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The Kerinitis Delta in the Corinth Rift, Greece, is a footwall derived, coarse‐grained, Gilbert‐type fan delta deposited in the hangingwall of a linked normal fault system. This giant Gilbert‐type delta (radius 3·8 km, thickness > 600 m) was supplied by an antecedent river and built into a brackish to marine basin. Although as yet poorly dated, correlation with neighbouring deltas suggests that the Kerinitis Delta was deposited during a period of 500 to 800 ka in the Early to early Middle Pleistocene. Facies characterizing a range of depositional processes are assigned to four facies associations (topset, foreset, bottomset and prodelta). The dominantly fluvial topset facies association has locally developed shallow marine (limestone) and fluvial‐shoreface sub‐associations. This delta represents a subsidence‐dominated system in which high fault displacement overwhelmed base‐level falls (creation of accommodation predominantly ≥ 0). Stratal geometries and facies stacking patterns were used to identify 11 key stratal surfaces separating 11 stratal units. Each key stratal surface records a landward shift in the topset breakpoint path, indicating a rapid increase in accommodation/sediment supply. Each stratal unit records a gradual decrease in accommodation/sediment supply during deposition. The cyclic stratal units and key stratal surfaces are interpreted as recording eustatic falls and rises, respectively. A 30 m thick package of foresets below the main delta records the nucleation of a small Proto‐delta probably on an early relay ramp. Based on changes in stratal unit geometries, the main delta is divided into three packages, interpreted as recording the initiation, growth and death of the controlling fault system. The Lower delta comprises stacked, relatively thin, progradational stratal units recording low displacement on the young fault system (relay ramp). The Middle delta comprises vertically stacked stratal units, each recording initial aggradation–progradation followed by progradation; their aggradational component increases up through the Middle delta, which records the main phase of increasing rate of fault displacement. The Upper delta records pure progradation, recording abrupt cessation of movement on the fault. A major erosion surface incising basinward 120 m through the Lower and Middle delta records an exceptional submarine erosion process (canyon or delta collapse).  相似文献   

Gilbert‐type deltas are sensitive recorders of short‐term base‐level changes, but the delta‐front record of a base‐level rise tends to be erased by fluvial erosion during a subsequent base‐level fall, which renders the bulk record of base‐level changes difficult to decipher from the delta‐front deposits. The present detailed study of three large Pleistocene Gilbert‐type deltas uplifted on the southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, indicates a genetic link between the delta‐front morphodynamic responses to base‐level changes and the delta‐slope sedimentation processes. Sigmoidal delta‐brink architecture signifies a base‐level rise and is accompanied by a debrite‐dominated assemblage of delta foreset deposits, thought to form when the aggrading delta front stores sediment and undergoes discrete gravitational collapses. Oblique delta‐brink architecture tends to be accompanied by a turbidite‐dominated assemblage of foreset deposits, which are thought to form when the delta‐front accommodation decreases and the sediment carried by hyperpycnal effluent bypasses the front. This primary signal of the system response to base‐level changes combines further with the secondary ‘noise’ of delta autogenic variation and possible allogenic fluctuations in fluvial discharge due to regional climatic conditions. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that the facies trends of delta foreset deposits may be used to decipher the delta ‘hidden’ record of base‐level changes obliterated by fluvial topset erosion. Early‐stage bayhead deltas may be an exception from the hypothetical model, because their narrow front tends to be swept by river floods irrespective of base‐level behaviour and their subaqueous slope deposits are thus mainly turbidites.  相似文献   

