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We investigated canopy transpiration and canopy conductance of peach trees under three irrigation patterns: fixed 1/2 partial root zone drip irrigation (FPRDI), alternate 1/2 partial root zone drip irrigation (APRDI) and full root zone drip irrigation (FDI). Canopy transpiration was measured using heat pulse sensors, and canopy conductance was calculated using the Jarvis model and the inversion of the Penman–Monteith equation. Results showed that the transpiration rate and canopy conductance in FPRDI and APRDI were smaller than those in FDI. More significantly, the total irrigation amount was greatly reduced, by 34·7% and 39·6%, respectively for APRDI and FPRDI in the PRDI (partial root zone drip irrigation) treatment period. The daily transpiration was linearly related to the reference evapotranspiration in the three treatments, but daily transpiration of FDI is more than that of APRDI and FPRDI under the same evaporation demand, suggesting a restriction of transpiration water loss in the APRDI and FPRDI trees. FDI needed a higher soil water content to carry the same amount of transpiration as the APRDI and FPRDI trees, suggesting the hydraulic conductance of roots of APRDI and FPRDI trees was enhanced, and the roots had a greater water uptake than in FDI when the average soil water content in the root zone was the same. By a comparison between the transpiration rates predicted by the Penman–Monteith equation and the measured canopy transpiration rates for 60 days during the experimental period, an excellent correlation along the 1:1 line was found for all the treatments (R2 > 0·80), proving the reliability of the methodology. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We constructed a coupled model for simulating plant photosynthesis and evapotranspiration (CPCEM). In the model, non-rectangular hyperbola is used to simulate leaf photosynthesis rate that is scaled up to estimate canopy gross photosynthesis rate by an integral method. Whole canopy in the model is separated into multi-layers, each of which is divided into sunlit leaves and shade leaves. Canopy net photosynthesis rate is expressed as a function of canopy conductance which is coupled with evapotranspiration. Included the coupled function,evapotranspiration is estimated with a two-layer submodel. The main features of CPCEM are: (1)easy suitability, (2) good physiological base, and (3) simple calculation procedure. Simulated results of CPCEM were compared with those by an eddy covariance system that was installed in a winter wheat farmland of the North China Plain. CPCEM gave a quite well diurnal and seasonal dynamics of net ecosystem exchange, compared with the measurements. The root mean square error between simulation and measurements was only about 2.94 μ mol m-2 s-1. Diurnal and seasonal patterns of latent heat flux with the CPCEM were similar to those of measurements.Whereas, simulated latent heat flux was evidently higher than the measured.  相似文献   

The hydrological recovery of watersheds from disturbances such as fire and harvest can change the magnitude and distribution of flow paths as the canopy regenerates. The spatial distribution of net water input to the soil–topography system is mediated by vegetation patterns through the processes of interception, evapotranspiration and snowmelt. We have previously described RHESSys, a distributed model of water and carbon flux with a prescribed canopy cover. Although the canopy structure varied spatially it did not change through time. We present an expanded model in which carbon and nitrogen are dynamically coupled with distributed hydrology. The model fixes and allocates canopy carbon annually to reflect changes in climate forcing. We test the interactions of the forest ecosystem to distributed hydrology through controlled experiments. In the first experiment, we prescribe canopy cover and examine the sensitivity of the hydrological outputs to the distribution of vegetation. The canopy distribution is found to have significant effects on simulated hydrological outputs where evaporative demand exceeds available water. In a second experiment we simulate the canopy leaf area index (LAI) across the topography and through time. The model is executed over 100 years using repeated 10-year meteorological records to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of LAI. Annual precipitation and temperature differences result in temporally fluctuating LAI about a reasonably stable long-term mean. The topographical position has a strong effect on local forest canopy characteristics. As expected, simulated ecosystem processes are found to be sensitive to rooting depth in more water limited environments. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

W. Zhao  X. Chang  Z. Zhang 《水文研究》2009,23(10):1461-1470
