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Within the framework of a large research project launched to assess the feasibility of microseismic monitoring of growing underground caverns, this specific work focuses on the analysis of the induced seismicity recorded in a salt mine environment. A local seismic network has been installed over an underground salt cavern located in the Lorraine basin (Northeast of France). The microseismic network includes four 3-components and three single component geophones deployed at depths between 30 and 125 m in cemented boreholes drilled in the vicinity of the study area. The underground cavern under monitoring is located within a salt layer at 180 m depth and it presents a rather irregular shape that can be approximated by a cylindrical volume of 50 m height and 180 m diameter. Presently, the cavern is full of saturated brine inducing a significant pressure on its walls (~2.0 MPa) to keep the overburden mechanically stable. Nevertheless some small microseismic events were recorded by the network and analyzed (approximately 2,000 events in 2 years of recording). In October 2005 and April 2007, two controlled pressure transient experiments were carried out in the cavern, in order to analyze the mechanical response of the overburden by tracking the induced microseismicity. The recorded events were mainly grouped in clusters of 3–30 s of signal duration with emergent first arrivals and rather low frequency content (between 20 and 120 Hz). Some of these events have been spatially located by travel-time picking close to the actual cavern and its immediate roof. Preliminary spectral analysis of isolated microearthquakes suggests sources with non-negligible tensile components possibly related to fluid-filled cracks. Rock-debris falling into the cavern from delamination of clay marls in the immediate roof is probably another source of seismic excitation. This was later confirmed when the most important seismic swarms occurred at the site during May 2007, accompanied by the detachment of more than 8 × 104 m3 of marly material on top of the cavern roof. In any case, no clear evidence of classical brittle ruptures in the most competent layers of the overburden has been observed during the analyzed period. Current work is focused on the discrimination of all these possible mechanisms to better understand the damage processes in the cavern overburden and to assess its final collapse hazard.  相似文献   

Over the last 25 years mining-induced seismicity in the Ruhr area has continuously been monitored by the Ruhr-University Bochum. About 1,000 seismic events with local magnitudes between 0.7 ≤ M L ≤ 3.3 are located every year. For example, 1,336 events were located in 2006. General characteristics of induced seismicity in the entire Ruhr area are spatial and temporal correlation with mining activity and a nearly constant energy release per unit time. This suggests that induced stresses are released rapidly by many small events. The magnitude–frequency distribution follows a Gutenberg–Richter relation which is a result from combining distributions of single longwalls that themselves show large variability. A high b-value of about 2 was found indicating a lack of large magnitude events. Local analyses of single longwalls indicate that various factors such as local geology and mine layout lead to significant differences in seismicity. Stress redistribution acts very locally since differences on a small scale of some hundreds of meters are observed. A regional relation between seismic moment M 0 and local magnitude M L was derived. The magnitude–frequency distribution of a single longwall in Hamm was studied in detail and shows a maximum at M L = 1.4 corresponding to an estimated characteristic source area of about 2,200 m2. Sandstone layers in the hanging or foot wall of the active longwall might fail in these characteristic events. Source mechanisms can mostly be explained by shear failure of two different types above and below the longwall. Fault plane solutions of typical events are consistent with steeply dipping fracture planes parallel to the longwall face and nearly vertical dislocation in direction towards the goaf. We also derive an empirical relation for the decay of ground velocity with epicenter distance and compare maximum observed ground velocity to local magnitude. This is of considerable public interest because about 30 events larger than M L ≥ 1.2 are felt each month by people living in the mining regions. Our relations, for example, indicate that an event in Hamm with a peak ground velocity of 6 mm/s which corresponds to a local magnitude M L between 1.7 and 2.3 is likely to be felt within about 2.3 km radius from the event.  相似文献   