Lithofacies characteristics and depositional geometry of a sandy, prograding delta deposited as part of the Holocene valley‐fill stratigraphy in the Målselv valley, northern Norway, were examined using morpho‐sedimentary mapping, facies analysis of sediments in exposed sections, auger drilling and ground penetrating radar survey. Various lithofacies types record a broad range of depositional processes within an overall coarsening‐upward succession comprising a lowermost prodelta/bottomset unit, an intermediate delta slope/foreset unit containing steeply dipping clinoforms and an uppermost delta plain/topset unit. Bottomset lithofacies typically comprise sand‐silt couplets (tidal rhythmites), bioturbated sands and silts, and flaser and lenticular bedding. These sediments were deposited from suspension fall‐out, partly controlled by tidal currents and fluvial effluent processes. Delta foreset lithofacies comprise massive, inverse graded and normal graded beds deposited by gravity‐driven processes (mainly cohesionless debris flows and turbidity currents) and suspension fall‐out. In places, delta foreset beds show tidal rhythmicity and individual beds can be followed downslope into bottomset beds. Delta plain facies show an upward‐fining succession with trough cross‐beds at the base, followed by planar, laminated and massive beds indicative of a bedload dominated river/distributary system. This study presents a model of deltaic development that can be described with reference to three styles within a continuum related primarily to water depth within a basin of variable geometry: (i) bypass; (ii) shoal‐water; and (iii) deep‐water deltas. Bypass and deep‐water deltas can be considered as end members, whereas shoal‐water deltas are an intermediate type. The bypass delta is characterized by rapid progradation and an absence of delta slope sediments and low basin floor aggradation due to low accommodation space. The shoal‐water delta is characterized by rapid progradation, a short delta slope dominated by gravity‐flow processes and a prodelta area characterized by rapid sea‐floor aggradation due to intense suspension fallout of sandy material. Using tidal rhythmites as time‐markers, a progradation rate of up to 11 m year?1 has been recorded. The deep‐water delta is characterized by a relatively long delta slope dominated by gravity flows, moderate suspension fall‐out and slow sea‐floor aggradation in the prodelta area.  相似文献   

The sedimentology and stratigraphy of a multi‐phase glaciation sequence dating to Marine Isotope Stage 6 in the Rakaia Valley, South Island, New Zealand, is presented. This outcrop presents an example of the depositional signature of an end member of temperate valley glaciation, where voluminous sediment supply in a tectonically active setting combines with high annual temperatures and low seasonality to generate significant year‐round glacifluvial activity. Such glacial systems produce geological–climatic units that are dominated by thick sequences of aggradational gravels and proglacial lake sediments trapped behind outwash heads during deglaciation. At Bayfields Cliff, outwash sequences record an oscillating glacier margin marked by a sequence of glacier‐fed, Gilbert‐type deltas. The deltas are cut by numerous small‐scale, syndepositional, normal faults indicating both loss of glacier support and melt‐out of buried ice. A larger‐scale thrust fault system reflects late‐stage ice overrun. Braid plain gravels and chaotic disturbed glacial lake sediments are also recorded. A notable feature of these systems is the virtual absence of till in an environment with much other evidence for proximal ice. Cumulatively we regard these sediment–landform associations as diagnostic of debris‐laden, perhumid, temperate valley glacier systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study from the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth documents a Late Pleistocene incised valley‐fill succession that differs from the existing facies models, because it comprises gravelly shoal‐water and Gilbert‐type deltaic deposits, shows strong wave influence and lacks evidence of tidal activity. The valley‐fill is at least 140 m thick, formed in 50 to 100 ka between the interglacials Marine Isotope Stage 9a and Marine Isotope Stage 7c. The relative sea‐level rise left its record both inside and outside the incised valley, and the age of the valley‐fill is estimated from a U/Th date of coral‐bearing deposits directly outside the palaeovalley outlet. Tectonic up‐warping due to formation of a valley‐parallel structural relay ramp contributed to the valley segmentation and limited the landward extent of marine invasions. The valley segment upstream of the ramp crest was filled with a gravelly alluvium, whereas the downstream segment accumulated fluvio‐deltaic deposits. The consecutive deltaic systems nucleated in the ramp‐crest zone, forming a bathymetric gradient that promoted the ultimate growth of thick Gilbert‐type delta. The case study contributes to the spectrum of conceptual models for incised valley‐fill architecture. Four key models are discussed with reference to the rates of sediment supply and accommodation development, and it is pointed out that not only similarity, but also all departures of particular field cases from these end‐member models may provide valuable information on the system formative conditions. The Akrata incised valley‐fill represents conditions of high sediment supply and a rapid, but stepwise development of accommodation that resulted from the spatiotemporal evolution of normal faulting at the rift margin and overprinted glacioeustatic signals. This study adds to an understanding of valley‐fill architecture and provides new insights into the Pleistocene tectonics and palaeogeography of the Corinth Rift margin.  相似文献   

