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调制电离层激发ELF/VLF电磁波为深海潜艇通信提供了一种可能的天线产生方式.本文介绍了国外电离层ELF/VLF电磁波激发理论的研究情况和实验结果,引进了HF电磁波加热电离层理论和物理模型并介绍了相应的实验结果,讨论了加热系统的激发效率提高问题.展望了该领域的未来研究方向,并提出了在我国的地理条件下激发电离层ELF/VLF电磁波需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

Spectrograms and ELF power spectra of magnetic variations originated from sprite-producing lightning discharges have been analyzed to extract both parent lightning and sprite parameters. Some of the spectrograms and power spectra have been found to have approximately quasi-oscillatory shape in the frequency range 0–40 Hz with maximum repetition period about 15–20 Hz. A theory predicts that this interesting peculiarity of the power spectra can be due to interference between electromagnetic fields originated from the parent lightning discharge and from the sprite. A smooth envelope of the power spectrum was shown to have a form of damped oscillations with period close to reciprocal value of sprite lag time. A technique of extracting sprite parameters based on the sprite-producing lightning power spectrum is proposed. The lack of the first Schumann resonance and other features occasionally observed in spectral resonance structure were also discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the VLF/ELF wave data obtained during a whistler campaign under All India Coordinated Program of Ionosphere Thermosphere Studies (AICPITS) at our low latitude Indian ground station Jammu (geomag. lat. = 22° 26′ N, L = 1.17) has yielded two types of unusual and unique whistler-triggered VLF/ELF emissions. These include (1) whistler-triggered hook emissions and (2) whistler-triggered long enduring discrete chorus riser emissions in VLF/ELF frequency range during night time. Such types of whistler-triggered emissions have not been reported earlier from any of the ground observations at low latitudes. In the present study, the observed characteristics of these emissions are described and interpreted. Dispersion analysis of these emissions show that the whistlers as well as emissions have propagated along a higher geomagnetic field line path with L-values lying ∼L = 4, suggesting that these triggered emissions are to be regarded as mid-latitude emissions. These waves could have propagated along the geomagnetic field lines either in a ducted mode or in a pro-longitudinal (PL) mode. The measured intensity of the triggered emissions is almost equal to that of the source waves and does not vary throughout the period of observation on that day. It is speculated that these emissions may have been generated through a process of resonant interaction of the whistler waves with energetic electrons. Parameters related to this interaction are computed for different values of L and wave amplitude. The proposed mechanism explains some aspects of the dynamic spectra.  相似文献   

强震前ELF/VLF磁场的扰动特征统计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用DEMETER卫星记录的变化磁场数据统计研究了2005—2009年北半球7级以上强震前后空间磁场的扰动特征.在震中±10°范围内利用震前2个月至震后1个月的5年同期观测的ELF/VLF[370~897 Hz]频段磁场功率谱密度数据构建了背景场,定义了表征空间磁场在地震时段相对于背景场的扰动幅度指标.统计研究发现26个强震中42%的地震主要表现为震前磁场扰度幅度逐渐上升,超过3倍标准差,随后在扰度幅度下降过程中发震.35%强震在地震前10天内最大扰动幅度超过3倍标准差,在扰度幅度处于最高值期间发震,震后磁场扰动幅度逐渐回落.23%的强震在震前震后无明显规律.随机事件测试发现在空间天气平静且无强震条件下随机地点上空的磁场无明显的时空演化规律,且随机地点上空的空间磁场相对于背景场的平均扰度幅度很小,最大扰度幅度从未超过2倍标准差,并且没有明显的随时间变化特征.  相似文献   

常珊珊  赵正予  汪枫 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2458-2467
通过大功率ELF/VLF调幅高频波对电离层进行加热,形成电离层虚拟天线,可以作为发射ELF/VLF波的一种有效手段.本文使用汪枫(2009)的调制加热模型,计算高频加热电离层产生的低频辐射源强度,采用全波解算法分析辐射的低频波向下传播过程中的衰减和反射问题,并采用HAARP实验参数,模拟出在海面上接收到的低频信号强度为PT量级,与实验数据一致.模拟结果表明,加热泵波功率、低频调制波频率、以及加热纬度位置是影响ELF/VLF波辐射和传播的三个主要因素.  相似文献   




Yahnin  A. G.  Titova  E. E.  Demekhov  A. G.  Yahnina  T. A.  Popova  T. A.  Lyubchich  A.  Manninen  J.  Raita  T. 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2019,59(6):668-680
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Simultaneous observations of ELF/VLF and EMIC waves from Van Allen Probe satellites in the daytime Earth’s magnetosphere and on the ground during multiple...  相似文献   

