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According to the observation of the number and mass concentration spectra of atmosphericaerosols,the total suspended particulates (TSP) and their size distribution,micrometeorology,and the solar spectroscopic radiation,even neutron activation treatment of sand dust samples inHelan Mountainous area.the formation law of floating dust,blowing sand and sandstorm weatherand the characteristics of climatic variation in this area and the influence of the Helan Mountain arecounted and analyzed.In addition,the spectrum characteristics,optical depth and chemicalcomposition of sand aerosol particles are also analyzed and discussed. 相似文献
The typical black storms or sand-dust storms in the northwestern China are generated anddeveloped through an interaction between the specific large scale circulation pattern and mesosealesystems.The passing by/over a huge sand-abundant desert of a strong cold front with intensivefrontal zone at mid and lower levels is a necessary condition for the formation and development of ablack storm or a severe sand-dust storm.In order to investigate the mechanism of the sand-dustmobilization,transport and sedimentation during the black or sand-dust storms,a parameterizationscheme of sand-dust source-sink terms and an equation of transport for the sand-dust wereproposed and incorporated into the MM4 mesoscale model.The modified MM4 model was appliedto the“May 1993”black storm case and succeeded in reproducing the evolution of the weathersystems associated with the black-storm,the sand-dust concentration at surface layer and itsvertical distribution,and the sand-dust sedimentation and transport.Our results show that thenumerical simulating method by using a mesoscale model,with inclusion of an equation of thesand-dust transport and a parameterization scheme of the sand-dust source-sink terms,is apromising approach to study the mechanism for sand-dust mobilization,transport andsedimentation during a sand-dust storm event. 相似文献
The typical black storms or sand-dust storms in the northwestern China are generated and developed through an interaction between the specific large scale circulation pattern and mesoseale systems.The passing by/over a huge sand-abundant desert of a strong cold front with intensive frontal zone at mid and lower levels is a necessary condition for the formation and development of a black storm or a severe sand-dust storm.In order to investigate the mechanism of the sand-dustmobilization,transport and sedimentation during the black or sand-dust storms,a parameterization scheme of sand-dust source-sink terms and an equation of transport for the sand-dust were proposed and incorporated into the MM4 mesoscale model.The modified MM4 model was applied to the "May 1993" black storm case and succeeded in reproducing the evolution of the weather systems associated with the black-storm,the sand-dust concentration at surface layer and its vertical distribution,and the sand-dust sedimentation and transport.Our results show that the numerical simulating method by using a mesoscale model,with inclusion of an equation of the sand-dust transport and a parameterization scheme of the sand-dust source-sink terms,is a promising approach to study the mechanism for sand-dust mobilization,transport and sedimentation during a sand-dust storm event. 相似文献
