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K-feldspar megacrysts (Kfm) are used to investigate the magmaticevolution of the 7 Ma Monte Capanne (MC) monzogranite (Elba,Italy). Dissolution and regrowth of Kfm during magma mixingor mingling events produce indented resorption surfaces associatedwith high Ba contents. Diffusion calculations demonstrate thatKfm chemical zoning is primary. Core-to-rim variations in Ba,Rb, Sr, Li and P support magma mixing (i.e. high Ba and P andlow Rb/Sr at rims), but more complex variations require othermechanisms. In particular, we show that disequilibrium growth(related to variations in diffusion rates in the melt) may haveoccurred as a result of thermal disturbance following influxof mafic magma in the magma chamber. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios(ISr) (obtained by microdrilling) decrease from core to rim.Inner core analyses define a mixing trend extending towardsa high ISr–Rb/Sr melt component, whereas the outer coresand rims display a more restricted range of ISr, but a largerrange of Rb/Sr. Lower ISr at the rim of one megacryst suggestsmixing with high-K calc-alkaline mantle-derived volcanics ofsimilar age on Capraia. Trace element and isotopic profilessuggest (1) early megacryst growth in magmas contaminated bycrust and refreshed by high ISr silicic melts (as seen in theinner cores) and (2) later recharge with mafic magmas (as seenin the outer cores) followed by (3) crystal fractionation, withpossible interaction with hydrothermal fluids (as seen in therim). The model is compatible with the field occurrence of maficenclaves and xenoliths. KEY WORDS: Elba; monzogranite; K-feldspar megacrysts; zoning; magma mixing; trace element; Sr isotopes; petrogenesis  相似文献   

In situ Sr-isotope and microchemical studies were used to determine the provenance of K-feldspar megacrysts hosted in mafic alkaline potassic, ultrapotassic rocks and in differentiated rocks from two nearby volcanic apparatus in central Italy.

At Monte Cimino volcanic complex, mafic leucite-free ultrapotassic megacryst-bearing rocks of olivine latitic composition are associated with evolved latite and trachyte. Here, latites and trachytes straddle the sub-alkaline field. Age-corrected 87Sr/86Sr values (Sri) of the analysed Cimino olivine latites vary from 0.71330 and 0.71578 and strongly increase at constant Mg value. Latite and trachyte have lower Sri than olivine latites ranging between 0.71331 and 0.71361. Sri of K-feldspar megacrysts from olivine latites are between 0.71352 and 0.71397, but core and rim 87Sr/86Sr ratios within individual megacryst are indistinguishable. In all the mafic rocks, the megacrysts are not in isotopic equilibrium with the hosts. K-feldspar megacrysts from both the latite and trachyte have similar Sr-isotope compositions (Sri=0.71357–0.71401) to those in the olivine latites. However, Sri of megacryst in the trachyte vary significantly from core to rim (Sri from 0.71401 to 0.71383). As with the olivine latites, the K-feldspar megacrysts are not in isotopic equilibrium with bulk rock compositions of the latite or trachyte.

At Vico volcano, megacryst-bearing rocks are mafic leucite-free potassic rocks, mafic leucite-bearing ultrapotassic rocks and old trachytic rocks. The mafic leucite-bearing and leucite-free rocks are a tephri-phonolite and an olivine latite, respectively. A megacryst in Vico trachyte is isotopically homogeneous (Sri CORE=0.71129, RIM=0.71128) and in equilibrium with the host rock (Sri bulk ROCK=0.71125). Sri of megacryst from tephri-phonolite is clearly not in isotopic equilibrium with its host (Sri bulk ROCK=0.71158), and it increases from core (Sri=0.71063) to rim (Sri=0.71077). A megacryst in Vico olivine latite is isotopically homogeneous (Sri CORE=0.71066, RIM=0.71065), but not in equilibrium with the host rock (Sri bulk ROCK=0.71013).

The Sr isotope microdrilling technique reveals that Cimino megacrysts were crystallised in a Cimino trachytic magma and were subsequently incorporated by mixing/mingling processes in the latitic and olivine latitic melts. A model invoking the presence of a mafic sub-alkaline magma, which was mixed with the olivine latite, is proposed to justify the lack of simple geochemical mixing relation between Cimino trachytes and olivine latites. This magmatological model is able to explain the geochemical characteristics of Cimino olivine latites, otherwise ascribed to mantle heterogeneity.

