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Tide‐dominated deltas have an inherently complex distribution of heterogeneities on several different scales and are less well‐understood than their wave‐dominated and river‐dominated counterparts. Depositional models of these environments are based on a small set of ancient examples and are, therefore, immature. The Early Jurassic Gule Horn Formation is particularly well‐exposed in extensive sea cliffs from which a 32 km long, 250 m high virtual outcrop model has been acquired using helicopter‐mounted light detection and ranging (LiDAR). This dataset, combined with a set of sedimentological logs, facilitates interpretation and measurement of depositional elements and tracing of stratigraphic surfaces over seismic‐scale distances. The aim of this article is to use this dataset to increase the understanding of depositional elements and lithologies in proximal, unconfined, tide‐dominated deltas from the delta plain to prodelta. Deposition occurred in a structurally controlled embayment, and immature sediments indicate proximity to the sediment source. The succession is tide dominated but contains evidence for strong fluvial influence and minor wave influence. Wave influence is more pronounced in transgressive intervals. Nine architectural elements have been identified, and their internal architecture and stratigraphical distribution has been investigated. The distal parts comprise prodelta, delta front and unconfined tidal bar deposits. The medial part is characterized by relatively narrow, amalgamated channel fills with fluid mud‐rich bases and sandier deposits upward, interpreted as distributary channels filled by tidal bars deposited near the turbidity maximum. The proximal parts of the studied system are dominated by sandy distributary channel and heterolithic tidal‐flat deposits. The sandbodies of the proximal tidal channels are several kilometres wide and wider than exposures in all cases. Parasequence boundaries are easily defined in the prodelta to delta‐front environments, but are difficult to trace into the more proximal deposits. This article illustrates the proximal to distal organization of facies in unconfined tide‐dominated deltas and shows how such environments react to relative sea‐level rise.  相似文献   

Facies models for regressive, tide‐influenced deltaic systems are under‐represented in the literature compared with their fluvial‐dominated and wave‐dominated counterparts. Here, a facies model is presented of the mixed, tide‐influenced and wave‐influenced deltaic strata of the Sego Sandstone, which was deposited in the Western Interior Seaway of North America during the Late Cretaceous. Previous work on the Sego Sandstone has focused on the medial to distal parts of the outcrop belt where tides and waves interact. This study focuses on the proximal outcrop belt, in which fluvial and tidal processes interact. Five facies associations are recognized. Bioturbated mudstones (Facies Association 1) were deposited in an offshore environment and are gradationally overlain by hummocky cross‐stratified sandstones (Facies Association 2) deposited in a wave‐dominated lower shoreface environment. These facies associations are erosionally overlain by tide‐dominated cross‐bedded sandstones (Facies Association 4) interbedded with ripple cross‐laminated heterolithic sandstones (Facies Association 3) and channelized mudstones (Facies Association 5). Palaeocurrent directions derived from cross‐bedding indicate bidirectional currents which are flood‐dominated in the lower part of the studied interval and become increasingly ebb‐directed/fluvial‐directed upward. At the top of the succession, ebb‐dominated/fluvial‐dominated, high relief, narrow channel forms are present, which are interpreted as distributary channels. When distributary channels are abandoned they effectively become estuaries with landward sediment transport and fining trends. These estuaries have sandstones of Facies Association 4 at their mouth and fine landward through heterolithic sandstones of Facies Association 3 to channelized mudstones of Facies Association 5. Therefore, the complex distribution of relatively mud‐rich and sand‐rich deposits in the tide‐dominated part of the lower Sego Sandstone is attributed to the avulsion history of active fluvial distributaries, in response to a subtly expressed allogenic change in sediment supply and relative sea‐level controls and autocyclic delta lobe abandonment.  相似文献   

