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The correlation of continental sedimentary records with the marine isotope stratigraphy is a challenge of central importance in Quaternary stratigraphy, particularly in Western Europe where long records of glaciation on land areas are particularly rare. Here we demonstrate for the first time the interrelationship of events during the last 1.2 Ma in an ocean-sediment core from the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic), SW of the Channel. The identification of discharge variations from tributary river systems to the ‘Fleuve Manche’ palaeoriver during glacio-eustatic sea-level lowstands demonstrates the correlation of the marine sediment stratigraphy to the expansion and recession of the European ice-sheets. The amplitude and chronology of European ice-sheet oscillations since the late Early Pleistocene is discussed and our results demonstrate that the first coalescence of the Fennoscandian and British ice-sheets in the North Sea basin ca 450 ka ago caused a profound change in lowstand European drainage alignment. This change caused a rerouting of Fennoscandian and eastern British ice-sheets-derived meltwaters from northwards into the Nordic Seas to southwards into the eastern North Atlantic thereafter. Besides allowing a thorough synchronisation of the European ice-sheet palaeogeography with the well-dated records of palaeoceanographical changes, our results improve the stratigraphy of the English Channel palaeovalleys and will provide important constraints on paleoclimatic scenarios considering the impact that such rerouting and meltwater surges might have on the stability of the oceanic conveyor belt.  相似文献   

The exploration of the Cryogenian manganese deposits in the Datangpo Formation of South China has achieved great progress in recent years. It is concern in the long term there are many studies on this manganese deposits due to its particularity in the temporal and spatial distribution and the mineralization background. In this paper,we systematically summarize the previous achievements on the Datangpo-type manganese deposits. Besides,we also review current findings of Neoproterozoic global geotectonics,palaeoclimate evolution,ancient marine chemistry,and microbial evolution etc. The possible linkage between the massive metallogenesis of the Cryogenian Datangpo manganese deposits in the South China and Neoproterozoic major geological events is established. The break-up of Rodinia supercontinent led to the widespread rift basin systems in the world since the Middle Neoproterozoic. The Nanhua Basin in South China,which is a manganese-forming sedimentary basin,developed from the rift basin. The rift basin provided space for manganese deposits and controlled the distribution of manganese deposit. The hydrothermal activities at the bottom of the basin provided favorable manganese source. During the Neoproterozoic ice period(“Snowball Earth”event),global ice-sheets cut off or hindered exchanges of mass and energy between different spheres of Earth,which may lead to the widespread anoxic condition in the ice age ocean. The palaeoclimate changes during the glacial-interglacial period led to the disappearance of ice-sheets and the triggering of mass and energy exchanges between different sub-systems of Earth,followed by the variation of redox condition of the ancient sea. For the Nanhua Basin,the oxidation of surface water and the oxygen-bearing base flow provided the oxidation environment for the precipitation of manganese. Besides,new evidence indicated that manganese microbiological mineralization was the potential mechanism for manganese deposit under the microbial resuscitation condition during the interglacial period. All these major geological events have complicated connections and they provided essential metallogenic conditions for the sedimentary mineralization of “Datangpo”manganese deposit. It is believed that there is a coupling between the sedimentary metallogenesis of the Cryogenian Datangpo-type manganese deposit in South China and Neoproterozoic major geological events.  相似文献   

华南地区成冰系大塘坡组锰矿近年来在找矿勘探方面取得了突破性进展,同时,由于该套锰矿在时空分布及成矿背景上的特殊性,长期以来都受到研究者关注,累积了大量研究成果。在系统性总结大塘坡组锰矿研究成果的基础上,结合新元古代全球大地构造、古气候演变、古海洋环境变化及微生物演化等重大地质事件的最新研究进展,综合分析了华南成冰纪大规模锰沉积成矿作用与这些重大地质事件之间的联系。从新元古代中期开始,罗迪尼亚(Rodinia)超大陆的裂解在全球范围内形成了广泛分布的裂谷盆地系统,以中国南方南华盆地为代表的成锰盆地即是在裂谷盆地基础上发展而来的。裂谷盆地系统为锰矿沉积提供了必须的容矿空间,决定了其展布规律,并且盆地底部的热液系统为锰质输入盆地提供了必要途径。新元古代冰期(“雪球地球”)事件中覆盖全球的冰川系统切断或阻碍了地球各子圈层的物质与能量交换,可能导致冰期海洋缺氧状态的广泛出现。而冰期—间冰期的古气候变化使冰盖消失,海—气循环与海水圈层循环重新启动,随之而来的是古海水氧化还原条件的改变。针对南华盆地而言,表层海水的氧化及可能存在的含氧底流为锰矿沉淀提供了所需的氧化环境。此外,新近的证据表明间冰期微生物复苏背景下的锰微生物成矿作用可能是锰矿形成的重要机制。以上这些重大地质事件之间具有复杂的相互联系,同时它们也为“大塘坡式”锰矿沉积成矿作用提供了必不可少的成矿控制条件。因此, 华南成冰纪“大塘坡式”锰矿沉积成矿作用与新元古代重大地质事件间存在耦合关系。  相似文献   