The Magallanes‐Austral Basin of Patagonian Chile and Argentina is a retroforeland basin associated with Late Cretaceous–Neogene uplift of the southern Andes. The Upper Cretaceous Dorotea Formation records the final phase of deposition in the Late Cretaceous foredeep, marked by southward progradation of a shelf‐edge delta and slope. In the Ultima Esperanza district of Chile, laterally extensive, depositional dip‐oriented exposures of the Dorotea Formation contain upper slope, delta‐front and delta plain facies. Marginal and shallow marine deposits include abundant indicators of tidal activity including inclined heterolithic stratification, heterolithic to sandy tidal bundles, bidirectional palaeocurrent indicators, flaser/wavy/lenticular bedding, heterolithic tidal flat deposits and a relatively low‐diversity Skolithos ichnofacies assemblage in delta plain facies. This work documents the stratigraphic architecture and evolution of the shelf‐edge delta that was significantly influenced by strong tidal activity. Sediment was delivered to a large slump scar on the shelf‐edge by a basin‐axial fluvial system, where it was significantly reworked and redistributed by tides. A network of tidally modified mouth bars and tidal channels comprised the outermost reaches of the delta complex, which constituted the staging area and initiation point for gravity flows that dominated the slope and deeper basin. The extent of tidal influence on the Dorotea delta also has important implications for Magallanes‐Austral Basin palaeogeography. Prior studies establish axial foreland palaeodrainage, long‐term southward palaeotransport directions and large‐scale topographic confinement within the foredeep throughout Late Cretaceous time. Abundant tidal features in Dorotea Formation strata further suggest that the Magallanes‐Austral Basin was significantly embayed. This ‘Magallanes embayment’ was formed by an impinging fold–thrust belt to the west and a broad forebulge region to the east.  相似文献   

Although modern wave‐dominated shorelines exhibit complex geomorphologies, their ancient counterparts are typically described in terms of shoreface‐shelf parasequences with a simple internal architecture. This discrepancy can lead to poor discrimination between, and incorrect identification of, different types of wave‐dominated shoreline in the stratigraphic record. Documented in this paper are the variability in facies characteristics, high‐resolution stratigraphic architecture and interpreted palaeo‐geomorphology within a single parasequence that is interpreted to record the advance of an ancient asymmetrical wave‐dominated delta. The Standardville (Ab1) parasequence of the Aberdeen Member, Blackhawk Formation is exposed in the Book Cliffs of central Utah, USA. This parasequence, and four others in the Aberdeen Member, record the eastward progradation of north/south‐trending, wave‐dominated shorelines. Within the Standardville (Ab1) parasequence, distal wave‐dominated shoreface‐shelf deposits in the eastern part of the study area are overlain across a downlap surface by southward prograding fluvial‐dominated delta‐front deposits, which have previously been assigned to a separate ‘stranded lowstand parasequence’ formed by a significant, allogenic change in relative sea‐level. High‐resolution stratigraphic analysis of these deposits reveals that they are instead more likely to record a single episode of shoreline progradation characterized by alternating periods of normal regressive and forced regressive shoreline trajectory because of minor cyclical fluctuations in relative sea‐level. Interpreted normal regressive shoreline trajectories within the wave‐dominated shoreface‐shelf deposits are marked by aggradational stacking of bedsets bounded by non‐depositional discontinuity surfaces. Interpreted forced regressive shoreline trajectories in the same deposits are characterized by shallow incision of fluvial distributary channels and strongly progradational stacking of bedsets bounded by erosional discontinuity surfaces that record enhanced wave‐base scour. Fluvial‐dominated delta‐front deposits most probably record the regression of a lobate delta parallel to the regional shoreline into an embayment that was sheltered from wave influence. Wave‐dominated shoreface‐shelf and fluvial‐dominated delta‐front deposits occur within the same parasequence, and their interpretation as the respective updrift and downdrift flanks of a single asymmetrical wave‐dominated delta that periodically shifted its position provides the most straightforward explanation of the distribution and relative orientation of these two deposit types.  相似文献   

