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The age of the Universe has been increasingly constrained by different techniques, such as the observations of type Ia supernovae (SNIa) at high redshift or dating the stellar populations of globular clusters. In this paper, we present a complementary approach using the colours of the brightest elliptical galaxies in clusters over a wide redshift range  ( z ≲ 1)  . We put new and independent bounds on the dark energy equation of state parametrized by a constant pressure-to-density ratio   w Q  and by a parameter (ξ) which determines the scaling between the matter and dark energy densities. We find that accurate estimates of the metallicities of the stellar populations in moderate and high-redshift cluster galaxies can pose stringent constraints on the parameters that describe dark energy. Our results are in good agreement with the analysis of dark energy models using SNIa data as a constraint. Accurate estimates of the metallicities of stellar populations in cluster galaxies at   z ≲ 2  will make this approach a powerful complement to studies of cosmological parameters using high-redshift SNIa.  相似文献   

We explore the prospects for using future supernova observations to probe the dark energy. We focus on quintessence, an evolving scalar field that has been suggested as a candidate for the dark energy. After simulating the observations that would be expected from the proposed SuperNova / Acceleration Probe satellite ( SNAP ), we investigate two methods for extracting information concerning quintessence from such data. First, by expanding the quintessence equation of state as   w Q ( z ) = w Q (0) −α ln(1 + z )  , to fit the data, it is possible to reconstruct the quintessence potential for a wide range of smoothly varying potentials. Secondly, it will be possible to test the basic properties of the dark energy by constraining the parameters  Ω Q , w Q   and α. We show that it may be possible, for example, to distinguish between quintessence and the cosmological constant in this way. Furthermore, when supernova data are combined with other planned cosmological observations, the precision of reconstructions and parameter constraints is significantly improved, allowing a wider range of dark energy models to be distinguished.  相似文献   

We examine the status of various dark energy models in light of the recently observed SN 1997ff at   z ≈1.7  . The modified data still fit a pure cosmological constant Λ or a quintessence with an equation of state similar to that of Λ. The kinematical Λ models,  Λ∼ S -2  and  Λ∼ H 2  , also fit the data reasonably well and require less dark energy density (hence more matter energy density) than is required by the constant Λ model. However, the model  Λ∼ S -2  with low energy density becomes unphysical as it cannot accommodate higher redshift objects.
We also examine an alternative explanation of the data, namely the absorption by the intervening whisker-like dust, and find that the quasi-steady state (QSS) model and the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) model  Ωm0=0.33  without any dark energy also fit the data reasonably well.
We notice that the addition of SN 1997ff to the old data has worsened the fit to most of the models, except a closed FRW model with a constant Λ and a closed quintessence model with   ω φ =-0.82  , and the models have started departing from each other as we go above   z =1  . However, to make a clear discrimination possible, a few more supernovae with   z >1  are required.
We have also calculated the age of the Universe in these models and find that, in the models with a constant Λ, the expansion age is uncomfortably close to the age of the globular clusters. Quintessence models show even lower age. The kinematical Λ models are, however, interesting in this connection (especially the model  Λ∼ H 2)  , as they give a remarkably large age of the Universe.  相似文献   

We study in detail the photometric redshift requirements needed for tomographic weak gravitational lensing in order to measure accurately the dark energy equation of state. In particular, we examine how ground-based photometry  ( u , g , r , i , z , y )  can be complemented by space-based near-infrared (near-IR) photometry  ( J , H )  , e.g. onboard the planned DUNE satellite. Using realistic photometric redshift simulations and an artificial neural network photo- z method we evaluate the figure of merit for the dark energy parameters  ( w 0, w a )  . We consider a DUNE -like broad optical filter supplemented with ground-based multiband optical data from surveys like the Dark Energy Survey, Pan-STARRS and LSST. We show that the dark energy figure of merit would be improved by a factor of 1.3–1.7 if IR filters are added onboard DUNE . Furthermore we show that with IR data catastrophic photo- z outliers can be removed effectively. There is an interplay between the choice of filters, the magnitude limits and the removal of outliers. We draw attention to the dependence of the results on the galaxy formation scenarios encoded into the mock galaxies, e.g. the galaxy reddening. For example, very deep u -band data could be as effective as the IR. We also find that about  105–106  spectroscopic redshifts are needed for calibration of the full survey.  相似文献   

