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The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model can be used to simulate atmospheric processes ranging from quasi-global to tens of m in scale. Here we employ large-eddy simulation (LES) using the WRF model, with the LES-domain nested within a mesoscale WRF model domain with grid spacing decreasing from 12.15 km (mesoscale) to 0.03 km (LES). We simulate real-world conditions in the convective planetary boundary layer over an area of complex terrain. The WRF-LES model results are evaluated against observations collected during the US Department of Energy-supported Columbia Basin Wind Energy Study. Comparison of the first- and second-order moments, turbulence spectrum, and probability density function of wind speed shows good agreement between the simulations and observations. One key result is to demonstrate that a systematic methodology needs to be applied to select the grid spacing and refinement ratio used between domains, to avoid having a grid resolution that falls in the grey zone and to minimize artefacts in the WRF-LES model solutions. Furthermore, the WRF-LES model variables show large variability in space and time caused by the complex topography in the LES domain. Analyses of WRF-LES model results show that the flow structures, such as roll vortices and convective cells, vary depending on both the location and time of day as well as the distance from the inflow boundaries.  相似文献   

马文通  朱蓉  李泽椿  龚玺 《气象学报》2016,74(1):89-102
复杂地形导致近地层风场时空变化大,是影响风电场短期风电功率预测准确率的重要因素。为此,基于中尺度数值预报模式和微尺度计算流体力学模式,建立了风电场短期风电功率动力降尺度预测系统。该系统由中尺度数值预报模式、微尺度风场基础数据库、风电功率预测集成系统组成,能够预测复杂地形风电场中每台风电机组未来72 h逐15 min的发电量。提高了复杂地形风场发电功率预测准确率,同时还可以在上报电网的风电功率预测结果中考虑运行维护计划和限电等因素对实际并网功率的影响。2014年7月-2015年1月的业务预测试验表明,风电场短期风电功率动力降尺度预测系统的月预测相对误差均小于0.2,满足中国国家电网对风电功率预测误差和时效性的业务要求。动力降尺度技术不受具体项目地形复杂程度和历史观测数据样本量的限制,可以在新建风电场中推广应用,具备实际的可操作性。   相似文献   

Terrain characteristics can be accurately represented in spectrum space. Terrain spectra can quantitatively reflect the effect of topographic dynamic forcing on the atmosphere. In wavelength space, topographic spectral energy decreases with decreasing wavelength, in spite of several departures. This relationship is approximated by an exponential function. A power law relationship between the terrain height spectra and wavelength is fitted by the least-squares method, and the fitting slope is associated with grid-size selection for mesoscale models. The monotonicity of grid size is investigated, and it is strictly proved that grid size increases with increasing fitting exponent, indicating that the universal grid size is determined by the minimum fitting exponent. An example of landslide-prone areas in western Sichuan is given, and the universal grid spacing of 4.1 km is shown to be a requirement to resolve 90% of terrain height variance for mesoscale models, without resorting to the parameterization of subgrid-scale terrain variance. Comparison among results of different simulations shows that the simulations estimate the observed precipitation well when using a resolution of 4.1 km or finer. Although the main flow patterns are similar, finer grids produce more complex patterns that show divergence zones, convergence zones and vortices.Horizontal grid size significantly affects the vertical structure of the convective boundary layer. Stronger vertical wind components are simulated for finer grid resolutions. In particular, noticeable sinking airflows over mountains are captured for those model configurations.  相似文献   

王蓉  黄倩  岳平  王敏仲 《气象》2019,45(12):1700-1709
基于敦煌野外观测资料和大涡模式,研究了垂直方向不同尺度湍涡对夹卷及示踪物垂直传输的影响,明确了模式垂直分辨率在模拟结果分析中的作用。结果表明:垂直方向上小尺度湍涡对夹卷作用贡献更大,小尺度湍涡较多时夹卷层相对更暖,而夹卷层厚度、夹卷强度和风速变化受垂直方向湍涡尺度影响较小。当垂直分辨率为50 m时,越往夹卷层上部,上升气流和下沉气流分布较多且强度较大;分辨率为10、20和30 m时,夹卷层各高度垂直速度、位温和示踪物浓度分布较接近。另外,垂直方向湍涡尺度对示踪物垂直传输高度影响不大,而对示踪物的空间分布有一定作用。当大尺度湍涡较多且强度较强时,越有利于将高浓度的示踪物向上传输。综合考虑到模式采用较高分辨率模拟时产生的噪音及计算时间等问题,认为模式采用30 m的垂直分辨率,既能较好地模拟出夹卷层平均结构特征,又能模拟出夹卷层湍流的精细分布,是较为理想的选择。  相似文献   


