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场地条件对地面加速度峰值离散性的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文在研究了数百个工程场地钻孔资料的基础上,选取和构造了209个有代表性的典型场地剖面,利用目前工程上广泛应用的一维等效线性化波动方法,进行了6种输入强度下(30gal、50gal、100gal、150gal、200gal、300gal)的场地土层地震反应分析.在计算时对每种工况均采用9条互不相关的基岩加速度时程作为输入地震波,同时用均方差来定量评估所得到的地面加速度峰值的离散性,发现计算结果离散性很大,其最大均方差为0.206,最小均方差为0.138,且离散性随基岩地震动输入强度的增大而变大,随场地类别的变差也变大.  相似文献   

竖向与水平向地震动加速度峰值比统计特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以强地面运动加速度记录为基础,研究了竖向与水平向加速度峰值比值(V/H)的统计分布特征。结果表明,V/H服从对数正态分布。对记录按震级、震中距、场地条件和震源机制进行分类统计,研究了这些因素对V/H的影响。统计分析结果显示,V/H与震级的关系不明显;V/H随距离的增大而减小,在软土场地上尤为明显;V/H与场地条件有很大关系,在近场(R≤60km)土层场地要高于基岩场地,而在远场则相反;震源机制对V/H有较大影响,特别是在近场。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省158个场地安全性评价结果的分析,讨论了不同的超越概率下水平地震动峰值加速度之间的关系以及不同的场地条件对基岩峰值加速度的放大效应。结果对甘肃地区地震安全性评价中水平地震动峰值加速度的取值提供必要的参考。  相似文献   

地震动参数衰减关系描述了地震动参数随震级和距离等因素的变化情况,选取合适的地震动衰减关系是地震危险性分析中确定工程场地地震动参数的关键环节。本文收集、整理和分析了中国西部地区2012年3月9日—2017年9月16日间发生的42次地震事件中获取的强震动记录资料,并选择了3个国际上基于不同地区强震动记录数据建立的地震动加速度衰减关系(ASB11、SCEMY97和LLCS11),开展了加速度衰减关系计算结果与中国西部强震动记录值的对比研究。比较了衰减关系峰值加速度的预测中值与实际记录值之间的差异,并分析了其残差随震级和距离的变化。得到了以下结论:①相比于SCEMY97和LLCS11,ASB11更适合于中国西部地区;②研究中国西部地区的衰减关系时,有必要考虑高频地震动的震级饱和现象。同时,对于如何修正已有衰减关系以使其更适合于中国西部地区给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Earthquake Researeh in Ch一na461 .METHODLet R be some value measured or estimated as a sequenee ina’‘Past”time interval(一丁,O)(I)万‘月,=(RI,…,R。),R,之R。,R=nlaX l二f匕11(RI,…,R,,) Values(l)eould have an arbitrary Physieal nature.BelowweshalleonsiderEq.(l)asearthquakemagnitudes in a given seismic aetive region or logarithms of seismie Peak ground aeeelerations at习given site.Ro isa而nimum eutoff value;it 15 defined by Possibilities of registration systems or wasehosen as the …  相似文献   

Peak acceleration attenuation relations for horizontal and vertical components are presented for the Dinarides region, based on 145 3-component accelerograms related to 46 earthquakes with local magnitudes of 4.5 or greater and with epicentral distances of less than 200 km as recorded on 39 recording sites in the greater Dinarides region. The attenuation functions were obtained by two-stage stratified regression on the local magnitude and epicentral distance as independent variables. The predicted peak acceleration values within the distance range covered by the data are comparable to the ones obtained for stiff-soil or rock sites when selected reference relations are used. The rather large average residuals are caused mostly by the lack of information on local site conditions and by the use of epicentral distance instead of fault distance.  相似文献   

不同超越概率水平PGA关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以核动力工程和大型水电等工程场地地震危险性分析结果为样本,统计分析了我国不同超越概率水平的基岩水平向地震动峰值加速度(PGA)之间的关系。结果表明:①PGA随超越概率水平增大,其降低幅度存在稳定的比例关系;②上述关系在不同地区和不同基本烈度地区没有显著差异。  相似文献   

