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Indigenous rice has maintained the survival of local people for more than a thousand years in the Yuanyang terraced rice fields of southern Yunnan, China. It is the foundation for long-term stable development of local agriculture and food security and its unique and irreplaceable characteristics give the terraces value. The status of indigenous rice resources is threatened by serious loss, so a better understanding of rice diversity and the factors that influence rice variety protection is conducive to policy. Here, we investigate the planting and conservation situation of indigenous rice, analyze factors impacting the protection and loss of traditional rice varieties, and construct an indigenous rice protection influence index system. Controllable factors which have special meaning to the maintenance and management of local rice are identified and corresponding strategies for the protection and maintenance of indigenous rice are discussed. 相似文献
河南黄河沿岸地区景观格局演变 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
利用1987年和2002年的遥感影像,借助于地理信息系统技术,结合河南黄河沿岸的区域特征,运用景观生态学的基本理论,分析河南黄河沿岸地区景观格局的演变,用于了解在自然过程和人类活动共同作用下的河南黄河沿岸地区景观格局的演变过程及影响机理。结果表明,在研究区域内,水浇地景观类型为占优势的景观类型。1987~2002年景观格局动态变化显著:河流景观、水浇地景观、林地景观和滩地景观类型的面积呈减小趋势,坑塘景观、稻田景观、旱地景观和建设用地景观类型面积则呈增加趋势。景观斑块总数量呈现出略微减少的趋势。景观空间特征表现为景观多样性增加,各景观类型所占比例差异减小。破碎化指数减小,景观整体破碎化程度有所减缓。景观空间构型明显,基本上是以大斑块为主,呈聚集型分布。特别是占优势的景观类型,斑块更加集中连片。自然过程特别是人类活动对河南黄河沿岸地区景观格局的变化有深刻的影响。 相似文献
By using GIS and remote sensing techniques, the paper discusses how human activities have changed along the Yellow River in Henan province, China and how these altered activities have influenced the wetland landscape pattern change from 1987 to 2002. Results show that the total area of the wetland reduces dramatically compared to 1987, the total area of wetland reduces by 19.18%, the number of the patches in 2002 increases by 21.17%, the density increases by 50%, and the total perimeter increases by 1,290,491 m. Disturbed by human activities, landscape diversity index decreases from 1.1740 in 1987 to 0.9803 in 2002. During the last 20 years, the total area of the rice wetland increases, while the others decrease. Among those, the area of the bulrush wetland decreases most. In 1987, it takes 0.5% of the total area, but in 2002, it only takes 0.11%. The interpenetration of human influences on the wetland natural system has been long and close. The impacts of human activities on the spatial pattern of the wetland landscape along the Yellow River in Henan from 1987 to 2002 are great. 相似文献
河南沿黄湿地景观格局及其动态 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
By using GIS and remote sensing techniques, the paper discusses how human activities have changed along the Yellow River in Henan province, China and how these altered activities have influenced the wetland landscape pattern change from 1987 to 2002. Results show that the total area of the wetland reduces dramatically compared to 1987, the total area of wetland reduces by 19.18%, the number of the patches in 2002 increases by 21.17%, the density increases by 50%, and the total perimeter increases by 1,290,491 m. Disturbed by human activities, landscape diversity index decreases from 1.1740 in 1987 to 0.9803 in 2002. During the last 20 years, the total area of the rice wetland increases, while the others decrease. Among those, the area of the bulrush wetland decreases most. In 1987, it takes 0.5% of the total area, but in 2002, it only takes 0.11%. The interpenetration of human influences on the wetland natural system has been long and close. The impacts of human activities on the spatial pattern of the wetland landscape along the Yellow River in Henan from 1987 to 2002 are great. 相似文献
