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During February, 1981 and June, 1982 the gamma-ray and the hard X-ray spectrometers on the Hinotori satellite observed four gamma-ray bursts on 28 February, 21 July, 1981, 26 February and 13 March, 1982. These gamma-ray bursts were simultaneously observed by other satellites. The time histories and energy spectra are shown for these gamma-ray bursts, and the burst sizes (erg cm–2) are estimated. Two possible source locations for the burst of 21 July, 1981 are roughly determined from arrival time delays between two pairs of satellites, PVO-Hinotori and ISEE-3-Hinotori. The weak gamma-ray line peak structure around 1.8 MeV was observed for the burst of 13 March, 1982. The line could be interpreted in terms of gravitationally redshifted neutron capture line at 2.22 MeV.  相似文献   

A new detector for accurate localization of the cosmic gamma-burst sources is presented. The detector is intended for satellite applications, but balloon flights will be used in the development phase. The advantages and limitations of Arctic balloon flights are discussed based on a trial flight in August 1979.Paper presented at the Symposium on Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts, held at Toulouse, France, 26–29 November, 1979.  相似文献   

A 3×3 NaI(T1) crystal-photomultiplier assembly with a 4 charged particle anticoincidence shield is used to determine the gamma ray spectrum in the energy region of about 100 keV to 8.5 MeV at a balloon altitude of 4.7 g cm–2 over Hyderabad, India (geomagnetic latitude 8°N). The atmospheric growth curves are used to obtain the contribution of the diffuse cosmic gamma ray flux in the above energy range. The cosmic photon flux thus deduced up to about 8.5 MeV is consistent with a continuation of the power law spectrum observed at energies between 20 and 200 keV with an index of –2.3, and hence contradicts the flattening trend observed in ERS-18 at an energy of a few MeV.Results presented at the IAU/COSPAR symposium No. 55 on X-and Gamma-Ray Astronomy Madrid, 11–13th May, 1972.  相似文献   

Ramaty  R.  Murphy  R. J.  Kozlovsky  B.  Lingenfelter  R. E. 《Solar physics》1983,84(1-2):395-418
An analysis, with a representative (canonical) example of solar-flare-generated equatorial disturbances, is presented for the temporal and spatial changes in the solar wind plasma and magnetic field environment between the Sun and one astronomical unit (AU). Our objective is to search for first order global consequences rather than to make a parametric study. The analysis - an extension of earlier planar studies - considers all three plasma velocity and magnetic field components (V r, Vφ, V0, and B r, B0, Bφ) in any convenient heliospheric plane of symmetry such as the ecliptic plane, the solar equatorial plane, or the heliospheric equatorial plane chosen for its ability (in a tilted coordinate system) to order northern and southern hemispheric magnetic topology and latitudinal solar wind flows. Latitudinal velocity and magnetic field gradients in and near the plane of symmetry are considered to provide higher-order corrections of a specialized nature and, accordingly, are neglected, as is dissipation, except at shock waves. The representative disturbance is examined for the canonical case in which one describes the temporal and spatial changes in a homogeneous solar wind caused by a solar-flare-generated shock wave. The ‘canonical’ solar flare is assumed to produce a shock wave that has a velocity of 1000 km s#X2212;1 at 0.08 AU. We have examined all plasma and field parameters at three radial locations: central meridian and 33° W and 90° W of the flare's central meridian. A higher shock velocity (3000 km s#X2212;1) was also used to demonstrate the model's ability to simulate a strongly-kinked interplanetary field. Among the global (first-order) results are the following: (i) incorporation of a small meridional magnetic field in the ambient magnetic spiral field has negligible effect on the results; (ii) the magnetic field demonstrates strong kinking within the interplanetary shocked flow, even reversed polarity that - coupled with low temperature and low density - suggests a viable explanation for observed ‘magnetic clouds’ with accompanying double-streaming of electrons at directions ~ 90° to the heliocentric radius.  相似文献   

A gamma-ray burst (GRB) releases an amount of energy similar to that of a supernova explosion, which combined with its rapid variability suggests an origin related to neutron stars or black holes. Since these compact stellar remnants form from the most massive stars not long after their birth, GRBs should trace the star formation rate in the Universe; we show that the GRB flux distribution is consistent with this. Because of the strong evolution of the star formation rate with redshift, it follows that the dimmest known bursts have z  ∼ 6, much above the value usually quoted and beyond the most distant quasars. This explains the absence of bright galaxies in well-studied GRB error boxes. The increased distances imply a peak luminosity of 8.3 × 1051 erg s−1 and a rate density of 0.025 per million years per galaxy. These values are 20 times higher and 150 times lower, respectively, than are implied by fits with non-evolving GRB rates. This means either that GRBs are caused by a much rarer phenomenon than mergers of binary neutron stars, or that their gamma-ray emission is often invisible to us due to beaming. Precise burst locations from optical transients will discriminate between the various models for GRBs from stellar deaths, because the distance between progenitor birth place and burst varies greatly among them. The dimmest GRBs are then the most distant known objects, and may probe the Universe at an age when the first stars were forming.  相似文献   