The wind climate of the mountainous terrain in the southern Yukon is simulated using the Wind Energy Simulation Toolkit (WEST) developed by the Recherche en Prévision Numérique (RPN) group of Environment Canada and is compared to measurements in the field. WEST combines two models that operate at different spatial scales. The Mesoscale Compressible Community (MC2) model is a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model that produces simulations over large domains of the order of a thousand kilometres. The MC2 model uses long‐term synoptic scale wind climate data from the analysis of radiosonde and other observations to simulate mean wind fields at tens of metres above the ground using a horizontal resolution of a few kilometres. The mesoscale results are used as input to MS‐Micro/3 (Mason and Sykes (1979) version of the Jackson and Hunt (1975) model version for microcomputers/3‐dimensional; MS‐Micro hereafter), a more computer‐efficient, microscale model with simpler linearized momentum equations and a domain restricted to a few tens of kilometres with horizontal grid sizes of tens or hundreds of metres. MS‐Micro provides wind field results at specific wind generator hub heights (typically 30 to 50 m above ground level (AGL)) which are of interest to researchers and developers of wind farms.

WEST shows relatively strong correlations between its simulated long‐term mean wind speed and the measurements from ten wind energy monitoring stations. However, in the mountainous terrain of the Yukon, WEST tends to predict wind speeds which are about 40% too high. The model also produces erroneous wind directions and some were perpendicular to valley orientations. The most likely cause of the wind speed and direction errors is the substantially modified 5‐km grid‐spaced mesoscale terrain used in MC2. The WEST simulation was also found to double the wind speeds observed at airport stations and there was poor correlation between the simulated and observed wind speeds.

The bias in the model could be attributed to a number of factors, including the use of smoothed topography by the model, the discrepancy between the neutral atmosphere assumed in MS‐Micro and the normally observed stable atmosphere, the application of MS‐Micro to every third grid point of the MC2 output, abnormally high sea level wind speeds in the input climate data for MC2, and a certain degree of disagreement between the land surface characteristics used in the model and those found in the field.

At comparatively low computer cost, WEST predicts a wind climate map that compares favourably to the wind measurements made in several locations in the Yukon. However, the problem of the modified terrain in the mountainous regions is the most pressing problem and needs to be addressed before WEST is used in the mountainous regions of Canada.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of radar data assimilation and increasing horizontal resolution on the short-term numerical weather prediction, comparative numerical experiments are conducted for a Huabei (North China) torrential rainfall event by using the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) and ARPS Data Analysis System (ADAS). The experiments use five different horizontal grid spacings, i.e., 18, 15, 9, 6, and 3 km,respectively, under the two different types of analyses: one with radar data, the other without. Results show that, when radar data are not used in the analysis (i.e., only using the conventional observation data), increasing horizontal resolution can improve the short-term prediction of 6 h with better representation of the frontal structure and higher scores of the rainfall prediction, particularly for heavy rain situations. When radar data are assimilated, it significantly improves the rainfall prediction for the first 6 h, especially the locality and intensity of precipitation. Moreover, using radar data in the analysis is more effective in improving the short-term prediction than increasing horizontal resolution of the model alone, which is demonstrated by the fact that by using radar data in the analysis and a coarser resolution of the 18-km grid spacing, the predicted results are as good as that by using a higher resolution of the 3-km grid spacing without radar data. Further study of the results under the radar data assimilation with grid spacing of 18-3 km reveals that the rainfall prediction is more sensitive to the grid spacing in heavy rain situations (more than 40 mm) than in ordinary rain situations (less than 40 mm). When the horizontal grid spacing reduces from 6 to 3 km, there is no obvious improvement to the prediction results. This suggests that there is a limit to how far increasing horizontal resolution can do for the improvement of the prediction. Therefore, an effective approach to improve the short-term numerical prediction is to combine the radar data assimilation with an optimal horizontal resolution.  相似文献   

