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This study characterizes the nature of fluid interaction andmelting processes in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Yingfenglingand Tianyang volcanoes, Leizhou Peninsula, South China, usingin situ trace-element analyses of clinopyroxene, amphibole andgarnet from a suite of mantle-derived xenoliths. Clinopyroxenesfrom discrete spinel lherzolites exhibit large compositionalvariations ranging from extremely light rare earth element (LREE)-depletedto LREE-enriched. Trace-element modelling for depleted samplesindicates that the Leizhou lherzolites are the residues of amantle peridotite source after extraction of 1–11% meltgenerated by incremental melting in the spinel lherzolite fieldwith the degree of melting increasing upwards from about 60km to 30 km. This process is consistent with gradational meltingat different depths in an upwelling asthenospheric column thatsubsequently cooled to form the current lithospheric mantlein this region. The calculated melt production rate of thiscolumn could generate mafic crust 5–6 km thick, whichwould account for most of the present-day lower crust. The formationof the lithospheric column is inferred to be related to Mesozoiclithosphere thinning. Al-augite pyroxenites occur in compositexenoliths; these are geochemically similar to HIMU-type oceanisland basalt. These pyroxenites postdate the lithospheric columnformation and belong to two episodes of magmatism. Early magmatism(forming metapyroxenites) is inferred to have occurred duringthe opening of the South China Sea Basin (32–15 Ma), whereasthe most recent magmatic episode (producing pyroxenites withigneous microstructures) occurred shortly before the eruptionof the host magmas (6–0·3 Ma). Trace-element traversesfrom the contacts of the Al-augite pyroxenite with the spinelperidotite wall-rock in composite xenoliths record gradientsin the strength and nature of metasomatic effects away fromthe contact, showing that equilibrium was not attained. Significantenrichment in highly incompatible elements close to the contacts,with only slight enrichment in Sr, LREE and Nb away from thecontact, is inferred to reflect the different diffusion ratesof specific trace elements. The observed geochemical gradientsin metasomatic zones show that Sr, La, Ce and Nb have the highestdiffusion rates, other REE are intermediate, and Zr, Hf andTi have the lowest diffusion rates. Lower diffusion rates observedfor Nb, Zr, Hf and Ti compared with REE may cause high fieldstrength element (HFSE) negative anomalies in metasomatizedperidotites. Therefore, metasomatized lherzolites with HFSEnegative anomalies do not necessarily require a carbonatiticmetasomatizing agent. KEY WORDS: China; lithosphere; mantle xenoliths; clinopyroxene trace elements; mantle partial melting; mantle metasomatism; trace-element diffusion rates  相似文献   

The late Archaean Panozero pluton in Central Karelia (BalticShield) is a multi-phase high-Mg, high-K intrusion with sanukitoidaffinities, emplaced at 2·74 Ga. The magmatic historyof the intrusion may be subdivided into three cycles and includesmonzonitic and lamprophyric magmas. Compositional variationsare most extreme in the monzonite series and these are interpretedas the result of fractional crystallization. Estimates of thecomposition of the parental magmas to the monzonites and lamprophyresshow that they are enriched in light rare earth elements, Sr,Ba, Cr, Ni and P but have low contents of high field strengthelements. Radiogenic isotope data indicate a low U/Pb, highTh/U, high Rb/Sr, low Sm/Nd source. The magmatic rocks of thePanozero intrusion are also enriched in H2O and CO2; carbonisotope data are consistent with mantle values, indicating afluid-enriched mantle source. The similarity in trace elementcharacter of all the Panozero parental magmas indicates thatall the magmas were derived from a similar mantle source. Thepattern of trace element enrichment is consistent with a mantlesource enriched by fluids released from a subducting slab. Nd-isotopedata suggest that this enrichment took place at c. 2·8Ga, during the main episode of greenstone belt and tonalite–trondhjemite–granodioriteformation in Central Karelia. Sixty million years later, at2·74 Ga, the subcontinental mantle melted to form thePanozero magmas. Experimental studies suggest that the monzoniticmagmas originated by the melting of pargasite–phlogopitelherzolite in the subcontinental mantle lithosphere at 1–1·5GPa. The precise cause of the melting event at 2·74 Gais not known, although a model involving upwelling of asthenosphericmantle following slab break-off is consistent with the geochemicalevidence for the enrichment of the Karelian subcontinental mantlelithosphere by subduction fluids. KEY WORDS: Archaean; sanukitoid; monzonite; Karelia; mantle metasomatism  相似文献   

