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The major obstacle to underwater acoustic communication is the interference of multi-path signals due to surface and bottom reflections. High speed acoustic transmission over a shallow water channel characterized by small grazing angles presents formidable difficulties. The reflection losses associated with such small angles are low, causing large amplitudes in multi-path signals. In this paper we propose a simple but effective model for multi-path interference, which is then used to assess the performance of a digital communication system operating in a shallow water channel. The results indicate that transmission rates in excess of 8 kbits/s are possible over a distance of 13 km and channel depth of only 20 meters. Such a system offers improved performance in applications such as data collection from underwater sensors  相似文献   

This paper proposes an underwater adaptive-array receiver structure that utilizes direct-sequence code division multiple access and spatial diversity combining in order to achieve reliable low-data rate multiuser communication in an asynchronous shallow-water network. The performance of the proposed receiver architecture has been verified by means of offline processing of data acquired during sea trials in the summer of 1999 in the North Sea. Results show that this computationally efficient structure is near-far resistant and provides successful multiuser operation in the shallow-water channel  相似文献   

The paper discusses the development of a simulation tool to model high data-rate acoustic communication in shallow water. The simulation tool is able to generate synthetic time series of signals received at a transducer array after transmission across a shallow-water communication channel. The simulation tool is suitable for testing advanced signal processing techniques for message recovery. A channel model has been developed based on the physical aspects of the acoustic channel. Special emphasis has been given to fluctuations of the signal transmission caused by time-varying multipath effects. At shorter ranges, the temporal variations are dominated by acoustic scattering from the moving sea surface. Therefore, the channel model produces a coherence function which may be interpreted as a time-varying reflection coefficient for the surface scattered acoustical path. A static, range-independent ray model identifies the significant multipaths, and the surface path is modulated with the time-varying reflection coefficient. The advantages and limitations of the channel model are discussed and assumptions necessary to overcome the limitations are emphasised. Based on the assumptions, an algorithm has been developed and implemented to model how a binary message will be modulated when transmitted by a transducer, is distorted in the channel and finally is received by a transducer array  相似文献   

颜国雄  王潜  童峰 《海洋科学》2009,33(8):72-75
介绍了一种DS/DBPSK调制解调技术方案,该方案采用了具有较强抗干扰、抗衰落和抗多径性能的扩频技术,并结合与信道适应性较好、不需载波恢复的差分相位调制技术,对浅海水声信道造成的干扰进行抑制.在此方法上,基于Visual C(VC)及PC平台设计了一个通用性好的软件水声调制解调系统,利用双缓冲邋和多线程技术机制实现算法实时处理,同时可通过串口通信提供上层应用接口.实验系统验证了扩频和差分调制技术在浅海水声通信中的性能,为水声组网提供了底层支持.海试实验结果表明了系统的有效性.  相似文献   

一个水声扩频通信系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄晓萍  桑恩方 《海洋工程》2007,25(1):127-132
严重的多途衰落、多普勒频偏是水声通信中引起误码的主要原因。低功耗、远距离、高隐蔽性、低信噪比检测、高可靠性的数据传输是水声通信的一个发展方向。设计并实现了一个水声扩频通信系统,有效地解决了以上问题,并采用快速相关算法,代替传统的矢量与矩阵相乘运算,极大地减少了程序的运行量,从而实时地处理接收信号。通过湖试和海试,验证了此通信系统的优良性能。  相似文献   

论文首先介绍浅海声信道声传输的基本特性,指出在此类信道中进行多媒体信息传输的特殊困难.随后论述了文本信息传输所具有的抗噪声、抗起伏等优良性能,较能适应于水声信道的复杂性和多变性,但属于较高速率的文本信息传输,多途干扰仍然是文本信息正确检测的根本障碍.文中分析了频率跳变技术克服时域扩散较短的浅海多途的可行性和需解决的关键技术.海上获得的初步实验结果说明了文本信息传输所具有的优越性,值得今后继续深入的研究.  相似文献   

时变多径水声信道的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对浅海水声信道的时变特性,基于射线理论引入海洋参数——强度起伏参数Φ、不均匀度参数A,建立有效的时变多径信道模型,并采用Matlab工具进行仿真.仿真结果表明,该模型相比于确定性模型更容易理解、更真实.文中给出的模型和结论能够为实际通信系统中发射接收机深度等的选择和设计提供一定的参考和依据,有助于对水声信道的了解.  相似文献   

