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Alpine timberline, as the "ecological transition zone," has long attracted the attention of scientists in many fields, especially in recent years. Many unitary and dibasic fitting models have been developed to explore the relationship between timberline elevation and latitude or temperature. However, these models are usually on regional scale and could not be applied to other regions; on the other hand, hemispherical-scale and continental-scale models are usually based on about 100 timberline data and are necessarily low in precision. The present article collects 516 data sites of timberline, and takes latitude, continentality and mass elevation effect(MEE) as independent variables and timberline elevation as dependent variable to develop a ternary linear regression model. Continentality is calculated using the meteorological data released by WorldClim and mountain base elevation(as a proxy of mass elevation effect) is extracted on the basis of SRTM 90-meter resolution elevation data. The results show that the coefficient of determination(R2) of the linear model is as high as 0.904, and that the contribution rate of latitude, continentality and MEE to timberline elevation is 45.02%(p=0.000), 6.04%(p=0.000) and 48.94%(p=0.000), respectively. This means that MEE is simply the primary factor contributing to the elevation distribution of timberline on the continental and hemispherical scales. The contribution rate of MEE to timberline altitude differs in different regions, e.g., 50.49%(p=0.000) in North America, 48.73%(p=0.000) in the eastern Eurasia, and 43.6%(p=0.000) in the western Eurasia, but it is usually very high.  相似文献   

阿尔卑斯山山体效应及其对林线的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿尔卑斯山是欧亚大陆上著名的山地,对欧洲的地理生态格局具有重要的影响.山体效应产生的原因在于隆起的高原或山地吸收了更多的太阳辐射.因此,论文以阿尔卑斯山为研究对象,利用收集到的气象台站观测数据、林线、数字高程数据,以及基于半球视域算法计算得到的太阳辐射数据等,分析阿尔卑斯山气温的空间分布格局以及最热月、最冷月、全年的太...  相似文献   

大尺度水循环模拟系统不确定性研究进展(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The regional hydrological system is extremely complex because it is affected not only by physical factors but also by human dimensions.And the hydrological models play a very important role in simulating the complex system.However,there have not been effective methods for the model reliability and uncertainty analysis due to its complexity and difficulty.The uncertainties in hydrological modeling come from four important aspects:uncertainties in input data and parameters,uncertainties in model structure,uncertainties in analysis method and the initial and boundary conditions.This paper systematically reviewed the recent advances in the study of the uncertainty analysis approaches in the large-scale complex hydrological model on the basis of uncertainty sources.Also,the shortcomings and insufficiencies in the uncertainty analysis for complex hydrological models are pointed out.And then a new uncertainty quantification platform PSUADE and its uncertainty quantification methods were introduced,which will be a powerful tool and platform for uncertainty analysis of large-scale complex hydrological models.Finally,some future perspectives on uncertainty quantification are put forward.  相似文献   

山体效应对北半球林线分布的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵芳  张百平  庞宇  姚永慧  韩芳  张朔  齐文文 《地理学报》2012,67(11):1556-1564
通过搜集整理了北半球516 个林线数据, 结合WorldClim 气象数据计算了林线数据点上的大陆度, 并依据SRTM高程数据提取了林线处的山体基面高度(作为山体效应的代用因子), 然后以纬度、大陆度和山体基面高度为解释变量, 建立三元回归模型。结果表明:线性回归模型的判定系数R2为0.904, 二次回归模型的R2高达0.912。相比先前不考虑基面高度的林线分布模型(R2 = 0.79), 纳入了山体基面高度的林线分布模型能够更加有效的拟合半球尺度的林线分布; 结果还表明, 山体基面高度对北半球林线高度分布的贡献率达到了48.94% (p =0.000), 而纬度和大陆度分别为45.02% (p = 0.000) 和6.04% (p = 0.000)。这揭示了山体效应对半球尺度林线分布具有重要的影响。基面高度在北美洲地区对林线高度的贡献率最大(50.49%, p=0.000), 在欧亚大陆东部地区为48.73% (p = 0.000), 在欧亚大陆西部地区为43.6% (p=0.000)。这一结果说明山体效应对林线分布高度的影响虽有区域差异, 但都有较高的贡献率。  相似文献   