As an important source of income in the region's economy, the jujube plantations are very common in arid north‐western China, and their planted areas continue to expand. In the central Heihe River Basin of arid north‐western China, Linze jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis (Bunge) Rehd.) plantations cover more than 10,000 ha, too. Water use by this species is expected to change or modify catchment hydrological process. To our knowledge, there is no information on the transpiration and canopy conductance of the jujube plantations in arid north‐western China. Therefore, Transpiration and canopy conductance were monitored in a 14‐year‐old Linze jujube orchard. The experiment was carried out in the central Heihe River Basin, near Pingchuan Town (Linze County, Gansu Province, China) during growing season of 2006, from May to the first ten days of October. Eight trees were used to measure sap flow using the heat‐pulse‐velocity method. The orchard was irrigated adequately during the study. Transpiration was estimated from the sap flow measurements. During the experiment, the transpiration rate of the orchard ranged from 0·32 to 1·40 mm per day. Canopy conductance was obtained from estimated daily transpiration and climatic variables measured on a half‐hour basis, and canopy conductance for water vapour transfer was between 1·20 to 82·57 mm s?1, with a mean of 11·86 ± 6·84 mm s?1 during the observation period. Air temperature and vapour‐pressure deficit exhibited a linear relationship with sap flow velocity and the relationship between these factors and canopy conductance could be represented by an exponential decay function. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The partition of available energy into evapotranspiration affected by environmental and physiological factors is critical in understanding the water cycle and optimizing the water management in the field. Our study attempted to accurately quantify the environmental and physiological control on variability in evaporative fraction (EF) based on the Penman–Monteith model. The eddy covariance method was used to measure water flux over a canopy and then calculate the EF above a maize field in northwest China in 2007. Results indicate that the EF was lower in other growth stages than in the heading stage, so the EF value in the heading stage was taken as the standard value. The decreases in EF caused by canopy conductance and environmental factors were 0.176 and ?0.026, accounting for 117% and ?17% of the total difference in EF, respectively. Such results were mainly due to the following: (1) the variation of maize canopy conductance was greater than that of the environmental factors, such as air temperature, air humidity, wind speed and radiation; (2) the EF of the maize was more sensitive to variation in canopy conductance than the environmental factor. Our study revealed that crop physiological factor played an important role in determining the energy partition processes and reducing the sensible heat flux in the maize field. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurements of sap flow, meteorological parameters, soil water content and tension were made for 4 months in a young cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) plantation during the 2002 rainy season in Ejura, Ghana. This experiment was part of a sustainable water management project in West Africa. The Granier system was used to measure half‐hourly whole‐tree sap flow. Weather variables were observed with an automatic weather station, whereas soil moisture and tension were measured with a Delta‐T profile probe and tensiometers respectively. Clearness index (CI), a measure of the sky condition, was significantly correlated with tree transpiration (r2 = 0·73) and potential evaporation (r2 = 0·86). Both diurnal and daily stomata conductance were poorly correlated with the climatic variables. Estimated daily canopy conductance gc ranged from 4·0 to 21·2 mm s−1, with a mean value of 8·0 ± 3·3 mm s−1. Water flux variation was related to a range of environmental variables: soil water content, air temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity and vapour pressure deficit. Linear and non‐linear regression models, as well as a modified Priestley–Taylor formula, were fitted with transpiration, and the well‐correlated variables, using half‐hourly measurements. Measured and predicted transpiration using these regression models were in good agreement, with r2 ranging from 0·71 to 0·84. The computed measure of accuracy δ indicated that a non‐linear model is better than its corresponding linear one. Furthermore, solar radiation, CI, clouds and rain were found to influence tree water flux. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jing Wang  Qiang Yu  Xuhui Lee 《水文研究》2007,21(18):2474-2492