This paper presents multiple access interference cancellation techniques based on joint implementation of spatial-beamforming and multiuser detection strategies for coherent underwater acoustic communication network. Performances of adaptive multiuser detection strategies based on weighted parallel, successive, and recursive successive interference cancellation techniques are compared using experimental sea-trial data. Results show that the receiver structure adopting weighted recursive successive interference cancellation (RSIC) exhibits robustness in extracting useful data for weak users in the presence of co-channel interference from strong users. In addition, this type of structure simultaneously suppresses the summed interference effects contributed by weaker users toward the strongest user. The RSIC structure is therefore a potential candidate for multiple access interference suppression in coherent shallow water acoustic communication systems  相似文献   

Achieving reliable underwater communication in shallow water is a difficult task because of the random time-varying nature of multipath propagation. When the product of Doppler-related signal bandwidth spread and multipath-related time spread of the channel is larger than one, some types of adaptive signal processing may not work very well. In this paper, various methods of coherent space-time processing are compared for a condition of a marginally overspread channel operating at 50 kHz. Various combinations of suboptimal spatially adaptive and time adaptive methods are considered. The coherent path beamformer (CPB) and recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive beamformer, both in combination with RLS time filtering, are analyzed. Also considered in the analysis is the combined RLS space-time optimal adaptive processor. Many experiments using broad-band phase-shift-keyed transmissions in shallow water have been conducted to provide data for testing these various processing methods. Because of the rapid time variation of the multipath, the product of bandwidth spread and time spread at this test site approached unity. In this environment, a suboptimal approach consisting of the adaptive beamformer followed by RLS equalization reduced reverberation and transmission errors  相似文献   

毛岱山 《海洋技术学报》2006,25(2):67-69,120
水声信道中信号的时间相关特性是水声微弱信号相关检测的理论基础和具体参数选择依据。文中以厦门港典型的浅海声信道中信号的时间自相关和互相关特性进行实验研究。结果指出,信号有强的时间相关性,无论自相关或互相关性均比海洋环境噪声强得多,因此在水声信道中采用时间相关检测可望达到优良的抗噪声效果。  相似文献   

高春仙  刘慧 《海洋科学》2007,31(10):55-60
为了在恶劣的水声信道中确保数据的可靠传输,采用性能优异的Turbo码,以6711DSP为核心处理单元构建译码系统。系统采用戈泽尔算法进行跳频的软解调,迭代的软输出维特比译码算法(SOVA)进行译码。系统经过实验室水池的试验,证实能保证译码的实时性及其在恶劣信道中数据传输的正确性,具有相当优异的性能。  相似文献   

高速水声通信中正交频分复用技术试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明华  桑恩方  乔钢 《海洋工程》2006,24(4):100-104115
设计了基于正交频分复用的高速水声通信系统,并进行了湖上和海上试验研究。湖试中,在6 000 m距离下,传输速率达到7.6 kbps,误码率低于10-4;海试中,在12 km距离下,传输速率达到8.3 kbps,误码率低于10-3。试验结果表明,正交频分复用技术可以较好地克服码间干扰,有效地利用水声信道带宽,达到高速水声通信的目的。  相似文献   

何秋银  王世练  张炜  许涛 《海洋工程》2018,36(1):138-144
水声信道的多径时延扩展和时变特性对信道估计和均衡技术的研究带来了很大的挑战,同时也决定了水声信道是一种时频双扩展信道,提出一种水声OFDM通信系统中基于软信息的迭代信道估计技术,利用基于复指数基扩展模型(CE-BEM)进行信道估计。OFDM系统本身可以消除由于多径引起的符号间干扰(ISI)。基于导频的BEM信道估计,可以实现对时变信道的估计,结合基于软信息迭代的迭代均衡模块,将每次迭代生成的符号软判决信息作为辅助导频用于信道估计。同时,为了防止由于信道时变引起的信道子载波间干扰(ICI)对导频符号的影响,采用基于保护间隔的导频插入法插入导频。仿真结果显示基于BEM的软信息迭代信道估计性能较非迭代信道估计时明显提升。  相似文献   