We investigate the viability of the Galactic corona model of -ray bursts by calculating the spatial distribution of neutron stars born with high velocities in the Galactic disk, and comparing the resulting brightness and angular distribution with the BATSE data. We find that the Galactic corona model can reproduce the BATSE peak flux and angular distribution data for neutron star kick velocities 800 km s–1, source turn-on ages 10 Myrs, and sampling depths 100 kpc d max 400 kpc.  相似文献   

Effect of the scattering of cosmic diffuse X-rays in the atmosphere on the observed spectrum at balloon altitude is examined. It is shown that the contribution of the scattered X-rays cannot be eliminated by the usual method of extrapolating the growth curve and that the atmospheric absorption of the primary X-rays has been overcorrected thus far by 25–40%.Work has been done during the author's stay in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India.  相似文献   

The absolute limb effect is presented for Fei lines 3767 and 3969; for five Tii lines of multiplet 42 near 4535 and one Tiii line at 4534; two lines of Mgi, 4571 and 5172; two lines of Baii at 5854 and 6497. The scattered light of the McMath solar telescope is illustrated by several figures but not applied to the limb-effect observations. It is suggested that the supergravity shift at the limb is the result of scattering of the atoms in anisotropic velocity field.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

It is shown that the emission lines observed in quasars can be satisfactorily explained as being due to laser action in certain atomic species in the expanding envelope of a star. There is no need to assume a redshift.  相似文献   

In this paper the absolute limb effect for a number of Fraunhofer lines observed at the McMath Solar Observatory is given. Results, uncorrected for scattered light, are given for the following lines: Fei 37334.9, 3735.3, 5123.7, 5250.2, 5434.5, 6678.0, and 8886.6. Additional lines observed are five lines of CN 3876.3–3880.0, two lines of Cai 6161.3 and 6162.2, one line of Nai, 6160.7, and one CN line (7957.0) of the red system.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We studied the problematic of uncertainties in the diffuse gamma radiation apparent in stacking analysis of EGRET data at low Galactic latitudes. Subsequently, we co-added maps of counts, exposure and diffuse background, and residuals, in varying numbers for different sub-categories of putatively and known source populations (like PSRs). Finally we tested for gamma-ray excess emission in those maps and attempt to quantify the systematic biases in such approach. Such kind of an analysis will help the classification processes of sources and source populations in the GLAST era.  相似文献   

Fluxes have been computed for Fex (6374 Å) and Fe xiv (5303 Å) lines as a function of solar radii and at various coronal tempratures. The electron density derived from the white light corona during the total solar eclipse of 1980 were used in the computations. Fluxes in adjacent continua have also been computed. The computed ratios of line flux to the square of continuum flux at a coronal temperature of 1.6 × 106 K show a good fit with the observed values for Fex line. Further, radiative excitation seems to dominate over collisional excitation beyond 1.3 solar radius.  相似文献   

Our theory of a resonator for slow magneto-atmospheric waves in the chromosphere of a sunspot umbra has been used to check different models of the structure of the chromosphere and transition region. Oscillations of velocity and intensity in Civ, Siiv, and Oiv lines observed by Gurman et al. (1982) on the SMM spacecraft have been compared with the calculated oscillations. The observed spectrum of resonant peaks could well be explained by a gradient model of the umbral chromosphere. Different assumptions concerning the structure of the transition region do not influence the calculated resonance periods, but the amplitudes and phases of oscillations are modified. There is strong evidence for a concentration of the observed oscillations in cold fine structure elements of the transition region, even if the filling factor of such elements is very small (some few percent). Isothermal rather than adiabatic oscillations in the cold elements should be assumed in order to explain the observed fluctuations of line intensity; the relative amplitudes of pressure oscillations in the hot main component with a steep gradient of temperature are too small to explain the observed intensity fluctuations.  相似文献   

Six solar flares were detected by the AVS-F apparatus onboard the CORONAS-F satellite in January 2005. We discuss the temporal profiles and energy spectra of the solar flares of January 20, 17, and 15, 2005 (class X7.1, X3.8, and X2.6, respectively) on the AVS-F data. The active region NOAA 10720 was the source of these flares. The spectra of the flares of January 17 and 20, 2005 contain nuclear lines, a positron line, and a line due to neutron capture line, while only the positron and neutron capture lines can be identified in the spectrum of the flare of January 15, 2005. The spectral features corresponding to these lines were observed during the whole duration of the flares. Analysis of the temporal profile of the flare of January 20, 2005 with a 1-ms temporal resolution in the energy range 0.1–20 MeV reveals the presence of a thin structure (at the 99% confidence level) with typical timescales of 7 to 35 ms.  相似文献   

