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An experiment was carried out at Nahshala Farm, north west of Al-Ain City, U.A.E. during the 1998–2000 growing seasons, using six halophytes (Batis maritima, Distichlis spicata, Juncus roemerianus, Paspalum vaginatum, Salicornia bigelovii and Spartina alterniflora) and two levels of leaching fraction (0·25 and 0·50) under three irrigation salinity levels (10, 20, and 40 gL−1) in a randomized complete block design arranged in split plots. The purpose of the research was to apply the theory of crop salt tolerance on aboveground yields and agronomic characteristics of halophytes to determine their thresholds for salinity and to determine leaching requirements. The results indicated that the halophyte species tested can grow with minimum reduction in the growth potential at <20 gL−1of mean salinity of soil solution. Leaching fraction (LF) of 0·25 at the highest salinity of irrigation water (40 gL−1) was inadequate to attain the steady-state salt balance during the growth period, although the drainage salinity reached more than 90 g L−1. Furthermore, if the same level of LF is used for longer period, soil salinity under this high salt treatment will continue to rise, and plant growth may deteriorate. Leaching fraction of 0·50 is preferable if salinity of irrigation water was more than 20 gL−1and dry matter production is considered, although the amount of water use will be excessive  相似文献   

山东乡村居民收入地域差异及其形成机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡村收入差异是地域空间分异的重要组成部分,从地域结构以及形成机制出发,研究乡村农民人均收入的空间差异,是当前农民人均收入差异研究的新趋势。通过研究发现,山东省农民人均收入差异主要由地市间的差异造成;从收入来源来看,农民经营性收入以及农民工资性收入差异已经成为造成山东省农民人均收入差异的主要根源。山东省城镇化空间格局可以通过城市夜间灯光图进行直观反映,通过对比发现,山东省农民收入差异的空间格局与山东省城市化空间格局相类似,呈四点两带分布,即青岛、烟台、济南、济宁、胶济带、沿海带的农民人均收入最高,其主要原因在于:受非农化与非粮化影响,城市化水平较高的地区农民增收机会较多。  相似文献   

提高西北旱作农业干旱监测准确性和时效性,对农业生产防灾减灾有重要意义。利用甘肃省3个农业气象观测站长期土壤水分和冬小麦生育状况观测资料、1971—2016年43个冬小麦种植县气象观测资料及产量资料,基于冬小麦播前底墒和生育期水分盈亏量修订了作物水分盈亏指数,并确定了干旱等级指标,改进后作物水分盈亏指数与土壤贮水和冬小麦减产率高度相关,能更准确的反映甘肃省冬小麦干旱实况,并利用ArcGIS分析了近46 a甘肃省冬小麦不同生育期、不同等级干旱发生频率的时空分布特征。结果表明:甘肃省冬小麦从播种至开花期随着发育期推移,呈现干旱频率增加、范围扩大的趋势,多以中旱居多,其中拔节—开花期发生面积最大,陇中、庆阳市北部、平凉市西部、天水市西部、陇南市南部干旱出现频率较高;开花—成熟期随着降水量增加干旱发生频率减少、程度减轻。  相似文献   

人力资本的差异主要体现在各地区人力资本的存量、质量以及人力资本丰度等方面,运用主成分分析法从影响人力资本区域差异的20个因素中提取了经济发展水平、区域流通度、科技潜力、教育培训4个综合指标.在此基础上,分析了山东省人力资本区域差异的形成机制,目的是为了进一步探寻缩小人力资本区域差异的有效途径,即加大教育投资,扶持落后地区教育事业;加强西部地区的人才流动,提高区域流通度;加快经济发展,提高区域人力资本的需求拉力;加强政府调控,平衡区域人力资本格局.  相似文献   