The South Dehgolan pluton, in NW Iran was emplaced into the Sanandaj–Sirjan magmatic–metamorphic zone. This composite intrusion comprises three main groups: (1) monzogabbro–monzodiorite rocks, (2) quartz monzonite–syenite rocks, and (3) a granite suite which crops out in most of the area. The granites generally show high SiO2 content from 72.1%–77.6 wt.% with diagnostic mineralogy consisting of biotite and amphibole along the boundaries of feldspar–quartz crystals which implies anhydrous primary magma compositions. The granite suite is metaluminous and distinguished by high FeOt/MgO ratios (av. 9.6 wt.%), typical of ferroan compositions with a pronounced A‐type affinity with high Na2O + K2O contents, high Ga/Al ratios, enrichment in Zr, Nb, REE, and depletion in Eu. The quartz monzonite–syenites show intermediate SiO2 levels (59.8%–64.5 wt.%) with metaluminous, magnesian to ferroan characteristics, intermediate Na2O + K2O contents, enrichment in Zr, Nb, REE, Ga/Al, and depletion in Eu. The monzogabbro–monzodiorites show overall lower SiO2 content (48.5%–55.9 wt.%) with metaluminous and calc‐alkaline compositions, relatively lower Na2O + K2O contents, low Ga/Al ratios, and FeOt/MgO (av. 1.6 wt.%) ratios, low abundances of Zr, Nb, and lower REE element concentrations relative to the granites and quartz monzonite–syenites. These geochemical differences among the three different rocks suites are likely to indicate different melt origins. We suggest that the South Dehgolan pluton resulted from a change in the geodynamic regime, from compression to extension in the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone during Mesozoic subduction of the Neo‐Tethys oceanic crust beneath the Central Iranian microcontinent. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The integration of core sedimentology, seismic stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology has enabled interpretation of delta‐scale (i.e. tens of metres high) subaqueous clinoforms in the upper Jurassic Sognefjord Formation of the Troll Field. Mud‐prone subaqueous deltas characterized by a compound clinoform morphology and sandy delta‐scale subaqueous clinoforms are common in recent tide‐influenced, wave‐influenced and current‐influenced settings, but ancient examples are virtually unknown. The data presented help to fully comprehend the criteria for the recognition of other ancient delta‐scale subaqueous clinoforms, as well as refining the depositional model of the reservoir in the super‐giant Troll hydrocarbon field. Two 10 to 60 m thick, overall coarsening‐upward packages are distinguished in the lower Sognefjord Formation. Progressively higher energy, wave‐dominated or current‐dominated facies occur from the base to the top of each package. Each package corresponds to a set of seismically resolved, westerly dipping clinoforms, the bounding surfaces of which form the seismic ‘envelope’ of a clinoform set and the major marine flooding surfaces recognized in cores. The packages thicken westwards, until they reach a maximum where the clinoform ‘envelope’ rolls over to define a topset–foreset–toeset geometry. All clinoforms are consistently oriented sub‐parallel to the edge of the Horda Platform (N005–N030). In the eastern half of the field, individual foresets are relatively gently dipping (1° to 6°) and bound thin (10 to 30 m) clinothems. Core data indicate that these proximal clinothems are dominated by fine‐grained, hummocky cross‐stratified sandstones. Towards the west, clinoforms gradually become steeper (5° to 14°) and bound thicker (15 to 60 m) clinothems that comprise medium‐grained, cross‐bedded sandstones. Topsets are consistently well‐developed, except in the westernmost area. No seismic or sedimentological evidence of subaerial exposure is observed. Deposition created fully subaqueous, near‐linear clinoforms that prograded westwards across the Horda Platform. Subaqueous clinoforms were probably fed by a river outlet in the north‐east and sculpted by the action of currents sub‐parallel to the clinoform strike.  相似文献   

