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The role of national parks and protected areas in National Conservation Strategies (NCS), a key element in the 1980 World Conservation Strategy, is analyzed for the nine countries of Australia, Belize, Canada, Czechoslovakia, India, Senegal, the United Kingdom, Vietnam and Zambia. These NCS responses are described, evaluated and synthesized primarily for 12 national park and protected area functions identified through a review of the recent literature. National parks and protected areas are found to be involved in the nine NCS in uneven and less than optimal ways. Furthermore, little relationship can be found among the various proposed roles of national parks and protected areas and the socio-economic and other characteristics of the nine countries under study. As a basis for improving both NCS and the role of national parks and protected areas, a better NCS information system is recommended for the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) headquarters, Gland, Switzerland. IUCN Commissions also are urged to be more active in NCS work. More research also is recommended especially on the role of national parks and protected areas in regard to regional planning and development, indigenous and local people, and comprehensive land use management. Finally, special efforts should be made by IUCN, and other related international, national, provincial and regional agencies, to ensure their personnel are knowledgeable about NCS and the range of functions that national parks and protected areas can contribute to them, and so to sustainable development globally.  相似文献   

Bob McKercher 《GeoJournal》1993,29(3):307-313
Australia's conservation and parks organisations have become actively involved in the debate over tourism use of national parks and their associated wilderness areas. To date, at least seven organisations have produced at least ten formal policy statements and submissions. This paper presents an analysis of these policy statements.The policies reviewed use a narrow definition of tourism, based on the presence or absence of commercial, private sector activity. If commercial activity exists, then tourism exists; if not, then it is considered to be recreation. This distinction reflects the widely held opinion among many environmentalists that non-commercial use of national parks is acceptable, but that commercial use is essentially unacceptable, even though the groups may be participating in the same activity. The author argues that while making a number of valuable suggestions, these policies suffer from major conceptual flaws that minimise their contribution to the debate on acceptable human uses of parks.The author concludes by making a number of recommendations to rectify the conceptual flaws inherent in the policies.  相似文献   

The ratio of dollar value of exports of manufactured goods to dollar value of raw materials serves as an indicator of industrial and technological levels of different nations. When compared with gross national products, the ratio reveals differences between nations that are generally known for manufacturing, for geological (non-renewable) raw materials, and for biological (renewable) raw materials.  相似文献   

基于地表能量平衡与SCS模型的祁连山水源涵养能力研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
聂忆黄 《地学前缘》2010,17(3):269-275
基于区域水量平衡,利用地表能量平衡的原理计算陆地实际蒸散发量,采用SCS模型计算地表径流量,提出了一种定量评估区域水源涵养量的实用方法。利用该方法和GIS软件平台,结合1982-2003年遥感数据和对祁连山水源涵养重要区水源涵养能力强弱的空间分布及其变化规律进行了计算和分析。结果表明:(1)祁连山山地水源涵养重要区内水源涵养能力最强的区域为中部和东南部地区,而西部地区涵养水源的能力相对较弱;(2)祁连山山地水源涵养重要区内中部和靠东南部的水源涵养能力减弱比较明显,特别是以门源回族自治县为中心,形成了水源涵养能力持续减弱带。  相似文献   

1980—2017年祁连山水源涵养量时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁连山是中国西北地区十分重要的生态安全屏障,也是当地极为关键的水源涵养区。基于InVEST模型中的产水量模块,对祁连山水源涵养量和时空变化进行了分析并探讨其影响因素。结果表明:祁连山多年平均产水总量和水源涵养总量约为93.03×108 m3和57.83×108 m3。从时间变化来看,水源涵养量呈上升趋势,上升速率约为0.196 mm·a-1;在空间上呈“东多西少”的分布格局,与年降水量的空间分布大致相同。不同土地利用类型下的水源涵养总量依次为:草地(31.87×108 m3)>林地(16.71×108 m3)>耕地(4.92×108 m3)>其他用地(2.29×108 m3)>建设用地(0.63×108 m3)。降水量与水源涵养量在所有研究时段内均存在显著正相关性。不同时期土地利用类型的变化也会对水源涵养量产生重要影响,研究区草地面积变化对水源涵养量影响较大。根据建立的经验公式并参考已有研究成果,估算得出研究区多年冻土地下冰储量在550 km3以上,在全球气候变暖的背景下,消融趋势明显。研究可为祁连山水资源合理配置和生态系统保护提供参考。  相似文献   

