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The halo structure at high Galactic latitudes near both the north and south poles is studied using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and SuperCOSMOS data. For the south cap halo, the archive of the SuperCOSMOS photographic photometry sky survey is used. The coincident source rate between SuperCOSMOS data in B J band from 16.5 to 20.5 mag and SDSS data is about 92 per cent, in a common sky area in the south. While that in the R F band is about 85 per cent from 16.5 to 19.5 mag. Transformed to the SuperCOSMOS system and downgraded to the limiting magnitudes of SuperCOSMOS, the star counts in the North Galactic Cap from SDSS show up to an  16.9 ± 6.3  per cent  asymmetric ratio (defined as relative fluctuations over the rotational symmetry structure) in the B J band, and up to  13.5 ± 6.7  per cent  asymmetric ratio in the R F band. From SuperCOSMOS B J and R F bands, the structure of the Southern Galactic hemisphere does not show the same obvious asymmetric structures as the northern sky does in both the original and downgraded SDSS star counts. An axisymmetric halo model with n = 2.8 and q = 0.7 can fit the projected number density from SuperCOSMOS fairly well, with an average error of about 9.17 per cent. By careful analysis of the difference of star counts between the downgraded SDSS northern halo data and SuperCOSMOS southern halo data, it is shown that no asymmetry can be detected in the South Galactic Cap at the accuracy of SuperCOSMOS, and the Virgo overdensity is likely a foreign component in the Galactic halo.  相似文献   

Data of blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars and RR Lyrae variable stars from the literature are combined with unpublished observations of BHB stars in five fields. A flattened power law is used to model the spatial distribution of the horizontal branch stars. Completeness of the data sample and contamination by blue stragglers and metal-rich main-sequence A stars are considered, and taken into account. Using a maximum-likelihood method, the following best-fitting parameters are obtained: a power-law index α=−3.2±0.3 and an axial ratio of q =0.52±0.11 for the isodensity surfaces. From the fit a value for the local density of BHB stars of ρ0=26+20−11 kpc−3 is found. The values of the three parameters are in complete agreement with recent determinations by other authors.  相似文献   

A by-product of the APM high-redshift quasar survey was the discovery of several distant (20–100 kpc) N-type carbon stars at high galactic latitude. Following on from this, we have started a systematic all-sky survey at galactic latitudes ⊢ b ⊢>30° to find further examples of these rare objects, and we report here on the results from the first season of follow-up spectroscopy. Faint, high-latitude carbon (FHLC) giants make excellent probes of the kinematic structure of the outer Galactic halo. Therefore, in addition to detailed spectrophotometry covering a wide wavelength range, we have obtained high-resolution (∼1 Å) spectra centred on the CN bands at ∼8000 Å, and have derived accurate (≲10 km s−1) radial velocities for the known FHLC stars. From the initial phase of our survey covering ≈6500 deg2, we find a surface density of faint N-type carbon stars in the halo of ≈1 per 200 deg2, roughly a factor of 4 less than the surface density of CH-type carbon stars in the halo. Intermediate-age, N-type carbon stars seem unlikely to have formed in the halo in isolation from other star-forming regions, and one possibility that we are investigating is that they either arise from the disruption of tidally captured dwarf satellite galaxies or are a manifestation of the long-sought optical component of the Magellanic Stream.  相似文献   

We parametrized the total structure of the Galaxy in cylindrical coordinates up to z ∼ 10 kpc by using radial and vertical exponentials, covering the thin and thick disc and the inner spheroid. However, we allowed the scale height and scale length to vary continuously with distance from the Galactic plane. The standard deviations for the differences between stellar space densities estimated by means of the newly defined scale heights and scale lengths and the observed space densities for three absolute magnitude intervals, 5 < M (g ′) ≤ 6, 6 < M (g ′) ≤ 7, and 7 < M (g ′) ≤ 8, of the fields SA 114, ELAIS, and # 0952+5245 are rather small. The uncertainties of the scale heights are also small, indicating that this parameter depends very sensitively on the distance from the Galactic plane, whereas those of the scale lengths are larger. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Large samples of field horizontal branch (FHB) stars make excellent tracers of the Galactic halo; by studying their kinematics, one can infer important physical properties of our Galaxy. Here we present the results of a medium-resolution spectroscopic survey of 530 FHB stars selected from the Hamburg/ESO survey. The stars have a mean distance of ∼7 kpc and thus probe the inner parts of the Milky Way halo. We measure radial velocities from the spectra in order to test the model of Sommer-Larsen et al., who suggested that the velocity ellipsoid of the halo changes from radially dominated orbits to tangentially dominated orbits as one proceeds from the inner to the outer halo. We find that the present data are unable to discriminate between this model and a more simple isothermal ellipsoid; we suggest that additional observations towards the Galactic Centre might help to differentiate them.  相似文献   