The similarity of core Sri of megacrysts hosted in Vico tephri-phonolite and olivine latite suggests that the K-feldspar megacrysts are co-genetic. Isotopic equilibrium between megacryst and Vico host trachyte indicates that the trachyte is the parent of this megacryst. On the contrary, the megacrysts hosted in tephri-phonolite and olivine latite do not derive from the old trachytic magma because no diffusion process may explain the core to rim Sr isotope increase of the xenocryst hosted in the tephri-phonolite. The megacrysts hosted in the Vico mafic rocks might derive from a trachytic melt similar in composition to the old Vico trachytes.  相似文献   

 Microsampling of cm-scale feldspar crystals within an S-type granite from the Lachlan Fold Belt of southeastern Australia has revealed complex internal Sr and Nd isotopic variations. The observed isotopic zonations are in part interpreted as recording feldspar crystallisation in a dynamically mixing magma system, the isotopic composition of which was varying in response to the influx of more mafic and isotopically more mantle-like magmas, the latter stages of which are now represented in modified form by microgranular enclaves. Similar core to rim isotopic variations in feldspar megacrysts from a microgranular enclave and the adjacent host granite strongly suggest megacrysts in the enclave were transferred from the granitic magma during crystallisation. Feldspar rims have higher 87Sr/86Sri and lower ɛNd(i) than adjacent whole rock analyses, but match those of mineral separates from the surrounding enclave matrix. This suggests that the final stages of megacryst growth occurred in the presence of a component that had previously interacted with a high 87Sr/86Sr, low ɛNd(i) component such as metasedimentary wall rocks. Isotopic heterogeneities are also presererved within different mineral phases in the enclave matrix, suggesting that differing phases grew at differing stages of equilibration between the enclave magma and its host granitic magma. Our results reveal major isotopic heterogeneities on a single crystal and also inter-mineral scale in a pluton which shows well constrained evidence for magma mingling. These results indicate the suitability of feldspars as recorders of isotopic change in magmatic systems, even those which have cooled slowly in the plutonic environment and suggest that much heterogeneity in plutonic systems may be overlooked on a whole rock scale. Received: 28 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 December 1999  相似文献   

Recent basaltic andesite lavas from Merapi volcano contain abundant,complexly zoned, plagioclase phenocrysts, analysed here fortheir petrographic textures, major element composition and Srisotope composition. Anorthite (An) content in individual crystalscan vary by as much as 55 mol% (An40–95) across internalresorption surfaces with a negative correlation between highAn mol% (>70), MgO wt% and FeO wt%. In situ Sr isotope analysesof zoned plagioclase phenocrysts show that the 87Sr/86Sr ratiosof individual zones range from 0·70568 to 0·70627.The upper end of this range is notably more radiogenic thanthe host basaltic andesite whole-rocks (< 0·70574).Crystal zones with the highest An content have the highest 87Sr/86Srvalues, requiring a source or melt with elevated radiogenicSr, rich in Ca and with lower Mg and Fe. Recent Merapi eruptiverocks contain abundant xenoliths, including metamorphosed volcanoclasticsediment and carbonate country rock (calc-silicate skarns) analysedhere for petrographic textures, mineralogy, major element compositionand Sr isotope composition. The xenoliths contain extremelycalcic plagioclase (up to An100) and have whole-rock 87Sr/86Srratios of 0·70584 to 0·70786. The presence ofthese xenoliths and their mineralogy and geochemistry, coupledwith the 87Sr/86Sr ratios observed in different zones of individualphenocrysts, indicate that magma–crust interaction atMerapi is potentially more significant than previously thought,as numerous crystal cores in the phenocrysts appear to be inheritedfrom a metamorphosed sedimentary crustal source. This has potentiallysignificant consequences for geochemical mass-balance calculations,volatile saturation and flux and eruptive behaviour at Merapiand similar island arc volcanic systems elsewhere. KEY WORDS: assimilation; isotopes; Merapi; xenolith; calc-silicate  相似文献   

The major element composition of plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine,and magnetite, and whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr data are presented forthe uppermost 2·1 km of the layered mafic rocks (upperMain Zone and Upper Zone) at Bierkraal in the western BushveldComplex. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are near-constant (0·7073± 0·0001) for 24 samples and imply crystallizationfrom a homogeneous magma sheet without major magma rechargeor assimilation. The 2125 m thick section investigated in drillcore comprises 26 magnetitite and six nelsonite (magnetite–ilmenite–apatite)layers and changes up-section from gabbronorite (An72 plagioclase;Mg# 74 clinopyroxene) to magnetite–ilmenite–apatite–fayaliteferrodiorite (An43; Mg# 5 clinopyroxene; Fo1 olivine). The overallfractionation trend is, however, interrupted by reversals characterizedby higher An% of plagioclase, higher Mg# of pyroxene and olivine,and higher V2O5 of magnetite. In the upper half of the successionthere is also the intermittent presence of cumulus olivine andapatite. These reversals in normal fractionation trends definethe bases of at least nine major cycles. We have calculateda plausible composition for the magma from which this entiresuccession formed. Forward fractional crystallization modelingof this composition predicts an initial increase in total iron,near-constant SiO2 and an increasing density of the residualmagma before magnetite crystallizes. After magnetite beginsto crystallize the residual magma shows a near-constant totaliron, an increase in SiO2 and decrease in density. We explainthe observed cyclicity by bottom crystallization. Initiallymagma stratification developed during crystallization of thebasal gabbronorites. Once magnetite began to crystallize, periodicdensity inversion led to mixing with the overlying magma layer,producing mineralogical breaks between fractionation cycles.The magnetitite and nelsonite layers mainly occur within fractionationcycles, not at their bases. In at least two cases, crystallizationof thick magnetitite layers may have lowered the density ofthe basal layer of melt dramatically, and triggered the proposeddensity inversion, resulting in close, but not perfect, coincidenceof mineralogical breaks and packages of magnetitite layers. KEY WORDS: layered intrusion; mineral chemistry; isotopes; magma; convection; differentiation  相似文献   

