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The low frequency (LF) nighttime radio-wave absorption in the lower ionosphere has been measured at Prhonice (50°N, 15°E) in central Europe for over 35 years. Digital measurements, performed since summer 1988, allow absorption oscillations in the period range 10 – 180 mins, which are believed to reflect gravity wave activity, to be derived. Unfortunately, problems with the transmitter in recent years terminated the evaluation of gravity wave activity. The analysis of the available information (6 years of data) allows two conclusions to be drawn as to the effects of the solar activity on gravity wave activity: (1) there is no detectable effect of the solar 27-day variation on gravity wave activity; (2) there is an indication that the positive effect of the 11-year solar cycle on gravity wave activity in the winter half of the year is remarkable (lack of data in summer). The result concerning the solar cycle effect is, to a certain extent, preliminary, because the available data do not cover a complete solar cycle. A comparison with results from other stations and an interpretation of results are presented. 相似文献
The structure of monochromatic MHD-waves with large azimuthal wave number m 1 in a two-dimensional model of the magnetosphere has been investigated. A joint action of the field line curvature, finite plasma pressure, and transversal equilibrium current leads to the phenomenon that waves, standing along the field lines, are travelling across the magnetic shells. The wave propagation region, the transparency region, is bounded by the poloidal magnetic surface on one side and by the resonance surface on the other. In their meaning these surfaces correspond to the usual and singular turning points in the WKB-approximation, respectively. The wave is excited near the poloidal surface and propagates toward the resonance surface where it is totally absorbed due to the ionospheric dissipation. There are two transparency regions in a finite-beta magnetosphere, one of them corresponds to the Alfvén mode and the other to the slow magneto-sound mode. 相似文献
The transient planetary waves in the atmosphere and ionosphere seem to occur in the form of bursts of a couple of waves with limited persistence. To study persistence of planetary wave events in the lower ionosphere, data from two radio paths from Central Europe are used, Luxembourg – Panská Ves ( f = 6.09 MHz, f
eq = 2.1-2.2 MHz) and Deutschlandfunk – Panská Ves ( f = 1539 kHz, f
eq = 650-700 kHz). The absorption along the former radio paths is formed very predominantly at altitudes of about 90-100 km, whereas the latter absorption is formed mostly at altitudes of about 85-90 km. The persistence of planetary wave type oscillations is studied in three period bands centred at 5, 10 and 16 days. Waves with period T near 5 days reveal a typical persistence of wave events around 5 cycles. Waves with T = 10 days are less persistent with a typical persistence of 3-4 cycles. The typical persistence of waves T = 16 days is no more than 3 cycles. In terms of number of cycles, the persistence of oscillations evidently decreases with increasing period. On the other hand, in terms of number of days, the persistence seems rather to increase with increasing period. 相似文献
Atmospheric waves influence the dynamics and energetic budget of the upper atmosphere. Using the continuous HF Doppler sounder,
we study the wave activity in the ionosphere during tropospheric convective storms in western and central part of the Czech
Republic. The study is focused on acoustic-gravity waves in the period range 2–30 minutes. We discuss possible methods of
distinguishing the waves emitted by meteorological sources from waves of different origin, particularly waves of geomagnetic
origin. In two cases out of twenty-five analysed, we found waves in the infrasonic period range which might be generated by
exceptionally intense meteorological activity in the troposphere. The results differ considerably from those previously obtained
in North America. In the central part of the United States, infrasonic waves were frequently observed during convective storms.