The edifice of Yate volcano, a dissected stratocone in the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, has experienced multiple summit collapses throughout postglacial time restricted to sectors NE and SW of the summit. The largest such historic event occurred on 19th February 1965 when ~6.1–10?×?106 m3 of rock and ice detached from 2,000-m elevation to the SW of the summit and transformed into a debris flow. In the upper part of the flow path, velocities are estimated to have reached 40 m s?1. After travelling 7,500 m and descending 1,490 m, the flow entered an intermontane lake, Lago Cabrera. A wavemaker of estimated volume 9?±?3?×?106 m3 generated a tsunami with an estimated amplitude of 25 m and a run-up of ~60 m at the west end of the lake where a settlement disappeared with the loss of 27 lives. The landslide followed 15 days of unusually heavy summer rain, which may have caused failure by increasing pore water pressure in rock mechanically weathered through glacial action. The preferential collapse directions at Yate result from the volcano’s construction on the dextral strike-slip Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone. Movement on the fault during the lifetime of the volcano is thought to have generated internal instabilities in the observed failure orientations, at ~10° to the fault zone in the Riedel shear direction. This mechanically weakened rock may have led to preferentially orientated glacial valleys, generating a feedback mechanism with collapse followed by rapid glacial erosion, accelerating the rate of incision into the edifice through repeated landslides. Debris flows with magnitudes similar to the 1965 event are likely to recur at Yate, with repeat times of the order of 102 years. With a warming climate, increased glacial meltwater due to snowline retreat and increasing rain, at the expense of snow, may accelerate rates of edifice collapse, with implications for landslide hazard and risk at glaciated volcanoes, in particular those in strike-slip tectonic settings where orientated structural instabilities may exist.  相似文献   

Broadband data from the P?íbram seismological network was used to investigate the source of two earthquakes, with magnitudes M w ?=?0.2 and 0.4 respectively, occurring in the period of October–November 2009 in the Háje natural gas storage area (Czech Republic). Both events were located inside the limits of the storage area and at depths similar to those of the underground caverns where the gas is stored. We applied an inversion technique using the software ISOLA for moment tensor retrieval in order to assess the source process of both events and recognize whether a significant isotropic component existed that could be interpreted as a possible cavern collapse. We also performed an uncertainty analysis so as to confirm the reliability of the focal mechanism solutions and we controlled the consistency between the inverted focal mechanisms and those calculated using the P-waves first motions. Our results showed that the nodal plane orientation, the centroid depth, and the magnitude remained stable. Furthermore, we calculated synthetic waveforms for collapse-type ruptures and compared them with the original records. The match between the synthetic and the original data was very poor supporting the interpretation of the shear character of the events. The combination of the inversion results, which indicated significant double-couple components and of the synthetic tests, which supported the inexistence of an isotropic component at the source, led to the conclusion that the possibility of rocks falling from the ceiling of the caverns or a cavern collapse is highly unlikely.  相似文献   

Recent seismic activity in southern Lebanon is of particular interest since the tectonic framework of this region is poorly understood. In addition, seismicity in this region is very infrequent compared with the Roum fault to the east, which is seismically active. Between early 2008 and the end of 2010, intense seismic activity occurred in the area. This was manifested by several swarm-like sequences and continuous trickling seismicity over many days, amounting in total to more than 900 earthquakes in the magnitude range of 0.5?≤?M d?≤?5.2. The region of activity extended in a 40-km long zone mainly in a N-S direction and was located about 10 km west of the Roum fault. The largest earthquake, with a duration magnitude of M d?=?5.2, occurred on February 15, 2008, and was located at 33.327° N, 35.406° E at a depth of 3 km. The mean-horizontal peak ground acceleration observed at two nearby accelerometers exceeded 0.05 g, where the strongest peak horizontal acceleration was 55 cm/s2 at about 20 km SE of the epicenter. Application of the HypoDD algorithm yielded a pronounced N-S zone, parallel to the Roum fault, which was not known to be seismically active. Focal mechanism, based on full waveform inversion and the directivity effect of the strongest earthquake, suggests left-lateral strike-slip NNW-SSE faulting that crosses the NE-SW traverse faults in southern Lebanon.  相似文献   

We investigate spatio-temporal properties of earthquake patterns in the San Jacinto fault zone (SJFZ), California, between Cajon Pass and the Superstition Hill Fault, using a long record of simulated seismicity constrained by available seismological and geological data. The model provides an effective realization of a large segmented strike-slip fault zone in a 3D elastic half-space, with heterogeneous distribution of static friction chosen to represent several clear step-overs at the surface. The simulated synthetic catalog reproduces well the basic statistical features of the instrumental seismicity recorded at the SJFZ area since 1981. The model also produces events larger than those included in the short instrumental record, consistent with paleo-earthquakes documented at sites along the SJFZ for the last 1,400 years. The general agreement between the synthetic and observed data allows us to address with the long-simulated seismicity questions related to large earthquakes and expected seismic hazard. The interaction between m ≥ 7 events on different sections of the SJFZ is found to be close to random. The hazard associated with m ≥ 7 events on the SJFZ increases significantly if the long record of simulated seismicity is taken into account. The model simulations indicate that the recent increased number of observed intermediate SJFZ earthquakes is a robust statistical feature heralding the occurrence of m ≥ 7 earthquakes. The hypocenters of the m ≥ 5 events in the simulation results move progressively towards the hypocenter of the upcoming m ≥ 7 earthquake.  相似文献   