The petrological characteristics of peridotite xenoliths exhumedfrom the lithospheric mantle below the Western Pacific arcs(Kamchatka, NE Japan, SW Japan, Luzon–Taiwan, New Irelandand Vanuatu) are reviewed to obtain an overview of the supra-subductionzone mantle in mature subduction systems. These data are thencompared with those for peridotite xenoliths from recent orolder arcs described in the literature (e.g. New Britain, WesternCanada to USA, Central Mexico, Patagonia, Lesser Antilles andPannonian Basin) to establish a petrological model of the lithosphericmantle beneath the arc. In currently active volcanic arcs, thedegree of partial melting recorded in the peridotites appearsto decrease away from the fore-arc towards the back-arc region.Highly depleted harzburgites, more depleted than abyssal harzburgites,occur only in the frontal arc to fore-arc region. The degreeof depletion increases again to a degree similar to that ofthe most depleted abyssal harzburgites within the back-arc extensionalregion, whether or not a back-arc basin is developed. Metasomatismis most prominent beneath the volcanic front, where the magmaproduction rate is highest; silica enrichment, involving themetasomatic formation of secondary orthopyroxene at the expenseof olivine, is important in this region because of the additionof slab-derived siliceous fluids. Some apparently primary orthopyroxenes,such as those in harzburgites from the Lesser Antilles arc,could possibly be of this secondary paragenesis but have beenrecrystallized such that the replacement texture is lost. TheTi content of hydrous minerals is relatively low in the sub-arclithospheric mantle peridotites. The K/Na ratio of the metasomatichydrous minerals decreases rearward from the fore-arc mantleas well as downward within the lithospheric mantle. The lithosphericmantle wedge peridotites, especially metasomatized ones frombelow the volcanic front, are highly oxidized. Shearing of themantle wedge is expected beneath the volcanic front, and isrepresented by fine-grained peridotite xenoliths. KEY WORDS: mantle wedge; lithospheric mantle; peridotite xenoliths; melting; metasomatism  相似文献   

Orogenic peridotites occur enclosed in Proterozoic gneissesat several localities in the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) ofwestern Norway; garnet peridotites typically occur as discretezones within larger bodies of garnet-free, chromite-bearingdunite and are commonly closely associated with pyroxenitesand eclogites. The dunites of the large Almklovdalen peridotitebody have extremely depleted compositions (Mg-number 92–93·6);the garnet peridotites have lower Mg-number (90·6–91·7)and higher whole-rock Ca and Al contents. Post-depletion metasomatismof both rock types is indicated by variable enrichment in thelight rare earth elements, Th, Ba and Sr. The dunites can bemodelled as residues after very high degrees (>60%) of meltextraction at high pressure (5–7 GPa), inconsistent withthe preservation of lower degrees of melting in the garnet peridotites.The garnet peridotites are, therefore, interpreted as zonesof melt percolation, which resulted in refertilization of thedunites by a silicate melt rich in Fe, Ca, Al and Na, but notTi. Previous Re–Os dating gives Archaean model ages forthe dunites, but mixed Archaean and Proterozoic ages for thegarnet peridotites, suggesting that refertilization occurredin Proterozoic time. At least some Proterozoic lithosphere mayrepresent reworked and transformed Archaean lithospheric mantle. KEY WORDS: Archaean mantle; Proterozoic mantle; Western Gneiss Region, Norway; mantle metasomatism; garnet peridotite  相似文献   

