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长江三峡地区仙女山断裂北端延伸问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
仙女山断裂是三峡库区重要的断裂带之一,该断裂在新生代有过明显的活动。因其对三峡库区的地质灾害、地震稳定性有着重要影响,因此断裂是否穿过长江成为备受关注的热点问题。通过对仙女山断裂从长阳县白咸池到秭归县荒口一带断裂构造的野外地质调查,长江两岸构造地貌的对比,结合前人已有资料的分析发现:仙女山断裂长约80km,将古生代地层逆冲到中生代地层之上,在长江南岸荒口以南断层形迹清楚,地貌上表现为沟谷和断层崖,而在荒口以北地区,地层连续、未见断错地貌现象;与长江南岸断裂相比,江北的断裂多为小型断层,仅错断侏罗纪地层内的砂岩、泥岩,在地形上也无明显表现,不是仙女山断裂的延伸部分。综合分析认为,仙女山断裂带由南向北延伸至长江南岸荒口一带尖灭,没有向北延伸穿过长江。  相似文献   

口泉断裂中段晚第四纪最新活动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Systematic research of the characteristics of late Quaternary activity of the middle part of Kouquan fault has been done through conducting 1∶50000 geologic mapping combining with remote sensing interpretation of spot imaging, field validating and chronology research of the research area. Studies suggest that the middle part of Kouquan fault has had strong activity since the late Quaternary which controls the tectonic evolvement of the nearby mountains and Datong basin. The recent activity of this fault has faulted the sandy gravel layers of T1 terrace and the lower part of dark loessial soils over the terrace on the north of Chanfang village. The maximum vertical displacement is over 3m in the area between Xiaoyukou village and Louzikou village, and to the south of Dayukou village and the north of Emaokou village, the displacement decreases to 0.5m and 0.25m respectively. Based on the recent faulted landforms and combined with dating, we determined the age of recent activity of the fault in the research area to be between 7.71ka B.P. to 3.00 ka B.P. Discussions are made on this in combination with previous research.  相似文献   

长江中下游燕山期中酸性-酸性火山-侵入杂岩大家公认为具有偏碱性到碱性特点,但对富碱原因即碱质来石源则存在不同意见,大多数人认为壳幔亮混源,碱质来源于富集地幔的部分熔融,也受到地壳物质的混染.另一种意见强调富碱是由于岩浆侵位或分异过程中受到蒸发岩(特别是膏盐层)的混染与同化。笔者根据长江中下游有关岩体的大量岩石化学分析数据.分地区、分岩体、也按时代对其K2O、Na2O、CaO、MgO与SiO2的相关性作了直观性对比分析,事实表现出Na2O对SiO2几乎完全没有相关性,Na2O对SiO2可以说是独立变化的;K2O与MgO对SiO2具有不同程度的相关性;而CaO-SiO2则具有明显的直线性相关。据此提出:除了原始岩浆具有的碱质外,在岩浆分导过程中不时地有外来碱质加入,这些外来的碱质主要由中、下三叠统中的膏盐层提供。文中根据岩浆硫的δ34S值偏高、膏盐层主要矿物的自由能在高温下熔融及分解温度与低温下在水中的溶解度、石膏矿山的矿泉水中K+、Na+、C1+、SO32-等的浓度,以及斜长石的环带构造方面作了论证.  相似文献   

长江三峡工程库首区胡家坪 M_S4.1水库诱发地震研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在系统收集有关资料并对地震现场进行考察的基础上,分析了2008年11月22日发生在秭归县归州镇香溪村胡家坪 M_S4.1级地震及其发生的地质-水文地质与地震活动背景条件,介绍了地震灾害. 并进一步讨论了相关的地震前兆异常、地震成因等科学问题,认为该地震是在水库水体荷载与库水下渗的共同作用下沿仙女山断裂发生的构造型水库诱发地震, 并认为震前有一定的前兆异常,这个地震的发生除了水库蓄水作用之外,可能还与汶川地震对该区应力场的影响有关.  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the collected data and earthquake field investigation,characteristics of the MS4.1 Hujiaping earthquake of November 22,2008 at Guizhou town in Zigui county,Hubei Province and the geological and hydrogeological conditions and seismicity background of the area are analyzed,and the earthquake disaster is presented. Some scientific issues relating to earthquake precursors and the cause of the earthquake is discussed. The authors consider that the earthquake is a tectonic type reservoir-induced earthquake,occurring along the Xiannvshan fault under the joint action of reservoir water loading and water infiltration,and that there were certain suspected anomalies appearing in the gravity field before the earthquake. The cause of the earthquake may also be related to the effect of the Wenchuan earthquake on the local stress field.  相似文献   