The processes operating in the development of chemical zonationin silicic magma chambers have been addressed with a Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Thisotope study of the chemically zoned trachyte pumice depositof the Fogo A eruption, Fogo volcano, Azores. Sr isotopic variationis observed in whole rocks, glass separates and sanidine phenocrysts(whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr: 0·7049–0·7061; glass87Sr/86Sr: 0·7048–0·7052; sanidine 87Sr/86Sr:0·7048–0·7062). Thorium isotopic variationis observed in glass separates, with (230Th/232Th)o rangingfrom 0·8737 to 0·8841, and exhibiting a negativecorrelation with Sr isotopes. The Nd, Pb and Hf isotopic compositionsof the whole-rock trachytic pumices are invariant and indistinguishablefrom basalts flanking the volcano. The Sr isotope variationsin the whole rocks are proposed to be the result of three distinctprocesses: contamination of the Fogo A magma by assimilationof radiogenic seawater-altered syenite wall rock, to explainthe Sr and Th isotopic compositions of the glass separates;incorporation of xenocrysts into the trachytic magma, requiredto explain the range in feldspar Sr isotopic compositions; andpost-eruptive surface alteration. This study emphasizes theimportance of determining the isotopic composition of glassand mineral separates rather than whole rocks when pre-eruptivemagmatic processes are being investigated. KEY WORDS: Azores; open-system processes; Sr isotopes; trachytic pumices; zoned magma chambers  相似文献   

Most of the flows in the Palaeocene lava pile remnant of Skyeare members of the Skye Main Lava Series (SMLS), comprisingtransitional basalts and two associated suites of evolved lavas.The first suite evolves through Fe-rich hawaiites and mugearitesto benmoreites, and the second suite evolves through Fe-poorintermediates to trachytes. Ca-rich, alkali-poor olivine tholeiites(the Preshal Mhor magma type) occur as sparse flows in the stratigraphicallyhighest parts of the lava pile remnant and are abundant in thedyke swarm transecting it. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios rangingfrom 0.70308 to 0.70571 in 45 SMLS samples show no significantcorrelation with degree of zeolitization (H2O+), silica saturation,or 87Rb/86Sr. A moderately good negative correlation with totalSr confirms published Pb-isotope evidence of interaction withancient, sialic crust. Details of the (87Sr/86Sr)l versus Srpattern are consistent with previous hypotheses that the SMLSbasalt-benmoreite suite evolved at a depth near the Moho, whilstthe low-Fe trend to trachyte resulted from near-surface basaltfractionation. (87Sr/86Sr)l values ranging from 0.70307 to 0.70621 for PreshalMhor basalts show a strong positive correlation with total Sr,consistent with a model of extensive fractionation within theupper crust of a mantle-derived low 87Sr/86Sr-low Sr magma,which became progressively contaminated with comparatively radiogeniccrustal Sr. The lowest measured (87Sr/86Sr)l values of 0.70307and 0.70308, for a Preshal Mhor basalt and for an SMLS basaltrespectively, are consistent with the hypothesis that thesetwo magma types were produced by successive phases of partialmelting from a single volume of upper mantle. (87Sr/86Sr)l values for additional miscellaneous basaltic lavas,dykes and major intrusives from Skye and from nearby Isle ofMull exhibit considerable variability within the range 0.7038to 0.7072, whilst three basaltic dykes from Northern Englandare in the range 0.7089 to 0.7123. The latter values overlapwith published (87Sr/86Sr)l values for some of the granitesin the Tertiary Province of northwest Scotland and indirectlyremove objections based on Sr-isotopic arguments to the genesisof the granites by fractionation of basalt contaminated withcrustal Sr, but neither prove this nor disprove large-scalecrustal partial fusion.  相似文献   