Summary A numerical prediction model is described which uses the full set of prognostic equations on a domain roughly the size of the United States with a 96 km horizontal grid resolution and six sigma-coordinate levels. Within this grid resides a nested domain of approximately 1000×1000 km with 24 km horizontal resolution. In this nested grid only modifications to the wind field by the better resolved terrain are considered on the lowest two sigma levels. The terrain effects necessitate adjustments in the location of these two sigma levels. Adjusted wind fields cause modifications in the mass and moisture divergence fields, hence in precipitation. These modifications are averaged into the appropriate meteorological fields on the larger grid.The algorithms used by our model allow continuous interaction between both grids with high computational efficiency.The relative importance of synoptic forcing and terrain is demonstrated for the cases of the Big Thompson, Colorado, flood of 1976 and the Cheyenne, Wyoming, flood of 1985.With 15 Figures  相似文献   

强对流天气引起风矢量和温度等气象要素突变,影响飞机正常起降和飞行。高时空分辨率的飞机气象资料中继AMDAR(Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay)是天气预报重要的资料源之一,可为机场终端区的强对流天气短临预报提供高时间密度的垂直探测信息。通过白云机场终端区的AMDAR资料,提取三维风矢和温度廓线,制作了风切变和湍流的预警分析图。以2011年4月17日一次广东省的强对流天气过程为例,将AMDAR资料结合雷达、卫星、探空等多源资料进行了分析。研究表明,在AMDAR资料的风矢-时间高度剖面上形成三维预警指示,对机场的强对流预报有指导意义;当1 km以下发生强风切变,对飞机起降威胁严重,AMDAR资料水平风的垂直分布印证了多普勒天气雷达强辐散区的回波特征;高时空分辨率的AMDAR风速和温度扰动,可揭示大气中的风切变及湍流运动。AMDAR资料为保障飞机的安全起降提供了一种实时、密集的垂直观测信息,有助于研发临近预报预警产品,弥补探空资料的不足。  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel experiments were carried out to study turbulence statistics in the wake of a model wind turbine placed in a boundary-layer flow under both neutral and stably stratified conditions. High-resolution velocity and temperature measurements, obtained using a customized triple wire (cross-wire and cold wire) anemometer, were used to characterize the mean velocity, turbulence intensity, turbulent fluxes, and spectra at different locations in the wake. The effect of the wake on the turbulence statistics is found to extend as far as 20 rotor diameters downwind of the turbine. The velocity deficit has a nearly axisymmetric shape, which can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution and a power-law decay with distance. This decay in the near-wake region is found to be faster in the stable case. Turbulence intensity distribution is clearly non-axisymmetric due to the non-uniform distribution of the incoming velocity in the boundary layer. In the neutral case, the maximum turbulence intensity is located above the hub height, around the rotor tip location and at a distance of about 4–5.5 rotor diameters, which are common separations between wind turbines in wind farms. The enhancement of turbulence intensity is associated with strong shear and turbulent kinetic energy production in that region. In the stable case, the stronger shear in the incoming flow leads to a slightly stronger and larger region of enhanced turbulence intensity, which extends between 3 and 6 rotor diameters downwind of the turbine location. Power spectra of the streamwise and vertical velocities show a strong signature of the turbine blade tip vortices at the top tip height up to a distance of about 1–2 rotor diameters. This spectral signature is stronger in the vertical velocity component. At longer downwind distances, tip vortices are not evident and the von Kármán formulation agrees well with the measured velocity spectra.  相似文献   

Canopy turbulence plays an important role in mass and energy exchanges at the canopy-atmosphere interface. Despite extensive studies on canopy turbulence over a flat terrain, less attention has been given to canopy turbulence in a complex terrain. The purpose of this study is to scrutinize characteristics of canopy turbulence in roughness sublayer over a hilly forest terrain. We investigated basic turbulence statistics, conditionally sampled statistics, and turbulence spectrum in terms of different atmospheric stabilities, wind direction and vertical structures of momentum fluxes. Similarly to canopy turbulence over a homogeneous terrain, turbulence statistics showed coherent structure. Both quadrant and spectrum analysis corroborated the role of intermittent and energetic eddies with length scale of the order of canopy height, regardless of wind direction except for shift of peak in vertical wind spectrum to relatively high frequency in the down-valley wind. However, the magnitude of the momentum correlation coefficient in a neutral condition was smaller than typical value over a flat terrain. Further scrutiny manifested that, in the up-valley flow, temperature skewness was larger and the contribution of ejection to both momentum and heat fluxes was larger compared to the downvalley flow, indicating that thermal instability and weaker wind shear in up-valley flow asymmetrically affect turbulent transport within the canopy.  相似文献   

