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本文通过利用海南三亚站(1834°N, 10962°E)GPS闪烁/TEC接收机2004年8月到2005年7月间观测数据,在对三亚地区闪烁初步统计分析的基础上,比较分析了观测数据中S4(幅度闪烁指数)和C/N(载噪比),S4和ROTI(TEC变化率标准差)的关系,同时对2004年11月7日的闪烁事件进行了具体的分析. 通过比较分析得出:(1)三亚地区全年的闪烁强度具有明显的半年变化,在春秋季出现全年闪烁强度的最大值;(2)S4与C/N具有很好的负相关性;(3)ROTI可以作为由小尺度不规则结构引起闪烁出现的指示剂.  相似文献   

Bed sediment carbon to nitrogen(C/N) ratio is one of the essential variables reflecting sources of organic matter in river basins.In order to explore the spatial variability in sources of sediment C/N ratios,and the influence of land use and land cover(LULC) changes on the Betwa River basin in Peninsular India,51 river bed sediment samples were collected in December 2016.The coefficient of variation(CV) was35%indicating highly variable biogeochemical parameters.The sediment C/N ratio varied from 2.94 to,and 6.50-76.97 in upstream,mid-stream,and downstream regions,respectively,indicating a progressive change in sources of organic matter and depositional environment.The positive correlation between total carbon(TC) and C/N ratio was increasing in the downstream direction [upstream(+0.560) mid-stream(+0.603) downstream(+0.838)],which is an indication of high deposition and slow decomposition of sedimentary terrigenous organic matter distant from the regions of urban pollution.The LULC change analysis done by remote sensing and Geographic Information System(GIS)methods revealed an adverse change for the forests and barren land and a positive change for the agricultural land and built-up areas.The sediment C/N ratio mapping showed the impact of LULC changes on the sediment quality.The spatial distribution of bed sediment C/N ratio in the Betwa River basin has important reference value for managing organic matter transport in the downstream Yamuna River and Ganga River basin.  相似文献   

S. Shimoda  T. Oikawa 《水文研究》2006,20(16):3503-3516
This study discusses the photosynthetic pathway types involved in canopy temperature measurements on a mixed grassland consisting of C3 and C4 plants (dominant species in biomass were Solidago altissima (C3), Miscanthus sinensis (C4), and Imperata cylindrica (C4)). In the wet conditions immediately after the rainy season, the mean canopy temperature for S. altissima was the lowest among the dominant species, mainly due to its leaf conductance being twice as large as the other two species. Despite using the same C4 photosynthetic pathway, M. sinensis had a lower apparent canopy temperature than I. cylindrica due to a smaller proportion of sunlit elements in the field of view. In the dry conditions during late July, the mean canopy temperatures of the three dominant species were within 0·3 °C of one another. These results can be explained by poor water conditions for C3 species (S. altissima). The simultaneous survey of vegetation and thermal imaging can help clarify characteristics of C3 and C4 canopy temperature over complicated grassland. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To understand the origin of the ultrafine pedogenic components responsible for the magnetic susceptibility (MS) enhancement remains a major challenging problem in linking magnetic signal with paleoclimate. Here we examine the effect of the natural fires on the MS signal of both plants and modern soils and in particular the MS difference between C3 and C4 plant ashes and their influence on magnetic susceptibility. We also proved the influence of the different floral root systems on the MS signal of modern soils. We find that the C3 and C4 plants are different in their ability to enhance MS signal of modern soils. Increased MS signal of modern soils by C4 plants was much greater than that by C3 plants.  相似文献   


本文利用位于我国中南部电离层闪烁监测台网2012年至2015年的观测数据,比较分析了GPS(Global Positioning System)信号闪烁与周跳的统计特征以及太阳活动和地磁扰动对闪烁与周跳的影响.结果表明,闪烁活动与周跳出现随地方时、月份、太阳活动和地磁扰动变化的统计特征类似,且周跳出现的可能性随S4指数增高显著增大,说明闪烁与周跳存在密切的关联,是引起周跳的一种重要因素.一天之中,闪烁和周跳主要出现在日落后至黎明前,午夜前出现最频繁,白天仅偶尔出现.在赤道异常峰及其邻近区域,一年之中,闪烁和周跳主要出现在春秋季,春季闪烁活动和周跳出现明显比秋季频繁,呈现春秋不对称性,冬夏季节闪烁和周跳都很少出现.闪烁活动与周跳出现的逐年变化显著依赖太阳活动水平,随太阳活动水平升高而增强,而地磁扰动与闪烁活动与周跳出现呈负相关,地磁扰动对闪烁活动与周跳出现整体上起抑制作用.平均而言,越靠近磁赤道的台站闪烁活动越频繁,随纬度升高,闪烁活动频次逐渐降低,且闪烁活动的开始时间随纬度升高而滞后,暗示引起GPS信号闪烁的电离层不规则结构主要起源于磁赤道区.此外,分析还发现,闪烁活动与周跳出现的空域有相当好的一致性,主要分布在观测点上空仰角55°以下、方位角150°~240°的空域内.


