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We construct fine-scale 3D P- and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle beneath the whole Japan Islands with a unified resolution, where the Pacific (PAC) and Philippine Sea (PHS) plates subduct beneath the Eurasian (EUR) plate. We can detect the low-velocity (low-V) oceanic crust of the PAC and PHS plates at their uppermost part beneath almost all the Japan Islands. The depth limit of the imaged oceanic crust varies with the regions. High-VP/VS zones are widely distributed in the lower crust especially beneath the volcanic front, and the high strain rate zones are located at the edge of the extremely high-VP/VS zone; however, VP/VS at the top of the mantle wedge is not so high. Beneath northern Japan, we can image the high-V subducting PAC plate using the tomographic method without any assumption of velocity discontinuities. We also imaged the heterogeneous structure in the PAC plate, such as the low-V zone considered as the old seamount or the highly seismic zone within the double seismic zone where the seismic fault ruptured by the earthquake connects the upper and lower layer of the double seismic zone. Beneath central Japan, thrust-type small repeating earthquakes occur at the boundary between the EUR and PHS plates and are located at the upper part of the low-V layer that is considered to be the oceanic crust of the PHS plate. In addition to the low-V oceanic crust, the subducting high-V PAC plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km and the subducting high-V PHS zone to depths of approximately 180 km is considered to be the PHS plate. Beneath southwestern Japan, the iso-depth lines of the Moho discontinuity in the PHS plate derived by the receiver function method divide the upper low-V layer and lower high-V layer of our model at depths of 30–50 km. Beneath Kyushu, the steeply subducting PHS plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km with high velocities. The high-VP/VS zone is considered as the lower crust of the EUR plate or the oceanic crust of the PHS plate at depths of 25–35 km and the partially serpentinized mantle wedge of the EUR plate at depths of 30–45 km beneath southwestern Japan. The deep low-frequency nonvolcanic tremors occur at all parts of the high-VP/VS zone—within the zone, the seaward side, and the landward side where the PHS plate encounters the mantle wedge of the EUR plate. We prove that we can objectively obtain the fine-scale 3D structure with simple constraints such as only 1D initial velocity model with no velocity discontinuity.  相似文献   

The role of the uppermost mantle strength in the pattern of lithosphere rifting is investigated using a thermo-mechanical finite-element code. In the lithosphere, the mantle/crust strength ratio (SM/SC) that decreases with increasing Moho temperature TM allows two strength regimes to be defined: mantle dominated (SM > SC) and crust dominated (SM < SC). The transition between the two regimes corresponds to the disappearance of a high strength uppermost mantle for TM > 700 °C. 2D numerical simulations for different values of SM/SC show how the uppermost mantle strength controls the style of continental rifting. A high strength mantle leads to strain localisation at lithosphere scale, with two main patterns of narrow rifting: “coupled crust–mantle” at the lowest TM values and “deep crustal décollement” for increasing TM values, typical of some continental rifts and non-volcanic passive margins. The absence of a high strength mantle leads to distributed deformations and wide rifting in the upper crust. These numerical results are compared and discussed in relation with series of classical rift examples.  相似文献   

Field, geochemical, geochronological, biostratigraphical and sedimentary provenance results of basaltic and associated sediments northern Colombia reveal the existence of Middle Miocene (13–14 Ma) mafic volcanism within a continental margin setting usually considered as amagmatic. This basaltic volcanism is characterized by relatively high Al2O3 and Na2O values (>15%), a High-K calc-alkaline affinity, large ion lithophile enrichment and associated Nb, Ta and Ti negative anomalies which resemble High Al basalts formed by low degree of asthenospheric melting at shallow depths mixed with some additional slab input. The presence of pre-Cretaceous detrital zircons, tourmaline and rutile as well as biostratigraphic results suggest that the host sedimentary rocks were deposited in a platform setting within the South American margin. New results of P-wave residuals from northern Colombia reinforce the view of a Caribbean slab subducting under the South American margin.The absence of a mantle wedge, the upper plate setting, and proximity of this magmatism to the trench, together with geodynamic constraints suggest that the subducted Caribbean oceanic plate was fractured and a slab tear was formed within the oceanic plate. Oceanic plate fracturing is related to the splitting of the subducting Caribbean Plate due to simultaneous subduction under the Panama-Choco block and northwestern South America, and the fast overthrusting of the later onto the Caribbean oceanic plate.  相似文献   