Pliocene age deposits of the palaeo‐Orinoco Delta are evaluated in the Mayaro Formation, which crops out along the western margin of the Columbus Basin in south‐east Trinidad. This sandstone‐dominated interval records the diachronous, basinwards migration of the shelf edge of the palaeo‐Orinoco Delta, as it prograded eastwards during the Pliocene–Pleistocene (ca 3·5 Ma). The basin setting was characterized by exceptionally high rates of growth‐fault controlled sediment supply and accommodation space creation resulting in a gross basin‐fill of around 12 km, with some of the highest subsidence rates in the world (ca 5 to 10 m ka?1). This analysis demonstrates that the Mayaro Formation was deposited within large and mainly wave‐influenced shelf‐edge deltas. These are manifested as multiple stacks of coarsening upward parasequences at scales ranging from tens to hundreds of metres in thickness, which are dominated by storm‐influenced and wave‐influenced proximal delta‐front sandstones with extensive, amalgamated swaley and hummocky cross‐stratification. These proximal delta‐front successions pass gradationally downwards into 10s to 100 m thick distal delta front to mud‐dominated upper slope deposits characterized by a wide variety of sedimentary processes, including distal river flood and storm‐related currents, slumps and other gravity flows. Isolated and subordinate sandstone bodies occur as gully fills, while extensive soft sediment deformation attests to the high sedimentation rates along a slope within a tectonically active basin. The vertical stratigraphic organization of the facies associations, together with the often cryptic nature of parasequence stacking patterns and sequence stratigraphic surfaces, are the combined product of the rapid rates of accommodation space creation, high rates of sediment supply and glacio‐eustasy in the 40 to 100 Ka Milankovitch frequency range. The stratigraphic framework described herein contrasts strikingly with that described from passive continental margins, but compares favourably to other tectonically active, deltaic settings (for example, the Baram Delta Province of north‐west Borneo).  相似文献   

Shelf‐edge deltas play a critical role in shelf‐margin accretion and deepwater sediment delivery, yet much remains to be understood about the detailed linkage between shelf edge and slope sedimentation. The shelf edge separates the flat‐lying shelf from steeper slope regions, and is observable in seismic data and continuous outcrops; however, it is commonly obscured in non‐continuous outcrops. Defining this zone is essential because it segregates areas dominated by shelf currents from those governed by gravity‐driven processes. Understanding this linkage is paramount for predicting and characterizing associated deepwater reservoirs. In the Tanqua Karoo Basin, the Permian Kookfontein Formation shelf‐slope clinothems are well‐exposed for 21 km along depositional strike and dip. Two independent methods identified the shelf‐edge position, indicating that it is defined by: (i) a transition from predominantly shelf‐current to gravitational deposits; (ii) an increase in soft‐sediment deformation; (iii) a significant gradient increase; and (iv) clinothem thickening. A quantitative approach was used to assess the impact of process‐regime variability along the shelf edge on downslope sedimentation. Facies proportions were quantified from sedimentary logs and photographic panels, and integrated with mapped key surfaces to construct a stratigraphic grid. Spatial variability in facies proportions highlights two types of shelf‐edge depositional zones within the same shelf‐edge delta. Where deposition occurred in fluvial‐dominated zones, the slope is sand rich, channelized with channels widening downslope, and rich in collapse features. Where deltaic deposits indicate considerable tidal reworking, the deposits are thin and pinch‐out close to the shelf edge, and the slope is sand poor and lacks channelization. Amplification of tidal energy, and decrease in fluvial drive on the shelf, coincides with a decrease in mouth bar and shelf‐edge collapse, and a lack of channelization on the slope. This analysis suggests that process‐regime variability along the shelf edge exercised significant control on shelf‐edge progradation, slope channelization and deepwater sediment delivery.  相似文献   

