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Reaction‐transport modelling shows that a lateral, metre‐scale pattern in dolomite abundance can form during replacive dolomitization of calcite and aragonite precursors by Mississippian, Triassic and modern seawaters advecting at >20 cm year?1 in low temperature (≤60°C) hydrogeological systems. The modelled pattern develops best in beds >1 m thick with a relatively uniform nucleate density and a low variance in reactive surface area (for example, grainstones). These conditions suggest that a lateral pattern in dolomite abundance should be expected in dolomites formed by any shallow hydrodynamic system that advects dolomitizing fluid horizontally, including the down‐gradient portion of a reflux system, the oceanward reaches of geothermal (Kohout) convection systems, and the seaward reaches of a seawater entrainment zone below a freshwater aquifer. However, even in those systems, a pattern will not form in all dolomites. Pattern will be muted in thinner (≤ ca 50 cm thick) beds and non‐emergent where the precursor had a high variance in reactive surface area (for example, a skeletal wackestone) and/or large variation in nucleate density. Pattern also did not form at temperatures above ca 60°C, which implies that pattern should not be expected in dolomites formed at intermediate to deep burial depths. As the patterns are horizontal, they also should not be expected where dolomitizing fluids moved vertically (for example, reflux immediately below a brine source). Pattern metrics (short‐range correlation length, and wavelength and amplitude of the longer cyclic component) vary with flow rate, fluid chemistry, bed thickness, porosity, grain size, temperature and the flow complexity (one‐dimensional, two‐dimensional or three‐dimensional) within the bed. However, no modelled pattern produced metrics larger than those documented on dolomite outcrops. The results thus constrain the length scales of porosity and permeability variance to include in petrophysical models of dolomite reservoirs, as well as the geological scenarios in which to consider metre‐scale lateral petrophysical variability.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes multi-methods,such as core observation,slice identification,isotope analysis,trace element analysis,fluid inclusion technique and so on,to study the causes of the dolomite in the Nanpu Sag and the origins of the dolomite reservoir.The study results show that the forming environment of dolomite in the Nanpu Sag is a fresh-water lake environment,and the dolomite is the product of dolomitization which is caused by volcanic thermal fluids in the Early Dongying period.With the development of intergranular pores in the dolomitization process,a lot of dissolved pores/vugs and fractures were formed by denudation in the later periods because of the influence of thermal fluids including the associated fluids of volcanic activities and the expelled hydrocarbon fluids of the source rocks.On the whole,these secondary dissolution spaces greatly enhance the reservoir ability of the dolomite,and there are enough reservoir spaces in the dolomite in the Nanpu Sag.  相似文献   

张静  张宝民  单秀琴 《地质通报》2017,36(4):664-675
塔里木、四川及鄂尔多斯盆地是中国中西部海相白云岩的主要发育地区。三大盆地重点层系海相白云岩新近的成因研究表明,大规模准同生白云岩和埋藏成因白云岩的发育均与蒸发台地密切相关。蒸发台地中由海水浓缩形成的富Mg~(2+)卤水一方面在准同生期,通过蒸发泵和下渗机制交代碳酸钙沉积物而形成与蒸发岩共生的准同生白云岩,另一方面作为富含Mg~(2+)的地层孔隙水,在准同生-浅埋藏期乃至中、深埋藏期,通过侧向渗透、侧向与垂向压实排挤和垂向热对流机制与粗结构的碳酸钙沉积物发生交代反应,在蒸发岩系周边和上下形成广泛分布的埋藏成因白云岩。与热流体作用有关的白云石化主要依靠构造断裂、裂缝、不同级次的层序界面、孔洞层等输导体系发生,分布较局限。热流体云化常表现为对先期白云岩进行叠加改造而形成热水改造白云岩。热流体性质不一,可以是深埋藏混合热水、深部循环水、地幔深部的岩浆热液等。白云石(岩)的生物成因不仅表现为微生物作用导致白云石直接沉淀,还表现为生物的存在与活动为白云石化作用提供Mg~(2+)和云化流体通道。由微生物和宏观藻释放出Mg~(2+),在埋藏期对方解石进行交代是各种富含藻类的灰岩中部分白云石的重要形成机制。生物扰动可明显改善岩石的孔渗性,从而显著促进白云石化作用的发生。  相似文献   

