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Optical disdrometers can be used to estimate rainfall erosivity; however, the relative accuracy of different disdrometers is unclear. This study compared three types of optical laser-based disdrometers to quantify differences in measured rainfall characteristics and to develop correction factors for kinetic energy (KE). Two identical PWS100 (Campbell Scientific), one Laser Precipitation Monitor (Thies Clima) and a first-generation Parsivel (OTT) were collocated with a weighing rain gauge (OTT Pluvio2) at a site in Austria. All disdrometers underestimated total rainfall compared to the rain gauge with relative biases from 2% to 29%. Differences in drop size distribution and velocity resulted in different KE estimates. By applying a linear regression to the KE–intensity relationship of each disdrometer, a correction factor for KE between the disdrometers was developed. This factor ranged from 1.15 to 1.36 and allowed comparison of KE between different disdrometer types despite differences in measured drop size and velocity.  相似文献   


Knowledge of rainfall characteristics such as drop-size distribution is essential for the development of erosion-mitigation strategies and models. This research used an optical disdrometer to elucidate the relationships between raindrop-size distribution, median volume drop diameter (D50), kinetic energy and radar reflectivity (dBz) of simulated rainfall of different intensities. The D50 values were higher for the simulated rain than for natural rain at almost all rainfall intensities, perhaps due to variations in rainfall types and the turbulence in natural rain that breaks up large drops. The kinetic energy ranged from 26.67 to 5955.51 J m?2 h ?1, while the median volume drop diameter (D50) was in the range 1.94–7.25 mm, for intensities between 1.5 and 202.6 mm h?1. The relationship between radar reflectivity (Z) and the intensity (R) of the simulated rain was best described by a power law function (Z = aRb), with a and b coefficients in the ranges 162–706 and 0.94–2.46, respectively, throughout the range of rainfall intensities (1.5–202.6 mm h?1).  相似文献   


A methodology is proposed to compare radar reflectivity data obtained from two partially overlapping ground-based radars in order to explain relative differences in radar-rainfall products and establish sound merging procedures for multi-radar observing networks. To identify radar calibration differences, radar reflectivity is compared for well-matched radar sampling volumes viewing common meteorological targets. Temporal separation and three-dimensional matching of two different sampling volumes were considered based on the original polar coordinates of radar observation. Since the proposed method assumes radar beam propagation under standard atmospheric conditions, anomalous propagation cases were eliminated from the analysis. The reflectivity comparison results show systematic differences over time, but the variability of these differences is surprisingly large due to the sensitive nature of the radar reflectivity measurement.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis/Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Seo, B.-C., Krajewski, W.F., and Smith, J.A., 2013. Four-dimensional reflectivity data comparison between two ground-based radars: methodology and statistical analysis. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1312–1326. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.839872  相似文献   


The spread of impervious surfaces in urban areas combined with the rise in the intensity of rainfall events as a result of climate change has led to dangerous increases in storm water flows. This paper discusses a new implementation of the fully distributed hydrological model Multi-Hydro (developed at École des Ponts ParisTech), when operating storage basins, and its ability to deal with high-resolution radar rainfall data. The peri-urban area of Massy (south of Paris, France) was selected as a case study for having six of these drainage facilities, used extensively in flood control. Two radar rainfall datasets with different spatiotemporal resolutions were used: Météo-France’s PANTHER rainfall product (C-band) and ENPC’s X-band DPSRI. The rainfall spatiotemporal variability was analysed statistically using Universal Multifractals (UM). Finally, to validate the application, the water level simulations were compared with local measurements in the Cora storage basin located next to the catchment’s single outlet.  相似文献   


We compare the output of various climate models to temperature and precipitation observations at 55 points around the globe. We also spatially aggregate model output and observations over the contiguous USA using data from 70 stations, and we perform comparison at several temporal scales, including a climatic (30-year) scale. Besides confirming the findings of a previous assessment study that model projections at point scale are poor, results show that the spatially integrated projections are also poor.

Citation Anagnostopoulos, G. G., Koutsoyiannis, D., Christofides, A., Efstratiadis, A. & Mamassis, N. (2010) A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1094–1110.  相似文献   


During recent decades, intensive research has focused on techniques capable of generating rainfall time series at a fine time scale that are (fully or partially) consistent with a given series at a coarser time scale. Here we theoretically investigate the consequences on the ensemble statistical behaviour caused by the structure of a simple and widely-used approach of stochastic downscaling for rainfall time series, the discrete Multiplicative Random Cascade. We show that synthetic rainfall time series generated by these cascade models correspond to a stochastic process which is non-stationary, because its temporal autocorrelation structure depends on the position in time in an undesirable manner. Then, we propose and theoretically analyse an alternative downscaling approach based on the Hurst-Kolmogorov process, which is equally simple but is stationary. Finally, we provide Monte Carlo experiments which validate our theoretical results.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Lombardo, F., Volpi, E., and Koutsoyiannis, D., 2012. Rainfall downscaling in time: theoretical and empirical comparison between multifractal and Hurst-Kolmogorov discrete random cascades. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1052–1066.  相似文献   

