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Measurements of groundwater-dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate?+?nitrite?+?ammonia) and phosphate concentrations were combined with recent, radium-based, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) fluxes and prior estimates of SGD determined from Darcy’s Law, a hydrologic model, and total recharge to yield corresponding SGD nutrient fluxes to Ninigret, Point Judith, Quonochontaug, and Winnapaug ponds, located in southern Rhode Island. Results range from 80 to279 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 4 to 15 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Ninigret, 48 to 265 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 4 to 23 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Point Judith, 31 to 62 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 1 to 2 mmol P m?2 y?1 for Quonochontaug, and 668 to 1,586 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 29 to 70 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Winnapaug ponds, respectively. On a daily basis, the SGD supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus is estimated to represent ~1–6 % of the total amount of these nutrients in surface waters of Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and up to 84 and 17 % for Winnapaug, respectively, which may reflect a greater SGD nutrient supply to this pond because of the proximity of fertilized golf courses. With regard to the total external input of these essential nutrients, SGD represents 29–45 % of dissolved inorganic nitrogen input to Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and as much as 93 % for Winnapaug pond. For phosphorus, the contribution from SGD represents 59–85 % of the total external input for Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and essentially all of the phosphorus input to Winnapaug pond. Estimated rates of primary productivity potentially supported by the average supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from SGD range from 10 g C m?2 year?1 for Ninigret, 13 g C m?2 year?1 for Point Judith, 4 g C m?2 year?1 for Quonochontaug, and as high as 84 g C m?2 y?1 for Winnapaug pond. The imputed SGD-derived rates of primary productivity represent 4–9 % of water column primary production for Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds, and 74 % for Winnapaug pond, a result that is reasonably comparable to several other coastal environments where estimates of SGD nutrient supply have been reported. The implication is that SGD represents an ecologically significant source of dissolved nutrients to the coastal salt ponds of southern Rhode Island and, by inference, other coastal systems.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux dynamics were examined in the context of other biogeochemical cycles in intertidal sediments inhabited by benthic microalgae. In August 2003, gross oxygenic photosynthetic (GOP) rates, oxygen penetration depths, and benthic flux rates were quantified at seven sites along the Duplin River, GA, USA. Sediments contained abundant benthic microalgal (BMA) biomass with a maximum chlorophyll a concentration of 201 mg chl a m?2. Oxygen microelectrodes were used to determine GOP rates and O2 penetration depth, which were tightly correlated with light intensity. Baseline and 15N-nitrate amended benthic flux core incubations were employed to quantify benthic fluxes and to investigate the impact of BMA on sediment water exchange under nitrogen (N)-limited and N-replete conditions. Unamended sediments exhibited tight coupling between GOP and respiration and served as a sink for water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and a source of silicate and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The BMA response to the N addition indicated sequential nutrient limitation, with N limitation followed by silicate limitation. In diel (light–dark) incubations, biological assimilation accounted for 83% to 150% of the nitrate uptake, while denitrification (DNF) and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) accounted for <7%; in contrast, under dark conditions, DNF and DNRA accounted for >40% of the NO3 ? uptake. The N addition shifted the metabolic status of the sediments from a balance of autotrophy and heterotrophy to net autotrophy under diel conditions, and the sediments served as a sink for water column DIN, silicate, and DIC but became a source of DOC, suggesting that the increased BMA production was decoupled from sediment bacterial consumption of DOC.  相似文献   

镭同位素示踪隆教湾的海底地下水排泄   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
福建省漳州市降教湾海水中镭同位素的研究,目的是评价海底地下水排泄量.在2007年6月的航次中,垂直于岸线的9 km剖面上布置15个站位,每个站位用潜水泵采集表层海水样60L于塑料桶中.水样运回实验室后,立即用装有锰纤维的PVC管以虹吸的方式富集水样中的镭同位素,水通过PVC管的流速小于300 ml/min.224Ra活度用连续射气法测定,测完224Ra后密封7d以上,然后用汽接射气法测定226Ra活度.224Ra和226Ra活度都呈现自岸向海逐渐降低的规律,表明扩散控制镭同位素的分布,由224Ra获得68.83 km2d-1的扩散系数,同时226Ra形成-0.963dpm1001-1km-1的活度梯度.用扩敞系数和活度梯度建立的226Ra的离岸通最为6.62×1011dpmkm-2d-1,这个通量一定是得到SGD输入的镭支持,从而获得隆教湾的海底地下水排泄量是3.03×109m3km-2d-1.该排泄量包括陆源地下淡水排泄量和再循环海水排泄量,绝大部分可能足再循环海水,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