Seismicity and Casing Failures Due to Steam Stimulation in Oil Sands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—This paper describes observations of seismicity and casing failures associated with steam stimulation operations at Imperial Oil Ltd.’s Cold Lake oil field in Alberta, Canada. A total of 11 oil-producing pads were monitored over a 1–2 year period using 3-component geophones cemented at depths ranging from 160 m to 400 m and data acquisition systems with a flat frequency response up to 1.5 kHz. Most of the seismicity was detected during the steaming operations and was located in the formation overlying the oil-bearing layer. Some activity was observed in the shales above, however, the reservoir itself showed almost no evidence of seismicity. The estimated seismic moment of the observed events was in the range 105–107 N·m (?2.7 < M < ?1.3). According to a theoretical model (Talebi et al., 1998) and in situ observations, the seismic source corresponding to casing failure events should be well described by a dipole registering seismic moment in the order of 2 · 106 N·m. Seismic signals of a total of four observed casing failures were analyzed. The partial failures produced seismic moments slightly lower than this value while total failures were stronger by about one order of magnitude. The use of the SV/SH amplitude ratio, in conjunction with accurate source locations, provided a robust technique for the detection of casing failures.  相似文献   

The spatial-temporal evolution of seismicity is examined, during the initial impoundment of Pournari reservoir located on Arachthos River (Western Greece), as well as for the next 30 years. The results show that, despite the relatively moderate-to-high seismicity from west to east, there is no remarkable earthquake in the vicinity before the first reservoir impoundment. Immediately after the impoundment (January 1981), and during the first 4 months, a considerable number of low-magnitude seismic events were recorded in the broader area of the dam. Moreover, two independent major events occurred on March 10, 1981 (M L ?=?5.6) and April 10, 1981 (M L ?=?4.7) with focal depths 13 and 10 km, respectively. The detailed analysis of the two corresponding aftershock sequences shows that they present different behaviors (e.g., larger b-value and lower magnitude of the main aftershock) than that of other aftershock sequences in Greece. This seismicity is probably due to triggering, via the water loading mechanism and the undrained response due to a flysch appearance on the reservoir basement. The activation of the thrust fault may be attributed to the bulging of evaporites that characterize the disordered structure of W. Greece, via possible water intake. The detailed processing of the recorded seismicity during the period 1982–2010, in comparison with the variations of Pournari Dam water level, shows an increase of shallow seismicity (h?≤?5 km) in the vicinity of the reservoir up to a 10-km distance—in contrast to the initial period, characterized by a number of deeper events due to the background response change from undrained to drained status.  相似文献   

More than 1000 aftershocks were recorded within a month after the occurrence of the ML 5.5, 5 August 2014 Orkney earthquake. The events were relocated using the double difference method as part of an effort to identify the fault which might be the source of the events. A north–south trend of seismicity was revealed by the relocated events, with a diffuse cluster to the north of the main event. A depth profile shows these two clusters: one at a depth of about 2 km to the north of the main event and the other at depth between 3 and 6 km south of the main event. Focal mechanism solutions of 18 aftershocks were determined using first motion polarities from seismic stations of the Council for Geoscience cluster networks. Stress inversion analysis results from the focal mechanism solutions show a dominant extensional stress field in the region; the main event had a strike-slip fault plane solution. This is consistent with the regional stress field which is predominantly related to the East African rift system. It is possible that the occurrence of the main event triggered seismicity on shallower faults within the mining horizons oriented in a different direction to the fault on which the main event occurred. The area has a complex heterogeneous faulting structure as indicated by the observed low p values and complex focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   

