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豫西济源盆地位于秦岭造山带北部, 是三叠纪-侏罗纪秦岭造山带的同造山盆地.对济源盆地中三叠世-中侏罗世6个组的碎屑锆石样品进行了LA-ICP-MS的U-Pb年龄分析.结果表明, 碎屑锆石年龄主要分布于以下区间: 2.9~1.7 Ga、1.6~1.0 Ga、1.0~0.8 Ga、800~650 Ma、520~380 Ma、350~245 Ma和~220 Ma, 其中除了2.9~1.7 Ga的碎屑锆石主要来自于华北克拉通基底外, 其他几个年龄段的锆石则主要来自于秦岭造山带, 并且显示出随着地层年龄的逐渐变新, 碎屑锆石年龄有逐渐变老的趋势.在中三叠世-晚三叠世早期样品中, 主要年龄是350~245 Ma, 在晚三叠世晚期-中侏罗世早期样品中, 1.6~1.0 Ga、1.0~0.8 Ga、800~650 Ma和520~380 Ma则逐渐增多, 到了中侏罗世晚期, 1.6~1.0 Ga和520~380 Ma依然存在于样品中, 并且还发现了~220 Ma年龄.碎屑锆石年龄结构指示了秦岭造山带印支期经历了由年轻的盖层到较老的基底的去顶过程.并与合肥、黄石盆地的碎屑锆石数据对比发现, 早侏罗世时, 去顶强度东强西弱; 东部高压-超高压变质岩或晚三叠世岩体可能暴露于早侏罗世, 而西部则到了中侏罗世.   相似文献   

An overview is provided of fossil echinoderm taxa recovered from the Jurassic (Lias Group) and Triassic (Penarth Group) of Ireland. Despite limited outcrop and generally poor exposure, at least 12 species are recorded (6 crinoids, 2 echinoids, 3 ophiuroids and one asteroid), with significant new material recovered from an early Hettangian lagerstätte. The crinoid Isocrinus angulatus (Fraas, 1858), omitted from an earlier Palaeontographical Society Monograph on Lower Jurassic crinoids, is described based on articulated material.  相似文献   

贵州瓮安地区上震旦统碳同位素特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
周传明 《地层学杂志》1997,21(2):124-129
贵州瓮安磷矿上震旦统碳同位素组成显示,δ13C值在垂向地层序列中的变化有明显的规律性。陡山沱组底部白云岩δ13C为负值,向上碳同位素值发生显著正飘移,然后,除在陡山沱组中部δ13C值有所下降外,δ13C值基本上保持在+2‰左右,一直持续到灯影组。瓮安地区上震旦统碳同位素剖面表现出与湖北峡东及世界其它地区同期碳同位素剖面极大的相似性,显示它们反映了末元古代海水碳同位素值的长期变化趋势。  相似文献   

正1 Introduction The end-Triassic mass extinction event is one of the five global mass extinctions,and destroyed both the marine and terrestrial biological worlds.Though years the marine endTriassic mass extinction (ETE) event has been widely studied and discussed,and the standard marine Triassic/Jurassic boundary (TJB)(base-Jurassic) has also been determined.However,regarding the terrestrial world there are still lot of  相似文献   

The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and strontium concentrations for thirty-three samples of marine carbonate rocks of Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic age have been determined. The samples were collected from four measured sections in the areas of Val Camonica in northern Italy. The strontium concentrations vary from 40 to 7000 ppm. Most of the samples are calcitic limestones containing less than 10% of non-carbonate residues. Dolomitic samples and those containing appreciable non-carbonate residues have significantly diminished strontium concentrations. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the carbonate phases of these rocks appear to be unaffected by dolomitization and by the presence of non-carbonate minerals. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the formations vary systematically in a stratigraphic sense. The ratio increased from Early Anisian to Early-Middle Ladinian, declined during Late Ladinian and Carnian, rose again during the Norian and then declined throughout the Late Norian (Rhaetian), Hettangian, Sinemurian and Pliens-bachian ages. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios, relative to 0.7080 for the Eimer and Amend standard, are: Anisian: 0.70805 ± 00019; Early Ladinian: 0.7085 ± 0.00038; Late Ladinian: 0.70791 ± 0.00013; Carnian: 0.70776 ± 0.00015; Norian and Rhaetian: 0.70791 ± 0.00014; Hettangian: 0.70762 ± 0.00021; Sinemurian: 0.7070 ± 0.00038; Pliensbachian: 0.7070 ± 0.00015. These variations reflect changes in the isotopic composition of Sr entering the oceans in early Mesozoic time due to varying rates of weathering and erosion of young volcanic rocks (low 87Sr/86Sr) and old granitic rocks (high 87Sr/86Sr). The data presented in this report contribute to a growing body of information regarding the changes that have occurred in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the oceans in Phanerozoic time.  相似文献   