山体效应使山体内部的垂直植被带相对升高,影响山地的立体生态格局.台湾岛中央山脉在3500m以上,山地植被的分布高度不仅受到纬度和季风的影响,也必然受到山体效应的影响.采用台湾生物多样性信息中心发布的数据,利用多元线性回归模型分析纬度、山体效应(以山体基面高度为简单量化指标)以及季风(以冬雨量占全年降水量百分比为简明代表)对台湾常绿阔叶林分布上限的影响.结果表明,纬度、山体效应和季风为自变量的线性回归模型R2为0.562,回归方程显著,具有统计学意义,三个变量的贡献率分别为26.32%、64.12%与9.56%.这表明山体效应对台湾山地垂直带的影响非常显著,远远超过了纬度与季风的作用.同时还发现,冬雨量与垂直带分布高度的相关性以24.13°N为界,南北完全相反.该纬度以南,冬雨量与垂直带分布高度呈现较强的正相关性;而在以北,正相关性显著下降甚至出现了一定的负相关.后者应该与冬雨量过多有密切关系.  相似文献   

栅格化属性精度损失的评估方法及其尺度效应(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rasterization is a conversion process accompanied with information loss, which includes the loss of features’ shape, structure, position, attribute and so on. Two chief factors that affect estimating attribute accuracy loss in rasterization are grid cell size and evaluating method. That is, attribute accuracy loss in rasterization has a close relationship with grid cell size; besides, it is also influenced by evaluating methods. Therefore, it is significant to analyze these two influencing factors comprehensively. Taking land cover data of Sichuan at the scale of 1:250,000 in 2005 as a case, in view of data volume and its processing time of the study region, this study selects 16 spatial scales from 600 m to 30 km, uses rasterizing method based on the Rule of Maximum Area (RMA) in ArcGIS and two evaluating methods of attribute accuracy loss, which are Normal Analysis Method (NAM) and a new Method Based on Grid Cell (MBGC), respectively, and analyzes the scale effect of attribute (it is area here) accuracy loss at 16 different scales by these two evaluating methods comparatively. The results show that: (1) At the same scale, average area accuracy loss of the entire study region evaluated by MBGC is significantly larger than the one estimated using NAM. Moreover, this discrepancy between the two is obvious in the range of 1 km to 10 km. When the grid cell is larger than 10 km, average area accuracy losses calculated by the two evaluating methods are stable, even tended to parallel. (2) MBGC can not only estimate RMA rasterization attribute accuracy loss accurately, but can express the spatial distribution of the loss objectively. (3) The suitable scale domain for RMA rasterization of land cover data of Sichuan at the scale of 1:250,000 in 2005 is better equal to or less than 800 m, in which the data volume is favorable and the processing time is not too long, as well as the area accuracy loss is less than 2.5%.  相似文献   

基于DEM的单位汇水面积尺度转换(英文)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Specific Catchment Area (SCA) is defined as the upstream catchment area of a unit contour. As one of the key terrain parameters, it is widely used in the modeling of hydrology, soil erosion and ecological environment. However, SCA value changes significantly at different DEM resolutions, which inevitably affect terrain analysis results. SCA can be described as the ratio of Catchment Area (CA) and DEM grid length. In this paper, the scale effect of CA is firstly investigated. With Jiuyuangou Gully, a watershed about 70 km2 in northern Shaanxi Province of China, as the test area, it is found that the impacts of DEM scale on CA are different in spatial distribution. CA value in upslope location becomes bigger with the decrease of the DEM resolution. When the location is close to downstream areas the impact of DEM scale on CA is gradually weakening. The scale effect of CA can be concluded as a mathematic trend of exponential decline. Then, a downscaling model of SCA is put forward by introducing the scale factor and the location factor. The scaling model can realize the conversion of SCA value from a coarse DEM resolution to a finer one at pixel level. Experiment results show that the downscaled SCA was well revised, and consistent with SCA at the target resolution with respect to the statistical indexes, histogram and spatial distribution. With the advantages of no empirical parameters, the scaling model could be considered as a simple and objective model for SCA scaling in a rugged drainage area.  相似文献   

