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In an imaging polarimetry survey of candidate post-AGB stars, scattering envelopes are detected around 20 objects. These envelopes represent the final mass-loss phases at the end of the AGB. In all cases, evidence for axisymmetry in the dust density is seen, suggesting that the presence of an axisymmetric outflow may be a ubiquitous phenomenon of the AGB to post-AGB transition. We use the polarized flux images to classify the objects into detached shell, bipolar and unresolved targets. Modelling based on a simple axisymmetric shell geometry supports the contention that post-AGB objects fall into one of two classes that differ in the amount of dust in the circumstellar environment: the detached shells correspond to stars with an optically thin expanding circumstellar envelope (CSE) whereas the bipolar and unresolved targets have optically thick dust structures, probably in the form of discs, which remain bound to the star, rather than partaking in the expansion of the AGB CSE. It is suggested that this bifurcation in morphology is rooted in the presence or absence of a binary companion, which determines whether or not a disc forms. Because the detached shell objects also appear axisymmetric, an additional mechanism for generating the axisymmetry, such as a magnetically shaped outflow, is needed if they do indeed have single star progenitors.  相似文献   

We use ground-based imaging polarimetry to detect and image the dusty circumstellar envelopes of a sample of protoplanetary nebulae (PPNe) at near-infrared wavelengths. This technique allows the scattered light from the faint envelope to be separated from the glare of the bright central star, and is particularly well suited to this class of object. We detect extended (up to 9-arcsec diameter) circumstellar envelopes around 15 out of 16 sources with a range of morphologies including bipolars and shells. The distribution of scattered light in combination with its polarization (up to 40 per cent) provides unambiguous evidence for axisymmetry in 14 objects, showing this to be a common trait of PPNe. We suggest that the range of observed envelope morphologies results from the development of an axisymmetric dust distribution during the superwind phase at the end of the AGB. We identify shells seen in polarized light with scattering from these superwind dust distributions, which allows us to provide constraints on the duration of the superwind phase. In one object (IRAS 19475+3119) the circumstellar envelope has a two-armed spiral structure, which we suggest results from the interaction of the mass-losing star with a binary companion.  相似文献   

I argue that the large-scale departure from axisymmetry of the η Carinae nebula can be explained by the binary star model of η Carinae. The companion diverts the wind blown by the primary star, by accreting from the wind and possibly by blowing its own collimated fast wind (CFW). The effect of these processes depends on the orbital separation, and hence on the orbital phase of the eccentric orbit. The variation of the mass outflow from the binary system with the orbital phase leads to a large-scale departure from axisymmetry along the equatorial plane, as is observed in η Carinae. I further speculate that such a companion may have accreted a large fraction of the mass that was expelled in the Great Eruption of 1850 and the Lesser Eruption of 1890. The accretion process was likely to form an accretion disc, with the formation of a CFW, or jets, on the two sides of the accretion disc. The CFW may have played a crucial role in the formation of the two lobes.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to classify planetary nebulae (PNe) according to their departure from axisymmetric structure. We consider only departure along and near the equatorial plane, i.e. between the two sides perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the nebula. We consider six types of departure from axisymmetry: (1) PNe where the central star is not at the centre of the nebula; (2) PNe having one side brighter than the other; (3) PNe having unequal size or shape of the two sides; (4) PNe where the symmetry axis is bent, e.g. the two lobes in a bipolar PN are bent toward the same side; (5) PNe where the main departure from axisymmetry is in the outer regions, e.g. an outer arc; and (6) PNe that show no departure from axisymmetry, i.e. any departure, if it exists, is on scales smaller than the scale of blobs, filaments and other irregularities in the nebula. PNe that possess more than one type of departure are classified by the most prominent type. We discuss the connection between departure types and the physical mechanisms that may cause them, mainly resulting from the influence of a stellar binary companion. We find that ∼50 per cent of all PNe in the analysed sample possess large-scale departure from axisymmetry. This number is larger than that expected from the influence of binary companions, namely ∼25–30 per cent. We argue that this discrepancy comes from many PNe where the departure from axisymmetry, mainly unequal size, shape or intensity, results from the presence of long-lived and large (hot or cool) spots on the surface of their asymptotic giant branch progenitors. Such spots locally enhance the mass-loss rate, leading to a departure from axisymmetry, mainly near the equator, in the descendent PN.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a spectral differential technique with which the dynamical mass of low‐mass companions can be found. This method aims at discovering close companions to late‐type stars by removing the stellar spectrum through a subtraction of spectra obtained at different orbital phases and discovering the companion spectrum in the difference spectrum in which the companion lines appear twice (positive and negative signal). The resulting radial velocity difference of these two signals provides the true mass of the companion, if the orbital solution for the radial velocities of the primary is known. We select the CO line region in the K band for our study, because it provides a favourable star‐to‐companion brightness ratio for our test case GJ 1046, an M2V dwarf with a low‐mass companion that most likely is a brown dwarf. Furthermore, these lines remain largely unblended in the difference spectrum so that the radial velocity amplitude of the companion can be measured directly. Only if the companion rotates rapidly and has a small radial velocity due to a high mass, does blending occur for all lines so that our approach fails. We also consider activity of the host star, and show that the companion difference flux can be expected to have larger amplitude than the residual signal from the active star so that stellar activity does not inhibit the determination of the companion mass. In addition to determining the companion mass, we restore the single companion spectrum from the difference spectrum using singular value decomposition. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We show here that the Hα flux from late type Be stars can be explained as emission from an HII region formed in the gas envelope around the Be star, by the UV flux emitted by a helium star binary companion. We also discuss the observability of the helium star companions.  相似文献   

