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对数字地球及无级比例尺数据管理的基本概念作以介绍,并对数字地球无级比例尺信息处理技术体系作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

3维数字地球快速缓冲区分析算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨崇俊  赵彦庆  王锋  方超  伍胜 《遥感学报》2014,18(2):353-364
提出一种应用在3维数字地球中的通过图形处理器(GPU)快速实现矢量数据缓冲区分析的算法。使用一张4通道的纹理图作为容器将地理实体的矢量数据传入GPU,利用GPU的高效并行特性,将目标缓冲区纹理中的每个像素所对应的矢量坐标与原实体进行距离量算,在一次渲染中得到缓冲区纹理,最后提取出缓冲区纹理的边界。选择中国的流域和湖泊矢量数据,将本文算法与两种传统的CPU算法进行了缓冲区分析计算、测试和对比。结果显示,本文算法相对于传统矢量算法效率提高了9—16倍,相对于传统栅格算法效率提高11—20倍。实验证明,该算法计算简单,效果明显,特别是随着数据量增大,缓冲区计算速度显著优于传统算法,并能有效解决传统矢量法缓冲区分析中的数据自相交问题。  相似文献   

从“数字地球”工程的引入开始,通过介绍GPS在“数字地球”工程几个领域中的应用,说明了GPS不可替代的重要地位。  相似文献   


Almost all causative factors of diseases depend on location. The Digital Earth approach is suitable for studying diseases globally. Geospatial information systems integrated with statistical models can be used to model the relationship between a disease and its causative factors. Through modelling, the most important causative factors can be extracted and the epidemiology of the disease can be observed. In this paper, skin cancer (the most common type of cancer) has been modelled based on its causative factors, including climate factors, people's occupations, nutrition habits, socio-economic factors, and usage of chemical fertiliser. To fit the model, a data framework was first designed, and then data were gathered and processed. Finally, the disease was modelled using Generalised Linear Models (GLM), a statistical model based on the location of the factors. The results of this study identify the most important causative factors together with their relative priority. Furthermore, a model was used to predict the change in skin cancer occurrences caused by a change in one of its causative factors. This work illustrates the ability of the model to predict disease occurrence. Thus, by using this Digital Earth approach, skincancer can be studied in all the key countries around the world.  相似文献   

With the increased use of locational information, spatial location referencing and coding methods have become much more important to the mining of both geographical and nongeographical data in digital earth system. Unfortunately, current methods of geocoding, based on reverse lookup of coordinates for a given address, have proven too lossy with respect to administrative and socioeconomic data. This paper proposes a spatial subdivision and geocoding model based on spatial address regional tessellation (SART). Given a hierarchical address object definition, and based on the ‘region of influence’ characteristics of an address, SART creates multiresolution spatial subdivisions by irregular and continuous address regions. This model reflects most of the geographical features and many of the social and economic implications for a given address. It also better reflects the way people understand addresses and spatial locations. We also propose an appropriate method of geocoding for standard addresses (SART-GC). The codes generated by this method can record address footprints, hierarchical relationships, and spatial scales in a single data structure. Finally, by applying our methods to the Shibei District of Qingdao, we demonstrate the suitability of SART-GC for multi-scale spatial information representation in digital earth systems.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems play a significant role in global carbon and water cycles because of the substantial amount of carbon assimilated through net primary production and large amount of water loss through evapotranspiration (ET). Using a process-based ecosystem model, we investigate the potential effects of climate change and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration on global terrestrial ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE) during the twenty-first century. Future climate change would reduce global WUE by 16.3% under high-emission climate change scenario (A2) and 2.2% under low-emission climate scenario (B1) during 2010–2099. However, the combination of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change would increase global WUE by 7.9% and 9.4% under A2 and B1 climate scenarios, respectively. This suggests that rising atmospheric CO2 concentration could ameliorate climate change-induced WUE decline. Future WUE would increase significantly at the high-latitude regions but decrease at the low-latitude regions under combined changes in climate and atmospheric CO2. The largest increase of WUE would occur in tundra and boreal needleleaf deciduous forest under the combined A2 climate and atmospheric CO2 scenario. More accurate prediction of WUE requires deeper understanding on the responses of ET to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and its interactions with climate.  相似文献   

数字城市空间管治动态信息采集系统的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周立 《测绘科学》2004,29(1):35-37
探讨了数字城市空间管治动态信息采集的技术路线。通过城市空间管治信息动态变化和信息采集需求分析,采用基于3S技术的动态信息采集总体技术框架,设计RTK综合集成采集模式,重点解决城市建筑物遮挡卫星信号条件下的城市空间结构信息采集,以及RTK移动站无法直接到达的目标点信息采集。在PDA上实现了数字城市空间管治信息采集的系统功能。  相似文献   