The architectural framework and Holocene evolution of the Zeballos fjord‐head delta on west‐central Vancouver Island was established through a multidisciplinary field‐based study. The Zeballos delta is a composite feature, consisting of an elevated, incised, late Pleistocene delta and an inset Holocene delta graded to present sea level. Both deltas have a classic Gilbert‐type tripartite architecture, with nearly flat topset and bottomset units and an inclined foreset unit. Time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, borehole data, and gravel pit exposures provided information on the internal form, lithologies and substrate of both deltas. Both sets of deltaic deposits coarsen upward from silt in the bottomset unit to gravel in the topset unit. The TDEM survey revealed a highly irregular, buried bedrock surface, ranging from 20 m to 190 m in depth, and it delineated saltwater intrusion into the deltaic sediments. Late Quaternary sea‐level change at Zeballos was inferred from delta morphology and the GPR survey. The elevated, late Pleistocene delta was constructed when the sea was about 21 m higher relative to the land than it is today. It was dissected when sea‐level fell rapidly as a result of glacio‐isostatic rebound. Relative sea‐level reached a position about 20 m below the present datum during the early Holocene. Foreset beds that overlap and progressively climb in a seaward direction and topset beds that thicken to 26 m landward imply that the delta aggraded and prograded into Zeballos Inlet during the middle and late Holocene transgression. Sea‐level may have risen above the present datum during the middle Holocene, creating a delta plain at about 4 m a.s.l. Remnants of this surface are preserved along the valley margins. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stress–strain modeling of sand–silt mixtures is important in the analysis and design of earth structures. In this paper, we develop a stress–strain model that can predict the behavior of sand–silt mixtures with any amount of fines content. This model is based on a micromechanics approach, which involves mean‐field assumptions. For the mixtures with low amount of fines, the mechanical behavior is dominated by sand grains network. On the other hand, for the mixtures with high amount of fines, the mechanical behavior is dominated by silt grains network. Using this concept of dominant grains network, the behavior of mixtures with any amount of fines can be predicted from knowing the behavior of sand and silt, alone. We also modeled the critical state friction angle, critical state void ratio, and elastic stiffness for the mixtures as a function of fines content. The applicability of this developed stress–strain model is shown by comparing the simulated and measured results for two different types of sand–silt mixtures with full range of fines content. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cool‐water carbonate sedimentation has dominated Mediterranean shelves since the Early Pliocene. Skeletal sand and gravel herein consist of remains of heterozoan organisms, which are susceptible to reworking due to weak early cementation in non‐tropical waters. This study documents the Lower Pleistocene carbonate wedge of Favignana Island (Italy), which prograded from a 5   km wide passage between two palaeo‐islands into a perpendicular, 10 to 15   km wide strait between the palaeo‐islands at one side and Sicily at the other during the Emilian highstand (1·6   Ma to 1·1   Ma). The clinoformed carbonate wedge, which is 50   m thick and 6   km long, formed by east/south‐east progradation of a platform on the submarine sill by currents that were funnelled between the two palaeo‐islands. Platform‐slope clinoforms evolved from initial aggradation (thin and low‐angle) into a progradation phase (thick and high‐angle). Both clinoform types are characterized by a bimodal facies stacking pattern defined by sedimentary structures created by: (i) subaqueous dunes associated with dilute subcritical currents; and (ii) upper‐flow‐regime bedforms associated with sediment‐laden supercritical turbidity currents. Focusing of episodic currents on the platform by funnelling between the islands controlled the downstream formation of a sediment body, here named carbonate delta. The carbonate delta interfingers with subaqueous dune deposits formed in the perpendicular strait. This study uses a reconstruction of bedform dynamics to unravel the evolution of this gateway‐related carbonate accumulation.  相似文献   