C3 and C4 grasses differ greatly in their responses to environmental controls and influences on biogeochemical processes (e.g. water, carbon, and nutrient cycling). Difficulties in distinguishing between these two functional groups of grasses have hindered paleoecological studies of grass-dominated ecosystems. Stable carbon isotopic analysis of individual grains of grass pollen using a spooling-wire microcombustion device interfaced with an isotope-ratio mass spectrometer holds promise for improving C3 and C4 grass reconstructions. This technique, SPIRAL (Single Pollen Isotope Ratio AnaLysis), has only been evaluated using pollen of known C3 and C4 grasses. To test the ability of SPIRAL to reproduce the abundance of C3 and C4 grasses on the landscape, we measured δ13C values of > 1500 individual grains of grass pollen isolated from the surface sediments of ten lakes in areas that span a large gradient of C3- and C4-grass abundance, as determined from vegetation surveys. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between the δ13C-based estimates of % C4-grass pollen and the abundance of C4 grasses on the landscape. The % C4-grass pollen slightly underestimates the actual abundance of C4 grasses at sites with high proportions of C4 grasses, which can be corrected using regression analysis. Comparison of the % C4-grass pollen with C/N and δ13C measurements of bulk organic matter illustrates the distinct advantages of grass-pollen δ13C as a proxy for distinguishing C3 and C4 shifts within the grass family. Thus SPIRAL promises to advance our understanding of grassland ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

风云二号卫星是我国研制的第一代静止业务气象卫星.本文针对风云二号C星/D星(FY-2C/D)太阳X射线探测数据与美国GOES系列卫星太阳X射线探测数据开展交叉比对,以检验FY-2C/D卫星数据的有效性.研究结果表明在X射线通量变化的时间特性以及通量大小等方面,FY-2C/D卫星探测结果与GOES系列卫星探测结果具有较好的一致性.对2004年11月—2010年6月期间85次耀斑事件X射线峰值流量的比对结果表明,FY-2C卫星与GOES系列卫星的探测结果在1~8 Å波段的相关系数为0.795,FY-2D卫星与GOES系列卫星的探测结果在0.5~3 Å和1~8 Å波段的相关系数分别为0.921和0.989,说明FY-2C/D卫星太阳X射线探测结果可信度较高,能够用于太阳X射线耀斑的监测、预警以及研究工作.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) in surface water and 63–200 μm-sized microphytoplankton collected at the fluorescence maximum were studied in four sites in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), a marine area influenced by the Rhone River inputs, in May and November 2004. Some environmental (temperature, salinity) and biological (POM, Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments contents, phytoplankton biomass and composition) parameters were also analysed. Significantly different C and N isotopic signatures between surface water POM and microphytoplankton were recorded in all sites and seasons. Surface water POM presented systematically lower δ13C (∼4.2‰) and higher δ15N (∼2.8‰) values than those of microphytoplankton, due to a higher content of continental and detrital material. Seasonal variations were observed for all environmental and biological parameters, except salinity. Water temperature was lower in May than in November, the fluorescence maximum was located deeper and the Chlorophyll a content and the phytoplankton biomass were higher, along with low PON/Chl a ratio, corresponding to spring bloom conditions. At all sites and seasons, diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community in abundance, whereas dinoflagellate importance increased in autumn particularly in coastal sites. C and N isotopic signatures of phytoplankton did not vary with season. However, the δ15N of surface water POM was significantly higher in November than in May in all sites likely in relation to an increase in 15N/14N ratio of the Rhone River POM which influenced surface water in the Gulf of Lions. As it is important to determine true baseline values of primary producers for analysing marine food webs, this study demonstrated that C and N isotopic values of surface water POM cannot be used as phytoplankton proxy in coastal areas submitted to high river inputs.  相似文献   

The increasing concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and their resultant climatic and environmental changes have been drawing much attention of the governments of various countries in recent years. The sphere of global influence and the comp…  相似文献   

This paper reports on a mass stranding of seabirds in the North Sea in December 1998. Hundreds of birds were washed ashore alive in Zeeland (SW Netherlands), covered in a whitish, sticky substance, and were transported to a rehabilitation centre. About 10 days later, more (dead) casualties washed ashore further to the north on Texel and along the mainland coast, again covered in a glue-like substance. Common guillemots Uria aalge, northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis and common scoters Melanitta nigra were the most numerous birds affected in this incident. Both strandings were temporarily (10 days) and geographically separated (ca. 120 km apart), but were apparently caused by a single source of pollution. The meteorology at the time was consistent with the course of a single incident. At least 1100 seabirds were affected by this substance, soon identified as polyisobutylene (C4H8)n. PIB is known as a non-toxic, non-aggressive substance. Volunteers cleaning the birds in the rehabilitation centre reported serious discomfort and dizziness and the soft parts of the PIB-affected birds found dead (bill, eye, throat, feet, webs) appeared to dissolve in a few days time. Both effects cannot be attributed to PIB, and are therefore unexplained. Although the dumping of PIB in the marine environment is not explicitly prohibited under MARPOL, the effects on wildlife observed are enough to plead for counter-measures.  相似文献   

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