中国东部和西部地区水平向基岩加速度反应谱衰减关系   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
根据核安全法规和导则,对核电厂选址地震安全评价中发震构造与能动断层的关系,以及发震构造与能动断层鉴定的时代问题进行了分析,并结合近年来核电厂选址评价中存在的问题,对发震构造与能动断层的评价方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

针对3类不同的典型场地条件下的单层双跨地铁车站结构,采用土-地下结构整体动力时程分析方法,分析了地震动水平输入时峰值位移和峰值速度差异对地下结构地震反应的影响。结果表明,地震动峰值速度差异对地下结构地震反应的影响,在硬土场地条件下较大,中硬场地条件下次之,软土场地条件下最小;地震动峰值位移差异对不同场地条件下的地下结构的地震反应无明显影响。  相似文献   

Wellhead protection programs implemented to this date have not, in general, included a comprehensive ground water monitoring strategy. This is due both to the relatively recent introduction of the wellhead protection concept into the ground water field and also to the complexity of the monitoring problem. A well-planned monitoring program, however, can contribute significantly to the success of a wellhead protection program. The elements of wellhead protection, important from a monitoring perspective, are the management objectives, the types of potential contaminant sources, and the locations of those sources with respect to the wellhead protection area boundary. General monitoring strategies applicable to wellhead protection are derived from the relationships between these elements.  相似文献   

利用目前工程上广泛应用的一维土层地震反应计算程序对成都平原某典型卵石场地剖面进行了计算,得到了不同输入地震强度下的加速度峰值随输入界面处剪切波速增大的变化规律。结果表明,无论是地表加速度峰值,还是地下5m处的加速度峰值,在相同的地震动输入强度下,均随着输入界面处剪切波速值的增大呈对数形式增大。且在小震输入下的增加速率最快,中震输入下的增加速率次之,大震输入下增加的速率最慢。当地震动输入界面处剪切波速值从500m/s增加至800m/s时,加速度峰值均增大20%以上,最大达到32%。统计得到的二者间的经验关系式,可作为本地区具有相似场地条件工程换算加速度峰值的经验公式,为工程抗震设计人员提供参考。  相似文献   

This article presents equations for the estimation of horizontal strong ground motions caused by shallow crustal earthquakes with magnitudes Mw 5 and distance to the surface projection of the fault less than 100km. These equations were derived by weighted regression analysis, used to remove observed magnitude-dependent variance, on a set of 595 strong-motion records recorded in Europe and the Middle East. Coefficients are included to model the effect of local site effects and faulting mechanism on the observed ground motions. The equations include coefficients to model the observed magnitude-dependent decay rate. The main findings of this study are that: short-period ground motions from small and moderate magnitude earthquakes decay faster than the commonly assumed 1/r, the average effect of differing faulting mechanisms is not large and corresponds to factors between 0.8 (normal and odd) and 1.3 (thrust) with respect to strike-slip motions and that the average long-period amplification caused by soft soil deposits is about 2.6 over those on rock sites. Disappointingly the standard deviations associated with the derived equations are not significantly lower than those found in previous studies.  相似文献   

This article presents equations for the estimation of vertical strong ground motions caused by shallow crustal earthquakes with magnitudes Mw 5 and distance to the surface projection of the fault less than 100km. These equations were derived by weighted regression analysis, used to remove observed magnitude-dependent variance, on a set of 595 strong-motion records recorded in Europe and the Middle East. Coefficients are included to model the effect of local site effects and faulting mechanism on the observed ground motions. The equations include coefficients to model the observed magnitude-dependent decay rate. The main findings of this study are that: short-period ground motions from small and moderate magnitude earthquakes decay faster than the commonly assumed 1/r, the average effect of differing faulting mechanisms is similar to that observed for horizontal motions and is not large and corresponds to factors between 0.7 (normal and odd) and 1.4 (thrust) with respect to strike-slip motions and that the average long-period amplification caused by soft soil deposits is about 2.1 over those on rock sites.  相似文献   

场地条件对地震动特性影响显著,在抗震设计反应谱的确定过程中,需根据场地条件对加速度反应谱予以相应的调整。已有场地条件影响调整方案研究成果,均基于数值模拟或局部地区强震动记录统计,多数仅给出了峰值加速度PGA场地条件影响调整系数,对非线性的考虑缺乏观测数据依据。为此在全球强震动记录统计获得的PGA归一化加速度反应谱和日本钻井台阵记录获得的加速度反应谱平台值非线性衰减指数的基础上,结合钻孔模型数值模拟和近期研究成果,建立了考虑场地条件影响非线性的地震动加速度反应谱场地条件影响调整系数方案。  相似文献   

