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Hydrogeochemistry data were utilized to understand origin, distribution, and geochemical evolution of the high-fluoride groundwater in Taiyuan basin, China. In the study area, the spatial distribution of the high-fluoride groundwater are strictly controlled by the host rock and geomorphic conditions. Three types of groundwater with the F concentration of <1.5 mg/L, 1.5–2 mg/L and >2 mg/L are located in the areas bordering the limestone zones, in the areas bordering the sandstone of Permian and Carboniferous, and in the depressions of the central parts of the basin, respectively. The high-fluoride groundwater mostly have the high values of TDS, and its values of pH range from 7.2 to 8.8. The most common water types of the high-fluoride groundwater are Na·Ca–HCO3 and Na·Mg–HCO3. The geochemical mode reveals that the dissolution of the fluorine-containing minerals and the evaporation effect of the shallow groundwater control the evolution of high F concentration in Taiyuan basin.  相似文献   

Contamination of groundwater in different parts of the world is a result of natural and/or anthropogenic sources, leading to adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem. In Península Valdés, where groundwater is the only source of supply, high concentrations of As and F- were registered. Since it is a region without industrial activity, an analysis of possible natural sources of contamination is necessary. The aim of this study is to analyse the hydrological processes that determines the presence and mobilization of those elements through the analysis of the mineralogy of the aquifer sediments and the ionic water relationships. The productive aquifer, dominated by psamites, coquinas and siltstone is located between 29 and 42 m below ground surface. The hydrochemistry studied from 105 sampling points, shows that groundwater is dominated by Na-Cl ions and, in the fresh water sectors, the ionic type is Na-HCO3 to Na-Cl. In 17 of these samples, Zn, Cr, Mn, As, V, Sr, Fe, F ions were measured and As and F contents above the potability limit were recorded. These contents vary between 0.01 and 0.40 mg/L in As and between 0.31 and 4 in F- which are both associated with elevated V values. The optical petrographic microscope observations and the X-ray diffraction measurements show that the sediments are dominated by volcanic lithic fragments, volcanic glass shards and quartz, plagioclase, pyroxenes and magnetite clasts. The scanning electron microscopy, combined with the energy dispersive X-ray analysis, shows that the highest concentrations of As are associated with volcanic shards and iron oxides. The combined analysis of all these elements leads to conclude that the processes which explain the presence of those ions are a result of the interaction of groundwater with the components of the aquifer sediments. At alkaline pH, the high solubility of the amorphous silica of vitreous shards allows the release of As, V and F- ions towards the solution. Thus, adsorption-desorption processes can also control the presence of these ions in groundwater. Both As and V (in solution in the form of oxyanions) can be adsorbed by iron oxides, while F- anions have more affinity to be adsorbed by the carbonate facies, some of them re-precipitated as a result of the increase in pH. The identified hydrogeological processes provide information for the planning of water purification measures that tend to improve the water resources management in a large arid region of Patagonia.  相似文献   

Located in semi-arid regions of northwestern China, Datong basin is a Quaternary sedimentary basin, where groundwater is the most important source for water supply. It is very important to study groundwater characteristics and hydrogeochemical processes for better management of the groundwater resource. We have identified five geochemical zones of shallow groundwater (between 5 and 80 m) at Datong: A. Leaching Zone (Zone I); B. Converging Zone (Zone II); C. Enriching Zone (Zone III); D. Reducing Zone (Zone IV); E. Oxidizing Zone (Zone V). In Zones I, II, and V and some parts of Zones III and IV, hydrolysis of albite/K-feldspar/chalcedony system and/or albite/K-feldspar/quartz system enhanced concentrations of Na+, K+, HCO3 and silicate. In Zone I, dissolution of carbonate and hydrolysis of feldspar generally controlled the groundwater chemistry. Infiltration of meteoric water promoted the formation of HCO3 in the water. In Zone II, the main geochemical processes influencing the groundwater chemistry were dissolutions of calcite and dolomite, ion exchange and evaporation. In Zones III and IV, in addition to ion exchange, evaporation and precipitation of calcite and dolomite, leaching of NaHCO3 in saline–alkaline soils dominated the water quality. Zone IV was under anoxic condition, and reduction reactions led to the decrease of SO42−, NO3 and occurrence of H2S, with the highest arsenic content (mean value of 366 μg/L), far exceeding Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Abnormal arsenic in the groundwater resulted in endemic disease of waterborne arsenic poisoning among local people. Zone V overlapped Zone I was intensively affected by coal mining activities. Sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, would have been oxidized when exposed to air due to coal mining, which directly added sulfate to groundwater and thus increased SO42− concentration. Oxidization of sulfide minerals also decreased pH and promoted dissolutions of calcite and dolomite.  相似文献   

