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As a contribution to the International Polar Year program MERGE (Microbiological and Ecological Responses to Global Environmental change in polar regions), studies were conducted on the terrestrial and aquatic microbial ecosystems of northern Canada (details at: http://www.cen.ulaval.ca/merge/). The habitats included permafrost soils, saline coldwater springs, supraglacial lakes on ice shelves, epishelf lakes in fjords, deep meromictic lakes, and shallow lakes, ponds and streams. Microbiological samples from each habitat were analysed by HPLC pigment assays, light and fluorescence microscopy, and DNA sequencing. The results show a remarkably diverse microflora of viruses, Archaea (including ammonium oxidisers and methanotrophs), Bacteria (including filamentous sulfur-oxidisers in a saline spring and benthic mats of Cyanobacteria in many waterbodies), and protists (including microbial eukaryotes in snowbanks and ciliates in ice-dammed lakes). In summer 2008, we recorded extreme warming at Ward Hunt Island and vicinity, the northern limit of the Canadian high Arctic, with air temperatures up to 20.5 °C. This was accompanied by pronounced changes in microbial habitats: deepening of the permafrost active layer; loss of perennial lake ice and sea ice; loss of ice-dammed freshwater lakes; and 23% loss of total ice shelf area, including complete break-up and loss of the Markham Ice Shelf cryo-ecosystem. These observations underscore the vulnerability of Arctic microbial ecosystems to ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Summary. It is confirmed that even when disturbance variations are taken into account, the spatial scale of day-to-day variability of Sq is local, that is, of the order of one or two thousand kilometres, rather than globally correlated.  相似文献   

The variability of Sq(H) on normal quiet days   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary. The East Pacific Rise at 12–15° S is topographically smooth with a crestal horst or linear volcanic peak marking the present axis of spreading. The Galapagos Rise at 14–17° S is topographically rough with a possible central graben marking the extinct spreading axis. The seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies on the East Pacific Rise are of low amplitude, but fracture-zone anomalies at 13–14° S have amplitudes of up to 1250 nT. Anomalies of this amplitude at the magnetic equator must be formed within the fracture zone by some combination of block reversal boundaries, anomalously-high magnetic intensities, and/or anomalously-large thicknesses of the magnetic layers within the fracture zone. Magnetization and major-element chemical analyses of basalts dredged from four locales along the fracture zone indicate that the large magnetic-anomaly amplitudes are caused by the high iron and titanium content of these ferrobasalts. The magnetic-anomaly profiles from the Galapagos Rise and its fracture-zone system are of normal amplitude and are extremely difficult to correlate internally or with the geomagnetic timescale.
Eighty-one heat-flow measurements indicate that the values measured are controlled by sediment thickness. Where the thickness of the sediment blanket is greater than 100 m, high heat flow is measured and possibly is representative of the total heat transfer at the seafloor. Where the sediment thickness is less than 100 m, seawater circulation in the oceanic crust is thought to remove most of the heat convectively; thus causing low conductive heat-flow values to be measured by the usual heat-flow apparatus. The heat loss by convective processes is probably a function also of topographic roughness and sediment permeability.  相似文献   

Summary. It is well known that the time of occurrence of the minimum in the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field ( H min) on quiet days at a mid-latitude station on the poleward side of the Sq focus shows considerable variability from day to day. This variability has previously been discussed in terms of the incidence of so-called 'abnormal quiet days'(AQD), arbitrarily defined for the station Hartland as quiet days when H min occurred outside an interval of ± 2½ hr centred on the most common time of 1130 LT. AQDs have some interesting properties, which have been documented, but their precise nature and cause have not been elucidated. In this paper we report the results of a study of AQDs as identified at Hartland using a chain of Northern hemisphere stations situated approximately along the 0° longitude meridian and extending on both sides of the Sq focus. It is found that there are two effects on AQDs: (i) a northward component field varying in LT is superposed at all latitudes throughout the day, so reducing the amplitude of the normal Sq(H) variation at stations poleward of the focus and increasing it on the equatorward side, (ii) a southward perturbation field, of most probable magnitude 6.0 nT for the period studied, is imposed for about 4 hr at a fixed UT at all latitudes, so constituting an 'AQD event' which can lead to the occurrence of H min at an anomalous local time for a station poleward of the focus. It is shown that the AQD event may be of large geographical extent and that it is related to the interplanetary magnetic field. All the main properties of AQD occurrences are explained, and it is suggested that much of the day-to-day variability in the amplitude and phase of the normal Sq(H) variation probably also arises from the occurrence of AQD events at times close to the diurnal turning points.  相似文献   