The glacigenic succession along the border of northeast Wales records the advance, coalescence and subsequent uncoupling of Welsh and Irish Sea ice-sheets during the Late Devensian cold stage. During coalescence, extensive basal tills were deposited and considerable diversion of pre-existing drainage was accomplished by subglacial meltwater. Analysis of borehole data and quarry exposure indicates that a complex assemblage of ice-contact, proglacial fluviatile and lacustrine environments was developed during uncoupling and subsequent retreat. Neither of the previously proposed models for the formation of the so-called Wrexham ‘delta-terrace’ are adequate to explain the wide variety of sedimentary successions observed and the feature is a complex, diachronous structure that reflects rapidly changing depositionai conditions, including ice-front alluvial fans, sandar and proglacial and ice-contact lakes, formed at the margin of a retreating ice-sheet.  相似文献   

The site of Trimingham is situated where the Cromer Ridge, the largest topographic feature of northeast Norfolk, transects the coastline, providing an opportunity to study the ridge's internal structure and stratigraphy. It can be demonstrated that there were two glacial advances at this site, with an intervening phase of proglacial lake sedimentation that lasted for approximately 2000 years (Glacial Lake Trimingham). A detailed investigation of the sedimentology of the lake sediments enabled a facies reconstruction showing spatial and temporal changes within this lake. Ice-sheet retreat is indicated by an upward change from proximal to distal varve sequences, and a general shallowing of the lake followed by the deposition of marl-rich sediments and then aeolian and/or beach sands. A subsequent readvance of the ice-sheet is marked by further deposition of varved sediments and then by till deposition. This site provides an opportunity to study enviromental change over a known time period within the Anglian glaciation. It is suggested that this lake formed as the result of two ice-sheets coalescing and may be associated with the diachronously formed North Sea lake(s).  相似文献   

The glacial succession in the western part of the Cheshire-Shropshire lowland records the advance, coalescence and subsequent uncoupling of Irish Sea and Welsh ice-sheets during the Late Devensian stage. During advance a discontinuous sheet of basal till was emplaced across the floor of the region by subglacial lodgement. On retreat, compression of the Irish Sea ice sheet against bedrock obstruction generated a zone of supraglacial sedimentation resulting in the creation of the Wrexham-Ellesmere-Wem-Whitchurch moraine system, and the formation of a wide range of sedimentary environments, including ice-marginal sandur troughs, ice-front alluvial fans, proglacial ribbon sandur, and subglacial, ice-contact and proglacial lakes. The geometry of sedimentary units, and their lithologic and geomorphic characteristics, display spatially ordered patterns of sediment-landform assemblage which show that the statigraphic succession is a response to rapidly changing depositional conditions at a retreating supraglacial ice-margin punctuated by minor still-stands and ice-front oscillations.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of Pleistocene tills in Estonia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tills from four Pleistocene glaciations were recovered from drill cores in Estonia and subjected to particle size and microtexture analyses by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). All tills were deposited by thick continental ice-sheets following the transport of, at most, several hundred kilometers during four Fennoscandian glaciations. The main problem is to determine if the type and range of microtextures present on the grain surfaces are diagnostic of transport in continental ice. The frequency of occurrence of microtextures including fractures, abrasion, and relief features are used to test the ability of continental ice to damage quartz particles emplaced as till. The range of quartz dissolution and presence of coatings on grains are also used to reconstruct the paleoenvironment that existed prior to transport as well as to estimate diagenetic effects that occurred following emplacement. The available data indicate a high degree of reworking of quartz grains from one glaciation to another. While the shapes and microtextures of grains from source rocks are not known, the great range of fracture and abrasion microfeatures, and high frequency of occurrence on grains in all tills, indicate that glaciers are effective crushing agents. An increase in the prevalence of chemically etched grains from older to younger tills suggests that some grains ( c . 50%) escape crushing, either because of preservation in the ice and lack of grain-to-grain contact, or as a result of massive reworking of weathered grains following interglaciations.  相似文献   

