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Disturbance combined with the effects of multiple stress gradients can produce biotic outcomes that are complex and perhaps not predictable based on knowledge of the individual stress variables. We analyzed oyster (Crassostrea virginica) colonization of novel substrate via structural equation modeling (SEM) to test cause-and-effect multivariate models posed a priori as hypotheses. We separately analyzed long-term data on water quality (WQ), canal flow, and rainfall to determine drivers of chlorophyll a for use in the oyster SEM. The best oyster SEM for adult (R 2 = 0.74) and small <20-mm (R 2 = 0.48) oyster abundances combined WQ stress gradients produced by normal canal flow with disturbance caused by extremely high flow. There was a ?0.26 direct negative effect of increasing salinity during normal canal flow on the small oyster size class possibly reflecting undocumented increases in marine predators and a negative total effect (negative indirect + direct effects) of the salinity gradient on adult oysters. Very low salinity occurring during extreme (disturbance) canal flows produced large negative direct and total effects on small oysters, but no significant total effect for adult oysters. Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) during normal canal flow had negative total effects on small oysters but positive total effects on adult oysters. The effect of max Chl-a on adult oysters was strongly negative during disturbance-level canal flow. Turbidity during normal canal flow had no effect on small or adult oysters. However, during disturbance flows, the maximum turbidity had strong negative effects. Stress and disturbance from freshwater releases impacted oyster recruitment and survival, affecting the colonization and growth of oysters.  相似文献   

The importance of intertidal estuarine habitats, like salt marsh and oyster reef, has been well established, as has their ubiquitous loss along our coasts with resultant forfeiture of the ecosystem services they provide. Furthering our understanding of how these habitats are evolving in the face of anthropogenic and climate driven changes will help improve management strategies. Previous work has shown that the growth and productivity of both oyster reefs and salt marshes are strongly linked to elevation in the intertidal zone (duration of aerial exposure). We build on that research by examining the growth of marsh-fringing oyster reefs at yearly to decadal time scales and examine movement of the boundary between oyster reef and salt marsh at decadal to centennial time scales. We show that the growth of marsh-fringing reefs is strongly associated to the duration of aerial exposure, with little growth occurring below mean low water and above mean sea level. Marsh-shoreline movement, in the presence or absence of fringing oyster reefs, was reconstructed using transects of sediment cores. Carbonaceous marsh sediments sampled below the modern fringing oyster reefs indicate that marsh shorelines within Back Sound, North Carolina are predominantly in a state of transgression (landward retreat), and modern oyster-reef locations were previously occupied by salt marsh within the past two centuries. Cores fronting transgressive marsh shorelines absent fringing reefs sampled thinner and less extensive carbonaceous marsh sediment than at sites with fringing reefs. This indicates that fringing reefs are preserving carbonaceous marsh sediment from total erosion as they transgress and colonize the exposed marsh shoreline making marsh sediments more resistant to erosion. The amount of marsh sediment preservation underneath the reef scales with the reef’s relief, as reefs with the greatest relief were level with the marsh platform, preserving a maximum amount of carbonaceous sediments during transgression by buffering the marsh from erosional processes. Thus, fringing oyster reefs not only have the capacity to shelter shorelines but, if located at the ideal tidal elevation, they also keep up with accelerating sea-level rise and cap carbonaceous sediments, protecting them from erosion, as reefs develop along the marsh.  相似文献   

笔者介绍了高密度电法工作原理、设备和使用方法,详细论述了高密度电法的数据采集和资料分析过程,并应用高密度电法对天津七里海地区牡蛎礁进行了探测,基本查清了牡蛎礁的空间展布规律.事实证明该方法用于宁河县七里海牡蛎礁的勘查行之有效.  相似文献   

