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Variations in the isotopic composition of Fe in Late Archean to Early Proterozoic Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) from the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa, span nearly the entire range yet measured on Earth, from –2.5 to +1.0‰ in 56Fe/54Fe ratios relative to the bulk Earth. With a current state-of-the-art precision of ±0.05‰ for the 56Fe/54Fe ratio, this range is 70 times analytical error, demonstrating that significant Fe isotope variations can be preserved in ancient rocks. Significant variation in Fe isotope compositions of rocks and minerals appears to be restricted to chemically precipitated sediments, and the range measured for BIFs stands in marked contrast to the isotopic homogeneity of igneous rocks, which have δ56Fe=0.00±0.05‰, as well as the majority of modern loess, aerosols, riverine loads, marine sediments, and Proterozoic shales. The Fe isotope compositions of hematite, magnetite, Fe carbonate, and pyrite measured in BIFs appears to reflect a combination of (1) mineral-specific equilibrium isotope fractionation, (2) variations in the isotope compositions of the fluids from which they were precipitated, and (3) the effects of metabolic processing of Fe by bacteria. For minerals that may have been in isotopic equilibrium during initial precipitation or early diagenesis, the relative order of δ56Fe values appears to decrease in the order magnetite > siderite > ankerite, similar to that estimated from spectroscopic data, although the measured isotopic differences are much smaller than those predicted at low temperature. In combination with on-going experimental determinations of equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation factors, the data for BIF minerals place additional constraints on the equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation factors for the system Fe(III)–Fe(II)–hematite–magnetite–Fe carbonate. δ56Fe values for pyrite are the lowest yet measured for natural minerals, and stand in marked contrast to the high δ56Fe values that are predicted from spectroscopic data. Some samples contain hematite and magnetite and have positive δ56Fe values; these seem best explained through production of high 56Fe/54Fe reservoirs by photosynthetic Fe oxidation. It is not yet clear if the low δ56Fe values measured for some oxides, as well as Fe carbonates, reflect biologic processes, or inorganic precipitation from low-δ56Fe ferrous-Fe-rich fluids. However, the present results demonstrate the great potential for Fe isotopes in tracing the geochemical cycling of Fe, and highlight the need for an extensive experimental program for determining equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation factors for minerals and fluids that are pertinent to sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and chemistry of banded iron formations (BIF) of Archaean high grade granulite gneiss belt of Tiruvannamalai area are presented here. The BIF of this area is chemically different from those around the world. The iron formations and associated granulites are of different origin namely metasedimentary and metavolcanic respectively.  相似文献   

梅山铁矿床位于长江中下游成矿带宁芜盆地北段,矿体赋存于辉长闪长玢岩和下白垩统大王山组辉石安山岩的接触带。研究表明,梅山铁矿的石榴石以钙铁榴石为主,为钙铁-钙铝榴石系列,与传统意义矽卡岩矿床的石榴石组成相似;磁铁矿和赤铁矿具有斑岩铜矿和Kiruna型矿床的双重特征;赤铁矿和菱铁矿显示热液交代成因特征,但赤铁矿至少有2个成矿世代。成矿母岩辉长闪长玢岩、磁铁矿及磷灰石具有相似的稀土配分模式,暗示三者具有同源性。辉长闪长玢岩无Eu异常,代表了高氧逸度下岩浆的分离结晶作用;磁铁矿和磷灰石均具有中度负Eu异常,可能是在辉长闪长玢岩发生钠长石化的过程中,Eu以Eu2+形式在钠长石内富集,造成流体Eu亏损,后来生成的磷灰石和磁铁矿继承了流体的Eu含量特征,辉长闪长玢岩的钠长石化导致富Fe2+硅酸盐矿物淋滤铁元素进入流体,为矿床提供了铁物质。  相似文献   