Opening-mode fractures (joints) in Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic La Boca Formation sandstones, northeastern Mexico, have patterns of fracture porosity, mineral-fill structures, and size distributions not previously described from outcrop. Patterns match those found in cores from many basins. We used aperture measurements along lines of observation (scanlines), fracture-trace maps, petrography, high-resolution scanning-electron-microscope-(SEM)-based cathodoluminescence, and fluid inclusions to characterize fracture populations. Open fractures are lined by quartz that precipitated while fractures were opening, whereas sealed fractures additionally contain calcite deposited after fractures ceased opening. Large fractures and arrays of contemporaneous microfractures have consistent power-law aperture-size scaling over approximately three orders of magnitude. Our results imply that open fractures and fracture sizes depend on diagenetic state. The interplay of fracture mechanics and diagenetic history is a determinant on effective porosity within fractures and, thus, open fracture persistence, connectivity, and fluid flow.  相似文献   

贵州安龙坡脚剖面新苑组位于扬子地台和右江盆地交汇处,为中三叠世台缘斜坡相沉积,在该组中上部发现了牙形石动物群,除少量分枝分子外,都归属于Neogondolella属,建立了4个牙形石带,自下而上分别为:Neogondolella bulgarica、Neogondolella bifurcata、Negondolella constricta、Neogondolella constricta cornuta(未见顶界)带。时代为中三叠世安尼中晚期,其特殊的古地理位置,对系统研究与对比罗平生物群、盘县动物群的古生态环境,以及区域地层对比、地层格架建立,探讨该时期盆地演化提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic coals from the Alborz region of northern Iran were analyzed by reflected light-fluorescence microscopy and Rock Eval 6® pyrolysis to evaluate their regional rank variation, degree of hydrothermal alteration, and petroleum generative potential. The coal ranks in the region range from a low of 0.69%RoR in the Glanddeh-Rud area to a high of 1.02%RoR in the Gajereh area. Tmax (°C) values (Rock Eval 6 pyrolysis) also increase progressively with increasing vitrinite %Ro values, however Tmax is suppressed lower than would be expected for each rank ranging from 428 °C for the Glandeeh coal to 438 °C for the Gajereh coal. Tmax suppression may be caused by maceral composition and soluble organics within the coal. Moderately high hydrogen indices, persistent and oily exudations from the coals during UV exposure, and traces of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions suggest that liquid petroleum was likely generated within some of the coals.  相似文献   

Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic strata of the Xichang Basin in Sichuan Province, southwestern China, yielded important dinosaur ichnofossils. From the Xujiahe Formation of the Yiguojiao tracksite, we report a Late Triassic footprint assemblage in China and the first discovery of diagnostic Triassic sauropodomorph tracks in this region. The tracks share a number of features in common with the ichnogenera Eosauropus(Late Triassic) and Liujianpus(Early Jurassic). The neighboring Bingtu tracksite is stratigraphically younger(Shaximiao Formation, Middle Jurassic) and preserves small tridactyl theropod tracks that represent the first occurrence of the ichnotaxon Carmelopodus in China and Asia. While these tracks are morphologically comparable to those from the Middle Jurassic type locality in North America, the specimens from China show the proximal margin of the digit IV impression in a more cranial position, which may indicate a trackmaker with a relatively short metatarsal IV. In addition to the skeletal record, the Carmelopodus footprints document the presence of small theropods in the dinosaur fauna of the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation.  相似文献   