TAMURA  Y.; NAKAMURA  E. 《Journal of Petrology》1996,37(6):1307-1319
New Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented and integrated withprevious data for the Shirahama Group Mio-Pliocene medium-Kvolcanic are suite of south-central Honshu, Japan. Main resultsare: (1) The Shirahama lavas range in 87Sr/86Sr from 0.70315to 0.70337 and in 143Nd/144Nd from 0.51298 to 0.51306; the Srand Nd isotopic data cluster tightly within the mantle array,and all lie within an overlapping field of mid-ocean ridge basaltand ocean island basalt; (2) small differences exist among theShirahama tholeiitic series, calc-alkaline series and mixedlavas. The present isotopic data are consistent with a previouslypublished model, which proposes that chemical variations inmagmas of coexisting tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series areproduced through crystal fractionation from mantle-derived magmasof basalt and magnesian andesite, respectively. Moreover, thetholeiitic series and the calc-alkaline series are isotopicallyidentical. Thus, both magma series can be derived from a sourcemantle with the same isotopic composition, supporting the hypothesisof simultaneous generation of basalt and magnesian andesitemagmas from a single diapir rising through the mantle wedgeabove the subduction zone. The differences of water contentand temperature within the diapir are again thought to havebeen produced through dehydration and heating of an isotopicallyhomogeneous hydrous diapir. The isotopic data show that thehigh-SiO2 lavas have the same isotopic compositions as moremafic lavas. These data and liquid lines of descent of the Shirahamamagmas suggest that even rhyolites can be produced by differentiationfrom mantle-derived magmas without crustal contamination. Analysesfrom 38 other arc volcanoes have been compiled to investigatethe intravolcano variability of 87Sr/86Sr. Twelve of these displayno intravolcano strontium isotopic variability, as is the casewith the Shirahama Group, but others show greater variationof 87Sr/86Sr from individual volcanic centers, presumably reflectingcrustal contamination. Most of the latter volcanoes are underlainby thick continental crust. It is noteworthy, however, thatthe greater variations of 87Sr/86Sr correlate with SiO2 content;andesites or dacites, not basalts, from the same volcano havethe lowest 87Sr/86Sr, and these rocks are calc-alkaline in termsof FeO*/MgO and SiO2 Theoretically, assimilation of continentalcrust by the isotopically uniform Shirahama magmas could producethese relationships. Given that mantle-derived basalt and magnesianandesite both encounter continental crust on their ascent tothe surface, the hotter basalt magma would assimilate more crustalwallrocks than the cooler andesite, resulting in the basaltbeing more radiogenic. Fractional crystallization, magma mixing,and/or assimilation-fractional crystallization of these magmasin crustal magma chambers could produce large compositionalvariations, but the derivatives of the hotter basaltic magmas(tholeiitic series in the broad sense) would display greatercontamination than those derived from the cooler andesitic magmas(calc-alkaline series). *Telephone: 81-858-43-1215. Fax: 81-858-43-2184. e-mail: tamura{at}misasa.okayam-u.ac.jp  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic data for megacrysts and lavas from six eruptive centers within the Newer Basalts province of southeastern Australia show that megacrysts of clinopyroxene are in isotopic equilibrium with associated basalts, but that megacrysts of kaersutite, ferrokaersutite, orthopyroxene and anorthoclase may exhibit slight disequilibrium with their host basalts. Furthermore, the anorthoclase megacrysts may be either more or less radiogenic than their hosts. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios for 14 basalts from throughout the province vary from 0.7035 to 0.7045 and it is proposed that anorthoclase, amphibole and orthopyroxene megacrysts which crystallized in isotopic equilibrium with one magma may have been caught up in a pulse of a later magma of a different isotopic composition. The variations in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the basalts are attributed to variations in the isotopic composition of their source regions. Such isotopic heterogeneity is supported by published data for ultramafic xenoliths which occur in the Newer Basalts lavas.  相似文献   

