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We present new 40Ar/39Ar ages and paleomagnetic data for São Miguel island, Azores. Paleomagnetic samples were obtained for 34 flows and one dike; successful mean paleomagnetic directions were obtained for 28 of these 35 sites. 40Ar/39Ar age determinations on 12 flows from the Nordeste complex were attempted successfully: ages obtained are between 0.78 Ma and 0.88 Ma, in contrast to published K–Ar ages of 1 Ma to 4 Ma. Our radiometric ages are consistent with the reverse polarity paleomagnetic field directions, and indicate that the entire exposed part of the Nordeste complex is of a late Matuyama age. The duration of volcanism across São Miguel is significantly less than previously believed, which has important implications for regional melt generation processes, and temporal sampling of the geomagnetic field. Observed stable isotope and trace element trends across the island can be explained, at least in part, by communication between different magma source regions at depth. The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that our normal polarity paleomagnetic data sample at least 0.1 Myr (0–0.1 Ma) and up to 0.78 Myr (0–0.78 Ma) of paleosecular variation and our reverse polarity data sample approximately 0.1 Myr (0.78–0.88 Ma) of paleosecular variation. Our results demonstrate that precise radiometric dating of numerous flows sampled is essential to accurate inferences of long-term geomagnetic field behavior. Negative inclination anomalies are observed for both the normal and reverse polarity time-averaged field. Within the data uncertainties, normal and reverse polarity field directions are antipodal, but the reverse polarity field shows a significant deviation from a geocentric axial dipole direction.  相似文献   

1690~2000年地磁场能量的三维分布及其长期变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用Bloxham & Jackson 地磁场模型和国际参考地磁场模型(IGRF),研究了1690~2000年地磁总能量及其北向、东向和垂直向分量的能量以及非偶极子磁场的能量在地球内部的分布及长期变化.结果表明,地表和地核以外地磁场总能量及其北向和垂直向的能量是持续衰减的,垂直向的磁场能量占总能量的64%以上,对总能量的贡献起主要作用;东向分量的能量随时间的变化以增加为主.地磁场的能量变化率存在56年的周期,主要是由偶极子磁场产生的.地表以外的非偶极子磁能从减小到增大转折出现在1770年,比地核以外滞后40年.地球内部磁能随时间的变化显示,偶极子磁能逐渐减小,非偶极子磁能增加,越靠近核幔边界增加越快;偶极子和非偶极子磁能的变化量相等的分界面在距地心3780km处.从核幔边界到地表,磁能变化的衰减非偶极子比偶极子快,表明偶极子磁场比非偶极子磁场有更深的场源.  相似文献   

 A basaltic andesite lava flow from Porri Volcano (Salina, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) is composed of two different magmas. Magma A (51 vol.% of crystals) has a dacitic glass composition, and magma B (18 vol.% of crystals), a basaltic glass composition. Magma B is hosted in A and consists of sub-spherical enclaves and boudin-like, banding and rolling structures (RS). Four types of RS have been recognized: σ–type;δ–type; complex σ-δ–types and transitional structures between sub-spherical enclaves and rolling structures. An analysis of the RS has been performed in order to reconstruct the flow kinematics and the mechanism of flow emplacement. Rolling structures have been selected in three sites located at different distances from the vent. In all sites most RS show the same sense of shear. Kinematic analysis of RS allows the degree of flow non-coaxiality to be determined. The non-coaxiality is expressed by the kinematic vorticity number Wk, a measure of the ratio Sr between pure shear strain rate and simple shear strain rate. The values of Wk calculated from the measured shapes of microscopic RS increase with increasing distance from the vent, from approximately 0.5 to 0.9. Results of the structural analysis reveal that the RS formed during the early–intermediate stage of flow emplacement. They represent originally sub-spherical enclaves deformed at low shear strain. At higher strain, RS deformed to give boudin-like and stretched banding structures. Results of the kinematic analysis suggest that high viscosity lava flows are heterogeneous non-ideal shear flows in which the degree of non-coaxiality increases with the distance from the vent. In the vent area, deformation is intermediate between simple shear and pure shear. Farther from the vent, deformation approaches ideal simple shear. Lateral extension processes occur only in the near-vent zone, where they develop in response to the lateral push of magma extruded from the vent. Lateral shortening processes develop in the distal zone and record the gravity-driven movement of the lava. The lava flow advanced by two main mechanisms, lateral translation and rolling motion. Lateral translation equals rolling near the vent, while rolling motion prevailed in the distal zones. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

 The massive unit of a lava flow from Porri volcano (Salina, Aeolian Islands) displays many unusual structures related to the physical interaction between two different magmas. The magma A represents approximately 80% of the exposed lava surface; it has a crystal content of 51 vol.% and a dacitic glass composition (SiO2=63–64 wt.%). The magma B has a basaltic-andesite glass composition (SiO2=54–55 wt.%) and a crystal content of approximately 18 vol.%. It occurs as pillow-like enclaves, banding, boudin-like and rolling structures which are hosted in magma A. Structural analysis suggests that banding and boudin-like structures are the result of the deformation of enclaves at different shear strain. The linear correlation between strain and stratigraphic height of the measured elements indicates a single mode of deformation. We deduce that the component B deformed according to a simple shear model. Glass analyses of the A–B boundary indicate that A and B liquids mix together at high shear strain, whereas only mingling occurs at low shear strain. This suggests that the amount of deformation (i.e. forced convection) plays an important role in the formation of hybrid magmas. High shear strain may induce stretching, shearing and rolling of fluids which promote both forced convection and dynamical diffusion processes. These processes allow mixing of magmas with large differences in their physical properties. Received: 15 July 1995 / Accepted: 30 May 1996  相似文献   

The eastern Alboran basin and its transition to the Algerian basin is a key area in the Mediterranean realm where controversial kinematic and geodynamical models are proposed. Models imply striking differences regarding the nature of the crust, the prevalence of brittle faulting and ductile shear, the origin of magmatism, the style of Miocene deformation and the driving mechanisms of the Alboran plate kinematics. Combining a new chronostratigraphic chart of the Alboran and Algerian basins based on the Habibas (HBB-1) core drill, deep seismic sections striking WSW-ENE and SSE-NNW, and potential field data, we re-assess the tectonic evolution that controlled the sedimentation and basement deformation of the westernmost limit of the Algerian basin and its transition with the Alboran domain. A WSW-directed extensional tectonic phase has shaped a stretched continental crust with typical tilted blocks along ∼100 km from Burdigalian to Tortonian times, which is assumed to result from the WSW-directed migration of the Alboran block driven by a narrow slab rollback. In the Algerian basin, this event was followed by the emplacement of an oceanic-type crust. Potential field signatures of the deep basin as well as geometrical correlations with onland outcrops of inner zones suggest a minimum WSW-directed displacement of the Alboran terrane of ∼200 km. At the southern foot of the Algerian basin, the continent-ocean transition is sharp and may result from the westward propagation of a slab tear at depth, forming two segments of STEP (Subduction-Transform Edge Propagator) margins. Our results support models of intense shear tractions at the base of an overriding plate governed by slab rollback-induced mantle flow. Finally, Messinian salt tectonics affected overlying deposits until today. A late Tortonian to Quaternary dominantly transpressive tectonic episode linked to the Africa-Iberia convergence post-dates previous events, deforming the whole margin.  相似文献   

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