The discovery of the Gouap banded iron formations(BIFs)-hosted iron mineralization in the northwestern of the Nyong Group(Ntem Complex)in southwestern Cameroon provides unique insights into the geology of this region.In this contribution,we firstly report detailed study of geochemistry,isotopic and geochronology of well preserved samples of the Gouap BIFs collected from diamond drillcores.The Gouap BIFs consist mainly of amphibole BIFs and amphibole-pyrite BIFs characterized by dominant Fe2O3+SiO2contents and variable contents of CaO,MgO and SO3,consistent with the presence of amphibole,chlorite,epidote and pyrite,formed during amphibolite facies metamorphism and overprinted hydrothermal event.The amphibole–pyrite BIFs are typically enriched in trace and rare earth elements(REE)compared to the amphibole BIFs,suggesting the influence of detrital materials as well as secondary hydrothermal alteration.The Post Archean Australian Shale(PAAS)-normalized REE–Y profiles of the Gouap BIFs display positive La,Eu anomalies,weak negative Ce anomalies,indicating a mixture of low-temperature hydrothermal fluids and relatively oxic conditions probably under relative shallow seawater.We present here the first isotopic data of BIFs within the Ntem Complex.Theδ30SiNBS28values of the quartz from the Gouap BIFs vary from-1.5‰to-0.3‰and from-0.8‰to-0.9‰for the amphibole BIFs and amphibole–pyrite BIFs,respectively.The quartz hasδ18OV-SMOW values of 6.8‰–9.5‰(amphibole BIFs)and 9.2‰–10.6‰(amphibole–pyrite BIFs).The magnetite from the Gouap BIFs showsδ18O values ranging from-3.5‰to-1.8‰and from-3‰to-1.7‰for the amphibole BIFs and amphibole–pyrite BIFs,respectively.Moreover,the pyrite grains in the amphibole–pyrite BIFs displayδ34S values of 1.1‰–1.8‰.All isotopic data of the Gouap BIFs confirm that they might have precipitated from low-temperature hydrothermal fluids with detrital input distant from the volcanic activity.According to their geochemical and isotopic characteristics,we propose that the Gouap BIFs belong to the Superior type.In situ U–Pb zircon dating of BIFs was conducted to assess the BIF depositional age based on strong evidence of zircon in thin section.The Gouap BIFs were probably deposited at 2422±50 Ma in a region where sediments extended from continental shelf to deep-water environments along craton margins like the Caue Formation of the Minas Supergroup,Brazil.The studied BIFs have experienced regional hydrothermal activity and metamorphism at 2089±8.3 Ma during the Eburnean–Transamazonian orogeny.These findings suggest a physical continuity between the protocratonic masses of both Sao Francisco and Congo continents in the Rhyacian Period.  相似文献   

Banded Iron Formations(BIFs) are chemical sediments, ubiquitously distributed in the Precambrian supracrustal belts; thus their trace element compositions are helpful for deciphering geochemical evolution on the Earth through time. However, it is necessary to elucidate factors controlling the whole-rock compositions in order to decode the ancient seawater compositions because their compositions are highly variable. We analyzed major and trace element contents of the BIFs in the 3.8-3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal belt(ISB), southern West Greenland. The BIFs are petrographically classified into four types:Black-,Gray-, Green-and White-types, respectively. The Green-type BIFs contain more amphiboles, and are significantly enriched in Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, heavy rare earth element(HREE) and U contents. However,their bulk compositions are not suitable for estimate of seawater composition because the enrichment was caused by secondary mobility of metamorphic Mg, Ca and Si-rich fluid, involvement of carbonate minerals and silicate minerals of olivine and pyroxene and/or later silicification or contamination of volcanic and clastic materials. The White-type BIFs are predominant in quartz, and have lower transition element and REE contents. The Gray-type BIFs contain both quartz and magnetite. The Black-type BIFs are dominated by magnetite, and contain moderate to high transition element and REE contents. But,positive correlations of V, Ni, Zn and U contents with Zr contents suggest that involvement of detrital,volcanic and exhalative materials influences on their contents. The evidence for significant influence of the materials on the transition element contents such as Ni in the BIFs indicates the transition element contents in the Archean ocean were much lower than previously estimated. We reconstructed secular variations of V,Co, Zn and U contents of BIFs through time, which show Ni and Co contents decreased whereas V, Zn and U contents increased through time. Especially, the Ni and Co contents drastically decreased in the Mesoarchean rather than around the Great Oxidation Event. On the other hand, the V,Zn and U contents progressively increased from the Mesoarchean to the Proterozoic. Stratigraphical trends of the BIFs show increase in Y/Ho ratios and decrease in positive Eu anomaly upwards, respectively. The stratigraphic changes indicate that a ratio of hydrothermal fluid to seawater component gradually decrease through the deposition, and support the Eoarchean plate tectonics, analogous to the their stratigraphic variations of seafloor metalliferous sediments at present and in the Mesoarchean.  相似文献   