基于SSM/I数据的淮河流域洪涝监测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以淮河流域为研究区域,基于被动微波遥感SSM/I数据计算的极化比值指数PRI和RAT技术,提出极化比值变化指数PRVI。利用淮河流域1988~2005年6月下旬到7月期间的PRVI数据研究了淮河流域的洪涝时空特征,重点分析了发生流域性大洪水的1991年和2003年的洪涝特征,研究发现:淮河流域发生严重洪涝灾害的主要表现特征之一是淮河干流中游及其向北岸、上游和下游方向延伸约100km,向南岸延伸到流域南界的区域出现PRVI高值带,并结合淮河流域的自然环境分析了PRVI高值带出现的原因,指出PRVI高值带包括了大部分沿淮河干流的湖泊、洼地、行蓄洪区,支流河口、下游洼地等。进一步认为高值带内的PRVI值越大,高值带的面积越大,洪涝灾害越严重,防汛形势越严峻。这一结论对淮河流域洪涝灾害的监测和预警具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

通过对西北东部地区1470-1912年干旱灾害历史资料的搜集整理,根据干旱发生强度、持续时间、发生范围,定义了强旱事件,建立了极旱因子模型,复原了443年西北东部地区极端干旱事件,并根据时间分形原理,挖掘出极旱事件时间序列的分维特征。经过对比分析得到以下结论:建立的模型结果与记载结果具有显著的相似性;全序列旱灾时间分维值随极旱强度的增加而降低,与极旱发生周期呈反位相关系;各类别极旱有自己的时间重演律,极旱程度越轻,无标度区越宽,分维值越高,短周期比较明显。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化背景下,各地极端气候事件有上升趋势。其中以洪涝和干旱灾害对人类生活的影响最大、最频繁。在长期应对干旱灾害的经历中,北美洲各国逐渐形成了较为完善的干旱灾害应对模式,通过立法、风险管理、制定干旱计划、工程措施与非工程措施相结合等多种手段降低干旱灾害带来的损失。通过文献查阅与综述方法,结合北美洲国家相关网站介绍...  相似文献   

Lablab purpureus(50 cultivars throughout the world) is a drought-tolerant legume widely grown as a high-protein grain food and forage legume within a wide range of neotropical regions with extensive production in India and similar climatic areas of Asia, Africa, Central and South America. The objective of this work was to study the nitrogen-fixing potentialities of L. purpureus under the effects of the extreme environmental conditions prevailing in the southern part of Egypt aiming at the recommendation of its propagation in areas of the National giant projects.L. purpureusinoculated with Rhizobium sp. Strain I4 (21 days after planting) grown on Nile valley and Wadi Allaqi soils was relatively tolerant to mild levels of salinity, but the nodule number was reduced to about 35% of the control plants when subjected to a high salt level (120mM NaCl). Lablab plants were similarly affected by different rates of water deficits. This legume was tolerant to moderate levels of drought. The nodule number and weight at 50% of field capacity was about 70% of the control. These values were reduced to 45–55% at a field capacity of 16·5%.Absolute nitrogenase activity, leghaemoglobin content of nodules and protein content of bacteroids and cytosol were moderately affected by mild levels of NaCl and drought but significantly reduced to about 25–35% of the control treatments.The results also indicate that plants grown on the soil of Nile Valley exhibited slightly higher values (nitrogenase, protein, etc.) than those grown on Wadi Allaqi soil. This would encourage the possibility of propagating L. purpureus in the newly reclaimed areas of southern Egypt.  相似文献   

干旱是一种常见且严重的自然灾害,极大地影响着我国的农业生产。以河南省为例,利用MODIS产品植被指数和地表温度数据,构建表征区域干旱特征的植被供水指数(VSWIN、VSWIE),并与河南省16个国家级气象站点数据计算的2000-2016年不同时间尺度的标准化降水指数(SPI)进行对比分析。结果表明:VSWIE比VSWIN更适用于河南省干旱的研究;3个月和12个月尺度的SPI值与VSWI的相关性较高;从时间上看,河南省发生干旱频率较高,春旱和夏旱发生频率分别为0.33和0.30,总体干旱趋势更加明显,其中春旱最严重的是2000年,夏旱最严重的是2014年;从空间上来看,豫北和豫西地区比豫南干旱程度严重。  相似文献   