沙尘天气过程沙地下垫面沙尘通量的获取与分析研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
利用浑善达克沙地地区2004年春季沙尘暴和微气象学加强观测实验资料,计算了浑善达克沙地地区不同沙尘天气条件下湍流交换系数、湍流动量通量和感热通量、沙尘浓度通量;研究了沙尘暴过程中湍流作用、沙尘输送特征及起沙条件。结果显示:浑善达克沙地地区非沙尘天气白天近地层热力湍流作用强于动力湍流,湍流交换以感热交换为主;沙尘天气过程中,近地面层湍流动力作用明显增加,湍流动量和感热交换都对湍流输送有主要贡献,感热通量数值有不同程度的降低。较强沙尘暴天气过程中动力湍流强于热力湍流。随着沙尘天气经历起沙、平衡、沉降的演变过程,沙尘通量数值呈现由正值为主,过渡到向上和向下数值相当、向下数值比例增加。非沙尘天气、扬沙天气和沙尘暴天气过程的沙尘通量值范围分别是±5μg/(m2.s)、±30μg/(m2.s)和-200—300μg/(m2.s)之间。浑善达克沙地地区,非沙尘天气也存在一定量的沙尘输送,但数值较小。浑善达克沙地地区沙尘通量与摩擦速度的三次方成正比,为F=Cu3*。临界起沙风速和临界摩擦速度分别约为6m/s和0.4m/s。 相似文献
广州地区春季污染雾的化学特征分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
使用2005年2~3月在广州地区采集的雾水样品资料,分析了广州地区污染雾雾水的化学组分;对3次典型污染雾过程雾水的离子浓度及其可能的来源进行了分析。广州地区的污染雾雾水中的诸离子浓度远高于雨水中的值,因而,雾不但造成视程障碍,而且是高浓度污染的液态颗粒物,对人体健康十分有害。在雾水中浓度最高的阴离子是SO4=, 其次是NO3-;在阳离子中Ca++、NH4+的浓度最高。雨水比雾水更酸,说明虽然雾水中的离子浓度较雨水高得多,但大量的离子成分中存在更多的缓冲物质,比如说NH4+和Ca++。雾水中的Ca++、SO4=、Mg++有明显的富集现象,广州地区的污染雾雾水主要受大陆环境和人类活动的影响。这期间广州地区出现严重污染雾与水汽充足和大量气溶胶污染粒子的存在直接有关。 相似文献
北方局地夏末气溶胶光学特性综合观测分析 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
本文对中国北方相近地理经度不同纬度的三个试验点(内蒙草原生态定位站、北京、新乡)夏末季节大气气溶胶特性进行了地面粒子计数和整层光学遥感等综合观测。分析结果表明,这三个试验点地面和整层气溶胶数浓度通常有内蒙较小,北京居中,新乡最大的特征。文中提出了浓度比这个参量,它可以定量描述地面源气溶胶对整层大气气溶胶的相对贡献。据此分析可知内蒙地面源较弱,与该地区人类活动稀少相对应。由浓度比推测,新乡除近地面城市空气污染较严重外,滨临的黄河河面水汽蒸发作用也是促成气溶胶浓度增大的原因。 相似文献
本文利用数值模拟的诊断分析结果对出现在江苏地区冬季的一次强对流风暴的成因进行了研究,结果表明,在河套气旋缓慢东移过程中,冷锋前暖区较长时期的大雾天气及下湿上干的湿度分布为强风暴的产生准备了大气层结不稳定的条件,中尺度辐合流场对强风暴的产生起了触发作用。对流云的下沉辐散气流是雷暴向前传播的重要机制。 相似文献
径流-风暴潮相互作用可增大河口区风暴潮增水,增加风暴潮灾害风险。基于SCHISM模式建立了珠江河口风暴潮数值模型,以台风“山竹”为例,采用实测资料对模型计算结果进行验证,最高潮位相对误差在9%以内。设计了台风“山竹”实测径流与5年一遇洪水的对比试验,讨论了径流变化对河口风暴潮增水的影响,结果表明:河口口门站位风暴潮增水随径流量的增大而增大。径流增加对泗盛围、南沙等站位的风暴潮影响较大,在风暴潮增水达到最大值时影响最为显著。以径流动力作用为主的区域,当上游径流量增大时,对风暴潮增水起到负影响作用:如磨刀门水道,随着径流的增加,沿河道上溯的风暴潮增水逐渐减小,由灯笼山站3.22 m减小至马口站1.12 m。以潮汐动力作用为主的区域,当上游径流量增大时,对风暴潮增水起到正影响作用:如珠江干流,随着径流的增加,沿河道上溯的风暴潮增水逐渐增大,大虎站的最大增水值为3.44 m,中大站为4.24 m,从口门至后航道区域增大了0.8 m。 相似文献
Samples of fog water collected in the area of Guangzhou during February, March and April of2005 are used in this work to study the chemical composition of fog water in polluting fog there. Threetypical episodes of polluting fog are analyzed in terms of ionic concentration and their possible sources. Itis found that the concentration of various ions in fog water is much higher than those in rainwater. Fog notonly blocks visual range but contains liquid particles that result in high degree of pollution and are veryharmful to human health. SO4= is the anion with the highest concentration in fog water, followed by NO3-.For the cation, Ca++ and NH4+ are the highest in concentration. It is then known that rainwater is moreacidic than fog water, indicating that ionic concentration of fog water is much higher than that of rainwater,but there are much more buffering materials in fog water, like NH4+ and Ca++. There is significantenrichment of Ca++, SO4=, and Mg++ in fog water. In the Guangzhou area, fog water from polluting fog ismainly influenced continental environment and human activity. The episodes of serious fog pollutionduring the time have immediate relationships with the presence of abundant water vapor and large amountof polluting aerosol particles. 相似文献