通过Fe同位素、稀土元素与主量元素相结合的方法,对辽宁省鞍山-本溪地区新太古代条带状铁建造(BIF)的成矿物质来源提出了有效制约.BIF的化学成分主要由TFe2O3和SiO2组成,并且具有较低的Al2O3和TiO2含量,表明该地区BIF型贫铁矿是由极少碎屑物质加入的化学沉积岩.稀土元素的总量较低,经页岩标准化后的稀土元素配分模式呈现轻稀土亏损、重稀土富集的特征,具有明显的Eu、Y、La正异常,这些特征表明该地区BIF是古海洋的化学沉积岩,同时具有明显的火山热液贡献特征.用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MCICP-MS)测定Fe同位素的结果表明,相对于标准IRMM-014,所测样品均显示Fe的重同位素富集,且Fe同位素组成与Eu异常存在明显的正相关关系,表明该地区BIF中铁的来源与海底火山热液活动密切相关,首次从成矿元素Fe本身为条带状铁建造的成矿物质来源提供了直接的证据.  相似文献   

刘利  张连昌  代堰锫  王长乐  李智泉 《岩石学报》2012,28(11):3623-3637
三合明BIF型铁矿位于华北克拉通西部陆块北缘,产出于固阳绿岩带。矿体赋存于新太古界色尔腾山群斜长角闪岩中。矿石主要呈粒状变晶结构、粒状-针柱状变晶结构,条带-条纹状构造;组成矿石的金属矿物主要为磁铁矿,非金属矿物主要为石英,次为角闪石等。对选自斜长角闪岩中的锆石进行SIMS U-Pb定年,具有核边结构、Th/U比大于0.4的锆石其核部给出了2562±14Ma的上交点年龄,可大致作为三合明BIF的形成时代。原岩恢复显示斜长角闪岩为正变质岩,Zr/Ti-Nb/Y图解显示为亚碱性玄武岩系列,Fe2O3T+TiO2-Al2O3-MgO图解落入高铁拉斑玄武岩区;斜长角闪岩主量元素特征与MORB相近,REE配分曲线和蛛网图都近于平坦,且介于N-MORB和E-MORB之间,LREE略微富集,Th、U相对亏损,Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf无明显异常;(La/Sm)N和Nb/U分别为0.76和50,由此推断原岩可能为T-MORB。Ti-V、Th-Hf-Ta构造环境判别图解中,分别落入MORB和弧后盆地的重叠区、N-MORB区。结合T-MORB形成的构造环境以及前人提出的岛弧叠加地幔柱模式,本文认为三合明BIF形成于弧后盆地并有地幔柱叠加的构造环境。铁矿石化学组分主要为SiO2、Fe2O3和FeO,较低的Al2O3(0.68%)、极低的TiO2(0.04%)和HFSE表明只有极少量陆源碎屑物质的加入。铁矿石的球粒陨石标准化REE配分模式与固阳绿岩带底部的科马提岩极为相似,PAAS标准化的铁矿石REY配分模式与高温热液海水混合物相似,即LREE亏损,HREE富集((La/Yb)SN=0.34),具有明显的正Eu异常(δEu=2.33)和微弱的正Y异常(δY=1.13),Y/Ho重量比29,摩尔比53。根据铁矿石兼具有与科马提岩和高温热液海水混合物相似的地球化学特征,本文推断海底高温热液淋滤科马提岩为三合明BIF型铁矿提供了大量的Fe和Si。  相似文献   

This note reports new occurrences of syenite bodies around Marunthurkota area from the Kerala khondalite belt (KKB). Petrological and geochemical studies suggest that the syenites have a pronounced A-type affinity, metaluminous characteristics with high concentrations of alkalies, Rb, Sr, Zr, and high K2O/Na2O ratio. Miaskitic nature (agpaitic index<1) of syenite suggest involvement of CO2 related phase in their genesis. The petrological characteristics signify crystallization of the rock at shallow levels within the crust. Geochemistry favours mantle origin of the magma and enrichment of Ba and Sr are indicative of involvement of carbonatite melt in the source region. The study envisages the presence of a juvenile CO2 enriched upper mantle below the southern Indian continental crust during the Pan-African time.  相似文献   

