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As the important reserve land resources for food production,saline-alkali land should play a significant role to ensure the national food security in the context of global food crisis. The western Songnen Plain is one of main distribution regions of saline-alkali land in China,with great potential in agricultural development. In this study,the extent,transformation,spatial distribution and temporal change of saline-alkali land in the western Songnen Plain during 1954–2005 were investigated by using remote sensing and GIS spatial analysis methods. Saline-alkali land change was detected from a temporal series of topographic maps in 1954,satellite images of Landsat MSS in 1976,Landsat TM/ETM in 1988,2000 and 2005 through artificial visual interpretation. The results indicated a significant expansion in saline-alkali land area and aggravation in salinization. The area of saline-alkali land had increased from 401.48×103 ha in 1954 to 1 097.45×103 ha in 2005. While the ratio of light,moderate and serious salinized land areas changed from 6.72︰2.92︰1.00 to 1.25︰1.06︰1.00 in the study period. Grassland,cropland,swampland and water body were the major land use and land cover types from which saline-alkali land transformed. And the secondary salinization occured mainly in Da′an City,Tongyu County,Changling County,Daqing City,Dorbod Mongolian Autonomous County and Zhaoyuan County. Finally,seven large ecoregions and 14 corresponding sub-ecoregions were delineated out based on spatio-temopral dynamic characteristics of saline-alkali land and geo-relational environmental attributes. According to the results,measures of amelioration and ways of development of saline-alkali land in the western Songnen Plain were put forward.  相似文献   

In this paper,spatial correlation of crop yield in the middle and west of Jilin province is analyzed by us-ing the method of geostatistics swmivarivogram,taking the NDVI of NOAA/AVHRR spectrum data as the regionalized vari-able,aiming to provide theory and practical basis for field sampling of crop yield estimation using remote sensing.The ratio of nugget variance and sill of semivariograms are 21.1% and9.7% in the west and middle regions in Jilin Province respectively.This shows that the crop yields are spatially correlated.The degree and range of correlation are far different in the different situations.In the west test region,the range is 49.9km and the sill is 0.00019 .In the middle test re-gion,the range is 16.5km and the sill is 0.00453.The dissimilarity in the western test region is larger than that in the middle one.The range in which the correlation existed of the former is far larger than the later.Different characteristics of spatial correlation of crop yield are decided by the environmental factors.Samples for crop yield estimation should be extracted according to the characteristic of spatial distribution of crop yield to promote the efficiency of sampling.  相似文献   

在压力-状态-响应(Pressure-State-Response, PSR)模型确立指标体系的基础上,采用灰色关联度分析和熵值赋权相结合的方法,测算出2012年内蒙古贫困地区生态安全综合,压力,状态和响应指数,对研究区生态安全状况进行综合评价;并利用地理空间分析方法和空间分析软件GeoDA对生态安全综合状况进行空间相关性分析,同时结合研究区自然地理特征和社会经济状况,对其生态安全空间格局特征及成因进行诊断性分析.研究发现:(1) 内蒙古贫困地区生态安全水平整体处于一般状态,等级布局具有大聚集,小分散的特点;(2) 生态安全状况分布并非完全随机性,而是表现出空间相似值之间的空间聚集,具有正相关性;(3) 生态安全等级分布状况呈现出区域分异的特点,总体表现为内蒙古西部和东部贫困地区处于一般状态,而中部贫困地区生态安全水平整体处于良好状态,区域内部生态安全水平具有明显的县域差异;(4) 生态安全水平较好的县域和生态安全处于一般水平的县域,压力,状态,响应指标方面差距明显,且影响因素各异.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of its basic characteristics, this article investigated the disparities of Chinese service industry among the three regions (the eastern China, the western China and the middle China) and inter-provincial disparities of that in the three regions by Theil coefficient and cluster analysis. Then, major factors influencing its spatial disparity were explored by correlation analysis and regression analysis. The conclusions could be drawn as follows. 1) The development of Chinese service industry experienced three phases since the 1980s: rapid growth period, slow growth period, and recovery period. From the proportion of value-added and employment, its development was obviously on the low level. From the composition of industrial structure, traditional service sectors were dominant, but modern service sectors were lagged. Moreover, its spatial disparity was distinct. 2) The level of Chinese service industry was divided into five basic regional ranks: well-developed, developed, relatively-developed, underdeveloped and undeveloped regions. As a whole, the overall structure of spatial disparity was steady in 1990–2005. But there was notable gradient disparity in the interior structure of service industry among different provinces. Furthermore, the overall disparity expanded rapidly in 1990–2005. The inter-provincial disparity of service industry in the three regions, especially in the eastern China, was bigger than the disparity among the three regions. And 3) the level of economic development, the level of urban development, the scale of market capacity, the level of transportation and telecommunication, and the abundance of human resources were major factors influencing the development of Chinese service industry.  相似文献   