Summary The ELF-VLF experiment onboard the Interkosmos 10 satellite consisted mainly of a broadband receiver covering the frequency range from 20 Hz to 22 kHz. The signal level in this broad band has also been measured, as well as the level in two narrow bands with centre frequencies of 720 Hz and 4 kHz. The electric component of the ELF-VLF fields has been measured by using an electric dipole antenna, 2.35 m in length. The purpose of this paper is to characterise the data obtained by the broadband RTT transmissions at the Panská Ves station during the seven-months active period of the satellite. The spectral analysis of all broad-band ELF-VLF recordings has been used. Examples of some typical phenomena, most frequently observed at different invariant latitudes are given.  相似文献   

The negative CG lightning discharges neutralizing negative charges in cloud usually dominate for most of thunderstorms. However, a lot of positive CG light-ning discharges often occur in the disappearing stage of thunderstorms, in the stratiform region of mesoscale convective systems and some supercells producing hail and tornado. Because the positive CG lightning discharges produce larger current of the return stroke and neutralize more charges due to the continuing currents with longer las…  相似文献   

Interactions between very/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) waves and energetic electrons play a fundamental role in dynamics occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Here, we briefly discuss global properties of VLF/ELF waves, along with the variability of the electron radiation belts associated with wave-particle interactions and radial diffusion. We provide cases of electron loss and acceleration as a result of wave-particle interactions primarily due to such waves, and particularly some preliminary results...  相似文献   

During the Conjugate Point Experiment (COPEX) campaign performed at Boa Vista (2.80°N;60.70°W, dip angle 21.7°N) from October to December 2002, 15 medium-scale gravity waves in the OHNIR airglow images were observed. Using a Keogram image analysis, we estimate their parameters. Most of the waves propagate to Northwest, indicating that their main sources are Southeast of Boa Vista. Quasi-simultaneous plasma bubble activities in the OI 630 nm images were observed in seven cases. The distances between the bubble depletions have a linear relationship with the wavelengths of the gravity waves observed in the mesosphere, which suggests a direct contribution of the mesospheric medium-scale gravity waves in seeding the equatorial plasma bubbles.  相似文献   

The global lightning distribution has been obtained for the first time as the result of an inverse problem for the natural extremely low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic background signals measured simultaneously at three stations: Lekhta (Karelia, Russia), Moshiri (Hokkaido, Japan), and West Greenwich (Rhode Island, USA). We employed a two-step technique consisting of: (1) inversion of ELF field spectra to a source distance distribution (distance profile) for each station of the network and (2) treating the obtained distance profiles as projections in the tomographic method. The structure of the source distance profiles reconstructed from experimental field spectra, varies during a day in a manner specific for each station, which can be explained generally by the temporal distribution of the sources in the tropical continental areas, so-called world thunderstorm centres (WTCs). The comparison of the obtained source distributions with the satellite data on lightning collected by Optical Transient Detector (OTD) and Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) shows satisfactory agreement, which proves that our newly developed inversion technique is a suitable method for mapping global lightning.  相似文献   

利用挪威斯瓦尔巴德地区的ELF/VLF观测资料和世界数据中心公布的Kp指数,分析了日侧极隙纬度低频波不同季节里的周日变化和1984年5月-1986年4月的年度变化及这些波与地磁扰动的某些关系.主要结果有:1.夏季ELF波出现率极大值最大,而冬季的最小,前者约为后者的3倍,而且此极大值无论哪个季节都出现在磁正午时段.2.VLF波出现率在夏季较小冬季较大;其极大值出现在磁午后至磁子夜前的2-4h时段里.3.夏季ELF波指数∑A与地磁指数∑KP日变化较相吻合,在太阳自转周内两者相关系数约为0.6.4.冬季VLF波指数∑A与∑Kp日变化相吻合,在太阳自转周内两者相关系数可达0.8.这些结果表明日侧极隙纬度ELF波和VLF波各有不同的产生机制和源区.  相似文献   

利用挪威斯瓦尔巴德地区的ELF/VLF观测资料和世界数据中心公布的Kp指数,分析了日侧极隙纬度低频波不同季节里的周日变化和1984年5月-1986年4月的年度变化及这些波与地磁扰动的某些关系.主要结果有:1.夏季ELF波出现率极大值最大,而冬季的最小,前者约为后者的3倍,而且此极大值无论哪个季节都出现在磁正午时段.2.VLF波出现率在夏季较小冬季较大;其极大值出现在磁午后至磁子夜前的2-4h时段里.3.夏季ELF波指数∑A与地磁指数∑KP日变化较相吻合,在太阳自转周内两者相关系数约为0.6.4.冬季VLF波指数∑A与∑Kp日变化相吻合,在太阳自转周内两者相关系数可达0.8.这些结果表明日侧极隙纬度ELF波和VLF波各有不同的产生机制和源区.  相似文献   