The N–S trending, 2–4 km wide Ramagiri schist belt is made up of three blocks dominated by metavolcanic rocks, separated and surrounded by granitic rocks of distinct characteristics. The metavolcanic rocks are tholeiitic in composition and are very similar in their major element composition as well as in their abundances of some trace elements. However, the rare earth elements (REE) require distinct sources. The rocks of the amphibolite facies eastern block have LREE depleted REE patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 0.7–0.9), requiring derivation from depleted mantle-like sources. The greenschist facies metatholeiitic rocks of the central block have LREE enriched REE patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 3–6), reflecting the nature of their source(s). The Nd isotopic data require that the LREE enriched nature could not have been attained significantly prior to its melting. The fine-grained, upper greenschist facies metatholeiites of the western block have flat to slightly LREE depleted patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 0.8–0.95). Minor fractional crystallization of rock forming minerals may relate a few samples to each other among samples from each of the three blocks. Different extents of partial melting of distinct mantle sources have played a dominant role in the generation of the parent magmas to the central versus eastern and western block metatholeiites. The geochemical data suggest that the mantle sources were non-lherzolitic, and that these sources may have seen previous episodes of melt addition and extraction prior to melting that gave rise to the parent melts to the rocks ∼2750 Ma ago. The REE data indicate that while the sources of the eastern and western block rocks were similar to depleted mantle (ɛNd( i ) about +2), the source of the central block rocks (ɛNd( i ) about +3.5) were enriched in large ion lithophile element (LILE)-rich fluids/melts probably derived from subducting oceanic crust. This and other trace element signatures point to magma extraction in tectonic settings similar to modern island arcs. Subsequent to magma emplacement and crystallization, all the three suites of rocks were affected by interaction with low-temperature, crustal derived fluids (ɛNd 2750Ma of about −8 to −12), probably during the accretion of the three blocks of the belt in the present form. The inferred source characteristics, tectonic setting of magma generation and the crustal fluid processes seem to suggest that Phanerozoic-style tectonic processes may have been important in the generation of Archean crust in the Dharwar craton. Received: 31 July 1995 / Accepted: 12 May 1997  相似文献   

李旭平  陈妍蓉 《岩石学报》2021,37(1):253-268



Sulphide ore mineralization developed in proximity to iron formations in a cyclic volcano-sedimentary sequence that forms the offshore part of the late Archaean intracratonic basin of the Chitradurga greenstone belt, south India. The chemistry of volcanic suite attests to an extensive rock-water interaction resulting in exchange of Si and Na for divalent cations, including Cu, Pb and Zn. The exchange took place during hydrothermal alteration of basalt prior to its involvement in regional deformation and metamorphism. A hydrothermal convection system extracted Cu, Zn and Pb from sea-floor basalts during a static phase of evolution of the Chitradurga basin and developed the stratabound ore deposit within the pyroclastics and the stringer ores below.  相似文献   

为深入研究油砂山地区油砂的古沉积环境、成熟度及母质来源,促进柴西地区非常规资源勘探开发,本文以油砂山干柴沟组油砂为研究对象,通过气相色谱-质谱分析,发现该区油砂正构烷烃受到轻度损失,降解程度为1级;该区油砂具有低的m(Ts)/m(Tm)值,相对低的m(C29ββ)/m[(ββ+αα)]和m(C29ααα-20S)/m[20(S+R)]的值,表明油砂油属低成熟油砂油;m(Pr)/m(Ph)较低,表明其源岩沉积强还原环境;油砂油样品具较高的m(r-蜡烷)/m(0.5C31)值,显示为高盐度咸水环境沉积;甾烷C27、C28和C29参数成"L"型或"V"型分布,表明油砂油母质来源水生生物相对较多。  相似文献   