近50年河北省干旱时空分布特征   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
闫峰  王艳姣  吴波 《地理研究》2010,29(3):423-430
干旱是影响我国的主要气象灾害之一,本文采用标准化降水指数SPI作为干旱评价因子对近50年来河北省干旱的时空变化特征进行了研究,得出以下主要结论:(1)春季干旱最为严重,干旱率呈逐渐降低的趋势,夏季干旱率呈逐渐增加、秋季和冬季干旱率略有降低的趋势;(2)春季干旱在20世纪70年代最为严重,夏季、秋季和冬季的年代际干旱分别以2000年以来、20世纪60年代和90年代最为严重;(3)春季干旱发生概率均大于20%,发生概率大于30%的旱情多发地区在各市均有分布;全省大部分地区夏季、秋季和冬季干旱发生概率为20%~30%,夏季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省北部和西南部,秋季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省西部和南部,冬季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省北部。  相似文献   

基于武威市1949~2013年65 a的社会经济统计数据,以县域为基本单元构建乡村性指标体系,通过测算各县区乡村性指数和分异指数来分析乡村性的时间演变和空间分异,并从社会经济和技术经济两个维度探讨了乡村性演变的影响因素。结果表明: 1949~2013年间武威市各县区乡村性指数总体呈减弱趋势,但减弱幅度和速度存在差异。各县区乡村性分异指数呈波动增长趋势,2000年以后乡村性分异指数急剧增长,表明各县区乡村性差异越来越大。社会经济和技术经济是影响乡村性变动的两大动因,各因素的发展致使城乡差距缩小、乡村性水平减弱、城乡一体化发展趋势明显。  相似文献   

The characteristics of water vapor transport (WVT) over China and its relationship with precipitation anomalies in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) are analyzed by using the upper-air station data in China and ECMWF reanalysis data in summer from 1981 to 2002. The results indicate that the first mode of the vertically integrated WVT is significant whose spatial distribution presents water vapor convergence or divergence in the YRB. When the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) is strong and shifts southward and westward, the Indian Monsoon Low Pressure (IMLP) is weak, and the northern part of China stands behind the middle and high latitude trough, a large amount of water vapor from the Bay of Bengal (BOB), the South China Sea (SCS) and the western Pacific forms a strong and steady southwest WVT band and meets the strong cold water vapor from northern China in the YRB, thus it is likely to cause flood in the YRB. When WPSH is weak and shifts northward and eastward, IMLP is strong, and there is nearly straight west wind over the middle and high latitude, it is unfavorable for oceanic vapor extending to China and no steady and strong southwest WVT exists in the region south of the YRB. Meanwhile, the cold air from northern China is weak and can hardly be transported to the YRB. This brings on no obvious water vapor convergence, and then less precipitation in the YRB.  相似文献   

The characteristics of water vapor transport (WVT) over China and its relationship with precipitation anomalies in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) are analyzed by using the upper-air station data in China and ECMWF reanalysis data in summer from 1981 to 2002. The results indicate that the first mode of the vertically integrated WVT is significant whose spatial distribution presents water vapor convergence or divergence in the YRB. When the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) is strong and shifts southward and westward, the Indian Monsoon Low Pressure (IMLP) is weak, and the northern part of China stands behind the middle and high latitude trough, a large amount of water vapor from the Bay of Bengal (BOB), the South China Sea (SCS) and the western Pacific forms a strong and steady southwest WVT band and meets the strong cold water vapor from northern China in the YRB, thus it is likely to cause flood in the YRB. When WPSH is weak and shifts northward and eastward, IMLP is strong, and there is nearly straight west wind over the middle and high latitude, it is unfavorable for oceanic vapor extending to China and no steady and strong southwest WVT exists in the region south of the YRB. Meanwhile, the cold air from northern China is weak and can hardly be transported to the YRB. This brings on no obvious water vapor convergence, and then less precipitation in the YRB. Foundation: International Technology Cooperation Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, No. 2007DFB20210; Application Technology Research and Development Project of Sichuan Province, No. 2008NG0009; Basic Research Foundation of Institute of Chengdu Plateau, China Meteorological Administration, No.BROP2000802 Author: Jiang Xingwen (1983–), specialized in the study of climate diagnosis.  相似文献   