Specially planned explosion seismic measurements in the oceans provided conclusive evidence that the velocity of Pn-waves depends on the azimuths of the direction of propagation through the upper mantle. The orientation of this azimuthal anisotropy suggests a close connection with the generation of the oceanic lithosphere: in the Pacific the maximum and minimum velocities are measured in a perpendicular and parallel direction to the axis of the oceanic ridges respectively. The observed anisotropy is so strong that a number of models for the generation of anisotropy can be discarded. The most likely cause is a preferred orientation of minerals. The generation of the anisotropy can be simulated in the laboratory under P-T-conditions of the upper mantle. The influence of the rate of deformation can be studied as well. A recent analysis of explosion seismic data in Southern Germany suggests that the continental upper mantle possesses also a velocity anisotropy dependent on azimuth.  相似文献   

Anomalous crustal and upper mantle structure of northern Juan de Fuca plate is revealed from wide-angle seismic and gravity modelling. A 2-D velocity model is produced for refraction line II of the 1980 Vancouver Island Seismic Project (VISP80). The refraction data were recorded on three ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) deployed at the ends and middle of a 110 km line oriented parallel to the North American continental margin. The velocity model is constructed via ray tracing and conforms to first-arrival amplitude observations and travel time picks of direct, converted and reflected phases. Between sub-sediment depths of 3 to 11 km, depths normally associated with the lower crust and upper oceanic mantle, the final model shows that compressional-wave velocities decrease significantly from southeast to northwest along the profile. At sub-sediment depths of 11 km at the northwestern end of the profile, P-wave velocities are as low as 7.2 km/s. A complementary 2-D gravity model using the geometry of the velocity model and velocity–density relationships characteristic of oceanic crust is produced. The high densities required to match the gravity field indicate the presence of peridotites containing 25–30% serpentine by volume, rather than excess gabbroic crust, within the deep low velocity zone. Anomalous travel time delays and unusual reflection characteristics observed from proximal seismic refraction and reflection experiments suggest a broader zone of partially serpentinized peridotites coincident with the trace of a pseudofault. We propose that partial serpentinization of the upper mantle is a consequence of slow spreading at the tip of a propagating rift.  相似文献   

Seismic tomography studies reveal distinct velocity and VP/VS anomalies in the mantle transition zone (MTZ) beneath the Yangtze Craton and Cathaysia Block in southeastern China. The anomalies under the Yangtze Craton are characterized by high velocity (both VP and VS) and low VP/VS ratio, while those beneath the Cathaysia Block are characterized by low velocity (especially VS) and high VP/VS ratio. Here, we conduct analyses of phase relations and thermoelasticity to model the effects of thermal and chemical homogeneities in the MTZ, by taking advantage of recent simultaneous VP and VS seismic tomography results under southeastern China. We attempt to quantify the seismic tomography results and examine the effects of temperature, chemical composition, and water (or protonization) on velocity anomalies in the deep mantle. We find VP/VS to be a powerful parameter in distinguishing the various effects of temperature, chemical composition, and protonization. We conclude that an ancient stagnated oceanic slab is most likely the main cause of the observed fast velocity and low VP/VS anomalies in the MTZ under the Yangtze Craton. This ancient slab material is most likely a product of paleo Pacific subduction around 100–125 Ma ago, when the oceanic plate abruptly changed its direction of motion. Such an event has been shown to be closely related to the magmatic activities around eastern China, the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism zone between the Yangtze Craton and the North China Craton, and the destruction of the lower crust of the North China Craton. The anomalies under the Cathaysia Block, on the other hand, are likely due to dehydration-induced partial melting of subducted Pacific slab materials. Here the large low VS anomaly in MTZ coincides with the extensive Mesozoic to Cenozoic igneous features on the surface, suggesting a state with lower viscosities in the upper mantle. Dehydration-induced partial melting in MTZ may have also promoted deformation of the South China fold belt. Our results suggest that these lithospheric processes are directly related to the tectonic interaction between the oceanic and continental plates in southeastern China and that a better understanding of past deep mantle dynamic processes may place important constraints on the evolution of the cratons in China.  相似文献   

