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青藏高原地区地壳—上地幔结构与巨厚地壳的形成   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于在青藏高原地区所进行的地壳与上地幔的爆炸地震探测资料;雅鲁藏布江以南和以北两条近东西向纵剖面(长约1000km左右),近南北向纵剖面(长约1200km左右),通过计算与分析,给出了青藏高原地区地壳与上地幔结构、速度分布的综合立体剖面图,发现地壳中存在著两个低速层,雅鲁藏布江是一条近于陡立的略向南倾的深大断裂带。地壳结构不论在纵向与横向都是不均匀的,最后探讨了大陆板块碰撞与巨厚地壳的形成。  相似文献   

青藏高原及其邻区地壳上地幔S波速度结构   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
利用CDSN、IRIS、GEOSCOPE等台网33个数字台站及部分数字流动台的长周期面波资料,采用改进的Occam网格反演方法,在获得中国大陆及其邻近区域(5°~55°N,68°~150°E)1°×1°的7~184 s周期Rayleigh波群速度频散的基础上,进一步反演青藏高原及邻区(20°~40°N,75°~105°E)内每个经纬度节点介质的S波速度结构,获得了0~420 km深度地壳上地幔的三维速度分布.研究结果显示:青藏高原不但具有厚壳(60~70 km)和厚岩石圈(超过200 km),而且高原深部结构和速度分布存在明显的横向变化和分区特征.  相似文献   

中国海城地震与地壳上地幔异常结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过海城及其邻区深部地球物理方法的综合探测,不仅揭示了海城地震区的地壳上地幔结构存在若干引人注目的异常,而且还发现震源分布与这些异常的某些特殊部位密切相关.本文论述了震源与异常的关系,并对其进行了解释.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘地壳上地幔结构及其动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张忠杰  陈赘  田小波 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1136-1150
本文综述了我们在青藏高原东缘实施的垂直切过龙门山断裂带宽频带地震探测的研究成果,揭示了研究区复杂的地壳上地幔结构,结果表明松潘-甘孜地块与四川盆地西缘莫霍面深度为58 km与40 km±,在龙门山断裂带下方存在约15 km的莫霍面错断; 松潘-甘孜与龙门山断裂带域地壳纵横波速度比Vp/Vs比值远大于173,预示着粘性下地壳流或基性/超基性物质的存在。探讨了研究区强烈的盆山之间以及深部不同层圈之间的相互作用,推断四川盆地对青藏高原东缘软流圈驱动的物质东向逃逸阻挡作用可能深达整个上地幔。  相似文献   

天然地震探测地壳上地幔结构的方法与进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

利用在2002~2004年新疆天山地区富蕴—库尔勒布设的流动地震台,经过连续两年的观测所采集的数据,挑选远震P波到时数据,进行了地震层析反演处理,获得此剖面地震层析图像推断地壳上地幔的速度结构。反演结果表明,富蕴—库尔勒剖面上塔里木板块向北的推进相对于西部有所减弱,在西部表现强烈的造山作用,向东逐步减缓,在天山的底部不过100km上下。地震活动集中在此范围内。岩石圈物质移动方向发生变化部分向东推移,自然也降低了天山的隆升作用,从而造成天山西段和东段的差异。在本剖面范围内天山的Moho面结构复杂有重叠、斜插特征,深度最大在天山地区达80km,准噶尔盆地和本剖面范围内塔里木盆地北部Moho面深度为40~50km。  相似文献   

青藏高原隆升对新疆天山山脉地壳-上地幔构造的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据地震层析和接收函数的结果获得了天山山脉东段和西段的深部构造的速度图像,探讨了印度板块向北推进和青藏高原隆升对天山山脉造山作用的影响以及天山山脉不同地段的地壳上地幔构造的差异。克拉玛依—库车剖面上清楚地展示出,天山是由高速和低速的地体拼合而成。来自塔里木的高速体向北俯冲到天山达200km以下的深度,而来自准噶尔盆地的高速体则没有明显地向南推进,说明由南向北的推进是很强的,它是造成天山山脉继续隆升的主要动力,从而造就了天山山脉。天山山脉在Moho面以上的部分是中天山北缘断裂和中天山南缘断裂之间的低速体与两侧的高速体拼合成的,其南北宽度约350km,向深度延伸越过200km。塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地均为高速体的范围,天山山脉东段Moho面以上的地壳部分,南部高速体有向北推进和俯冲的特征,但不明显。夹在两盆地之间的天山主要为低速体,仅在乌鲁木齐和北天山山前断裂以南有残留的高速体,深度不超过30km,这表明天山是由速度不同的地质体挤压而拼合成的。天山延伸到乌鲁木齐以东,向深部的延伸仅仅100km上下。在富蕴—库尔勒剖面上,塔里木板块向北的推进相对于克拉玛依—库车剖面有所减弱。天山西段表现出强烈的造山作用,向东逐步减缓,到达天山的东段,虽然天山深部的构造活动仍然在继续进行,地震活动频繁,可是,活动区域集中在天山底部不过100km上下。说明山根的范围比西部减少了近一半。  相似文献   