用镭同位素评价海水滞留时间及海底地下水排泄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海底地下水排泄(submarine groundwater discharge, SGD)难以直接测量, 镭同位素和氡-222等天然示踪剂使得间接评价SGD通量成为可能.为了评价五缘湾的水体滞留时间和SGD通量, 实测了湾内海水、湾外海水和地下水中224Ra和226Ra的活度, 利用224Ra和226Ra半衰期的差异, 采用224Ra与226Ra的活度比值计算湾内水团的年龄和平均滞留时间, 利用224Ra和226Ra的质量平衡模型计算SGD通量.五缘湾13个站位的水团年龄在0.6~2.4 d之间, 湾顶水团年龄相对较大, 平均海水滞留时间1.4 d.地下水输入五缘湾的224Ra和226Ra通量分别为5.17×106 Bq/d和5.28×106 Bq/d, 将该通量用地下水端元的活度转换成为SGD通量分别是0.21 m3/m2/d(224Ra平衡模型)和0.23 m3/m2/d(226Ra平衡模型), 两种模型的结果较接近, 其平均值0.22 m3/m2/d可作为五缘湾的海底地下水排泄通量.   相似文献   

Groundwater may be highly enriched in dissolved carbon species, but its role as a source of carbon to coastal waters is still poorly constrained. Exports of deep and shallow groundwater-derived dissolved carbon species from a small subtropical estuary (Korogoro Creek, Australia, latitude ?31.0478°, longitude 153.0649°) were quantified using a radium isotope mass balance model (233Ra and 224Ra, natural groundwater tracers) under two hydrological conditions. In addition, air-water exchange of carbon dioxide and methane in the estuary was estimated. The highest carbon inputs to the estuary were from deep fresh groundwater in the wet season. Most of the dissolved carbon delivered by groundwater and exported from the estuary to the coastal ocean was in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC; 687 mmol m?2 estuary day?1; 20 mmol m?2 catchment day?1, respectively), with a large export of alkalinity (23 mmol m?2 catchment day?1). Average water to air flux of CO2 (869 mmol m?2 day?1) and CH4 (26 mmol m?2 day?1) were 5- and 43-fold higher, respectively, than the average global evasion in estuaries due to the large input of CO2- and CH4-enriched groundwater. The groundwater discharge contribution to carbon exports from the estuary for DIC, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), alkalinity, CO2, and CH4 was 22, 41, 3, 75, and 100 %, respectively. The results show that CO2 and CH4 evasion rates from small subtropical estuaries surrounded by wetlands can be extremely high and that groundwater discharge had a major role in carbon export and evasion from the estuary and therefore should be accounted for in coastal carbon budgets.  相似文献   

Water exchange between the coastal ocean and underlying aquifers provides a newly-recognized source of materials to the ocean. The flux of materials into the ocean from this process is termed submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Both surficial and semi-confined aquifers contribute to SGD. Here we use 226Ra and 228Ra to quantify fluxes of SGD to Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, and to separate fluxes from the Upper Floridan (UFA) and surficial aquifers. Higher activity ratios of 228/226Ra in the surficial aquifer make this separation possible. We estimate total SGD fluxes of about 100 m3 s-1 with about 80% being derived from the surficial aquifer. The SGD flux provides about1.8 × 106 mol d-1 of NH4 with almost 90% from the surficial aquifer. Because of strong differences in the concentration of PO4 within the UFA, PO4 fluxes areless certain. Using the UFA wells with low PO4 concentrations yields a flux of 1.2 × 105 mol d-1; using wells with high concentrations yields a flux of 2.0 × 105 mol d-1. In the first case virtually all of the PO4 flux is from the surficial aquifer; in the second case, 40% is from the UFA.The UFA in this region has experienced dramatic changes as a result of withdrawals for human use. Prior to these withdrawals, total nutrient fluxes from the UFA may have been even larger. These changes in the UFA and similar coastal aquifers worldwide have the potential to significantly alter a major nutrient source for the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