Using large-eddy simulation (LES), the effects of mesoscale local surface heterogeneity on the temporal evolution of low-level flows in the convective boundary layer driven by two-dimensional surface heat-flux variations are investigated at a height of about 100 m over flat terrain. The surface variations are prescribed with sinusoids of wavelength 32 km and varying amplitudes of 0, 50, 100, and 200 W m $^{-2}$ . The Weather Research and Forecasting numerical model is used as a mesoscale-domain LES model that has a grid spacing fine enough to explicitly resolve energy-containing turbulent eddies and a model domain large enough to include mesoscale circulations. Mesoscale circulations induced by the two-dimensional surface heterogeneity may undergo a flow transition and an associated spectral energy cascade, which has been found previously but only with one-dimensional surface heat-flux variations. Over a strongly heterogeneous surface prescribed with a two-dimensional sinusoid of amplitude 200 W m $^{-2}$ , the domain-averaged variance of the horizontal wind component initially grows rapidly, then undergoes a flow transition and subsequently rapidly decays. With a background wind, the induced mesoscale circulations are inhibited in the streamwise direction. However in the spanwise direction, somewhat stronger mesoscale circulations are induced, compared with those with no background wind. The background wind attenuates the significant reduction of the low-level temperature gradient by the fully-developed mesoscale horizontal flow. Spectral decomposition reveals that this rapid transition also exists in the mesoscale horizontal flows induced by the intermediate surface heterogeneity prescribed with a sinusoid of amplitude 100 W m $^{-2}$ . However the transition is masked by continuously growing turbulence.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian stochastic model for the motion of heavy particles has been developed by coupling a stochastic model for the motion of fluid elements to the Stokes equations of motion of a particle in a turbulent flow. The effects of crossing trajectories and continuity are incorporated by generalising Csanady's (1963) ideas developed for stationary homogeneous turbulence; effects of turbulence inhomogeneity and nonstationarity are embodied in the stochastic model for the fluid motion.The model has been used particularly to examine the effects of turbulence nonstationarity through simulations of the dispersion of heavy particles in the decaying homogeneous turbulence which is obtained by Taylor-transforming grid turbulence. Significant differences from the stationary case occur, mainly as a result of the growth of the turbulent time scale with time.The importance of the source location in influencing both passive scalar and particle dispersion in grid turbulence is highlighted by the model and can be simply accounted for by nondimensionalisation using the r.m.s. turbulence velocity at the source and the mean travel time from the grid to the source as velocity and time scales, respectively. Reconciliation of the three different experiments of Snyder and Lumley (1971), Wells and Stock (1983) and Ferguson (1986) reporting heavy particle flow and dispersion statistics in wind tunnel grid turbulence has been attempted using this nondimensionalisation. A good correspondence between the various data sets was not obtained because the source in the Wells and Stock, and Ferguson experiments was located at the grid where the self-similar development of the turbulence which underlies the scaling is not appropriate.The model matches the data for the heaviest particles used by Snyder and Lumley reasonably well. For very light particles, it correctly reverts to the passive scalar limit, while the experimental data in general do not properly approach this limit.  相似文献   

Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling has been performed to predict turbulent boundary layer characteristics for rough terrain based on experimental tests conducted in a boundary-layer wind tunnel to simulate atmospheric boundary layer using passive roughness devices such as spires, barriers, roughness elements on the floor, and slots in the extended test section. Different configurations of passive devices assisted to simulate urban terrains. A part of the wind tunnel test results are used as training sets for the ANN, and the other part of the test results are used to compare the prediction results of the ANN. Two ANN models have been developed in this study. The first one has been used to predict mean velocity, turbulence intensity, and model length scale factor. Results show that ANN is an efficient, accurate, and robust modeling procedure to predict turbulent characteristics of wind. In particular, it was found that the ANN-predicted wind mean velocities are within 4.7%, turbulence intensities are within 6.2%, and model length scale factors are within 3.8% of the actual measured values. In addition, another ANN model has been developed to predict instantaneous velocities that enables calculating the power spectral density of longitudinal velocity fluctuations. Results show that the predicted power spectra are in a good agreement with the power spectra obtained from measured instantaneous velocities.  相似文献   