李光品  高尔根 《地质与勘探》2000,36(6):58-61,65
从穿越中国西部地区所有双台大圆路径中,选出Rayleigh波记录比较清晰且焦散效应相对较弱的3条双台大圆路径,计算出双台间地震面波相速度频散,群速度频散和随周期变化的衰减因子,进而反演出3条路径下地壳下地幔的平均S波速度和Qβ结构,对应于兰州-高和径,在约72km深度的上是幔中开始出现低速和Qβ层,在深度为6km-20km的地壳中,存在一低Qβ层,而在其下20km~34km深度的地壳中存在一高Qβ夹层,对应于成都-乌鲁木齐路径,在约86km深度的上地幔中开始出现低速Qβ层,在121km深度开始出现明显的低Qβ层,在深度为19km~34km的地壳中,存在一显著的高Qβ层,对应于高台一拉萨路径,在约84km深度的上地幔中开始出现低速和低Qβ层,在15km~29km深度的地壳中,存在一高Qβ夹层。  相似文献   

福建省地壳——上地幔结构及深部构造背景的研究   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
本文主要根据区域、深部物探资料成果,结合地质特征,综合论述了与福建省地壳—上地幔及深部构造背景有关的重要基础地质问题:本省地壳可分为上、中、下三层,内有七个速度层,壳—幔分为七个电性层,据此建立了地壳—上地幔综合柱状图及圈层结构综合模式;省内断裂分为岩石圈、地壳、基底、盖层四种类型,最重要的断裂有七条,总结出本省构造格架具有东西分带、南北分块的特征;深部构造从东到西地幔具有陡坡带—坳陷带—缓隆带及岩石圈顶面具有深凹陷—狭窄隆起带—隆起的分区特点;提出松溪—长汀、滨海两条古俯冲带,将本省及邻区划分为武夷、戴云、台湾三个古板块及四个相应大地构造单元;提出在同安—莆田—带深凹陷上存在印支期古俯冲事件残迹,并探索了与其有关的四个大型推覆构造、三个环状构造,以及东部火山岩区存在古裂堑构造等;将省内花岗岩类成因划分为 I、S 及过渡型,探讨了它与深部构造及与板块活动关系等;论述了深部构造与内生金属矿床分布的关系,总结出了控制本省矿床形成的七种基本要素,圈出了三条主要成矿远景带及17个远景区,为今后进一步开展地勘工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

福建省地壳—上地幔结构及深部构造背景的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王培宗  陈耀安 《福建地质》1993,12(2):79-158

A synthesis of the heat-flow data for Romania enabled a study of the thermal regime of the crust and upper mantle to be made. This showed lateral thermal differences between various tectonic units. The thermal structure of the crust and upper mantle appears to be mainly the result of mantle convection and plate interaction in the studied area.  相似文献   

Models of continental crust and of geosynclinal processes, in their historical perspective, and generalized views on composition and structure of the tectonosphere are presented and discussed, particularly in reference to the local inversion stage, regional metamorphism, and granitization in geosynclines. Because of the known variations of the tectonosphere, depending on its position (e.g., under geosynclines, platforms, or zones of tectonic activation), it stands to reason that it varies also depending on the stage of the evolution of the overlying zones. -- V.P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

Group velocity dispersion data of fundamental-mode Rayleigh and Love waves for 12 wave paths within southeastern China have been measured by applying the multiple-filter technique to the properly rotated three-component digital seismograms from two Seismic Research Observatory stations, TATO and CHTO. The generalized surface wave inversion technique was applied to these group velocity dispersion data to determine the S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle for various regions of southeastern China. The results clearly demonstrate that the crust and upper mantle under southeastern China are laterally heterogeneous. The southern China region south of 25°N and the eastern China region both have a crustal thickness of 30 km. The eastern Tibet plateau along the 100°E meridian has a crustal thickness of 60 km. Central China, consisting mainly of the Yangtze and Sino-Korean platforms, has a crustal thickness of 40 km. A distinct S-wave low-velocity layer at 10–20 km depth in the middle crust was found under wave paths in southeastern China. On the other hand, no such crustal low-velocity layer is evident under the eastern Tibet plateau. This low-velocity layer in the middle crust appears to reflect the presence of a sialic low-velocity layer perhaps consisting of intruded granitic laccoliths, or possibly the remnant of the source zone of widespread magmatic activities known to have taken place in these regions since the late Carboniferous.  相似文献   