The attenuation property of Andaman Island has been investigated analyzing coda waves from 57 local earthquakes in the magnitude range of 2.0–4.9, using the single backscattering model. These earthquakes waveforms, recorded on five broadband seismographs sited over the island from north to south during Nov. 2003 to March 2004, have been used to calculate the frequency dependent Coda Q (Q c ) applying the time domain coda-decay method. The Coda Q, computed at central frequencies from (0.5–12) Hz and five-lapse time windows from 40 to 80 s, progressively increases from 105 f 0.88 in the north Andaman to 135 f 0.79 in the south Andaman with an average of 119 f 0.80. The average Q c values vary from 75 ± 42 at 0.5 Hz to 697 ± 54 at 12 Hz central frequency for 40 s lapse time window, while for 80 s lapse time window its variation is from 117 ± 38 at 0.5 Hz to 1256 ± 115 at 12 Hz. The Q c estimated at different lapse times manifests a significant variation from 122f 0.75 to 174f 0.73, corresponding to lapse time window lengths of 40 and 80 s, respectively. The variation of Q c with frequency, lapse time and also with the location of seismograph reflects the marked structural and compositional inhomogeneity with depth along the Andaman Islands. These observations are well correlated with the seismicity pattern and distinct high angle subduction beneath the island.  相似文献   

In order to analyze observed seismicity in central Japan and Venezuela, we applied a new method to identify semi-periodic sequences in the occurrence times of large earthquakes, which allows for the presence of multiple periodic sequences and/or events not belonging to any sequence in the time series. We also explored a scheme for diminishing the effects of a sharp cutoff magnitude threshold in selecting the events to analyze. A main four-event sequence with probability P c  = 0.991 of not having occurred by chance was identified for earthquakes with M ≥ 8.0 in central Japan. Venezuela is divided, from West to East, into four regions; for each of these, the magnitude ranges and identified sequences are as follows. Region 1: M ≥ 6.0, a six-event sequence with P c  = 0.923, and a four-event sequence with P c  = 0.706. Region 2: M ≥ 5.6, a five-event sequence with P c  = 0.942. Region 3: M ≥ 5.6, a four-event sequence with P c  = 0.882. Region 4: M ≥ 6.0, a five-event sequence with P c  = 0.891. Forecasts are made and evaluated for all identified sequences having four or more events and probabilities ≥0.5. The last event of all these sequences was satisfactorily aftcast by previous events. Whether the identified sequences do, in fact, correspond to physical processes resulting in semi-periodic seismicity is, of course, an open question; but the forecasts, properly used, may be useful as a factor in seismic hazard estimation.  相似文献   

The 23 October 2011 Van earthquake took place in the NE part of Lake Van area, surprisingly on a fault (the Van fault) that is not present in the current active fault map of Turkey. However, occurrence of such a large magnitude earthquake in the area is not surprising regarding the historical seismicity of the region. The comparison of the damage patterns suggests that the earthquake is much likely a recurrence of the 1715 Van earthquake. The finite fault modelling of the earthquake using teleseismic broadband body waveforms has shown that the earthquake rupture was unilateral toward SW, was mostly reverse faulting, confined to below the depth of 5 km, did not propagate offshore, and was dominated by a failure of a single asperity with a peak slip of about 5.5 m. The total seismic moment calculated for the model is 4.6?×?1019 Nm (M W ?≈?7.1). The finite fault model coincides with the field observations indicating blind faulting and the vertical displacements over the free surface estimated from it correlate well with the maximum reported uplift along the coast of Lake Van above the hanging wall. The possible offshore continuations of the Van fault and some other faults lying its south are also discussed by assessing a previous offshore seismic reflection study and the earthquake epicentres and focal mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the Song Tranh 2 (ST2) hydropower reservoir located in the Quang Nam province, Central Vietnam, earthquakes started occurring soon after impoundment of the reservoir in late 2010. Earthquakes continue to occur in the region, and two earthquakes of M 4.6 and 4.7 on October 22, 2012 and November 15, 2012, respectively, have been reported (Trieu et al. 2014; Giang et al. 2015) in the vicinity of the reservoir. In the present study, b-value has been estimated, and focal mechanism solutions have been computed for the first time using moment tensor inversion approach. Also, the influence of impoundment of reservoir on the occurrence of earthquakes has been computed for the ST2 region based on Coulomb stress. A quality data set of 595 earthquakes recorded for the period of October 2012 to April 2014 at ten stations of the seismic network operated by the Institute of Geophysics (IGP) has been used to calculate b-values for the northern and southern seismicity clusters of the region. In general, the b-values associated with reservoir-triggered seismicity (RTS) are found to be higher than the regional b-values in the frequency-magnitude relation of earthquakes. For the ST2 region, it is found that the b-values for the northern and southern clusters are 0.94 ± 0.04 and 0.90 ± 0.04, respectively. Focal mechanism solutions obtained for the two earthquakes close to the reservoir have a right-lateral strike-slip mechanism, with the preferred planes trending NW-SE. These results are concurrent with the orientation of the nearby local surface faults, which we confirm as the active faults in this region. Influence of the stresses due to reservoir water load on the local seismicity is computed based on the obtained focal mechanism by using the concept of fault stability. It is found that most of the earthquakes occur in the positive Coulomb stress region, which shows the influence of reservoir impoundment on earthquake occurrence in the vicinity. Our results suggest that the local earthquakes are triggered by the impoundment of the ST2 reservoir.  相似文献   