The Eastern Layered Intrusion of the Rum Layered Suite comprisespaired peridotite and allivalite (troctolite and gabbro) layersforming 16 macro-rhythmic units. Whereas the majority of thesemacro-units are believed to have formed by a process of crystal–liquiddifferentiation involving successive accumulation of crystalsfrom multiple picritic replenishments of the chamber, the Unit9 peridotite is interpreted as a layer-parallel picrite intrusion.Closely correlated with this discontinuous peridotite body isa distinctive feature generally known as the Wavy Horizon, whichdivides the overlying allivalite into a lower troctolite andan upper gabbro along a well-defined undulating contact. Wepropose that the Wavy Horizon is a metasomatic feature formedconsequent to the removal of clinopyroxene from an originalgabbroic mush. Foundering of the mush into the picritic sillresulted in the replacement of the original interstitial liquidby one saturated only in olivine (± plagioclase). Progressivethrough-flow of this liquid resulted in the stripping out ofclinopyroxene from the lower parts of the allivalite. We interpretthe Wavy Horizon as a reaction front, representing the pointat which the invading liquid became saturated in clinopyroxene.The distinctive pyroxene-enriched zone immediately above theWavy Horizon could have formed when mixing of the interstitialliquids on either side of the reaction front formed a supercooledliquid oversaturated in pyroxene, as a result of the curvatureof the olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene cotectic.The presence of many such approximately layer-parallel features,defined by differences in pyroxene content, in the Eastern LayeredIntrusion of Rum suggests that such an infiltration–reactionprocess was not unique to Unit 9. KEY WORDS: cumulate; infiltration metasomatism; Rum; Eastern Layered Intrusion  相似文献   

Distinct equilibration temperatures, deformation and trace elementcharacteristics are observed in amphibole-bearing and amphibole-freeperidotite xenoliths from Nushan, Sino-Korean Craton, easternChina. Amphibole-free peridotites are predominantly deformed,fine-grained (  相似文献   

Potassic volcanism in the western Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces,SE Tibet, forms part of an extensive magmatic province in theeastern Indo-Asian collision zone during the Paleogene (40–24Ma). The dominant rock types are phlogopite-, clinopyroxene-and olivine-phyric calc-alkaline (shoshonitic) lamprophyres.They are relatively depleted in Na2O, Fe2O3, and Al2O3 comparedwith the late Permian–early Triassic Emeishan continentalflood basalts in the western part of the Yangtze craton, andhave very high and variable abundances of incompatible traceelements. Primitive mantle-normalized incompatible element patternshave marked negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies similar to thoseof K-rich subduction-related magmas, although the geodynamicsetting is clearly post-collisional. Spatially, some incompatibletrace element abundances, together with inferred depths of meltsegregation based on the Mg-15 normalized compositions of thesamples, display progressive zonation trends from SW to NE withincreasing distance from the western boundary of the Yangtzecraton. Systematic variations in major and trace element abundancesand Sr–Nd–Pb isotope compositions appear to havepetrogenetic significance. The systematic increases in incompatibletrace element abundances from the western margin to the interiorof the Yangtze craton can be explained by progressively decreasingextents of partial melting, whereas steady changes in some incompatibletrace element ratios can be attributed to changes in the amountof subduction-derived fluid added to the lithospheric mantleof the Yangtze craton. The mantle source region of the lamprophyresis considered to be a relatively refractory phlogopite-bearingspinel peridotite, heterogeneously enriched by fluids derivedfrom earlier phases of late Proterozoic and Palaeozoic subductionbeneath the western part of the Yangtze craton. Calculationsbased on a non-modal batch melting model show that the degreeof partial melting ranges from 0·6% to 15% and the proportionof subduction-derived fluid added from0·1% to 0·7%(higher-Ba fluid) or from 5% to 25% (lower-Ba fluid) from theinterior to the western margin of the Yangtze craton. Some pre-existinglithospheric faults might have been reactivated in the areaneighbouring the Ailao Shan–Red River (ASRR) strike-slipbelt, accompanying collision-induced extrusion of the Indo-Chinablock and left-lateral strike-slip along the ASRR shear zone.This, in turn, could have triggered decompression melting ofthe previously enriched mantle lithosphere, resulting in calc-alkalinelamprophyric magmatism in the western part of the Yangtze craton. KEY WORDS: Tibet; potassic magmatism; lithospheric mantle; metasomatism  相似文献   