As a possible reason, we discuss different intensity and dynamics of weather systems in both regions. 相似文献
文中根据自相关函数随机噪声部分的2个重要性质提出了自相关函数随机噪声部分的迭代生成算法,并给出了以确定性自相关函数为目标函数,考虑随机噪声部分影响的人工合成地震动方法.本文的研究结果表明地震动加速度的平方和(SS)比峰值加速度(PGA)更好地量度了地震地面运动强度.文中用蒙特卡罗方法分析了自相关函数噪声项对人工合成地震动幅值和反应谱的影响:由于自相关函数的随机噪声项对地震动总功率或平方和的贡献为0,因此随机噪声项对合成地震动幅值的影响不大,但由于自相关函数随机噪声项明显改变了地震动功率谱在频域上的分布特征,使原本光滑的平均反应谱出现了明显的波动,从而在一定程度上提高了平均反应谱的峰值,使自相关函数噪声部分对平均反应谱也有一些影响. 相似文献
The seasonal variation of gravity wave activity at altitudes around 95 km is investigated using digital measurements of low-frequency nighttime radiowave absorption at Prhonice (50°N, 15°E) between 1989 and 1993. The analysis of 5 years of data allows two conclusions to be drawn: (1) under high solar activity conditions, there is no clearly detectable seasonal variation of gravity wave activity; (2) under medium solar activity conditions (1992, 1993), there is a tendency to a pronounced summer maximum. 相似文献
等离子体波的空间分布在木星磁层高能电子动力学过程中起着重要的作用.现有大多数对木星磁层哨声波的观测仅限于|λ|≤ 15°的磁纬范围内,但是最新的JUNO卫星WAVES仪器提供的波动数据使得更高纬度、更广区域范围内的等离子体波动分布研究成为可能.本文通过对JUNO卫星WAVES仪器数据进行分析处理,详细研究了木星磁层哨声波的空间分布特性.观测表明,存在位于高LJ、高磁纬的木星磁层哨声波,它们广泛分布于距木星中心距离35~75个木星半径、磁纬为|λ|≤ 30°的空间区域.分析研究发现,WAVES仪器观测的木星磁层哨声波幅度一般为几个pT,远小于地球磁层哨声波的强度.木星磁层哨声波幅会随着LJ的增大缓慢增加,也会随着磁纬的减小趋向平缓变化.基于以上观测事实,本文利用指数幂函数分别拟合得到木星磁层哨声波幅随LJ和磁纬变化的经验模型.该模型将有助于精确理解哨声波对木星磁层高能电子动力学过程的重要影响. 相似文献
为了研究植物根系释氧规律对人工湿地中硝化与反硝化作用的影响,采用传统连续运行方式及根据释氧规律调节的新型运行方式(白天连续进水、夜间停水),在复合垂直流人工湿地小试系统中进行实验,采用代表性的挺水植物香蒲作为湿地植物,水力负荷为0.71 m3/(m2.d).结果表明:系统内白天以好氧的硝化作用为主,夜间以厌氧、缺氧的反硝化作用为主,且在新型运行方式下,系统内白天亚硝酸盐氮累积量为传统运行方式的5倍,硝酸盐氮累积量为其2倍,夜间亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮减少量又分别比传统运行方式高64%和26%.这说明在新型运行方式下,人工湿地脱氮效果优于传统运行方式. 相似文献
We present Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from 1992–1999 and 2003–2008 as well as GPS data from 2000–2009 for the active plate boundary on the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwest Iceland. The geodetic data reveal deformation mainly due to plate spreading, anthropogenic subsidence caused by geothermal fluid extraction and, possibly, increasing pressure in a geothermal system. Subsidence of around 10 cm is observed during the first 2 years of production at the Reykjanes geothermal power plant, which started operating in May 2006. We model the surface subsidence around the new power plant using point and ellipsoidal pressure sources in an elastic halfspace. Short-lived swarms of micro-earthquakes as well as aseismic fault movement are observed near the geothermal field following the start of production, possibly triggered by the stresses induced by geothermal fluid extraction. 相似文献
基于低电离层自洽加热模型,综合考虑了低电离层中电子的复合效应及典型吸附效应,本文数值仿真了大功率高频无线电波持续加热低电离层所产生的电子温度、电子密度的扰动,并且首次模拟分析了由于电子温度扰动造成的加热电波自吸收效应.结果表明:电子吸收大功率加热电波能量导致了电子温度的增加,同时改变了电离层的吸收指数,引起了加热电波的自吸收效应.加热电波的自吸收效应对低电离层较高区域的电子温度扰动有重要的抑制作用.因此,随着加热频率的减小或有效辐射功率的增大,低电离层较低区域的电子温度增量明显增大而在高度100 km以上区域的电子温度增量始终较小.另一方面,随着电子温度的增加,电子的复合系数减小而电子的吸附系数增加,导致了电子密度在低电离层中较高区域出现正扰动而在较低区域出现负扰动.当饱和电子温度较大时,继续减小加热频率或增大有效辐射功率对电子密度扰动所造成的改变较小,尤其当电子温度超出复合系数和吸附系数的温度敏感区间.此外,电子温度与电子密度的饱和时间相差较大,电子温度的饱和时间为微秒量级而电子密度的饱和时间为秒量级. 相似文献
从电子能量方程和连续性方程出发,利用国际参考电离层(IRI-2007)和中性大气模型(NRLMSISE-00)得出背景参数,数值计算了大功率无线电波加热南京地区低电离层的电子温度和电子密度扰动幅度,并对比了不同加热条件下的电离层扰动效应.结果表明,大功率无线电波入射到电离层后,与等离子体相互作用,能够有效造成电子温度的升高而产生电子温度扰动;由于电子温度升高,等离子体碰撞频率增加且电子的复合系数减小,导致电子密度扰动;电子温度和电子密度的扰动幅度随着加热时间的推移而减小,即扰动逐渐趋于饱和;电子温度扰动的弛豫时间尺度为微秒量级,电子密度扰动的弛豫时间尺度为毫秒量级;在欠密加热条件下,X波模比O波模更容易吸收. 相似文献
Interactions between very/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) waves and energetic electrons play a fundamental role in dynamics occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Here, we briefly discuss global properties of VLF/ELF waves, along with the variability of the electron radiation belts associated with wave-particle interactions and radial diffusion. We provide cases of electron loss and acceleration as a result of wave-particle interactions primarily due to such waves, and particularly some preliminary results... 相似文献
The terrestrial thermosphere and ionosphere form the most variable part of theEarth's atmosphere. Because our society depends on technological systems thatcan be affected by thermospheric and ionospheric phenomena, understanding,monitoring and ultimately forecasting the changes of the thermosphere–ionosphere system are of crucial importance to communications, navigation and the exploration of near-Earth space. The reason for the extreme variability of the thermosphere–ionosphere system isits rapid response to external forcing from various sources, i.e., thesolar ionizing flux, energetic charged particles and electric fields imposed via the interaction between the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere, as well as coupling from below (meteorological influences) by the upward propagating, broad spectrum,internal atmospheric waves (planetary waves, tides, gravity waves) generated