S ratio caused by Laramide tectonic uplift. The Canyon Creek Member is a multi-storey, multi-lateral fluvial channel sandstone, where channel preservation and thickness increase upwards, suggesting an increase of the A/S ratio. The Canyon Creek Member channels are interpreted to have been sinuous, meandering channels from the observed sedimentary structures and fill patterns, despite their sand-rich nature. It is argued that grain size is a poor indicator of channel planform, and that there was very low preservation potential for fine material because of a relatively low A/S ratio. The top of the Canyon Creek Member is a regionally correlative surface marking an abrupt increase of the A/S ratio. This surface is termed an expansion surface, denoting an abrupt increase in accommodation. The overlying Almond Formation shows a single-storey alluvial architecture with a very high preservation of fine-grained material. An assumed correspondence in time of the Late Absaroka thrust phase in the Sevier belt to the west and the formation of the sharp top of the Canyon Creek Member suggests that the thrust phase caused a basin-wide abrupt increase of subsidence that changed the alluvial architecture. As an alternative to sequence stratigraphic nomenclature defined for strata controlled by shoreline movements, a scheme relating systems tracts and surfaces to changes in stratigraphic base level is proposed. Such a scheme is useful where correlations to shoreline strata are ambiguous or cannot be made, or where tectonics and climate are important controls.  相似文献   

应用河流砂体构型理论,首先识别出单个心滩坝,并对单个心滩坝进行构型解剖,建立了心滩坝的三维构型模型。从砂体构型的角度阐明了储集层初始含油气性差异的成因,解决了该区油水关系矛盾突出的问题。指出在厚砂体连片分布的单个沉积时间单元内,河道的侧向迁移可使不同期叠置砂体各自具有独立的流体系统;在同一河道内,心滩坝砂体与河道充填砂体之间的构型界面也会使不同成因砂体不完全连通,导致含油级别不同;成因砂体内部界面也能使界面上下含油饱和度及油水界面等存在较明显差异。  相似文献   

Hardground discontinuities within carbonate platforms form important stratigraphic surfaces which can be used at basin scale to correlate sequence boundaries. Although these surfaces are commonly used in sequence strati‐graphy, the timing and duration of hardground lithification and the crystallization of early cements remain unexplored. Here, early calcite cements were dated by U‐Pb geochronology for five Jurassic hardgrounds, interpreted as third‐order sequence boundaries, situated within a well‐constrained petrographic, sedimentological and stratigraphic framework. The consistency or the slight deviation between the age of the cements and the stratigraphic age of deposition of the formations illustrate that cementation occurred early in the diagenetic history. The ages obtained on dogtooth cements, replacing aragonite in gastropod shells and pendant cements in intergranular spaces, match those of the standard Jurassic biostratigraphic ammonite Zones, making calcite U‐Pb geochronology a promising method for dating third‐order sequence boundaries of depositional sequences and refining the Jurassic time scale in the future.  相似文献   

河流侵淤作用下三维地层模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱良峰  潘信 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z1):65-68
基于钻孔数据的多层DEM构模技术是构建沉积环境下三维地层模型的有效方法,但该方法对在河流的侵蚀和淤积交替作用下形成的地层建模效果并不理想。针对这种缺陷,对传统的建模流程加以改进,充分考虑到河流侵蚀作用对地层的切割影响,在建模的过程中对地层层面进行了两次插值与高程调整,使在钻孔附近地层的尖灭处理更为自然与合理。应用实例表明,该方法的建模结果非常接近于实际地层分布情况,从而验证了该方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

黄骅坳陷歧口凹陷古近系沙河街组是大港油田油气勘探的主要目的层,该组主要发育辫状河三角洲和扇三角洲沉积砂体,其中辫状河三角洲砂体是有利的油气储集体。在区域构造、古地貌和沉积体系等研究基础上,应用沉积模拟技术,再现了研究区孔店物源辫状河三角洲的形成过程和沉积微相特征,在实验条件下,孔店物源辫状河三角洲可划分为3个亚相、7个微相。实验研究表明,基底沉降、相对湖平面升降、流量及流量变幅、加砂量(物源供给)等是影响辫状河三角洲的形成及其演化的控制因素。通过实际砂体和实验砂体厚度展布对比分析,预测了有利储集层分布区域。综合歧口凹陷原始地质模型和实验模拟成果,建立了模拟实验条件下歧口凹陷古近系沙三2亚段辫状河三角洲沉积模式。  相似文献   