Understanding the exchange processes of energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the soil–vegetation–atmosphere system is important for assessing the role of the terrestrial ecosystem in the global water and carbon cycle and in climate change. We present a soil–vegetation–atmosphere integrated model (ChinaAgrosys) for simulating energy, water and CO2 fluxes, crop growth and development, with ample supply of nutrients and in the absence of pests, diseases and weed damage. Furthermore, we test the hypotheses of whether there is any significant difference between simulations over different time steps. CO2, water and heat fluxes were estimated by the improving parameterization method of the coupled photosynthesis–stomatal conductance–transpiration model. Soil water evaporation and plant transpiration were calculated using a multilayer water and heat‐transfer model. Field experiments were conducted in the Yucheng Integrated Agricultural Experimental Station on the North China Plain. Daily weather and crop growth variables were observed during 1998–2001, and hourly weather variables and water and heat fluxes were measured using the eddy covariance method during 2002–2003. The results showed that the model could effectively simulate diurnal and seasonal changes of net radiation, sensible and latent heat flux, soil heat flux and CO2 fluxes. The processes of evapotranspiration, soil temperature and leaf area index agree well with the measured values. Midday depression of canopy photosynthesis could be simulated by assessing the diurnal change in canopy water potential. Moreover, the comparisons of simulated daily evapotranspiration and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) under different time steps indicated that time steps used by a model affect the simulated results. There is no significant difference between simulated evapotranspiration using the model under different time steps. However, simulated NEE produces large differences in the response to different time steps. Therefore, the accurate calculation of average absorbed photosynthetic active radiation is important for the scaling of the model from hourly steps to daily steps in simulating energy and CO2 flux exchanges between winter wheat and the atmosphere. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Acquiring high resolution topographic data of natural gravel surfaces is technically demanding in locations where the bed is not exposed at low water stages. Often the most geomorphologically active surfaces are permanently submerged. Gravel beds are spatially variable and measurement of their detailed structure and particle sizes is essential for understanding the interaction of bed roughness with near‐bed flow hydraulics, sediment entrainment, transport and deposition processes, as well as providing insights into the ecological responses to these processes. This paper presents patch‐scale laboratory and field experiments to demonstrate that through‐water terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) has the potential to provide high resolution digital elevation models of submerged gravel beds with enough detail to depict individual grains and small‐scale forms. The resulting point cloud data requires correction for refraction before registration. Preliminary validation shows that patch‐scale TLS through 200 mm of water introduces a mean error of less than 5 mm under ideal conditions. Point precision is not adversely affected by the water column. The resulting DEMs can be embedded seamlessly within larger sub‐aerial reach‐scale surveys and can be acquired alongside flow measurements to examine the effects of three‐dimensional surface geometry on turbulent flow fields and their interaction with instream ecology dynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diel fluctuations can comprise a significant portion of summer discharge in small to medium catchments. The source of these signals and the manner in which they are propagated to stream gauging sites is poorly understood. In this work, we analysed stream discharge from 15 subcatchments in Dry Creek, Idaho, Reynolds Creek, Idaho, and HJ Andrews, Oregon. We identified diel signals in summer low flow, determined the lag between diel signals and evapotranspiration demand and identified seasonal trends in the evolution of the lag at each site. The lag between vegetation water use and streamflow response increases throughout summer at each subcatchment, with the rate of increase as a function of catchment stream length and other catchment characteristics such as geology, vegetation and stream geomorphology. These findings support the hypothesis that variations in stream velocity are the key control on the seasonal evolution of the observed lags. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The numerical modeling of the impacts of urban buildings in mesoscale meteorological models has gradually improved in recent years. Correctly representing the latent heat flux from urban surfaces is a key issue in urban land-atmosphere coupling studies but is a common weakness in current urban canopy models. Using the surface energy balance data at a height of 140 m from a 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing, we conducted a 1-year continuous off-line simulation by using a coupled land surface model and a single-layer urban canopy model and found that this model has a relatively large systematic error for simulated latent heat flux. To improve the numerical method for modeling latent heat flux from urban surfaces, we combined observational analysis and urban land surface model to derive an oasis effect coefficient for urban green areas; to develop a temporal variation formula for water availability in urban impervious surfaces; and to specify a diurnal profile and the maximum values of anthropogenic latent heat release for four seasons. These results are directly incorporated into the urban land surface model to improve model performance. In addition, this method serves as a reference for studies in other urban areas.  相似文献   