On the formation and evolution of black hole binaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the results of a systematic study of the formation and evolution of binaries containing black holes and normal-star companions with a wide range of masses. We first reexamine the standard formation scenario for close black hole binaries, where the progenitor system, a binary with at least one massive component, experienced a common-envelope phase and where the spiral-in of the companion in the envelope of the massive star caused the ejection of the envelope. We estimate the formation rates for different companion masses and different assumptions about the common-envelope structure and other model parameters. We find that black hole binaries with intermediate- and high-mass secondaries can form for a wide range of assumptions, while black hole binaries with low-mass secondaries can only form with apparently unrealistic assumptions (in agreement with previous studies).
We then present detailed binary evolution sequences for black hole binaries with secondaries of 2 to 17 M and demonstrate that in these systems the black hole can accrete appreciably even if accretion is Eddington-limited (up to 7 M for an initial black hole mass of 10 M) and that the black holes can be spun up significantly in the process. We discuss the implications of these calculations for well-studied black hole binaries (in particular GRS 1915+105) and ultraluminous X-ray sources of which GRS 1915+105 appears to represent a typical Galactic counterpart. We also present a detailed evolutionary model for Cygnus X-1, a massive black hole binary, which suggests that at present the system is most likely in a wind mass-transfer phase following an earlier Roche-lobe overflow phase. Finally, we discuss how some of the assumptions in the standard model could be relaxed to allow the formation of low-mass, short-period black hole binaries, which appear to be very abundant in nature.  相似文献   

Among the mechanisms suggested for the creation of discs around Be stars is interaction with binary companions. This idea has largely been dismissed, because the majority of Be stars have no observed companion. This difficulty can be circumvented if single Be stars are actually ejected from binary systems (owing, for instance, to the supernova of the companion). Using Hipparcos data, we show that this explanation is not likely, by comparing the velocity distributions of Be stars with those of normal B stars. We find that the distributions are consistent to within 1 σ uncertainties, and thus do not support the formation of single Be stars through binary breakup.  相似文献   