Land-based pollutants such as fertilizers and wastewater can infiltrate into aquifers and discharge into surrounding coastal water bodies as submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Oceanic islands, with a large coast length to land area ratio, may be hot spots of SGD into the global ocean. Although SGD may be a major pathway of dissolved nutrients, carbon and metals to coastal waters, studies have been limited due to the difficulties in measuring this often diffuse process. This study used radium isotopes (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra) to investigate SGD and the associated fluxes of nutrients into Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. We calculated the apparent water mass ages of the harbour to be between ~4.1 and 7.8 days, which was similar to a previous numerical model of ~2–8 days. A 226Ra mass balance was constructed to quantify SGD fluxes at the harbour scale. A minimum SGD flux rate of 0.53 cm day?1 was calculated by using the maximum groundwater end-member value from 22 sample sites. However, using the geometric mean from these samples as a representative end-member, a final value of 2.83 cm day?1 or a flux of 3.09 × 106 m3 day?1 was calculated. These values were between ~1 and 2.8 times greater than all the major river and creeks discharging into the harbour during the sampling period. Due to the higher observed nutrient concentrations in groundwater, the SGD-derived dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) fluxes were calculated to be 1.07, 0.87 and 0.05 mmol m2 day?1, respectively. These SGD inputs were ~5 times (for nitrogen) and ~8 times (for phosphorus) greater than the input from surrounding rivers and streams. The average N:P ratio in groundwater samples was 36:1 (which was greatly in excess of the Redfield ratio of 16). The harbour water had a N:P ratio of ~17:1. A positive relationship between radium isotopes and N:P ratios in the harbour further supported the hypothesis that SGD can have major implications for primary production, including recurrent algal bloom events which occur in the harbour. We suggest SGD as a major driver of nutrient dynamics in Tauranga Harbour and potentially other similar coastal lagoon systems and estuaries on oceanic islands.  相似文献   

Two 14-day experiments conducted in the dry summer (July 2006) and wet winter (March 2007) seasons, respectively, examined tidal, wave-driven, and seasonal variability of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) at Stinson Beach, CA, using natural radium tracers. Tide stage, tide range, breaker height, and season each explained a significant degree of radium variability in the surf zone. A mass balance of excess radium in the surf zone was used to estimate SGD for each season, confirming larger discharge rates during the wet season. Our results indicate median groundwater discharge rates of 6 to 8 L min−1 m−1 in July 2006 and 38 to 43 L min−1 m−1 in March 2007. SGD from 200 m of Stinson Beach in March 2007 contributed a flux of phosphate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen approximately equal to that associated with all local creeks and streams within 6 km of the study site at that time.  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg?1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg?1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg–1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg–1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is now recognized as an important source of nutrients and freshwater to some coastal environments. We studied a shallow coastal lagoon (Little Lagoon, AL, USA) in the northern Gulf of Mexico that lacks riverine inputs but has been suspected to receive significant SGD. We observed persistent salinity gradients between the east and west ends of the lagoon and the pass connecting it to the Gulf of Mexico. Covariance between salinity in the lagoon and the groundwater tracer 222Rn indicated that SGD was responsible for the salinity gradients and is the primary source of freshwater to the lagoon. Cluster analysis of 246 biweekly samples based on temperature, salinity, and two proxies of SGD revealed two hydrographic regimes with different drivers for nutrient inputs. In samples characterized by high discharge and low temperatures (generally December–April), total nitrogen (TN) was negatively correlated with salinity, while total phosphorus (TP) was positively correlated with temperature. Total nitrogen in the groundwater was very high (0.36–4.80 mM) while total phosphorus was relatively low (0.3–2.3 μM), consistent with SGD as the source of TN during the high-discharge periods. In periods with low discharge and higher temperatures (approx. May–November), TN and TP had strong positive correlations with temperature and are inferred to originate from benthic efflux. Seasonal changes in nutrient stoichiometry in the lagoon water column also indicate an alternation between low TN/TP sediments and high TN/TP groundwater as the primary sources of nitrogen in this system.  相似文献   