A 3-D density model for the Cretan and Libyan Seas and Crete was developed by gravity modelling constrained by five 2-D seismic lines. Velocity values of these cross-sections were used to obtain the initial densities using the Nafe–Drake and Birch empirical functions for the sediments, the crust and the upper mantle. The crust outside the Cretan Arc is 18 to 24 km thick, including 10 to 14 km thick sediments. The crust below central Crete at its thickest section, has values between 32 and 34 km, consisting of continental crust of the Aegean microplate, which is thickened by the subducted oceanic plate below the Cretan Arc. The oceanic lithosphere is decoupled from the continental along a NW–SE striking front between eastern Crete and the Island of Kythera south of Peloponnese. It plunges steeply below the southern Aegean Sea and is probably associated with the present volcanic activity of the southern Aegean Sea in agreement with published seismological observations of intermediate seismicity. Low density and velocity upper mantle below the Cretan Sea with ρ  3.25 × 103 kg/m3 and Vp velocity of compressional waves around 7.7 km/s, which are also in agreement with observed high heat flow density values, point out at the mobilization of the upper mantle material here. Outside the Hellenic Arc the upper mantle density and velocity are ρ ≥ 3.32 × 103 kg/m3 and Vp = 8.0 km/s, respectively. The crust below the Cretan Sea is thin continental of 15 to 20 km thickness, including 3 to 4 km of sediments. Thick accumulations of sediments, located to the SSW and SSE of Crete, are separated by a block of continental crust extended for more than 100 km south of Central Crete. These deep sedimentary basins are located on the oceanic crust backstopped by the continental crust of the Aegean microplate. The stretched continental margin of Africa, north of Cyrenaica, and the abruptly terminated continental Aegean microplate south of Crete are separated by oceanic lithosphere of only 60 to 80 km width at their closest proximity. To the east and west, the areas are floored by oceanic lithosphere, which rapidly widens towards the Herodotus Abyssal plain and the deep Ionian Basin of the central Mediterranean Sea. Crustal shortening between the continental margins of the Aegean microplate and Cyrenaica of North Africa influence the deformation of the sediments of the Mediterranean Ridge that has been divided in an internal and external zone. The continental margin of Cyrenaica extends for more than 80 km to the north of the African coast in form of a huge ramp, while that of the Aegean microplate is abruptly truncated by very steep fractures towards the Mediterranean Ridge. Changes in the deformation style of the sediments express differences of the tectonic processes that control them. That is, subduction to the northeast and crustal subsidence to the south of Crete. Strike-slip movement between Crete and Libya is required by seismological observations.  相似文献   