我国各地膨润土的矿物学性质   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
运用X射线衍射分析技术对我国不同产地膨润土的矿物学性质进行考察;利用K值法测蒙脱石含量。实验表明,各地膨润土具有蒙脱石的含量较高且均为二八面体的矿物学特点;可能由于所处的矿层或局部地球化学环境不同,使得相同矿床的不同颜色膨润土矿物的蒙脱石含量有所差异。  相似文献   

The abundance and morphology of microdiamond in dolomite marble from Kumdy‐kol in the Kokchetav Massif, are unusual; a previous study estimated the maximum content of diamonds in dolomite marble to be about 2700 carat ton?1. Microdiamond is included primarily in garnet, and occasionally in diopside and phlogopite pseudomorphs after garnet. They are classified into three types on the basis of their morphology: (1) S‐type: star‐shaped diamond consisting of translucent cores and transparent subhedral to euhedral very fine‐grained outer parts; (2) R‐type: translucent crystals with rugged surfaces; and (3) T‐type: transparent, very fine‐grained crystals. The S‐type is the most abundant. Micro‐Laue diffraction using a 1.6‐µm X‐ray beam‐size demonstrated that the cores of the star‐shaped microdiamond represent single crystals. In contrast, the most fine‐grained outer parts usually have different orientations compared to the core. Laser–Raman studies indicate that the FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of the Raman band of the core of the S‐type diamond is slightly larger than that for the outer parts. Differences in morphology, crystal orientations, and in the FWHM of the Raman band between the core and the fine‐grained outer‐parts of S‐type microdiamond suggest that the star‐shaped microdiamond was formed discontinuously in two distinct stages.  相似文献   

“白云岩问题”一直是碳酸盐岩研究的热点问题。镁作为白云石的主量元素之一,其同位素组成包含了白云岩化过 程和白云岩沉积环境的信息。本文以以色列黎凡特盆地早白垩世末阿尔布期(~100 Ma)Givat Ye’arim组和Soreq组白云岩 为研究对象,在岩石学、微量元素和C-O-Sr同位素地球化学研究基础之上,开展了高密度镁同位素分析。结果显示白云岩 主要由半自形-自形的泥微晶白云石组成,岩性致密,后期成岩改造作用较弱,因此元素及同位素组成基本可以反映原始 白云岩化流体的地球化学特征;C-Sr同位素组成与Albian期海水保持一致,表明同期咸化海水是白云岩化流体并为白云石 形成提供镁离子;白云岩δ26Mg值稳定在-2.0‰左右,没有明显的垂向差异,表明白云岩化过程中咸化海水供应充足,流体 以渗流方式而不是以扩散方式在松散沉积物中运移,孔隙水化学组成相对均一,白云岩镁同位素组成得以与同期海水相平 衡。白云岩中陆源风化指示元素Rb和ΣREE以及海水盐度指标Na元素含量表现出多期旋回性变化,反映半封闭体系对周期 性气候和环境变化的响应,然而垂向上稳定的白云岩δ26Mg值表明区域性的气候变化不会显著改变沉积盆地体系中的镁同位 素组成,因此对于地质历史时期在半局限海洋环境中沉积的巨厚白云岩而言,其镁同位素组成可以用来示踪全球海水镁同 位素波动。  相似文献   

Dolomitization is a dissolution–re‐precipitation process which proceeds via micrometre‐scale interface reaction horizons. However, the effect of this fundamental local medium of replacement process on precipitated dolomite crystals is rarely investigated. For this purpose, dolomite samples of Ordovician Boat Harbour Formation carbonates (Newfoundland, Canada) from Main Brook and Daniel's Harbour (about 150 km apart) were studied. The investigation used high‐resolution approaches to carry out imaging and elemental analyses of individual dolomite crystals, including scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy‐based cathodoluminescence, secondary ion mass spectrometry and electron microprobe analysis. The purpose was to better understand geochemical variations across the crystal traverses and their association with dolomite replacement processes and conditions. The scanning electron microscopy‐based cathodoluminescence‐zoning character reveals three major crystal facies. Distinctly (planar boundaries) zoned core and indistinctly zoned core are zoned dolomite crystal facies in burial dolomite from Main Brook. Relatively unzoned crystal facies was identified in that of Daniel's Harbour. Compositionally zoned dolomite crystals are characterized by decreasing Sr, Na, Y and ∑REE but increasing Mn and Fe from core to rim sections. ‘Core to rim’ zoning was not found for major (Mg and Ca) elements. The zoning exhibited by the replacive dolomite crystals is interpreted to be, principally, a result of limited exchange between solutes of the bulk pore fluid and those of dissolving precursor marine carbonate. In tandem with petrographic features, the systematic compositional zoning character demonstrates that the effectiveness of the dolomitization process grades from indistinctly zoned core to relatively unzoned crystal facies via interface reaction horizons. Homogenization of major elements of core and rim sections, seen in distinctly zoned core crystal facies and to a much greater extent in relatively unzoned crystal facies, via a secondary reaction interface, is the first recognized stage of the ‘maturation process’ followed by homogenization of the trace elements seen largely in relatively unzoned crystal facies.  相似文献   