A significant fraction of planetary nebulae (PNe) and protoplanetary nebulae (PPNe) exhibit aspherical, axisymmetric structures, many of which are highly collimated. The origin of these structures is not entirely understood, however, recent evidence suggests that many observed PNe harbour binary systems, which may play a role in their shaping. In an effort to understand how binaries may produce such asymmetries, we study the effect of low-mass  (<0.3 M)  companions (planets, brown dwarfs and low-mass main-sequence stars) embedded into the envelope of a  3.0-M  star during three epochs of its evolution [red giant branch, asymptotic giant branch (AGB), interpulse AGB]. We find that common envelope evolution can lead to three qualitatively different consequences: (i) direct ejection of envelope material resulting in a predominately equatorial outflow, (ii) spin-up of the envelope resulting in the possibility of powering an explosive dynamo-driven jet and (iii) tidal shredding of the companion into a disc which facilitates a disc-driven jet. We study how these features depend on the secondary's mass and discuss observational consequences.  相似文献   

We have carried out a search for co‐moving stellar and substellar companions around 18 exoplanet host stars with the infrared camera MAGIC at the 2.2 m Calar Alto telescope, by comparing our images with images from the all sky surveys 2MASS, POSS I and II. Four stars of the sample namely HD80606, 55 Cnc, HD46375 and BD–10°3166, are listed as binaries in the Washington Visual Double Star Catalogue (WDS). The binary nature of HD80606, 55 Cnc, and HD46375 is confirmed with both astrometry as well as photometry, thereby the proper motion of the companion of HD46375 was determined here for the first time.We derived the companion masses as well as the longterm stability regions for additional companions in these three binary systems. We can rule out further stellar companions around all stars in the sample with projected separations between 270AU and 2500AU, being sensitive to substellar companions with masses down to ∼60 MJup (S /N = 3). Furthermore we present evidence that the two components of the WDS binary BD–10°3166 are unrelated stars, i.e this system is a visual pair. The spectrophotometric distance of the primary (a K0 dwarf) is ∼67 pc, whereas the presumable secondary BD–10°3166B (a M4 to M5 dwarf) is located at a distance of 13 pc in the foreground. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We investigate the formation of binary stellar systems. We consider a model where a 'seed' protobinary system forms, via fragmentation, within a collapsing molecular cloud core and evolves to its final mass by accreting material from an infalling gaseous envelope. This accretion alters the mass ratio and orbit of the binary, and is largely responsible for forming the circumstellar and/or circumbinary discs.
Given this model for binary formation, we predict the properties of binary systems and how they depend on the initial conditions within the molecular cloud core. We predict that there should be a continuous trend such that closer binaries are more likely to have equal-mass components and are more likely to have circumbinary discs than wider systems. Comparing our results with observations, we find that the observed mass-ratio distributions of binaries and the frequency of circumbinary discs as a function of separation are most easily reproduced if the progenitor molecular cloud cores have radial density profiles between uniform and 1/ r (e.g., Gaussian) with near-uniform rotation. This is in good agreement with the observed properties of pre-stellar cores. Conversely, we find that the observed properties of binaries cannot be reproduced if the cloud cores are in solid-body rotation and have initial density profiles which are strongly centrally condensed. Finally, in agreement with the radial-velocity searches for extrasolar planets, we find that it is very difficult to form a brown dwarf companion to a solar-type star with a separation ≲10 au, but that the frequency of brown dwarf companions should increase with larger separations or lower mass primaries.  相似文献   