Vapor-Absent Melting of Tonalite at 15-32 kbar   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The behavior of igneous continental crust during subductionis modeled by means of vapor-absent partial melting experimentson a tonalite, containing equal amounts of biotite and hornblende,at pressures of 15–32 kbar. The experiments produce leucograniticmelts coexisting with garnet + omphacitic clinopyroxene + K-feldspar+ kyanite + quartz/coesite ± phengite ± zoisite.Experimental constraints and geometrical analysis of phase equilibriashow that the hydrous phases that control dehydration-meltingof tonalites in deep thickened continental crust and in theupper mantle are phengite and zoisite. The negatively slopingamphibole + quartz vapor-absent solidus characteristic of amphibolitesis largely suppressed in tonalites, because amphibole is eliminatedby water-conserving reactions that also consume K-feldspar andkyanite and produce phengite and zoisite. The temperature atwhich melt first appears in the experiments varies from <900°Cat 15 kbar, to 1000°C at 27 kbar, to <925°C at 32kbar. Moderate degrees of partial melting (20–30%) yieldresidual assemblages with mantle-like densities but which canstill contain minor amounts of hydrous phases. Partial meltingof tonalitic crust during continental subduction can thus generateincompatible element-rich residues that would be able to remainin the mantle indefinitely, acting as long-term sources of metasomaticfluids. KEY WORDS: mantle; melting; metasomatism; tonalite; UHP metamorphism  相似文献   

A varied suite of mantle xenoliths from Malaita, Solomon Islands,was investigated to constrain the evolution of the mantle beneaththe Ontong Java Plateau. Comprehensive petrological and thermobarometricstudies make it possible to identify the dominant processesthat produced the compositional diversity and to reconstructthe lithospheric stratigraphy in the context of a paleogeotherm.PT estimates show that both peridotites and pyroxenitescan be assigned to a shallower or deeper origin, separated bya garnet-poor zone of 10 km between 90 and 100 km. This zoneis dominated by refractory spinel harzburgites (Fo91–92),indicating the occurrence of an intra-lithospheric depletedzone. Shallower mantle (  相似文献   

Peridotites associated with pyroxenites (with rare olivine andspinel) are exposed on the islands of San Jorge and Santa Isabelin the Solomon Islands. Orthopyroxenite occurs in large outcrops(100 m2) whereas websterite and clinopyroxenite occur as layersand veins/dykes in peridotites. The bulk compositions of thepyroxenites are characterized by high Mg2+/(Mg2+ + Fe2+) (0·78–0·91)and low Al2O3 (<2·7 wt %). Low rare earth elementabundances are coupled with large ion lithophile element enrichmentsand positive Sr and Pb anomalies (primitive mantle-normalized)relative to adjacent rare earths. Temperatures of equilibrationfor the pyroxenites are between 950 and 1050°C. These relativelylow temperatures, combined with the occurrence of primary fluidinclusions, suggest that the pyroxenites formed by interactionof peridotite protoliths with an aqueous fluid. Bulk-rock andmineral compositions of the orthopyroxenites are similar tothose of mantle-derived pyroxenites, whereas the websteriteshave closer chemical affinity with crustal arc cumulates. Nevertheless,field relationships plus petrological, textural and geochemicalevidence are consistent with formation of all pyroxenite typesin supra-subduction zone mantle, resulting from metasomatismof peridotite by subducted Pacific Plate-derived fluid. Sucha setting for pyroxenite has not previously been reported indetail. We propose that these processes produce mantle pyroxenitewith compositions similar to crustal pyroxenite. KEY WORDS: mantle metasomatism; pyroxenite; supra-subduction zone  相似文献   