The Mount Brome alkaline complex of southern Quebec (Canada)comprises gabbroic to silica-oversaturated and -undersaturatedfelsic rocks which have variable initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Ndratios: 0.70345–0.70431 and 0.51270–0.51258, respectively,in mafic lithologies (gabbro, nepheline diorite, and biotitemonzodiorite); 0.70353–0.70403 and 0.51270–0.51263in silica-undersaturated felsic units (pulaskite and nephelinesyenite); and 0.7051–0.7115 and 0.51262–0.51259in silica-oversaturated nordmarkite. Negatively correlated 87Sr/86Srvs. 143Nd/144Nd trends for the various rock types appear toconverge at the composition 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70345 and 143Nd/144Nd= 0.51270 (Nd = 4.3). This suggests that all rock types sharea common parental magma composition, either through derivationfrom a single batch of liquid, or (more probably) through twoepisodes of melting of the same depleted mantle source region.Delta 18O ranges from + 5.5 to + 8% and is broadly correlatedwith radiogenic isotopes and bulk composition. Isotopic, and major and trace element compositions suggest thatfractional crystallization (FC) of the parental magma at deeplevels produced evolved magmas, apparently without significantcrustal contamination [FC without assimilation (A)]. Duringascent and emplacement into the upper crust, these magmas thenevolved by simultaneous crystal fractionation and country-rockassimilation (AFC). Within both basic and felsic rocks thereis a clear relationship between silica saturation and degreeof contamination. Indeed, the oversaturated nordmarkites owetheir origin to assimilation of siliceous country rocks by acritically undersaturated magma. More generally, it seems likelythat this type of process is the normal mode of origin for coexistingquartz and nepheline syenites in many sub-volcanic alkalineigneous complexes. Additionally, such complexes would be likelyto develop by punctuated FC and AFC processes throughout theirpetrogenetic history.  相似文献   

The Taylor Creek Rhyolite of southwest New Mexico consists of 20 lava domes and flows that were emplaced during a period of a few thousand years or less in late Oligocene time. Including genetically associated pyroclastic deposits, which are about as voluminous as the lava domes and flows, the Taylor Creek Rhyolite represents roughly 100 km3 of magma erupted from vents distributed throughout an area of several hundred square kilometers. Major-element composition is metaluminous to weakly peraluminous high-silica rhyolite and is nearly constant throughout the lava field. The magma reservoir for the Taylor Creek Rhyolite was vertically zoned in trace elements, 87Sr/86Sr, and phenocryst abundance and size. Mean trace-element concentrations, ranges in concentrations, and element-pair correlations are similar to many subalkaline silicic ignimbrites. However, the polarity of the zonation was opposite that in reservoirs for ignimbrites, for most constituents. For example, compared to the Bishop Tuff, only 87Sr/86Sr and Sc increased upward in both reservoirs. Quite likely, a dominant but nonerupted volume of the magma reservoir for the Taylor Creek Rhyolite was zoned like that for the Bishop Tuff, whereas an erupted, few-hundred-meter-thick cap on the magma body was variably contaminated by roof rocks whose contribution to this part of the magma system moderated relatively extreme trace-element concentrations of uncontaminated Taylor Creek Rhyolite but did not change the sense of correlation for most element pairs. The contaminant probably was a Precambrian rock of broadly granitic composition and with very high 87Sr/86Sr. Although examples apparently are not yet reported in the literature, evidence for a similar thin contaminated cap on reservoirs for large-volume silicic ignimbrites may exist in the bottom few meters of ignimbrites or perhaps only in the pumice fallout that normally immediately precedes ignimbrite emplacement. 87Sr/86Sr in sanidine phenocrysts of the Taylor Creek Rhyolite is higher than that of their host whole rocks. Covariation of this isotope ratio with sanidine abundance and size indicates positive correlations for all three features with decreasing distance to the roof of the magma reservoir. The sanidine probably is more radiogenic than host whole rock because growing phenocrysts partly incorporated Sr from the first partial melt of roof rocks, which contained the highly radiogenic Sr of Precambrian biotite ± hornblende, whereas diffusion was too slow for sanidine to incorporate much of the Sr from subsequently produced less radiogenic partial melt of roof rocks, before eruption quenched the magma system. Disequilibrium between feldspar phenocrysts and host groundmass is fairly common for ignimbrites, and a process of contamination similar to that for the Taylor Creek Rhyolite may help explain some of these situations.  相似文献   

The Vandfaldsdalen macrodike is a layered and differentiatedgabbroic dike approximately 3?5 km long and from 200 to 500m wide. It appears to cut the eastern margin of the Skaergaardintrusion and may have served as a feeder for the Basistoppensill. The macrodike can be divided into three series of rocks:a marginal series of differentiated gabbros adjacent to thewalls of the dike; a central series of differentiated and subhorizontallylayered gabbros and ferrodiorites in the interior of the dike;and an upper felsic series of granophyric rocks with abundantquartzo-feldspathic xenoliths. The mineral and bulk-rock compositionsthrough both the marginal series and central series show progressiveiron enrichment. The most Ca-rich plagioclase (An69) and mostmagnesian pyroxene (Wo42 En46 Fs12) occur in olivine-bearingrocks of the marginal series about 5 m from the contact withwall rocks. The most Na-rich plagioclase (An39) and Fe-richpyroxene (Wo38 En24 Fs38) are in olivine-free ferrodiorite ofthe central series, about 20 m below the contact with the felsicseries. Evidence from field observations, bulk-rock chemical compositions,and Sr and Nd isotopic data indicate the felsic series formedas a mixture of the initial macrodike magma and granitic countryrock. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of specimens from the felsic series rangebetween 0?7129 and 0?7294. 143Nd/144Nd ratios vary between 0?51208and 0?51118. Both ratios vary serially with the SiO2 contentsof the specimens. We suggest that the felsic series evolvedas a separate body of low density liquid which floated on thedenser gabbroic magma of the central series. Heat from crystallizationof the gabbroic magma must have diffused into the felsic layer,enabling extensive assimilation of the granitic xenoliths, butour data indicate there was very little exchange of chemicalcomponents between the two liquids.  相似文献   