The previously published results of a deep seismic refraction study of the Dead Sea—Gulf of Elat rift show crustal thinning underneath the rift and the presence of a 5 km thick velocity transition zone in the lower crust along the rift. The structural interpretation of the first-arrival data was revised using the detailed velocity-depth distribution.The revised crustal thicknesses are 35 km near Elat and 27 km, 160 km south of Elat.The crustal thinning and the presence of the velocity transition zone are interpreted as being the result of intrusion of upper mantle material into the lower crust, possibly representing the initial shape of the processes which have been active further south in the Red Sea since earlier times.  相似文献   

S. Mueller  K.-P. Bonjer   《Tectonophysics》1973,20(1-4):283-293
An average crust-mantle model has been derived for the East African Rift system based on a number of presently available seismic data. The inversion of experimentally determined spectral transfer ratios of long-period body waves recorded at stations AAE (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), NAI (Nairobi, Kenya) and LWI (Lwiro, Zaïre) requires at least a two-layer crust. Except for station AAE. the observed P-wave delays can be accounted for by differences in the deduced crustal structure. Phase- and group-velocity measurements of Rayleigh waves along the path AAE-NAI provide additional information on the gross structure of the crust and upper mantle. Only a well-developed asthenosphere channel can explain the observed surface-wave dispersion. It is shown that the average model MS-71 permits a satisfactory interpretation of all the data presented in this paper.  相似文献   

利用中国地震台网和ISC台站记录的P波到时数据,采用球坐标系有限差分地震层析成像方法反演了南海东北部及其邻近地区壳幔三维P波速度结构,并分析了不同地质单元的构造差异及其深部特征。结果表明:南海东北部表现出陆架地区的岩石层特性,属于华南大陆向海区的延伸,岩石层厚度较大,现今不存在大规模的地幔热流活动,推测大陆边缘张裂作用仅限于地壳内部而没有延伸进入上地幔,具有非火山型大陆边缘的深部特点。中央海盆附近上地幔P波速度明显降低,与海盆下方地幔热流活动密切相关。不同的速度异常特征表明:华南大陆暨台湾地区属于欧亚大陆的正常地壳或是与菲律宾海板块相互作用产生的增厚型地壳,冲绳海槽则是弧后扩张产生的减薄型地壳。滨海断裂带作为华南大陆高速异常和南海北部高速异常的分界,代表了一定地质时期华南地块和南海地块的拼合边界。断裂附近的上地幔低速异常揭示了闽粤沿海岩浆作用的深层动力机制。吕宋岛弧、马尼拉海沟、东吕宋海槽的速度异常与其所处的特殊构造位置有密切的关系,清晰地反映出岛弧俯冲带的地壳结构差异;台湾南部至吕宋岛弧的上地幔低速异常揭示了两个重要火山链的深部构造特征,北吕宋海脊下方100 km深度的条带状高速异常有可能代表了俯冲下沉的岩石层板片。  相似文献   

Consideration of the Voronezh Crystalline Massif shows that three-layered seismic models and velocity profiles with a characteristic distribution of layer velocities and their gradients in each layer, reflect a crystalline crust and uppermost mantle structure formed through regional metamorphism and magmatism processes.Velocity and seismic parameter vertical gradients from the lithosphere profile are several times higher than those for homogeneous compression of minerals and rocks.For the identified layers the contribution of different factors for each seismic parameter gradient value is estimated. Anomalously high rates of increase with depth for Vp, Vs and ø are shown to be caused by the combined effects of structure-phase transformations and substance composition variations in lithospheric complex mineral parageneses.  相似文献   

The Kuril-Kamchatka seismofocal zone was thought to be a single plate approximately 90 km wide and dipping to a depth of 700 km at an angle of 40°–45°. This concept reflects primarily the physical differences (elastic wave velocities, density, temperature, etc.) between the seismofocal zone and the mantle hosting it. Detailed investigations show that the seismofocal zone proper is also heterogeneous with earthquake hypocenters variably concentrated and clustered within this zone, where both seismogenic and aseismic strata, as well as subvertical zones, can be identified. The latter are reflected in the structure and faults of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

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