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Local knowledge has been underrepresented in food-related policies and planning. The goal of this research was to engage members of a local food community and generate volunteered geographic information (VGI) on community food assets. During active data collection, over 200 food assets were reported. This paper details the systematic approach used to create VGI, which emphasizes the socio-cultural context surrounding the mapping technology. The project began with an identified need to connect to and learn from the local food community. The participants were drawn from active food system stakeholders, and a Geoweb infrastructure was selected based on publicly available crowdsourcing tools. The resulting VGI is presented according to system functions: input (Web traffic, contributors, input types), management (contribution vetting, privacy), analysis (typology of input), and presentation (sharing the submitted data). Despite limitations, this study revealed a hyper-local and community-driven perspective on food assets, opened access to government and private data, and increased the transparency and accessibility of information on the regional food system. This research also revealed that there is a growing need for intermediaries who can bridge the gap between experts in the subject matter and experts in digitally enabled participation, and a need for non-government open data repositories.  相似文献   

Through recent changes in urban governance practices, citizens and community organizations assume ever-greater responsibility for local-level planning and service delivery. Scholars have debated whether this shift disempowers community organizations by subsuming their plans and priorities into state planning imperatives or empowers them through inclusion of community priorities and local knowledge. In carrying out their new responsibilities, many community organizations are adopting tools such as GIS. Strikingly similar questions have been raised about empowerment, disempowennent, incorporation, and autonomy; but relatively little work has systematically documented the ways in which GIS use alters community-level decision-making efforts. In this paper, I show how GIS use fosters changes in the language, practices, and paradigms of community planning, particularly strengthening an instrumental rational approach to community planning and revitalization. Drawing on research with a Minneapolis, Minnesota, neighborhood organization, I argue that these impacts of GIS use on community planning practices complicate and intensify a dynamic tension between incorporation and autonomy that community organizations experience within collaborative governance approaches. [Key words: community-based planning, GIS, urban governance.]  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):229-250
The provision of public services by the local state involves the full range of politics, structural forces, and actors at work in the world system. Materialist theory provides a means by which these disparate elements can be integrated as the state performs its two primary functions: maintaining conditions favorable for the accumulation of capital and ensuring the legitimacy of the economic and political systems. National and local governments attempt to provide conditions in specific places that will foster growth; the politics of production characterize these efforts. On the local level the state also provides a forum in which the demands of less organized and powerful interests can be heard, as it attempts to maintain the loyalty of the public; the politics of consumption characterize this activity. An empirical analysis of local government expenditures for public services in the United States indicates the role that public services play in the performance of these two functions of the capitalist state.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article analyzes New Zealand's rights‐based system of fisheries management from the perspective of local stakeholders on northern Great Barrier Island. The research identified differing perspectives through use of the concept of “boundary construction,” not only in terms of society and nature but also among societal institutions. Great Barrier Island participants exhibited significant differences, especially between staff of the local Department of Conservation and local Maori, both of whom were engaged in negotiating policy implementation at the local level. These differences expressed themselves in conceptions of both societal boundaries—the scale at which community was envisioned—and conceptions of the boundary between nature and culture. The findings confirm the need for the continued development of models of community‐based resource management as well as for the conceptual integration of society and nature in the realm of policy construction.  相似文献   

This article presents findings of a study that explored how culture influenced support for wildfire mitigation in Peavine Métis Settlement, an Aboriginal community located in Alberta, Canada. Community-based research was completed using interviews, focus groups, and participant observation. The results show that cultural factors appeared to influence wildfire mitigation preferences. Participants indicated the current state of the forest was not natural, and that mitigation activities would likely improve forest health. Participants supported Settlement Council-led wildfire mitigation activities at both the residential and community level due to a preference for communal action and collective problem solving. Participants also were found to distrust “outsiders” and preferred programs developed by members of their own community. The results of this study show that wildfire mitigation programs based on local culture can be well supported in an Aboriginal community.  相似文献   