This study investigates Pb isotopic zoning in magmatic K-feldspar megacrysts from the Monte Capanne pluton (Elba, Italy) using Laser Ablation Multi-Collector-ICPMS. The studied crystals provide an ideal opportunity to use in situ techniques to assess the extent of open-system processes and better characterize the components involved in the genesis of complex magma systems. Earlier investigations of the pluton identified the importance of magma mixing between mantle and crustal-derived magmas.The investigated K-feldspar megacrysts exhibit strong zoning in 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb, correlated with lead elemental variations. We interpret these variations as reflecting growth zoning, as opposed to secondary diffusive exchange. Despite a great variety of zoning patterns, we were able to correlate different events of megacryst growth, reflecting crystallization in a dynamic magma system. Our two-step model includes (1) growth of a granitic magma chamber by addition of low 208Pb/206Pb magma to a high 208Pb/206Pb magma contaminated with crustal material (i.e., the megacryst cores) and (2) recharge by mantle-derived magma (i.e., the megacryst rims). We interpret the thorogenic nature of the megacryst rims to reflect the mantle-derived component involved in the mixing process. Taking account of other data from the Tuscan Magmatic Province, the mantle source is inferred to have been metasomatized by continental material during subduction. TIMS Sr isotopic data from microdrilled cores in one megacryst provides general support for the model but show that the two isotopic systems are decoupled.  相似文献   

Over the last several hundred years, Stromboli has been characterizedby steady-state Strombolian activity. The volcanic productsare dominated by degassed and highly porphyritic (HP-magma)black scoria bombs, lapilli and lava flows of basaltic shoshoniticcomposition. Periodically (about one to three events per year),more energetic explosive eruptions also eject light colouredvolatile-rich pumices with low phenocryst content (LP-magma)that have more mafic compositions than the HP-magma. An in situmajor and trace element and Sr isotope microanalysis study ispresented on four samples chosen to characterize the differentmodes of activity at Stromboli: a lava flow (1985–1986effusive event), a scoria bomb from the ‘normal’present-day activity of Stromboli (April 1984), and a scoriaand coeval pumice sample from a recent more explosive eruption(September 1996). Plagioclase (An62–90) and clinopyroxene(Mg-number between 0·69 and 0·91) phenocrystsin all samples record marked major element variations. Largeand comparable Sr isotope variations have been detected in plagioclaseand clinopyroxene. HP-magma crystals have resorbed cores, witheither high 87Sr/86Sr (0·70635–0·70630)or low 87Sr/86Sr (0·70614–0·70608); thelatter values are similar to the values of the outer cores.Mineral rims and glassy groundmasses generally have intermediate87Sr/86Sr (0·70628–0·70613). Similarly,mineral growth zones with three groups of 87Sr/86Sr values characterizeminerals from the LP-pumice, with the lowest values presentin mineral rims and groundmass glass. These results define amixing process between HP- and LP-magmas, plus crystallizationof clinopyroxene, plagioclase and olivine, occurring in a shallowmagma reservoir that feeds the present-day magmatic activityof Stromboli. An important observation is the presence of athird component (high 87Sr/86Sr in mineral cores) consideredto represent a pre-AD 1900 cumulus crystal mush reservoir situatedjust below the shallow magma chamber. These cumulus phases areincorporated by the LP-magma arriving from depth and transportedinto the shallow reservoir. A rapid decrease of 87Sr/86Sr inthe replenishing LP-magma immediately prior to eruption of theAD 1985 lava flow is associated with an increased volume ofLP-magma in the shallow magma chamber. The HP-magma in the shallowreservoir is not fully degassed when it interacts with the LP-magma,making efficient mixing possible that ultimately produces awell overturned homogeneous magma. Further degassing and crystallizationoccur at shallower levels as the HP-magma moves through a conduitto the surface. KEY WORDS: isotopic microsampling; mineral recycling; mixing; Sr isotope disequilibria; Stromboli  相似文献   