由于在数字化采集过程中不可避免地会引入系统误差和异常误差,因此消除和削弱这些误差的影响是提高空间数据质量的关键。然而由于图纸变形不均匀,扫描误差又极其复杂,用常规的多项式拟合技术只能消除部分有规律的系统误差,很难完全消除它们对地图数字化坐标的影响。BP神经网络是一个高度非线性映射系统,能以任意精度逼近。结合地图数字化坐标改正的特点,本文给出了基于BP神经网络地图数字化坐标误差纠正的方法,并通过实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of 3D technologies in digital earth applications (DEAs) to study complex sites. These are large areas containing objects with heterogeneous shapes and semantic information. The study proposes that DEAs should be modular, have multi-tier architectures, and be developed as Free and Open Source Software if possible. In DEAs requiring high reliability in the 3D measurements, point clouds are proposed as basis for the 3D Digital digital earth representation. For the development of DEAs, we propose to follow a workflow with four components: data acquisition and processing, data management, data analysis and data visualization. For every component, technological challenges of using 3D technologies are identified and solutions applied for a case study are presented. The case study is a modular 3D DEA developed for the archaeological project Mapping the Via Appia. The 3D DEA allows archaeologists to virtually analyze a complex study area.  相似文献   

面向上海城市数字化转型的新型测绘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾建祥  董震  郭王 《测绘通报》2021,(7):131-134,139
城市数字化转型、“科学化、精细化、智能化”的城市治理、“新基建”的落地和数字经济的发展都迫切需要空间地理数据向“全域、全息、全空间、多维、高频”推进,实现物理空间的数字孪生。本文结合上海市城市数字化转型对地理信息的新需求,从空天地数据获取手段、全息空间数据内涵、二三维一体的成果形式、泛在测绘更新方法和按需组装服务方式等方面提出了构建以基于地理实体的智能化全息测绘为核心的新型测绘体系,形成了城市数字化转型地理信息新服务的解决方案。  相似文献   

从主分量变换后图像信息保持的角度出发,充分分析了变换结果存储导致信息丢失的原因;同时以直接线性变换为基础,提出了另外两种新的对主分量变换结果进行量化的方法;并对这3种方法进行了充分的比较,文中最后以信息熵为指标评价了3种方法的优劣。  相似文献   


An Augmented virtual environment (AVE) is concerned with the fusion of real-time video with 3D models or scenes so as to augment the virtual environment. In this paper, a new approach to establish an AVE with a wide field of view is proposed, including real-time video projection, multiple video texture fusion and 3D visualization of moving objects. A new diagonally weighted algorithm is proposed to smooth the apparent gaps within the overlapping area between the two adjacent videos. A visualization method for the location and trajectory of a moving virtual object is proposed to display the moving object and its trajectory in the 3D virtual environment. The experimental results showed that the proposed set of algorithms are able to fuse multiple real-time videos with 3D models efficiently, and the experiment runs a 3D scene containing two million triangles and six real-time videos at around 55 frames per second on a laptop with 1GB of graphics card memory. In addition, a realistic AVE with a wide field of view was created based on the Digital Earth Science Platform by fusing three videos with a complex indoor virtual scene, visualizing a moving object and drawing its trajectory in the real time.  相似文献   


At the beginning of the twentieth century, a British mapping team led by Captain S. F. Newcombe surveyed and mapped the Negev region, Sinai, and western Jordan. The map was mainly produced for military use. Consequently, it included a network of branched routes, water supplies and facilities, and topographic contours. This study used this map to examine the development of routes in the Negev region between the beginning of and until the end of the twentieth century. First, the individual sheets comprising the study area were pieced together and the accuracy of the map was evaluated. The accuracy found on the Newcombe map was 0.76 mm on the map scale, equivalent to 100.3 m. Route development during the twentieth century was then evaluated by comparing the routes digitized from the Newcombe map to digitized routes on a late twentieth-century map. The results do not reveal tremendous changes in path, shape, or number of routes. Instead, they merely indicate the natural development in their quality. This Historical GIS-based approach provided a useful technique for analyzing and comparing the line segments extracted from historical and modern maps. The implemented approach may also serve other geographical or historical studies aiming to examine the development of branched networks throughout history.  相似文献   