Consideration of sources and growth dynamics of aerosols has led to the conclusion that there may be a distribution or variation of chemical composition and physical structure among atmospheric aerosol particles as a function of size, and within a narrow size range as well. A mathematical representation of these particle properties in terms of an additional dimension to the number size distribution is described. Examples of the relevance of this aspect of aerosol characterization for physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere are discussed. A review of the available techniques shows that several methods are available which can and have provided quantitative results on the distribution of particle properties. Examples of data from the literature have been selected and are presented as three-dimensional distributions illustrating the wide range of particle properties which may exist in narrow size intervals. An evaluation of these results reiterates the value of taking the distribution of particle properties in the atmosphere into account for sampling and modeling purposes. 相似文献
喜马拉雅山南坡冬季暴雪对高原南部冰芯中稳定同位素记录的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
聂拉木气象站降水中 δ18O的变化表明 ,夏季降水中 δ18O为一低值阶段 ;冬季降水中 δ18O总的来说为一高值阶段 ,但冬季暴风雪中δ18O的值和夏季强的季风活动中降水的δ18O一样很低。由于该地区冬季降水十分活跃 ,冬季降水中 δ18O的变化对该地区冰芯记录将产生重要的影响。首先是用δ18O的季节变化来对冰芯定年产生一定的困难 ,其次喜马拉雅山中段冰芯中的δ18O记录不仅包括了夏季季风活动的强弱信息 ,而且冬季强的暴风雪过程也记录在内。 相似文献
本文提出了用宽带辐射资料回归内插求取大气光学厚度谱的方法。利用1966年和1968年珠穆朗玛峰地区科学考察期间得到的太阳直接辐射光谱资料,获得了该地区大气气溶胶光学厚度谱。最高观测站东绒布冰川(海拔6300m)波长在0.55 μm的气溶胶光学厚度春季平均为0.044±0.017,与南极地区有相似的量级,比内陆人口密集地区小一个数量级。由光学厚度谱反演出了珠峰地区的大气气溶胶的粒子谱分布特征,并与包括1986年中美西藏科学考察结果在内的诸多资料做了对比。研究表明,拉萨的大气气溶胶光学厚度在1966—1986的20年间平均约有1.8%的年增长率。 相似文献
冬季西北太平洋海表温度异常对太平洋风暴轴影响的数值试验 总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6
采用T21L5大气环流模式,详细探讨了冬季西北太平洋海表温度异常对太平洋风暴轴的影响。结果表明:冬季西北太平洋暖海表温度异常能显著增强异常区北侧及下游地区的斜压性,天气尺度扰动方差、扰动动能以及涡动热量通量等也在此风暴轴入口区得到增强,由此揭示出外热源强迫对太平洋风暴轴的维持和发展起重要作用。 相似文献
贺兰山地区沙尘暴沙尘起动和垂直输送物理因子的综合研究 总被引:37,自引:2,他引:37
根据 4a来在贺兰山两侧沙漠和沙地测站积累的微气象和沙尘谱观测资料 ,结合有关文献 ,综合分析了沙尘起动和垂直输送的物理机制 ;讨论了强风的动力作用、近地面不稳定层结的热力作用和沙尘物质源特征 ;概述了不同尺度天气系统中上升运动特征 ,沙尘的沉降末速计算、沙漠地表的湍流输送特征和垂直速度资料、沙漠地表的超绝热梯度出现的频率和强度及逆湿现象 ,沙漠和沙地的沙尘粒度、地表性质和沙土含水率对起动风速的影响。 相似文献
By using the dataset of CMA-STI Tropical Cyclone Optimal Tracks, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and intensive surface observations, a study is performed of the influences of a low-latitude monsoon surge on the longer persistence and increase in torrential rains from the landing tropical storm Bilis. Results suggest that the southwest monsoon was anomalously active after Bilis came ashore. The westerly winds in Bilis’s south side might give rise to the poleward movement of the SW monsoon, thus enlarging the pressure g... 相似文献
Chemical Composition of Summertime PM_(2.5) and Its Relationship to Aerosol Optical Properties in Guangzhou,China 下载免费PDF全文
Urban aerosols have a large effect on the deterioration of air quality and the degradation of atmospheric visibility.Characterization of the chemical composition of PM 2.5 and in situ measurements of the optical properties of aerosols were conducted in July 2008 at an urban site in Guangzhou,Southern China.The mean PM 2.5 concentration for the entire period was 53.7±23.2 μg m 3.The mean PM 2.5 concentration (82.7±25.4 μg m 3) on hazy days was roughly two times higher than that on clear days (38.8±8.7 μg m 3).The total water-soluble ion species and the total average carbon accounted for 47.9%±4.3% and 35.2%±4.5%,respectively,of the