We examine the proposal that the subset of neutron-star and black-hole X-ray binaries that form with Ap or Bp star companions will experience systemic angular-momentum losses due to magnetic braking, not otherwise operative with intermediate-mass companion stars. We suggest that for donor stars possessing the anomalously high magnetic fields associated with Ap and Bp stars, a magnetically coupled, irradiation-driven stellar wind can lead to substantial systemic loss of angular momentum. Hence, these systems, which would otherwise not be expected to experience 'magnetic braking', evolve to shorter orbital periods during mass transfer. In this paper, we detail how such a magnetic braking scenario operates. We apply it to a specific astrophysics problem involving the formation of compact black-hole binaries with low-mass donor stars. At present, it is not understood how these systems form, given that low-mass companion stars are not likely to provide sufficient gravitational potential to unbind the envelope of the massive progenitor of the black hole during a prior 'common-envelope' phase. On the other hand, intermediate-mass companions, such as Ap and Bp stars, could more readily eject the common envelope. However, in the absence of magnetic braking, such systems tend to evolve to long orbital periods. We show that, with the proposed magnetic braking properties afforded by Ap and Bp companions, such a scenario can lead to the formation of compact black-hole binaries with orbital periods, donor masses, lifetimes and production rates that are in accord with the observations. In spite of these successes, our models reveal a significant discrepancy between the calculated effective temperatures and the observed spectral types of the donor stars. Finally, we show that this temperature discrepancy would still exist for other scenarios invoking initially intermediate-mass donor stars, and this presents a substantial unresolved mystery.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a series of hydrodynamic + N ‐body simulations in order to explore the binary properties of young stars. We find that multiple stars are a natural outcome of collapsing turbulent flows, with a high incidence of N > 2 multiples, specially among the higher mass objects. We find a positive correlation of multiplicity with primary mass and a companion frequency that decreases with age, during the first few Myr after formation. Binary brown dwarfs are rarely formed, in conflict with observations. Brown dwarfs as companions are predominantly found orbiting binaries or triples at large separations. The paucity of ultra low mass and low mass ratio binaries has been investigated further, and we tentatively conclude that their formation is intricately related to an appropriate selection of initial conditions and an accurate modelling of disc accretion and evolution. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present results from high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations that explore the effects of small-scale clustering in star-forming regions. A large ensemble of small- N clusters with five stellar seeds have been modelled and the resulting properties of stars and brown dwarfs statistically derived and compared with observational data.
Close dynamical interactions between the protostars and competitive accretion driven by the cloud collapse are shown to produce a distribution of final masses that is bimodal, with most of the mass residing in the binary components. When convolved with a suitable core mass function, the final distribution of masses resembles the observed initial mass function, in both the stellar and substellar regimes. Binaries and single stars are found to constitute two kinematically distinct populations, with about half of the singles attaining velocities ≥2 km s−1, which might deprive low-mass star-forming regions of their lightest members in a few crossing times. The eccentricity distribution of binaries and multiples is found to follow a distribution similar to that of observed long-period (uncircularized) binaries.
The results obtained support a mechanism in which a significant fraction of brown dwarfs form under similar circumstances as those of normal stars but are ejected from the common envelope of unstable multiple systems before their masses exceed the hydrogen burning limit. We predict that many close binary stars should have wide brown dwarf companions. Brown dwarfs, and, in general, very low-mass stars, would be rare as pure binary companions. The binary fraction should be a decreasing function of primary mass, with low-mass or substellar primaries being scarce. Where such binaries exist, they are expected either to be close enough (semimajor axis ∼10 au) to survive strong interactions with more massive binaries or to be born in very small molecular cloud cores.  相似文献   

We examine the radio spectral indices of 23 Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars to identify the nature of their radio emission. We identify nine systems as non-thermal emitters. In seven of these systems the non-thermal emission dominates the radio spectrum, while in the remaining two it is of comparable strength to the thermal, stellar wind emission, giving 'composite' spectra. Among these nine systems, seven have known spectroscopic or visual binary companions. The companions are all massive O or early B-type stars, strongly supporting a connection between the appearance of non-thermal emission in WR stars and the presence of a massive companion. In three of these binaries, the origin of non-thermal emission in a wind-collision region between the stars has been well established in earlier work. The binary systems that exhibit only thermal emission are all short‐period systems where a wind-collision zone is deep within the opaque region of the stellar wind of the WR star. To detect non-thermal emission in these systems requires optically thin lines of sight to the wind-collision region.  相似文献   