The literature on local government management of the environment in Australia has been limited in that it has typically focused on the urban sphere. In contrast, this paper places rurality at the centre of its inquiry. It uses data from 15 case studies of rural local governments in Australia to identify the main factors that inhibit natural resource management by rural councils. These barriers mobilise around four key themes: capacity, commitment, co-ordination and community. While many of the issues raised in this study of non-urban shires have been described in previous research, the paper argues that the geographic location of the areas under investigation aggravates barriers to engaging sustainability initiatives. It is contended that rural local governments need to be resourced accordingly to ensure that natural resource management at the local government level in Australia is not compromised.  相似文献   

Modern industrial systems of food production cause a wide range of detrimental impacts to the environment, human health and society. Integrating community gardens into local food systems is one way to counteract some of those impacts. This research looks at the elements that community garden policies should contain in order to best promote community gardens and attain their benefits. Focusing on Sydney, the research evaluates and compares the quality of the community garden policies with the distribution of community gardens in local councils and across broader geographic regions. Councils or regions that might benefit from greater access to community gardens are identified and ways in which councils, and the Sydney Region as a whole, might improve their community garden policies are discussed.  相似文献   

The transformation of tropical ecosystems by humans have resulted in forest loss, which, in turn, have caused negative impacts on biodiversity and the provisioning of ecosystem services. There is an urgent need to plan the restoration of these human-modified landscapes, using methodological approaches that consider key processes occurring at different spatial scales while engage local community participation, offering them the best possibilities of tangible benefits. In this study, was evaluated the landscape spatial pattern and local conservation status of existing forest remnants, showing an analysis of possible restoration scenarios for a human-modified landscape in La Montaña, an indigenous region in southwestern Mexico. Therefore, landscape and local scale approaches were linked to identify specific landscape elements where efforts to improve connectivity must be concentrated. Also, this approach allowed finding a set of species from reference sites that showed the best socioecological characteristics to be used in different restoration strategies. As expected, La Montaña region showed a spatial pattern typical of highly human-modified landscapes, i.e., several small (<21 ha) and irregular forest remnants with strong forest edge effects. Furthermore, these small and irregular forest fragments displayed forest structure, diversity and composition characteristics similar to those communities disturbed by selective harvesting or in an early successional phase. However, about 100 of woody species were found inside the fragments, some with important potential to provide ecosystem services. The landscape connectivity was very low, and an analysis of possible restoration scenarios showed that is equally important to restore the productive areas as well as open forest, to recover up to 47% of landscape connectivity. In this sense, it was proposed a productive restoration strategy to enrich open forests and create biodiversity-friendly habitat in agricultural areas, using species with high socioecological potential. We believe that the same approach could be applied to other highly human-modified tropical landscapes with similar socioecological problems.  相似文献   