中国陆地海岸线尺度效应研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spatial scale is a fundamental problem in Geography. Scale effect caused by fractal characteristic of coastline becomes a common focus of coastal zone managers and researchers. In this study, based on DEM and remote sensing images, multi-scale continental coastlines of China were extracted and the fractal characteristic was analyzed. The results are shown as follows. (1) The continental coastline of China fits the fractal model, and the fractal dimension is 1.195. (2) The scale effects with fractal dimensions of coastline have significant differences according to uplift and subsidence segments along the continental coastlines of China. (3) The fractal dimension of coastline has significant spatial heterogeneity according to the coastline types. The fractal dimension of sandy coastline located in Luanhe River plain is 1.109. The dimension of muddy coastline located in northern Jiangsu Plain is 1.059, while that of rocky coastline along southeastern Fujian is 1.293. (4) The length of rocky coastline is affected by scale more than that of muddy and sandy coastline. Since coastline is the conjunction of sea, land and air surface, the study of coastline scale effect is one of the scientific bases for the researches on air-sea-land interaction in multi-scales.  相似文献   

北宋中期耕地面积及其空间分布格局重建(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
To understand historical human-induced land cover change and its climatic effects, it is necessary to create historical land use datasets with explicit spatial information. Using the taxes-cropland area and number of families compiled from historical documents, we esti-mated the real cropland area and populations within each Lu (a province-level political region in the Northern Song Dynasty) in the mid-Northern Song Dynasty (AD1004-1085). The es-timations were accomplished through analyzing the contemporary policies of tax, population and agricultural development. Then, we converted the political region-based cropland area to geographically explicit grid cell-based fractional cropland at the cell size of 60 km by 60 km. The conversion was based on calculating cultivation suitability of each grid cell using the topographic slope, altitude and population density as the independent variables. As a result, the total area of cropland within the Northern Song territory in the 1070s was estimated to be about 720 million mu (Chinese area unit, 1 mu = 666.7 m2), of which 40.1% and 59.9% oc-curred in the north and south respectively. The population was estimated to be about 87.2 million, of which 38.7% and 61.3% were in the north and south respectively, and per capita cropland area was about 8.2 mu. The national mean reclamation ratio (i.e. ratio of cropland area to total land area; RRA hereafter for short) was bout 16.6%. The plain areas, such as the North China Plain, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Guanzhong Plain, plains surrounding the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake and Sichuan Basin, had a higher RRA, being mostly over 40%; while the hilly and mountainous areas, such as south of Nanling Mountains, the southwest regions (excluding the Chengdu Plain), Loess Plateau and south-east coastal regions, had a lower RRA, being less than 20%. Moreover, RRA varied with topographic slope and altitude. In the areas of low altitude (≤250 m), middle altitude (250-100 m) and high altitude (1000-3500 m), there were 443 million, 215 million and 64 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 27.5%, 12.6% and 7.2% respectively. In the areas of flat slope, gentle slope, medium slope and steep slope, there were 116 million, 456 million, 144 million and 2 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 34.6%, 20.7%, 8.5% and 2.3% respectively.  相似文献   

China’s southwestern special terrain pattern as parallel arrangement between longitudinal towering mountains and deep valleys has significant effects on the differentiation of local natural environment and eco-geographical pattern in this region.The 1:50,000 Digital Elevation Model(DEM) data of Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region(LRGR),meteorological observation data from the station establishment to 2010,hydrological observation data,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Net Primary Productivity(NPP) products of MOD13 and MOD17 as well as 1:1,000,000 vegetation type data were used.Moisture indices including surface atmospheric vapor content,precipitation,aridity/humidity index,surface runoff,and temperature indices including average temperature,annual accumulated temperature,total solar radiation were selected.Based on ANUSPLIN spline function,GIS spatial analysis,wavelet analysis and landscape pattern analysis,regional differentiation characteristics and main-control factors of hydrothermal pattern,ecosystem structure and function in this region were analyzed to reveal the effects of terrain pattern on regional differentiation of eco-geographical elements.The results show that:influenced by terrain pattern,moisture,temperature and heat in LRGR have shown significant distribution characteristics as intermittent weft differences and continuous warp extension.Longitudinal mountains and valleys not only have a north-south corridor function and diffusion effect on the transfer of major surface materials and energy,but also have east-west barrier function and blocking effect.Special topographic pattern has important influences on vegetation landscape diversity and spatial pattern of ecosystem structure and function,which is the main-control factor on vegetation landscape diversity and spatial distribution of ecosystem.Wavelet variance analysis reflects the spatial anisotropy of environmental factors,NDVI and NPP,while wavelet consistency analysis reveals the control factors on spatial distribution of NDVI and NPP as well as the quantitative relationship with control degree.Special terrain pattern in LRGR is the major influencing factor on eco-geographical regional differentiation in this region.Under the combined effect of zonality and non-zonality laws with "corridor-barrier" function as the main characteristic,special spatial characteristics of eco-geographical regional system in LRGR is formed.  相似文献   