An interesting probe of the nature of dark energy is the measure of its sound speed, c s. We review the significance for constraining sound speed models of dark energy using large neutral hydrogen (H  i ) surveys with the square kilometre array (SKA). Our analysis considers the effect on the sound speed measurement that arises from the covariance of c s with the dark energy density, Ωde, and a time-varying equation of state,   w ( a ) = w 0+ (1 − a ) w a   . We find that the approximate degeneracy between dark energy parameters that arises in power spectrum observations is lifted through redshift tomography of the H  i -galaxy angular power spectrum, resulting in sound speed constraints that are not severely degraded. The cross-correlation of the galaxy and the integrated Sachs Wolfe (ISW) effect spectra contributes approximately 10 per cent of the information that is needed to distinguish variations in the dark energy parameters, and most of the discriminating signal comes from the galaxy auto-correlation spectrum. We also find that the sound speed constraints are weakly sensitive to the H  i bias model. These constraints do not improve substantially for a significantly deeper H  i survey since most of the clustering sensitivity to sound speed variations arises from   z ≲ 1.5  . A detection of models with sound speeds close to zero,   c s≲ 0.01,  is possible for dark energy models with   w ≳−0.9  .  相似文献   

We compare the probability density function (PDF) and its low-order moments (variance and skewness) of the smoothed IRAS Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey (PSC z ) galaxy density field and of the corresponding simulated PSC z look-alikes, generated from N -body simulations of six different dark matter models: four structure-normalized with     and     , one COBE -normalized, and the old standard cold dark matter model. The galaxy distributions are smoothed with a Gaussian window at three different smoothing scales,     , 10 and 15  h −1 Mpc. We find that the simulation PSC z look-alike PDFs are sensitive only to the normalization of the power spectrum, probably owing to the shape similarity of the simulated galaxy power spectrum on the relevant scales. We find that the only models that are consistent, at a high significance level, with the observed PSC z PDF are models with a relatively low power spectrum normalization     . From the phenomenologically derived σ 8–moments relation, fitted from the simulation data, we find that the PSC z moments suggest     .  相似文献   

We discuss the constraints that future photometric and spectroscopic redshift surveys can put on dark energy through the baryon oscillations of the power spectrum. We model the dark energy either with a perfect fluid or a scalar field and take into account the information contained in the linear growth function. We show that the growth function helps to break the degeneracy in the dark energy parameters and reduce the errors on   w 0, w 1  roughly by 30 per cent, making more appealing multicolour surveys based on photometric redshifts. We find that a 200-deg2 spectroscopic survey reaching   z ≈ 3  can constrain   w 0, w 1  to within  Δ w 0= 0.21, Δ w 1= 0.26  , to  Δ w 0= 0.39, Δ w 1= 0.54  using photometric redshifts with an absolute uncertainty of 0.02, and to  Δ w 0= 0.43, Δ w 1= 0.66  with an uncertainty of 0.04. In the scalar field case, we show that the slope n of the inverse power-law potential for dark energy can be constrained to  Δ n = 0.26  (spectroscopic redshifts) or  Δ n = 0.40  (photometric redshifts), i.e. better than with future ground-based supernovae surveys or cosmic microwave background data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the parametrizations of the equation of state of dark energy and point out that comparing merely the  χ2  of different fittings may not be optimal for choosing the 'best' parametrization. Another figure of merit for evaluating different parametrizations based on the area of the   w ( z ) − z   band is proposed. In light of the analysis of some two-parameter parametrizations and models based on available SNIa data, the area of   w ( z ) − z   band seems to be a good figure of merit, especially in the situation that the value of  χ2min  for different parametrizations are very close. Therefore, we argue that both the area of the   w ( z ) − z   band and  χ2min  should be synthetically considered for choosing a better parametrization of dark energy in the future experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of perturbations in a dark energy component with a constant equation of state on large-scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. The inclusion of perturbations increases the large-scale power. We investigate more speculative dark energy models with   w < −1  and find the opposite behaviour. Overall the inclusion of perturbations in the dark energy component increases the degeneracies. We generalize the parametrization of the dark energy fluctuations to allow for an arbitrary constant sound speed, and we show how constraints from CMB experiments change if this is included. Combining CMB with large-scale structure, Hubble parameter and supernovae observations we obtain   w =−1.02 ± 0.16 (1σ)  as a constraint on the equation of state, which is almost independent of the sound speed chosen. With the presented analysis we find no significant constraint on the constant speed of sound of the dark energy component.  相似文献   