在东喜马拉雅范围以内的西藏康马、洛扎和隆子地区有国内首次发现的晚三叠世诺利期—早侏罗世Glyphidites、Phormedites、Epideroceras、Phricodoceras Uptonia等菊石。晚三叠世诺利期有Tibetites sp.、Anatibetites sp.、Glyphidites sp.、Cyrtopleurites sp.、Parajuvavites sp.、Sagenites sp.和Phormedites sp.。早侏罗世辛涅缪尔期有Arnioceras ceratoides、Angulaticeras sp.、Arnioceras sp.、Juraphyllites sp.、Epideroceras sp.以及普林斯巴赫期Phricodoceras cf.cornutum、Uptonia sp.、Galaticeras sp.、Gleviceras cf.paniceum等。东喜马拉雅地区的菊石动物群在晚三叠世—早侏罗世期间的幕式出现与海侵和沉积环境变深有关,代表受海平面变化控制的晚三叠世的诺利中期(Columbianus带)、早侏罗世的辛涅缪尔期(Semico-statum带)、以及普里斯巴赫早期(Jamestoni带)的全球性菊石动物群扩散和迁移。  相似文献   

The end–Permian mass extinction was one of the major global crises spanning the entire Early Triassic or longer. Eruptions of volcanos were one of the factors that delayed the biotic recovery after this event. Supervolcano eruptions can cause catastrophic effects on global environment, climate, and life. Here we investigate the tuff layers from Early–Middle Triassic boundary in the Yangtze Block and identify a supervolcano eruption event. The zircon U–Pb ages of the section–Langdai, section–Daijiagou and section–Longmendong tuff samples are 247.1 ± 1.9 Ma, 247.6 ± 2.0 Ma and 247.7 ± 1.7 Ma, respectively. These ages mark the Olenekian–Anisian boundary. The zircon grains from the tuff layers have negative εHf(t) (−15.3 to −0.8), two–stage Hf model (TDM2) ages (1.7 to 2.2 Ga) and display high–δ18O values (mostly > 10‰). Clay minerals and quartz dominate the rock composition. The whole rock compositions show that the tuff layers were derived from magma of intermediate to felsic composition, which formed by the remelting of Paleoproterozoic materials of continental crust. The volcanic eruption site is located in the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan–Song Ma suture zone in the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block. A combination of the closure of the Paleo–Tethys Ocean Basin and the collision of the Indochina Block and South China contributed to the eruption, which was a supervolcano eruption under the active continental margin arc settings. We speculate that this supervolcano eruption might have contributed to the delayed biotic recovery after the end–Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

The transition from the Triassic to Jurassic is associated with dramatic changes in Earth's climate. Pangaea was breaking up as North America rifted away from Africa, the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province erupted, and the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide increased dramatically. This article summarises the changes in Earth's climate associated with this transition, including a discussion of the various impacts of the increased carbon dioxide on the Earth system, the question of whether the wet episode in the Carnian was a global or regional event, the formation of bauxite deposits, and how dinosaur distributions changed over time. Palaeoclimate model simulations reveal the spatial changes in climate between the Triassic and Jurassic, illustrating the subtropics becoming slightly cooler and wetter despite the warming trend for the Earth's average temperature.  相似文献   

A well-preserved Middle Jurassic radiolarian fauna was discriminated from calcareous shale of the Wai Luli Formation on Rotti Island, Indonesia. This fauna is characterized by the presence of Tricolocapsa plicarum, Tricolocapsa ? fusiformis, Stichocapsa japonica, S. convexa, Cyrtocapsa mastoidea, Protunuma turbo, Transhsuum maxwelli, Eucyrtidiellum sp., Archaeodictyomitra sp. A. and others. These radiolarians represent the T. plicarum Assemblage reported from Bajocian and early Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) sequences in Japan and southeastern Europe. Based on accumulated micropaleontological evidence in Timor Island contributed by the present authors, Rotti Island was probably positioned within a warm water current system originating in the low latitude Tethyan realm through the Middle Jurassic. Fifteen species belonging to seven genera are systematically investigated. Among them, Tricolocapsa multispinosa and Tricolocapsa matsuokai are described as new.  相似文献   

To the north of the famous Tseliutsing salt district of central Szechuanthere exists a big dome-anticline, which is clearly shown in Tan and Lee's [1]Atlas for "Geology of Szechuan and Sikang." Since this anticline occupies thegreater part of the district of Weiyuan, it may be conveniently termed the  相似文献   

怀保光  齐文同 《地质学报》2004,78(4):458-463,i001
本文描述了贵州边阳地区中三叠统拉丁尼克期的六射珊瑚4属6种,其中1个已知种,1个亲近种,2个新种和2个未定种:Pinacophyllum spizzensis(Tornquist),P.aff.yunnanense Wu,P.bianyangense sp.nov,Retiophyllia bianyangensis sp.nov.,Procydolites sp.,Margarosmilia sp.,丰富了世界中三叠世六射珊瑚研究的资料。迄今全世界缺乏早三叠世珊瑚,研究中三叠世珊瑚,对探讨中生代开始出现的六射珊瑚的发生和系统演化,古生代四射珊瑚与中生代珊瑚之间存在的关系,都有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