粉晶X射线衍射法在岩石学和矿物学研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
X射线衍射是测定物质结构的主要分析手段,广泛应用于物理学、化学、医药学、金属学、材料学、工程技术学、地质学和矿物学。文章综述了粉晶X射线衍射法在造岩矿物、黏土矿物、岩组学、类质同象和结晶度的测定等领域发挥的重要作用。随着测量技术的发展,粉晶X射线衍射在矿物结晶过程中的研究、矿物表面研究、矿物定量相分析和矿物晶体结构测定方面均有新的应用。  相似文献   

In the Tarim Basin, dolomite, which formed during the middle Cambrian associated with evaporites, has been attributed to the sabkha-style dolomite formed during the syndepositional period. The sedimentary microfacies suggests dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian is an ancient analogue of the sabkha of Abu Dhabi. Poorly crystallised dolomite spheroids or ovoids within or on the surface of dolomite crystals are a common phenomenon that can be widely observed in different stromatolites in the upper part of the intertidal zone and strongly resemble the morphology in modern sabkha dolomite-producing microbial mats and in microbial culture experiments. These lines of evidence suggest organic substrates for dolomite nucleation. Dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian in the Tarim Basin has been considered a classic analogue for carbonate and evaporate assemblages. The extent of microbial dolomite in ancient sabkha environments is proposed as an alternative model for dolomite formation, in which the mineral properties of organic substrates play a crucial role.  相似文献   

Authigenic calcite and dolomite and biogenic aragonite occur in Holocene pan sediments in a Mediterranean‐type climate on the western coastal plain of South Africa. Sediment was analysed from a Late Pleistocene coastal pan at Yzerfontein and four Holocene inland pans ranging from brackish to hypersaline. The pans are between 0·08 and 0·14 km2 in size. The δ18OPDB values of carbonate minerals in the pan sediments range from ?2·41 to 5·56‰ and indicate precipitation from evaporative waters. Covariance of total organic content and percentage carbonate minerals, and the δ13CPDB values of pan carbonate minerals (?8·85 to ?1·54‰) suggest that organic matter degradation is a significant source of carbonate ions. The precipitation of the carbonate minerals, especially dolomite, appears to be mediated by sulphate‐reducing bacteria in the black sulphidic mud zone found in the brine‐type hypersaline pans. The knobbly, sub‐spherical texture of the carbonate minerals suggests that the precipitation of the carbonate minerals, particularly dolomite, is related to microbial processes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of pan carbonate minerals (0·7108 to 0·7116) are slightly higher than modern sea water and indicate a predominantly sea water (marine aerosol) source for calcium (Ca2+) ions with relatively minor amounts of Ca2+ derived from the chemical weathering of bedrock.  相似文献   

提出一种新的高精确度的方法来计算沉积旋回韵律,即以样品断面光学灰度参数作为韵律沉积变化的替代指标,利用数字图像分析软件,通过最小二乘法、一阶差分法等数据处理后,定量计算沉积旋回韵律。对采自四川江油西南部中三叠统雷口坡组的纹层藻白云岩样品进行研究,观察样品抛光面和薄片,确定藻白云石具有明显的潮汐沉积韵律纹层。应用此方法计算得出研究区样品共有217个潮汐层偶对,层偶对最大厚度为4.2mm,通过人工计数对比证明了该方法的可行性。这种技术方法与传统方法相比更省时、更高效,可推广性高,同时也可应用于其它类型频段韵律旋回中。  相似文献   