Within the context of constraining an expansion of the dark energy equation of state   w ( z ),  we show that the eigendecomposition of Fisher matrices is sensitive to both the maximum order of the expansion and the basis set choice. We investigate the Fisher matrix formalism in the case that a particular function is expanded in some basis set. As an example we show results for an all-sky weak lensing tomographic experiment. We show that the set of eigenfunctions is not unique and that the best constrained functions are only reproduced accurately at very higher order   N ≳ 100  , a top-hat basis set requires an even higher order. We show that the common approach used for finding the marginalized eigenfunction errors is sensitive to the choice of  non- w ( z )  parameters and priors. The eigendecomposition of Fisher matrices is a potentially useful tool that can be used to determine the predicted accuracy with which an experiment could constrain   w ( z )  . It also allows for the reconstruction of the redshift sensitivity of the experiment to changes in   w ( z )  . However, the technique is sensitive to both the order and the basis set choice. Publicly available code is available as part of icosmo at http://www.icosmo.org .  相似文献   

We study the properties of X-ray galaxy clusters in four cold dark matter models with different baryon fractions ΩBM, ranging from 5 to 20 per cent. By using an original three-dimensional hydrodynamic code based on the piecewise parabolic method, we run simulations on a box with a size of 64  h −1 Mpc and we identify the clusters by selecting the peaks in the X-ray luminosity field. We analyse these mock catalogues by computing the mass function, the luminosity function, the temperature distribution and the luminosity–temperature relation. By comparing the predictions of the different models to a series of recent observational results, we find that only the models with low baryonic content agree with the data, while models with larger baryon fraction are well outside the 1σ error bars. In particular, the analysis of the luminosity functions, both bolometric and in the energy band [0.5–2] keV, requires ΩBM ≲ 0.05 when we fix the values h  = 0.5 and n  = 0.8 for the Hubble parameter and the primordial spectral index, respectively. Moreover we find that, independently of the cosmological scenario, all the considered quantities have very little redshift evolution, particularly between z  = 0.5 and 0.  相似文献   

We assess the detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) in the power spectrum of galaxies using ultralarge volume N -body simulations of the hierarchical clustering of dark matter and semi-analytical modelling of galaxy formation. A step-by-step illustration is given of the various effects (non-linear fluctuation growth, peculiar motions, non-linear and scale-dependent bias) which systematically change the form of the galaxy power spectrum on large scales from the simple prediction of linear perturbation theory. Using a new method to extract the scale of the oscillations, we nevertheless find that the BAO approach gives an unbiased estimate of the sound horizon scale. Sampling variance remains the dominant source of error despite the huge volume of our simulation box  (=2.41  h −3 Gpc3)  . We use our results to forecast the accuracy with which forthcoming surveys will be able to measure the sound horizon scale, s , and, hence constrain the dark energy equation of state parameter, w (with simplifying assumptions and without marginalizing over the other cosmological parameters). Pan-STARRS could potentially yield a measurement with an accuracy of  Δ s / s = 0.5–0.7  per cent (corresponding to Δ w ≈ 2–3 per cent), which is competitive with the proposed WFMOS survey (  Δ s / s = 1  per cent Δ w ≈ 4 per cent). Achieving Δ w ≤ 1 per cent using BAO alone is beyond any currently commissioned project and will require an all-sky spectroscopic survey, such as would be undertaken by the SPACE mission concept under proposal to ESA.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the use of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as distance markers to study the unification of dark energy and dark matter in the context of the so-called generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model. We consider that the GRB luminosity may be estimated from its variability and time-lag, and we also use the so-called Ghirlanda relation. We evaluate the improvements expected once more GRBs and their redshift become available. We show that although GRBs allow for extending the Hubble diagram to higher redshifts, its use as a dark energy probe is limited when compared to Type Ia supernovae. We find that the information from GRBs can provide some bounds on the amount of dark matter and dark energy independently of the equation of state. This is particularly evident for XCDM-type models, which are, for low redshifts  ( z ≤ 2)  , degenerate with the GCG.  相似文献   

The evolution of number density, size and intrinsic colour is determined for a volume-limited sample of visually classified early-type galaxies selected from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys images of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and South fields (version 2). The sample comprises 457 galaxies over 320 arcmin2 with stellar masses above  3 × 1010 M  in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 1.2  . Our data allow a simultaneous study of number density, intrinsic colour distribution and size. We find that the most massive systems  (≳3 × 1011 M)  do not show any appreciable change in comoving number density or size in our data. Furthermore, when including the results from 2dF galaxy redshift survey, we find that the number density of massive early-type galaxies is consistent with no evolution between   z = 1.2  and 0, i.e. over an epoch spanning more than half of the current age of the Universe. We find large discrepancies between the predictions of semi-analytic models. Massive galaxies show very homogeneous intrinsic colour distributions, with nearly flat radial colour gradients, but with a significant negative correlation between stellar mass and colour gradient, such that red cores appear predominantly in massive galaxies. The distribution of half-light radii – when compared to   z ∼ 0  and   z > 1  samples – is compatible with the predictions of semi-analytic models relating size evolution to the amount of dissipation during major mergers.  相似文献   