Along with the development of urban economy, the growth of urban population and the increase of needs of urban society, the suburban ecological and economic system changes constantly and profoundly in its structure and function. Intensifying the research on structural analysis of suburban ecological and economic system is of great significance for grasping light the laws governing the development and evolution of the suburban ecological and economic system and leading this system onto a path of sound circle. By making comprehensive use of the cluster analysis and latent structural analysis the author attempts to explore a new avenue of revealing the structure of suburban ecological and economic system, taking Tianjin suburbs and counties as an example. The results obtained from the above-stated analyses show that it is entirely possible and extremely effective to study the structure and function of suburban ecological and economic system and provide scientific evidence for control of this system by using mathematical methods and statistical analyses.  相似文献   

旅游产业的空间分布及关联性分析对于区域旅游产业的发展具有重要意义,而目前大多旅游产业空间格局分析的对象局限于A级景区,忽略了旅游产业综合性的特点。以"吃、住、行、游、购、娱"6种旅游要素为研究对象,从旅游产业空间分布特征、空间分布格局、空间关联性3个方面构建了旅游产业空间分布及关联性分析的方法体系。并以常州市旅游产业为例,进行方法验证。结果表明,当前常州市旅游产业呈集聚型分布,形成了"一主核两次核"的空间分布格局,各旅游产业之间空间关联程度较高。较好的数据基础以及合适的空间分析尺度提高了方法的应用效果,分析结果与《常州市"十三五"旅游业发展规划》中相关内容匹配,验证了本文提出方法的可行性。  相似文献   

采用遥感和GIS技术从宏观上对三峡库首区三峡工程二期、三期治理滑坡和新增滑坡的空间分布与地形地貌、地层岩性、断裂构造、水系流域和人为影响等因素的相关程度进行分析,获取孕灾环境特征规则,并对其危险性进行评价。结果表明,地形因子中的高程、坡向和高程变异系数与滑坡的相关性较高;研究区内断裂构造对滑坡发育的控制作用不明显;研究区滑坡体的空间分布受到不同因子组合的约束,可根据不同因子组合约束的权重对研究区滑坡危险性进行评价。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The publication of UNDPI (The United Nation Devel- opment and Planning Indices) in May 1990 has brought about an on-going search for the system of “sustainable development”, which is also one of hot topics in China (Wackernagel et al., 1999; Vuuren and Smeets, 2000). Regretfully, the difficulty in quantifying sustainable de- velopment resulted in a slow progress in those researches. In the past a few years, however, ecological footprint (EF) analysis (Rees, 1992; Wackn…  相似文献   

城市地表覆被及空间结构不同,导致热岛效应不同,城市热环境存在空间差异。局地气候分区(LCZ)在城市热岛研究方面得到了广泛应用。合理划分LCZ、科学制定LCZ分类标准,是基于LCZ研究城市热岛的关键技术问题。本文基于济南市城市路网、DEM和建筑大数据划分LCZ,利用Landsat 8遥感影像反演地表温度,采用克里金法进行气温空间插值,以地表温度和气温综合表达城市热环境。在此基础上,采用方差分析方法研究了城市热环境的空间分异特征和LCZ类内热环境差异,采用相关分析方法研究了城市热环境的影响因素。结果表明:① 济南市地表温度和4:00、8:00、14:00的气温空间分布格局差异明显,存在较高温度异常值的LCZ数量分别占全市LCZ总数的0.25%、1.60%、4.05%和3.96%。建筑密集区域地表温度较高,同时包含分散的较高气温区,呈现热岛效应;② 不同类型LCZ的地表温度和不同时刻气温平均值存在明显差异。高层低密度、高层中密度、中层低密度等类型存在较高气温异常值的数量分别占较高异常值总数的47.37%和33.33%、9.65%,类内热岛效应明显;③ LCZ类型不同,类内热岛效应存在差异。低层低密度、中层低密度、高层低密度和高层中密度等类型所处位置高程不同,其方差分析的P值均小于0.05,热岛效应存在显著差异;④ LCZ所处位置高程不同,建筑空间分布指标对城市热环境的影响各异。总体而言,地表温度与建筑平均高度呈负相关,且达到了0.05以上的显著性水平,而气温与之呈正相关,且达到了0.001的显著性水平;城市热环境与建筑基底面积及建筑体积的平均值和标准差、建筑密度、容积率等指标的正相关性达到了0.001的显著性水平,这些指标对城市热环境的正向影响作用明显。  相似文献   