In July 1999, an at-sea experiment to measure the focus of a 3.5-kHz centered time-reversal mirror (TRM) was conducted in three different environments: an absorptive bottom, a reflective bottom, and a sloping bottom. The experiment included a preliminary exploration of using a TRM to generate binary-phase shift keying communication sequences in each of these environments. Broadside communication transmissions were also made, and single-source communications were simulated using the measured-channel response. A comparison of the results is made and time reversal is shown to be an effective approach for mitigating inter-symbol interference caused by channel multipath.  相似文献   

Sonar generated acoustic signals transmitted in underwater channel for distant communications are affected by numerous factors like ambient noise, making them nonlinear and non-stationary in nature. In recent years, the application of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) technique to analyze nonlinear and non-stationary signals has gained much attention. It is an empirical approach to decompose a signal into a set of oscillatory modes known as intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). In general, Hilbert transform is used in EMD for the identification of oscillatory signals. In this paper anew EMD algorithm is proposed using FFT to identify and extract the acoustic signals available in the underwater channel that are corrupted due to various ambient noises over a range of 100 Hz to 10 kHz in a shallow water region.Data for analysis are collected at a depth of 5 m and 10 m offshore Chennai at the Bay of Bengal. The algorithm is validated for different sets of known and unknown reference signals. It is observed that the proposed EMD algorithmidentifies and extracts the reference signals against various ambient noises. Significant SNR improvement is alsoachieved for underwater acoustic signals.  相似文献   

温度对海底沉积物声学特性影响实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温度的变化是影响海底沉积物声学特性非常重要的因素之一。文章采用同轴差距衰减测量法,在不同温度下对海底沉积物声学特性进行测量,实验得出南海海底沉积物随着温度的升高具有以下声学特性:1)沉积物声速变化比较缓慢,上下波动点较明显,但总体趋势接近线性下降;2)衰减幅值随着温度升高一直下降,偶尔有些波动的异常点,声衰减幅值呈现线性下降的趋势;3)声衰减系数变化呈现抛物线趋势,具有强非线性。对于此类沉积物声速特殊情况,还有待从理论和实验方面更深入地研究解释其成因。  相似文献   

Blind equalization based on adaptive forgetting factor, recursive least squares (RLS) with constant modulus algorithm (CMA), is investigated. The cost function of CMA is simplified to meet the second norm form to ensure the stability of RLS-CMA, and thus an improved RLS-CMA (RLS-SCMA) is established. To further improve its performance, a new adaptive forgetting factor RLS-SCMA (ARLS-SCMA) is proposed. In ARLS-SCMA, the forgetting factor varies with the output error of the blind equalizer during the iterative process, which leads to a faster convergence rate and a smaller steady-state error. The simulation results prove the effectiveness under the condition of the underwater acoustic channel.  相似文献   

Two computer models are presented, one for short-range and one for long-range propagation of acoustic signals through an underwater channel from a transmitter to a receiver. In the short-range model, the received signal is due to a direct path (steady component) and a random path (diffused component) that could be the result of boundary scattering. For the long-range case, the received signal is the superposition of a number of time-delayed, randomly propagated components arriving by different paths. Both models assume perfect transmitter-receiver synchronization but use realistic channel time delays. They demonstrate the time-varying characteristics of underwater acoustic channels and are used in simulations to evaluate the performance of the detection technique  相似文献   

将Argo浮标资料与卫星遥感再分析数据相结合,调用基于抛物方程算法的RAM(Range-dependent Acoustic Model)模型,研究了2012年第14号台风“天秤”对不完整深海声道(3 000 m)和完整深海声道(5 500 m)两种水深条件下声传播特性的影响。结果显示:台风对海水的影响局限于表层水体,具体为混合层加厚,混合层内温度梯度接近于零,声速在混合层内正梯度分布;混合层下方一定深度的水体增温,相应的声速也增大。声源在混合层内时,主要对海表层的声传播产生影响,两种水深条件下均出现表面波导声传播模式以及泄漏模式。声源在混合层以下时,不完整深海声道条件下台风使得会聚区向着声源方向靠近;完整深海声道条件下台风对会聚区的位置影响不明显,但声波的翻转深度增加近500 m。  相似文献   

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