in thestratosphere and troposphere. Thunderstorms, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes andeven seismological events may also have observable consequences in the ionosphere.The release of trace gases due to human activity have the potential to cause changes inthe lower and the upper atmosphere.A brief overview is presented concerning the discoveries and experimentalresults that have confirmed that the ionosphere is subject to meteorologicalcontrol (especially for geomagnetic quiet conditions and for middle latitudes).D-region aeronomy, the winter anomaly of radiowave absorption, wave-liketravelling ionospheric disturbances, the non-zonality and regional peculiaritiesof lower thermospheric winds, sporadic-E occurrence and structure, spread-Fevents, the variability of ionospheric electron density profiles and Total ElectronContent, the variability of foF2, etc., should all be considered in connection withtropospheric and stratospheric processes. Ionospheric weather, as a part of spaceweather, (i.e., hour-to-hour and day-to-day variability of the ionospheric parameters)awaits explanation and prediction within the framework of the climatological, seasonal,and solar-cycle variations. 相似文献
A theory of the generation of plasma density irregularities with virtually no aspect sensitivity, in the lower ionosphere at high latitudes, by electron drifts aligned with the geomagnetic field, is presented. The theory is developed through fluid equations in which the destabilising mechanism involves positive feedback from electron collisional heating. When field aligned electron drift speeds exceed a few km s –1, this effect destabilises waves with wavelengths in excess of a few tens of metres in the lower E-region, where collisional effects are sufficiently large. Furthermore, the threshold conditions are almost independent of the wave propagation direction and the unstable waves propagate at speeds well below the ion acoustic speed. The role that this new instability may play in recent radar backscatter observations of short scale irregularities propagating in directions close to that of the geomagnetic field, in the lower E-region is also considered. 相似文献
The main features of upper atmosphere dynamics as an important part of upper atmosphere climatology are presented. The dynamics
of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) are of special interest. The results are based on the long series of investigations
in East Siberia and data from a world-wide network of observatories. We present the regional climatic norms for the prevailing
wind and semi-diurnal tide and the main features of the quasi-periodic structure of the wind field. The non-zonality of MLT
dynamics is demonstrated as well as regional differences in the response of the wind field to stratospheric disturbances,
solar activity variations and geomagnetic storms. 相似文献
Low frequency stochastic variations of the geomagnetic AE-index characterized by 1/fb-like power spectrum (where f is a frequency) are studied. Based on the analysis of experimental data we show that the Bz-component of IMF, velocity of solar wind plasma, and the coupling function of Akasofu are insufficient factors to explain these behaviors of the AE-index together with the 1/fb fluctuations of geomagnetic intensity. The effect of self-organized criticality (SOC) is proposed as an internal mechanism to generate 1/fb fluctuations in the magnetosphere. It is suggested that localized spatially current instabilities, developing in the magnetospheric tail at the initial substorm phase can be considered as SOC avalanches or dynamic clusters, superposition of which leads to the 1/fb fluctuations of macroscopic characteristics in the system. Using the sandpile model of SOC, we undertake numerical modeling of space-localized and global disturbances of magnetospheric current layer. Qualitative conformity between the disturbed dynamics of self-organized critical state of the model and the main phases of real magnetospheric substorm development is demonstrated. It is also shown that power spectrum of sandpile model fluctuations controlled by real solar wind parameters reproduces all distinctive spectral features of the AE fluctuations. 相似文献