The presented scenario of free convection flows in a subduction zone is based on experimental and theoretical simulation. The experimental simulation of free convection flows is carried out under various conditions of heat transfer that occurs between the oceanic and continental limbs of the subduction zone. The experiments show that to provide insights into subduction zones, it is necessary to estimate the horizontal forces acting on the left and right sides of the plunging plate, as well as the resulting horizontal force and its direction. The vector sum of horizontal and gravity forces of the subducting plate determines the slope angle of this plate at different depths. Heat transfer in the subducting plate has been considered. The y min coordinate of the temperature minimum in a plate and the value of minimum temperature have been estimated. The forces that arise due to phase transition and owing to the horizontal temperature gradient along the thickness of the descending lithosphere in the transitional mantle layer C are estimated as well. These forces are directed in opposite direction from the y min coordinate and induce spreading of the subducting lithosphere along the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. Theoretical simulation of the hydrodynamics and heat transfer in combination with experimental simulation of convection flows in a subduction zone indicates that a significant part of the upper mantle material of the plunging plate circulates in the oceanic limb of the subduction zone owing to spreading from the region of minimum temperature along a 670 km boundary.  相似文献   

Free conductive flows in the asthenosphere, layer C, and subduction zone are considered on the basis of experimental and theoretical simulation. The main forces acting on the oceanic lithospheric plate in the subduction zone are described. The horizontally directed forces arising due to free convection in the asthenosphere and transferring the oceanic lithospheric plate toward subduction zone have been estimated. These are friction force Fa and force of gravitational sliding F rd. Thermogravitational force F tg, which is created because the subducting lithospheric plate has a lower average temperature than the ambient mantle, is estimated. The force created owing to phase transitions in the subducted plate has been estimated as well. The tangential stress at the contact of the subducting plate with the continental lithosphere and underlying upper mantle has been determined. The horizontal force arising due to different lateral temperature gradients in the upper mantle on the left and on the right of the subducting plate has been estimated. The results of experimental modeling of the effect exerted upon subduction by counter free convective flows developing in the asthenosphere are considered. The experiments show that the position of the descending free convective flow and thus of the subduction zone depends on the ratio of the thermal power of astehnospheric countercurrents. The pressure arising near the 670 km boundary gives rise to spreading of the subducting plate over this boundary.  相似文献   

迟效国  张蕊  范乐夫  王利民 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):3011-3026
近年来地震层析成像揭示出可可西里-西昆仑中新世-第四纪钾质火山岩带下方存在一个深达900km的巨型地幔低速体,空间上与新特提斯洋和印度大陆俯冲断离板片沉降形成的冷地幔下降流共存(Replumaz et al.,2010a,b),两者构成统一的地幔对流体系。研究表明,羌塘古近纪(60~34Ma)钠质玄武岩和高钾钙碱性玄武岩均以富含Ti O2、P2O5和大离子亲石元素为特征,主体具有与OIB相近的微量元素组成和弱亏损的Sr、Nd同位素特征,指示岩浆起源于软流圈的上涌熔融,但Nb、Ta的弱亏损表明岩浆源区有岩石圈地幔熔融组分的贡献。羌塘(32~26Ma)碱性钾质玄武岩与可可西里和西昆仑中新世以来喷发的钾质玄武岩的地球化学性质相近,不相容元素比值和Sr、Nd同位素组成指示岩浆起源于古俯冲地幔楔的低程度熔融。这些特征表明藏北软流圈上涌作用始于古近纪,初始上涌中心位于羌塘地体之下。计算表明藏北古近纪火山岩距离当时的印度大陆北缘的最大和最小距离约为1250km和700km,与现今可可西里地幔低速体的南、北边界与印度大陆北缘的距离相近,支持羌塘古近纪地幔上涌作用也是受藏南冷地幔下降流所驱动。青藏高原在南北缩短过程中不仅表现为软流圈自西向东挤出流动,地幔垂向对流也是其重要的运动形式,在地幔上升流形成的藏北热幔区内,地壳的水平缩短增厚与岩石圈地幔的伸展减薄呈脉动式共存。藏南冷地幔下降流和藏北热地幔上升流的持续北移是导致藏北后碰撞火山岩时空迁移的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):494-508
Large segments of the continental crust are known to have formed through the amalgamation of oceanic plateaus and continental fragments. However, mechanisms responsible for terrane accretion remain poorly understood. We have therefore analysed the interactions of oceanic plateaus with the leading edge of the continental margin using a thermomechanical–petrological model of an oceanic-continental subduction zone with spontaneously moving plates. This model includes partial melting of crustal and mantle lithologies and accounts for complex rheological behaviour including viscous creep and plastic yielding. Our results indicate that oceanic plateaus may either be lost by subduction or accreted onto continental margins. Complete subduction of oceanic plateaus is common in models with old (> 40 Ma) oceanic lithosphere whereas models with younger lithosphere often result in terrane accretion. Three distinct modes of terrane accretion were identified depending on the rheological structure of the lower crust and oceanic cooling age: frontal plateau accretion, basal plateau accretion and underplating plateaus.Complete plateau subduction is associated with a sharp uplift of the forearc region and the formation of a basin further landward, followed by topographic relaxation. All crustal material is lost by subduction and crustal growth is solely attributed to partial melting of the mantle.Frontal plateau accretion leads to crustal thickening and the formation of thrust and fold belts, since oceanic plateaus are docked onto the continental margin. Strong deformation leads to slab break off, which eventually terminates subduction, shortly after the collisional stage has been reached. Crustal parts that have been sheared off during detachment melt at depth and modify the composition of the overlying continental crust.Basal plateau accretion scrapes oceanic plateaus off the downgoing slab, enabling the outward migration of the subduction zone. New incoming oceanic crust underthrusts the fractured terrane and forms a new subduction zone behind the accreted terrane. Subsequently, hot asthenosphere rises into the newly formed subduction zone and allows for extensive partial melting of crustal rocks, located at the slab interface, and only minor parts of the former oceanic plateau remain unmodified.Oceanic plateaus may also underplate the continental crust after being subducted to mantle depth. (U)HP terranes are formed with peak metamorphic temperatures of 400–700 °C prior to slab break off and subsequent exhumation. Rapid and coherent exhumation through the mantle along the former subduction zone at rates comparable to plate tectonic velocities is followed by somewhat slower rates at crustal levels, accompanied by crustal flow, structural reworking and syndeformational partial melting. Exhumation of these large crustal volumes leads to a sharp surface uplift.  相似文献   