易朝露  崔之久 《冰川冻土》1994,16(3):265-273
本采用薄片法对新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯河流域和天山乌鲁木齐河源区冰上融出碛、冰下融出碛和滞碛的孔隙特征进行了分析。冰上融出碛以不规则大孔隙为主,孔隙的孔径分布范围广,而受到静冰压力和冰川剪切的冰下融出碛和滞碛则以规则的圆孔隙和扁孔隙为主,视孔径主要集中于3-4ψ处。  相似文献   

Tornado shelters and the manufactured home parks market   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Manufactured or mobile homes represent a fast growing portion of the housing market but are particularly vulnerable to tornadoes. In the US over 40% of tornado fatalities occur in mobile homes even though they comprise about 8% of US housing units. We examine the market for tornado shelters in manufactured home parks in Oklahoma. Almost 60% of parks in the state have shelters, with 90% of the shelters underground. Parks with shelters are not concentrated in urban areas but spread across the state, with parks with shelters in 32 counties. We find that rents for lots in parks with shelters are 5–8% higher, which generates sufficient revenue to approximately pay for shelters, but the point estimate is statistically significant in only one specification.
Daniel Sutter (Corresponding author)Email:

Manganiferous quartz-mica schists (4 m in stratigraphic thickness) overlie epidote amphibolite in the Chiroro River area, Hidaka Mountains, Hokkaido. The schist layers have a considerable range of A/F ratios and bulk oxidation ratios which vary from 21.5 to 100. Manganese contents are from 4 to 30 times higher than that of the average shale with 0.09% MnO. The schists are essentially quartz-white mica-biotite-Mn garnet-tourmaline-±epidote-magnetite assemblages. A highly oxidized layer (5–8 cm thick) 95 cm above the epidote amphibolite contact is characterized by viridine-piemontite-spessartine-Mn white mica-Mn tourmaline-Ti-Mn haematite indicative of both high initial manganese content and very high f O2 conditions of recrystallization.Viridine contains up to 17 mol% Mn3+SiO5 and coexists with piemontite with between 13.6 and 15.4 wt% Mn2O3. Mn-poor-Fe-rich (Ps32) epidote occurs in the less oxidized schist enclosing the viridine-piemontite bearing seam. Garnets vary widely in composition with end member variations (mol%) of Spess22.9–80.5; And0.2–11.7; Alm1.1–57.1; Pyr2.0–12.2; Gross7.0–49.0. The more manganiferous garnets occur in rocks with higher oxidation ratios while almandiferous varieties occur in schists with low oxidation ratios. Biotite ranges from green to red-brown varieties (increasing Ti and Fe) with Mg/ (Mg+Fe) ratios varying from 56 to 48. Ten to fifteen percent octahedral R2+ is replaced by Al indicating a trend towards eastonite-siderophyllite. The white micas deviate only slightly from dioctahedral stoichiometry but have up to 25% of octahedral sites occupied by Fe, Mg and to a lesser extent Mn and Ti as R2+ Si4+2Al3+ and in highly oxidized rocks as (Fe,Mn)3+Al3+. The white mica in the highly oxidized viridine-piemontite schist is pale pinkishorange, exhibits reverse pleochroism, and has between 0.30 and 0.43 wt% Mn2O3.There is a close comparison, both in terms of stratigraphic thickness and Fe-Mn variation, between the Chiroro schist sequence and many oceanic cores so that the bulk chemistry and mineralogy of the pelitic schists is largely an extension of the original Eh-pH conditions of hemipelagic sedimentation and post-depositional adjustments during diagenesis. The thin viridine-piemontite bearing schist is correlated with an oxidized, Fe-Mn rich layer commonly found in present day oceanic cores. The viridine presumably formed by reaction of original ferro-manganese microgranules and clay minerals. Halmrolytic alteration of the underlying metabasalt resulted in leaching of Mn and Fe (in particular) into the overlying sediments and the formation of concentrations of haematite — manganese oxide — Mn garnet along the schist-epidote amphibolite contact.Estimation of the P-T conditions of metamorphism from the phase relations and compositions in the epidote amphibolite associated with the manganiferous schist gives T °C = 530560 and a minimum P fluid > 3 kb which corresponds to the epidote amphibolite facies of Barrovian-type terrains.This paper is dedicated to Professor Kenzo Yagi on the occasion of his retirement from the Chair of Mineralogy, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan  相似文献   