The development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in clastic sediments is now reasonably well‐understood but their development in various deltaic subenvironments is not. A sedimentological analysis of a Pleistocene (ca 13·1 to 15 10Be ka) Gilbert‐type glaciolacustine delta with gravity‐induced slides and slumps in the Mosty‐Danowo tunnel valley (north‐western Poland) provides more insight, because the various soft‐sediment deformation structures in these deposits were considered in the context of their specific deltaic subenvironment. The sediments show three main groups of soft‐sediment deformation structures in layers between undeformed sediments. The first group consists of deformed cross‐bedding (inclined, overturned, recumbent, complex and sheath folds), large‐scale folds (recumbent and sheath folds) and pillows forming plastic deformations. The second group comprises pillar structures (isolated and stress), clastic dykes with sand volcanoes and clastic megadykes as examples of water‐escape structures. The third group consists of faults (normal and reverse) and extensional fissures (small fissures and neptunian dykes). Some of the deformations developed shortly after deposition of the deformed sediment, other structures developed later. This development must be ascribed to hydroplastic movement in a quasi‐solid state, and due to fluidization and liquefaction of the rapidly deposited, water‐saturated deltaic sediments. The various types of deformations were triggered by: (i) a high sedimentation rate; (ii) erosion (by wave action or meltwater currents); and (iii) ice‐sheet loading and seasonal changes in the ablation rate. Analysis of these triggers, in combination with the deformational mechanisms, have resulted – on the basis of the spatial distribution of the various types of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the delta under study – in a model for the development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the topsets, foresets and bottomsets of deltas. This analysis not only increases the understanding of the deformation processes in both modern and ancient deltaic settings but also helps to distinguish between the various subenvironments in ancient deltaic deposits.  相似文献   

This study deals with the behaviour of mixtures of sand and saturated kaolin paste considered as composite materials made of permeable and deformable (with non‐linear behaviour) matrix (the kaolin paste) with rigid and impervious inclusions (the sand grains). Oedometric and permeability tests highlight the key role of the state of the clay paste, and show the existence of a threshold of sand grain concentration above which a structuring effect influences both compressibility and permeability. At the light of these experiments two homogenization schemes (with simplifying assumptions to make the problem manageable) are considered to model these two parameters. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons with experimental data point out their respective domain of interest and limitations: a tangent homogenization scheme is shown to be sufficient to describe the macroscopic properties for dilute sand concentration; above the concentration threshold, the structuring effect is captured by the new homogenization scheme developed in this paper. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Content and fluxes of ice‐transported sand‐sized and gravel‐sized, lithic particles in marine sediment cores are a common tool used to reconstruct glacial variability. Ice‐rafted debris data sets are currently acquired in several different and often time‐consuming ways, and within various grain‐size fractions. This article proposes a novel workflow using an automated method to count ice‐rafted debris to reduce analysis time and subjectivity. The described method is based on the instrument ‘Morphologi G3’ from Malvern Instruments Limited and includes all pre‐processing and post‐processing steps. This particle characterization tool is an automated microscope combined with a proprietary software package. In this study, the analysis was performed on the 150 to 1000 μ m fraction. If desired, grain counts can be carried out on the entire sand and silt fractions. However, this would result in a considerably greater turnover time. A total of 350 sediment samples from core MD99‐2283, taken on the upper continental slope at the southern part of the north‐east Atlantic margin, were counted with this automated method. In addition, a total of 161 samples were counted manually as a control on the reliability of the scanning. The comparison of automated versus manually counted biogenic and lithic material shows a convincing correlation between the two methods. The turnover time per automatically counted sample is around 20 min, the method requiring less experience and skills than manual counting. The results yield a promising, time‐saving new technique to achieve high‐resolution ice‐rafted debris counting records with acceptable error margins.  相似文献   