The explosive growth of so‐called marginal settlements in Latin America's cities has received considerable academic attention in past decades. The inability of the state to adequately provide affordable housing for a rapidly growing urban population has meant that these neighbourhoods relied on community mobilization to achieve common objectives of basic infrastructure and legal recognition. With increasing consolidation and less need for coordinated action, many local organizations lost their rationale. Fear of crime and violence, a major concern in Latin American metropolises, is inscribed on the urban landscape by a growing number of gated and fortified residential enclaves for the better‐off. Marginal neighbourhoods, however, experience a ‘security gap’ as they receive insufficient police protection and lack the financial resources to employ private guards. In many cases, the real or perceived insecurities of inner‐city life have prompted organized bottom‐up, mostly informal and sometimes vigilante, responses. Drawing on research on the rise of informal security‐related interventions in the neighbourhoods of Lima Metropolitana, Peru, this paper explores the rationales underlying the different approaches and adoptions, including the involvement of the main actors, community associations and other local interest groups.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):749-767
The daily journey to work is ubiquitous in American life. Portraying commuting behavior graphically at the subcounty level, however, has been hampered by technical obstacles. With desktop GIS and new analytical tools, the spatial particulars of commuting can be given clarity. This paper explores the use of a spatial statistic, the mean weighted direction of journey-to-work flows, to aggregate and depict commuting at the census tract level for the purpose of delineating metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. Using 1990 census data for Iowa, tract-to-tract flow vectors and resultant vectors are calculated and drawn for each census tract, and a set of functional areas for the state is produced. The research suggests that the concept of commuting directionality is a community characteristic requiring further attention. Directionality may be a useful component in a census-tract-level national settlement classification system made possible with disaggregated data and annual updates through the American Community Survey. [Key words: metropolitan areas, commuting, GIS, census tract, settlement classification.]  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):201-215
While the United Kingdom's emerging brand of Third Way Urban Policy (TWUP) often associates itself with a kind of anarchic vision of self-regulating and self-reproducing local communities, it can in fact be thought of as a thinly veiled moral crusade against vulnerable residents living in deprived neighborhoods. Indeed TWUP might be best conceived as a "flanking support" for the neoliberal turn in urban governance in British cities; morally commendable communities are defined as those who can reattach themselves to the "mainstream" and stand on their own two feet within the terms set by neoliberal market economics. When these morally charged interventions fail to connect locally, they have the potential to stir conflict over who has the authority to judge forms of community life. Mapping and accounting for the uneven development of moral conflicts over community is therefore a pressing concern. To this end, this paper presents a comparative analysis of the different ways in which moral disputes over community have surfaced in two neighborhoods, in particular—the Gorbals in central Glasgow and Ballymun in north Dublin, neighborhoods that have become iconic of the British approach to urban renewal.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):135-154
There has been some speculation about the origins of the Group Areas Act (GAA), one of the key instruments used to enforce the ideology of apartheid. This paper examines the origins, development, and implementation of the Group Areas Act in Durban. The key argument of this paper is that the anti-Indian agitation of the Durban City Council and its White electorate played an important role in the development of the legislation. Whites in Durban were at the forefront of calls for the compulsory segregation of Indians because this group presented a serious threat in terms of competition for social and economic space. The local state in Durban worked closely with the central state and played a key role in the formulation and implementation of the Group Areas Act. In all of the race zoning proposals for the City of Durban, the views of the White electorate were considered by the local state, but those of the disenfranchised Indians were disregarded. The local state in Durban was, however, forced to review its race zoning plans when it became apparent that the central state expected it to bear the costs of uprooting hundreds of thousands of people. Despite numerous appeals by the local state and Indian political and civic organizations, the spatial impress of the central state was imposed upon the local state.  相似文献   

中国老年地理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国全面进入老龄化社会的大背景下,老龄问题逐渐成为新常态和学者关注的焦点。本文采用知识图谱分析和传统文献研究相结合的方法,借助Citespace软件分析了2003-2017年国内老年地理学研究的热点领域,通过关键词共现归纳出中国老年地理学研究的特点为:①人口老龄化时空格局及驱动机制和养老设施空间配置成为近年来老年地理学研究的热点领域,但大区域小尺度、更深层次驱动机制有待进一步研究;如何将老年居民的社会交往、情感归属、社会资源与社区多维度结合,是未来社区建设与养老重点关注的方向;居家养老理论探索与实践总结尚未形成理论突破并推动政策实践,亟待学者对其进行本土化的理论构建。②老年人健康与环境研究成为新兴研究领域和主导方向,如何由宏观层面关注老年人健康与环境关系到微观层面关注老年个体情感体验、地方依赖,空间化健康与环境关系,选择和量化人文因素将是今后研究的重点难点。③对老年人空间行为研究有待实现定量和质性研究的互补融合,探索强调个体认知、行为偏好的行为主义地理学与强调时空整体性与制约的时间地理学的有机结合成为未来发展方向。  相似文献   