Alpine timberline, as the "ecologica tion of scientists in many fields, especially in transition zone," has long attracted the atten- recent years. Many unitary and dibasic fitting models have been developed to explore the relationship between timberline elevation and latitude or temperature. However, these models are usually on regional scale and could not be applied to other regions; on the other hand, hemispherical-scale and continental-scale models are usually based on about 100 timberline data and are necessarily low in precision. The present article collects 516 data sites of timberline, and takes latitude, continentality and mass elevation effect (MEE) as independent variables and timberline elevation as dependent variable to develop a ternary linear regression meteorological data released by WorldClim and model. Continentality is calculated using the mountain base elevation (as a proxy of mass elevation effect) is extracted on the basis of SRTM 90-meter resolution elevation data. The results show that the coefficient of determination (R2) of the linear model is as high as 0.904, and that the contribution rate of latitude, continentality and MEE to timberline elevation is 45.02% (p=0.000), 6.04% (p=0.000) and 48.94% (p=0.000), respectively. This means that MEE is simply the primary factor contributing to the elevation distribution of timberline on the continental and hemispherical scales. The contribution rate of MEE to timberline altitude dif- fers in different regions, e.g., 50.49% (p=0.000) in North America, 48.73% (p=0.000) in the eastern Eurasia, and 43.6% (p=0.000) in the western Eurasia, but it is usually very high.  相似文献   

根据收集到173个林线数据,采用纬度、经度和基面高度的三元一次方程拟合欧亚大陆东南部林线分布,计算各自的标准回归系数和贡献率,以此来确定山体基面高度(山体效应的简明表达形式)对林线分布高度的影响。结果表明,纬度、经度和山体基面高度对林线分布高度的贡献率分别为30.60%、26.53%、42.87%。以北纬32o为界线,对其以北、以南区域也分别进行了分析,基面高度的贡献率达到24.10%和39.11%。分析不同尺度和区域山体基面高度作用于林线的贡献率不难发现:在欧亚大陆东南部以基面高度代表的山体效应对于林线高度的影响显著,明显地超过了纬度和经度。基面高度的作用受气候条件和海陆位置影响较小,不论大陆内部或沿海,基面高度分异对山地垂直带分异的影响都相对独立和稳定。该结果定量地表明了山体效应对林线分布高度的重要作用。  相似文献   

The varied altitudinal gradient of climate and vegetation is further complicated by mass elevation effect (MEE), especially in high and extensive mountain regions. However, this effect and its implications for mountain altitudinal belts have not been well studied until recently. This paper provides an overview of the research carried out in the past 5 years. MEE is virtually the heating effect of mountain massifs and can be defined as the temperature difference on a given elevation between inside and outside of a mountain mass. It can be digitally modelled with three factors of intra-mountain base elevation (MBE), latitude and hygrometric continentality; MBE usually acts as the primary factor for the magnitude of MEE and, to a great extent, could represent MEE. MEE leads to higher treelines in the interior than in the outside of mountain masses. It makes montane forests to grow at 4800–4900 m and snowlines to develop at about 6000 m in the southern Tibetan Plateau and the central Andes, and large areas of forests to live above 3500 m in a lot of high mountains of the world. The altitudinal distribution of global treelines can be modelled with high precision when taking into account MEE and the result shows that MEE contributes the most to treeline distribution pattern. Without MEE, forests could only develop upmost to about 3500 m above sea level and the world ecological pattern would be much simpler. The quantification of MEE should be further improved with higher resolution data and its global implications are to be further revealed.  相似文献   