陈焕元  贾飞 《地质学报》2021,95(11):3352-3365
浙江省内发育着众多中-大型萤石矿,但是对成矿岩体的研究相对较弱,制约着对区域成矿过程的认识.本文首次对安吉统里地区萤石成矿花岗岩体进行了系统的锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学研究.锆石U-Pb测年结果显示小圩坞花岗闪长岩形成于146~140 Ma,而五房里细粒二长花岗岩形成于135 Ma,二者均形成于早白垩世早期,与华南地区大规模爆发的晚中生代岩浆作用时代相一致.全岩主微量元素地球化学表明统里地区花岗岩体可以划分为钙碱性Ⅰ型花岗岩和高分异Ⅰ型花岗岩两类,二者均显示高硅、富铝、贫铁和镁等特征,在地球化学上属于准铝质-过铝质岩石系列.其中小圩坞花岗闪长岩相对富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素,亏损重稀土元素和高场强元素,而五房里细粒二长花岗岩则显示明显的中稀土元素亏损.研究认为小圩坞Ⅰ型花岗岩是变火成岩中下地壳熔融的产物,而五房里高分异Ⅰ型花岗岩是花岗质岩浆在浅层岩浆房内经历广泛结晶分异作用的产物.结合华南地区晚中生代岩浆作用由陆向海迁移的趋势,本文研究认为古太平洋板块俯冲过程中的板片回转过程是统里地区花岗岩侵入最为合理的深部动力学机制.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations (BIFs) are chemical marine sediments dominantly composed of alternating iron-rich (oxide, carbonate, sulfide) and silicon-rich (chert, jasper) layers. Isotope ratios of iron, carbon, and sulfur in BIF iron-bearing minerals are biosignatures that reflect microbial cycling for these elements in BIFs. While much attention has focused on iron, banded iron formations are equally banded silica formations. Thus, silicon isotope ratios for quartz can provide insight on the sources and cycling of silicon in BIFs. BIFs are banded by definition, and microlaminae, or sub-mm banding, are characteristic of many BIFs. In situ microanalysis including secondary ion mass spectrometry is well-suited for analyzing such small features. In this study we used a CAMECA IMS-1280 ion microprobe to obtain highly accurate (±0.3‰) and spatially resolved (∼10 μm spot size) analyses of silicon and oxygen isotope ratios for quartz from several well known BIFs: Isua, southwest Greenland (∼3.8 Ga); Hamersley Group, Western Australia (∼2.5 Ga); Transvaal Group, South Africa (∼2.5 Ga); and Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota, USA (∼1.9 Ga). Values of δ18O range from +7.9‰ to +27.5‰ and include the highest reported δ18O values for BIF quartz. Values of δ30Si have a range of ∼5‰ from −3.7‰ to +1.2‰ and extend to the lowest δ30Si values for Precambrian cherts. Isua BIF samples are homogeneous in δ18O to ±0.3‰ at mm- to cm-scale, but are heterogeneous in δ30Si up to 3‰, similar to the range in δ30Si found in BIFs that have not experienced high temperature metamorphism (up to 300 °C). Values of δ30Si for quartz are homogeneous to ±0.3‰ in individual sub-mm laminae, but vary by up to 3‰ between multiple laminae over mm-to-cm of vertical banding. The scale of exchange for Si in quartz in BIFs is thus limited to the size of microlaminae, or less than ∼1 mm. We interpret differences in δ30Si between microlaminae as preserved from primary deposition. Silicon in BIF quartz is mostly of marine hydrothermal origin (δ30Si < −0.5‰) but silicon from continental weathering (δ30Si ∼ 1‰) was an important source as early as 3.8 Ga.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic magnetite–apatite–hematite–pyrolusite–jaspilite deposits in the Bafq mining district (BMD) contain more than 1.7 Gt ores with an average grade of 50 wt.% Fe and 0.01 to 7.78 wt.% P and were probably formed between 635 and 547 Ma in a riftogenic felsic submarine exhalative sequence of the Esfordi Formation. The ore zones occur in proximal zone of magnetite-rich albitized rhyolite (keratophyres), interdistal zone of rhyolitic tuff–tuffaceous sediments and distal zone of pyrolusite–jaspilite. These sequences are covered by the diamictites and cap carbonates. The BIFs are linked to the altered rhyolites–rhyodacites, jaspilites and diamictites and contain magnetite, hematite and apatite. The presence of Spriggina, Dickinsonia, Medusites and Persimedusites chahgazensis (Sennewald and Krüger, 1979; Hahn and, Pflug; McCall, 2006) in the Kushk shale member of the Esfordi Formation conforms to the Australian fauna of the Ediacaran period (635–540). This relative age is supported by some reliable Pb isotopic data (635–547 Ma) on galena, monazite and apatite (Huckriede et al., 1962; Torab, 2008; Stosch et al., 2011). The most frequent structures–textures in the ore zones include felsic autobrecciation, massive, colloidal, banded, detrital and glaciogenic. The BIFs are highlighted by high values of LREE fractionation and no significant Eu and Ce anomalies. The ores show high values of Fe2O3 (14–60%), and SiO2 (4–34%), and low contents of Al (3.32%), Cr (21.48 ppm), Co (42.82 ppm), Ni (125 ppm), V (868 ppm), and Ti (0.13%) similar to those of the Ediacaran–Rapitan BIFs. The cap carbonates show depletion in δ13C, with a range from − 0.43 to − 6.6 per mil and then return to near excursion of about + 2.97‰ in the Lower Cambrian carbonates. These are followed by δ18O values, which range from − 6.64 to − 11.86‰. The presence of jaspilites, diamictites, C and O isotopic signatures, REE patterns, and immobile element relationships highlights a glaciogenic BIF. Importantly, the glaciogenic structures–textures and jaspilites do not support the misconception of the previously proposed magmatic–carbonatitic and metasomatic–hydrothermal IOCG–Kiruna ore deposits.  相似文献   