以山东省王景河村为例,通过实地调研和访谈的方式获取数据资料,分析农村发展中的环境现状,从村级和农户层面探讨农民生活生产行为方式对环境的影响,总结和归纳农村发展中环境问题的形成机制,提出农村环境问题管理的创新路径。研究结果表明:(1)农村环境问题主要表现为农业污染、农村生活污染和农村工业污染所形成的复合型污染;(2)农村经济发展模式粗放、农户环保意识淡薄、城乡环境管理的二元化、土地产权设置不合理等造成了农村环境的恶化,同时农民由农村传统生活方式向城市生活方式转变也对农村环境产生不利的影响。  相似文献   

基于自然灾害风险理论,利用海南省18个站点气象资料、瓜菜生产和社会经济要素资料,通过灾情反演,构建苗期湿涝、冬季寒害和春季干旱致灾等级指标。综合致灾、孕灾、灾损、防灾能力,进行瓜菜气象灾害的综合风险分析与区划。结果表明:苗期湿涝危险性从西南至东北增加,春季干旱危险性东西高、中间低;西瓜寒害危险性从中部向两边减小,豇豆和丝瓜寒害危险性从南往北加重,辣椒寒害危险性从东南到西北增加;苗期湿涝孕灾环境敏感性从中部山区向沿海和平原地区增加,春季干旱和冬季寒害趋势相反;瓜菜灾损风险和防灾能力在区域上存在明显差异;西瓜、豇豆和辣椒气象灾害综合风险总体趋势一致,高风险区集中在海南东部地区;丝瓜气象灾害综合风险高值区在北部地区。  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) within an ecosystem is crucial for the water-limited environment that currently lacks adequate quantification in the arid region of Northwest China, mainly covered by phreatophytes, such as the Populus euphratica Oliv. tree and the Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. shrub species. Accordingly, ET was measured for an entire year using eddy covariance (EC) in P. euphratica stands in the lower Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. During the growing season, the total ET was 850 mm, with a mean of 4.0 mm/d, which is obviously more than that observed at tree-level and standlevel scales, which was likely due to the different level of soil evaporation induced by irrigation via water conveyance. Factors associated with ET fall into either environmental or plant eco-physiological categories. Environmental factors account for at least 79% variation of ET, and the linear relationship between ET and the groundwater table (GWT) revealed the potential water use of P. euphratica forests under the non-water stress condition with the GWT less than 3 m deep. Plant eco-physiological parameters, specifically the leaf area index (LAI), have direct impact on the seasonal pattern of ET, which provides a valuable reference to the wide-area estimates of ET for riparian forests by using LAI. In conclusion, P.euphratica forests have high water use after water conveyance, which may be the result of long-term adapting to local climates and limited water availability.  相似文献   

山东省城市土地集约利用与城镇化协调发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市土地集约利用与新型城镇化协调发展是当前土地管理学的核心问题.运用主成分分析与熵权的综合确权法,基于协调发展度、相对发展度模型探讨2011-2014年山东省城市土地集约利用与新型城镇化协调发展关系.结果表明:① 山东省城市土地集约利用与新型城镇化协调发展关系呈逐步优化趋势.② 山东省城市土地集约利用与新型城镇化协调关系片状分区特征明显,鲁东地区协调发展水平最高,形成以济南、青岛、烟台、威海为核心的协调发展度"高峰区";鲁中地区协调发展水平总体不高,但优化趋势显著;鲁西南地区协调发展水平较低,协调发展优化速度相对缓慢,属于土地集约利用与新型城镇化发展"双低"区域.③ 山东省城市土地集约利用与新型城镇化之间往往并非同步变化,新型城镇化发展程度总体上超前于城市土地集约利用.  相似文献   