The Chandman massif, a typical structure of the Mongolian Altai, consists of a migmatite–magmatite core rimmed by a lower grade metamorphic envelope of andalusite and cordierite‐bearing schists. The oldest structure in the migmatite–magmatite core is a subhorizontal migmatitic foliation S1 parallel to rare granitoid sills. This fabric is folded by upright folds F2 and transposed into a vertical migmatitic foliation S2 that is syn‐tectonic, with up to several tens of metres thick granitoid sills. Sillimanite–ilmenite–magnetite S1 inclusion trails in garnet constrain the depth of equilibration during the S1 fabric to 6–7 kbar at 710–780 °C. Reorientation of sillimanite into the S2 fabric indicates that the S1–S2 fabric transition occurred in the sillimanite stability field. The presence of cordierite, and garnet rim chemistry point to decompression to 3–4 kbar and 680–750 °C during development of the S2 steep fabric, and post‐tectonic andalusite indicates further decompression to 2–3 kbar and 600–650 °C. Widespread crystallization of post‐tectonic muscovite is explained by the release of H2O from crystallizing partial melt. In the metamorphic envelope the subhorizontal metamorphic schistosity S1 is heterogeneously affected by upright F2 folds and axial planar subvertical cleavage S2. In the north, the inclusion trails in garnet are parallel to the S1 foliation, and the garnet zoning indicates nearly isobaric heating from 2.5 to 3 kbar and 500–530 °C. Cordierite contains crenulated S1 inclusion trails and has pressure shadows related to the formation of the S2 fabric. The switch from the S1 to the S2 foliation occurred near 2.5–3 kbar and 530–570 °C; replacement of cordierite by fine‐grained muscovite and chlorite indicates further retrogression and cooling. In the south, andalusite containing crenulated inclusion trails of ilmenite and magnetite indicates heating during the D2 deformation at 3–4 kbar and 540–620 °C. Monazite from a migmatite analysed by LASS yielded elevated HREE concentrations. The grain with the best‐developed oscillatory zoning is 356 ± 1.0 [±7] Ma (207Pb‐corrected 238U/206Pb), considered to date the crystallization from melt in the cordierite stability ~680 °C and 3.5 kbar, whereas the patchy BSE‐dark domains give a date of 347 ± 4.2 [±7] Ma interpreted as recrystallization at subsolidus conditions. The earliest sub‐horizontal fabric is associated with the onset of magmatism and peak of P–T conditions in the deep crust, indicating important heat input associated with lower crustal horizontal flow. The paroxysmal metamorphic conditions are connected with collapse of the metamorphic structure, an extrusion of the hot lower crustal rocks associated with vertical magma transfer and a juxtaposition of the hot magmatite–migmatite core with supracrustal rocks. This study provides information about tectono‐thermal history and time‐scales of horizontal flow and vertical mass and heat transfer in the Altai orogen. It is shown that, similar to collisional orogens, doming of partially molten rocks assisted by syn‐orogenic magmatism can be responsible for the exhumation of orogenic lower crust in accretionary orogenic systems.  相似文献   

A Froude‐scaled physical model of a proximal gravel‐bed braided river was used to connect the river morphological characteristics, and sedimentary processes and forms, to deposit geometry. High resolution continuous three‐dimensional topographic data were acquired from sequential photogrammetric digital elevation models paired with grain‐size surface maps derived from image analysis of textural properties of the surface. From these data, the full three‐dimensional development of the braided river deposit and grain‐size sorting patterns was compiled over an experimental time period of 41 h during which the model river reworked a large portion of the braided channel. The minimum surface of the deposit is developed progressively over time by erosion, migration and avulsion of channels, and by local scour at channel confluences. The maximum surface of the deposit is formed by amalgamation of braid bar surfaces and has less overall relief than the minimum surface. Confluence scour constitutes about 5% of the area of the minimum surface. Migration of individual confluences is limited to distances of the order of the width and length of the confluence, so that confluences do not form laterally extensive deposits and basal surfaces. Maximum and minimum surfaces have very similar grain‐size distributions, and there is no extensive basal coarse layer. Deposit maximum thickness is strongly associated with large channel confluences which occur as deeper areas along the main channel belt and make up a large proportion of the thickest portions of the deposit.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊三角洲平原分流河道类型与叠置模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
浅水湖泊三角洲在中国许多陆相盆地中广泛发育,其中分流河道是三角洲平原最主要的砂体类型,它们大多呈现河道频繁改道、多级交叉及叠置的特点,往往形成极为复杂的地下储集层相互叠置的分布格局。基于松辽盆地浅水三角洲平原分流河道砂体的测井曲线特征,系统总结了浅水三角洲平原的分流河道河道类型与砂体叠置模式,并且分析了其对三角洲平原储集层砂体对比的约束作用。研究表明,分流河道河型可划分为3种基本类型:非典型辫流河型、非典型曲流河型和过渡型,其共同点是规模小、下切浅、分支快;而分流河道的叠置存在5种基本模式;河型与叠置特点决定了分流河道中泥质夹层分布存在2种基本类型,即平行分布式泥夹层与低角度侧积泥夹层。利用分流河道类型与叠置模式,可以分析河道发生变化的位置及井间砂体的连通情况,对储集层对比及连通关系分析具有约束作用。  相似文献   

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