We coupled the hydrologic routing and flood dynamics model Terrestrial Hydrology Model with Biogeochemistry (THMB) to the Integrated LAND Surface Model (INLAND) and compared simulations of the discharge and flood extent area against gauge station and satellite-based information in the Amazon Basin. The coupled model represents well the seasonality of the flooding and discharge, but underestimates both of them. This can be related to an already discussed underestimate of the precipitation in the east of the Andes Mountains. A photosynthesis limitation on the flooded area was also included, showing changes in plant productivity and reduction in vegetation carbon stocks. Despite its limitations, the model proves to be a valuable tool for studies of the hydrological cycle and flood dynamics response to climate change projections, allowing it to be used to represent the feedbacks between continental surface water cycle and vegetation.  相似文献   

Canopy conductance (gc) is a crucial parameter in simulating evapotranspiration and modulating water exchange, but its variation mechanism has regional uncertainties and complex environmental co-controls. In addition, the effect of extreme rainfall on gc cannot be ignored under the changing climate. Here, we investigated the variation and environmental controls on gc and the effect of extreme rainfall events in a Cunninghamia lanceolata forest across the subtropical area of Southern China. In July 2020, an extreme rainstorm hit the source area of the Xin'an River, with the cumulative rainfall on July 7 and 8 reaching 216.6 mm. The thermal diffusion probe method was used to measure the density of sap flow, and the environmental factors such as air temperature (Ta), net solar radiation (Rn) and soil water content (SWC) were monitored during the growing seasons of 2020 and 2021. Ultimately, gc obtained by the Penman-Monteith equation was adopted since the result from the Köstner equation was overestimated. gc showed a unimodal curve on the diurnal scale, and this characteristic was more obvious after the extreme rainfall. Daily gc appeared a fluctuating pattern with a maximum in summer. gc was simultaneously affected by Ta, Rn, water vapour pressure difference (VPD), SWC, among which Ta was the most significant driving factor at both the diurnal and daily timescales. The regulation of Ta, VPD and SWC on gc had obvious thresholds, and the most definite response mode was VPD (2020: 1.25 kPa; 2021: 0.95 kPa). SWC and Ta were the dominant factors after the rainfall period, and the promotion effect of VPD on post-rainy days turned to inhibition effect on typical sunny days. These findings will further reveal the water exchange mechanism between atmosphere and vegetation and impacts of environmental factors in subtropical coniferous forests, especially after the extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   

Recent improvements in the Utah Energy Balance (UEB) snowmelt model are focused on snow–vegetation–atmosphere interactions to understand how different types of vegetation affect snow processes in the mountains of Western USA. This work presents field work carried out in the Rocky Mountains of Northern Utah to evaluate new UEB model algorithms that represent the processes of canopy snow interception, sublimation, mass unloading and melt. Four years' continuous field observations showed generally smaller accumulations of snow beneath the forest canopies in comparison with open (sage and grass) areas, a difference that is attributed to interception and subsequent sublimation and redistribution of intercepted snow by wind, much of it into surrounding open areas. Accumulations beneath the denser forest (conifer) canopies were found to be less than the accumulation beneath the less dense forest (deciduous) canopies. The model was able to represent the accumulation of snow water equivalent in the open and beneath the deciduous forest quite well but without accounting for redistribution tended to overestimate the snow water equivalent beneath the conifer forest. Evidence of redistribution of the intercepted snow from the dense forest (i.e. conifer forest) to the adjacent area was inferred from observations. Including a simple representation of redistribution in the model gave satisfactory prediction of snow water equivalent beneath the coniferous forest. The simulated values of interception, sublimation and unloading were also compared with previous studies and found in agreement. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vahid Nourani  Akira Mano 《水文研究》2007,21(23):3173-3180