The gabbro-diorite-quartz diorite-tonalite (GDT) suite representsthe oldest crustal component in northeastern Egypt; it was emplacedat 881?58 Ma during the early stage of the Pan-African orogeny.Renewed tectono-magmatic processes at the post-orogenic stageproduced the 516?7 Ma trondhjemite (TR) suite that was emplacedinto GDT host rocks. The GDT suite is compositionally broad,with a wide range of SiO2 contents (50–64 wt.%), and isdepleted in K, Rb, Y, Nb, Hf, and REE. The suite shows a smoothvariation in both major and trace elements from gabbro to tonaliteand has a very low Rb/Sr ratio (0?05) and a low initial 87Sr/86Srratio (0?7042). It is calc-alkaline and shows the petrologicalcharacteristics of M-type granites and the trace-element characteristicsof arc-lavas. The GDT suite exhibits REE profiles typical ofisland-arc basalt (IAB), with an (La/Yb)N ratio of 5?5. The trondhjemite is a relatively homogeneous felsic unit (71–75wt. % SiO2) and belongs to the high- Al2O3 continental trondhjemitetype. The TR has a low Rb/Sr ratio (0?16), a low Sr-initialratio (0?7047) and trace-element characteristics of volcanic-arcgranites. It is relatively enriched in Al, Sr, and Ba, depletedin K and Rb, and highly depleted in Y, Nb, Zr, Hf, Ta, and REE,with LREE-depleted, less fractionated patterns [(La/Yb)N=5?3].These features suggest that the TR was derived from a geochemicallyprimitive source. The GDT suite resulted first by the emplacement of a gabbroicmagma, derived possibly from a mantle wedge above an early Pan-Africansubduction zone, and fractionated (48?8% plagioclase, 12?4%augite, 22% amphibole, and 2?9% magnetite, as documented byfractionation modelling) to give the more felsic varieties.Petrogenetic modelling, combined with petrographic and geochemicalfeatures, suggests that the TR magma was produced by non-modalpartial melting of GDT rocks at depth; fractional crystallizationof plagioclase and amphibole controlled the evolution of thisTR magma. This and other studies suggest that post-Archean trondhjemitesare similar to Archean trondhjemites in that they were mostlyproduced via multi-stage development and crustal recycling whichinvolved partial melting of a mafic crustal source.  相似文献   

Textural and compositional zoning in plagioclase phenocrysts in a sample from Parinacota volcano (Chile) was investigated using backscattered electron images and electron microprobe analysis of major and trace elements. Large (2 mm) oscillatory zoned crystals (type I) with resorption surfaces of moderate An discontinuities (Ⲓ% An) and decreasing trace-element contents (Sr, Mg, Ti) towards the rim reflect melt differentiation and turbulent convection in the main magma body. Early recharge with a low-Sr mafic magma is seen in the core. Small-scale Sr variations in the core indicate limited diffusion and thus residence and differentiation times of the magma shorter than a few thousand years. Smaller crystals (type II) with low trace-element/An ratio reflect the influence of an H2O-rich melt probably from a differentiated boundary layer. Closed-system in-situ crystallisation, mafic magma recharge and the role of a water-rich differentiated boundary layer can be distinguished from the An-trace element relationships. Crystals apparently move relatively freely between different parts and regimes in the magma chamber, evidence for "convective crystal dispersion". High-Sr type II crystals indicate an earlier input of Sr-rich mafic magma. Recharge of two distinct mafic magma types is thus identified (high-Sr and low-Sr), which must have been present - at increasing recharge rates with time - in the plumbing system throughout the volcano's history.  相似文献   