We have determined the near-solidus melt compositions for peridotiteMM-3, a suitable composition for the production of mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB) by decompression partial melting, at 1 and1·5 GPa. At 1 GPa the MM-3 composition has a subsolidusplagioclase-bearing spinel lherzolite assemblage, and a solidusat 1270°C. At only 5°C above the solidus, 4% meltis present as a result of almost complete melting of plagioclase.This melting behaviour in plagioclase lherzolite is predictedfrom simple systems and previous experimental work. The persistenceof plagioclase to > 0·8 GPa is strongly dependenton bulk-rock CaO/Na2O and normative plagioclase content in theperidotite. At 1·5 GPa the MM-3 composition has a subsolidusspinel lherzolite assemblage, and a solidus at 1350°C.We have determined a near-solidus melt composition at 2% meltingwithin 10°C of the solidus. Near-solidus melts at both 1and 1·5 GPa are nepheline normative, and have low normativediopside contents; also they have the highest TiO2, Al2O3 andNa2O, and the lowest FeO and Cr2O3 contents compared with higherdegree partial melts. Comparison of these near-solidus meltswith primitive MORB glasses, which lie in the olivine-only fieldof crystallization at low pressure, indicate that petrogeneticmodels involving aggregation of near-fractional melts formedduring melting at pressures of 1·5 GPa or less are unlikelyto be correct. In this study we use an experimental approachthat utilizes sintered oxide mix starting materials and peridotitereaction experiments. We also examine some recent studies usingan alternative approach of melt migration into, and entrapmentwithin ‘melt traps’ (olivine, diamond, vitreouscarbon) and discuss optimal procedures for this method. KEY WORDS: experimental petrology; mantle melting; near-solidus; fertile peridotite; MORB  相似文献   

Xenoliths record two distinct events in the mantle below theQuarternary West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany. The first, duringthe Hercynian Orogeny, led to widespread formation of secondary,Ti-poor amphibole, clinopyroxene and phlogopite. The signatureof the second event, related to Quaternary volcanism, variesacross the field. At Dreiser Weiher and Meerfelder Maar, thisevent is characterized by amphibole–phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, hosted in lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths broughtto the surface by sodic olivine nephelinite–basanite suitelavas. These veins formed from crystallization of sodic magmathat flowed along fractures in the mantle. At Rockeskyller Kopf,Gees and Baarley, the Quaternary event is characterized by wehrlitexenoliths, many of which have phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, that were transported by potassic foid suite lavas. Wehrliteformed by reaction of lherzolite–harzburgite, with a largevolume of potassic magma that flowed along grain boundariesrather than in fractures. During reaction, orthopyroxene wasconsumed and secondary clinopyroxene, olivine and phlogopiteprecipitated. Veins formed in wehrlites only during periodicover-pressure events. The composition of the magmas parentalto the veins is similar to the lavas that carried the xenolithsto surface, indicating that the source of foid and olivine nephelinite–basanitesuite magma is domainal, as was the flow regime and magma flux. KEY WORDS: Eifel; mantle xenoliths; metasomatism; trace elements  相似文献   

Laser ablation microprobe data are presented for olivine, orthopyroxeneand clinopyroxene in spinel harzburgite and lherzolite xenolithsfrom La Palma, Hierro, and Lanzarote, and new whole-rock trace-elementdata for xenoliths from Hierro and Lanzarote. The xenolithsshow evidence of strong major, trace element and Sr isotopedepletion (87Sr/86Sr 0·7027 in clinopyroxene in themost refractory harzburgites) overprinted by metasomatism. Thelow Sr isotope ratios are not compatible with the former suggestionof a mantle plume in the area during opening of the AtlanticOcean. Estimates suggest that the composition of the originaloceanic lithospheric mantle beneath the Canary Islands correspondsto the residues after 25–30% fractional melting of primordialmantle material; it is thus significantly more refractory than‘normal’ mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle. Thetrace element compositions and Sr isotopic ratios of the mineralsleast affected by metasomatization indicate that the upper mantlebeneath the Canary Islands originally formed as highly refractoryoceanic lithosphere during the opening of the Atlantic Oceanin the area. During the Canarian intraplate event the uppermantle was metasomatized; the metasomatic processes includecryptic metasomatism, resetting of the Sr–Nd isotopicratios to values within the range of Canary Islands basalts,formation of minor amounts of phlogopite, and melt–wall-rockreactions. The upper mantle beneath Tenerife and La Palma isstrongly metasomatized by carbonatitic or carbonaceous meltshighly enriched in light rare earth elements (REE) relativeto heavy REE, and depleted in Zr–Hf and Ti relative toREE. In the lithospheric mantle beneath Hierro and Lanzarote,metasomatism has been relatively weak, and appears to be causedby high-Si melts producing concave-upwards trace element patternsin clinopyroxene with weak negative Zr and Ti anomalies. Ti–Al–Fe-richharzburgites/lherzolites, dunites, wehrlites and clinopyroxenitesformed from mildly alkaline basaltic melts (similar to thosethat dominate the exposed parts of the islands), and appearto be mainly restricted to magma conduits; the alkali basaltmelts have caused only local metasomatism in the mantle wall-rocksof such conduits. The various metasomatic fluids formed as theresults of immiscible separations, melt–wall-rock reactionsand chromatographic fractionation either from a CO2-rich basalticprimary melt, or, alternatively, from a basaltic and a siliceouscarbonatite or carbonaceous silicate melt. KEY WORDS: mantle xenoliths; mantle minerals; trace elements; depletion; carbonatite metasomatism  相似文献   

