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1997年第二季度,全球地震活动又恢复到高水平。大洋岛弧带的瓦努阿图群岛北部发生一次7.9级地震,美洲地震带地震活动持续发展,东太平洋海岭地震趋向活跃。伊朗东北部霍拉桑省发生7.5级地震。亚欧带地震活动于中段地区出现集中现象。中国新疆伽师地区4月份连续发生4次6级左右地震。  相似文献   

1995年第三季度,全球地震活动为显著的高水平,其活动强度与第二季度相近,智利北部近海和所罗门群岛先后发生Ms7.7以上大地震,时间仅相隔半月。墨西哥和缅甸中国边界附近分别发生7.2级地震。全球各大地震带呈现全面活跃的局面。亚欧带东段地震活动强于西段,未来亚欧带也有可能出现Ms7.7以上地震,以发生于西段较为可能。  相似文献   

全球地震危险性评估计划(GSHAP)的全球地震危险性图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言最大限度地减少地震造成的生命损失及财产、社会和经济破坏取决于对地震危险性的可靠评估。国家、州、地方政府、决策者、工程师、计划者、应急响应组织、建筑者、大学以及公众需要地震危险性评估 ,以进行土地利用规划、改进建筑设计和建筑方法 (包括实施建筑规范 )、应急响应准备计划、经济预测、住房和实施决策以及更多类型的减缓危险的工作。GSHAP旨在通过以下方式帮助全球减缓危险 :提供可用的全球地震危险性框架 ,并负责向任何国家或区域机构提供适于他们所需的更详细的研究。 GSHAP是国际岩石圈计划( ILP)在国际科学协会理…  相似文献   

地震目录是研究地震活动性的基本资料。然而地震目录的内容不仅反映了地震活动性的真实变化,也混杂了人为因素引起的变化。这些人为因素包括,台网监测能力的增强或减弱,台网测定震级的系统偏差等。本文首先讨论了对地震频度和平均震级进行z检验以研究地震活动性和识别人为变化的方法,继而对京津唐张地区的资料进行z检验。计算结果表明,北京台网的监测能力在1966年和1984年后曾经有过两次提高,这与北京遥测台网网志的报告大体一致。计算结果也反映出当前台网在震级确定上还存在一些系统偏差,文中讨论了这些偏差对客观地研究地震活动性和地震预报的影响,指出了排除人为因素对地震活动性研究的重要意义。  相似文献   

1994年第一季度,全球地震活动仍为中等水平,三个月内共发生三次7级以上浅源地震。秘鲁-玻利维亚边界发生大深震。美国加州又发生强烈地震。大洋岛弧地震带本季度地震活跃。伊朗发生三次6级地震。  相似文献   

An approximate absorption correction is proposed that can be applied retroactively to the response of a perfectly elastic medium, not decomposed into elementary waves, for example in the finite-difference method. As the duration of excitation decreases, the approximate correction approaches the exact, and becomes quite exact for impulsive excitation. The correction makes use of the perfectly elastic response and dissipation operator, but their relation is not simply convolutory. The method is restricted to a spatially constant Q with an arbitrary power-law frequency dependence. The advantage of the approximate solutions, as compared to the exact, in which the absorption is included in the equation of motion, is in a considerable saving of computer time if several absorption models (or several Q values) are repeatedly applied to the same structure. The simplest computations are for Q linearly dependent of the frequency, where the absorption correction reduces to an exponential time windowing.  相似文献   

— In this paper, an overview of the calculation of synthetic seismograms using the Gaussian beam method is presented accompanied by some representative applications and new extensions of the method. Since caustics are a frequent occurrence in seismic wave propagation, modifications to ray theory are often necessary. In the Gaussian beam method, a summation of paraxial Gaussian beams is used to describe the propagation of high-frequency wave fields in smoothly varying inhomogeneous media. Since the beam components are always nonsingular, the method provides stable results over a range of beam parameters. The method has been shown, however, to perform better for some problems when different combinations of beam parameters are used. Nonetheless, with a better understanding of the method as well as new extensions, the summation of Gaussian beams will continue to be a useful tool for the modeling of high-frequency seismic waves in heterogeneous media.  相似文献   

The authors proposed a method for obtaining high-quality acceleration seismograms from velocity type seismograms of digital Seismographic network, and took as an example the analysis and processing of the seismograms of a same earthquake that was simultaneously recorded by velocity seismograph CTS1-EDAS24 and strong motion seismograph EST-Q4128 installed in Jixian Station, Tianjin. The calculation steps and the processing method have been discussed in detail. From the analysis and the comparison of the obtained results, it is concluded that the proposed method is simple and effective, and it broadens the application of digital seismographic network.  相似文献   