Multifractal analysis of earthquakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Multifractal properties of the epicenter and hypocenter distribution and also of the energy distribution of earthquakes are studied for California, Japan, and Greece. The calculatedD q-q curves (the generalized dimension) indicate that the earthquake process is multifractal or heterogeneous in the fractal dimension. Japanese earthquakes are the most heterogeneous and Californian earthquakes are the least. Since the earthquake process is multifractal, a single value of the so-called fractal dimension is not sufficient to characterize the earthquake process. Studies of multifractal models of earthquakes are recommended. Temporal changes of theD q-q curve are also obtained for Californian and Japanese earthquakes. TheD q-q curve shows two distinctly different types in each region; the gentle type and the steep type. The steeptype corresponds to a strongly heterogeneous multifractal, which appears during seismically active periods when large earthquakes occur.D q for smallq or negativeq is considerably more sensitive to the change in fractal structure of earthquakes thanD q forq2. We recommend use ofD q at smallq to detect the seismicity change in a local area.  相似文献   

The individual outputs of several elements in solution, suspended solids and bedload were estimated for a stream draining a small upland catchment in mid-Wales. The data indicate the overall importance of transport in solution, although the solid phase can make a significant contribution to the export of potassium, iron and silicon from the site.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison has been made of the radiometric scale maintained by the National Standards Laboratory of Australia and the International Pyrheliometric Scale 1956 as currently maintained in Australia. The scales appear to differ by 1.4 per cent, the value assigned to a given irradiance by the National Standards Laboratory being the higher.  相似文献   

Multifractal measures,especially for the geophysicist   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This text is addressed to both the beginner and the seasoned professional, geology being used as the main but not the sole illustration. The goal is to present an alternative approach to multifractals, extending and streamlining the original approach inMandelbrot (1974). The generalization from fractalsets to multifractalmeasures involves the passage from geometric objects that are characterized primarily by one number, namely a fractal dimension, to geometric objects that are characterized primarily by a function. The best is to choose the function (), which is a limit probability distribution that has been plotted suitably, on double logarithmic scales. The quantity is called Hölder exponent. In terms of the alternative functionf() used in the approach of Frisch-Parisi and of Halseyet al., one has ()=f()–E for measures supported by the Euclidean space of dimensionE. Whenf()0,f() is a fractal dimension. However, one may havef()<0, in which case is called latent. One may even have <0, in which case is called virtual. These anomalies' implications are explored, and experiments are suggested. Of central concern in this paper is the study of low-dimensional cuts through high-dimensional multifractals. This introduces a quantityD q, which is shown forq>1 to be a critical dimension for the cuts. An enhanced multifractal diagram is drawn, includingf(), a function called (q) andD q.This text incorporatesand supersedes Mandelbrot (1988). A more detailed treatment, in preparation, will incorporateMandelbrot (1989).  相似文献   

We describe scalar interfaces in turbulent flowsvia elementary notions from fractal geometry. It is shown by measurement that these interfaces possess a fractal dimension of 2.35±0.05 in a variety of flows, and it is demonstrated that the uniqueness of this number is a consequence of the physical principle of Reynolds number similarity. Also, the spatial distribution of scalar and energy dissipation in physical space is shown to be multifractal. We compare thef() curves obtained from one- and two-dimensional cuts in several flows, and examine their value in describing features of turbulence in the three-dimensional physical space.  相似文献   


Scale issues are ubiquitous in geosciences. Because of their simplicity and intuitiveness, and despite strong limitations, notably its non-stationarity features, discrete random multiplicative cascade processes are very often used to address these scale issues. A novel approach based on the parsimonious framework of Universal Multifractals (UM) is introduced to tackle this issue while preserving the simple structure of discrete cascades. It basically consists in smoothing at each cascade step the random multiplicative increments with the help of a geometric interpolation over a moving window. The window size enables to introduce non-conservativeness in the simulated fields. It is established theoretically,] and numerically confirmed, that the simulated fields also exhibit a multifractal behaviour with expected features. It is shown that such an approach remains valid over a limited range of UM parameters. Finally, we test downscaling of rainfall fields with the help of this blunt discrete cascade process, and we discuss challenges for future developments.  相似文献   

