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针对人工影响天气飞机播云作业效果评估需求,提出一种基于拉格朗日粒子扩散模式FLEXPART-WRF的催化剂催化范围模拟评估方法.以典型催化剂碘化银为例,开发催化剂物理化学特性参数清单模块,结合飞机播云特点和模式源项特点,将飞机不规则线性播撒方式离散化为连续移动点源播撒方式,实现模式对飞机播云的模拟能力.通过对一次飞机播云作业的模拟试验,证实了模拟评估方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

1 引言 人工影响天气指用人为手段使天气现象朝着人们预定的方向转化,如人工增雨、人工防雹、人工消云、人工消雾、人工削弱台风、人工抑制雷电、人工防霜冻等.人工影响天气主要是利用云(雾)的微物理不稳定性,例如在温度低于0℃的冷云中往往存在着大量未冻结的水滴,播撒成冰催化剂可使它们转化为冰晶,释放的潜热会改变云的热力、动力结构,在不同场合下可以促进降水、减少冰雹、消云(雾)或者减小台风风力;在暖云(雾)中播撒大小适当的盐粒可以促进雨滴的生成,在不同场合下可以促进降雨或者消云(雾).从自然变化中把播云造成的变化区分开来是很困难的,因此人们对于人工影响天气试验的效果存在着不同的看法和估价.  相似文献   

张自国  夏彭年  薄玉华 《气象》2006,32(S1):44-47
自1987年开始,内蒙古自治区几乎每年都要配合森林朴火进行人工增雨作业。作业多次采用“双区催化播云増雨技术”,即考虑催化剂的扩散状况及其在云中的增长过程,除在靠近火区的上风方作适量播撒外,还在远离火区上风方2至3小时高空风路程处设置另一个“远催化区”进行大剂量播撒,以延缓该云区的成雨过程,调节降水的局域分布,使之集中于火区,达到扑火的目的。通过对多年实际作业中类似技术的总结,针对这一播云催化技术模型的作业设计要点和试验设计要点进行讨论,给出了较为完整实用的“双区催化”播云增雨技术方案模型。  相似文献   

当前国外人工增雨防雹作业的效果评估   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
章澄昌 《气象》1998,24(10):3-8
统计学推荐随机化播云试验作为人工增雨防雹作业的最佳效果检验方法,但在业务性作业中却难于实施。作者综述国外人工影响天气主要外场试验计划实施中的缺陷和经验教训,以及近年来对两个最受推崇的随机化试验的争论,并通过实例说明人工影响天气的效果评估可基于无分布推断法,以简化试验设计并提高检出功效。  相似文献   

提出人工增雨机制和“播云温度窗”概念,分析了红河地区增雨作业可播撒区高度的年变化值,对现行增雨作业火箭和云体可播区高度进行分析,得出:人工增雨不仅仅是对云体发射几枚增雨火箭弹就可以达到增加降雨,而是要根据作业时间、地点、天气条件、云体可播区高度和选择适合的增雨火箭等进行科学分析,并充分利用现代天气预测方法和大气探测手段,实施有效的人工增雨作业。  相似文献   

提出人工增雨机制和“播云温度窗”概念,分析了红河地区增雨作业可播撒区高度的年变化值,对现行增雨作业火箭和云体可播区高度进行分析,得出:人工增雨不仅仅是对云体发射几枚增雨火箭弹就可以达到增加降雨,而是要根据作业时间、地点、天气条件、云体可播区高度和选择适合的增雨火箭等进行科学分析,并充分利用现代天气预测方法和大气探测手段,实施有效的人工增雨作业。  相似文献   

一次飞机播撒吸湿性焰剂试验的微物理探测浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2011年夏季,北京市人工影响天气办公室组织了吸湿性焰剂的飞机播撒试验,选取八达岭长城西北的淡积云作为催化对象.试验期间,使用装备了云探测设备的运12飞机进行播撒及云微物理探测.在6月1日的试验中,运用差异化策略分别对不同的淡积云实施了催化,探测发现云中出现了符合暖云增雨概念模型的微物理反应.随后在晴空区实施了烟羽探测试验,通过在吸湿性焰剂烟羽区的穿刺飞行,获得了正在扩散的吸湿性焰剂的粒子谱,了解了播撒后扩散区的微物理特征.  相似文献   