Rainfall–runoff modelling, as a surface hydrological process, on large‐scale data‐poor basins is currently a major topic of investigation that requires the model parameters be identified by using basin physical characteristics rather than calibration. This paper describes the application of the TOPMODEL framework accompanied by a kinematic wave model to the Karun River sub‐basins in southwestern Iran with just one conceptual parameter for calibration. ISLSCP1, HYDRO1K and Reynolds data sets are presented in a geographical information system and used as data sources for meteorological information, hydrological features and soil characteristics of the study area respectively. The results show that although the model developed can adequately predict flood runoff in the catchment with only one calibrated parameter, it is suggested that the effect of surface reservoirs be considered in the proposed model. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two different canopy interception schemes are applied to the parameterization of the hydrological processes in the Community Land Model version 3. One scheme treats rainfall and canopy water storage as spatially uniform within each model grid cell, and the other scheme considers sub‐grid variability of rainfall and water storage in the parameterization of canopy hydrological processes. The hydrological responses to differences between these two schemes in different regions are studied. It is found that the impact of the sub‐grid variability in the tropical regions is generally greater than the extra‐tropical regions. However, such impact can't be negligible for the extra‐tropical regions. Soil water in the total 3.4 m soil depth increases by 3% for Central‐South Europe, and vegetation temperature increases by 0.14 °C for Southeastern United States if the regional averages are considered. The magnitude of the impact is greater if the analysis focuses on the specific grid cells in these regions. The impact is tightly correlated with rainfall amount and vegetation density. The correlation coefficient between such impact and rainfall amount and vegetation density varies with regions and hydrological variables, with the largest value of 0.92 for interception loss in Amazonia. Our results indicate that the impact of the sub‐grid variability on hydrological processes in the extra‐tropical areas is also important, although rainfall amount and vegetation density in these areas are not as high as in the tropical areas. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding changes in evapotranspiration during forest regrowth is essential to predict changes of stream runoff and recovery after forest cutting. Canopy interception (Ic) is an important component of evapotranspiration, however Ic changes and the impact on stream runoff during regrowth after cutting remains unclear due to limited observations. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of Ic changes on long-term stream runoff in a regrowth Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress forest following clear-cutting. This study was conducted in two 1-ha paired headwater catchments at Fukuroyamasawa Experimental Watershed in Japan. The catchments were 100% covered by Japanese coniferous plantation forest, one of which was 100% clear-cut in 1999 when the forest was 70 years old. In the treated catchment, annual runoff increased by 301 mm/year (14% of precipitation) the year following clear-cutting, and remained 185 mm/year (7.9% of precipitation) higher in the young regrowth forest for 12–14 years compared to the estimated runoff assuming no clear-cutting. The Ic change was −358 mm/year (17% of precipitation) after cutting and was −168 mm/year (6.7% of precipitation) in the 12–14 years old regrowth forest compared to the observed Ic during the pre-cutting period. Stream runoff increased in all seasons, and the Ic change was the main fraction of evapotranspiration change in all seasons throughout the observation period. These results suggest that the change in Ic accounted for most of the runoff response following forest cutting and the subsequent runoff recovery in this coniferous forest.