Shelf‐edge deltas record the potential magnitude of sediment delivery from shallow water shelf into deep water slope and basin floor and, if un‐incised, represent the main increment of shelf‐margin growth into the basin, for that period. The three‐dimensional complexity of shelf‐edge delta systems and along‐strike variability at the shelf edge in particular, remains understudied. The Permian–Triassic Kookfontein Formation of the Tanqua Karoo Basin, South Africa, offers extensive three‐dimensional exposure (>100 km2) and therefore a unique opportunity to evaluate shelf‐edge strata from an outcrop perspective. Analysis of stratal geometry and facies distribution from 52 measured and correlated stratigraphic sections show the following: (i) In outer‐shelf areas, parasequences are characterized by undeformed, river‐dominated, storm‐wave influenced delta mouth‐bar sandstones interbedded with packages showing evidence of syn‐depositional deformation. The amount and intensity of soft‐sediment deformation increases significantly towards the shelf edge where slump units and debris flows sourced from collapsed mouth‐bar packages transport material down slope. (ii) On the upper slope, mouth‐bar and delta‐front sandstones pinch out within 2 km of the shelf break and most slump and debris flow units pinch out within 4 km of the shelf break. (iii) Further down the slope, parasequences consist of finer‐grained turbidites, characterized by interbedded, thin tabular siltstones and sandstones. The results highlight that river‐dominated, shelf‐edge deltas transport large volumes of sand to the upper slope, even when major shelf‐edge incisions are absent. In this case, transport to the upper slope through slumping, debris flows and un‐channellized low density turbidites is distributed evenly along strike.  相似文献   

Regionally extensive parasequences in the upper McMurray Formation, Grouse Paleovalley, north‐east Alberta, Canada, preserve a shift in depositional processes in a paralic environment from tide domination, with notable fluvial influence, through to wave domination. Three stacked parasequences form the upper McMurray Formation and are separated by allogenic flooding surfaces. Sediments within the three parasequences are grouped into three facies associations: wave‐dominated/storm‐dominated deltas, storm‐affected shorefaces to sheltered bay‐margin and fluvio‐tidal brackish‐water channels. The two oldest parasequences comprise dominantly tide‐dominated, wave‐influenced/fluvial‐influenced, shoreface to bay‐margin deposits bisected by penecontemporaneous brackish‐water channels. Brackish‐water channels trend approximately north‐west/south‐east, which is perpendicular to the interpreted shoreline trend; this implies that the basinward and progradational direction was towards the north‐west during deposition of the upper McMurray Formation in Grouse Paleovalley. The youngest parasequence is interpreted as amalgamated wave‐dominated/storm‐dominated delta lobes. The transition from tide‐dominated deposition in the oldest two parasequences to wave‐dominated deposition in the youngest is attributed mainly to drowning of carbonate highlands to the north and north‐west of the study area, and potentially to relative changes in accommodation space and deposition rate. The sedimentological, ichnological and regional distribution of the three facies associations within each parasequence are compared to modern and Holocene analogues that have experienced similar shifts in process dominance. Through this comparison it is possible to consider how shifts in depositional processes are expressed in the rock record. In particular, this study provides one of few ancient examples of preservation of depositional process shifts and showcases how topography impacts the character and architecture of marginal‐marine systems.  相似文献   