哈纳斯湖地区地貌与湖的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈纳斯湖位于阿尔泰山深处,最大水深188.5m,平均水深122.1m。横断面具典型的箱形形态,在其底部存在现代活动地堑。湖盆的成因是强烈的构造断陷加上山谷冰川的创蚀及终碛垄的堰塞。随着终绩垄被出流下切,湖泊面积变小。  相似文献   

Major mountain environments of the world are delineated and all their protected areas (MTNPA) are listed by IUCN categories. MTNPA are those places subjected to nature conservation such as national parks and nature reserves. A total of 442 IUCN Category I–IV areas with a minimal size of 10,000 ha and a minimal relief of 500 m are listed. These MTNPA constitute 42 percent of the world's area devoted to nature conservation. Summaries of the mountain protected areas in each biogeographical realm are given, sites of international importance are identified and observations are made on lacunae. The review concludes with six recommendations for more and better managed mountain parks and reserves.  相似文献   

The State of Kansas, as an energy-producing and agriculture-based state, faces problems in production of natural resources and potential pollution from their production. To coordinate information on the exploration, production, and use of coal, nuclear, petroleum, natural gas, hydro, wind, geothermal, coalbed methane, biofuel, solar, and other energy resources, the Kansas Energy Council and the University of Kansas Energy Research Center were created. Water, surface and subsurface, is the other important and maybe the most important natural resource in the welfare of the state. To ease the problems of contamination, situations are monitored by regulatory agencies: the Kansas Corporation Commission, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and Division of Water Resources of the Kansas Department of Agriculture. The Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) at the University of Kansas serves as the archive for energy and natural resource data and conducts research pertinent to the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, including energy and water. The Kansas Energy Research Center coordinates and supports energy activities. The Kansas Water Office and the staff for the Kansas Water Authority are charged with water planning and preparing reports on water problems and possible solutions. The cost of preserving the environment in a relatively pristine state really is of no concern considering the possible consequences; living conditions should be preserved to assure future generations, a suitable, sustainable, stable environment. With all the dire predictions for the future and energy-producing and pollution problems, Kansas is a model state in this modern industrial age for protecting the environment and is a leader in conservation.
Daniel F. MerriamEmail:

Radiocarbon‐dated sediment cores from six lakes in the Ahklun Mountains, south‐western Alaska, were used to interpolate the ages of late Quaternary tephra beds ranging in age from 25.4 to 0.4 ka. The lakes are located downwind of the Aleutian Arc and Alaska Peninsula volcanoes in the northern Bristol Bay area between 159° and 161°W at around 60°N. Sedimentation‐rate age models for each lake were based on a published spline‐fit procedure that uses Monte Carlo simulation to determine age model uncertainty. In all, 62 14C ages were used to construct the six age models, including 23 ages presented here for the first time. The age model from Lone Spruce Pond is based on 18 ages, and is currently the best‐resolved Holocene age model available from the region, with an average 2σ age uncertainty of about ± 109 years over the past 14.5 ka. The sedimentary sequence from Lone Spruce Pond contains seven tephra beds, more than previously found in any other lake in the area. Of the 26 radiocarbon‐dated tephra beds at the six lakes and from a soil pit, seven are correlated between two or more sites based on their ages. The major‐element geochemistry of glass shards from most of these tephra beds supports the age‐based correlations. The remaining tephra beds appear to be present at only one site based on their unique geochemistry or age. The 5.8 ka tephra is similar to the widespread Aniakchak tephra [3.7 ± 0.2 (1σ) ka], but can be distinguished conclusively based on its trace‐element geochemistry. The 3.1 and 0.4 ka tephras have glass major‐ and trace‐element geochemical compositions indistinguishable from prominent Aniakchak tephra, and might represent redeposited beds. Only two tephra beds are found in all lakes: the Aniakchak tephra (3.7 ± 0.2 ka) and Tephra B (6.1 ± 0.3 ka). The tephra beds can be used as chronostratigraphic markers for other sedimentary sequences in the region, including cores from Cascade and Sunday lakes, which were previously undated and were analyzed in this study to correlate with the new regional tephrostratigraphy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two distinct crustal provinces have been identified in the southern mid-continent based on U–Pb crystallization ages. Both contain large volumes of undeformed granite and rhyolite, with minor amounts of metamorphic rock and mafic intrusions. The Eastern Granite-Rhyolite province is characterized by felsic rocks with crystallization ages of 1,470 ± 30 Ma and exposures are restricted to the St. Francois Mountains in southeastern Missouri. Similarly, the Southern Granite-Rhyolite (SGR) province is characterized by felsic units with ages of 1,370 ± 30 Ma with primary exposures in the eastern Arbuckle Mountains of southern Oklahoma. Within the SGR province three magmatic pulses can be identified starting at 1,400, 1,370, and 1,340 Ma. Although the crystallization ages are different, the Sm–Nd isotopic signatures are similar for the units exposed in these areas as well as the buried basement in between. Depleted mantle model ages for rocks within the Arbuckle Mountains range from 1,530 to 1,430 Ma with ɛNd(t) values of +3.2 to +4.1 while units of the St. Francois Mountains range from 1,550 to 1,430 Ma and +4.5 to +4.7. Comparison of Sm–Nd isotopic data also indicate similarities between the 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd ratios for the rock units in these areas suggesting a common source.  相似文献   

在矿业市场发达的国家和地区,矿管部门对矿业权的申请和管理基本有一套透明、规范、可操作性强并且较灵活的程序。本文以加拿大萨斯喀彻温省为例,详细介绍了该省各矿业权的特点,持证人的权力和义务要求,对国内矿业权管理的进一步完善或有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高顶山矿区位于广安华蓥市城区东南约5km处。长期的采矿活动,导致区内矿山地质环境问题突出,严重影响华蓥山地区人民的生命财产安全。矿山地质环境问题亟待解决。本文通过分析区内主要存在的矿山地质环境问题,提出通过矿山地质灾害、矿山土地恢复、矿山地形地貌景观恢复治理,河道综合整治、道路修复、生态保育、产业提升等措施;消除安全隐患,保障区内人民生命财产安全;改善生态环境,实现华蓥山地区生态环境全面恢复,生态环境质量提升,提高环境承载力,实现区内"山青、水秀、林美、田良"的目标。并对区内的产业转型升级进行了探讨,提出将高顶山矿区建设成具有科普和教育价值的旅游景观目的地;利用矿区独具特色工业人文景观和别致的自然景观,将高顶山矿区建设成集"科普、休闲、康养、户外、探秘"五大功能于一体的矿山公园,推动矿业经济转型升级,促进产业结构转型和经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

Metabasaltic rocks in the Klamath Mountains of California with ‘komatiitic’ major element concentrations were investigated in order to elucidate the origin of the magnesian signature. Trace-element concentrations preserve relict igneous trends and suggest that the rocks are not komatitic basalts, but immature arc rocks and within-plate alkalic lavas. Correlation of ‘excess’ MgO with the volume per cent hornblende (±clinopyroxene) suggests that the presence of cumulus phases contributes to the MgO-rich compositions. Early submarine alteration produced regional δ18O values of +10±1.5%° and shifts in Al2O3, Na2O, and K2O concentrations. Regional metamorphic grade in the study area varies from biotite-zone greenschist facies (350–550°C, c. 3 kbar) southward to prehnite–actinolite facies (200–400°C, ≤3 kbar), but little isotopic or elemental change occurred during the regional recrystallization. The greenschist facies assemblage is actinolitic hornblende + phengite + epidote + sodic plagioclase + microcline + chlorite + titanite + hematite + quartz in Ti-poor metabasaltic rocks; in addition to these phases biotite is present in Ti-rich analogues. Lower grade greenstones contain prehnite and more nearly stoichiometric actinolite. The moderate to low pressures of regional metamorphism are compatible with P–T conditions in a magmatic arc. Later contact metamorphism at 2–2.9±0.5 kbar and at peak temperatures approaching 600° C around the English Peak and Russian Peak granodiorites produced 3–4–km-wide aureoles typified by gradual, systematic increases in the pargasite content of amphibole, muscovite content of potassic white mica, and anorthite content of plagioclase compositions. Metasomatism during contact metamorphism produced further increases in bulk-rock δ18OSMOW of as much as +6%°. Thus, the unusually MgO-rich nature of the Sawyers Bar rocks may be attributed at least partly to metasomatism and the presence of magnesian cumulus phases.  相似文献   