major components of PM 2.5.The increase of secondary and carbonaceous aerosols,in particular ammonium sulfate,played an important role in the formation of haze pollution.The mean absorption and scattering coefficients and the single scattering albedo over the whole period were 53±20 M m 1,226±111 M m 1,and 0.80±0.04,respectively.PM 2.5 had a high linear correlation with the aerosol extinction coefficient,elemental carbon (EC) was correlated with aerosol absorption,and organic carbon (OC) and SO 4 2 were tightly linked to aerosol scattering. 相似文献
In order to provide wind profiles for the microscale numerical simulation of wind farm with complex terrain,using the 100 m tower atmospheric turbulence observation experiment data in 2010 in Hebei Province offered by National Climate Center, the variation characteristics of wind profile under the different atmospheric stability conditions are analyzed, and the wind profile expression based on the local similarity theory is established. The results show that:(1) In spring, the occurrence probability of unstable stratification in the Hebei coastal area is as high as 28%, and the probability of stable stratification is more than 43% while, in summer, the probability of occurrence of unstable stratification is as high as 80% with a lower probability for stable stratification; and(2) for stable stratification, the characteristics of atmosphere change is dramatic in terms of the vertical direction, which need to be treated layer by layer.According to the atmospheric turbulence observation experiment data above, under stable stratification, the relationship between the dimensionless velocity gradient and the stability ζ can be expressed as 1 +βmζ, with βm changing with the height: βm takes 4.1-4.3 under 30 m, βm takes 4.6-4.7 between 30-50 m, and βm takes 6.3-6.7 over 50 m. 相似文献
1958~2000年6月连续性暴雨的特征分析 总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10
利用1958~2000年6月的43年间我国长江以南各站的逐日降水资料,对连续性暴雨过程进行了区域划分和统计,并以此为依据作了初步的分析.分析发现6月份我国南方暴雨发生频繁,且华南、江南可同时有连续性暴雨过程存在,并得出了我国6月份连续性暴雨的基本特征以及年代际的变化规律,认为1990年代以后连续性暴雨增加明显.最后以1994、1998、2005年6月发生我国南方的连续性暴雨为例,初步探讨了连续性暴雨中华南、江南双雨带发展的基本规律和形成机制,指出产生连续性暴雨的大尺度背景场与南亚高压和高空急流的稳定维持有关. 相似文献
B. Clairac R. Delmas B. Cros H. Cachier P. Buat-Ménard J. Servant 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》1988,6(4):301-322
The physical properties and the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols have been studied in an equatorial region in the southern Congo (Africa). Field experiments were conducted between 1978 and 1983 in the equatorial forest of the Mayombe during periods where the influence of biomass burning was minimum. The results indicate that the forest is a net source of both fine particles resulting primarily from gas-to-particle conversion and coarse particles produced by mechanical processes. Carbonaceous matter is the major component of these biogenic particles but the forest is also a significant source of sulfate, nitrate, ammonium and potassium. Half of this carbon is attached to submicron particles and likely derives from organic gaseous precursors naturally emitted by the local biosphere.Presented at the international Symposium Influence of marine and terrestrial biosphere on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, held in Mainz, F.R.G., on 16–22 March 1986. 相似文献