Existing facies models of tide‐dominated deltas largely omit fine‐grained, mud‐rich successions. Sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the exceptionally well‐preserved Late Eocene Dir Abu Lifa Member (Western Desert, Egypt) aims to bridge this gap. The succession was deposited in a structurally controlled, shallow, macrotidal embayment and deposition was supplemented by fluvial processes but lacked wave influence. The succession contains two stacked, progradational parasequence sets bounded by regionally extensive flooding surfaces. Within this succession two main genetic elements are identified: non‐channelized tidal bars and tidal channels. Non‐channelized tidal bars comprise coarsening‐upward sandbodies, including large, downcurrent‐dipping accretion surfaces, sometimes capped by palaeosols indicating emergence. Tidal channels are preserved as single‐storey and multilateral bodies filled by: (i) laterally migrating, elongate tidal bars (inclined heterolithic strata, 5 to 25 m thick); (ii) forward‐facing lobate bars (sigmoidal heterolithic strata, up to 10 m thick); (iii) side bars displaying oblique to vertical accretion (4 to 7 m thick); or (iv) vertically‐accreting mud (1 to 4 m thick). Palaeocurrent data show that channels were swept by bidirectional tidal currents and typically were mutually evasive. Along‐strike variability defines a similar large‐scale architecture in both parasequence sets: a deeply scoured channel belt characterized by widespread inclined heterolithic strata is eroded from the parasequence‐set top, and flanked by stacked, non‐channelized tidal bars and smaller channelized bodies. The tide‐dominated delta is characterized by: (i) the regressive stratigraphic context; (ii) net‐progradational stratigraphic architecture within the succession; (iii) the absence of upward deepening trends and tidal ravinement surfaces; and (iv) architectural relations that demonstrate contemporaneous tidal distributary channel infill and tidal bar accretion at the delta front. The detailed facies analysis of this fine‐grained, tide‐dominated deltaic succession expands the range of depositional models available for the evaluation of ancient tidal successions, which are currently biased towards transgressive, valley‐confined estuarine and coarser grained deltaic depositional systems.  相似文献   

The first sandstone unit of the Esdolomada Member of the Roda Formation (hereafter referred to as ‘Esdolomada 1’) was formed by a laterally‐migrating, shelf tidal bar. This interpretation is based on detailed mapping of the bedding surfaces on the digital terrain model of the outcrop built from light detection and ranging data and outcrop photomosaics combined with vertical measured sections. The Esdolomada 1 sandbody migrated laterally (i.e. transverse to the tidal currents) towards the south‐west along slightly inclined (1.6° to 4.6°) master bedding surfaces. The locally dominant tidal current flowed to the north‐west. This current direction is indicated by the presence of stacked sets of high‐angle (average 21°) cross‐stratification formed by dunes that migrated in this direction, apparently in an approximately coast‐parallel direction. The tidal bar contains sets and cosets of medium‐grained cross‐stratified sandstone that stack to reach a thickness of about 5·5 m. Individual cross‐bed sets average about 50 cm thick (with a range of 10 to 70 cm) and have lengths of ca 130 to 250 m in a direction perpendicular to the palaeocurrent. Set thickness decreases in the direction of migration, towards the south‐west, and the degree of bioturbation increases, so that the cross‐bedded sandstones gradually change into highly bioturbated finer‐grained and thinner‐bedded sandstones lacking any cross‐stratification. The rate of thinning of individual dune sets as they are traced down any obliquely‐accreting master surface is some 40 cm per 100 m (0·004) for the older, thicker sandstones, whereas the younger, thinner beds thin at a rate of 15 cm over 100 m (0·0015). The tidal bar has a sharp base and top and is encased in finer‐grained bioturbated, marine sandstones. The Esdolomada bar crest was oriented north‐west to south‐east, parallel to the tidal palaeocurrents and to the nearby palaeoshoreline, but built by lateral accretion towards the south‐west. Lateral outbuilding generated a flat‐topped bar with a measured width of about 1700 m, and a preserved height of 5·5 m. The bar, disconnected from a genetically related south‐westward prograding delta some 2 km to the north‐east, developed during the transgressive phase of a sedimentary cycle. The tidal bar was most probably initiated as a delta‐attached bar at the toesets of the delta front and during transgression evolved into a detached tidal bar.  相似文献   