The glacial deposits of the eastern Lleyn Peninsula record the advance, coalescence and subsequent retreat and uncoupling of Welsh and Irish Sea ice-sheets during the Late Devensian cold stage. During advance a thick sheet of basal diamict was deposited over much of the area, and during retreat and uncoupling, which occurred after 14.5 ka, the eastern part of the area was dominated by the formation of a large sandur system draining from the retreating margin of the Irish Sea ice-sheet. Subsequent stages of retreat are marked by a series of arcuate cross-valley moraines formed either by ice-contact deposition during stillstand or by structural deformation during minor snout oscillation. In the western part of the area sedimentation was controlled by a series of dead-ice ridges running parallel to the retreating ice-margin and this led to the development of a complex assemblage of localised depositional environments including ice-front alluvial fans, marginal sandur troughs and pro-glacial lake basins, all formed under supraglacial ice-marginal conditions. No evidence of glaciomarine deposition is recorded. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evolution of a gravity-driven free-surface flow of varying horizontal extent which couples with a field evolving within the flow is solved using a finite difference discretization of a mapping of the problem onto the unit square. Since the size of the solution domain may show several orders of magnitude of variation, while the normalized geometry of the domain and the internal field may not vary significantly, this procedure avoids excessively fine or coarse discretizations, as well as interpolations at the boundary. The parabolic and hyperbolic evolution equations for the internal field are considered. The evolution of the coupled system is solved by an implicit marching scheme. The discretizations in space and in time are accurate to second order. Multipoint upwinding is used to avoid an instability arising advective terms are large. The evolution equations are nonlinear, and are solved using a nested Newton–Raphson procedure. The nesting is achieved by using successively better approximations to the ture evolution equations. The matrix equation that arises is solved by a conjugate-gradient-like (ORTHOMIN) iteration procedure with an incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioning. The method has a wide variety of potential applications in the earth sciences, with the ability to describe glacier flow, lava flow, avalanching and landslides. Some calculations of the thermomechanical evolution of ice-sheets are given as illustrations, and the possible existence of thermally induced instabilities is considered.  相似文献   

The last Scottish ice-sheet: facts and speculative discussion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence relating to the extent of the last (Late Devensian) Scottish ice-sheet is critically discussed, particular attention being given to the limitations of some radiocarbon dates and incorrect inferences based on radiocarbon dates. It is suggested that the last Scottish and Scandinavian ice-sheets were not confluent and that Orkney and NE Caithness may not have been covered by the last Scottish ice-sheet. Ice-sheet growth and decay are considered in relation to possible positions of the oceanic and atmospheric polar fronts: implications are that much the greater part of ice-sheet decay resulted from inadequate snowfall and that the maximal limits of the last ice-sheet may not have been synchronous. Ice-sheet calving may have resulted in an independent ice mass over the Outer Hebrides. It is suggested that most of the bed of the Central North Sea became land during the Late Devensian and that a large delta existed in the eastern part of this area. It is also suggested that the buried and infilled channels of this eastern area, which are normally interpreted as tunnel valleys, are shallow delta channels whose present depth is due to delta subsidence  相似文献   

晚冰期Younger Drayas环境灾变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas Event)是过去15000年里全球最为严重的环境灾变事件。它使得冰期气候急剧回返,陆地自然环境严重恶化,并且遣成更新世末期的生物界大绝灭。该事件在深海沉积、大陆冰盖和湖泊沉积物剖面都有多种十分显著的记录。对其成因和机制的研究,将会深入揭示太阳辐射—大气—海洋气—冰盖气—陆地气—生物圈相互作用系统中的非线性反馈现象,为探索人类面临的全球变化问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