林耿  陈晓璇  杨帆 《热带地理》2018,38(2):166-175
随着20世纪后半期以来,节庆以史无前例的规模复兴,在现代性的语境下,节庆与社区存续、复兴或衰亡的各种关系,成为文化地理关注的主题。文章从传统社区的延续与现代认同的重构、移民社区的再造与多元认同的杂糅、社区活力的再生与地方品牌的营销、社区秩序的重塑与地方权力的协商4个方面,对节庆与社区重构的关系进行分析。结论认为:节庆与社区重构之间具有紧密的关系,社区并没有被现代性力量所终结,而是以一种更加复杂化的形式存续和发展,或者延续传统的社区秩序,或者吸纳外来和创新要素重构出混杂的社区秩序,或者进行地方营销扩大社区影响;社区节庆则被全球化、市场化等现代性力量不断调整和创新。最后在此基础上进一步展望中国语境下的社区重构研究。  相似文献   

何玲姬  李庆雷  明庆忠 《热带地理》2007,27(4):375-378,384
运用实证研究方法,在肯定旅游为经济欠发达地区带来正面经济效益,实现旅游扶贫的经济功能的基础上,对旅游扶贫中出现的低层次、单一的社区参与模式给社区居民所带来的对未来生活的不安定感以及使社区发展受到较大局限的现象进行了深入剖析,针对旅游扶贫地区经济发展水平,提出了在旅游开发的不同阶段采取不同的社区参与模式的构想,在充分发挥旅游扶贫经济效益的同时实现社区人的发展和社区文化的繁荣。  相似文献   

A driverless or autonomous vehicle requires significant support from information technology, both from central databases and from local sensors. The requirements for route guidance are in many ways more demanding than those of current guidance technologies, especially in the ‘last mile’ of a route. Significant extensions are needed for both street-centerline and point-of-interest databases. How these should be captured and structured present significant research challenges for GIScience. The societal and longer term impacts of such extensions are perhaps even more in need of focused research by the GIScience community.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):211-231
The globalization of economic relations in advanced capitalism has generated interest in local economic systems which can afford communities some protection against the vagaries of the formal money-based economy. This paper examines the role of local exchange trading systems (LETS) in promoting a community economy. The research is informed by empirical analysis of two functioning LETS in the city of Glasgow.  相似文献   

The concern of social scientists about the future of rural communities has filtered across to the policy arena at central government level. There analysis has been paralysed by lack of agreement about the issues. Many officials, especially those without social science training, do not understand concepts such as social sustainability, and few officials know how best to operationalise these concepts. A key step is the recognition of the need to consider people first in the development of policy, whether at the industry, community or household level, if the goal of sustainable agriculture is to be achieved.  相似文献   


There is growing recognition of the importance of local governance, for both self-determination and the quality of decision-making. While many authors acknowledge the potential of local governments in providing opportunities for democratic engagement, there is the need for more research into the conditions under which this takes place. The objective of this research is to investigate why, or under what circumstances, local governments enhance participation in and deliberation about major projects in Australia. It does so by analysing two case studies where local governments were highly engaged in advocacy with their communities against large development projects; the East West Link tunnel in Melbourne and the Coal Seam Gas projects of Northern NSW. It finds local governments engaged in these projects due to institutional culture, practices and values, formed after demographic changes in the 1960s and 70s, and associated changes in the place-attachment qualities of residents and the nature and content of their social capital. Through historical instances of community mobilisation, these values became embedded in local governments, enabling them to respond pro-actively to subsequent threats.  相似文献   

版纳勐养保护区鸟类及人为影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
切实保护和利用好西双版纳现存热带森林,是急需处理的现实问题。本文通过勐养自然保护区鸟类调查结果,揭示了西双版纳保护区管理现状。多数地区实际上未管理起来,林区居民仍滥用自然资源,对鸟类的猎捕从未停止,有的地方颇为严重;从生物多样性着眼,环境质量在下降。现已管理起来的三岔河保护区,尽管旅游开放后尚存许多问题亟待探索和改进,但鸟类保护状况已明显改善,说明自然保护区旅游在科学管理下才是可行的。就此,本文分析、评价了勐养保护区鸟类受人为影响情况,对自然保护区管理工作提出建议。  相似文献   

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