The Mississippi River Delta Complex (MRDC) has experienced extensive wetland loss in the last century due, in part, to flood control levees that have isolated the lower Mississippi River and its sediment resource from adjacent wetlands. Reconnecting the River to these wetlands through diversions is being used and proposed on a larger scale for the future, to reduce wetland loss rates. However, some currently operating diversions (e.g., Caernarvon and Davis Pond) have been implicated in causing negative impacts on wetland ecosystem structure and function due to increased nutrient loads in diverted Mississippi River water combined with insufficient sediment delivery. Initial assessments of these concerns were carried out in a greenhouse setting where six nutrient enrichment treatment levels (control, NO3, NH4, PO4, SO4, and Combo [NO3?+?NH4?+?PO4?+?SO4]) were applied with and without sediment addition to 60 marsh sods from a Sagittaria lancifolia-dominated oligohaline wetland at rates simulating the Davis Pond Diversion of the Mississippi River. After 25 months, independent enrichment with N (regardless of form) and sediment was generally beneficial to wetland structure and function, while SO4 enrichment had the opposite effect, regardless of sediment addition. Simultaneous application of N and P (i.e., the Combo treatment level) ameliorated the negative impacts of SO4-loading, but the concurrent application of sediment did not, likely because the loading rate was based on a diversion that was designed to deliver water and not to maximize sediment input. Nonetheless, sediment input is critical to the sustainability of MRDC wetlands experiencing high rates of deterioration. Thus, optimizing future diversions to maximize sediment delivery, along with continued surveillance of negative nutrient effects, are recommended management decisions.  相似文献   

The Corsica River, located on Maryland’s eastern shore, has been the site of restoration efforts targeting sediment and nutrient load reductions. Previous work has indicated that agricultural activities supply most of these materials; however, their dynamics and fate are largely unknown. To address these needs, bottom sediments have been collected and analyzed for their chemical and textural properties. Long-term (decadal) accumulation rates are determined with 210Pb (half-life 22.3 years), verified with 137Cs, and range from 0.18 to 0.84 g/cm2/year in the subtidal region and 0.3–1.89 g/cm2/year in the marshes. These estimates are compared with likely sediment sources to determine the direction of exchange with the adjacent estuary (Chester River), which is a subtributary of Chesapeake Bay, with the Chester River likely supplying 0.94 × 103 t/year of sediment to the Corsica, ∼16% of the total sediment input. The radiochemical data are used to interpret profiles of grain size and nitrogen and to provide improved estimates of nitrogen burial. Comparison of the Corsica River to similar systems highlights the importance of marshes in trapping sediment and nutrient inputs from the watershed.  相似文献   

Oyster reefs provide structural habitat for resident crabs and fishes, most of which have planktonic larvae that are dependent upon transport/retention processes for successful settlement. High rates of freshwater inflow have the potential to disrupt these processes, creating spatial gaps between larval distribution and settlement habitat. To investigate whether inflow can impact subsequent recruitment to oyster reefs, densities of crab larvae and post-settlement juveniles and adults were compared in Estero Bay, Florida, over 22 months (2005–2006). Three species were selected for comparison: Petrolisthes armatus, Eurypanopeus depressus, and Rhithropanopeus harrisii. All are important members of oyster reef communities in Southwest Florida; all exhibit protracted spawning, with larvae present throughout the year; and each is distributed unevenly on reefs in different salinity regimes. Recruitment to oyster reefs was positively correlated with bay-wide larval supply at all five reefs examined. Species-specific larval connectivity to settlement sites was altered by inflow: where connectivity was enhanced by increased inflow, stock–recruitment curves were linear; where connectivity was reduced by high inflows, stock–recruitment curves were asymptotic at higher larval densities. Maximum recruit density varied by an order of magnitude among reefs. Although live oyster density was a good indicator of habitat quality in regard to crab density, it did not account for the high variability in recruit densities. Variation in recruit density at higher levels of larval supply may primarily be caused by inflow-induced variation in larval connectivity, creating an abiotic simulation of what has widely been regarded as density dependence in stock–recruitment curves.  相似文献   

正Based on ophiolite sequences,seismic velocities of rocks and seismic profiles of ocean basins,the oceanic crust-mantle boundary can be defined as the contact between the solid,ductile deformed mantle and the  相似文献   