—?An intriguing observation in Greenland is a clear spatial correlation between seismicity and deglaciated areas along passive continental margins, a piece of evidence for earthquake triggering due to postglacial rebound. Another piece of evidence for induced seismicity due to deglaciation derives from earthquake source mechanisms. Sparse, low magnitude seismicity has made it difficult to determine focal mechanisms from Greenland earthquakes. On the basis of two normal faulting events along deglaciated margins and from the spatial distribution of epicenters, earlier investigators suggested that the earthquakes of Greenland are due to postglacial rebound. This interpretation is tested here by using more recent data. Broadband waveforms of teleseismic P waves from the August 10, 1993 (m b = 5.4) and October 14, 1998 (m b = 5.1) earthquakes have been inverted for moment tensors and source parameters. Both mechanisms indicate normal faulting with small strike-slip components: the 1993 event, strike = 348.9°, dip = 41.0°, rake =?56.3°, focal depth = 11?km, seismic moment = 1.03?×?1024 dyne-cm, and M w = 5.3; the 1998 event, strike = 61.6°, dip = 58.0°, rake =?95.5°, focal depth = 5?km, seismic moment = 5.72?×?1023 dyne-cm, and M w = 5.1. These and the two prior events support the theory that the shallow part of the lithosphere beneath the deglaciated margins is under horizontal extension. The observed stress field can be explained as flexural stresses due to removal of ice loads and surface loads by glacial erosion. These local extensional stresses are further enhanced by the spreading stress of continental crust and reactivate preexisting faults. Earthquake characteristics observed from Greenland suggest that the dominant seismogenic stresses are from postglacial rebound and spreading of the continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

The April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake which occurred in Sichuan, China had only moderate thrust. However, the computed seismic moments (M 0) for the Lushan earthquake calculated by several institutions differ significantly from 0.4 × 1019 to 1.69 × 1019 Nm, up to four times difference. We evaluate ten computed M 0s by using normal mode observations from superconducting gravimeters in Mainland China. We compute synthetic normal modes on the basis of moment tensor solutions and fit them to the observed normal modes. Comparison of our results indicates that M 0 is the main cause for some large differences between observations and synthetics. We suggest that a moment magnitude of M w6.6, corresponding to a M 0 of 0.97–1.08 × 1019 Nm, characterizes the size and strength of the seismic source of the Lushan earthquake.  相似文献   

The Canterbury earthquake sequence beginning with the 2010 M W 7.2 Darfield earthquake is one of the most notable and well-recorded crustal earthquake sequences in a low-strain-rate region worldwide and as such provides a unique opportunity to better understand earthquake source physics and ground motion generation in such a tectonic setting. Ground motions during this sequence ranged up to extreme values of 2.2 g, recorded during the February 2011 M W 6.2 event beneath the city of Christchurch. A better understanding of the seismic source signature of this sequence, in particular the stress release and its scaling with earthquake size, is crucial for future ground motion prediction and hazard assessment in Canterbury, but also of high interest for other low-to-moderate seismicity regions where high-quality records of large earthquakes are lacking. Here we present a source parameter study of more than 200 events of the Canterbury sequence, covering the magnitude range M W 3–7.2. Source spectra were derived using a generalized spectral inversion technique and found to be well characterized by the ω ?2 source model. We find that stress drops range between 1 and 20 MPa with a median value of 5 MPa, which is a factor of 5 larger than the median stress drop previously estimated with the same method for crustal earthquakes in much more seismically active Japan. Stress drop scaling with earthquake size is nearly self-similar, and we identify lateral variations throughout Canterbury, in particular high stress drops at the fault edges of the two major events, the M W 7.2 Darfield and M W 6.2 Christchurch earthquakes.  相似文献   