A new sample of 31 faint B and A0 stars is reported, 30 of which comprise a complete sample within the limits ( U − V )<0 and 10.0< B ≲18.0. The sample is based on low- and intermediate-resolution spectrophotometry of colour-excess objects selected in the US survey. Atmospheric parameters for the stars are derived through the use of synthetic colours, Balmer-line strengths, and model-atmosphere fitting. The atmospheric parameters and preliminary metallicity estimates indicate that most of the stars are distributed along the blue horizontal branch, with low metallicities ([Fe/H]∼−1.0) and with both the first and second Newell gaps present. However, nine of the B/A0 stars can be identified as candidate main-sequence stars, based on evidence of high metallicities ([Fe/H]∼0) and/or derived effective temperatures and surface gravities which place them close to the main-sequence relation. The completeness characteristics of the sample are discussed, and its surface density is compared to that of other recently isolated B-star samples. The sample exhibits a shallow integral number-count slope. This new sample will help provide increased statistical coverage of the B-star population in the Galactic halo through its relatively faint magnitude-completeness limits and its relatively red colour-completeness limit.  相似文献   

The structure of the Galactic bar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a deep near-infrared wide-angle photometric analysis of the structure of the inner Galactic bar and central disc. The presence of a triaxial structure at the centre of the Galaxy is confirmed, consistent with a bar inclined at  22°± 55  from the Sun—Galactic Centre line, extending to approximately 2.5 kpc from the Galactic Centre and with a rather small axis ratio. A feature at  ℓ=−98  not aligned with this triaxiality suggests the existence of a second structure in the inner Galaxy, a double triaxiality or an inner ring. We argue that this is likely to be the signature of the end of the Galactic bar, at approximately 2.5–3 kpc, which is circumscribed by an inner pseudo-ring. No thick dust lane preceding the bar is detected and a hole in the dust distribution of the disc inside the bar radius is inferred.  相似文献   

We study the proposed use of parallax microlensing in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) to separate the effects of the mass function of dark massive halo objects (MHOs or 'machos') on the one hand, and their spatial distribution and kinematics on the other. This disentanglement is supposed to allow a much better determination of the two than could be achieved entirely on the basis of the durations of events. We restrict our treatment to the same class of power-law spherical models for the halo of MHOs studied in a previous paper by Marković 38 Sommer-Larsen, and assume that one can eliminate microlensing events caused by massive objects outside the halo (e.g., the LMC halo). Whereas the duration-based error in the average MHO mass, μ¯ ≡  M ¯/M, exceeds (at N  = 100 events) μ¯ by a factor of 2 or more, parallax microlensing remarkably brings it down to 15–20 per cent of μ¯, regardless of the shape of the mass function. In addition, the slope α of the mass function, d n /dμ ∝ μα, can be inferred relatively accurately (σα < 0.4) for a broader range, −3 < α < 0. The improvement in the inference of the halo structure is also significant: the index γ of the density profile ( ρ ∼  R −γ) can be obtained with the error σγ < 0.4. While in a typical situation the errors for the parameters specifying the velocity dispersion profile are of about the same magnitude as the parameters themselves, virtually all the uncertainty is 'concentrated' in linear combinations of the parameters that may have little influence on the profile, thus allowing its reasonably accurate inference.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of recent Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) data for field stars in the region of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6397, we tested the predictions of several Galactic models with star counts reaching a largely unexplored range of magnitudes, down to V ∼26.5. After updating the input stellar ( V − I ) colours, we found that the two-component Bahcall–Soneira (B&S) model can be put into satisfactory agreement with observations for suitable choices of disc/spheroid luminosity functions (LFs). However, if one assumes the disc LF of Gould, Bahcall and Flynn together with the spheroid LF of Gould, Flynn and Bahcall, there is no way to reconcile the predicted and observed V -magnitude distribution. We also analysed the agreement between observed and predicted magnitude and colour distributions for two selected models with a thick disc component. Even in this case there are suitable combinations of model parameters and faint-magnitude LFs that can give a reasonable agreement with observational star counts in both magnitude and colour. However, the above-quoted combination of Gould et al. LFs again gives predictions in clear disagreement with observations.  相似文献   

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