Tidally driven flows, waves, and suspended sediment concentrations were monitored seasonally within a Zostera marina seagrass (eelgrass) meadow located in a shallow (1–2 m depth) coastal bay. Eelgrass meadows were found to reduce velocities approximately 60 % in the summer and 40 % in the winter compared to an adjacent unvegetated site. Additionally, the seagrass meadow served to dampen wave heights for all seasons except during winter when seagrass meadow development was at a minimum. Although wave heights were attenuated across the meadow, orbital motions caused by waves were able to effectively penetrate through the canopy, inducing wave-enhanced bottom shear stress (τ b ). Within the seagrass meadow, τ b was greater than the critical stress threshold (=0.04 Pa) necessary to induce sediment suspension 80–85 % of the sampling period in the winter and spring, but only 55 % of the time in the summer. At the unvegetated site, τ b was above the critical threshold greater than 90 % of the time across all seasons. During low seagrass coverage in the winter, near-bed turbulence levels were enhanced, likely caused by stem–wake interaction with the sparse canopy. Reduction in τ b within the seagrass meadow during the summer correlated to a 60 % reduction in suspended sediment concentrations but in winter, suspended sediment was enhanced compared to the unvegetated site. With minimal seagrass coverage, τ b and wave statistics were similar to unvegetated regions; however, during high seagrass coverage, sediment stabilization increased light availability for photosynthesis and created a positive feedback for seagrass growth.  相似文献   

为了深入认识珠江现代入海物质在粤西陆架随海流迁移扩散的路径和沉积中心,利用Gao-Collins方法分析了粤西-琼东北近海1 515个站位的粒径趋势,并用210Pb法测定了8支柱样的现代沉积速率。结果表明,在粤西沿岸流和南海暖流这两个相向海流的共同作用下,珠江口外珠江来源的泥质沉积物的主体被限制在-50 m等深线以浅的内陆架。现代珠江入海物质能维持粤西陆架泥质沉积区0.1 cm/a左右的现代沉积速率。在川山群岛至海陵岛一带和琼州海峡东侧泥质区,分别受岛屿阻挡和逆时针中尺度涡旋的影响,形成了现代沉积中心。在沉积物不同粒级的来源和搬运方式存在差异的地方,粒径趋势分析结果可能主要反映的是粗颗粒沉积物的运移趋势,而非细颗粒沉积物的运移方向。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within plant populations can influence plant community structure along environmental gradients. In wetland habitats, salinity and soil type are factors that can vary along gradients and therefore affect plant growth. To test for intraspecific growth variation in response to these factors, a greenhouse study was conducted using common plants that occur in northern Gulf of Mexico brackish and salt marshes. Individual plants of Distichlis spicata, Phragmites australis, Schoenoplectus californicus, and Schoenoplectus robustus were collected from several locations along the coast in Louisiana, USA. Plant identity, based on collection location, was used as a measure of intraspecific variability. Prepared soil mixtures were organic, silt, or clay, and salinity treatments were 0 or 18 psu. Significant intraspecific variation in stem number, total stem height, or biomass was found in all species. Within species, response to soil type varied, but increased salinity significantly decreased growth in all individuals. Findings indicate that inclusion of multiple genets within species is an important consideration for marsh restoration projects that include vegetation plantings. This strategy will facilitate establishment of plant communities that have the flexibility to adapt to changing environmental conditions and, therefore, are capable of persisting over time.  相似文献   

“巫山黄土”元素地球化学特征及成因和物源意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨“巫山黄土”的成因及物源,对剖面73个样品进行了常量元素测试和分析,并与已知典型的黄土剖面的元素地球化学特征进行了比较.结果表明:(1)“巫山黄土”主要化学成分以SiO2、Al2O3和TFe2O3(TFe2O3=Fe2O3+FeO)为主,三者的平均含量之和为84.84%,与上部陆壳(UCC)(86.2%)、洛川黄土(85.34%)、镇江下蜀土(86.76%)均非常接近。(2)“巫山黄土”常量元素质量百分含量与洛川、甘孜黄土和西风红黏土的均比较接近,显示了具有相同或相近的沉积环境和类型。(3)“巫山黄土”的TiO2/Al2O3-K2O/Al2O3的数据点主要分布区域与镇江下蜀土与川西的甘孜黄土大致相同,经UCC 标准化后的“巫山黄土”分布曲线与其它风成黄土也显示了较好的相似性,从而说明“巫山黄土”具有风积成因的特点。(4)元素比值分析显示“巫山黄土”与甘孜黄土、洛川黄土均十分相近,在Mg/Mn、Al/Mg、Fe/K方面与甘孜黄土更为接近,而在Mg/Ca 、Si/Al方面与洛川黄土更为一致,可能与两处黄土同源。  相似文献   