中国边缘海域及其邻区的岩石层结构与构造分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用中国边缘海域近年的地震层析成像结果,根据速度异常和各向异性分析东海、黄海和南海北部的岩石层结构和构造,讨论中朝块体和扬子块体在黄海内部的拼合边界(黄海东部断裂带)、东海陆架盆地上地幔异常与岩石层形成演化、南海北部地壳底部高速层的成因及地幔活动等问题。分析表明,黄海东部与朝鲜半岛之间存在一个深部构造界限(大致对应于黄海东部断裂带),分界两侧Pn波速度各向异性存在明显差异,反映不同构造应力和断裂剪切运动作用下的岩石层地幔变形特征。东海陆架下方的低速异常揭示了张裂盆地形成时期的地幔活动痕迹,表明中、新生代期间发生过地幔上涌并造成岩石层减薄,菲律宾海板块向西俯冲引发的地幔活动对东海陆架岩石层的形成、演化产生明显的影响。南海北部岩石层厚度较大并且温度相对偏低,地幔异常仅限于局部地区,估计南海北部大陆边缘的地壳底部高速层形成于张裂发生之前,或者是地壳形成时期壳幔分异时的产物。南海中央海盆的扩张不仅导致地壳拉张,软流层物质上涌,而且也造成岩石层地幔减薄甚至缺失。  相似文献   