在人工影响天气外场作业中,为了得到更好的人工增雨催化效果,根据实际天气云层条件,今年我办采用了液态二氧化碳(LCO2)和碘化银(AgI)两种催化剂相结合的催化方式进行人工增雨作业。机载碘化银(AgI)播撒器是我办研究人员参照美国的“Lohse—WMI”机载碘化银(AgI)播撒器而研制的一套新的播撒设备。它适用于层状云和积云的人工催化播撒,  相似文献   

吸湿性物质催化云雨的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
用氯化钙溶滴消暖雾已经70年了,后来细盐粒子或盐溶液也被用于催化暖云,希望它们在云中形成雨胚,启动或加速碰并过程以增加降水.20世纪60年代,飞机播撒盐粉、地面烧盐粉成为我国人工影响暖云的主要方法,普遍反映有增雨效果,由于当时条件限制,没有进行严格的科学验证;同时,因为实施中播撒剂量大,对飞机又有腐蚀而被搁置.十多年前南非在人工增雨中开发了产生吸湿性微粒的新型焰弹技术,用于暖性对流云催化,通过随机化试验取得了具有统计显著性的增雨效果,这一结果在墨西哥的试验中得到重复;另一方面,泰国一直使用粗吸湿性粒子催化暖积云,近年来的随机化试验也证明能增加降水,但是降水的增加是4 h后在被催化云的新生云中出现的.这些结果重新激起人们对暖云催化的兴趣,成为当前国际云雾物理和人工影响天气领域的热点问题之一.  相似文献   

建设人工影响天气高炮作业标准化炮站   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前人工影响天气作业的手段是利用运载工具将催化剂直接播人云层中,空中播洒是利用飞机直接飞人需要播撒的云层中,地面则利用高炮、火箭等作业工具将加有碘化银的烟剂催化剂射人云层中。由于高炮等属于退役的武器装备,炮弹具有很强的杀伤力。为了保护人们的生命财产安全,建设高炮标准化炮站尤为重要,而且还要有严格的操作规程实施科学作业。  相似文献   

为深入认识对流降水云结构及动力特征,基于降水频段调频连续波5520 MHz垂直指向雷达(VPR-CFMCW),使用地面至15 km高度的反射率因子及径向速度,建立对流降水云中大气垂直运动的反演方法,分析对流垂直结构及大气垂直运动随高度分布的演变特征.对在广东龙门测站探测的2019年4月20-22日前汛期4次对流降水进行...  相似文献   

2008年奥运会开幕日当天北京及周边地区出现了较强对流云团,尤其是西南和东北两个方向云体发展旺盛,并且向北京城区形成“合围”之势,给国家体育场内开幕式活动的顺利进行带来了极大威胁。根据天气实况,北京市有针对性地组织实施了大规模地面火箭人工消减雨作业。利用自动气象站雨量监测、雷达云和降水探测以及卫星资料反演的云特征参量,通过对奥运会开幕式活动期间云、降水主要特征及人工消减雨作业的物理响应分析,结果显示:2008年8月8日傍晚至夜间北京西南和东北部郊区(县)对流发展较强,19时(北京时间,下同)至23时降水集中分布于北京房山区与怀柔区、密云县一带。北部—东北部对流云团和雨带在向东北方向缓慢移出过程中曾出现西伸、南压现象,西南部对流云团在进入房山区后其主体移动缓慢,雨区向东偏北移动并威胁到城区和国家体育场,最后云团沿东南方向逐渐移出北京市。结合地面火箭作业的时间、空间分布,通过对目标区内自动气象站雨量、雷达回波探测和卫星资料反演的云、降水宏微观特征参量变化分析均表明,大规模和高强度的火箭引晶作业对抑制云、降水的形成和发展起到了一定作用。  相似文献   