We compare observations of an eruptive and a quiescent prominence in order to better understand the energetic processes in an eruptive prominence. Observations of an eruptive prominence were obtained in H, several UV emission lines (1215–1640 Å), and coronal white light at approximately 19:00 UT on September 20, 1980. The data we present shows the development of the eruption in the H and UV emission lines and is compared with the intensities from similar observations of a quiescent prominence. While the event is coincident with some coronal changes, above 1.2 and up to 1.5 solar radii, it does not result in a true coronal mass ejection event.The comparison between the eruptive and quiescent prominences reveals several differences which suggest that the activation consists not only of a mechanical movement of material, but also changes in the temperature of the prominence plasma. Some prominence material that does not seem to participate in the large scale prominence motion is heated during the eruptive event. Most of this material is heated to transition zone temperatures with almost no cool core (i.e., no or very little H emission). The behavior indicates that there are structures that are first cool and then heat up to transition zone temperatures (apparently remaining stable for some time at these temperatures). Since this is an unstable temperature region for prominence type structures the energy transport that allows this is not understood and presents an interesting theoretical problem.Member of the Carrera del Investigador, CONICET, Argentina, presently at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.  相似文献   

Observations from the high resolution spherical electrostatic analyzer experiment aboard ISIS 1 have been used to study large amplitude irregularities at low latitudes in the tipside ionosphere. The irregularities appeared as plasma depletions near the magnetic equator and were observed up to satellite apogee (3500 km). The altitude local time distribution of the depletions was such that those at altitudes greater than 2000 km were found only in the post-midnight sector. This result agrees with the predictions of a model for plasma bubbles drifting under the influence of gravity-buoyancy forces. Evidence is presented that the initial steep gradients observed at low altitudes are reduced by anomalous diffusion due to drift waves.  相似文献   

We extend the 36-levels model atom Fe+16 of Loulergue and Nussbaumer (1973) to a 51-levels atom includingn=4 configuration. Our earlier conclusion that relative intensities among the Fexvii lines are not sufficiently sensitive to variations in electron densities and electron temperature to deduce these parameters from observed intensity ratios still holds. Discrepancies between calculated and observed relative intensities in Fexvii and Nixix are attributed to blends or misidentifications.Paper presented at the I.A.U. Colloquium No. 27 on UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A, 9–11 September 1974.  相似文献   

GRBs are the most energetic combination of jets and disks in the Universe. Observations made using Swift reveal a complex temporal and spectral behaviour. We propose that this behaviour can be used to refine the GRB classification scheme and align it better with progenitor types. The early (prompt) X-ray light curve can be well described by an exponential which relaxes into a power law. The transition time between the exponential and the power law gives a well-defined timescale, T p , for the burst duration which we use with the spectral index of the prompt emission, β p , and the prompt power law decay index, α p to define four classes of burst: short, slow, fast and soft. Short bursts tend to decline more gradually than long bursts. Most GRBs display a second “afterglow” component which can be fitted in a similar way to the early emission. During the decay of this second component, few GRBs show jet breaks in accord with pre-Swift predictions. However, the start time of the final afterglow decay, T a , correlates with the peak of the prompt γ-ray emission spectrum, E peak, in an analogous way to the Ghirlanda relation found between optical “jet-break” times, t j , and E peak. These data are inconsistent with simple achromatic jet-break models casting doubt on the reliability of using late temporal breaks to determine the jet collimation.  相似文献   

Recently Alexander and Gulyaev have suggested that the apparent decrease in impact broadening of radio recombination lines seen at high principal quantum number n may be a product of the data reduction process, possibly resulting from the presence of noise on the telescope spectra that is not present on the calculated comparison spectra. This is an interesting proposal. However, there are serious problems with their analysis that need to be pointed out. Perhaps the most important of these is the fact that for principal quantum numbers below n=200, where the widths are not in question, their processed generated profile widths do not fit the widths of the processed lines obtained at the telescope. After processing, the halfwidths of the generated and telescope profiles must agree below n=200 if we are to believe that the processed generated linewidths above n=200 are meaningful. Theirs do not. Furthermore, we find that after applying the linewidth reduction factors found by Alexander and Gulyaev for their noise added profiles to our generated profiles to simulate their noise adding effect, the processed widths we obtain still do not come close to explaining the narrowing seen in the telescope lines for n values in the range 200<n<250. It is concluded that what is needed to solve this mystery is a completely new approach using a different observing technique instead of simply a further manipulation of the frequency-switched data.  相似文献   

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