传统的地理实体空间相关度算法存在适应的实体和拓扑关系类型较少、没有考虑空间尺度依赖性而导致数据区分能力差的问题。本研究提出一种能依据指定的空间尺度(本文所指“空间尺度”是指定的地理空间范围),计算出相应的地理实体空间相关度的算法。该算法以地理学第一定律和Egenhofer关于空间相关度的论述为理论依据,分析点、线、面实体的拓扑关系和度量关系而建立不同的相关度计算公式。通过对比分析,本算法不仅能计算出不同类型和不同拓扑关系下的地理实体间相关度,而且计算结果随着空间尺度的变化而改变,与人类通常的认知相符合。最后,以地理空间数据检索为例,介绍了本算法的应用。与传统的关键词匹配检索方法相比,应用本算法能提高数据检索的F1-measure值,并且能对文档按照与检索词的相关度进行排序。本算法可应用于地理信息检索、数据发现、数据推荐和关联数据等领域。  相似文献   

Prediction of reservoir fracture is the key to explore fracture-type reservoir. When a shear-wave propagates in anisotropic media containing fracture,it splits into two polarized shear waves: fast shear wave and slow shear wave. The polarization and time delay of the fast and slow shear wave can be used to predict the azimuth and density of fracture. The current identification method of fracture azimuth and fracture density is cross-correlation method. It is assumed that fast and slow shear waves were symmetrical wavelets after completely separating,and use the most similar characteristics of wavelets to identify fracture azimuth and density,but in the experiment the identification is poor in accuracy. Pearson correlation coefficient method is one of the methods for separating the fast wave and slow wave. This method is faster in calculating speed and better in noise immunity and resolution compared with the traditional cross-correlation method. Pearson correlation coefficient method is a non-linear problem,particle swarm optimization( PSO) is a good nonlinear global optimization method which converges fast and is easy to implement. In this study,PSO is combined with the Pearson correlation coefficient method to achieve identifying fracture property and improve the computational efficiency.  相似文献   

The developmental activities, particularly the construction of hydroelectric projects are causing a great loss of biodiversity in the Indian Himalayan Region. The Himachal Pradesh, a part of IHR is well known for the development of hydroelectric projects. The Parbati H.E. Project is amongst the major projects of the State. The different stages of the project are all causing loss of biodiversity of the area. Stage III of the Parbati H.E. Project is a run of the river scheme on the Sainj River downstream of Power House of Parbati H.E. Project Stage II. The project shall utilize regulated discharge of Parbati H.E. Project Stage II and inflow of River Sainj for power generation, and has been contemplated as a peaking station operating in tandem with Stage II. The present study has been undertaken to see the impact of hydroelectric project on the biodiversity, particularly on medicinal plants. A total of 104 species of medicinal plants, belonging to different life forms, i.e., trees (23 spp.), shrubs (22 spp.), herbs (57 spp.) and ferns (2 spp.) were recorded. The species have been analyzed and studied for their distribution, classification, altitudinal zones, part (s) used, indigenous uses, nativity, endemism and rarity. DDifferent parts of these species, such as whole plants, roots (including rhizomes and tubers), leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, barks, spikes, nuts and insect galls are used by the inhabitants for curing various diseases and ailments. 30 species are native to the Himalayan region, 9 species native to the Himalayan region and adjacent countries also and 65 species are non-natives. 9 species are near endemics. Considering the whole Himalaya as a biogeographic unit (sensu lato), the near endemics are endemic to the Himalaya. Among these species, Zanthoxylum armatum is categorized as Endangered and Valeriana wallichii as Vulnerable. Hedychium spicatum, Rhus javanica, Berberis lycium, Thalictrum foliolossum, Salvia lanata, Rubia cordifolia and Bergenia ligulata may be considered as threatened species due to their over exploitation for trade. 90 species are propagated by seeds, 8 species by seeds and rhizomes/roots/tubers, 4 species by seeds and cuttings, and 2 species by sori. A management plan for the cultivation and conservation of the medicinal plants in the dam submergence area, and the commercially viable medicinal plants with high value in the catchment area is suggested.  相似文献   

夜间经济是一个城市经济发展和消费水平的重要表征。目前国内外研究者对夜间经济的研究多停留在理论层面,或基于市场调研和问卷调查的小范围精细化研究。本文融合多源数据为夜间经济提供了新的视角,相较于传统的调查数据,具有更加快速、高效、广泛的特点,适合于夜间经济大范围研究。本文基于夜间灯光、POI、OD流等多源数据,采用DBSCAN、K-Means++等空间聚类算法和研究供需关系的盈亏法,分别从消费者角度和商户角度识别厦门市夜间活动热点区域和夜间服务设施分布区域,分析厦门市夜间经济时空分布格局及相关性。研究表明:① 厦门市夜间活动在空间上呈多环状分布并向四周递减,夜间活动热点区域分布受假期的影响因地而异;② 厦门市部分区域已有服务设施未能很好地服务于夜间经济,现有的照明、夜景等夜间灯光基础设施存在供给不足之处;③ 居住人口密度与夜间活动密度呈中度正相关,研究结果具有有效性,夜间服务设施盈亏值及数量、夜间灯光与夜间活动密度呈中、弱度相关,并且餐饮设施更加依赖于夜间灯光。最后,为厦门市未来夜间经济建设提出了根据不同的消费人群和心理提供不同的夜间服务、加强夜间灯光基础设施建设以及市场扶持的举措。研究结论对促进社会就业、增强基础设施使用率有积极意义,同时也能够为城市夜间经济发展和政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

