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The Polish Carpathian Foredeep (PCF) is a foreland basin formed during the regional flexure of the East European continental lithosphere related to a continental collision in the Carpathian realm. The infill of the PCF basin consist of the uppermost Lower to the Upper Miocene (Ottnangian-Pannonian) sediments. These are mostly mudstones and clays, more rarely sandstones, limestones and evaporites. Numerous thrusts, strike-slip and normal faults, and even folds exist in the whole PCF. The orientation of these structures is variable but they show the privileged directions. The spatial analysis of structures and their crosscutting relationships, together with published seismic data permit conclude that the regional stress field in studied part of PCF was stable during the whole Neogene time till now. The orientation of the maximum horizontal stress axis was NNE-SSW. The local changes of the stress field orientation were caused by activity of the strike-slip fault in the foredeep basement or even the rotation of the basement blocks. The visible response on the basement activity were mostly outcrop-scale structures, namely the number and variety of structures are increasing in individual outcrop. However, the map-scale structures were also generated, for example so called Ryszkowa Wola Horst, a large pop-up structure. 相似文献
近年来,豫西南一带红层时代的研究,获得了包括恐龙蛋、恐龙与轮藻、介形类、孢粉及同位素年龄等方面的重要材料,为区内划分的晚白垩世高沟组、马家村组、寺沟组地层时代,提供了新的和可靠的证据,排除了认为属于早白垩世、白垩纪或其他意见的可能。 相似文献
通过对盐湖盆地层序地层学的研究现状、研究方法的综述,以启迪人们致力于盐湖盆地特别是陆相盐湖盆地层序地层学的研究。指出在世界上研究程度较高的盐湖油气盆地中,绝大多数都是海相沉积盆地,即关于碳酸盐岩层序地层学的研究较为成熟,而国内外还未见系统的盐湖盆地特别是陆相盐湖盆地层序地层学的研究成果,盐湖盆地的层序地层解释至今缺乏一个比较适用的模式或研究方法。其中,关键是如何解释盐岩沉积在层序发育中的地位和作用,了解盐岩沉积的湖平面变化特征,研究盆地发育与沉积充填历史。 相似文献
根据沉积相序变化、准层序叠加样式、测井曲线特征,运用关键坡折带知识,通过伴生的低水位域底界面的识别及附近的超失、削截特征分析,仔细追踪和查明了准噶尔盆地腹部地区中部2区块9条关键界面.进行了侏罗系的高分辨层序地层的划分。研究表明C1井区J_1b_2-J_2t沉积时期可划分出8个三级层序,均具有完整的三分结构:LST、TST和HST;共划分出27个体系域,共识别出准层序组56个,准层序118个。单个层序的厚度105.6~176.8 m,平均140.7 m;单个准层序组平均24.9 m;单个准层序平均11.8 m。 相似文献
在对塔里木盆地西南缘石炭系剖面研究的基础上,结合前人区域研究资料,用露头层序地层学方法对莎车县炮江沟上石炭统剖面进行了层序地层研究。结果表明:①塔里木盆地西南地区晚石炭世地层中发育大量碳酸盐岩米级旋回,以莎车县炮江沟剖面为代表,其主要类型有L-M型、深水非对称型、潮下型和环潮坪型;②塔里木盆地西南缘上石炭统中主要发育相对海平面快速上升所形成的淹没不整合型间断面,相对海平面快速下降所形成的暴露型间断面层序界面也有发现;③三级层序的不同体系域中发育不同类型的米级旋回序列,它们在垂向上有序叠加构成有规律的三级层序。 相似文献
昌都-类乌齐地区的三叠系发育较好,尤其是上三叠统建组剖面多。以露头剖面为基础,在晚三叠世地层中可识别出4个三级层序界面,其中1个Ⅰ类界面与3个Ⅱ类界面;划分出4个三级层序,分别为1个Ⅰ类层序和3个Ⅱ类层序。笔者研究认为,该区克拉通盆地三级层序的类型、结构与数量等方面具有可对比性。 相似文献
根据基准面分析原理,柴达木盆地阿尔金斜坡新近系、古近系发育了构造侵蚀不整合界面、局部构造运动叠加凝聚界面、相转换面、湖泛面等4类等时或准等时界面,依次将新近系、古近系湖盆充填体系划分为3个构造层序和4个成因层序,并建立了等时地层格架和初始裂陷型、伸展裂陷型、湖盆萎缩型3种不同的层序式样,每种层序式样受特定的沉积古构造背景控制,并具不同的内部构成,从而形成了柴达木新近纪、古近纪湖盆沉积中心不断东移,总体向上变细的湖盆充填模式。 相似文献
利用层序地层学原理和方法,建立了焉耆盆地中生界层序地层格架,将其划分为4个层序,继而分析了各个层序的地层特征、层序演化及各个体系域的沉积体系展布。研究表明,焉耆盆地中生代存在南北两大物源体系,盆地总体上以河流-湖泊沼泽相的浅水沉积为主,湖泊水体深度不大且分布范围有限;层序Ⅲ的水进体系域是湖盆发育的鼎盛时期,构成了本区良好的盖层;通过层序构成分析,探讨了隐蔽圈闭发育的有利层位及区带。 相似文献
陆相盐湖盆地层序地层学的研究,是层序地层学研究中的前缘课题。通常应用盐湖发育的环境变化参数、旋回年代学、古地磁反转和生物地层等方法,来研究盐湖沉积形成的条件、盐湖层序成因模式、盐湖演变与全球变化。目前在研究中存在的主要问题是陆相盐湖盆地的层序地层解释至今缺乏一个比较适用的模式或研究方法,其中的关键是如何解释盐岩沉积在层序发育中的地位和作用。 相似文献
正层序地层研究从90年代由海相地层开始在我国广泛开展。之后陆相地层的层序地层研究也由我国南方向北方逐渐开展(陈祥云等,1997;潘良云等,1997)。辽西金羊盆地内土城子组是中生代陆相红层发育较为广泛的层位,是研究陆相红层的理想区域。本区前人对土城子组做了大量工作,多集中于地层划分、对比、生物特征及沉积相等方面的 相似文献