Quantitative X‐ray diffraction analysis of the <2 mm sediment fraction was carried out on 1257 samples (from the seafloor and 16 cores) from the Iceland shelf west of 18° W. All but one core (B997‐347PC) were from transects along troughs on the NW to N‐central shelf, an area that in modern and historic times has been affected by drift ice. The paper focuses on the non‐clay mineralogy of the sediments (excluding calcite and volcanic glass). Quartz and potassium feldspars occupy similar positions in an R‐mode principal component analysis, and oligoclase feldspar tracks quartz; these minerals are used as a proxy for ice‐rafted detritus (IRD). Accordingly, the sum of these largely foreign minerals (Q&K) (to Icelandic bedrock) is used as a proxy for drift ice. A stacked, equi‐spaced 100 a record is developed which shows both low‐frequency trends and higher‐frequency events. The detrended stacked record compares well with the flux of quartz (mg cm?2 a?1) at MD99‐2269 off N Iceland. The multi‐taper method indicated that there are three significant frequencies at the 95% confidence level with periods of ca. 2500, 445 and 304 a. Regime shift analysis pinpoints intervals when there was a statistically significant shift in the average Q&K weight %, and identifies four IRD‐rich events separated by intervals with lower inputs. There is some association between peaks of IRD input, less dense surface waters (from δ18O data on planktonic foraminifera) and intervals of moraine building. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

白云石的成因受到地质学界的广泛关注,现今在实验室中能够利用微生物合成高有序度的白云石,但天然白云石的成因与原始沉积环境特征的相关性并未完全揭示。本研究选取鲁西地区馒头组含白云石碳酸盐岩沉积地层为研究对象,通过矿物学、元素地球化学等分析,初步判断该地层白云石成因并重建白云石地层的古沉积环境,探讨了两者之间的关系。结果表明:白云石含量在本套地层中的均值为52.45%。Sr/Cu值(均值为23.59)与Ga/Rb值(均值为0.17)指示其整体表现为炎热干旱的古气候特征。δ13C值(均值为-1.56‰)与δ18O值(均值为-6.68‰)指示本套地层为海相沉积,推测古水温平均为23.5℃,古氧化还原特征表现为弱还原至常氧化的平稳过渡。灰岩地层δ13C值平均为-0.80‰,而白云岩地层δ13C值平均为-6.52‰,存在轻碳的明显富集,结合宏观叠层构造,判断白云石为生物成因。本研究中白云石沉积环境中的古气候、古氧化还原条件、古水温和古生产力特征与白云石发育情况存在明显耦合,为白云石生物成因提供了相关依据与指示意义...  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地马六段在盆地大部分地区被剥蚀,仅在盆地周缘地区分布,因此,有关该盆地马六段白云岩成因研究较少。本文通过对马六段白云岩岩石学特征、阴极发光特征、微量元素特征以及碳氧同位素地球化学特征进行分析,对鄂尔多斯盆地南部马六段白云岩特征及形成机制进行了研究。研究结果表明,盆地南部马六段白云岩主要由细—中晶白云岩组成,白云石具"雾心亮边"结构,阴极发光呈暗红色光。微量元素总体上具有较低的Fe、Mn值,平均值分别为447×10~(-6)和62×10~(-6),较高的K、Na值,平均值分别为517×10-6和252×10~(-6),以及中等含量的Sr元素值,平均值为155×10~(-6)。δ~(13)C值平均为-0.617‰,δ~(18)O值平均为-7.6‰,以上特征均反映出海源流体特征。白云石的"雾心"和"亮边"结构中微量元素含量相差不大,认为是在相同成岩环境的不同成岩阶段形成,其中"雾心"形成于浅埋藏环境的渗透回流白云石化作用,而"亮边"是在深埋藏环境下对早期白云石的调整和加强。  相似文献   

地下富镁流体运移机制问题,制约着规模埋藏白云岩形成过程的认识,一直是白云岩成因中地质学家争论的焦点。以塔里木盆地蓬莱坝组埋藏白云岩为研究对象,在岩石学和碳氧同位素、锶同位素与锶元素含量等常规地球化学分析的基础上,通过镁同位素分析,认识了规模埋藏白云岩的形成过程。分析显示,蓬莱坝组不同类型白云岩的镁同位素分布虽有重叠,但是差异明显,藻纹层白云岩镁同位素为2. 34‰~2. 02‰;细中晶残余颗粒白云岩的镁同位素分布范围较广,为2. 24‰~1. 66‰,平均为2. 04‰;粗晶白云岩的镁同位素主要集中在2. 24‰~1. 89,平均为2. 05‰;蓬莱坝组灰岩镁同位素为3. 63‰和2. 82‰,较白云岩明显更偏负。镁同位素与氧同位素、锶同位素和锶元素含量在高频旋回中表现出规律性的旋回变化,对应三种白云岩形成过程:向上变轻- 渗透回流叠加埋藏云化、向上变重- 蒸发泵叠加埋藏云化和向上变重- 埋藏云化模式。进一步,通过白云石晶体变化与锶元素含量变化明确了埋藏云化流体的侧向运移和白云石晶体响应规律。认识到厚层白云岩是由多期白云石化作用叠加而成,既有层内云化流体也受源外云化流体影响,受沉积相和构造埋藏演化史共同控制,海平面波动下大量叠置发育的准同生白云岩是规模埋藏白云岩形成的关键。特别是,基质孔发育的渗透回流型准同生白云岩,在高频层序格架下占比越高、越频繁,越有利于埋藏云化的顺层渗透扩散,进而形成规模埋藏白云岩。  相似文献   