Jamaica Bay, NY, is a highly urbanized estuary within the boroughs of New York City conspicuously lacking published information on dissolved trace metal concentrations. The current study examines the distribution and cycling of trace metals in that embayment with data gathered during cruises in November 2004, April 2005, and June 2006. Most of the metal distributions (Fe, Zn, Co, Ag, Cu, Pb, Ni) in the water column are explained by the input of substantial volumes of treated wastewater effluent. However, several lines of evidence suggest that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is also an important source of dissolved Fe, Zn, Co, Ni, and isotopically distinct stable Pb ratios (206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb) in the Bay. Conversely, the recirculated seawater component of SGD is an apparent sink for dissolved Mo. This study provides the first measurements of dissolved trace metals in the Jamaica Bay water column and subterranean estuary and provides evidence for trace metal input due to SGD.  相似文献   

A thick columnar-jointed ignimbrite-like formation occupies the upper part of the Orohena Massif on Tahiti-Nui. Differentiated products related to the ignimbrite were sampled at the base of the Orohena cliff and have been dated using the unspiked K/Ar Cassignol technique at 502±7ka. These pyroclastic volcanic rocks show chemical similarities with Ne-syenitic rocks from a shallow magma reservoir presently exposed farther south because of the dissection of the island by deep erosion. The presence of less-evolved magma blebs in the ignimbrite products suggests an incomplete magma mixing process. This likely indicates a late injection of a more basic magma into the reservoir, probably triggering the ignimbritic eruption, unique in the generally non-explosive eruptive history of Tahiti-Nui. To cite this article: A. Hildenbrand, P.-Y. Gillot, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

This study is based on a set of coarse-grained igneous rockscollected from two zoned plutons located in the central partof Tahiti Nui and Raiatea. The Ahititera pluton (central depressionof Tahiti Nui) comprises a great diversity of rocks, rangingfrom ultrabasic to felsic in composition. It shows a concentriczonation with nepheline-free rocks in its periphery and nepheline-bearingrocks in its central part. The Faaroa pluton (central depressionof Raiatea) is entirely mafic and includes only gabbros andtheralites. The two plutons have variable Nd–Sr isotopicsignatures, especially the Ahititera rocks, which are subdividedinto three groups based on their mineralogy, geochemistry andisotope composition. The isotopic variability probably reflectslocal heterogeneities in the Society mantle plume. Petrographicand isotopic data have been used to define two magmatic suitesin Ahititera, identifiable from their degree of Si undersaturation.The evolution of the mildly Si-undersaturated suite is controlledby simple fractional crystallization, whereas the strongly Si-undersaturatedsuite requires additional H2O influx. The third isotopic groupincludes only theralites. The rare earth element (REE) compositionsof the mafic rocks from both plutons do not correlate with theirisotopic signature. The REE patterns of the most Si-undersaturatedrocks are systematically characterized by steeper slopes. Suchfeatures are also observed in lavas from seamounts located withinthe present-day hotspot area. It appears that REE concentrationsin Society lavas and intrusives are probably mainly governedby variable degrees of partial melting of a garnet-free mantlesource and are independent of their isotopic signature. KEY WORDS: cumulates; fractional crystallization; partial melting; French Polynesia; plutonic rocks; Society Islands; Tahiti; Raiatea  相似文献   