The concentrations of fluorine in groundwater of North Jordan range from 0.009 to 0.055 mg/l. Other chemical parameters, e.g. pH, EC, TDS, Cl, TH, HCO3, PO4, SO4, NO3, NH4, K, Ca, Mg, and NO3 have been studied and showed higher concentrations in HCO3 and NO3 of 307 and 51 mg/l, respectively. Thermodynamic considerations show that almost all the analyzed samples are undersaturated with respect to calcite and fluorite. This undersaturation is probably due to their low availability in the locations. Fluoride concentration shows a positive relation to pH and HCO3, whereas Cl, Mg, Ca, and Na initially increase and then decrease with increasing fluoride in the water. Saturation indexes of fluorite and calcite are estimated. The chemistry of the groundwater is controlled by the fluorite and calcite solubility. The topography of the area has exerted control on the aerial extent of fluoride concentration.  相似文献   

内蒙古河套盆地不仅存在高砷地下水,还存在高氟地下水,严重影响居民的身体健康。尽管高砷地下水开展了大量的研究工作,但对高氟地下水的分布及形成机理却认识不足。在资料检索和和水文地质条件的分析的基础上,通过对406个地下水水样的采集和分析,研究了高氟地下水的化学特征和分布规律,并从矿物溶解与沉淀、蒸发浓缩、解吸与竞争吸附及阳离子交换4个方面探讨了河套盆地山前与平原两种不同水文地质条件下地下水的主要富氟机理。结果显示,406个水样中,超过59%的水样含氟量超过我国饮用水1.0mg/L的标准,其中山前地下水氟的超标率高于平原地区。高氟地下水表现出富钠、贫钙、弱碱性的特点。平原区高氟地下水的pH、HCO-3、δ18 O、δD和TDS普遍高于山前,Ca2+、NO-3普遍低于山前。萤石溶解与方解石沉淀为山前地区氟含量主要控制因素;而蒸发作用、阳离子交换作用、OH-、HCO-3与F-的竞争吸附成为平原地区氟含量的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

综合应用有机碳丰度、岩石热解、碳同位素、生物标志物和有机显微组分等多项指标,对松辽盆地双城凹陷下白垩统营四段烃源岩进行了分析,以揭示该套烃源岩地球化学特征及形成环境,并探讨该凹陷内原油的可能来源。结果显示,营四段烃源岩有机碳(TOC)含量平均为2.97%,有机质类型为Ⅱ型,有机质来源主要为高等植物,其次为层状藻等水生生物,镜质组反射率(Ro)为0.83%~1.10%,处于生油窗内。烃源岩甾烷分布以C27、C29重排甾烷为主,规则甾烷以C29占优势,具有高丰度重排藿烷,伴有早洗脱重排藿烷(C30D/C30H比值平均为0.68,C30E/C30H比值平均为0.32),反映沉积环境为弱氧化-弱还原的淡水半深湖-浅湖。双城凹陷原油为高蜡低硫轻质油,碳同位素平均为-29.69‰,来源于营四段烃源岩,其中登三段原油重排藿烷相对丰度较低,为烃源岩成熟度较低时生成的原油运移成藏;营四段原油重排藿烷相对丰度较高,且其与深度的变化规律与烃源岩基本一致,反映为近源成藏。  相似文献   

选取海原断裂带曹洼(CW)、菜园(CY)、万家水(WJ)、水泉(SQ)、三塘(ST)、松山(SS)和安远(AY)7个测区进行土壤气测量与地下水地球化学检测,依据海原断裂带不同构造部位的土壤气浓度、水化学组分和同位素组成等,分析了海原断裂带的构造活动性分段特征。结果显示:研究区内土壤气Rn释放量较高的区域主要集中于ST、SQ测区,且断裂带中部区域气氡浓度相对较低;氦浓度及其同位素检测结果表明ST、SQ和CY测区土壤逸出气中含有幔源气体;泉水化学组分及氢氧同位素分析结果显示SQ和ST测区地下水与围岩介质之间的水岩相互作用程度较高、水岩反应平衡状态较高、地下水循环深度较大;泉水氚活度分析结果显示水泉(SQ)测区地下水补给区较远、水循环周期较长、新老水体的交换作用缓慢。综合分析认为,相比其他区段,海原断裂中西段(SQ ST)接近1920年8.5级地震破裂段,其断裂带闭锁程度较弱、与地壳深部的连通性较好,更有利于地下流体的扩散与运移。  相似文献   