现代地图学的最新进展与新世纪的展望   总被引:23,自引:15,他引:23  
廖克 《测绘科学》2004,29(1):5-9
本文第一部分国际地图学的最新进展,阐述了专题制图进一步拓宽领域并向纵深发展;计算机制图已广泛应用于各类地图生产,多媒体电子地图集与互联网地图集迅速推广;地图学-遥感-地理信息系统相结合已形成一体化的研究技术体系;计算机制图-电子出版生产一体化,从根本上改变了地图设计与生产的传统工艺;地图学新概念与新理论的不断探索。第二部分分析了中国地图学与地图事业近30年的发展与成就,论述了测绘部门完成了全国大比例尺地形图的测制,完成1:100万与1:25万数字地形图制作.在完成一大批专题地图的同时,广泛开展区域与部门的综合制图,编制出版了一大批不同类型的高水平综合地图集;遥感制图、计算机制图与地理信息系统已达到世界先进水平。第三部分是对中国地图学新世纪的展望:①抓住数字地球的机遇,创建地学信息图谱;②专题与综合制图进一步向纵深发展;③地图学、遥感制图与地理信息系统一体化,形成完整的研究技术体系与生产体系,发展地球信息科学;④为适应市场经济与社会发展的需要,应进一步扩大地图应用领域与范围,增加地图新品种;⑤加强地图学、遥感制图与地理信息系统基础理论及其应用原理与方法的研究。  相似文献   

在现阶段航测外业控制测量实际生产中,仍有部分环节采用手工作业,使得整个航测外业控制测量各个工序之间衔接性差,整体性弱.比如,控制点布设和控制点信息检查阶段,这些传统的作业方法已经不适应数字化生产的要求,它必将制约生产的速度和质量.本文旨在通过构建数字化生产平台,辅助解决航测外业控制测量中控制点布设和控制点信息检查生产效...  相似文献   

廖小罕 《遥感学报》2021,25(1):267-275
2000年以来,中国对地观测领域在国家科技计划的支持下,积累了系列关键技术和核心成果.以此为重要引领,支撑形成了气象、海洋、陆地业务化遥感卫星系列和多类别遥感科学实验卫星系列,建立了较为完善的卫星遥感和灵活多样的航空遥感数据获取体系.同时,构建了数据获取、处理和产品服务体系和面向不同需要的应用系统,较大程度上满足主要行...  相似文献   

白华艳  陈月明 《测绘通报》2022,(11):162-165
面向测绘地理信息产业发展高端化,高职院校如何培养技能人才成为当前研究的热点。通过开展企业调研,企业对地理信息系统技术及应用(87.5%)、无人机测绘技术(84.7%)、工程测量(79.2%)技能较为重视,学生普遍缺乏测绘及GIS软件操作与应用(68.1%)、测绘仪器使用和维护(65.3%)、操作无人机进行信息采集与处理(56.9%)能力。本文提出“岗课证赛”融通的测绘地理信息人才培养模式,把企业岗位任务、职业认证及技能大赛的能力要求融入课程,使学生具备掌握与未来职业岗位需求相吻合的技能,适应测绘地理信息产业发展高端化。  相似文献   

刘东琴  徐文中  林宗坚 《测绘科学》2007,32(1):53-54,23
利用二维平面地图来表示多维世界,是人类认识世界改造世界发展史上产生的一次伟大的飞跃。现阶段二维地理信息系统和三维虚拟现实系统各自具有优缺点,将二者结合解决各自的不足之处,即可实现二维地理信息系统的宏观性、整体性和三维虚拟场景系统的现实性、直观性等的优势互补,克服二维地理信息系统的符号抽象性和三维虚拟现实漫游时的“迷失”。在北京经济技术开发区的城市三维信息系统建设中有效实现了二者的集成与应用。  相似文献   

PREFACE The paper contains a brief overview of the professional activities of Professor Gottfried Konecny,Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation,Leibniz University Hannover,Germany,and his influence on photogrammetry,remote sensing and geospatial infor-mation science during his time at the University of New Brunswick,Canada,and at the Leibniz University.His work can be divided into educational,scientific,application,organizational,and work in international societies.Additional activities comprised of giving courses in various languages,consultancy activities,and various other cooperations which took place in many South American countries,in Africa and Asia,for organizations such as the World Bank,United Nations,German Space Agency DLR,to name only a few.Activities in connection with international societies mainly took place during Prof.Konecny's engagement in the Council of the International Society for Photogrammetry(ISP),renamed the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(ISPRS),and the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories(EARSeL)Bureau.He was a key figure in bringing many countries and organizations to ISPRS as Ordinary and Sustaining Members.Professor Konecny has always been aware of the importance of international cooperation at various levels,also with sister societies such as the International Cartographic Association and the United Nations-Global Geospatial Information Management(UN-GGIM).His application activities span from the photogrammetry-oriented projects he was awarded in Canada,to remote sensing topics and geospatial sciences,combined with cartography during his Hannover period.His vision and endless effort are exemplary for a person who has always been devoted to the three geosciences mentioned above.Professor Konecny is the author of a number of books,journal papers and papers presented at international and national conferences.He has been a recognized keynote speaker at many conferences throughout the world due to his vast experience.This paper describes 75 years of a man who is an expert in fields which arose during his academic life.  相似文献   

利用非奇变换首先将地形校正奇异积分非奇异,其次利用NewtonCotes积分,本文推导了几组适用于地形校正中央区积分的求积公式。  相似文献   

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