张家洼矽卡岩型铁矿位于华北克拉通东南部,赋存在石炭系本溪组与奥陶系马家沟组之间的假整合面处及闪长岩体与奥陶系马家沟组大理岩的接触带附近,富铁矿石资源量已达大型规模。研究发现矽卡岩矿物种类在内外接触带分布有一定区别,内带为石榴石等钙质矽卡岩矿物,而外带为阳起石、金云母等镁质矽卡岩矿物,整体构成钙镁质矽卡岩。对矽卡岩矿物系统的研究表明,透辉石及石榴石发育有环带,其氧化物含量随矿物环带的形成比例不断变化,暗示酸碱度及氧逸度随着成矿流体的演化而发生相应的变化,即由早期矽卡岩阶段的相对还原的酸性环境演化为退化蚀变阶段相对氧化的碱性环境从而导致铁质逐渐萃取多次富集、沉淀,后期随着磁铁矿的沉淀又逐渐在硫化物阶段转化为还原环境生成金属硫化物。  相似文献   

Grain‐size distribution is a fundamental tool for interpreting sedimentary units within depositional systems. The techniques assessed in this study are commonly used to determine grain‐size distributions for sand‐dominated sediments. However, the degree of consistency and differences in interpretation when using a combination of grain‐size methods have not yet been assessed systematically for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments. Results obtained from laser diffraction, X‐ray attenuation and scanning electron microscopy grain‐size analysis techniques were compared with those obtained from the traditional sieve/hydrometer method. Scanning electron microscopy was shown to provide an inaccurate quantitative analysis of grain‐size distributions because of difficulties in obtaining representative samples for examination. The X‐ray attenuation method is unsuitable for sand‐dominated sediments because of its upper size range of only 300 μm. The consistently strong correlation between the laser diffraction results and the sieve/hydrometer results shows that these methods are comparable for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments. Provided that sample preparation is consistent, the latter two methods can be used together within a study of such sediments while maintaining a high degree of accuracy. These results indicate that data for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments gained from the long‐established sieve/hydrometer method can be compared with confidence to those obtained by modern studies using laser diffraction techniques.  相似文献   

四川省石棉县大水沟碲矿床地质,矿物学和地球化学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
位于杨子地台西缘的大水沟碲矿床是世界迄今唯一一例独立碲矿床。成矿围岩为一层30一50m厚的三叠纪变基性火山岩及厚层状大理岩。矿体呈脉状平行排列,走向NNE。成矿作用可以分为磁黄铁矿黄铁矿阶段、辉碲铋矿阶段和黄铜矿黄铁矿(自然金)阶段,其中第二阶段是主要碲矿化阶段。该阶段矿石的碲品位一般为0.2%一5%,富矿石达15%一25%。在矿脉两侧围岩蚀变十分发育,于磁黄铁矿黄铁矿阶段矿脉和辉碲铋矿阶段矿脉两侧分别形成以黑云母为主和以白云母为主的两套蚀变组合及分带。岩石地球化学研究表明,从矿脉边侧向外,K、Na和Ca组分降低,Fe和Mg组分增高。矿脉中白云母的K-Ar年龄测定为149.86±2.72Ma。黄铁矿的Co/Ni比值为56一652。成因矿物学和地球化学特征反映出大水沟碲矿床的成矿物质来自深源,其成矿作用可能与区域上燕山期碱性岩浆或碱质花岗岩活动有关。成矿时磁黄铁矿黄铁矿阶段的硫逸度(fs_2)为10 ̄(-16.7),碲逸度(fTe_2)为10 ̄(-15)一10 ̄(-14);辉碲铋矿阶段的fs_210 ̄(-14)一10 ̄(-11.5)和fTe_210 ̄(-11.2)一10 ̄(-10.5)。  相似文献   

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