The Serbian province of Tertiary ultrapotassic volcanism isrelated to a post-collisional tectonic regime that followedthe closure of the Tethyan Vardar Ocean by Late Cretaceous subductionbeneath the southern European continental margin. Rocks of thisprovince form two ultrapotassic groups; one with affinitiesto lamproites, which is concentrated mostly in the central partsof the Vardar ophiolitic suture zone, and the other with affinitiesto kamafugites, which crops out in volcanoes restricted to thewestern part of Serbia. The lamproitic group is characterizedby a wide range of 87Sr/86Sri (0·70735–0·71299)and 143Nd/144Ndi (0·51251–0·51216), whereasthe kamafugitic group is isotopically more homogeneous witha limited range of 87Sr/86Sri (0·70599–0·70674)and 143Nd/144Ndi (0·51263–0·51256). ThePb isotope compositions of both groups are very similar (206Pb/204Pb18·58–18·83, 207Pb/204Pb 15·62–15·70and 208Pb/204Pb 38·74–38·99), falling withinthe pelagic sediment field and resembling Mesozoic flysch sedimentsfrom the Vardar suture zone. The Sr and Nd isotopic signaturesof the primitive lamproitic rocks correlate with rare earthelement fractionation and enrichment of most high field strengthelements (HFSE), and can be explained by melting of a heterogeneousmantle source consisting of metasomatic veins with phlogopite,clinopyroxene and F-apatite that are out of isotopic equilibriumwith the peridotite wall-rock. Decompression melting, with varyingcontributions from depleted peridotite and ultramafic veinsto the final melt, accounts for consistent HFSE enrichment andisotopic variations in the lamproitic group. Conversely, themost primitive kamafugitic rocks show relatively uniform Srand Nd isotopic compositions and trace element patterns, andsmall but regular variations of HFSE, indicating variable degreesof partial melting of a relatively homogeneously metasomatizedmantle source. Geochemical modelling supports a role for phlogopite,apatite and Ti-oxide in the source of the kamafugitic rocks.The presence of two contrasting ultrapotassic suites in a restrictedgeographical area is attributable to the complex geodynamicsituation involving recent collision of a number of microcontinentswith contrasting histories and metasomatic imprints in theirmantle lithosphere. The geochemistry of the Serbian ultrapotassicrocks suggests that the enrichment events that modified thesource of both lamproitic and kamafugitic groups were relatedto Mesozoic subduction events. The postcollisional environmentof the northern Balkan region with many extensional episodesis consistent at regional and local levels with the occurrenceof ultrapotassic rocks, providing a straightforward relationshipbetween geodynamics and volcanism. KEY WORDS: kamafugite; lamproite; Mediterranean; Serbia; mantle metasomatism; veined mantle; petrogenesis  相似文献   