长江口沉积物210Pb分布及沉积环境解释   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在长江河口潮滩、分流河道和水下三角洲共获得18个柱样,进行沉积学分析和210Pb测定,并对其中6根柱样进行137Cs测定。经研究发现,长江口外在水深25~30m,122°30′N,31°00′E附近存在一个泥质沉积中心,沉积速率达2.0~6.3cm/yr。另外,在潮滩和涨潮槽也获得较高沉积速率,其中南汇和横沙岛潮滩沉积速率(1.03~1.94cm/yr)高于崇明东滩(0.51~0.76cm/yr),涨潮槽沉积速率也达0.86cm/yr。此外,在石洞口、南汇、九段沙潮滩和三角洲前缘有部分柱样未获沉积速率,推测为沉积环境不稳定或沉积速率过快所致。  相似文献   

长江上游水系沉积物锶-钕同位素组成及物源示踪   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
泥沙资料表明,现代长江干流沉积物主要源自上游地区。因此,长江上游干支流沉积物主控关系及其源汇过程在长江水系沉积物物源示踪研究中极为重要。为探讨上述过程,详细测定了上游水系沉积物Sr-Nd同位素组成。结果显示,金沙江及闽江沉积物具有较高的εNd(0)值,主要受控于流域内大面积分布的峨眉山玄武岩的高εNd(0)背景值;嘉陵江水系沉积物具有相对较低的εNd(0)值,反映了其流域内源岩对沉积物Nd同位素组成的控制;与Nd同位素组成相比,水系沉积物87Sr/86Sr值具有更大的变化范围,表明除源岩因素外,沉积物Sr同位素组成受更为复杂的因素制约。支流与干流沉积物Sr-Nd同位素组成对比表明,长江上游干流沉积物主要来源于金沙江流域内的源岩,金沙江流域内的表壳岩系主导了上游干流沉积物的Sr-Nd同位素组成。  相似文献   

Disruption of the natural patterns of freshwater flow into estuarine ecosystems occurred in many locations around the world beginning in the twentieth century. To effectively restore these systems, establishing a pre-alteration perspective allows managers to develop science-based restoration targets for salinity and hydrology. This paper describes a process to develop targets based on natural hydrologic functions by coupling paleoecology and regression models using the subtropical Greater Everglades Ecosystem as an example. Paleoecological investigations characterize the circa 1900 CE (pre-alteration) salinity regime in Florida Bay based on molluscan remains in sediment cores. These paleosalinity estimates are converted into time series estimates of paleo-based salinity, stage, and flow using numeric and statistical models. Model outputs are weighted using the mean square error statistic and then combined. Results indicate that, in the absence of water management, salinity in Florida Bay would be about 3 to 9 salinity units lower than current conditions. To achieve this target, upstream freshwater levels must be about 0.25 m higher than indicated by recent observed data, with increased flow inputs to Florida Bay between 2.1 and 3.7 times existing flows. This flow deficit is comparable to the average volume of water currently being diverted from the Everglades ecosystem by water management. The products (paleo-based Florida Bay salinity and upstream hydrology) provide estimates of pre-alteration hydrology and salinity that represent target restoration conditions. This method can be applied to any estuarine ecosystem with available paleoecologic data and empirical and/or model-based hydrologic data.  相似文献   