Gaudi & Gould showed that close companions of remote binary systems can be efficiently detected by using gravitational microlensing via the deviations in the lensing light curves induced by the existence of the lens companions. In this paper, we introduce another channel to detect faint close-in binary companions by using microlensing. This method utilizes a caustic-crossing binary lens event with a source also composed of binary stars, where the companion is a faint star. Detection of the companion is possible because the flux of the companion can be highly amplified when it crosses the lens caustic. The detection is facilitated since the companion is more amplified than the primary because it, in general, has a smaller size than the primary, and thus experiences less finite source effect. The method is an extension of the previous one suggested to detect close-in giant planets by Graff & Gaudi and Lewis & Ibata and further developed by Ashton & Lewis. From the simulations of realistic Galactic bulge events, we find that companions of K-type main-sequence or brighter stars can be efficiently detected from the current type of microlensing follow-up observations by using the proposed method. We also find that compared with the method of detecting lens companions for which the efficiency drops significantly for binaries with separations ≲0.2 of the angular Einstein ring radius, θ E, the proposed method has an important advantage of being able to detect companions with substantially smaller separations down to ∼     .  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of over 17 years of work searching for low mass stellar and substellar companions to more than 370 nearby white dwarfs. Roughly 60 low mass, unevolved companions were found and studied all together, with over 20 discovered in the last few years, including the first unambiguous brown dwarf companion to a white dwarf, GD 1400B. The resulting spectral type distributions for companions to white dwarfs and nearby cool field dwarfs are compared, and the implications for binary star formation are discussed. A brief analysis of GD 1400B, including new data, is also presented. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Large-scale circulations and energy transport in contact binaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hydrodynamic model for the energy transport between the components of a contact binary is presented. Energy is transported by a large-scale, steady circulation carrying high entropy matter from the primary to secondary component. The circulation is driven by the baroclinic structure of the common envelope, which is a direct consequence of the non-uniform heating at the inner critical Roche lobes due to unequal emergent energy fluxes of the components. The mass stream flowing around the secondary is bound to the equatorial region by the Coriolis force and its width is determined primarily by the flow velocity. Its bottom is separated from the underlying secondary's convection zone by a radiative transition layer acting as an insulator. For a typically observed degree of contact the heat capacity of the stream matter is much larger than radiative losses during its flow around the secondary. As a result, its effective temperature and entropy decrease very little before it returns to the primary. The existence of the stream changes insignificantly specific entropies of both convective envelopes and sizes of the components. Substantial oversize of the secondaries, required by the Roche geometry, cannot be explained in this way. The situation can, however, be explained by assuming that the primary is a main-sequence star whereas the secondary is in an advanced evolutionary stage with hydrogen depleted in its core. Such a configuration is reached past mass transfer with mass ratio reversal. Good agreement with observations is demonstrated by model calculations applied to actual W UMa-type binaries. In particular, a presence of the equatorial bulge moving with a relative velocity of  10–30 km s−!  around both components of AW UMa is accounted for.  相似文献   

We report the discovery, in an Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer ( EUVE ) short-wavelength spectrum, of an unresolved hot white dwarf companion to the 5th magnitude B5Vp star HR 2875. This is the first time that a non-interacting white dwarf+B star binary has been discovered: previously, the earliest type of star known with a white dwarf companion was Sirius (A1V). As the white dwarf must have evolved from a main-sequence progenitor with a mass greater than that of a B5V star (≯6.0 M⊙), this places a lower limit on the maximum mass for white dwarf progenitors, with important implications for our knowledge of the initial–final mass relation. Assuming a pure-hydrogen atmospheric composition, we constrain the temperature of the white dwarf to be between 39 000 and 49 000 K. We also argue that this degenerate star is likely to have a mass significantly greater than the mean mass for white dwarf stars (≈0.55 M⊙). Finally, we suggest that other bright B stars (e.g. θ Hya) detected in the extreme ultraviolet surveys of the ROSAT Wide Field Camera and EUVE may also be hiding hot white dwarf companions.  相似文献   

Low-mass white dwarfs can be produced either in low-mass X-ray binaries by stable mass transfer to a neutron star, or in a common envelope phase with a heavier white dwarf companion. We have searched eight low-mass white dwarf candidates recently identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey for radio pulsations from pulsar companions, using the Green Bank Telescope at 340 MHz. We have found no pulsations down to flux densities of 0.6–0.8 mJy kpc−2 and conclude that a given low-mass helium-core white dwarf has a probability of  <0.18 ± 0.05  of being in a binary with a radio pulsar.  相似文献   

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