三峡重庆库区深部二维构造剖面的建立和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从综合地球物理角度出发,结合本区重力和航磁资料再处理成果,依据射线追踪反演建立了三峡重庆库区的深部二维构造剖面,较好地反映了各层速度的横向变化。对剖面所揭示的基底构造特征、地壳结构特征、主要断裂构造特征以及莫霍面的起伏特征进行了分析和研究,获得了对库区主剖面揭示的断裂构造新的认识,为深入研究本区岩石圈动力学特征及其对断裂构造活动的控制和影响提供了基础资料,为三峡重庆库区地震、地质灾害的监测与防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

三峡库区蓄水运行前后水土流失时空变化模拟及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用三峡库区水土流失预测模型和250m的MODIS-NDVI数据,模拟三峡库区蓄水运行前后水土流失时空变化,结果表明:三峡库区2000-2008年水土流失波动较大,总体上水土流失面积、总量和强度都旱减弱趋势,2006-2008年年均水土流失总量和面积分别比2000-2002年减少4.10×106t和1129.6km2;...  相似文献   

全世界都在评论三峡工程的修建,这些评论经常是不太客观的.本文从正负两方面对三峡工程进行了讨论,重点在防洪工程和区域经济方面.作者认为修建三峡工程作为发电的功能远大于防洪的功能.尽管上游来的洪峰经过三峡水库调蓄后能够被削弱.但中游的洪水风险仍然很大.一般而言,中游地区的洪水是大降水事件的产物.三峡工程不可能完全控制中游的洪水.三峡水库发电对中国中部及周边地区经济的可持续发展将产生积极作用,也将能确保东部沿海地区尤其是上海市电能的供给.  相似文献   

The efficient operation of a multipurpose reservoir requires information on high and low flows. However, analyses of inflows for high flows and for low flows are typically done independently. In this paper, we considered the joint dependence of the low flow on the preceding high flow volume and duration for the wet season in the Three Gorges region of the Yangtze River Basin in China. High flow volume and duration were found to have a strong association with the annual minimum 7-day flow in Cuntan, Wanxian, and Yichang stations. Furthermore, we identified the Arctic Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and snow cover in the Tibetan Plateau to have statistically significant teleconnections with the annual minimum 7-day flow. Bayesian models that consider a different level of pooling of the site by site regressions were then developed for the annual minimum 7-day flow conditional on the climate indices and high flow volume (or duration). The full pooling model performed best, suggesting that a homogeneous regional response is best identified given the global climate predictors. Statistics such as the deviance information criterion and reduction of error, coefficient of efficiency, and coverage rate under cross validation indicate the good performance of the model. Snow cover in the western Tibetan Plateau and high flow volume were identified as the most influential factors of the annual minimum 7-day flow through their impact on water storage in the basin. Recent simulations since June 2003, when the Three Gorges Dam operation started, were used to analyse the effect of dam operation on the annual minimum 7-day flow. A comparison of observations and predictions during the post-dam period demonstrated that the dam operation effectively modifies the annual minimum 7-day flow period to have higher flows.  相似文献   

Effects of hedgerows on sediment erosion in Three Gorges Dam Area, China   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The Three Gorges Dam Area refers to the river section from Chongqing to Yichang on the Yangtze River, which has a drainage area of 75,098 km^2, and involves 19 cities and counties. Contour hedgerows have been used in this area to control soil erosion and to improve hillslope stability in the catchment of this river section. Five experimental hedgerow plots were established in 1994 in order to study the effects of hedgerows on erosion control. During the period of 1994-1997, runoff and soil loss data were collected on these test plots, including the chemical and physical properties of soil and related topographical data. The results indicate that: (1) after 4 years of cultivation and crop planting, soil fertility increased dramatically in the hedgerow plots. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus contents in the hedgerow plots were 5-9 times higher than that in the control plot. In each of the hedgerow plots, soil structure became more stable, the quantity of granules larger than 0.02 mm increased and those finer than 0.02 mm decreased; (2) All hedgerow plots showed a major effect on reducing soil loss and surface runoff; (3) Overland flow velocity along the upper portion of the hedgerow plots was greatly reduced due to hedgerow resistance, which explains the significant decrease in soil losses in hedgerow plots, despite the fact that the hedgerow plots and the control plots had the same total runoff.  相似文献   