Four months of daily nutrient and radon (a natural groundwater tracer) observations at the outlet of a heavily drained coastal wetland illustrated how episodic floods and diffuse groundwater seepage influence the biogeochemistry of a sub-tropical estuary (Richmond River, New South Wales, Australia). Our observations downstream of the Tuckean Swamp (an acid sulphate soil floodplain) covered a dry stage, a flood triggered by a 213-mm rain event and a post-flood stage when surface water chemistry was dominated by groundwater discharge. Significant correlations were found between radon and ammonium and N/P ratios and between radon and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) during the post-flood stage. While the flood lasted for 14?% of the time of the surface water time series, it accounted for 18?% of NH4, 32?% of NO x , 66?% of DON, 58?% of PO4 and 55?% of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) catchment exports. Over the 4-month study period, groundwater fluxes of 35.0, 3.6, 36.3, 0.5 and 0.7?mmol?m?2?day?1 for NH4, NO x , DON, PO4 and DOP, respectively, were estimated. The groundwater contribution to the total surface water catchment exports was nearly 100?% for ammonium, and <20?% for the other nutrients. Post-flood groundwater seepage shifted the system from a DON to a dissolved inorganic N-dominated system and doubled N/P ratios in surface waters. We hypothesise that the Richmond River Estuary N/P ratios may reflect a widespread trend of tidal rivers and estuaries becoming more groundwater-dominated and phosphorus-limited as coastal wetlands are drained for agriculture, grazing and development.  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring in Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i (Hawai`i, USA) has documented intermittent high concentrations of nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silica, and ammonium) and fecal indicator bacteria (FIB, i.e., enterococci and Escherichia coli) in nearshore waters and spurred concern that contaminated groundwater might be discharging into the bay. The present study sought to identify and track sources of nutrients and FIB to four beaches in Hanalei Bay and one beach outside the bay, together representing a wide range of land uses. 223Ra and 224Ra activity, salinity, nutrient and FIB concentrations were measured in samples from the coastal aquifer, the nearshore ocean, springs, the Hanalei River, and smaller streams. In addition, FIB concentrations in beach sands were measured at each site, and the enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene assay was used to investigate whether the observed FIB originated from a human source. Nutrient concentrations in groundwater were significantly higher than in nearshore water, inversely correlated to salinity, and highly site specific, indicating local controls on groundwater quality. Fluxes of groundwater into Hanalei Bay were calculated using a mass-balance approach and represented at least 2–10% of river discharges. However, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) may provide 2.7 times as much nitrate + nitrite to Hanalei Bay as does the Hanalei River. It may also provide significant fluxes of phosphate and ammonium, comprising 15% and 20% of Hanalei River inputs, respectively. SGD-derived silica inputs to the bay comprised less than 3% of Hanalei River inputs. FIB concentrations in groundwater were typically lower than those in nearshore water, suggesting that significant FIB inputs from SGD are unlikely. Positive esp gene assays suggested that some enterococci in environmental samples were of human fecal origin. Identifying how nutrients and FIB enter nearshore waters will help environmental managers address pressing water quality issues, including exceedances of the state Enterococcus water quality standard and nutrient loading to coral reefs.  相似文献   

Geochemical mixing models were used to decipher the dominant source of freshwater (rainfall, canal discharge, or groundwater discharge) to Biscayne Bay, an estuary in south Florida. Discrete samples of precipitation, canal water, groundwater, and bay surface water were collected monthly for 2 years and analyzed for salinity, stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, and Sr2+/Ca2+ concentrations. These geochemical tracers were used in three separate mixing models and then combined to trace the magnitude and timing of the freshwater inputs to the estuary. Fresh groundwater had an isotopic signature (δ 18O = −2.66‰, δD −7.60‰) similar to rainfall (δ 18O = −2.86‰, δD = −4.78‰). Canal water had a heavy isotopic signature (δ 18O = −0.46‰, δD = −2.48‰) due to evaporation. This made it possible to use stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen to separate canal water from precipitation and groundwater as a source of freshwater into the bay. A second model using Sr2+/Ca2+ ratios was developed to discern fresh groundwater inputs from precipitation inputs. Groundwater had a Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio of 0.07, while precipitation had a dissimilar ratio of 0.89. When combined, these models showed a freshwater input ratio of canal/precipitation/groundwater of 37%:53%:10% in the wet season and 40%:55%:5% in the dry season with an error of ±25%. For a bay-wide water budget that includes saltwater and freshwater mixing, fresh groundwater accounts for 1–2% of the total fresh and saline water input.  相似文献   

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