山体效应是地理地带性之外,在大尺度上影响垂直带分布的主要因素,山体基面高度则是山体效应的第一影响因子。青藏高原及其周边地区,雪线呈现出中心高、周围低,与山体基面高度相一致的环状分布模式。为分析山体基面高度对雪线分布的影响,本文共收集青藏高原及周边地区雪线数据142个,采用纬度、经度和基面高度为自变量的三元一次方程拟合研究区雪线分布,计算各自的标准回归系数和相对贡献率,再将基面高度划分成5个子集(0~1000 m、1001~2000 m、2001~3000 m、3001~4000 m和4001~5000 m),分析基面高度不同的山地对雪线的影响差异。结果表明:① 在青藏高原,纬度、经度和基面高度对雪线高度分布的相对贡献率分别为51.49%、16.31%和32.20%;② 随着基面高度的增高,各子集模型的决定系数虽有逐渐降低的趋势,但仍保持在较高的值域(R2=0.895~0.668),说明模型的有效性;③ 随基面高度的抬升,纬度和山体基面高度对雪线分布高度的相对贡献率分别表现出降低(92.6%~48.99%,R2=0.855)和增大(3.33%~31.76%,R2=0.582)的趋势,表明基面高度越高,其对雪线分布高度的影响越大。  相似文献   

青藏高原和阿尔卑斯山山体效应的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
索南东主  姚永慧  张百平 《地理研究》2020,39(11):2568-2580
山体效应不仅对气候产生重大影响,也对区域地理生态格局有深远影响,尤其是它对山地垂直带分布和结构类型等的影响已经为地理学家和地植物学家所认识。目前相关研究主要集中在山体效应定量化方面,缺少不同山地山体效应的对比研究,因此对山体效应的区域差异性了解不足。本文选择欧亚大陆上具有明显山体效应的两个山地青藏高原和阿尔卑斯山为研究对象,利用收集到的气象台站观测数据、林线和DEM数据以及基于MODIS地表温度估算的青藏高原和阿尔卑斯山气温数据等,通过对比分析青藏高原与阿尔卑斯山相同海拔高度上的气温以及林线分布高度等来探讨两个山地的山体效应差异性。分析结果表明青藏高原的山体效应比阿尔卑斯山更为强烈,表现为:① 由于山体效应影响,在相同海拔高度上(4500 m),青藏高原内部气温远高于阿尔卑斯山的气温,尤其是在最热月高原内部气温比阿尔卑斯山内部气温高10~15℃,在最冷月高原内部气温比阿尔卑斯山内部气温高5~10℃。② 由于山体效应影响,青藏高原内部林线也远高于阿尔卑斯山内部林线,约高2000~3000 m。本研究将为山体效应的影响因素分析奠定基础,同时对于揭示欧亚大陆山地生态系统格局具有一定的科学意义。  相似文献   

基于MODIS的秦巴山地气温估算与山体效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦巴山地作为横亘在中国南北过渡带的巨大山脉,其山体效应对中国中部植被和气候的非地带性分布产生了重要的影响,山体内外同海拔的温差是表征山体效应大小较为理想的指标。本研究结合MODIS地表温度(LST)数据、STRM-1 DEM数据和秦巴山地的118个气象站点的观测数据,分别采用普通线性回归(OLS)和地理加权回归(GWR)两种分析方法对秦巴山地的气温进行估算,在此基础上将秦巴山地各月气温转换为同海拔(1500 m,秦巴山地平均海拔)气温,对比分析秦巴山地的山体效应。结果表明:① 相比OLS分析,GWR分析方法的精度更高,各月回归模型的R 2均在0.89以上,均方根误差(RMSE)在0.68~0.98 ℃之间。② 利用GWR估算得到的同海拔气温,从东向西随海拔升高呈现了明显的升高的趋势,秦岭西部山地比东段升高约6 ℃和4.5 ℃;大巴山西部山地年均和7月份同海拔的气温较东段升高约8 ℃和5 ℃。③ 从南向北,以汉江为分界,秦岭与大巴山的同海拔的气温均呈现出由山体边缘向内部升高的趋势。④ 秦巴山地西部大起伏高山,秦岭大起伏高中山和大巴山大起伏中山,相比豫西汉中中山谷地,各月均同海拔气温分别升高了约3.85~9.28 ℃、1.49~3.34 ℃和0.43~3.05 ℃,平均温差约为3.50 ℃,说明秦巴山地大起伏中高山的山体效应十分明显。  相似文献   

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