Nine different types of cross‐stratified packages from the coal‐bearing, deltaic succession of the Barakar Formation (Permian) of the Satpura Gondwana Basin, central India, are described. The deposits are characterized by periodic mudstone drapes, reactivation surfaces including all other features suggestive of deposition from periodically unsteady, tidally‐influenced flows. The inferred flow patterns varied from purely bidirectional to pulsating unidirectional. The different types of cross‐stratified packages are interpreted to have resulted from superimposition of ebb‐oriented, steady, unidirectional fluvial currents of variable strength on the tidal flow in a deltaic setting. The study helps to distinguish cross‐strata that may develop in settings where fluvial and tidal currents interact. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The integration of core sedimentology, seismic stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology has enabled interpretation of delta‐scale (i.e. tens of metres high) subaqueous clinoforms in the upper Jurassic Sognefjord Formation of the Troll Field. Mud‐prone subaqueous deltas characterized by a compound clinoform morphology and sandy delta‐scale subaqueous clinoforms are common in recent tide‐influenced, wave‐influenced and current‐influenced settings, but ancient examples are virtually unknown. The data presented help to fully comprehend the criteria for the recognition of other ancient delta‐scale subaqueous clinoforms, as well as refining the depositional model of the reservoir in the super‐giant Troll hydrocarbon field. Two 10 to 60 m thick, overall coarsening‐upward packages are distinguished in the lower Sognefjord Formation. Progressively higher energy, wave‐dominated or current‐dominated facies occur from the base to the top of each package. Each package corresponds to a set of seismically resolved, westerly dipping clinoforms, the bounding surfaces of which form the seismic ‘envelope’ of a clinoform set and the major marine flooding surfaces recognized in cores. The packages thicken westwards, until they reach a maximum where the clinoform ‘envelope’ rolls over to define a topset–foreset–toeset geometry. All clinoforms are consistently oriented sub‐parallel to the edge of the Horda Platform (N005–N030). In the eastern half of the field, individual foresets are relatively gently dipping (1° to 6°) and bound thin (10 to 30 m) clinothems. Core data indicate that these proximal clinothems are dominated by fine‐grained, hummocky cross‐stratified sandstones. Towards the west, clinoforms gradually become steeper (5° to 14°) and bound thicker (15 to 60 m) clinothems that comprise medium‐grained, cross‐bedded sandstones. Topsets are consistently well‐developed, except in the westernmost area. No seismic or sedimentological evidence of subaerial exposure is observed. Deposition created fully subaqueous, near‐linear clinoforms that prograded westwards across the Horda Platform. Subaqueous clinoforms were probably fed by a river outlet in the north‐east and sculpted by the action of currents sub‐parallel to the clinoform strike.  相似文献   