We use the non-linear spherical model in cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies with dark energy to investigate the effects of dark energy on the growth of structure and the formation of virialized structures. We consider dark energy models with a constant equation-of-state parameter w . For  −1 < w < −1/3  , clusters form earlier and are more concentrated in quintessence than in ΛCDM models, but they form later and are less concentrated than in the corresponding open model with the same matter density and no dark energy. We point out some confusion in the literature around the expression of the collapse factor (ratio of the radius of the sphere at virialization to that at turnaround) derived from the virial theorem. We use the Sheth & Tormen extension of the Press–Schechter framework to calculate the evolution of the cluster abundance in different models and show the sensitivity of the cluster abundance to both the amplitude of the mass fluctuations, σ8, and the σ8– w normalization, selected to match either the cosmic microwave background observations or the abundance of X-ray clusters.  相似文献   

We study modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) as a candidate for dark energy and predict the values of parameters of the gas for a physically viable cosmological model. The equation of state of MCG     involves three parameters: B , A and α. The permitted values of these parameters are determined with the help of a dimensionless age parameter  ( H 0 t 0)  and   H ( z ) − z   data. Specifically, we study the allowed ranges of values of the B parameter in terms of α and   As   (   As   is defined in terms of the parameters in the theory). We explore the constraints of the parameters in the cold dark matter and unified dark matter energy models, respectively.  相似文献   

The Advanced Liquid-mirror Probe of Asteroids, Cosmology and Astrophysics (ALPACA) is a proposed 8-m liquid-mirror telescope surveying  ∼1000 deg2  of the Southern hemisphere sky. It will be a remarkably simple and inexpensive telescope that none the less will deliver a powerful sample of optical data for studying dark energy. The bulk of the cosmological data consist of nightly, high signal-to-noise ratio, multiband light curves of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). At the end of the 3-yr run, ALPACA is expected to collect  ≳100 000  SNe Ia up to   z ∼ 1  . This will allow us to reduce present systematic uncertainties affecting the standard-candle relation. The survey will also provide several other data sets such as the detection of baryon acoustic oscillations in the matter power spectrum and shear weak-lensing measurements. In this preliminary analysis, we forecast constraints on dark energy parameters from SNe Ia and baryon acoustic oscillations. The combination of these two data sets will provide competitive constraints on the dark energy parameters under minimal prior assumptions. Further studies are needed to address the accuracy of weak-lensing measurements.  相似文献   

We present a comparison between the published optical, infrared (IR) and CO spectroscopic redshifts of 15 (sub)mm galaxies and their photometric redshifts as derived from long-wavelength (radio–mm–far-IR) photometric data. The redshift accuracy measured for 12 submillimetre (submm) galaxies with at least one robustly determined colour in the radio–mm–far-IR regime is  δ z ≈ 0.30 (rms)  . Despite the wide range of spectral energy distributions in the local galaxies that are used in an unbiased manner as templates, this analysis demonstrates that photometric redshifts can be efficiently derived for submm galaxies with a precision of  δ z < 0.5  using only the rest-frame far-IR to radio wavelength data.  相似文献   

I apply the well controlled hydro-PM (HPM) approximation of Gnedin &38; Hui to model the column density distribution of the Ly α forest for 25 different flat cosmological scenarios, including variants of the standard cold dark matter (CDM), tilted CDM, CDM with a cosmological constant, and cold + hot dark matter (CHDM) models. I show that, within the accuracy of the HPM approximation, the slope of the column density distribution reflects the degree of non-linearity of the cosmic gas distribution and is a function of the rms linear density fluctuation at the characteristic filtering scale only. The amplitude of the column density distribution, expressed as the value for the ionizing intensity, is derived as a function of the cosmological parameters (to about 40 per cent accuracy). The observational data are currently consistent with the value for the ionizing intensity being constant in the redshift interval z  ∼ −4.  相似文献   

We investigate in detail the influence of parametrizations of the dark energy equation of state on reconstructing dark energy geometrical parameters,such as the deceleration parameter q(z) and Om diagnostic.We use a type Ia supernova sample,baryon acoustic oscillation data,cosmic microwave background information along with twelve observational Hubble data points to constrain cosmological parameters.With the joint analysis of these current datasets,we find that the parametrizations of w(z) have little influe...  相似文献   

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