To better understand how model resolution affects the formation of Arctic boundary layer clouds,we investigated the influence of grid spacing on simulating cloud streets that occurred near Utqiaġvik(formerly Barrow),Alaska,on 2 May 2013 and were observed by MODIS(the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer).The Weather Research and Forecasting model was used to simulate the clouds using nested domains with increasingly fine resolution ranging from a horizontal grid spacing of 27 km in the boundary-layer-parameterized mesoscale domain to a grid spacing of 0.111 km in the large-eddy-permitting domain.We investigated the model-simulated mesoscale environment,horizontal and vertical cloud structures,boundary layer stability,and cloud properties,all of which were subsequently used to interpret the observed roll-cloud case.Increasing model resolution led to a transition from a more buoyant boundary layer to a more shear-driven turbulent boundary layer.The clouds were stratiform-like in the mesoscale domain,but as the model resolution increased,roll-like structures,aligned along the wind field,appeared with ever smaller wavelengths.A stronger vertical water vapor gradient occurred above the cloud layers with decreasing grid spacing.With fixed model grid spacing at 0.333 km,changing the model configuration from a boundary layer parameterization to a large-eddy-permitting scheme produced a more shear-driven and less unstable environment,a stronger vertical water vapor gradient below the cloud layers,and the wavelengths of the rolls decreased slightly.In this study,only the large-eddy-permitting simulation with gird spacing of 0.111 km was sufficient to model the observed roll clouds.  相似文献   

A new scaling approach, based on the convective velocity obtained from the sun-exposed eastern slopes and thus suited for steep and narrow Alpine valleys, is investigated with respect to pollutant dispersion. The capability of the new method is demonstrated with the operational emergency response system of MeteoSwiss, which consists of the COSMO (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling) numerical weather prediction model coupled with a Lagrangian particle dispersion model (LPDM). The new scaling approach is introduced to the interface between COSMO and LPDM, and is compared to results of a classical similarity theory approach and to the operational coupling type, which uses the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) from the COSMO model directly. For the validation of the modelling system, the TRANSALP-89 tracer experiment is used, which was conducted in highly complex terrain in southern Switzerland. The ability of the COSMO model to simulate the valley wind system is assessed with several meteorological surface stations, and the dispersion simulation is evaluated with the measurements from 25 surface samplers. The sensitivity of the modelling system towards the soil moisture, horizontal grid resolution, and boundary-layer height determination is investigated, and it is shown that, if the flow field is correctly reproduced, the new scaling approach improves the tracer concentration simulation when compared to classical coupling methods.  相似文献   

We have analyzed eddy covariance data collected within open canopy to investigate the influence of non-flat terrain and wind direction shear on the canopy turbulence. The study site is located on non-flat terrain with slopes in both south-north and east-west directions. The surface elevation change is smaller than the height of roughness element such as building and tree at this site. A variety of turbulent statistics were examined as a function of wind direction in near-neutral conditions. Heterogeneous surface characteristics results in significant differences in measured turbulent statistics. Upwind trees on the flat and up-sloping terrains yield typical features of canopy turbulence while upwind elevated surface with trees yields significant wind direction shear, reduced u and w skewness, and negligible correlation between u and w. The directional dependence of turbulence statistics is due that strong wind blows more horizontally rather than following terrain, and hence combination of slope related momentum flux and canopy eddy motion decreases the magnitude of Sk w and r uw for the downslope flow while it enhances them for the upslope flow. Significant v skewness to the west indicates intermittent downdraft of northerly wind, possibly due to lateral shear of wind in the presence of significant wind direction shear. The effects of wind direction shear on turbulent statistics were also examined. The results showed that correlation coefficient between lateral velocities and vertical velocity show significant dependence on wind direction shear through change of lateral wind shear. Quadrant analysis shows increased outward interaction and reduced role of sweep motion for longitudinal momentum flux for the downslope flow. Multi-resolution analysis indicates that uw correlation shows peak at larger averaging time for the upslope flow than for the downslope flow, indicating that large eddy plays an active role in momentum transfer for the upslope flow. On the other hand, downslope flow shows larger velocity variances than other flows despite similar wind speed. These results suggest that non-flatness of terrain significantly influences on canopy-atmosphere exchange.  相似文献   