The architectural framework and Holocene evolution of the Zeballos fjord‐head delta on west‐central Vancouver Island was established through a multidisciplinary field‐based study. The Zeballos delta is a composite feature, consisting of an elevated, incised, late Pleistocene delta and an inset Holocene delta graded to present sea level. Both deltas have a classic Gilbert‐type tripartite architecture, with nearly flat topset and bottomset units and an inclined foreset unit. Time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, borehole data, and gravel pit exposures provided information on the internal form, lithologies and substrate of both deltas. Both sets of deltaic deposits coarsen upward from silt in the bottomset unit to gravel in the topset unit. The TDEM survey revealed a highly irregular, buried bedrock surface, ranging from 20 m to 190 m in depth, and it delineated saltwater intrusion into the deltaic sediments. Late Quaternary sea‐level change at Zeballos was inferred from delta morphology and the GPR survey. The elevated, late Pleistocene delta was constructed when the sea was about 21 m higher relative to the land than it is today. It was dissected when sea‐level fell rapidly as a result of glacio‐isostatic rebound. Relative sea‐level reached a position about 20 m below the present datum during the early Holocene. Foreset beds that overlap and progressively climb in a seaward direction and topset beds that thicken to 26 m landward imply that the delta aggraded and prograded into Zeballos Inlet during the middle and late Holocene transgression. Sea‐level may have risen above the present datum during the middle Holocene, creating a delta plain at about 4 m a.s.l. Remnants of this surface are preserved along the valley margins. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preserved in Quebrada de las Lajas, near San Juan, Argentina, is an ancient subaqueous proglacial sedimentary succession that includes a small‐scale (ca 50 m thick and ca 200 m wide) channel–levée system with excellent exposure of the channel axis and levée sediments. Coeval deposition of both the channel axis and the levées can be demonstrated clearly by lateral correlation of individual beds. The channel axis consists predominantly of a disorganized, pebble to boulder conglomerate with a poorly sorted matrix. The channel axis varies from 10 to 20 m wide and has a total amalgamated thickness of around 50 m. Beds fine gradationally away from the cobble–boulder conglomerates of the channel axis within a few metres, transitioning to well‐organized pebble to cobble conglomerates and sandstones of the channel margin. Within 60 m outboard of the channel axis in both directions, perpendicular to the trend of the channel axis, the mean grain size of the beds in the levées is silt to fine‐grained sand. Deposits in this channel–levée system are the product of both debris flows (channel axis) and co‐genetic turbidity currents (channel margins and levées). Bed thicknesses in the levées increase for up to 10 to 25 m away from the channel axis, beyond which bed thicknesses decrease with increasing distance. The positions of the bed thickness maxima define the levée crests, and the thinning beds constitute the outer levée slopes. From these relationships it is clear that the levée crest migrated both away from and toward the channel axis, and varied in height above the channel axis from 4 to 5 m (undecompacted), whereas the height of the levée crest relative to the distal levée varied from 4·5 to 10 m, indicating that the channel was at times super‐elevated relative to the distal levée. Bed thickness decay on the outside of the levée crest can be described quite well with a power‐law function (R2 = 0·85), whereas the thickness decay from the levée crest toward the channel axis follows a linear function (R2 = 0·78). Grain‐size changes are quite predictable from the channel margin outward, and follow logarithmic (R2 = 0·77) or power‐law (R2 = 0·72) decay curves, either of which fit the data quite well. This study demonstrates that, in at least this case: (i) levée thickness trends can be directly related to channel‐flow processes; (ii) individual bed thickness changes may control overall levée geometry; and (iii) levée and channel deposits can be coeval.  相似文献   

Integrated sedimentological and ichnological case studies of ancient meandering river systems have, for the most part, focused on the deposits of the fluvial–tidal transition zone; much less emphasis has been placed on the purely fluvial realm above the landward limit of tidal effects. This problem needs to be addressed so that in future the defining sedimentological and ichnological criteria assigned to ancient fluvial reaches are sufficiently well‐established to enable their separation from the down‐dip fluvial–tidal transition zone. Accordingly, a case study has been carried out on a well‐exposed meander belt deposit from the Late Jurassic Lourinhã Formation of the Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal (Praia Do Valmitão, Ribamar). Analysis indicates that the meander belt here comprised mixed‐load fluvial channels traversing a vegetated floodplain subject to a seasonal winter wet/summer dry palaeoclimate. This setting facilitated the development of both calcic palaeosols and shallow lakes on the adjacent floodplain. Critically, there is no evidence of the effects of tidal modulation on bedding structures, thereby establishing purely fluvial conditions. Heterolithic point‐bar deposits generated in this setting are bioturbated extensively by a trace fossil assemblage dominated by the meniscate trace Taenidium barretti , with Skolithos linearis , Planolites beverleyensis and Cylindricum isp. also recognized. A number of factors suggest that the Taenidium barretti producer in this case was a subaquatic organism living in an active fluvial channel setting (i.e. not colonizing subaerially exposed channel‐margin/floodplain deposits). Accordingly, there are some implications for current ichnofabric/ichnofacies models in the continental realm. Firstly, Taenidium ‐dominated ichnofabrics need not necessarily be confined to colonization beneath subaerially exposed surfaces; they might also be produced within submerged substrates. Secondly, there is scope to extend the range of the Scoyenia ichnofacies to include active fluvial channels and not simply those channels that were inactive or abandoned.  相似文献   

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