本文综合DEM数据、地形地貌剖面、钻孔及地层划分、浅层地震勘探、野外地质调查和典型地质剖面等资料,对依兰-伊通断裂依兰段的新构造活动进行了研究。结果表明,依兰-伊通断裂西支F1-1对小兴安岭东缘控制明显,地表陡坎微地貌相对比较发育,最新活动时代为晚更新世中晚期;东支F1-2控制了张广才岭的西缘,卫星影像线性异常不明显,地表陡坎微地貌不发育,浅层地震反射剖面所揭示的上断点埋深为45—50m,其最新活动时代为早更新世早期;中支断裂F1-3控制了低一级的地貌面,卫星影像比较清楚,地表发育高约1—2m左右的陡坎微地貌,最新活动时代为全新世。该断裂最新的活动性质表现为以右旋走滑运动为主,同时伴随有比较明显的逆冲运动分量。同时,综合前人研究结果和本次研究结果,可将依兰-伊通断裂依兰段新生代以来的构造演化划分为五个不同的阶段,即:古新世初期—古新世末期的左旋走滑挤压阶段、古新世末期—始新世中期的右旋走滑伸展阶段、始新世末期—上新世末期的右旋走滑挤压阶段、上新世末期—早第四纪的右旋走滑伸展阶段、晚第四纪的右旋走滑逆冲阶段。这一演化过程在东北地区可能具有较好的代表性。  相似文献   

Based on detailed field investigations,this paper describes the geometrical characteristics and tectonic activities of the Zhangjiakou fault at the northwest of Beijing. This fault strikes mainly northwest to west,short parts of which strike near east to west,dipping north,and extends over a length of 70km. It is a major geological and geomorphological margin,controlling the neotectonic movement in this region. On the south side of the Zhangjiakou fault are the Late Quaternary unconsolidated deposits,forming basins; while on the other side are Mesozoic volcano debris and Pre-Mesozoic metamorphic rocks, forming lower mountains and hills. The Zhangjiakou fault consists mainly of high-angle inverse strike-slip fault and partially of normal strike-slip fault. Among these,the north-dipping NW-NWW-trending secondary faults,constituting the main fracture of the fault,have inverse characteristics; those near the EW-trending secondary faults are links of the former faults,with a smaller length and normal faulting characteristics. Thus,the Zhangjiakou fault is a north-dipping inverse and partially south-dipping normal strike-slip fault. The Zhangjiakou fault has been continuously active since the Quaternary. With the exception of the western end extension,which has been active since the late Pleistocene, the main part of the fault has been active since the Holocene. The central main segment of the Zhangjiakou fault is more active. Since the mid-late period of the late Pleistocene,the average vertical slip rate of a single fault has been over 0. 07mm /a ~ 0. 30mm /a. The Zhangjiakou fault has multi-slip surfaces,and the total vertical slip rate reaches 1. 33mm /a,estimated from the Qingshuihe river terraces and the relevant drilling data.  相似文献   

本文采用基于波形互相关算法的双差定位方法对三峡水库地震进行精定位和地震活动性分析。首先使用双谱互相关方法分析了三峡库区加密台网于2009年3月至2010年12月观测到的地震波形数据,并对波形互相关分析的结果进行了评价。基于结合获得的波形互相关数据使用双差定位方法对地震事件进行精定位研究,结果表明使用双谱法验证的波形互相关数据的定位精度要高于其他数据的结果,其东西向震源位置平均误差为3.2m、南北向为3.9m、垂直向为6.2m。重定位震中结果显示巴东神龙溪两岸微震分布明显呈现出3条近东西向的线性条带状,与地表小规模断裂和碳酸盐岩地层走向一致,揭示了库水主要沿着溶洞或者地下暗河渗透进而诱发地震活动,较强地震可能是微小地震贯穿活动面的结果。  相似文献   

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