A study of the spatial distribution of seismicity parameters is undertaken along Turkey and its vicinity, using the Gumbel’s third asymptotic distribution of extreme values (GIII). The data set used spans of 111 years (1900–2010). The seismicity of the whole region is subdivided into equal area mesh of 1° lat. × 1° long. Various seismicity parameters examined, resulted from the application of the GIII method. The results show a quite good correlation between the seismicity parameters and the tectonic regime of the studied area. For instance high values concentrated around North Anatolian Fault. The x 2-test is applied throughout the whole process and in every stage of GIII, in order to check the accuracy of the obtained results. The spatial distribution of upper-bound (ω) formed a W-shape pattern, which shows the difference in the mechanical structure of the materials in the examined area.  相似文献   

To study the prospective areas of upcoming strong-to-major earthquakes, i.e., M w  ≥ 6.0, a catalog of seismicity in the vicinity of the Thailand-Laos-Myanmar border region was generated and then investigated statistically. Based on the successful investigations of previous works, the seismicity rate change (Z value) technique was applied in this study. According to the completeness earthquake dataset, eight available case studies of strong-to-major earthquakes were investigated retrospectively. After iterative tests of the characteristic parameters concerning the number of earthquakes (N) and time window (T w ), the values of 50 and 1.2 years, respectively, were found to reveal an anomalous high Z-value peak (seismic quiescence) prior to the occurrence of six out of the eight major earthquake events studied. In addition, the location of the Z-value anomalies conformed fairly well to the epicenters of those earthquakes. Based on the investigation of correlation coefficient and the stochastic test of the Z values, the parameters used here (N = 50 events and T w  = 1.2 years) were suitable to determine the precursory Z value and not random phenomena. The Z values of this study and the frequency-magnitude distribution b values of a previous work both highlighted the same prospective areas that might generate an upcoming major earthquake: (i) some areas in the northern part of Laos and (ii) the eastern part of Myanmar.  相似文献   

Recent developments of the Middle East catalog   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
This article summarizes a recent study in the framework of the Global Earth model (GEM) and the Earthquake Model of the Middle East (EMME) project to establish the new catalog of seismicity for the Middle East, using all historical (pre-1900), early and modern instrumental events up to 2006. According to different seismicity, which depends on geophysical, geological, tectonic, and seismicity data, this region is subdivided to nine subregions, consisting of Alborz–Azerbaijan, Afghanistan–Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Caucasus, Central Iran, Kopeh–Dagh, Makran, Zagros, and Turkey (Eastern Anatolia; after 30° E). After omitting the duplicate events, aftershocks, and foreshocks by using the Gruenthal method, and uniform all magnitude to Mw scale, 28,244 main events remain for the new catalog of Middle East from 1250 B.C. through 2006. The magnitude of completeness (Mc) was determined as 4.9 for five out of nine subregions, where the least values of Mc were found to be 4.2. The threshold of Mc is around 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, and 4.0, for the time after 1950, 1963, 1975, and 2000, respectively. The average of teleseismic depths in all regions is less than 15 km. Totally, majority of depth for Kopeh–Dagh and Central Iran, Zagros, and Alborz–Azerbaijan, approximately, is 15, 13, and 11 km and for Afghanistan–Pakistan, Caucasus, Makran, Turkey (after 30° E), and Saudi Arabia is about 9 km.  相似文献   

We obtained a catalog of early aftershocks of the 2013 Lushan earthquake by examining waveform from a nearby station MDS which is 30.2 km far away from the epicenter, and then we analyzed the relation between aftershock rate and time. We used time-window ratio method to identify aftershocks from continuous waveform data and compare the result with the catalog provided by China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). As expected, a significant amount of earthquakes is missing in CENC catalog in the 24 h after the main shock. Moreover, we observed a steady seismicity rate of aftershocks nearly in the first 10,000 s before an obvious power-law decay of aftershock activity. We consider this distinct early stage which does not fit the Omori law with a constant p (p ~ 1) value as early aftershock deficiency (EAD), as proposed by previous studies. Our study suggests that the main shock rupture process is different from aftershocks’ processes, and EAD can vary in different cases as compared to earthquakes of strike-slip mechanism in California.  相似文献   

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