The Baikal Rift is a zone of active lithospheric extension adjacentto the Siberian Craton. The 6–16 Myr old Vitim VolcanicField (VVF) lies approximately 200 km east of the rift axisand consists of 5000 km3 of melanephelinites, basanites, alkaliand tholeiitic basalts, and minor nephelinites. In the volcanicpile, 142 drill core samples were used to study temporal andspatial variations. Variations in major element abundances (e.g.MgO = 3·3–14·6 wt %) reflect polybaric fractionalcrystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. 87Sr/86Sri(0·7039–0·7049), 143Nd/144Ndi (0·5127–0·5129)and 176Hf/177Hfi (0·2829–0·2830) ratiosare similar to those for ocean island basalts and suggest thatthe magmas have not assimilated significant amounts of continentalcrust. Variable degrees of partial melting appear to be responsiblefor differences in Na2O, P2O5, K2O and incompatible trace elementabundances in the most primitive (high-MgO) magmas. Fractionatedheavy rare earth element (HREE) ratios (e.g. [Gd/Lu]n > 2·5)indicate that the parental magmas of the Vitim lavas were predominantlygenerated within the garnet stability field. Forward major elementand REE inversion models suggest that the tholeiitic and alkalibasalts were generated by decompression melting of a fertileperidotite source within the convecting mantle beneath Vitim.Ba/Sr ratios and negative K anomalies in normalized multi-elementplots suggest that phlogopite was a residual mantle phase duringthe genesis of the nephelinites and basanites. Relatively highlight REE (LREE) abundances in the silica-undersaturated meltsrequire a metasomatically enriched lithospheric mantle source.Results of forward major element modelling suggest that meltingof phlogopite-bearing pyroxenite veins could explain the majorelement composition of these melts. In support of this, pyroxenitexenoliths have been found in the VVF. High Cenozoic mantle potentialtemperatures (1450°C) predicted from geochemical modellingsuggest the presence of a mantle plume beneath the Baikal RiftZone. KEY WORDS: Baikal Rift; mafic magmatism; mantle plume; metasomatism; partial melting  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探工程预先导孔(CCSD-PP1) 打在苏鲁超高压变质带芝麻坊超镁铁岩体上,钻孔穿透超镁铁岩体115m.超镁铁岩体由二辉橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩和少量单辉橄榄岩和纯橄岩组成,与上下围岩接触的橄榄岩被强烈蛇纹石化.多数橄榄岩含有石榴石或其假象,普遍含有金云母和菱镁矿,少量样品中有钛斜硅镁石.在化学成分上,橄榄岩的Mg#指数变化于90.392.6之间,MgO含量(36.61%49.15%,平均45.17%) 与Na2O (0.01%0.25%)、Al2O3 (0.07%3.71%,多数 < 2.0%,平均1.46%)和CaO (0.12%2.53%,一个高达3.30%,平均1.00%) 呈负相关关系.与主量易熔元素相对亏损的特点相反,橄榄岩中显示了稀土元素富集、分馏和配分曲线显示近于平行和相似的特点,(La/Lu) N比值为3.1833.05;此外,多数样品具有高Ba (最高比原始地幔高100多倍) 含量,在蛛网图上显示Rb、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf和Sr的负异常,Ti/Eu比值均低于1300.岩相学特征和难熔主量元素与不相容元素之间的无相关性表明橄榄岩至少受到了形成金云母和菱镁矿的2次交代作用.富含金云母的橄榄岩(例如C25-143-61,C32-149-71) 具有富钾趋势,并且显示K2O与Rb、Ba和Th等大离子亲石元素的正相关关系,未见K2O和稀土元素、Sr和Ca之间的相关关系.这些特征表明橄榄岩被含水、硅铝质碱性熔体交代,之后又被高Ba低Rb和高场强元素的镁质(菱镁矿) 碳酸岩熔体交代,并且强烈地改变了Ba的丰度和显示了特定地幔碳酸盐的稀土元素配分型式.全岩具有不均一的高放射性Sr (87Sr/86Sr=0.70840.7201)和低放射性Nd (εNd (t) =-1.14-8.55) 组成,结合已有的氧同位素研究资料,表明预先导孔PP1中的橄榄岩所代表的地幔可能在早期就遭受了来自深部的介质的交代作用.   相似文献   

Melting processes beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were studiedin residual mantle peridotites sampled from a lithospheric sectionexposed near the Vema Fracture Zone at 11°N along the Mid-AtlanticRidge. Fractional and dynamic melting models were tested basedon clinopyroxene rare earth element and high field strengthelement data. Pure fractional melting (non-modal) cannot accountfor the observed trends, whereas dynamic melting with criticalmass porosity <0·01 fits better the measured values.Observed microtextures suggest weak refertilization with 0·1–1%quasi-instantaneous or partially aggregated melts trapped duringpercolation. The composition of the melts is evaluated, togetherwith their provenance, with respect to the garnet–spineltransition. Partial melts appear to be aggregated over shortbut variable intervals of the melting column. Deep melts (generatedwithin the garnet stability field at the base of the meltingcolumn) escape detection, being separated from the residuesby transport inside conduits or fractures. The temporal evolutionof the melting process along the exposed section shows a steadyincrease of mantle temperature from 20 Ma to present. KEY WORDS: mantle partial melting; abyssal peridotite; trace element; refertilization; Vema Fracture Zone  相似文献   