Earthquakes in Iran and neighbouring regions are closely connected to their position within the geologically active Alpine-Himalayan belt. Modern tectonic activity is forced by the convergent movements between two plates: The Arabian plate, including Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf and the Zagros Ranges of Iran, and the Eurasian plate. The intensive seismic activity in this region is recorded with shallow focal depth and magnitude rising as high as Mw = 7.8. The study region can be attributed to a highly complex geodynamic process and therefore is well suited for multifractal seismicity analysis. Multifractal analysis of earthquakes (mb ≥ 3) occurring during 1973 – 2006 led to the detection of a clustering pattern in the narrow time span prior to all the large earthquakes: Mw = 7.8 on 16.9.1978; Mw = 6.8 on 26.12.2003; Mw = 7.7 on 10.5.97. Based on the spatio-temporal clustering pattern of events, the potential for future large events can be assessed. Spatio-temporal clustering of events apparently indicates a highly stressed region, an asperity or weak zone from which the rupture propagation eventually nucleates, causing large earthquakes. This clustering pattern analysis done on a well-constrained catalogue for most of the fault systems of known seismicity may eventually aid in the preparedness and earthquake disaster mitigation.  相似文献   

Multifractal versus monofractal analysis of wetland topography   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The land surface elevation distribution will serve as fundamental input data to any wetland flow model. As an alternative to the traditional smooth function approach to represent or interpolate elevation data, we explore the use of Levy monofractals and universal multifractals as a means for defining a statistically equivalent topography. The motivation behind this effort is that fractals, like natural topography, are irregular, they offer a way to relate elevation variations measured at different scales, and the relationships are of a statistical nature. The study site was a riparian wetland near Savannah, GA, that contained beavers, and a total of four elevation transects were examined. The elevation increments showed definite non-Gaussian behavior, with parameter values, such as the Hurst coefficient and Lévy index (α), depending on the question of presence of beaver activity. It was obvious that the data were highly irregular, especially the transects influenced by beavers. Significantly different α values were obtained depending on whether the entire data set or just the tails were examined, which demonstrated inability of the monofractal model to reflect fully the irregularity of wetland data. Further analysis confirmed definite multifractal scaling, and it is concluded that the multifractal model is superior for this data set. Universal multifractal parameters are calculated and compared to those obtained previously for more typical terrain. Although it is difficult to consider a unique universal multifractal parameter α for the entire wetland, multifractal-like scaling was evident in each transect as reflected by the nonlinear behaviors of the scaling functions. We demonstrate a good agreement between theory and measurements up to a critical order of statistical moments, q D , close to 3.5 and obtain realistic unconditioned simulations of multifractal wetland topography based on our parameter estimates. Future work should be devoted to conditioning multifractal realizations to data and to obtaining larger data sets so that the question of anisotropy may be studied.  相似文献   

A comparison of two bivariate extreme value distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are two distinct bivariate extreme value distributions constructed from Gumbel marginals, namely Gumbel mixed (GM) model and Gumbel logistic (GL) model. These two models have completely different structures and their dependence ranges are different. The product-moment correlation coefficient for the former is [0,2/3] and the latter is [0,1]. It is natural to ask which one is more appropriate for representing the joint probabilistic behavior of two correlated Gumbel-distributed variables. This study compares these two models by numerical experiments. The comparison is based on that: (i) if the two distribution models are identical, then the joint probability and the joint return period computed by the GM model should be the same as those by the GL model; and (ii) if a selected distribution is the true distribution from which sample data are drawn, then the probabilities computed by the theoretical model should provide a good fit to empirical ones. Comparison results indicate that in the range of correlation coefficient [0,2/3], both models provide identical joint probabilities and joint return periods, and both indicate a good fit to empirical probabilities; while for (2/3,1), only the Gumbel logistic model can be used.  相似文献   

Multifractal measures of earthquakes in west Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The generalized fractal dimension for epicentral distribution of earthquakes in west Taiwan is measured. The entire area is first divided into two zones, i.e., north and south zones, after which the two zones are further separated into three subzones for the former and two for the latter. The logC q (r) versus logr function, whereC q (r) is the generalized correlation integral andr is the distance between two epicenters, shows that a linear relation between logC q and logr exists in the range ofr smaller thanr c . The value ofr c is 25 km for the north zone, 40 km for the south and 12 km for the three north subzones. The valuesr c =25 and 40 km are almost the smallest ones of the width of epicentral distributions of the north and south zones, respectively. The value ofr c =12 km for the three north subzones is approximately the smallest size of the cluster of epicenters. For the plots of two south subzones, the pattern of data points does not bend in the range ofr in consideration, and, thus, there is not such a critical radius. TheD q q relations forq=0, 1, 2,..., 15 are constructed for the two zones and five subzones. Results show significant multifractality and a spatial variation in multifractality for epicentral distributions of earthquakes in west Taiwan.  相似文献   