We employed multilayer perceptrons (MLP), self organizing feature maps (SOFM), and learning vector quantization (LVQ) to reveal and interpret statistically significant features of different categories of waveform parameter vectors extracted from three-component WEBNET velocigrams. In this contribution we present and discuss in a summarizing manner the results of (i) SOFM classification and MLP discrimination between microearthquakes and explosions on the basis of single-station spectral and amplitude parameter vectors, (ii) SOFM/LVQ recognition of initial onset polarities from PV'-waveforms, and (iii) a source mechanism study of the January 1997 microearthquake swarm based on SOFM classification of combined multi-station PV-onset polarity and SH/PVamplitude ratio (CPA) data. Unsupervised SOFM classification of 497 NKC seismograms revealed that the best discriminants are pure spectral parameter vectors for the recognition of microearthquakes (reliability 95% with 30 spectral parameters), and mixed amplitude and spectral parameter vectors for the recognition of explosions (reliability 98% with 41 amplitude and 30 spectral parameters). The optimal MLP, trained with the standard backpropagation error method by one randomly selected half of a set of 312 mixed (7 amplitude and 7 spectral) single-station (NKC) microearthquake and explosion parameter vectors and tested by the other half-set, and vice versa, correctly classified, on average, 99% of all events. From a set of NKC PV-waveform vectors for 375 events, the optimal LVQ net correctly classified, on average, 98% of all up and 97% of all down onsets, and assigned the likely correct polarity to 85% of the onsets that were visually classified as uncertain. Optimal SOFM architectures categorized the CPA parameter vector sets for 145 January 97 events individually for each of five stations (KOC, KRC, SKC, NKC, LAC) quite unambiguously and stable into three statistically significant classes. The nature of the coincidence of these classes among the stations that provided most reliable mechanism-relevant information (KOC, KRC, SKC) points at the occurence of further seven statistically significant subclassses of mechanisms during the swarm. The ten neural classes of focal mechanisms coincide fairly well with those obtained by moment tensor inversion of P and SH polarities and amplitudes extracted from the seismograms interactively. The obtained results, together with those of refined hypocenter location, imply that the focal area consisted of three dominant faults and at least seven subfaults within a volume of not more than 1 km in diameter that likely were seismically activated by vertical stress from underneath.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe a managing system for a unique Romanian database of historical seismograms and complementary documentation (metadata) and its dissemination and analysis procedure. For this study, 5188 historical seismograms recorded between 1903 and 1957 by the Romanian seismological observatories (Bucharest-Filaret, Foc?ani, Bac?u, Vrincioaia, Câmpulung-Muscel, Ia?i) were used. In order to reconsider the historical instrumental data, the analog seismograms are converted to digital images and digital waveforms (digitization/ vectorialisation). First, we applied a careful scanning procedure of the seismograms and related material (seismic bulletins, station books, etc.). In a next step, the high resolution scanned seismograms will be processed to obtain the digital/numeric waveforms. We used a Colortrac Smartlf Cx40 scanner which provides images in TIFF or JPG format. For digitization the algorithm Teseo2 developed by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome (Italy), within the framework of the SISMOS Project, will be used.  相似文献   

Approximate expressions for elementary seismograms of seismic body waves propagating in media with small causal absorption are derived. Special attention is devoted to modulated signals with a smooth envelope, for which especially simple formulae were obtained. The derived expressions give a good picture of all important effects of causal absorption, viz., the frequency dependent exponential decrease of amplitude, the velocity dispersion related to absorption, and the decrease of the prevailing frequency.  相似文献   

— The effects of interfaces and velocity gradients on wide-angle seismic attributes are investigated using synthetic seismograms. The seismic attributes considered include envelope amplitude, pulse instantaneous frequency, and arrival time of selected phases. For models with interfaces and homogeneous layers, head waves can propagate which have lower amplitudes, as well as frequency content, compared to the direct arrivals. For media with interfaces and velocity gradients, higher amplitude diving waves and interference waves can also occur. The Gaussian beam and reflectivity methods are used to compute synthetic seismograms for simple models with interfaces and gradients. From the results of these methods, seismic attributes are obtained and compared. It was found that both methods were able to simulate wide-angle seismic attributes for the simple models considered. The advantage of using the Gaussian beam method for seismic modeling and inversion is that it is fast and also asymptotically valid for laterally varying media.  相似文献   

—An algorithm has been developed to compute the dispersive and dissipative seismic response using FUTTERMAN’S (1962) third attenuation-dispersion relationship. In the computation, frequency-dependent velocity and quality factor Q have been used but in the case of the nondispersive synthetic seismogram, frequency-independent velocity has been used. The model’s parameters are density, phase velocity, quality factors and thicknesses of the layers. Dispersive and nondispersive synthetic seismograms have been computed with and without absorption for a layered earth geological model. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique has been adopted for converting the frequency domain response into the time domain. The frequency spacing, Δf = 0.976?Hz, has been considered to avoid the aliasing effect. The results have revealed changes in the reflected waveforms in the frequency domain as well as in the time domain for absorption and dispersion cases. It is also concluded that dispersion reduces the arrival time and this effect is increasing with the travel time. The effect of constant Q on the seismic response has also been studied.  相似文献   

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