Yu J. Gu   《Tectonophysics》2006,424(1-2):41-51
This paper investigates the shear velocity structure under the northern East Pacific Rise at the latitude range of 9–18°N, using intermediate-period Rayleigh and Love waves. The selected ocean-bottom seismic records provide source–receiver paths that ideally constrain the lithospheric mantle structure beneath the southern Rivera plate and the Mathematician paleoplate. The Rayleigh wave data infer a relatively thin ( 30 km) lithosphere under the eastern side of the present-day East Pacific Rise. The associated shear velocities are consistent with existing models of oceanic mantle beneath this region, and the estimated plate age of 2–3 million years agrees with results from magnetic dating. The west of the rise axis is characterized by a thicker and faster lithosphere than the eastern flank, and such structural differences suggest the presence of a relatively old Mathematician paleoplate. The discontinuous change in mantle structure across the East Pacific Rise spreading center are observed in both isotropic and anisotropic velocities. The young oceanic lithosphere east of the rise axis shows strong polarization anisotropy, where the dominant orientation of crystallographic axes roughly parallels the spreading direction. However, the western flank of the rise axis is approximately isotropic, and the lack of anisotropy suggests complex deformation mechanisms associated with earlier episodes of ridge segmentation, propagation and dual-spreading on and around the Mathematician paleoplate.  相似文献   

Regional geological evidence appears to be incompatible with the hypothesis that the alpine-type ophiolites, which are found at numerous localities on the northern margins of the Arabian and Indian continental blocks, represent oceanic lithosphere emplaced by obduction. All of them were emplaced during the same brief period in the Late Cretaceous, at which time these Gondwana continents were at varying distances from Eurasia and were drifting passively northwards towards a north-dipping subduction zone at the opposing, northern side of the closing Tethys ocean: they were apparently emplaced on inactive continental margins which show no evidence of underlying subduction or, necessarily, of compression. As a possible solution to the problem of their origin, it is suggested that they reached their present positions above the miogeosynclines on the continental margins by means of gravitational gliding from an uplift, caused by the intrusion/extrusion of mantle material at a locus of weakness along those margins. Although some material from the former Tethys floor may be included, the ophiolites are thought to consist primarily of mantle material that has broken through the earth's surface under conditions of tension. The necessary identification of ophiolites as fragments of oceanic lithosphere, as marking former plate boundaries, and as indicative of a compressive environment, should be regarded with caution.  相似文献   

恩格尔乌苏冲断带特征及大地构造意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
王廷印  张铭杰 《地质科学》1998,33(4):385-394
研究表明恩格尔乌苏冲断带是华北板块和塔里木板块的缝合线,北东东向断续延长800km以上。该冲断带连同南北陆缘地带构造构成典型的陆-弧-陆碰撞造山带,与碰撞造山作用同时,形成区域性透入性劈理。地层学和同位素地质年代学资料表明,碰撞造山作用发生于海西末期或印支早期。碰撞造山作用的动力学过程主要表现为向南的洋壳俯冲和向北的陆壳仰冲,并伴随右旋剪切滑移运动。恩格尔乌苏混杂岩带为韧性-韧脆性冲断推覆构造,其北侧的前陆褶皱冲断带为脆性-脆韧性冲断推覆及褶皱构造。  相似文献   

The oxygen fugacities of 48 mantle xenoliths from 5 localities in southern Siberia (USSR) and Mongolia have been determined. Ferric iron contents of spinels were measured by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and oxygen fugacities calculated from spinel-olivineorthopyroxene equilibrium. The samples studied represent the major types of upper mantle lithologies including spinel and garnet peridotites and pyroxenites, fertile and depleted peridotites and anhydrous and metasomatized samples which come from diverse tectonic settings. Extensive geochemical and isotope data are also available for these samples. Oxygen fugacity values for most central Asian xenoliths fall within the range observed in peridotite xenoliths from other continental regions at or slightly below the FMQ buffer. However, xenoliths from the Baikal rift zone are the most reduced among xenoliths for which Mössbauer data on spinels are available. They yield fO2 values similar to those in oceanic peridotites and MORBs, while xenoliths in other occurrences have higher fO2s. In general, the continental lithosperic mantle is more oxidized than MORB-like oceanic mantle. This difference seems to be due to incorporation of oxidized material into some parts of the subcontinental mantle as a result of subduction of oceanic crust. Garnet- and garnet-spinel lherzolites from the Baikal rift area have slightly higher oxygen fugacities than shallower spinel lherzolites. Oxygen fugacity does not appear to be correlated with the degree of depletion of peridotites, and its values in peridotites and pyroxenites are very much alike, suggesting that partial melting (at least at moderate degrees) takes place at essentially the same fO2s that are now recorded by the residual material. Modally (amphibole- and phlogopitebearing) and cryptically metasomatized xenoliths from the Baikal rift zone give the same fO2 values as depleted anhydrous peridotites, suggesting that solid-melt-fluid reactions in the continental rift mantle also take place without substantial change in redox state. This is in contrast to other tectonic environments where metasomatism appears to be associated with oxidation.  相似文献   