天山西部伊犁河灌区地下水地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2009年伊犁河灌区地下水监测和取样分析资料,运用相关分析法、主成分分析法、半方差函数与克里格插值法,对伊犁河灌区地下水地球化学特征与地下水总溶解固体(TDS)时空分异特征进行了分析.结果表明,研究区58.18%地下水样为淡水,40.00%为微咸水,1.82%为咸水.地下水阴离子以C1和SO2-4为主,阳离子以Ca...  相似文献   

重庆典型农业区土壤硒地球化学特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以重庆市典型农业区——南川区为研究区,系统采集了表层土壤样品,测定了Se元素含量,分析讨论了土壤Se地球化学特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明,南川区土壤Se含量变化范围为(0.056~10.80)×10-6,平均值为0.46×10-6,高于全国土壤硒的平均值,其中富硒土壤面积占42.31%。南川区土壤Se含量在空间上呈现出"南高北低"的特点,土壤高Se区主要集中分布在南部的水江镇、南平镇、南川城区及金佛山地区,南川区城镇地区和工矿区土壤Se含量最高,农田用地土壤Se含量最低。南川区高Se土壤主要分布在二叠系、三叠系(飞仙关组合嘉陵江组)、志留系、奥陶系和寒武系地层,土壤Se含量主要受成土母质控制,与土壤有机质呈显著的正相关关系,总体上呈现出随海拔的增加而增加的趋势,但与土壤pH关系不显著。  相似文献   

蔡春芳  李开开  蔡镠璐  李斌  姜磊 《岩石学报》2009,25(10):2399-2404
塔河地区奥陶系方解石脉和胶结物~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr值多高于围岩与同期海水,显示具有外来的、富~(87)Sr的流体的贡献.富~(87)Sr的流体可来自奥陶系抬升时期淡水对碎屑岩的淋滤作用,但也可来自深部的热液流体.不同成因的流体所沉淀的方解石Sr含量具有明显的差异.地层水δD-δ~(18O) 关系证实了存在淡水的混合作用.淡水的混合导致了原油的厌氧生物降解,产生低δ~(34)S的黄铁矿与有机酸;有机酸促进了不整合面附近的岩溶作用.而方解石的均一化温度可达150~190℃,有意义地高于地层所经历的最高温度,支持了存在深部热液流体的活动,说明Sr很可能都来自寒武系或前寒武碎屑岩地层;该热液流体促进了寒武系碳酸盐岩发生热化学硫酸盐还原作用(TSR),产生H_2S气体和黄铁矿,其δ~(34)S值为18‰~22‰.热液流体的活动,导致了碳酸盐矿物的溶解-再沉淀作用.  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic compositions of groundwater and stream water in the Haean basin, Korea, which have been intensively used for agricultural irrigation, were examined. The field parameters and chemical compositions were typical of relatively uncontaminated waters, except for the agricultural impact. The low EC levels indicated that the waters had not experienced any significant geochemical processes such as water-rock interaction and evaporation. The very similar chemical compositions and ionic ratios were also indicative of fast circulation and good hydraulic connection. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of most of the samples in wet and dry seasons showed very similar range which indicated a single source for both waters without any significant geochemical alteration. However, in the wet season, evaporation trends were observed in some groundwaters because of inflow of irrigation return flow from a rice paddy field. The isotopes of both waters were affected by the altitude and amount of precipitation.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the hydrogeochemical composition of groundwater in Chhatarpur area with special focus on nitrate and fluoride contamination, considering the fact that groundwater is the only major source of drinking water here. Carbonate and silicate mineral weathering followed by ground water–surface water interactions, ion exchange and anthropogenic activities are mainly responsible for high concentrations of cations and anions in the groundwater in the region. The average concentration of nitrate and fluoride found in 27 samples is 1.08 and 61.4 mg/L, respectively. Nitrate enrichment mainly occurs in areas occupied with intense fertilizer practice in agricultural fields. Since the area is not dominated by industrialization, the possibility of anthropogenic input of fluoride is almost negligible, thus the enrichment of fluoride in groundwater is only possible due to rock–water interaction. The highly alkaline conditions, which favor the fluorite dissolution, are the main process responsible for high concentration of fluoride.  相似文献   

B. K. Maloney 《GeoJournal》1991,23(2):121-124
Much research has been carried out on the origins of long grained rice, the cereal which is the staple of most of mankind, in the last few years. This article briefly summarises the botanical results and data from archaeological excavations in China, India and Thailand especially. There is no recent information on the origins of glutinous rice but botanical evidence points to a West African origin.  相似文献   