In the Dharwar Craton, southern India, gold deposits are found mostly along the six arcuate shear zones passing through late Archaean greenstone belts (2.7 Ga). One such shear zone complex extends for about 400 km within and along the Ramagiri–Hungund schist belt. The Penakacherla sector of this shear zone is excellently exposed, enabling a detailed investigation of synorogenic gold mineralisation and its relationship to associated hydrothermal alteration.Metamorphism and deformation under NE–SW compression associated with Archaean subduction processes converted mafic volcanic rocks into amphibolites and intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks into quartz mica schists. Continued compression generated a 50–100-m-wide shear zone complex consisting of mafic phyllonites. Advection of hydrothermal fluids through this shear zone and reaction between fluids and the mafic phyllonites resulted in a silicified, K-metasomatic assemblage mainly consisting of chlorite, amphibole, K-mica, plagioclase, ankerite, quartz, Fe-oxides, pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. Networks of quartz and carbonate veinlets, a few millimeters to a few centimeters thick, formed along the foliation planes giving rise to microscopic alteration envelope, in which individual veinlet systems are merged into one another to form a composite alteration system. Gold is found within these quartz veinlets, mafic phyllonites and at their mutual contacts.Hydrothermal fluids have modified the primary major, minor, trace and LREE compositions of host rocks such that their mutual behaviour became non-systematic. Some HFSE and HREE also show minor mobility but the overall REE pattern generally resembles that of the precursor mafic volcanic rocks. Mass and volume loss/gain by Si and Ca has made significant impact on Al, Ti and Zr abundances, which are generally immobile during hydrothermal alteration. However, element pairs such as Zr–Hf, V–Sc and Nb–Ta maintain primary inter-element ratios, although their absolute abundances are drastically diluted. Similarly, ΣREE in highly silicified and carbonatised samples are reduced, but patterns remain similar to those of relatively least altered mafic phyllonites with (LaN/Yb)N between 1 and 3. In some samples, LREE enrichment is observed elevating in (LaN/Yb)N from 3 to 11. Pathfinder elements and base metals such as As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Sb have been added along with the Au and Ag.δ13C of carbon varies from −16‰ to −21‰ suggesting a biogenic origin, whereas coexisting pyrite δ34S ranges from 1‰ to 3‰, pointing towards the involvement of magmatic or average crustal sulphur. Overall concentrations of K, Rb, Sr, Ba, Nb, Ta, Ti, Cs, Cr, Co, V, Y and Sc and many of the ratios such as K/Rb, La/Sc, La/Yb indicate that metamorphism, devolatilisation and dehydration of an oceanic subducting slab might have partially contributed the mineralising fluids and generated the alteration assemblage observed in the host rocks. Fluid sources were mantle and greenstone belt dehydration and devolatilisation generating observed compositional and alteration diversity.  相似文献   