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate factors controlling transpiration of six common eastern deciduous species in North America, a model describing responses of canopy stomatal conductance (GS) to net radiation (RN), vapor pressure deficit (D) and relative extractable soil water (REW) was parameterized from sap flux data. Sap flux was measured in 24 mature trees consisting of the species Carya tomentosa, Quercus alba, Q. rubra, Fraxinus americana, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Liquidambar styraciflua in a bottomland oak-hickory forest in the Duke Forest, NC. Species differences in model coefficients were found during the 1997 growing season. All species showed a reduction in GS with increasing D. RN influenced GS in the overstory shade intolerant L. styraciflua to a larger extent than the other species measured. In addition, despite a severe drought during the study period, only L. tulipifera showed a decline in GS with decreasing REW. The primary effect of the drought for the other species appeared to be early autumn leaf senescence and abscission. As a result, despite the drought in this bottomland forest accustomed to ample water supply, maximum daily transpiration (1.6 mm) and growing season transpiration (264 mm) were similar to a nearby upland forest measured during a year of above average precipitation. These results may aid in assessing differences in water use and the ability of bottomland deciduous species to tolerate alterations in the frequency or amount of precipitation. Results also suggest little variation in water use among forests of similar composition and structure growing in different positions in the landscape and subjected to large interannual variation in water supply.  相似文献   

A terrestrial hydrological model, developed to simulate the high‐latitude water cycle, is described, along with comparisons with observed data across the pan‐Arctic drainage basin. Gridded fields of plant rooting depth, soil characteristics (texture, organic content), vegetation, and daily time series of precipitation and air temperature provide the primary inputs used to derive simulated runoff at a grid resolution of 25 km across the pan‐Arctic. The pan‐Arctic water balance model (P/WBM) includes a simple scheme for simulating daily changes in soil frozen and liquid water amounts, with the thaw–freeze model (TFM) driven by air temperature, modelled soil moisture content, and physiographic data. Climate time series (precipitation and air temperature) are from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis project for the period 1980–2001. P/WBM‐generated maximum summer active‐layer thickness estimates differ from a set of observed data by an average of 12 cm at 27 sites in Alaska, with many of the differences within the variability (1σ) seen in field samples. Simulated long‐term annual runoffs are in the range 100 to 400 mm year?1. The highest runoffs are found across northeastern Canada, southern Alaska, and Norway, and lower estimates are noted along the highest latitudes of the terrestrial Arctic in North America and Asia. Good agreement exists between simulated and observed long‐term seasonal (winter, spring, summer–fall) runoff to the ten Arctic sea basins (r = 0·84). Model water budgets are most sensitive to changes in precipitation and air temperature, whereas less affect is noted when other model parameters are altered. Increasing daily precipitation by 25% amplifies annual runoff by 50 to 80% for the largest Arctic drainage basins. Ignoring soil ice by eliminating the TFM sub‐model leads to runoffs that are 7 to 27% lower than the control run. The results of these model sensitivity experiments, along with other uncertainties in both observed validation data and model inputs, emphasize the need to develop improved spatial data sets of key geophysical quantities (particularly climate time series) to estimate terrestrial Arctic hydrological budgets better. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A key aspect of large river basins partially neglected in large‐scale hydrological models is river hydrodynamics. Large‐scale hydrologic models normally simulate river hydrodynamics using simplified models that do not represent aspects such as backwater effects and flood inundation, key factors for some of the largest rivers of the world, such as the Amazon. In a previous paper, we have described a large‐scale hydrodynamic approach resultant from an improvement of the MGB‐IPH hydrological model. It uses full Saint Venant equations, a simple storage model for flood inundation and GIS‐based algorithms to extract model parameters from digital elevation models. In the present paper, we evaluate this model in the Solimões River basin. Discharge results were validated using 18 stream gauges showing that the model is accurate. It represents the large delay and attenuation of flood waves in the Solimões basin, while simplified models, represented here by Muskingum Cunge, provide hydrographs are wrongly noisy and in advance. Validation against 35 stream gauges shows that the model is able to simulate observed water levels with accuracy, representing their amplitude of variation and timing. The model performs better in large rivers, and errors concentrate in small rivers possibly due to uncertainty in river geometry. The validation of flood extent results using remote sensing estimates also shows that the model accuracy is comparable to other flood inundation modelling studies. Results show that (i) river‐floodplain water exchange and storage, and (ii) backwater effects play an important role for the Amazon River basin hydrodynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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