High latitude air–sea interaction is an important component of the earth’s climate system and the exchanges of mass and energy over the sea-ice zone are complicated processes that, at present, are not well understood. In this paper, we perform a series of numerical experiments to examine the effect of sea-ice concentration on the development of high latitude boundary-layer roll clouds. The experiments are performed at sufficiently high spatial resolution to be able to resolve the individual convective roll clouds, and over a large enough domain to be able to examine the roll’s downstream development. Furthermore the high spatial resolution of the experiments allows for an explicit representation of heterogeneity within the sea-ice zone. The results show that the sea-ice zone has a significant impact on the atmospheric boundary-layer development, which can be seen in both the evolution of the cloud field and the development of heat and moisture transfer patterns. In particular, we find the air-sea exchanges of momentum, moisture and heat fluxes are modified by the presence of the roll vortices (typically a 10% difference in surface heat fluxes between updrafts and downdrafts) and by the concentration and spatial distribution of the sea-ice. This suggests that a more realistic representation of processes over the sea-ice zone is needed to properly calculate the air-sea energy and mass exchange budgets.  相似文献   

The impacts of different moisture profiles on the structure and vertical motion of squall lines were investigated by conducting a set of numerical simulations. The base state was determined by an observational sounding, with high precipitable water representing moist environmental conditions in the East Asian monsoon region. To reveal the impact of moisture at different levels, the moisture content at the middle and low levels were changed in the numerical simulations. The numerical results showed that more convective cells developed and covered a larger area in the high moisture experiments, which was characteristic of the convection during the Meiyu season in China. In addition, high moisture content at low levels favored the development of updrafts and triggered convection of greater intensity. This was demonstrated by the thermodynamic parameters, including Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Lifted Index (LI), Lift Condensation Level (LCL), and Level of Free Convection (LFC). Dry air at middle levels led to strong downdrafts in the environment and updrafts in clouds. This could be because dry air at middle levels favors the release of latent heat, thereby promoting updrafts in clouds and downdrafts in the environment. Therefore, high relative humidity (RH) at low levels and low RH at middle levels favors updrafts in the cloud cores. Additionally, moist air at low levels and dry air at middle levels promotes the development of convective cells and the intensification of cold pool. The squall line can be organized by the outflow boundary induced by cold pool. The balance of cold pool and environmental wind shear is favorable for the maintenance and strengthening of squall lines.  相似文献   

受东北冷涡与副热带高压西北部暖湿气流影响,2015年7月27日北京地区爆发了一次具有明显对流单体合并特征的强飑线灾害性强对流天气过程。利用北京闪电定位网(BLNet)总闪定位、多普勒雷达和探空资料等,详细分析了此次飑线过程整个生命史期间不同对流区的总闪活动特征。结果表明,整个飑线过程以云闪为主,地闪活动以负地闪为主;对流单体合并时云闪数量激增,飑线过程后期正地闪比例跃增。93%的闪电主要分布在距对流线10 km范围内,层云区闪电较少;层云区的闪电电荷来源主要是由对流区的电荷经过过渡区输送而来,正地闪更易发生在过渡区和层云区。对流合并过程中有大量的水汽集中,垂直积分液态含水量(VIL)峰值超前闪电峰值24 min。利用变分多普勒雷达分析系统(VDRAS)对这次过程的三维风场进了反演,据此对单体合并期间闪电增强的动力原因进行了研究。根据VDRAS反演的动力场来看,对流云单体合并主要发生在低层辐合区内,合并后上升运动加强,上升气流范围变大,闪电活动显著增强,并主要发生在具有较强垂直风切变的区域,少部分闪电发生在对流区后部开始出现下沉气流的区域。  相似文献   

下曳气流在积云对流中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛建军  谈哲敏  闫之辉 《气象》1999,25(11):9-14
利用国家气象中心高分辨率有限区域业务预报模式(HLAFS)对有无下曳气流的积云参数化方案进行了对比试验,通过对积云内容各物理量及大尺度物理量场的诊断分析研究下曳气流对积云对流发生发展的作用以及对大尺度热力,动力场的影响。结果表明:(1)下曳气流具有湿冷的特征,主要出现在强对流时段时流层中下层;(2)下曳气流的引入,促进了模式中强积云对流的发生发展,并在更高更多的空间层次上更强地加热及干化环境大气,  相似文献   