In the Indian Himalayan Region predominantly rural in character, livestock is one of the main sources of livelihood and integral part of the economy. Livestock mostly rely on fodder from wild. The diversity, distribution, utilization pattern, nativity, endemism, rarity, seasonality of availability, nutritive values, perceived economic values and pressure use index of livestock have not been studied. The present study attempts to enumerate 150 species of fodder representing trees (51 spp.), shrubs (54 spp.) and herbs (45 spp.). Poaceae (19 spp.) and Fabaceae (13 spp.) amongst families and Salix (6 spp.), Ficus, Clematis, and Desmodium (5 spp., each) amongst genera are rich in species. Maximum species were found in the 1801 ~ 2600 m zone, and the remaining two zones showed relatively low diversity. Out of the 150 species, 109 are used in summer, 5 winter and 36 throughout year. During rainy season, mostly grasses are used as fodder. Only 83 species are native to the Himalayan region, one species, Strobilanthus atropuroureus is endemic and 35 species are near endemic. The nutritive values of the fodder species were reviewed, and economic values and status of the species were also assessed. The pressure use index of the species was calculated on the basis of cumulative values of the utilization pattern, altitudinal distribution, availability, status, nativity and endemism. Amongst the species, Grewia oppositifoilia, Morus serrata, Indigofera heterantha, Quercus leucotrichphora, Ulmus villosa, U. wallichiana and Aesculus indica showed highest PUI indicating high preference and pressure. Season wise prioritization of the species for different altitudinal zones has been done. Appropriate strategy and action plan have been suggested for the conservation and management of fodder species.  相似文献   

2013年以来几次严重的雾霾污染事件引起了公众的广泛关注,此后中国实施了一系列有关大气污染防治的政策、法规和措施来改善大气质量。为了分析近年来中国大气质量的时空变化特征,本文选取2015—2019年生态环境部国控站点监测的大气污染关键参数,对比分析了空气质量指数和6种大气污染物的季均、年均浓度变化结果,并利用组合指标分析法和相关分析法探讨了不同大气污染物之间的相关性。结果表明:① PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO和NO2浓度和AQI均有明显下降,2019年均浓度较2015年均浓度分别下降4.5%、3.84%、7.86%、3.74%、0.95%,AQI下降了19.31%,同时,O3浓度则上升了0.79%;② 从空间分布来看,中国北方地区PM10、PM2.5、O3、NO2、SO2、CO年均质量浓度和AQI分别比南方地区高25.2%、18.73%、4.95%、17.6%,32.74%、16.17%、28.3%;③ 从季节性变化规律来看,除了O3呈现出夏季浓度高,冬季浓度低外,其他5种污染物和AQI都呈现相反的季节变化规律;④ 总体而言,目前中国大气污染以PM2.5和O3为主,PM2.5与NO2、SO2、CO之间有极显著的正相关关系(r>0.85,p<0.01),而O3与其前体物NO2和CO之间存在显著的负相关关系(r>0.8,p<0.01)。  相似文献   

基于可持续性视角的建设用地适宜性评价及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设用地适宜性是土地资源利用与管理决策的依据。本文基于土地利用可持续性界定建设用地适宜性内涵,从灾害风险、地形地貌、生态环境和区位条件4个维度,构建了较规范的适宜性指标体系;针对已有评价方法的不足,构建了整合极值法、条件函数法、线性加权综合的“多要素分布式算法——情景矩阵”评估框架;进而基于适宜性识别冲突空间,以空间冲突面积占总建设用地面积的比重作为空间冲突强度来刻画区域建设空间布局的合理性与可持续性。本文以新疆玛纳斯县为例开展研究,结果表明玛纳斯县适宜建设空间(达230 km2以上)约占全县总面积的26%;最适宜和比较适宜性建设用地主要分布于中部及中北部乡镇及农(团)场驻地附近,基本适宜建设区主要分布在比较适宜建设空间的外围及中南部山前平原地带;该县冲突空间达4.21 km2,占建成区面积的22.74‰;冲突空间主要分布在河流沿岸和中部城镇化发展区;南部、北部的生态脆弱区及中部工业化发展区的乡镇空间冲突强度也较高。研究表明,本文提出的建设用地适宜性评估框架与方法逼近客观现实,简单易行,能弥补以往评价方法的不足;适宜性在空间冲突分析与可持续性土地利用管理中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

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