The foF2 data obtained at Alma-Ata and Observatorio Del Ebro during the winter/spring of 2003–2004 are analyzed to compare and investigate the upper ionosphere variability at the two selected sites. The geomagnetic activity and the middle stratosphere dynamics, involving planetary wave (PW) activity, are analyzed for understanding the physical conditions and processes that can explain the observed ionospheric variability. By applying the same method of wavelet analysis to the data sets and doing a direct comparison of the results, two types of foF2 disturbances were found. The first type is 2–7-day oscillations, which appeared during periods of increased geomagnetic activity. The second type is oscillations arising from PW activity in the lower atmosphere. These consist of (1) 6–11-day oscillations arising from PW activity in lower atmospheric regions developed during the final stratosphere warming and indicating the timing of the transition from the winter to the summer circulation and (2) 9–13-day and 8–10-day oscillations mostly during the quiet level of geomagnetic activity, indicating a likely close relation with those in the geopotential height at the 1 hPa level for westward-propagating waves at 40°N, which strengthened during stratosphere warming events in January 2004. The time delay of the oscillations in the ΔfoF2 with respect to those in the geopotential height is about 10 days and it seems that the assumed ionosphere response can occur under weakened eastward zonal wind or relatively weak westward zonal wind ( V<30 m s −1). 相似文献
In usual incoherent scatter data analysis, the plasma distribution function is assumed to be Maxwellian. In space plasmas, however, distribution functions with a high energy tail which can be well modeled by a generalized Lorentzian distribution function with spectral index kappa (kappa distribution) have been observed. We have theoretically calculated incoherent scatter spectra for a plasma that consists of electrons with kappa distribution function and ions with Maxwellian neglecting the effects of the magnetic field and collisions. The ion line spectra have a double-humped shape similar to those from a Maxwellian plasma. The electron temperatures are underestimated, however, by up to 40% when interpreted assuming Maxwellian distribution. Ion temperatures and electron densities are affected little. Accordingly, actual electron temperatures might be underestimated when an energy input maintaining a high energy tail exists. We have also calculated plasma lines with the kappa distribution function. They are enhanced in total strength, and the peak frequencies appear to be slightly shifted to the transmitter frequency compared to the peak frequencies for a Maxwellian distribution. The damping rate depends on the electron temperature. For lower electron temperatures, plasma lines for electrons with a distribution function are more strongly damped than for a Maxwellian distribution. For higher electron temperatures, however, they have a relatively sharp peak. 相似文献
A quantitative study of observations of the ionospheric signatures of magnetospheric ultra low frequency (ULF) waves by a high-latitude (geographic: 69.6°N 19.2°E) high-frequency Doppler sounder has been undertaken. The signatures, which are clearly correlated with pulsations in ground magnetometer data, exhibit periods in the range 100–400 s and have azimuthal wave numbers in the range 3–8. They are interpreted here as local field line resonances. Phase information provided by O- and X-mode Doppler data support the view that these are associated with field line resonances having large azimuthal scale sizes. The relative phases and amplitudes of the signatures in the Doppler and ground magnetometer data are compared with a model for the generation of Doppler signatures from incident ULF waves. The outcome suggests that the dominant mechanism involved in producing the Doppler signature is the vertical component of an E × B bulk motion of the local plasma caused by the electric field perturbation of the ULF wave. 相似文献
The existence and development of the quasi-2-day oscillations in the plasma frequency variations of the F region at northern middle latitudes are investigated. A new approach to study the quasi-2-day oscillations is presented, using a methodology that allows us to do such a study at fixed heights. The hourly values of plasma frequency at fixed heights, from 170 km to 220 km at 10 km step, obtained at the Observatori de lEbre station (40.8°N, 0.5°E) during 1995 are used for analysis. It is found that quasi-2-day oscillations exist and persisted in the ionospheric plasma frequency variations over the entire year 1995 for all altitudes investigated. The dominant period of oscillation ranges from 42 to 56 h. The amplitude of oscillation is from 0.1 MHz to 1 MHz. The activity of the quasi-2-day oscillation is better expressed during the summer half year when several enhancements, about 15–30 days in duration, were observed. The largest enhancements of the oscillation occurred during early June, July and early August; i. e., near and after the summer solstice when the 2-day wave in the middle neutral atmosphere typically displays its largest activity in the Northern Hemisphere. The results obtained may help us understand better the possible influencing mechanisms between the 2-day wave in the middle neutral atmosphere and the ionospheric quasi-2-day oscillations. 相似文献