The Origin of Rapakivi Texture   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The mantling of large ovoids of K-feldspar by a rim of plagioclasehas been investigated in the rapakivi granites from the Mid-ProterozoicWiborg batholith of SE Finland. The formation of rapakivi texture,in this the type area, was examined using a variety of techniquesincluding isotopic analyses of mineral separates from specifictextural sites. Cathodoluminescence combined with microprobeanalysis points to the pulsed development of the mantles involvinggrowth of successive plagioclases of composition An30, An25,and An3, the last being in optical continuity with perthiticplagioclase exsolved from the K-feldspar. Plagioclase mantleshave high 18O and 87Sr/86 signatures relative to K-feldspar,which indicate the presence of a late, low-temperature componentthought to represent albite exsolved from the K-feldspar andredistributed onto the ovoid margin. Oligoclase components ofthe mantles are formed by a similar, although higher-temperaturemagmatic process. This involves the subsolvus re-equilibrationof alkali feldspar compositions with evolving melt conditions.Redistribution of the exsolved plagioclase from the alkali feldsparphenocrysts is linked to high fluorine contents of rapakivi-typemagmas, and this major reconstruction of the feldspar phenocrystsgenerates their distinctive ovoidal shape.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that porphyry Cu deposits contain large amounts of Cu in one or more small stocks, few studies have discussed evidence for significant magma recharge in porphyry Cu deposits. A systematic elemental and Sr isotopic study of plagioclase crystals from mineralized diorite and granodiorite porphyry constrains the processes of crystallization and magma recharge at the Baogutu reduced porphyry copper deposit, western Junggar, NW-China. Large compositional changes in An (12–24 mol%) are observed along with strong positive correlations between An and FeO. Significant resorption textures are also preserved in plagioclase crystals as well as repeated oscillatory zoning in An and FeO, and complex Sr isotope variations. Three types of crystals with different core-to-rim Sr isotope variations are recognized. Type I crystals have core-to-rim increases in (87Sr/86Sr)i that could be explained by diffusion. For example, Sr isotope variations recorded in BCK2-1-2 crystal could be generated by diffusion with simulated maximum crystal residence times of 100–500 years with the proximate value of ∼300 years. Type II crystals with different variation trends in (87Sr/86Sr)i on opposite sides of the core could be produced either by multi-stage crystallization or by analytical uncertainty. Whereas, type III crystals with complex core-to-rim variations in (87Sr/86Sr)i, may record repeated magma recharge events. All these results suggest repeated recharging of the magma chamber by hotter, more mafic and less radiogenic Sr isotope melts. Therefore, more mafic melt injection recorded in plagioclase profiles may provide significant metal contributions to the magma chamber, which ultimately results in Cu mineralization at the Baogutu reduced porphyry copper deposit.  相似文献   

Mesozoic granitoid plutons in the southern Death Valley region of southeastern California reveal substantial compositional and isotopic diversity for Mesozoic magmatism in the southwestern US Cordillera. Jurassic plutons of the region are mainly calc-alkaline mafic granodiorites with )Ndi of -5 to -16, 87Sr/86Sri of 0.707-0.726, and 206Pb/204Pbi of 17.5-20.0. Cretaceous granitoids of the region are mainly monzogranites with )Ndi of -6 to -19, 87Sr/86Sri of 0.707-0.723, and 206Pb/204Pbi of 17.4-18.6. The granitoids were generated by mixing of mantle-derived mafic melts and pre-existing crust - some of the Cretaceous plutons represent melting of Paleoproterozoic crust that, in the southern Death Valley region, is exceptionally heterogeneous. A Cretaceous gabbro on the southern flank of the region has an unusually juvenile composition ()Ndi -3.2, 87Sr/86Sri 0.7060). Geographic position of the Mesozoic plutons and comparison with Cordilleran plutonism in the Mojave Desert show that the Precambrian lithosphere (craton margin) in the eastern Mojave Desert region may consists of two crustal blocks separated by a more juvenile terrane.  相似文献   

In the southern Pannonian Basin, the Variscan Barrovian- and overprinted Abukuma-type progressive metamorphic sequences of the South Tisia in Slavonian Mts. (SM) and Mt. Moslava)ka Gora (MG) are interlayered with orthoamphibolites. These sequences represent part of a disrupted Variscan belt that extends southeastwards of the Bohemian Massif through the Carpathians to the Caucasus. Orthoamphibolites contain hornblende (Mg-hornblende, tschermakite, pargasite, and edenite), plagioclase An48-98 (MG) and An26-35 (SM), biotite, grossular (MG) and almandine (SM) enriched garnet, diopside (MG), with accessory ilmenite, titanite, and clinozoisite. Based on major and trace element analyses and CIPW norms, these orthoamphibolites, which originally were olivine tholeiites to slightly alkalic basalts, can be correlated with tholeiites of consuming plate margins. '18O of orthoamphibolites varies from 5.8 to 7.1‰, the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratio from 0.70435 to 0.70665, which indicates slight continental crust contamination, and the calculated ratio from 0.70262 to 0.70535, indicating an upper mantle origin of the original basaltic melts. For associated penecontemporaneous I-type granitoids, the calculated initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio also have upper mantle values ranging between 0.70293 and 0.70368. Geochemical data for orthoamphibolites and the associated penecontemporaneous I-type granites, and the occurrence of alpine-type ultramafic bodies within the Barrovian sequence, indicate that they have many features in common with orogenic associations related to recent subduction-related settings. Some characteristic element ratios suggest back-arc basin environments and the Ce/K vs. Ce diagram suggests a pargasite-lherzolite source. Its partial melting gave primitive basaltic melts of olivine tholeiite to slight alkalic affinities that produced at first differentiated mafic rocks by olivine fractionation (future orthoamphibolites) and, afterwards, a strongly differentiated suite of I-type granitoids by amphibole fractionation. Magma emplacement and subsequent AFC processes took place in subduction environments preceding the main Variscan deformational metamorphic event during which orthoamphibolites were generated. This interpretation is compatible with geodynamic modeling of this part of the Paleotethys.  相似文献   

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