极区电离层加热的数值模拟与实验对比   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大功率无线电波能加热电离层等离子体,可以引起电离层电子温度和密度的扰动,实现电离层的人工变态.从电子的连续性方程、动量方程和能量方程出发,我们给出了地面人工大功率无线电波加热电离层的数值模型.通过对方程的数值求解,计算了极地电离层条件下,电子温度、电子密度的加热效应,讨论了泵波参数对加热效应的影响.研究结果表明,电子温度几乎在整个高度上表现为一致性的幅度增强,且在反射高度附近形成温度增强峰很平缓.电子密度在峰上高度附近形成密度谷,谷两侧存在密度增强.加热效应基本随加热功率的增大而增大,随加热频率的增大而减小.使用我国2008年1月在挪威进行的电离层加热实验的电离层参量作为仿真初值,对6个O波加热时刻进行了数值仿真,仿真结果与实验观测基本保持一致.  相似文献   


Application of the concept of combining the estimated forecast output of different rainfall-runoff models to yield an overall combined estimated output in the context of real-time river flow forecasting is explored. A Real-Time Model Output Combination Method (RTMOCM) is developed, based on the structure of the Linear Transfer Function Model (LTFM) and utilizing the concept of the Weighted Average Method (WAM) for model output combination. A multiple-input single-output form of the LTFM is utilized in the RTMOCM. This form of the LTFM model uses synchronously the daily simulation-mode model-estimated discharge time series of the rainfall-runoff models selected for combination, its inherent updating structure being used for providing updated combined discharge forecasts. The RTMOCM is applied to the daily data of five catchments, using the simulation-mode estimated discharges of three selected rainfall-runoff models, comprising one conceptual model (Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing Procedure—SMAR) and two black-box models (Linear Perturbation Model—LPM and Linearly-Varying Variable Gain Factor Model—LVGFM). In order to get an indication of the accuracy of the updated combined discharge forecasts relative to the updated discharge forecasts of the individual models, the LTFM is also used for updating the simulation-mode discharge time series of each of the three individual models. The results reveal that the updated combined discharge forecasts provided by the RTMOCM, with parameters obtained by linear regression, can improve on the updated discharge forecasts of the individual rainfall-runoff models.  相似文献   

Scaling analyses on geophysical measurements of electrical conductivity, gamma radiation, and magnetic fields, at the Oak Ridge Reservation were conducted. The electrical conductivity and magnetic data exhibited multifractality in the north-south and east-west directions. The radiation data were observed to be non-scaling; a variogram with a sill was found to be more appropriate. The scaling of the EC and magnetic was generally within a range smaller than the maximum distance selected, as periodicity dominated at the larger distances. The electrical conductivity had anisotropy in the scaling of their variograms. But the magnetic data appear to have an isotropic scaling. The underlying statistics of the fields were near Gaussian for the electrical conductivity, but essentially Gaussian for the magnetic data. In environmental hydrogeology, knowledge of the spatial distribution of the intrinsic permeability, K, is very helpful in understanding the transport and spreading of contaminant plumes. Our previous studies have shown that the subsurface permeability, K, is multifractal. Detailed measurement of K is costly. Hence, large data sets of value collected both on a fine scale and over large distances are rare. In this study, we hypothesize that geophysical data could be used indirectly as a surrogate measurement for K, for obtaining statistical information on scale limited K data, and perhaps, directly at sites where K and electrical conductivity are correlated.  相似文献   

This study evaluated four possible cases of comparing radar and rain gauge rain rate for the detection of mean‐field bias. These four cases, or detection designs, consider in this study are: (1) design 1‐uses all the data sets available, including zero radar rain rate and zero rain gauge rain rate, (2) design 2—uses the data sets of positive radar rain rate and zero or positive rain gauge rain rate, (3) design 3—uses the data sets of zero or positive radar rain rate and positive rain gauge rain rate and (4) design 4—uses the data sets of positive radar rain rate and positive rain gauge rain rate. A theoretical review of these four detection designs showed that only the design 1 causes no design bias, but designs 2, 3 and 4 can cause positive, negative and negative design biases, respectively. This theoretical result was also verified by applying these four designs to the rain rate field generated by a multi‐dimensional rain rate model, as well as to that of the Mt Gwanak radar in Korea. The results from both applications showed that especially the design 4, which is generally used for the detection of mean‐field bias of radar rain rate, causes a serious design bias; therefore, is inappropriate as a design for detecting the mean‐field bias of radar rain rate. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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