气溶胶对雷暴云电过程影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文



This paper provides a brief review of the role that chorus waves play in controlling the dynamics of the Earth's outer radiation belt. Three major topics are discussed: (i) the morphology, characteristics, and properties of chorus waves themselves, with special emphasis on more recent results, (ii) the role that chorus waves play in the loss of radiation belt particles, showing initial results from modeling of relativistic electron microbursts, and estimated lifetimes based on microburst occurrence rates during the main phase of storms, and (iii) the role that chorus waves play in the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies in the recovery phase of storms, based on a new quasilinear diffusion based calculation.  相似文献   

The present paper analyses electromagnetic turbulence in the frequency range 0.1-75 Hz, associated with the supercritical quasiperpendicular crossings of the Earth’s bow shock recorded by the Prognoz-8 and -10 satellites. The quasimonochromatic waves are identified in the shock transition region. Their frequencies, lying in the range 2–5 Hz upstream from the shock ramp, shift to a value less than 1 Hz in the downstream region. The amplitudes of these narrow emissions are great enough to provide the primary dissipation in the flow of the solar wind plasma. Electromagnetic oscillations with such properties are likely to be generated during non-linear evolution of the shock front, rather than by the instabilities driven by ion and electron drifts. Emissions with frequencies higher than 5 Hz have much smaller amplitudes and may be driven by lower hybrid-like instabilities.  相似文献   

Different approaches are used in estimating the global production of NOx by lightning flashes, including field measurements carried out during thunderstorm conditions, theoretical studies combining the physics and chemistry of the electrical discharges, and measurements of NOx yield in laboratory sparks with subsequent extrapolation to lightning. In the latter procedure, laboratory data are extrapolated to lightning using the energy as the scaling quantity. Further, in these studies only the return strokes are considered assuming that contributions from other processes such as leaders, continuing currents, M components, and K processes are negligible. In this paper, we argue that the use of energy as the scaling quantity and omission of all lightning processes other than return strokes are not justified. First, a theory which can be used to evaluate the NOx production by electrical discharges, if the current flowing in the discharge is known, is presented. The results obtained from theory are compared with the available experimental data and a reasonable agreement is found. Numerical experiments suggest that the NOx production efficiency of electrical discharges depends not only on the energy dissipated in the discharge, but also on the shape of current waveform. Thus, the current signature, can influence extrapolation of laboratory data to lightning flashes. Second, an estimation of the NOx yield per lightning flash is made by treating the lightning flash as a composite event consisting of several discharge processes. We show that the NOx production takes place mainly in slow discharge processes such as leaders, M components, and continuing currents, with return strokes contributing only a small fraction of the total NOx. The results also show that cloud flashes are as efficient as ground flashes in NOx generation. In estimating the global NOx production by lightning flashes the most influencing parameter is the length of the lightning discharge channel inside the cloud. For the total length of channels inside the cloud of a typical ground flash of about 45 km, we estimate that the global annual production of NOx is about 4 Tg(N).  相似文献   

Sprites are newly discovered optical emissions in the mesosphere over large thunderstorms. This paper is the observational summary of winter sprites in the Hokuriku area of Japan and their parent lightning in the winter of 2004/2005, by using the coordinated optical and electromagnetic (VHF and ELF) measurements in Japan. As the results of optical observations at two stations, we have found that this campaign has yielded a variety of sprite shapes; V-angle shaped structures have been often observed (25%) in addition to columnar structures familiar for us. All of the sprite events are found to be associated with +CG lightning, as seen from the macroscopic information by ELF data at Moshiri. However, examining the microscopic properties of parent lightning as seen from the VHF SAFIR lightning detection network, has suggested very complicated characteristics of parent lightning discharges inducing sprites, as compared with the ELF data. One half of the sprite events are also found to be associated with +CG by the SAFIR observation, but another half has yielded rather new results as compared with earlier results. Four events are definitely associated with -CG and the remaining three events, inter-cloud flashes. The overall picture for Japanese winter sprites and their parent lightning discharges, is significantly different from that for the summer-time, continental sprites. This is indicative of complexity of winter lightning in the Hokuriku area of Japan and this would provide new information on the sprite generation mechanism.  相似文献   

The morphology of ELF hiss events observed at low-latitude ground station Varanasi (L = 1.07, geomagnetic latitude 14°55′N) are reported, which consist of two types: (1) events which propagated in ducted mode along the geomagnetic field line corresponding to observing station Varanasi and (2) events which propagated in ducted mode along higher L-values (L = 4–6), after reaching the lower edge of ionosphere excite the Earth-ionosphere wave guide and propagate towards equator to be received at Varanasi. To understand the generation mechanism of ELF hiss, incoherent Cerenkov radiated power from the low latitude and middle latitude plasmasphere are evaluated. Considering this estimated power as an input for wave amplification through wave-particle interaction, the growth rate and amplification factor is evaluated which is too small to explain the observed wave intensity. It is suggested that some non-linear mechanism is responsible for the generation of ELF hiss.  相似文献   

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