本文以传统机器学习算法XGBoost和深度学习算法CU-Net为基础,针对北京快速更新无缝隙融合与集成预报系统(RISE系统)预报的北京冬奥会延庆及张家口赛区100米分辨率的冬季近地面10 m风速数据,进行每日逐小时起报的未来逐6小时间隔的冬奥高山站点及其周边地区风速预报偏差订正方法研究和对比分析。对于站点订正,首先将RISE系统预测的10 m风速插值到对应的自动气象站站点,然后根据风速等级表归类,针对每个分类单独构建XGBoost模型,每个区间模型合并后形成L-XGBoost,使用均方根误差和预报准确率作为评分标准,结果表明风速归类的L-XGBoost算法订正效果比不归类的原始XGBoost模型有一定提升,说明在传统机器学习中加入归类方法有助于改善复杂山地站点风速预报技巧。对于站点及其周边地区风速订正,本文在CUNet模型基础上,通过引入不同深度的CU-Net子网络,构建了新的算法模型CU-Net++,并考虑了预报日变化误差和复杂地形对10 m风速的影响,以自动气象站为中心构建空间小区域样本数据,对RISE系统风速预报偏差进行订正。试验结果表明,CU-Net和CU-Net++均可以充...  相似文献   

为了提高GRAPES_3 km(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)模式在2018年平昌冬奥会气象服务中的预报能力,采用一阶自适应的卡尔曼滤波方法对GRAPES_3 km模式的2 m气温、2 m相对湿度和10 m风开展偏差订正。结果表明:偏差订正方法明显提高了地面要素的预报效果,其中2 m气温的均方根误差整体减小到2℃左右,站点订正改善率为10%~60%;10 m风速的均方根误差减小到2 m·s-1左右,站点订正改善率为10%~45%;2 m相对湿度减小到20%以下,站点订正改善率为0~20%。与韩国气象厅LDAPS(Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System)及美国宇航局NU-WRF(NASA-Unified WRF)模式相比,GRAPES_3 km模式的风速预报表现更为优异,各站点整体预报效果明显优于LDAPS和NU-WRF模式。偏差订正方法可有效改善模式在复杂地形条件下的预报能力,是提高精细化预报准确率的重要手段。  相似文献   

Two weeks of measurements of the boundary-layer height over a small island (Christiansø) in the Baltic Sea are discussed. The meteorological conditions are characterised by positive heat flux over the sea. The boundary-layer height was simulated with two models, a simple applied high-resolution (2 km × 2 km) model, and the operational numerical weather prediction model HIRLAM (grid resolution of 22.5 km × 22.5 km). For southwesterly winds it was foundthat a relatively large island (Bornholm) lying 20-km upwind of the measuring site influences the boundary-layer height. In this situation the high-resolution simple applied model reproduces the characteristics of the boundary-layer height over the measuring site. Richardson-number based methods using data from simulations with the HIRLAM model fail, most likely because the island and the water fetch to the measuring site are about the size of the grid resolution of the HIRLAM model and therefore poorly resolved. For northerly winds, the water fetch to the measuring site is about 100 km. Both models reproduce the characteristics of the height of the marine boundary layer. This suggests that the HIRLAM model adequately resolves a water fetch of 100 km with respect to predictions of the height of the marine boundary layer.  相似文献   

A case study of the structure of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) over complex terrain is presented. Observations were made during the third night of Project STABLE (Weber and Kurzeja, 1991), whose main goal was to study turbulence and diffusion over the complex terrain of the Savannah River Site (SRS) near Augusta, Georgia.The passage of a mesoscale phenomenon, defined as a turbulent meso-flow (TMF) with an explanation of the nomenclature used, and a composite structure of the lowest few hundred meters over complex terrain are presented. The spatial extent of the TMF was at least 30–50 km, but the forcing is not well understood. The TMF occurred without the presence of a synoptic-scale cold front, under clear conditions, and with no discernible discontinuity in a microbarograph pressure trace. The structure of the NBL over the complex terrain at SRS differed from the expected homogeneous terrain NBL. The vertical structure exhibited dual low level wind maxima, dual inversions, and a persistent elevated turbulent layer.The persistent elevated turbulent layer, with a spatial extent of at least 30 km, was observed for the entire night. The persistent adiabatic layer may have resulted from turbulence induced by shear instability.  相似文献   

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