文章运用层序地层学原理,对兰坪盆地中部古近系宝相寺组进行深入研究,划分出1个Ⅰ型层序及3个Ⅱ型层序界面。阐述了兰坪盆地中部古近系宝相寺组层序格架及砂体结构特征,建立层序地层格架演化模式图,反映了湖平面变化对砂体沉积结构的重要影响。低位体系域早期河流侵蚀强烈,多以中粒为主,晚期发育复合状砂体;湖侵体系域砂体多为细粒砂泥岩,呈孤立状形态;高位体系域砂体以席状砂体为主,主要由滨浅湖、半深湖和湖泊三角洲沉积体系构成。 相似文献
利用平庄盆地钻孔和矿井地质资料,结合野外地质调查等工作,运用沉积学、层序地层学及煤田地质学的基本理论和方法,根据古构造运动面和大面积侵蚀面,将平庄盆地含煤岩系--杏园组和元宝山组划分为1个超层序和2个层序,并把层序划分为低水位体系域(LST)、湖泊扩展体系域(LTST)、湖泊萎缩体系域(LCST)和非湖泊体系域(NLST)。总结出层序地层与聚煤规律的关系是:LST和LTST基本无聚煤作用发生;LCST局部有利地段可发育薄煤层,但无工业利用价值;NLST聚煤条件最有利,常形成厚煤层。 相似文献
以景泰中生代含煤盆地(陆相聚煤盆地)为研究对象,运用层序地层学理论,依据地质露头资料,探索了富煤单元的预测方法。通过研究,划分出本区各级层序地层单元,确定了富煤单元的形成条件和富煤带的分布部位:景泰盆地含煤段(J 1、J 21)可识别出4个成因地层单元;J 1的煤1、煤2组富煤带分布于泥炭供给充足,且盆地沉降速度与泥炭堆积速度均衡的部位;J 21的煤3、煤4组富煤带分布于盆缘与沉降中心之间,并靠近沉降中心的一侧。 相似文献
莺歌海—琼东南盆地自晚第三纪海侵以来 ,可划分出 3个二级层序和 1 3个三级层序 ,利用生物化石 (主要为浮游有孔虫 )基准面确定层序的界面年龄值 ,自上而下分别为 1 .9Ma、2 .2Ma、 2 .8Ma、 3 .4 Ma、 5.1 Ma、 6.0 Ma、 1 0 .2 Ma、 1 2 .6Ma、 1 5.2 Ma、 1 9.6Ma、 2 1 .0 Ma、2 3 .7Ma、 2 5.5Ma、 3 0 Ma。通过各层序沉积期的环境演变 ,探讨了海平面变化的周期性 ,并与同时代的全球海平面旋回作了对比。本区最高海平面时期为早上新世 ,即相当于浮游有孔虫N1 9带至 N2 1 带下部 ,其次为中中新世早期 ,相当于浮游有孔虫 N9至 N1 2 带。 相似文献
高分辨率层序地层学是对地层记录中反映基准面变化旋回的时间地层单元的二级划分。鄂尔多斯盆地南部上三叠统成油体系可明显的划分为1个中期地层层序和10个短期地层层序,它们在时空上的演变反映基准面、可容纳空间变化对沉积物沉积厚度、堆积方式有明显的控制作用,三角洲水下分流河道砂体的储集物性变化也明显受基准面、可容纳空间变化的影响,上升旋回的水下分流河道砂体物性随基准面上升变差,下降旋回的水下分流河道砂体物性随基准面下降变好,且下降旋回砂体物性好于上升旋回的砂体物性。 相似文献
Oceanic 87Sr/ 86Sr‐isotope ratios are strongly influenced by rates of silicate weathering and therefore linked not only to glaciation but also to sea‐level change. The present study combines analysis of sequence stratigraphy and basin architecture with Sr‐isotope stratigraphy in Miocene shallow‐water sediments in southern Portugal and Crete (Greece). The common method is to use smoothed global sea water Sr‐isotope reference curves but here a different approach is chosen. Instead, measured Sr‐isotope curves are correlated with unsmoothed reference curves by identification of similar fluctuations in the order of several 100 kyr. Transgressive intervals are characterized by increasing Sr‐isotope ratios interpreted as corresponding to intensified silicate weathering as a consequence of deglaciation, while lowstand deposits have low Sr‐isotope ratios. Comparison of Sr‐isotope curves and sedimentary sequences in the studied basins with independent global δ18O data and data on global sea‐level might suggest a general relationship, supporting a connection to global climate change. Because of these relationships, the method presented herein has a high potential for use in high‐resolution age dating and is also applicable in shallow‐water sediments. 相似文献
本文研究的是大陆边缘海以底栖有孔虫为主的化石群落与层序地层的关系。海平面变化是控制化石群落演替和识别划分层序的主要因素。化石群落在一个完整海水进退诈回中呈机会种群落、平衡种群落、终极种群落演替变化,在化石丰度、多样度、均衡度、成壳类型等方面分异显著,与层序地层的三级层序的海进体系域、凝缩期沉积、高位体系域具有密切的耦合关系。化石群落的替变化是对海洋环境变迁的能动反映。因此,化石群落的研究可以帮助识别和优化层序、沉积体系域和层序界面,从而为层序地层的准确识别划分提供新的思路。 相似文献
The Marnoso–arenacea basin was a narrow, northwest–southeast trending, foredeep of Middle–Late Miocene age bounded to the southwest by the Apennine thrust front. The basin configuration and evolution were strongly controlled by tectonics. Geometrical and sedimentological analysis of Serravallian turbidites deposited within the Marnoso–arenacea foredeep, combined with palaeocurrent data (turbidite flow provenance, reflection and deflection), identify topographic irregularities in a basin plain setting in the form of confined troughs (the