Although the parcel method and the convective available potential energy (CAPE) are widely used to predict the strength and height of convection, they ignore the pressure perturbation and fail to explain strong updrafts observed in tropical cyclones and hurricanes without CAPE, or deep, strong warm downdrafts in hurricane eye-walls, tropopause folds, or downslope winds leeward of mountains. Those phenomena can be explained by the Bernoulli equation that conserves the sum of kinetic energy, potential energy and enthalpy in an inviscid fluid. Our analytic and numerical results also show how, in a moist stable environment without CAPE, updrafts and clouds can develop against negative buoyancy. Deep warm downdrafts can also form in cloud-free regions or areas without significant evaporative cooling from precipitation.  相似文献   

Summary Nelson et al. (1994) report a non-uniform distribution of large (0.33 to 33 km2) blowdowns in the rainforests of Amazonia. Occurrence of such large disturbances in the wet, low wind speed regime of the Amazon Basin cannot be explained by conventional mechanisms such as fire or hurricanes. While downdrafts from deep convective clouds are likely candidates, this paper draws upon meteorological observations from the central Amazon Basin to show that the requisite magnitudes of wind speed can be reached but only under conditions which would explain the observed horizontal distributions of the large blowdowns. Outflow velocities due to density driven downdrafts in the convective clouds are shown from observations to reach 15 m/s and correspond to the propagation velocities of longlived Amazon squall lines. Maintenance over 48 h of these squall lines depends upon the correspondence between the outflow velocity and the propagation velocity. The storms propagate within a basic current moving at 5 m/s, increasing the outflow velocities to 21 m/s. The development of a storm-generated pressure field must be called upon to increase the magnitude of the density and basic currents to more than 30 m/s. Such conditions occur only when the convection is embedded in squall lines which reach their diurnal maximum at locations nearly coincident with the observed locations of the maxima in large blowdowns. The characteristics of the observed blowdowns in terms of orientation, size and shape are consistent with winds derived from the postulated downward moving density currents being deflected and accelerated orthogonally at canopy top and forest floor.The causes and distribution of large blowdowns in the wet, low wind regime of the Amazon rainforest are shown to be important in explaining the disturbance regime of that system. Such disturbances are necessary in maintaining diversity of the system by locally disrupting the canopy, altering levels of incident radiation received at the surface and changing patterns of nutrient cycling, carbon uptake and storage.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

在对强对流(积云)增雨作业中,引用防雹新概念方法是利用多普勒雷达不同仰角的反射率(R)图及反射率剖面(RCS)图、径向速度剖面(VCS)图等资料,对强对流云流场特征进行定性分析,判定其主位置,通过主入流区位置和态势,确定“0”线的类型,给出增雨作业的时机和部位。用这一新概念,结合天津地区积云增雨的实际情况,在2003~2005年期间进行了应用。当流场、温度场和水凝物粒子场适当配置时,会形成大量降水粒子的集中累积,产生阵性暴雨。  相似文献   

人工增雨农业减灾技术研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
该项目在河南、山东、吉林3省建立了层状云人工增雨外场观测作业试验区,研制了层状云数值模式,结合分析得出了层状云人工增雨新的概念模型、相应的催化条件判据和作业指标;研制了催化条件的飞机实时识别技术和地面综合集成识别技术;建立了中尺度层状云系数值模拟预报的实时业务和省级的人工增雨综合技术系统(催化条件综合识别判据、实时监测识别技术、催化指标和作业决策系统等),提出了相应的作业流程。 在鄂西北(十堰市)对流云人工增雨作业试验区进行了大量外场观测和作业试验,用研制的三维对流云催化模式进行实时预报和催化数值试验,初步提出了催化的最佳部位、时机和剂量;开发应用了高成核率火箭;用雷达识别作业条件并建立了指挥作业的技术流程,因而大大减少了作业的盲目性,提高了对流云人工增雨作业的科学性。  相似文献   

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