With this study, I suggest that changes in biogeochemical processes in northern Norwegian fjords during the last glacial/interglacial transition (14.3 to 6.3 ka B.P.) are predominantly climate induced. Variable strength in Atlantic water inflow, intrusion of Arctic waters and sea-ice coverage, various nutrient supply, as well as several re-advances of continental ice-sheets are recorded by both bulk organic and selected biomarkers in sediments of the Andfjord. Stable isotope (δ13Corg, δ15N) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data indicate a strong supply of terrestrial organic matter during stadials (e.g., Younger Dryas, Older Dryas) whereas enhanced input of marine organic matter prevailed during the interstadials (Bølling/Allerød). Profiles of selected biomarkers of marine origin show a characteristic climate-induced variation during the whole time interval, where relatively low concentrations of dinosterols and C37 alkenones may indicate—similar to today—a minor contribution of their respective plankton groups (coccolithophorids, dinoflagellates). The prevalence of Arctic waters and seasonal sea-ice coverage during the Younger Dryas is indicated by a single maximum of 24-methylenecholesterol probably indicating the dominance of sea-ice diatoms and/or the prevalence of diatoms of Thalassiosiraceae in surface waters. The sediments of the Allerød, in contrast, show a pronounced maximum in dinosterols, indicating a better adaptation of dinoflagellates to an oceanic regime that is characterized by incipient intrusion of Atlantic water, highly variable sea surface temperatures, and well stratified water masses. The concentration of higher-molecular-weight n-alkanes, however, follows the deglacial-early Holocene trend of climate amelioration from the last deglaciation to the middle Holocene, with maxima during ice advances (stadials) and minima during the middle Holocene warm period.These new results significantly improve the understanding of climate-induced response on organic matter supply in fjords and provide a better knowledge of past variations of biogeochemical processes in high-latitude coastal environments.  相似文献   

Two major causes of global sea level rise such as thermal expansion of the oceans and the loss of landbased ice for increased melting have been claimed by some researchers and recognized by the IPCC.However, other climate threat investigators revealed that atmosphere-ocean modeling is an imperfect representation, paleo-data consist of proxy climate information with ambiguities, and modern observations are limited in scope and accuracy. It is revealed that global warming and polar ice-melt although a reality would not contribute to any sea level rise. Floating-ice of the polar region on melting would reoccupy same displaced volume by floating ice-sheets. Land-ice cover in the polar region on melting can reduce load from the crust to activate elastic rebound that would raise land for its isostatic equilibrium.Such characteristics would not contribute to sea level rise. Equatorial bulge, polar flattening, elevation difference of the spheroidal surface between equator and pole with lower in the pole, strong gravity attraction of the polar region and week gravity attraction of the equatorial region, all these phenomena would play dominant role in preventing sea level rise. Palaeo-sea level rise and fall in macro-scale(10-100 m or so) were related to marine transgression and regression in addition to other geologic events like converging and diverging plate tectonics, orogenic uplift of the collision margin, basin subsidence of the extensional crust, volcanic activities in the oceanic region, prograding delta buildup, ocean floor height change and sub-marine mass avalanche. This study also reveals that geophysical shape, gravity attraction and the centrifugal force of spinning and rotation of the earth would continue acting against sea level rise.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the formation and precipitation of nanocolloidal silica from geologically relevant aqueous solutions is investigated. Changes in monomeric (SiO2(mono)), nanocolloidal (SiO2(nano)) and precipitated silica (SiO2(ppt)) concentrations in aqueous solutions from pH 3 to 7, ionic strengths (IS) of 0.01 and 0.24 molal, and initial SiO2 concentrations of 20.8, 12.5 and 4.2 mmolal (reported in [Icopini, G.A., Brantley, S.L., Heaney, P.J., 2005. Kinetics of silica oligomerization and nanocolloid formation as a function of pH and ionic strength at 25 °C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta69(2), 293-303.]) were fit using two kinetic models. The first model, termed the concentration model, is taken from Icopini et al. (2005) and assumes that the rate of change of SiO2(mono) as a function of time has a fourth-order dependence on the concentration of SiO2(mono) in solution. The second model, termed the supersaturation model, incorporates the equilibrium concentration of amorphous silica and predicts that polymerization will be a function of the degree of silica supersaturation in solution with respect to amorphous silica. While both models generally predicted similar rate constants for a given set of experimental conditions, the supersaturation model described the long-term equilibrium behavior of the SiO2(mono) fraction more accurately, resulting in significantly better fits of the monomeric data. No difference was seen between the model fits of the nanocolloidal silica fraction. At lower pH values (3-4), a metastable equilibrium was observed between SiO2(mono) and SiO2(nano). This equilibrium SiO2(mono) concentration was found to be 6 mmolal, or three times the reported solubility of bulk amorphous silica under the experimental conditions studied and corresponds to the predicted solubility of amorphous silica colloids approximately 3 nm in diameter. Atomic force microscopy was used to determine the average size of the primary nanocolloidal particles to be ∼3 nm, which is in direct agreement with the solubility calculations. Larger aggregates of the primary nanocolloids were also observed to range in size from 30 to 40 nm. This work provides the first kinetic models describing the formation and evolution of nanocolloidal silica in environmentally relevant aqueous solutions. Results indicate that nanocolloidal silica is an important species at low pH and neutral pH at low ionic strengths and may play a more important role in geochemical cycles in natural aqueous systems than previously considered.  相似文献   