more internal Mandrioli sub-basin and the external S. Sofia sub-basin) separated by an intrabasinal structural high. This basin configuration was generated by the propagation of a blind thrust striking northwest to southeast, parallel to the main trend of the Apennines thrust belt. Ongoing thrust-induced sea bed deformation, marked by the emplacement of large submarine landslides, drove the evolution of the two sub-basins. In an early stage, the growth and lateral propagation of a fault-related anticline promoted the development of open foredeep sub-basins that were replaced progressively by wedge-top or piggy-back basins, partially or completely isolated from the main foredeep. Meanwhile, the depocenter shifted to a more external position and the sub-basins were incorporated within an accretionary thrust belt. 相似文献
The Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene succession in eastern Jylland can be subdivided into three sequences (A–C from older to younger) deposited on and around the Ringkøbing-Fyn High. The development of the sequences reflects a complex interaction between eustatic sea-level changes, physiography and variable sediment supply. Superimposed on this, frequent storms promoted longshore sediment transport and the development of spit systems adjacent to structural highs. As a consequence, sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces are not always expressed as portrayed in conventional sequence models; sequence boundaries or flooding surfaces may only be marked by subtle changes in depositional environment that can only be revealed by careful integration of sedimentological observations with palynological data. The influence of the topography resulted in the development of brackish water basins that were sufficiently large to permit the deposition of hummocky cross-stratified sands with muds. These deposits are overlain by clean hummocky and swaley cross-stratified sands that were deposited in a fully marine, high-energy environment. This evolution from mud-rich, storm-influenced sediments to sand-dominated shoreface sediments resulted from a rise in sea level and was not the result of shoreface progradation and downstepping during a sea level fall. In addition to the topographic control on sequence development, sediment supply to the study area changed significantly during the deposition of the three sequences. Initially the basin was sediment-starved, favouring the formation of glaucony-rich sediments. The sediment input gradually increased and the influence of structural highs and lows became less significant with time. Consequently, both sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces are characterized by more conventional features in the younger part of the succession, where a basinward displacement of the shoreline resulted in thick lowstand delta deposits. 相似文献
根据札达盆地河湖相剖面地层岩性、粒度、沉积构造、古生物等反映的沉积岩相,以及不整合面等沉积特征,可将札达盆地上新世—早更新世河湖相地层,初步划分为两个三级层序(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)。层序Ⅰ代表上新统地层层序,并进一步区分出退积准层序组和进积准层序组。对应上新世湖相沉积由低位体系域—湖泊扩张体系域—湖泊收缩体系域的演化,反映湖泊由源区水系冲积亚相—滨湖三角洲亚相—滨浅湖亚相—半深湖亚相—滨浅湖亚相的湖泊,由扩张到萎缩的一个完整的发展演化旋回。层序II代表下更新统地层层序,反映一个盆地受构造和气候(冰期—间冰期)双重控制的夭折型冰湖形成演化的由冰水冲积相到冰湖沉积相的不完整沉积旋回,为青藏高原新近系上新统与第四系的研究与划分提供了重要依据。 相似文献