河流相层序地层学研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
河流相的层序地层结构是由沉积物的供给和可容纳空间之间的相互作用决定的,其层序与体系域的识别和划分则是根据河道砂体的叠置方式及相伴生的古土壤的发育情况或河流类型来进行的,低水位早期主为侵蚀下切无沉积记录,低水位晚期主为辫状河;水进时期先为曲流河、后为网状河;高水位时期为曲流河,水退时期主为辫状河。  相似文献   

针对前人提出准噶尔盆地腹部石西地区下侏罗统八道湾组三段为曲流河三角洲沉积的观点,笔者根据碎屑岩的结构、沉积构造及砂体的空间展布等特征,认为八道湾组三段是在较强水动力条件下牵引流沉积的产物,其沉积环境应属于辫状河三角洲沉积。通过对研究区八道湾组三段辫状河三角洲的沉积特征进行综合研究,认为该区辫状河三角洲发育2种亚相和5种微相:辫状河三角洲平原分流河道、河漫沼泽,辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道、支流间湾、河口砂坝。并分析了其展布特征与演化过程,推测该区八道湾组三段沉积早期湖平面下降,研究区内发育辫状河三角洲前缘沉积;中期湖平面继续下降,发育辫状河三角洲平原沉积;晚期湖平面上升,沉积物有所变细。西北部哈拉阿拉特山—德仑山及扎伊尔山物源体系是其主要物源区。  相似文献   

泌阳凹陷湖相白云岩层序地层学分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
孙尚如 《西北地质》2004,37(2):30-35
泌阳凹陷湖盆中心安棚地区核二段和核三段上部发育一套巨厚白云岩层系地层,岩性以泥质白云岩、白云质泥岩、泥岩、纯白云岩和碱层为主,属淡化期和咸化期相互交替的常年碱性盐湖沉积体系。笔者从湖相白云岩层系沉积特征入手,首先从剖面上对长期旋回、中期旋回和短期旋回进行层序分析,然后从沉积成岩角度对该短期旋回和韵律旋回进行高分辨率层系地层分析。  相似文献   

Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This reconstruction of the fluvial palaeogeography of central Poland is based on an exhaustive and critical review of the published and archival data for the Middle and Late Pleistocene sediments of the area. The Warsaw Basin in central Poland was a major confluence area during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. The fluvial watersheds have been only slightly modified since that time. The past river systems resembled the contemporary one, therefore indicating rebuilding during successive interglacials, at least since the Holsteinian when the sea undoubtedly occupied the southern Baltic Basin. The Weichselian fluvial system was strongly influenced by the Scandinavian ice sheet, especially by meltwater runoff in the extraglacial area and ice-damming in the Warsaw Basin where a large proglacial lake developed. The Weichselian fluvial sediments form up to three terraces in the valleys of the Vistula and its tributaries. The most contentious issue is the mutual relation of the ice-dammed lake and ice marginal spillways in the Warsaw Basin, both being important fragments of a widespread drainage network in the Central European Lowland.  相似文献   

Discrete hollows in the bar tops of the South Saskatchewan River are described that form a newly-recognized morphological element of sandy braided rivers. These bar-top hollows, which are up to 1.7 m deep and may extend for 10–30 m down and across flow, have a circular to ovoid planform and are shown, through use of ground penetrating radar, to be filled by a series of distinct, often angle-of-repose, foresets. The hollows form by both erosion and bar-top deposition and may be generated by bar-tail accretion, cross-bar channel cutoff and subsequent fill or lateral accretion at the bar-head. Bar-top hollows occur in the upper part of the bar depositional sequence and may thus prove useful indicators for braid bar reconstruction in ancient sediments, and should not be confused with channel scour.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地惠州凹陷HZ-A地区文昌组沉积一套重要的辫状河三角洲相的砂岩储层,现今埋深超过3 500 m.基于岩石薄片、阴极发光、X衍射、扫描电镜及储层物性等资料,对HZ-A地区文昌组砂岩储层特征、成岩作用和孔隙度演化进行了详细研究,采用孔隙度参数演化的定量分析方法,建立了储层孔隙度定量演化模式.研究表明,文昌组储层岩石类型以岩屑砂岩为主,成分成熟度和结构成熟低;储集层目前正处于中成岩A2阶段,先后经历了压实、早期胶结、溶蚀作用和晚期胶结作用.强烈的机械压实及晚期胶结作用对物性破坏性最大,酸性溶蚀是改善储层物性的唯一成岩因素.储层初始孔隙度约35.1%,持续性的埋藏压实导致原生孔隙减少15.4%,早期胶结减少孔隙3.4%,之后酸性流体进入发生溶蚀增孔7.2%,晚期胶结作用损失孔隙度11.5%,其中以黏土胶结和碳酸盐胶结为主,结果形成低孔低渗储层.  相似文献   

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