For analytical, inventory, and a variety of other basic types of geological data the main functions of an information management system can adequately be accommodated by simple systems in which comprehensiveness is compromised in favor of practicality and ease of implementation. Albeit possessing some shortcomings, such a strategy is likely to prove profitable particularly to geologists in developing nations who are confronted with the task of self-developing much needed geological data systems in the face of limited electronic data processing resources. Based on the experience of the Geological Survey of Israel, several considerations and practical guidelines for the design and implementation of such systems can be outlined. Data bases should be limited in their scope to specific subjects or projects, be designed to serve existing and only the more realistic foreseeable needs, and include provisions for merger and intelligent communication with related files. Such data bases typically contain logically simple-structured information and are small in size. Revision, deletion, and update transactions are infrequent; the search criteria for retrieval are for the most part predictable and a fast response time is not essential. These attributes prescribe a preference for simple fixed- or semi-free-format sequential files which, in turn, simplify appreciably the programming of the supporting software. Input forms should be meticulously planned with due consideration given to aspects of software compatibility, user convenience and acceptance, and efficiency in data gathering. The use of standard forms should be integrated into the institution's routine to facilitate direct data entry by each contributor, thereby improving and economizing the data collection process, and to secure data capture at its acquisition level (field, laboratory). The user's more immediate retrieval needs are adequately satisfied by a master list, documenting the entire data base and a number of external inverted index directories cross-referencing the master list according to the attributes by which the file is most likely to be searched. Further development of output capabilities should be directed to provide for flexible retrieval by multikey query functions and base map posting. For data files storing raw chemical analyses of rocks and water samples, the incorporation of processing capabilities to compute interpretative geochemical parameters as an integral part of the system's output is particularly useful. Paper presented at the 25th International Geological Congress, Section 16A, Sydney, Australia, August 1976.  相似文献   

The Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement (GFA) signed in 1998 has been presented by many, including those in Irish nationalist circles, as a sign of a post-national de-territorialisation of Irish national identity, made possible or even necessary by globalisation. Studying the discourses of the main Irish constitutional nationalist parties in both Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, prior to and after the GFA, this article argues that this process is best understood instead as a dialectical unfolding of deterritorialising and reterritorialising trends. The first section analyses the concepts and theories of the de/reterritorialisation debate and proposes a theoretical framework through which the de/reterritorialisation of national identities might be understood. The second section sets the groundwork for the terms in which such a framework might be applied to the territorial claims advanced by the main Irish nationalist constitutional parties. Finally, the third section examines the complex history of competing claims over the importance of territory in both cultural and political Irish nationalist movements, Specific attention is given to debates over the GFA. It is concluded that Irish nationalism has long been divided on the status of its territorial ambitions. As such recent literature on de/reterritorialism can both inform and be informed by work on Irish nation and state building.  相似文献   

Matthew Himley 《Geoforum》2009,40(5):832-842
The Ecuadorian sierra, or Andean region, has during recent decades witnessed a marked expansion of nature conservation initiatives. This paper explores the relations and tensions between this proliferation of conservation interventions and the struggles of rural Andean communities to assert territorial authority and to consolidate their livelihoods. Through an analysis of three rounds of conservation initiatives in an indigenous campesino cooperative in the south-central sierra, I argue for a conceptualization of the outcomes and trajectories of conservation as coproduced through histories of interaction between conservation actors and rural resource users. Within this analytical framework, I underscore the importance of taking into account the agency of rural communities, their historical landscape claims, and the dynamism of their livelihood interests.  相似文献   

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