Summary. The latitude of the Sq ( H ) focus along the 0° longitude meridian in the northern hemisphere has been determined for all the quiet days, as determined from the aa indices, for the sunspot minimum years 1963–64–65. It is shown that: (a) most of the large variability of the focus latitude is due to the effect of a superposed northward magnetic field that is present on AQDs and which tends to move the apparent focus latitude poleward in the northern hemisphere, and (b) a smaller equatorward motion is caused by the negative AQD events that occur in the 0830–1330 LT range. When these two classes of days are removed from the data set, the focus latitude is found to be completely contained within the range 36°-48° for the months March-October
with an average value of 41.5 ± 2.3, whilst in winter the range is larger with an average value of 36.7 ± 3.4. However, since the magnitude of the superposed northward field is longitude-dependent, it may be present even on days not classed as AQDs. It is shown that much of the variability in the focus latitude of the normal days along the 0° longitude meridian is caused by variations in the amplitude of the superposed northward field.  相似文献   

Summary. From a study of 'abnormal quiet days' (AQDs) along the 0° meridian between 14 and 60° N, it was found (Butcher & Brown) that the minimum in H at stations on the poleward side of the Sq ( H ) focus was formed by a small negative substorm event when the normal Sq ( H ) amplitude was reduced by a superposed northward field.
In this paper we consider both the AQD event and the superposed northward field as a function of longitude and also consider in more detail the latitude variation of the superposed northward field. From such a study it is concluded that: (1) the AQD event is definitely due to a small magnetospheric substorm event; (2) the superposed northward field varies smoothly with longitude falling to zero some 110° from the longitude of its maximum amplitude; (3) the superposed northward field has a variation with geomagnetic latitude tending to zero near 20° and 70°N with a maximum near 55° N in summer and 35° N in winter; (4) there is some evidence that the effect of the IMF penetrates into the mid-latitude E-region and its effect is latitude-dependent. Although the evidence supports the suggestion that the currents responsible for the superposed northward field flow in the E-region no suggestion as to the origin of the driving force of the currents is forthcoming.  相似文献   

本文作者通过高精度磁法、激电中梯物探方法查明了夜长坪隐伏花岗岩体及与岩体成因有关的矿床空间特征,为下一步找矿指明了方向。作者运用了先进的方法处理物探资料,取得了较好效果,可为勘查类似矿床起一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Summary. Magnetic variations at high latitudes represent the combination of magnetic perturbations from several different current systems. The relative effects of each of the contributory current systems vary from event to event, resulting in changes in magnetic perturbation patterns in a given local time sector which are a function of several variables, e.g. level of magnetospheric activity, spectrum of precipitating particles responsible for ionospheric conductivity, configuration of interplanetary magnetic field, etc. In this paper we extend the work of Hughes & Rostoker in which the steady state perturbation pattern in each local time sector was established from ground-based meridian line magnetometer data. We shall define the various current systems which contribute to the high-latitude magnetic perturbation pattern and we shall construct the model composite current system which best explains the high-latitude observations in the winter months. We shall discuss changes in this pattern as a function of season and as a function of the configuration of the interplanetary magnetic field. Finally, we shall relate the geometrical configuration of the ionosphere—magnetosphere current flow to the convection of plasma in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

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