Rare earth element (REE) patterns of plutonic rocks across theCretaceous Peninsular Ranges batholith vary systematically westto east, transverse to its long axis and structural trends andgenerally parallel to asymmetries in petrologic, geochronologicand isotopic properties. The batholith can be ivided into threedistinct parallel longitudinal regions, each defined by distinctREE pattern types. An abrupt transition occurs between rockswith slightly fractionated REE patterns in the western (coastal)region and rocks with middle to heavy REE fractionated and depletedpatterns in the central region. Further to the east a secondtransition to strongly light REE enriched rocks occurs. Theslopes of the REE patterns within each of these regions arelargely independent of rock type. The first REE transition isclosely coupled to regional discontinuities in other parameters:elimination of negative Eu anomalies, an increase in Sr content,and a marked restriction in petrologic diversity. This transitionoccurs over a range of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and 18O values,but approximately correlates to a major shift in the emplacementstyle of the batholith from a stationary arc to a rapidly eastward-migrating(cratonward) arc. The sense of the regionally consistent REE trends cannot beexplained by crystallization, assimilation, combined crystallization-assimilation,or mixing processes. The consequences of assimilation and high-leveldifferentiation are not observed generally, despite the sensitivityof the REE to these processes. Geochemical and petrologicalfeatures argue that the partial melting of mafic source rocksin which plagioclase-rich (gabbroic) residual assemblages abruptlygave way laterally and downward to garnet-bearing (eclogitic)residual assemblages produced all the changes associated withthe first REE transition. The change in residual assemblagesfrom gabbroic to eclogitic was superimposed on source regionsalready zoned in light REE abundances, 87Sr/86Sr and 18O. Temperatureand pressure constraints on the source regions place them ina subcrustal location. The calcic nature of the batholith andthe dominance of tonalite and low-K2O granodiorite in all itsregions argue that the source materials are broadly basalticin composition. Experimental studies are consistent with thegeneration of the abundant tonalitic magmas by the partial meltingof basalt under both low and high pressure conditions. Arc basaltssuch as those commonly erupted in modern island arcs and continentalmargins are inferred to have provided much of the source materialand the heat. Additional high-18O components are needed in themore easterly source regions. These materials must be distributedso as to contribute equally to the range of magmas that occurin a given local region, and must preserve the calcic natureof batholithic sources. Altered basalts of ancient oceanic crustand possibly their associated metasediments, previously incorporatedinto the lithosphere beneath the continental margin during earliercycles of subduction, most readily satisfy these constraints. The REE geochemistry of the central and eastern regions of thebatholith differs from that of oceanic island arcs in the presenceof strongly heavy REE depleted and fractionated magmas. A modelis proposed in which arc basalts accumulate beneath a crustallayer. Melting of accumulated material at low pressure producesmagmas of the western region. Where thickening of the basalticunderplate is sufficient to form eclogitic assemblages, eclogite-derivedmagmas of the central and eastern region are produced. The abrupttransition to eclogite-derived magmas that suggests a processdriven by a density instability is responsible for their origin. The Peninsular Ranges batholith appears to be representativeof a major differentiation process in which mantle-derived basaltis remelted, contributing its more sialic fractions to the continentalcrust and leaving its mafic to ultramafic residues in the mantle.This process preserves the sialic character of the continentalcrust and may play a significant role in its growth and evolution.The batholith and the processes that produced it may be a moreappropriate basis than immature oceanic island arcs on whichto construct models of continental growth and evolution.  相似文献   

荆江近岸河床演变对水沙条件的响应探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭玉明  夏军强  彭佳  沈健 《水文》2018,38(5):11-16
近岸河床的变化对于险工段河势稳定、护岸及堤防的安全产生影响。1990年代以来,尤其三峡水库蓄水运行后,上游来沙大幅减少,荆江河床普遍发生了冲刷,近岸河床发生了相应调整。主要结合荆江河段近岸河床监测资料及已有分析成果,从三个方面分析近岸河床演变对水沙条件变化的响应,一是近岸河床冲刷坑特征值与水沙条件的关系;二是近岸岸坡稳定性对水位变幅的响应程度;三是近岸河床平滩河道形态尺度对水沙过程的响应程度。通过计算分析得出近岸河床特征值与水沙定性及定量的关系。  相似文献   

中国西部与东部在构造作用、岩浆活动、岩石圈结构、沉积盆地、地貌等方面存在着巨大的差异。印度—亚洲大陆碰撞以来青藏高原火山岩的时空分布,显示了从高原腹地发端向周缘迁移的趋势。在同碰撞阶段(65~40 Ma)的末期,火成活动背离雅鲁藏布碰撞缝合带向北迁移。在45~6 Ma期间,火山活动从高原腹部开始,然后向外迁移,暗示软流圈上隆呈波状向外扩展。最后(6 Ma—近代),火山活动向着高原的北西、北东—东、南东三隅迁移。这种醒目的火山活动时空迁移型式,可以解释为由印度和欧亚两个较厚大陆板块的靠近、碰撞诱发的软流圈地幔流及深部地壳物质流动。推测可能存在两个地幔流“通道”,一条“通道”可能通过西秦岭礼县—宕昌一带伸向中国东部;另一条“通道”可能沿“三江”带向东南经云南马关—屏边一带与中国东南部和越南的新生代玄武岩省相接。在礼县—宕昌、马关—屏边一带,表现出从青藏高原钾质火山岩省向着中国东部玄武岩省过渡的特征。大量地球物理资料也支持关于软流圈地幔与深部地壳层次上的横向物质流动的认识。为了进一步检验这种认识是否正确,需要在青藏高原钾质岩省与东部玄武岩省的过渡带选择若干短剖面,进行系统的研究工作,鉴别岩石源区组成和形成深度,反演岩石圈和软流圈地幔性质,揭示两个岩省之间的关系,为鉴别大陆碰撞引起的岩石圈或软流圈层次的物质流动与块体之间相互作用提供岩浆作用约束,同时也为东亚大背景之下,以新生代印度—亚洲碰撞为主导的中国西部与以太平洋板块俯冲为主导的中国东部的构造交接关系提供岩浆作用限制。  相似文献   