Recent basaltic andesite lavas from Merapi volcano contain abundant,complexly zoned, plagioclase phenocrysts, analysed here fortheir petrographic textures, major element composition and Srisotope composition. Anorthite (An) content in individual crystalscan vary by as much as 55 mol% (An40–95) across internalresorption surfaces with a negative correlation between highAn mol% (>70), MgO wt% and FeO wt%. In situ Sr isotope analysesof zoned plagioclase phenocrysts show that the 87Sr/86Sr ratiosof individual zones range from 0·70568 to 0·70627.The upper end of this range is notably more radiogenic thanthe host basaltic andesite whole-rocks (< 0·70574).Crystal zones with the highest An content have the highest 87Sr/86Srvalues, requiring a source or melt with elevated radiogenicSr, rich in Ca and with lower Mg and Fe. Recent Merapi eruptiverocks contain abundant xenoliths, including metamorphosed volcanoclasticsediment and carbonate country rock (calc-silicate skarns) analysedhere for petrographic textures, mineralogy, major element compositionand Sr isotope composition. The xenoliths contain extremelycalcic plagioclase (up to An100) and have whole-rock 87Sr/86Srratios of 0·70584 to 0·70786. The presence ofthese xenoliths and their mineralogy and geochemistry, coupledwith the 87Sr/86Sr ratios observed in different zones of individualphenocrysts, indicate that magma–crust interaction atMerapi is potentially more significant than previously thought,as numerous crystal cores in the phenocrysts appear to be inheritedfrom a metamorphosed sedimentary crustal source. This has potentiallysignificant consequences for geochemical mass-balance calculations,volatile saturation and flux and eruptive behaviour at Merapiand similar island arc volcanic systems elsewhere. KEY WORDS: assimilation; isotopes; Merapi; xenolith; calc-silicate  相似文献   

Mantle-derived xenoliths from the Marsabit shield volcano (easternflank of the Kenya rift) include porphyroclastic spinel peridotitescharacterized by variable styles of metasomatism. The petrographyof the xenoliths indicates a transition from primary clinopyroxene-bearingcryptically metasomatized harzburgite (light rare earth element,U, and Th enrichment in clinopyroxene) to modally metasomatizedclinopyroxene-free harzburgite and dunite. The metasomatic phasesinclude amphibole (low-Ti Mg-katophorite), Na-rich phlogopite,apatite, graphite and metasomatic low-Al orthopyroxene. Transitionalsamples show that metasomatism led to replacement of clinopyroxeneby amphibole. In all modally metasomatized xenoliths melt pockets(silicate glass containing silicate and oxide micro-phenocrysts,carbonates and empty vugs) occur in close textural relationshipwith the earlier metasomatic phases. The petrography, majorand trace element data, together with constraints from thermobarometryand fO2 calculations, indicate that the cryptic and modal metasomatismare the result of a single event of interaction between peridotiteand an orthopyroxene-saturated volatile-rich silicate melt.The unusual style of metasomatism (composition of amphibole,presence of graphite, formation of orthopyroxene) reflects lowP –T conditions (850–1000°C at < 1·5GPa) in the wall-rocks during impregnation and locally low oxygenfugacities. The latter allowed the precipitation of graphitefrom CO2. The inferred melt was possibly derived from alkalinebasic melts by melt–rock reaction during the developmentof the Tertiary–Quaternary Kenya rift. Glass-bearing meltpockets formed at the expense of the early phases, mainly throughincongruent melting of amphibole and orthopyroxene, triggeredby infiltration of a CO2-rich fluid and heating related to themagmatic activity that ultimately sampled and transported thexenoliths to the surface. KEY WORDS: graphite; peridotite xenoliths; Kenya Rift; modal metasomatism; silicate glass  相似文献   

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