Stresses and effective viscosities in the asthenosphere to a depth of 400 km are calculated on the basis of Weertmans “temperature method” i.e., on relating viscosity to the ratio of the temperature to the melting point (=homologous temperature). Some oceanic and continental geotherms and two melting point—depth curves, the dry pyrolite solidus and the forsterite90 melting curve are used for the conversion of the homologous temperature to the effective viscosity. Two creep laws are considered, the linear, grain-size-dependent Nabarro—Herring (NH) creep law, and a power creep law, in which the creep rate is proportional to the third power of the stress. A plate tectonic model yields creep rates of 2 · 10−14 s−1 for the oceanic and 3 · 10−15 s−1 for the continental asthenosphere. These values are held constant for the calculations and may be valid for regions inside plates.The dry pyrolite mantle model results in high homologous temperatures in the asthenosphere below oceans (0.9), very low stresses (a few bars and lower) and shows a low viscosity “layer” of about 200-km thickness. Below continental shields the homologous temperature has a maximum value of 0.73, stresses are around 5–20 bar and the low-viscosity region is thicker and less pronounced than in the oceanic case. The Fo90 mantle model generally gives lower homologous temperatures (maximum value below oceans beside active ridges 0.75). The stresses in the asthenosphere beneath oceans vary from a few bars to about 50 bar and below continents to about 100 bar. The low-viscosity region seems to reach great depths without forming a “channel”. The Figs. 1 and 2 show the approximate viscosity—depth distribution for the two mantle models under study.Assuming a completely dry mantle and a mean grain size of 5 mm, power law creep will be the dominating creep process in the asthenosphere. However, grains may grow in a high-temperature—low-stress regime (i.e., below younger oceans), an effect which will further diminish the influence of NH creep. In the upper 100–150 km of the earth some fluid phases may affect considerably creep processes.  相似文献   

Seismic velocities under confining pressures to 10 kbar have been measured for rocks of the Ivrea—Verbano and Strona—Ceneri Zones of northern Italy, a metamorphic complex thought to represent a cross-section of the continental crust and crust—mantle boundary. Laboratory-determined compressional wave velocities for schists and gneisses of the amphibolite facies found in the upper levels of the section (having an average density of 2.74 g/cm3) average 6.45 km/sec at pressures between 6 and 10 kbar. These increase with depth to values greater than 7.1 km/sec for amphibolites and rocks of the amphibolite—granulite facies transition and to 7.5 km/sec. (average density 3.06 g/cm3) in intermediate and mafic granulite facies rocks near the base of the section. Compressional wave velocities then abruptly increase to 8.5 km/sec in ultramafic complexes near the Insubric Line. Regional geophysical surveys show that Pg is 6.0 km/sec (density of 2.7 g/cm3), P* is 7.2–7.4 km/sec (density of 3.1 g/cm3) and Pn is 8.1 km/sec, values which are in agreement with the laboratory data when effects of temperature are taken into consideration. Estimated thicknesses of exposed rock units are in reasonable agreement with thicknesses determined for crustal layers in seismic refraction experiments. The agreement between the regional crustal structure and the laboratory-determined values of velocity and density provides strong evidence for the hypothesis that the rocks of this metamorphic complex represent a cross-section of the continental crust of the Po Basin.Using the Ivrea—Verbano and Strona—Ceneri sequence as a model of the continental crust, the crust of northern Italy is shown to consist of a thick series of metamorphic rocks with greenschist facies rocks occupying the uppermost levels. These grade downward into amphibolite facies gneisses and schists with occasional granitic intrusives. The Conrad discontinuity is marked by a change from silicic and intermediate amphibolite facies gneisses to intermediate and mafic granulite facies rocks in which hydrous minerals diminish in abundance and thus represents a distinct transition in terms of both composition and metamorphic grade. The lower crust is dominated by a heterogeneous series of mafic and metapelitic rocks in the granulite facies. Importantly, metasedimentary rocks of intermediate silica content found in the complex can have compressional wave velocities equivalent to velocities in mafic rocks suggesting that the lower continental crust everywhere is not necessarily mafic in composition. Ultramafic complexes near the Insubric Line may represent the upper mantle of the continent and their setting suggests that the continental crust-upper mantle boundary is sharp and is not isochemical.  相似文献   