Western Himalayas (WH) is characterized by variable topography and heterogeneous land use. During winter, it receives enormous amount of precipitation due to eastward moving extratropical cyclones, called western disturbances (WDs), in Indian parlance. This variable altitude and orientation of orographic barriers has a complex interplay with WDs in defining precipitation over the WH. To understand such complexities, three WDs are considered to study interaction with the Himalayan orography using the advanced regional prediction system. Two simulation strategies are performed and presented??first to illustrate the impact of different initial and boundary conditions and second to illustrate the impact of different horizontal model resolution with same model configuration. In the first strategy, three different initial and boundary conditions??the National Center for Environmental Prediction?CGlobal Forecast System, USA (NCEP?CGFS) (1) analysis (2) 0000UTC forecast and the National Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast, India?CT80 spectral model (NCMRWF?CT80) (3) 0000UTC forecast??are provided to the same model configuration. In the second strategy, outputs from model simulated with NCMRWF??T80 spectral model forecast at coarser horizontal model resolution of 30?km (hereafter called Experiment I) are used as input initial and boundary conditions for simulation at finer horizontal model resolution of 10?km (hereafter called Experiment II). Though there are many other dynamical factors, but in the present study, it is shown that model-simulated precipitation is sensitive to the initial and boundary conditions. Simulations at coarse resolution could capture the weather system, but detailed spatial distribution along the orography is better illustrated at finer resolution model simulation. Also, Experiment II could simulate precipitation over different ranges of the western Himalayas depicting orographic forcings.  相似文献   

In this paper, an idealized model of the steady‐state phase of the flow in a vertical conduit leading to a sand volcano eruption is developed from first principles. The model assumes that a sand–water mixture flows upwards, driven by an overpressure at the base of a vertical cylindrical conduit (or a two‐dimensional fracture) and opposed by gravity, viscous resistance and turbulent drag. The conditions for flow are analysed in detail, and the mechanisms controlling the eruption rates are studied quantitatively. The flow predictions are in accordance with our observations of analogous vigorous sand eruptions at deepwater oil fields. For sufficiently high flow velocities (u > 10uT) and small sand fractions (s < 0·2), the flow may be well mixed and homogeneous. If these conditions are not met, the flow may either become two phase or does not develop. Combining geological considerations with the steady homogeneous model, it is possible to predict the behaviour of the vigorous quasi‐steady stage of a sand volcano eruption. It is shown that, based on the average density of the overlying sediments, there are a range of overpressures for which sand volcanoes may develop.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of metamorphic quartz vein formation in Barrow’s index mineral zones north of Stonehaven, Scotland, was investigated in order to assess regional fluid flow and mass transfer. Metamorphic grade in the Dalradian metasediments increases to the north–northwest away from the Highland Boundary Fault (HBF) and associated ophiolitic rocks of the Highland Border Complex (HBC), passing through the Chlorite (Chl), Biotite (Bt), Garnet (Grt), Chloritoid (Cld), and Staurolite (St) zones. Syn-metamorphic fluid infiltration at 462±8.8 Ma (Breeding et al. in Am Mineral 89:1067, 2004) produced considerable quartz veining. Vein abundance varies from about 5 to 15 volume percent of the outcrops; veins tend to be more abundant in metapelitic layers than in metapsammitic ones. Metamorphic veins are surrounded by centimeter- to decimeter-wide zones of chemical and mineralogical alteration (selvages). Porphyroblasts, particularly Bt, Grt, Cld, and St, are typically larger in selvages than in wallrocks distal to veins. The altered selvages underwent fluid-driven addition of Na, Ca, and Sr, and loss of K, Rb, and Ba. Alteration is most intense within ∼750 m of the HBF, but is still very significant at the northern end of the field area some 2 km away. Mg/FeT (FeT=total iron) was either unchanged or increased due to alteration. Silica was added at some Chl and Bt zone localities near the HBF. Pb mass transfer was variable although Pb was added at a number of locations. Rare Earth elements (REE) were generally immobile, but light REE and possibly heavy REE were lost at one field site. The gain of Na and Ca and loss of K promoted the growth of plagioclase at the expense of micas (particularly muscovite) in selvages and wallrock inclusions throughout the field area and, probably, some calcite and/or dolomite growth directly adjacent to the HBF. The Ca gains were also critical for epidote production in the Bt zone. Gains of Ca and increases in Mg/FeT helped to stabilize Grt at the expense of Cld and St in some selvages. Hornblende and cummingtonite were discovered in strongly altered metapelitic rocks at one Cld zone locality. The metasomatism puts important constraints on the processes of mass transfer and suggests two models for regional fluid flow. In the first model, fluid flow in a direction of increasing temperature downward along the HBF added Na and Ca, and removed K from the Dalradian. In the second model, fluid flow upward from the HBC transported Na and Ca into the overlying Dalradian and, at the same time, stripped out K. The latter model is favored because it can most readily account for silica addition near the HBF, but neither model can be ruled out at present. In either case, the veins represent fractures that transmitted very large time-integrated fluid fluxes of at least ∼104 m3 (fluid)/m2 (rock). Consequently, the veins were conduits for regional fluid flow that caused considerable open-system chemical and mineralogical alteration during metamorphism. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