The evolution characteristics of Gejiu granites, Yunnan Province are described in terms of their petrology, especially their trace elements and REE geochemistry. The three major types of Gejiu granites: porphyritic biotite monzonitic granite (stage I), medium-coarse-grained biotite-K-feldspar granite (stage II) and two-mica alkali-feldspar granite (stage III) are thought to have been formed successively from the same granite magma source through fractional crystallization (Rayliegh fractionation), because linear correlations are found between log(Rb/Sr)-log Sn, log(Rb/Ba)-log Sn, log(Rb/Ba)-log(Rb/Sr), log La-log Sr, log Ce-log Sr, log Eu-log Sr, etc. In addition, the characteristics of REE distribution patterns in these three major types of granites also reflect the magmatic differentiation features of Gejiu granites. Of the three major types, the two-mica alkali-feldspar granite of stage III underwent the strongest differentiation, and thus has the closest genetic relationship with the Gejiu tin-polymetallic ore deposit. Such tin-polymetal mineralized granites are characterized by high Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios, low K/Rb and ΣCe/ΣY ratios and remarkable Eu depletion.  相似文献   

The Chitradurga base metal sulfide deposit is associated with eugeosynclinal metabasalts (~ 2.5 b.y.) and banded pyritiferous cherts. The pre-tectonic character of the deposit and meta-volcanics is indicated by their deformational textures, structures and radioactive age data. The mineral assemblages of these ores are similar to the Zn-Cu type of massive sulfide deposits associated with Archean—Early Precambrian eugeosynclinal metavolcanics in other shield areas. The deposit has a rather high concentration of Co; microprobe data indicate that most of it is found as cobaltite and linnaeite and that it is inhomogenously distributed in these minerals. Very strong sympathetic correlation between Co and Cu, and the simultaneous increase of both of these elements with depth has been found. The geochemistry of the Chitradurga ores and metabasalts, especially their Zn:Cu:Pb and Pb:Zn ratios, suggests that the base metal sulfide content is probably genetically related to the basaltic flows. It appears that the Chitradurga deposit belongs to the ‘massive volcanogenic’ Cu-rich class of sulfide deposits. The metal content of the ores appears to have been supplied by rapidly degassing highly undifferentiated protomantle along with the basaltic magma.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThebehaviorsoftherare earthelements (REE)duringmagmatism ,metamorphismandmeta somationareofgreatgeologicalinterestbecauseoftheirapplicationsingeochronologyandgeochemi caltracing (e .g .reviewsbyFaure ,1 986;LipinandMckay ,1 989) .Becauseoftheirsimilargeo chemicalbehaviorsandlowsolubilitiesinwater,theREEshaveprovedthemselvestobeapowerfultoolforthecharacterizationofprovenanceswhenappliedtosedimentaryrocks (McDanieletal.,1 994) .Althoughtheirbehaviorsunderhydrothermalconditionsar…  相似文献   

金红石中锆含量温度计及其微量元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zack et al.(2004a)、Watson et al.(2006)以及Tomkins et al.(2007)(在2GPa条件下)的金红石中锆含量温度计计算结果显示,徐淮地区中生代侵入杂岩所含榴辉岩类包体所经历的榴辉岩相变质的温度范围分别为776~1099℃(平均898℃)、663~923℃(平均750℃)和714~981℃(平均804℃),这些温度结果可能并非榴辉岩相峰期变质温度;其角闪岩相退变质作用过程中保存的温度范围分别为555~777℃(平均697℃)、541~663℃(平均6170C)和588~714℃(平均667℃),这些结果不能代表角闪岩相退变质再平衡后的温度,而只能代表角闪岩相退变质作用过程中某-阶段的温度.微量元素地球化学特征研究表明,榴辉岩类包体所含金红石中的某些微量元素(如Nb、Ta、Cr、Fe、V等)含量与其原岩有继承和对应关系,其原岩主要为镁铁质岩石;榴辉岩类包体与其寄主岩石中部分高价态/高场强元素(HFSE)呈相互消长的关系.榴辉岩的形成与扬子地块和华北地块之间的俯冲,碰撞作用有关.  相似文献   

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