东海表层沉积物碎屑矿物组合分布特征及其物源环境指示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张凯棣  李安春  董江  张晋 《沉积学报》2016,34(5):902-911
为进一步明确东海陆架区的沉积物物源及水动力环境,对研究区表层沉积物的碎屑矿物进行了鉴定分析。研究区共鉴定出49种重矿物、8种轻矿物。根据碎屑矿物的组合分布结合矿物形态特征,将东海陆架区划分为三个矿物区,内陆架矿物区、外陆架矿物区及虎皮礁矿物区。内陆架矿物区,动力分选是影响碎屑矿物分布的主要因素,物质来源相对单一,碎屑矿物主要来源于现代长江物质,闽浙沿岸近岸河流的输入,人类活动也对该区的矿物组成产生一定的影响;外陆架矿物区,重矿物分布的主控因素是长期的分选作用,主要是长江物质经后期改造形成,现代长江物质可从内陆架中北部扩散至124.5°E左右,此外外陆架东南部地形的变化也对碎屑矿物的分布起到一定控制作用;虎皮礁矿物区,有来自黄河、长江、火山物质的多重影响,且水动力环境相对复杂。  相似文献   

Middle Miocene to Pliocene sedimentation on the NW Borneo margin has been interpreted as the product of one relatively large deltaic system, the Champion Delta. However, several lines of evidence indicate that the Champion system was not a simple, large delta; its drainage basin was too small, fluvial outcrops indicate multiple, relatively small rivers and outcrop studies indicate the same facies associations as the diverse, modern depositional systems. The number and location of rivers reaching the shoreline changed as rapidly subsiding footwall synclines, episodically active inversion anticlines and growth faults created an evolving structurally-generated topography that not only controlled drainage pathways, but also segregated Champion strata into thick, wave-dominant and tide-dominant successions. Although the principal rivers within the Champion system, the Limbang, Padas and Trusan Rivers, transport significant loads of coarse sediment, the intermittent proximal ponding of sand in local basins, as is currently occurring in Brunei Bay, resulted in a variable delivery of sand to the shelf edge. The number and distribution of shelf edge canyons also changed with time. Consequently, the spatial and temporal distribution of deepwater sand accumulations sourced from the Champion system are not solely related to relative sea level fluctuations; such accumulations should be smaller and more scattered than those sourced from a large shelf edge delta. Because the catchments of the Champion system’s principal rivers represent different provenances, the system’s deepwater sands may carry the signal of specific rivers. For example, mineralogical contrasts between in the main reservoir sands of the deepwater Gumusut and Kikeh fields suggest that the relative contributions of the principal rivers shifted with time with the Trusan and Limbang Rivers dominating sand supply for the youngest reservoirs at Gumusut.  相似文献   

在长江河口潮滩、分流河道和水下三角洲共获得18个柱样,进行沉积学分析和210Pb测定,并对其中6根柱样进行137Cs测定。经研究发现,长江口外在水深25~30m,122°30′N,31°00′E附近存在一个泥质沉积中心,沉积速率达2.0~6.3cm/yr。另外,在潮滩和涨潮槽也获得较高沉积速率,其中南汇和横沙岛潮滩沉积速率(1.03~1.94cm/yr)高于崇明东滩(0.51~0.76cm/yr),涨潮槽沉积速率也达0.86cm/yr。此外,在石洞口、南汇、九段沙潮滩和三角洲前缘有部分柱样未获沉积速率,推测为沉积环境不稳定或沉积速率过快所致。  相似文献   

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