近20年吉林西部水旱灾害变化特征及机理研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吉林西部水旱灾害频繁发生。特别是自1980年以来,水旱灾害造成的成灾面积及其损失呈快速增长的趋势,这与我国和世界其它地区水旱灾害增多的趋势相一致。以往大多认为这一趋势是全球变化和自然因素引起的。文章通过对吉林西部人类活动与生态环境的互动关系研究,发现造成这一趋势的原因是人类对自然不合理活动所引起的生态环境退化如土地的沙漠化、盐碱化,草地的严重退化和社会其它因素。  相似文献   

Research for changes of soil water and salt is an important content of land sciences and agriculture sciences in arid and semi arid regions. In this paper, sampling in actual agricultural fields, laboratory analysis of soil samples and statistical analysis methods are used to quantitatively analyze soil salinity changes under different irrigation methods throughout the cotton growing season in Shihezi reclamation area. The results show that irrigation methods play an important role in soil salt content in the surface soil (0-20 cm) and sub-deep soil (40-60 cm), followed by deep soil layer (60-100 cm) and root soil layer (20-40 cm). Furrow irrigation yields the maximum soil salt content in deep layer (60-100 cm) or sub-deep layer (40-60 cm) and the maximum salinity occurs in the first half of the cotton growing season (June or earlier). In contrast, drip irrigation yields the maximum soil salinity in the root layer (20-40 cm) or sub-deep (40-60 cm), and this usually appears in the second half growing season (July or after). The ratio of chloride ion to sulfate ion (Cl-/SO42-) and its change in the soil are on the rise under furrow irrigation, while the value first increased and then decreased with a peak point in June under drip irrigation. This suggests that furrow irrigation may shift the type of soil salinization to chloride ion type moreso than drip irrigation. Potassium and sodium ion contents of the soil show that soil sodium+potassium content will drop after the first rise under furrow irrigation and the value is manifested by fluctuations under drip irrigation. Potassium+sodium content change is relatively more stable in the whole cotton growth period under irrigation methods. The maximum of sodium and potassium content of the soil usually occur in deep soil layer (60-100 cm) or sub-deep soil layer (40-60 cm) in most sample points under furrow irrigation while it is inconsistent in different sample points under drip irrigation. A nonparametric test for paired samples is used to analyze differences of soil salt content under different irrigation methods. This analysis shows that the impact of irrigation on soil salinity is most significant in July, followed by August, June, May, and April in most sample points. The most significant impact of irrigation methods occurs in the surface soil layer (0-20 cm), followed by deep layer (60-100 cm), root layer (20-40 cm) and sub-deep (40-60 cm). These conclusions will be benefitial for mitigation of soil salinization, irrigation and fertilization and sustainable land use.  相似文献   

浙江省工业型村落:发展模式及其形成动力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业型村落是中国新农村建设中的一种典型村落类型.浙江省工业型村落在空间表现为"块状经济"形态,其空间分布与各地级市的经济发展水平基本一致,局部地区出现了"跨越式"发展.浙江省工业型村落的形成模式与浙江省农村工业化密切相关,按照地域不同,表现分为综合型模式和内生型模式两种,而尤以内生型模式最具浙江特色.作者认为,这种特色村落模式是在其深刻的内部动力和外部动力的作用下形成的.通过对村落形成动力的综合分析,作者认为其发展路径表现为改革开放条件下的历史偶然性与路径依赖,并对此进行分析.最后,文章对主要观点做了概括和思考.  相似文献   

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