The evolution of an active continental margin is simulated in two dimensions, using a finite difference thermomechanical code with half-staggered grid and marker-in-cell technique. The effect of mechanical properties, changing as a function of P and T, assigned to different crustal layers and mantle materials in the simple starting structure is discussed for a set of numerical models. For each model, representative PT paths are displayed for selected markers. Both the intensity of subduction erosion and the size of the frontal accretionary wedge are strongly dependent on the rheology chosen for the overriding continental crust. Tectonically eroded upper and lower continental crust is carried down to form a broad orogenic wedge, intermingling with detached oceanic crust and sediments from the subducted plate and hydrated mantle material from the overriding plate. A small portion of the continental crust and trench sediments is carried further down into a narrow subduction channel, intermingling with oceanic crust and hydrated mantle material, and to some extent extruded to the rear of the orogenic wedge underplating the overriding continental crust. The exhumation rates for (ultra)high pressure rocks can exceed subduction and burial rates by a factor of 1.5–3, when forced return flow in the hanging wall portion of the self-organizing subduction channel is focused. The simulations suggest that a minimum rate of subduction is required for the formation of a subduction channel, because buoyancy forces may outweigh drag forces for slow subduction. For a weak upper continental crust, simulated by a high pore pressure coefficient in the brittle regime, the orogenic wedge and megascale melange reach a mid- to upper-crustal position within 10–20 Myr (after 400–600 km of subduction). For a strong upper crust, a continental lid persists over the entire time span covered by the simulation. The structural pattern is similar in all cases, with four zones from trench toward arc: (a) an accretionary complex of low-grade metamorphic sedimentary material; (b) a wedge of mainly continental crust, with medium-grade HP metamorphic overprint, wound up and stretched in a marble cake fashion to appear as nappes with alternating upper and lower crustal provenance, and minor oceanic or hydrated mantle interleaved material; (c) a megascale melange composed of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic oceanic and continental crust, and hydrated mantle, all extruded from the subduction channel; (d) zone represents the upward tilted frontal part of the remaining upper plate lid in the case of a weak upper crust. The shape of the PT paths and the time scales correspond to those typically recorded in orogenic belts. Comparison of the numerical results with the European Alps reveals some similarities in their gross structural and metamorphic pattern exposed after collision. A similar structure may be developed at depth beneath the forearc of the Andes, where the importance of subduction erosion is well documented, and where a strong upper crust forms a stable lid.  相似文献   

根据体波层析成像技术,利用大量走时数据,做出0°~180°E,30°S~90°S范围内0~2889km深的三维速度分布图像,得到欧亚地区局部区域岩石圈及地幔的高分辨率速度结构,并从地球动力学角度出发对这些成像结果做进一步解释。  相似文献   

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