北京郊区农田土壤中滴滴涕和六六六地球化学特征研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
北京是中国政治、经济和文化中心,人口密集。近年来,随着社会经济快速发展,环境问题,特别是持  相似文献   

This systematic study was carried out with objective to delineate the various sources responsible for \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) contamination and \(\hbox {F}^{-}\) enrichment by utilizing statistical and graphical methods. Since Central Ground Water Board, India, indicated susceptibility of \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) contamination and \(\hbox {F}^{-}\) enrichment, in most of the groundwater, \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) and \(\hbox {F}^{-}\) concentration primarily observed \({>}45\) and \({>}1.5~\hbox {mg/L}\), respectively, i.e., higher than the permissible limit for drinking water. Water Quality Index (WQI) indicates \({\sim }22.81\%\) groundwater are good-water, \({\sim }71.14\%\) groundwater poor-water, \({\sim }5.37\%\) very poor-water and 0.67% unsuitable for drinking purpose. Piper diagram indicates \({\sim }59.73\%\) groundwater hydrogeochemical facies are Ca–Mg–\(\hbox {HCO}_{3 }\) water-types, \({\sim }28.19\%\) Ca–Mg–\(\hbox {SO}_{4}\)–Cl water-types, \({\sim }8.72\%\) Na–K–\(\hbox {SO}_{4}\)–Cl water-types and 3.36% Na–K–\(\hbox {HCO}_{3 }\) water-types. This classification indicates dissolution and mixing are mainly controlling groundwater chemistry. Salinity diagram indicate \({\sim }44.30\%\) groundwater under in low sodium and medium salinity hazard, \({\sim }49.66\%\) groundwater fall under low sodium and high salinity hazard, \({\sim }3.36\%\) groundwater fall under very-high salinity hazard. Sodium adsorption ratio indicates \({\sim }97\%\) groundwater are in excellent condition for irrigation. The spatial distribution of \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) indicates significant contribution of fertilizer from agriculture lands. Fluoride enrichment occurs in groundwater through the dissolution of fluoride-rich minerals. By reducing the consumption of fertilizer and stress over groundwater, the water quality can be improved.  相似文献   

Geochemical processes were identified as controlling factors of groundwater chemistry, including chemical weathering, salinization from seawater and dry sea-salt deposition, nitrate contamination, and rainfall recharge. These geochemical processes were identified using principal component analysis of major element chemistry of groundwater from basaltic aquifers in Jeju Island, South Korea, a volcanic island with intense agricultural activities. The contribution of the geochemical processes to groundwater chemistry was quantified by a simple mass-balance approach. The geochemical effects due to seawater were considered based on Cl contributions, whereas the effects due to natural chemical weathering were based on alkalinity. Nitrogenous fertilizers, and especially the associated nitrification processes, appear to significantly affect groundwater chemistry. A strong correlation was observed between Na, Mg, Ca, SO4 and Cl, and nitrate concentrations in groundwater. Correspondingly, the total major cations, Cl, and SO4 in groundwater were assessed to estimate relative effect of N-fertilizer use on groundwater chemistry. Cl originates more from nitrate sources than from seawater, whereas SO4 originates mostly from rainwater. N-fertilizer use has shown the greatest effect on groundwater chemistry, particularly when nitrate concentrations exceed 6–7 mg/L NO3–N. Nitrate contamination significantly affects groundwater quality and 18% of groundwater samples have contamination-dominated chemistry.  相似文献   

More and more data indicated that high- or low-fluoride-bearing drinking water led to endemic diseases in which fluoride poisoning was caused by high levels of fluoride (fluoride ion content >1.0 mg/I) in drinking water. Fluoride poisoning in North China is characterized by pathological changes of bones and teeth. Much attention has been devoted to the study of fluoride-bearing groundwater in North China because regionally groundwater has been the main source of water supply, and fluoride poisoning has developed to the extent that it affects human health seriously. Results from the studies in North China summarized in this article indicate that regional high-fluoride-bearing groundwater has a regular distribution corresponding with the development of endemic fluoride poisoning and has something to do with paleogeographic and paleoclimatic conditions, geology, and hydrogeology, especially with types of hydrogeochemistry, pH value of groundwater, degree of mineralization, and so forth. High-fluoride-bearing groundwater in relation to fluorosis occurs mainly in North China, and many effective measures have been taken to reduce the fluoride content in drinking water and to cure the disease after analyzing the distribution and environmental characteristics of high-fluoride-bearing groundwater.  相似文献   

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