We present here a simple and novel proposal for the modulation and rhythm of ice-ages and interglacials during the late Pleistocene. While the standard Milankovitch-precession theory fails to explain the long intervals between interglacials, these can be accounted for by a novel forcing and feedback system involving CO_2, dust and albedo. During the glacial period, the high albedo of the northern ice sheets drives down global temperatures and CO_2 concentrations, despite subsequent precessional forcing maxima. Over the following millennia more CO_2 is sequestered in the oceans and atmospheric concentrations eventually reach a critical minima of about 200 ppm, which combined with arid conditions,causes a die-back of temperate and boreal forests and grasslands, especially at high altitude. The ensuing soil erosion generates dust storms, resulting in increased dust deposition and lower albedo on the northern ice sheets. As northern hemisphere insolation increases during the next Milankovitch cycle, the dust-laden ice-sheets absorb considerably more insolation and undergo rapid melting, which forces the climate into an interglacial period. The proposed mechanism is simple, robust, and comprehensive in its scope, and its key elements are well supported by empirical evidence.  相似文献   

Inclusion of spherical charge relaxation in response to the long-range electrostatic potential (potential induced breathing, or PIB) gives improved results for the static and dynamic properties of oxides. PIB is a Gordon-Kim type model, in which the crystal charge density is estimated by overlapping ionic charge densities. No experimental data are used, except for the values of universal constants, and in this sense the results are from first principles. In contrast to earlier models which include some form of charge relaxation, we explicitly include the breathing effects on the self-energy and pair potentials in the model Hamiltonian. PIB is a many-body effect that couples the long-and short-range forces in a way that is not present in any other first principles or empirical models. It leads to the observed violations of the Cauchy relations for the elastic constants whereas central force rigid ion models cannot violate the Cauchy relations. PIB also reduces the predicted LO-TO splitting because the breathing effect introduces dynamical effective charges that are lower in magnitude than the ionic charges. Some results are shown and discussed for MgO (periclase), BeO (bromellite), Al2O3 (corundum), TiO2 (rutile) and SiO2 (quartz and stishovite).  相似文献   

Station recording air temperature (Ta) has limited spatial coverage, especially in unpopulated areas. Since temperature can change greatly both spatially and temporally, stations data are often inadequate for meteorology and subsequently climatology studies. Time series of moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (Ts) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) products, combined with digital elevation model (DEM), albedo from Era-Interim and meteorological data from 2006 to 2015, were used to estimate daily mean air temperature over Iran. Geographically weighted regression was applied to compare univariate and multivariate model accuracy. In the first model, which only interfered with land surface temperature (LST), the results indicate a weak performance with coefficient of determination up to 91% and RMSE of 1.08 to 2.9 °C. The mean accuracy of a four-variable model (which used LST, elevation, slope, NDVI) slightly increased (6.6% of the univariate model accuracy) when compared to univariate model. RMSE dropped by 19% of the first model. By addition albedo in the third model, the coefficient of determination increased significantly. This increase was 32% of the univariate model and 23.75% of the 4-variable model accuracy. The statistical comparison between the three models revealed that there is significant improvement in air estimation by applying the geographically weighted regression (GWR) method with interfering LST, NDVI, elevation, slope, and albedo with mean absolute RMSE of 0.62 °C and mean absolute R2 of 0.99. In order to better illustrate the third model, t values were spatially mapped at 0.05 level.  相似文献   

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