黄河三角洲农作物种植分区的遥感研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
本文选取了一年中三个不同时相的TM影像,分别求出了三幅影像的NDVI分布图,将其合成为一幅影像图。由于不同区域种植的作物在三个时相中的NDVI变化是不同的,因此在NDVI合成图上会呈现不同的颜色区域。通过对不同颜色区域进行采样分析,可以确定桃红色区域为冬小麦、玉米(大豆)轮作区,蓝紫色区域为棉花、春玉米、杂粮种植区,亮蓝区域为水稻种植区,亮绿色区域为林地、草地。最后,根据不同颜色区域的NDVI变化特征用非监督分类和监督分类相结合的方法对影像进行了分类提取。这样便可对黄河三角洲农作物的种植情况进行宏观的了解,为农作物种植合理布局及农业可持续发展提供依据。 相似文献
黄河中游砒砂岩地区长川流域植被盖度及其动态分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
应用遥感监测并结合地面实测数据,分析黄河中游砒砂岩地区典型流域——内蒙古长川流域植被盖度及其变化特征。经野外实测数据进行检验植被盖度遥感监测的精度发现,以遥感手段通过植被盖度与归一化植被指数(NDVI)之间关系来估算长川流域植被盖度的精度达到81.3%。长川流域上游地区(北部)植被盖度相对较高,达到40%~70%;沟道两侧也有相对较高的植被盖度,也达到了30%~60%;一般梁峁地植被盖度较低,只有5%~15%。从1983年开始实施的小流域第一期水土流失重点治理和1993年至1997年期间实施的小流域第二期第一阶段水土流失重点治理的效果明显,使得长川流域植被盖度在该期间内大幅度增高。 相似文献
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important parameter for water resource management. Compared to the traditional ET computation and measurement methods, the ET computation method based on remote sensing has the advantages of quickness, precision, raster mapping and regional scale. SEBAL, an ET computation model using remote sensing method is based on the surface energy balance equation which is a function of net radiance flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux. The former three fluxes can be computed through the parameters retrieved from remote sensing image, then the latent heat flux can be obtained to provide energy for ET. Finally we can obtain the daily ET. In this study SEBAL was applied to compute ET in the Yellow River Delta of China where water resource faces a rigorous situation. Three Landsat TM images and meteorology data of 1999 were used for ET computation, and spatial and temporal change patterns of ET in the Yellow River Delta were analysed. 相似文献
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important parameter for water resource management. Compared to the traditional ET computation and measurement methods, the ET computation method based on remote sensing has the advantages of quickness, precision, raster mapping and regional scale. SEBAL, an ET computation model using remote sensing method is based on the surface energy balance equation which is a function of net radiance flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux. The former three fluxes can be computed through the parameters retrieved from remote sensing image, then the latent heat flux can be obtained to provide energy for ET. Finally we can obtain the daily ET. In this study SEBAL was applied to compute ET in the Yellow River Delta of China where water resource faces a rigorous situation. Three Landsat TM images and meteorology data of 1999 were used for ET computation, and spatial and temporal change patterns of ET in the Yellow River Delta were analysed. 相似文献
甘肃省玛曲县沼泽湿地遥感监测与动态变化分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
利用2000年和2006年TM影像数据、地面调查资料和气象台站观测数据,对玛曲县沼泽湿地进行了目视解译分析,对比研究了非监督分类、监督分类和专家分类的精度,初步探讨了玛曲沼泽湿地退化的原因。结果表明,该县沼泽湿地面积从2000年的19598.67hm^2减少到2006年的14080.80hm^2,沼泽湿地面积平均年递减率为4.69%。非监督分类结果由于受山体阴影、坡向、云的阴影等影响,多分误差高,总分类精度仅为31%;监督分类的总精度为54.1%;专家分类的总精度高达84.2%。因此,专家分类可以用于对玛曲县沼泽湿地的监测和自动提取。草场不合理利用和过度放牧是导致玛曲县沼泽湿地退化的主要原因,黄河干流、各支流径流量减少是导致流域内沼泽湿地退化的直接原因,当地气候变暖促进了这一过程的发生。 相似文献