First-arrival traveltimes from a multi-offset vertical seismic profile (VSP) were used to estimate velocity anisotropy in the presence of a vertical velocity gradient. A numerical model consisting of two layers with vertical velocity gradients of 3.1 and 1.2 s−1, respectively, and global anisotropy parameters of =0.12±0.02 and δ=0.30±0.06 yielded first-arrival traveltimes that matched the observed traveltimes well. Shallow receivers were found to be crucial for constraining the vertical velocity field and for determining the parameters of anisotropy at depth.  相似文献   

Residuals of the peak horizontal acceleration for site-independent attenuation relations are shown to have weak positive correlation with the average observed peak horizontal/vertical acceleration ratio (q) at the recording site. This ratio systematically increases as the hardness of the soil decreases. Taking the average observed q at the recording station into account reduces the scatter of data slightly in fitting the assumed peak acceleration attenuation law. If the soil classification of the data is available, soil dependence is found to be weaker if the data are corrected for the effect of q prior to regression. This correction reduced the mean value of q = 1.85 for the Dinarides area to q = 1.52, which, on the average, is characteristic of rock sites.  相似文献   

田建慧  罗艳 《地震》2019,39(2):110-121
本文收集了1976—2018年发生在中国大陆及其周边地区(15°~55°N, 65°~125°E)的4303个地震震源机制解, 分析了该区震源机制解和P、 T轴空间分布特征, 并使用这些震源机制解, 反演得到了中国大陆及周边地区二维构造应力场分布。 应力场反演结果表明, 云南大部、 青藏高原大部以及华北华南大部以走滑型应力性质为主, 印度洋板块与欧亚板块的强烈碰撞控制着中国西部地区, 大量的逆断型地震集中分布在青藏高原周缘和西域活动地块的天山地区。 青藏高原内部也存在正断型地震, 且应力场方向在26°N发生了很大的变化。 位于青藏高原东构造线以南的滇缅活动块体, 最大主压应力σ1方向在大致100°E发生突变, 由以西的NNE方向偏转到NNW方向。 中国东部的东北块体到华北块体再到华南块体, 最大主压应力方向有一个从NE向逐渐转变成EW向再变化到NW向的旋转趋势。 应力场总体结果表明, 中国东部应力场主要受到太平洋板块和菲律宾板块对欧亚大陆俯冲的作用, 中国西部主要受印度板块向北碰撞欧亚大陆的影响, 块体内部相互作用、 块体与断裂带相互作用也对应力场变化产生影响。  相似文献   

A full-scale ground water circulation well (GCW) system was installed and operated to demonstrate in situ remediation of soil and ground water impacted with a mixture of chlorinated and nonchlorinated organic compounds at a Superfund site in upstate New York. System performance and applicability under site-specific conditions were evaluated based on the system's ability to meet the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) cleanup goals for target compounds in ground water and soil. Contaminants from the unsaturated zone were mobilized (volatilized) by one-way vacuum extraction, and treated via enhanced biodegradation (bioventing). In the saturated zone, contaminants were mobilized by soil flushing (solubilized) and treated by a combination of air stripping and biodegradation. An in situ aqueous phase bioreactor, and an ex situ gas phase bioreactor, were integrated into the system to enhance treatment via bioremediation. After 15 months of operation, the mass of target contaminants in soil and ground water combined had been reduced by 75%. Removal by biological mechanisms ranged from 35% to 56% of the total observed mass reduction. The in situ and the ex situ bioreactors mineralized 79% and 76%, respectively, of their target biodegradable contaminant loads. Results indicate that some mass reduction in target contaminants may have been from aerobic and aerobic processes within the circulation cell. Nonchlorinated compounds were relatively easy to mobilize (volatilize, solubilize, and/or transport) and treat when compared to chlorinated compounds. The data collected during the 15-month study indicate that remediation could be accomplished at the Sweden-3 Chapman site using the technology tested.  相似文献   

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