Organic geochemical characterization of cutting samples from the Abu Hammad-1 and Matariya-1 wells elucidates the depositional environment and source rock potential of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions and the Middle Miocene to Pleistocene section in the southern and eastern Nile Delta Basin. The burial and thermal histories of the Mesozoic and Miocene sections were modeled using 1D basin modeling based on input data from the two wells. This study reveals fair to good gas-prone source rocks within the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sections with total organic carbon (TOC) averaging 2.7% and hydrogen index (HI) up to 130 mg HC/g TOC. The pristane/n-C17 versus phytane/n-C18 correlation suggests mixed marine and terrestrial organic matter with predominant marine input. Burial and thermal history modeling reveals low thermal maturity due to low heat flow and thin overburden. These source rocks can generate gas in the western and northern parts of the basin where they are situated at deeper settings. In contrast, the thick Middle Miocene shows fair source rock quality (TOC averaging at 1.4%; HI maximizing at 183 mg HC/g TOC). The quality decreases towards the younger section where terrestrial organic matter is abundant. This section is similar to previously studied intervals in the eastern Nile Delta Basin but differs from equivalents in the central parts where the quality is better. Based on 1D modeling, the thick Middle Miocene source rocks just reached the oil generation stage, but microbial gas, however, is possible.  相似文献   

Newly discovered carbonate laminites are described from the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation (Middle Jurassic, Britain). These occur in the upper peloidal unit of fining-upward rhythms which comprise much of the lagoonal lower Lincolnshire Limestone in south Lincolnshire. The flat, millimetre-scale laminations are of three types: (1) alternating peloid-rich, peloid-poor laminae; (2) alternating bioclastic and peloidal laminae; (3) alternating bioclastic and micritic laminae. In all three types, small-scale cross-laminated sets (usually < 40 mm thick) also occur. The laminite horizons are usually < 150 mm thick and have, in some cases, been traced laterally for ~100 m. The close analogy of these carbonate laminites with siliciclastic counterparts favours their interpretation as tidal rhythmites, mechanically deposited in a low intertidal/shallow subtidal setting. The associated sedimentary features and overall stratigraphic-sedimentologic position of the deposits support this conclusion. According to the literature, mechanically deposited as opposed to algally induced carbonate laminites are rare outside the supratidal realm. Possible reasons for the real or imagined scarcity of intertidal/ subtidal carbonate laminites in ancient sedimentary regimes are discussed.  相似文献   

The huge, up to 40-50 cm long bivalves, Lithiotis, Cochlearites and Lithioperna, which dominated within “Lithiotis” facies (sensu – Fraser et al., 2004 with lit-erature cited therein), are most significant representa-tives of buildup-maker of shallow marine/lagoonal bivalve mounds (reefs) in numerous places of Tethyan- Panthalassa margins during Pliensbachian-Early Toar-cian times. The distribution of Lithiotis-facies bivalves from Western (Spain, Italy) and Middle Europe (Slo-venia, Croatia, Albania) trough north Africa (Morocco) and Arabian Peninsula (Oman, Arabian Emirates) up to Timor Island, Himalaya Mts (Nepal, China) and west-ern margin of both Americas (USA, Peru) indicates world-wide, rapid expansion of such Lithiotis-type bivalves (Leinfelder et al., 2002; Fraser et al., 2004; Krobicki et al., 2008). The Early Jurassic migration routes were connected both with break-up of Pangea and oceanic circulation, which facilitated high speed of distribution of larva’s of such oyster-like bivalves.  相似文献   

A new theropod dinosaur,Shidaisaurusjinae gen.et sp.nov.,has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton.The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation(early Middle Jurassic)in Yunnan,China.It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan.Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase,axis,and pelvic girdle.The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China.Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described;a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   

董曼  孙革 《世界地质》2011,30(4):497-507
首次报道了新疆东部沙尔湖煤田中侏罗世17 属27 种植物大化石和35 属50 种孢粉化石。该植物群以蕨类、苏铁类及本内苏铁类、银杏类为主要组成成分,时代可能为中侏罗早期。其地质古生物特征表明,该植物群生长的古环境可能为温暖潮湿并具季节性变化的暖温带的湖沼地区。  相似文献   

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